
The Bible Episode 5 Survival 1080p English Subtitle

Hello there, Welcome To My Youtube Channel Movies of Christ( Jeremiah Bakker ) Where I Upload Qualitative Christian Movies. Subscribe for more! Today I Will Bless you With The Movie/Series: The Bible 2013 S01E05 Survival Credits to the Owners of the Movie And Credits to the Directors of the Movie: Creators Roma Downey Mark Burnett Main Actors Diogo Morgado Roma Downey Darwin Shaw Directors Crispin Reece Tony Mitchell Christopher Spencer Music Hans Zimmer Lorne Balfe Lisa Gerrard And All Associates in this video there are segments from: Son of God (2014) REFERENCE Full Movie Master Writer/Copyright, By Fox Broadcasting Company #PrinceOfEgypt #Moses #ChristianMovie #Viral #Trending #TheBiblecollection #cinema #joseph #thebible #thebibleproject #Joseph1995 #PrinceOfEgypt1998 #MosesMovie #Jeremiah1998 #jeremiah #1998 #faithbasedfilm #christianfilm #christianmovie #faithbasedfilms #writer #filmindustry #christian #film #faithbasedfilmmaking #movies #script #christianfilmmaking #screenplay #screenwriter #screenwriting #cinema #hollywood #christianfilmmaker #evangelicalchristian #jesuschrist #christianmovies #indiefilm #movie #independentfilm #calledmovie #faithbasedfilmmaker #independentfilmmaker #filmmaking #indiemovie #paul #jesus #solomon #Thenativitystory #thebookofdaniel #family #familytime #familyvlogs #fmily #familymovies #familymoments #familymovienight #english #englishmovies #englishmovieexplained #biblemovies #fullscreen #fullmovie #fullscreenstatus #fullmovies #christianmovies #freemoviepromotions #freemoviesonyoutube #free #christianmoviesforkids #premiere #premierepro #gratis #gratisfilm #religiousmovies #religion #religious #judasiscariot #judasresurrection #thomas

Jeremiah Bakker

6 days ago

The Bible Mini Series Episode 5 - Survival Previously on The Bible. The Jen/wish nation has been forged in faith by great heroes. Israel! Israel! Abraham proved he was fit to father a nation. Moses earned his people's freedom from slavery. Lord! David delivered the city of Jerusalem. David! David! But then the Israelites' faith wavered. Kings became tyrants. Corruption grew. Now the connection between God and his people... is at breaking point. You worship foreign idols! You defile your God! To
the gates! Everything the Israelites have fought for is under threat. Jerusalem's survival depends on a weak, new leader. The city is doomed... if King Zedekiah doesn't return to God. Fire! Your Majesty. Jerusalem's 21st king, Zedekiah, is caught between the region's superpowers. He is conspiring with Egypt, but owes allegiance to Babylon. News of his betrayal has reached the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar- Nebuchadnezzar! Nebuchadnezzar! Nebuchadnezzar! Nebuchadnezzar! Nebuchadnezzar! We move!
Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Jerusalem! - Hyah! - Jerusalem! You know what it means? “Jerusalem”? City of peace. - Jerusalem! - Hyah! Since the time of David, prophets like Jeremiah have guided their kings. They are Israelis direct link with God. But Jeremiah's warnings have gone unheeded. Now he delivers a final message to Zedekiah. Surrender to Nebuchadnezzar... or die. - Faithless people! - No! Prophet, what is that? This is you. If you are wise, place yourself under the yoke of Babylon. Accept the
Lord's retribution... and know that he is being lenient with you. These are God's words! Submit to King Nebuchadnezzar. Bow your head. You dare tell your king to bow down? How dare you question a prophet of God! It's you who offends! It's you who must change! Goon Remove him. Traitor. God is bringing disaster from Babylon! Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Jerusalem! To the gates! Quickly! Get inside! - I Ma" 1 My Son! My son! - Father! Father! Please be careful! You're too late! You're too late
! I Boy] Father! My son! Stay! Father! Stay there! Let us in! ls the city sealed? Yes, my king. No one escapes. Cavalry, to the east! It begins. After 18 months, the trapped Israelites start to starve. The desperate resort to cannibalism. - Get off! - Get off! He's ours. Archers, ready! Take aim. Fire! - Help! - Put the fires out! “'L am with you”'- “So saith the Lord.” Prophet. Will you not speak for us in our hour of need? Nothing has changed. All Jerusalem will burn. You wrote, “Repent, repen
t, and all will be well. God will save us.” Look out there. You're too late. Now. - Now! - Now! And again! Push! Hold the gates! Push! Strike hard. - Stay together! - Strike hard and victory will be ours. - Pull back! - And whatever's left of Jerusalem- Help yourselves! Not my child! As Jerusalem is destroyed, Zedekiah and his sons escape through a secret passageway. Now you must be brave for me. Can you do that? Don't worry. We'll be safe. Quickly. This way. His people are not so lucky. Jerusal
em is ours. Jerusalem is ours. Punish them for trying to resist me. Make them pay! To the temple! Take everything and burn this temple to the ground. Have mercy! The temple! The temple's on fire! Everything we fought for is lost. Since the time of Abraham, the Jewish people have struggled for this promised land. Now the hopes and dreams of generations are destroyed. Among those ?eeing for their lives- a young nobleman called Daniel. This way, Daniel! Help us, Lord. It's locked! Daniel! Get behin
d me! Wait! They look valuable. Take them alive. What? - Azariah! - Move! Daniel! Daniel! Azariah! No! We're people of God. - Daniel! - Stay together. Azariah! Nebuchadnezzar! Nebuchadnezzar! Nebuchadnezzar! Nebuchadnezzar! Find Zedekiah. - Find his family. - Yes, sir. There's a price for betrayal. Don't worry, my boys. We're safe now. Quickly! Zedekiah! Come, come. Please, don't hurt them! Please! Please! Dear God! Dear God, no! Leave them, please! Oh, God, no! King Zedekiah! Shh, shh, shh, shh
. Shh, shh, shh. No! Please! No. Father! Please! Please, don't! Please, don't! Spare them. Please! A pity. The last thing you'll ever see. Bring him. Move! Leave those stragglers to die! The Jewish people are forced into exile- a 500-mile journey east to Babylon. Move! Move! Zedekiah is the last of King David's descendants to reign. Move it! The Israelite monarchy ends here. Jeremiah is one of the few to escape. He heads to Egypt, never to return. Keep moving. Move along! The people have lost th
eir prophet, their city and their king. Move! Get along! You there, on your feet! Azariah, lift. Come on! Come on! Quickly! The Jewish nation needs a different kind of leader... to survive in Babylon. A man like Daniel. Daniel has visionary powers... and is forced to work in Nebuchadnezzar's court. Has no one... anything to tell me? Can you not even describe my dream? Silence is no answer. You're supposed to be wise men, sorcerers, seers. So, what do you see? Sire. Forgive me. No one here can r
ead your mind. Then what use are any of you? But my God can. He has shown me your dream. Then you will be able to tell it to me- every detail. You saw a giant statue of a man, its head made of gold. Then a giant stone struck the statue, smashing it to pieces. I know that much! What does it mean? The statue represents the empires that will follow yours. Yours is the greatest- the head of gold. And the stone that destroys the statue? That is the kingdom of God. In the future, God will reign over a
ll the world forever. Destroyed by God. Yes, sire. What's your name? Daniel. You're a brave man, Daniel. I value that. You will serve me. Just do as they say. Will we ever return to Jerusalem? Jeremiah promised that- that one day we would. And in the meantime, what do we do? Just bow our heads and serve this monster? I can't do it anymore. Think about our people, Azariah. As long as we're in the king's court, we can help them. Imprisoned or dead, we can't. Nebuchadnezzar destroyed God's temple,
forced us into exile. My name is Azariah. “He who is helped by God.” Well, I call upon God to help me now. He'll kill you if you won't bow. I cannot. I will not worship that. NOW! With all our hearts, we follow you. Bow your heads! We seek your presence. With all my heart, I follow you. I fear you. I seek your presence. Bring them! Oh, my friends, your faith will be tested now. Daniel! What's wrong with them? Why will your friends not bow to me? I assure you, sire, they will serve you faithfully
all their lives, as I will, but- But? But they will only worship God. I will make them bow. We follow you, we fear you, we seek your presence with all our heart. We follow you, we fear you, we seek your presence. You. When we wish to bend something that is hard and unyielding, what do we do with it? We put it into the fire. Majesty! - Take him! - We fear you. - And we seek your presence! - Your Majesty! - Burn them! - Majesty, no! Burn them! Wood! Bring me wood. Bring oil! Come! Come! Please sa
ve me. Fire! Bring me fire! Hear my prayer, O Lord. Hear my cry. The cords of death entangle me. The anguish of the grave consumes me. Do not ignore my tears. I am overcome by sorrow. I call upon the name of the Lord! Lord, save me! The Lord is my light. The Lord receives my prayer. My enemies will be daunted. They will turn back in shame. Why do they not burn? Lord. it's a miracle. People of Judah, rise. God is with us. He's with us. God is with us. The miracle in the tire unites the Jewish peo
ple. Far from allowing their faith to weaken in exile, they reaffirm their trust in God. The laws and histories that Moses received on Mount Sinai... are preserved... and compiled with the books of Joshua, Samuel and Kings. Together, they form the heart of the Hebrew Bible. The Jewish people have their faith, but they're still prisoners. And the only man who can set them free... has lost his mind. So here you are, Nebuchadnezzar, the greatest king... and lowliest man on God's earth. See where yo
ur pride has brought you? And us. You could have set us free. Now we are as trapped as you. Shh. Shh. Shh. Here. A new king is coming. Please God let him deliver us. Within a few years of Nebuchadnezzar's death, a massive army approaches Babylon... led by Cyrus, king of Persia. Let them know we've arrived. The Babylonians know they don't stand a chance. They let Cyrus in without a fight. Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyru
s! Cyrus will set us free, if the prophecy's right. Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! Cyrus! To protect his fellow Jews, Daniel befriends Cyrus... and continues to interpret dreams. But what does your dream mean, Daniel? It's not my dream, sire. There's a prophet here in Babylon- Isaiah. He says, “Here is a king whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him. He is Cyrus.” He names you, sire. It means God is with you. I think you ?atter me. But no one has ever died of ?attery. Your Majes
ty has done many great things, as the record will show. As it should. “L am Cyrus, king of the world.” Yet he hangs on Daniel's every word... like he's lost the power to think for himself. Daniel must be removed. One month without prayer. Surely only a traitor would object. I cannot go back on my word. I promised them freedom to worship. It is merely a test of their loyalty. They have had so many rulers. We wanted to make sure they saw you as the final, ultimate king of the world. One month with
out prayer. It probably sounds reasonable to Cyrus, but they know we can't comply. They don't care about the king. They just want as much power over him as they can get. Which means they need you out of their way. It's a trap for all of us. They want us dead. A whole month. What will you do? I don't know. But I do know I can't live long without praying to God. Save me, O God, by your name. Have mercy on me... according to your unfailing love. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfa
st spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your holy spirit from me, but restore to me the joy of your salvation... and grant me a willing spirit... to sustain me. For disobeying Cyrus, Daniel is arrested and sentenced to death. Save me, O God, by your name. Have mercy on me... according to your unfailing love. The next morning, Cyrus realizes... he's made a terrible mistake. Sire, are you unwell? I haven't slept. Please god I'm not too late. Sire, shall I call the physician?
I have wronged my friend! Open it. Daniel. God is with you. Your God is real. Your God has saved you. Yes. I am Cyrus, king of the world, and my judgment is this. Your people shall return to Jerusalem. Their God will be pleased, though, sadly, they no longer have a temple to worship him in. Throw him in with the lions. No! No! No! Do you know what this is? Oh. It's from the temple in Jerusalem. It's beautiful. You know, I've never seen it used. And staying here in Babylon, I suppose now I never
will. But our children will when they get to Jerusalem, when the temple is rebuilt and our nation is restored. Our struggle is over. There's something I need to show you. Come with me. Look. Our people are heading home. After decades in exile, moving as one, with hope and purpose. They've waited so long for this. But I fear for their future. We're on our way! We're going home! I had a dream. I saw a great beast- dreadful and terrible and unimaginably strong. It had great iron teeth. And it devo
ured the whole world. But God will not abandon us. I saw a great new leader. In my dream, there before me was one, like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power. Nations and men of every language worshipped him. This isn't the end, Azariah. It's the beginning. The Jewish people will need help... to survive what is coming. Over the next 500 years, their tiny nation is attacked again and again. Then they succumb to the might of Rome. - Get i
n line! - You can't do this. - Put it here- all of it! - Roman greed. Roman law. Roman punishment. Israel suffers like never before. Every day, the people pray for a new King David... to lead them to salvation. Next time on The Bible. Mary, my betrothed. You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen... and the sweetest smile. I wonder, what can you tell me of the new king? Are you not looking at Herod, king of the Jews? Of course. Then who is claiming to be king? No one. He's not born yet. It'
is a prophecy heralded by the star. Kill them! Kill them all! I've got you! Hurry! He's coming now! Joseph, he's coming! I baptise you, ready for the new kingdom. As you are cleansed, so all Israel shall be cleansed. The people are ?ocking to this wild man, John. Some even call him the messiah. Then you need to keep an eye on your messiah. There is one to come, greater than me, who will baptise with fire. I'm just a voice in the wilderness, preparing the way for the- Lord. He's here. Out there.
Opening the hearts of all men. Orders from Caesar. This dissent' must' stop. What are we going to do? Change the world. He will bring a new age of righteousness and justice! His power will draw all men to a new world! A" People!



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