
Texas Bigfoot

Ever seen a Bigfoot in Texas? Myth or mammal, these legendary creatures spark the imagination and remind us of the magic and mystery of the outdoors. For many, a fascination with cryptids like Bigfoot has blossomed into a greater appreciation of nature. Full Episode: Texas Parks and Wildlife Episode 25, Season 39, Program 3225 When to watch on Texas PBS stations: #bigfoot #cryptozoology #outdooradventure #texasoutdoors

Texas Parks and Wildlife

6 days ago

and he said he got this overwhelming feeling of something watching him he saw this figure of what he first thought was a big person it was covered in hair it was standing completely upright and he said at that point he just turned and ran out of those woods wow wow kind of spooky and scary right each year thousands of people report sightings of huge hair covered bipedal creatures these are the most terrifying encounters with Bigfoot welcome once again to the monstro Bizarro podcast I'm your host
Lyall Blackburn 13-year-old Johnny Maples was walking along a road near the town of Jefferson Texas when he heard a noise in the bushes as far back as as I can remember I just loved monsters first movie Monsters but later sightings of possible real life monsters those really captured my imagination I grew up camping and hunting and so I spent so much time in the woods and I guess thinking back I always felt like it also held some mystery he just didn't look like anything I'd ever seen I thought
at first might be some kind of a wild man I couldn't tell while that hair just what it was that was really cemented when I saw a movie called The Legend of bogy Creek back in the 1970s and that movie dramatized sightings of a Bigfoot like creature in Southwest Arkansas not too far from where I lived obviously that's had a great influence on me I love that and I've been lucky enough that my life has gone in a direction where I can still love these things and essentially make a career out of it I
was really enthralled with the stories of people in modern times saying they saw something that that essentially is a monster or something that we would think of out of folklore just about the time man in all his wisdom decides that he has this world and everything in it all figured out Along Comes something he can't explain take the recent reports of the Lake Worth monster or creature or whatever you want to call it one of the most famous monster tales from Texas is the Lakeworth monster in wh
at is now the Fort Worth Nature Center right here on July 11th 1969 30 to 40 Witnesses saw some kind of upright hairy creature run up on a limestone Cliff grab an old tire and throw it 400 ft across the heads of the onlookers let's see if they talk about Wildlife such as the Lake Worth monster oh there it is mythological Wildlife 50 years oh my gosh 50 years ago that eventually got reported in the newspapers which furthered the story that there was some kind of strange creature lurking in the wo
ods here at Lake Worth so I want to do a presentation today on one of the most famous Texas Legends monster stories it's commonly called the Lakeworth monster so there was multiple Witnesses right off the bat to what was going on they showed them the car and there's a big long scratch down the car there's no doubt that people saw something I'm Lyall Blackburn thank you so much thank you long time when's the first one you came to it's been a while selling raffle tickets and somebody will take him
home even Bigfoot could take little Bigfoot home I started the conference over 20 years ago and it just brings a group of like-minded people that are into the same thing you're into oh thank you this is the Bigfoot capital of Texas because this is an epicenter of Bigfoot activity uh Bigfoot sightings the shops in town sell Bigfoot memorabilia souvenirs shirts ball caps a lot of the restaurants have a menu item named after Bigfoot the town has really embraced it and just having a good time even
if you're not interested in Bigfoot just get Outdoors take there we go even if we don't see a Bigfoot or get evidence of a Bigfoot we're still Outdoors enjoying nature and the woods what's better than that what about over here now we're looking to capture here our alligator snapping turtles tomorrow we will have some real proof of some monsters that live in The Creeks around here Bigfoot to me is a representative of the Wilderness it's a representative of the woods it's the mystery what's behind
that tree what's behind that Thicket it's an idea it's the idea of the unknown and when I was a kid the movie came out it was called The Legend of bogy Creek it scared me as much as it fascinated Me by this idea of some creature walking up and down the creeks and Bayou so I was set and determined as a kid I'm going to go find Bigfoot well going out I never found Bigfoot I never found any sign of Bigfoot but I did find coyote tracks and bobcat tracks yeah here we can see the raccoon track here y
ou can see the individual toes in the little foot pad really cool and I got field guides and I learned what these tracks were what the plants were so all this time I never found Bigfoot but I found something else and I found the thing that led me to what I do today actually one of the first calls I responded to was an alleged Bigfoot sighting it looks more like toes were kind of squeezed into the soil where you have a much deeper profile on the toes than you do actually in the heel where the vas
t majority of the weight is going to be what in the world is this creature where did he come from and what does he eat our questions I've heard discussed a thousand times around winter fires I guess I'd have to be called a Bigfoot agnostic you know uh I'm there but I'm not all the way there yet but you have to have the storytellers you have to have the Skeptics and you have to have the audience mhm yeah those kids who get out out in the woods love the woods and if they if it wasn't for bigfoot t
hey may have never stepped foot so you got to put a huge value on that and it's leading people to go outside it's leading people to go outside and go this is beautiful this is wonderful we need to protect this enjoy the mystery enjoy outdoors and nature and you know have fun with it but if you do come to Falk Arkansas it's a great place to live till the sun goes and then they all go yeah you got to keep it scary
