
The 5 People you Meet in Advertising

If you work in an advertising agency, chances are you're probably aware of the types of people every advertising agency who can either make your day or guaranteed to get on your nerves. Animation from Renderforest Check them out here: Subscribe for more videos: #advertising #thisadvertisinglife #advertisingagencies #advertisingagency #introvert #introverts

The Ballad of a Gofer

3 years ago

[Music] if you work in an advertising agency chances are you're probably aware of the types of people every advertising agency who can either make your day or guaranteed to get on your nerves every day you have to communicate with these people whether you have anything remotely in common with them or not all while fulfilling your daily duties at work [Music] even though this industry is filled with a diverse array of people over time you'll notice you run into the same personality types over and
over here are the five challenging types of people and how to handle them number one yeah i'm always right type of person there's often a higher up who rules with an iron fist this person comes with strong ideas and always the first to declare that they're not micromanagers but is only pleased if you follow their orders if this person is your boss then yes you should do it their way but also try presenting what you think is the right approach back your ideas up with research and data but don't
get too disappointed if they get shot down anyway number two the drama llama [Music] this is someone who is always freaking out about everything a meeting getting moved up by an hour a figure on a spreadsheet being wrong the client asking for a smaller logo in addition to whatever unnecessary turmoil there is they create more by reacting disproportionately then get angry when they think they're the only person taking the problem seriously when you have this person in your team keep a respectful
distance their anxiety is often contagious and unless you can let it roll off your back it will get under your skin be forthcoming and flexible take them seriously but refuse to get caught up in the chaos number three the snake the snake is some terrible lying underhanded people who work in this industry unfortunately these people like to take your ideas and present them as their own to the client the best defense against the snake is to create a paper trail and document your interactions with t
hem counteract some of their power by making allies with people who can vouch for your skills and generally provide you with an alibi number four the cheerleader cheerleaders often congregate from junior to mid-level stages in their careers these people are the first to respond to a group email chain or sharing links they're full on business and like to sprinkle phrases like action items taking this offline platform agnostic and other words that make you wonder if you are working in the same bus
iness they're mostly harmless and upper management and clients alike usually love them which is why they make great allies stay on a cheerleader's good side by occasionally thanking them for sharing an article or telling them how much you appreciate their enthusiasm and lastly number five the introvert in a profession where time is mostly consumed by social interactions and small talks introverts are often misunderstood as shy and disinterested but make no mistake introverts are your greatest be
hind-the-scenes soldiers and yes they can be your leaders too [Music] the introvert may be quiet but they have a head full of ideas even because they spend their time listening and not talking give introverts their own space and be friendly without being overbearing the best compliment you can pay an introvert is asking for their opinion and truly listening to their ideas of course these are just a few examples and even these archetypes have variations the longer you stay in the business the mor
e you'll learn about coping and even thriving with these types of people the best way to protect yourself is to be good at your job and good at leaving your job at the office when you go home which of these characters have you had a chance to work with share your comments down below don't forget to like and subscribe press the notification button for more videos like this until then thank you for watching this video [Music] you



Haha so true!