
Telling Sister About Sibling-Husband Affair? | The View

A woman caught in the middle of a family crisis wrote into Reddit for advice after one of her sisters admitted to the family that she was sleeping with another sister's husband — the co-hosts weigh in. Subscribe to our YouTube channel: MORE FROM 'THE VIEW': Full episodes: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:

The View

2 months ago

a woman caught in the middle of a family crisis wrote into Reddit for advice one of her sisters admitted the to the family to the family that she was sleeping with another sister's husband reaction it gets worse and she will not confess to that sister because she doesn't want to wreck their relationship it's already shook so the sister caught in the middle is now struggling with whether or not to reveal the affair to the sister who was cheated on look no your sister the one that's cheating with
a husband put you all in a very terrible position you let her handle that that is not your job that is not your sister's job the only person needs to know is that sister that needs that sister needs to know is her responsibility not the families to reveal that I agree with that but if she's denying that she's going to do it I would be like Tick Tock like you have a chance to go tell her you don't we all are but I'd make her come with you I'd do a family convention you set that girl in the middle
you're not have sisters I show up at her door but why she guess what I don't understand if you're going to cheat right if you're going to be the ho sister in the in the thing sister wait I hear Peter Pan I know right I know but like if you're going to be the host sister in the equation you don't tell your parents that you're the host sister keep it in the family yeah you don't tell that your other that you're the host sister because now I'm looking about my husband too you just carry that nasty
horrible curse with you why are you so mean a ho I have some experience with this not being not being a ho in my in my early 20s my best friend and roommate ended up cheating with my on andof boyfriend and it was on a trip to the yeah I wasn't on the trip but none of let her finish none of the other girls told me about it and it's actually an acquaintance who told me it ruined the relationship with the other girls cuz they didn't care enough about my feelings to tell me the truth so those siste
rs also have to be careful they owe it to their sister to tell I let me tell you this I know you would have let me let me let me just say two things number one there's two hoes here the sister and the husband the husband's got four children that's true and so both those two hoes have got to confess that's number one number two if I were part of that family I'd go far away for Thanksgiving yeah on a plane different don't let that don't let your sister put you in a trick bag it's not your responsi
bility either she grows a pair or maybe the family stops speaking to her yeah who can say who can say



When the sister whose husband cheated, eventually finds out, she will be doubly devastated that her family members didn't tell her.


Couldn't she find another man other than her sister's husband!! She ruined two relationships


Whoopi to Sunny "wait let her finish" 😂😂😂😂


Id confront the cheating sister and say she has 48 hours to confess or the family is ratting her out. This is not something you can just pretend you didn’t hear. I’d feel completely betrayed if my family knew I was being cheated on and nobody said anything. That’s horrible. The cheater sucks for involving the family, but something has to be done now.


Sarah's right. You tell the traitor-sister "you fess up by the end of the week or we're going to have to spill the beans" because once the sister who has been betrayed finds out that the whole family knew (and let's face it, Traitor-sister will drop them all in it eventually), she's going to feel betrayed by all of them for not having her back.


Aw Alyssa and Sunny are getting along. That’s cute that they’re all finally nicer to her, not just Sara and Whoopi


Whoopi's engagement with these segments have truly made them better. Love it now. Didn't like when she acted like she was above them or they weren't her cup of tea. She's actually great at discussing them as she brings fairness and common sense to the subject matters.


I have a cousin that had an affair with her sister's husband and they both were pregnant by the same guy at the same time. The family never saw her the same way after that.


Ana Navarro "there's two houses here" 😂😂😂😂


That’s awful enough to be cheated on but by family ugh inexcusable behavior


Whoopi Goldberg "wait I hear Peter Pan" 😂😂😂😂


Ho sister is wild! 😂


I had a friend who married her sister's ex-husband. Her sister has two children with her ex-husband and she now has three children with him. That makes their children cousins and half siblings.


These Reddit stories are the sleaziest thing around. I always miss Joy for segments like this


I would tell. I would be irate if my family knew and didn’t tell me!


The sister herself wrecked the relationship with her family the moment she cheated with her Brother-In-Law.


aaahhh, AFFAIRS during HOLIDAYS and WINTER break... a season of LOVE and GIVING?! hahahaha why am i NOT surprised.


Hahaha sunny and Sara 0:23


Whoopi, I vehemently disagree with you! I have lots of siblings. We’re not perfect — definitely have our dysfunction — but I’m good to them. I would see it as an act of betrayal, not only from the cheating sister and my spouse, but also from ALL the family members that knew and said nothing but smiled in my face, and probably seen me sad or living in a happy illusion but kept me in the dark. Betrayal is a high level offense for me. Not even my family gets a pass. Some things will destroy a family and can’t be undone. Don’t cross that line. Subsequently, if I tell the other sister what’s going on and she forgives her husband but not our shared sibling then I’m cutting her off too for being dumb and will let her know to her face that if I ever find out her husband is cheating again that I will NOT tell her and I don’t care if she ever speaks to me again.


Whoopi, the sister does need to tell the sister about the sister who is cheating bad behavior. Whoopi is a one trick pony. Whoopi seems to think that if you stay out of people’s business, no one will criticize you for taking a side.