
The Bigfoot Prophecy | Documentary | Full Movie | Unexplained Mysteries

The Bigfoot Prophecy is a thought-provoking movie about the elusive Bigfoot and his ability as a spirit animal to prophecy man’s future. Stars: Master Hughes Written, Directed by Master Hughes Subscribe to Stash - Unexplained Mysteries! - Explore the captivating world of suspense and intrigue, where hidden truths await discovery and exciting secrets wait to be unraveled. From astute investigators to perplexing riddles, embark on a journey that will keep you guessing until the very end. Dive into the depths of mysteries on Stash - Unexplained Mysteries. Original programming available solely on Stash - Unexplained Mysteries. Watch hundreds of your favorite movies & TV series covering unsolved mysteries and phenomena, the supernatural, and more. Enjoy unlimited streaming with no credit cards, no subscription, and half the ads of regular TV. Stash - Unexplained Mysteries is building the world’s largest catalog of unexplained mystery movies & TV series. ** All of the films on this channel are under legal license from various copyright holders and distributors through Filmhub. For copyright concerns or takedown requests, please contact your Filmhub Account Manager or visit and they will help you resolve your issue. ** If you are a filmmaker and want to include your film on this channel, visit ** Check out the IMDb page for more info on this film, #fullfreemovies #StashUnexplainedMysteries #freeyoutubemovies #prophesy #bigfoot

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6 days ago

(eerie music) - Deep in this fog-covered forest lies a creature. Some call him Sasquatch. Some call him Bigfoot. Some even call him the mountain demon. He has been there since the beginning of time. Hiding, hiding forever from man. He lies in the forest. Deep in the fog. (eerie music) He is the spirit of the forest. (eerie music) Hairy man, Benefactor, spiritual, mental and physical protector. Tribal elders believe Bigfoot's appearance can be prophetic. He is believed to reside in both the spiri
tual and physical world. One story says Bigfoot called hairy man is the spirit that determined that man would walk on two legs like him. It is said that people were afraid of hairy man. That made him sad, so he drew his picture on a rock depicting his sadness. I'm Master Hughes, and for many years as a nature lover and camper, I've traveled through forests, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma for many, many years. I kept finding things that shouldn't be where they are and it made me curious and I started
looking into the stories and legends of Bigfoot, especially in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Over 15 years ago, I was finding evidence of some creature living in the forest. In fact, not just a creature, but small groups of these creatures. Over a five-year period, I found a lot of evidence. Then about 10 years ago, it started getting smaller and smaller and I was finding less evidence. But I still found evidence, ample evidence. Five years ago, it became very hard to find evidence. Yet, I still find s
ome evidence. It's very evident to me, at some point, there was a larger population of some creature living in this forest. And that for some reason, it has slowly gotten smaller and smaller and the areas that they normally came to that I was able to locate slowly started decaying and showing no use. I created the movie, The Kiamichi Beast Expedition, based on evidence I found. And then I did The Kiamichi Beast Expedition Two, which had even more evidence. And then Trail of the Kiamichi Beast. N
ow I'm back to explore what is happening to the creature that lived in these forests. Are they being decimated by the population, by human beings more and more coming into these forests? (thumping beat) (Gravel on road crunching) (eerie music) These roads up here get pretty rugged sometimes. Have a dry spell, then have a wet spell. (engine noise) (suspenseful music continues) (truck rattling) This is Master Hughes. I'm making this statement and I'm gonna try to upload it. Most likely I will quic
kly lose contact with anybody and will not be able to be reached by phone. That's how it is up here. It's dangerous. But if I can, I will post a video or two on YouTube for those that are watching. Wish me luck. Now, the reason I planned my expedition is usually for three weeks, is because there's millions of acres of woods up here. Even if you have an idea where you're going, you're not just gonna run in and locate them right away. You're not gonna locate Bigfoot right away. You're not even gon
na get close. He moves. And so I always plan these at a minimum two weeks and preferably three weeks in the woods to locate what I'm trying to find, to find the evidence, to find the information that tells me he's still present or what area he's in. It takes days and days of being in the woods, days and days of walking, even if you know where you're going, even if you know where you found him before. So that's why we usually do three weeks when I do these trips. And quite often I have to come al
one. A lot of people can't come. A lot of people aren't prepared. A lot of people aren't trained enough to do it. I don't bring people out here that are untrained and might get themselves hurt. So it takes time. Time and patience. (bird chirping) (owl cooing) There is evidence in these forests. Finding it is not easy. Sometimes it's closer than you think. Hundreds square miles of woods, woods and woods and woods. Oklahoma itself was a bandit state. It was easy to hide here. Lots of criminal acti
vity here. No telling how many people are buried in these woods that we don't even know about from the 1930s or earlier. Could a creature as big as me or bigger hide here? Absolutely. I've been in these woods and had a bear walk right by me and I couldn't even see him. 300-pound bear, stands about five feet tall. Couldn't see him. It's easy to hide evidence here, especially if you don't know what you're looking for. And then what makes it worse? All the guys putting out fake Bigfoot videos and m
aking evidence up. So it confuses the truth from illusion. Well, everything I'm showing you is here, it is a fact, it was not created by me. The question is, where does it lead us? Will it give us the evidence that we need? Will it tell us the facts that we need to know about? What is going on here for hundreds if not thousands of years right under a man's nose? (water splashing) Bigfoot is supposed to be a bringer of prophecy. They say if you go deep into forest to camp, he will appear in your
dreams. They also claim if you sit there and meditate, he will appear in your mind and you can hear him. They say he can broaden your horizons. He can give you understanding of truth. Well, I can tell you this, having sat out here many times in the middle of nowhere in the deep, deep forest, there may be some truth to that. They say Bigfoot shows up as a prophecy. He may show in your dreams to prepare you for the unknown, for something you may like or not like. For unexpected events. There may b
e some truth to that too because you get in here and it seems to broaden your mind. It seems that things come to you that hadn't come to you. It seems that you look at things in a different way. Maybe that is Bigfoot speaking to us. Maybe it is his prophecy to help prepare us. (lightning crashing) (thunder rumbling) (eerie music) (rain pattering) (frogs singing) (crickets singing) (cat like squeal) (frogs croaking) (rain pattering) (thunder rumbling) (somber music) I'm here. I'm in the back of t
he truck where we created the observation station. I'm gonna give you an idea what it's like. We have a slot on the side of this that makes it hard for anything to see in, see what's going on or see if anybody's in here yet it makes it easy for me to get a photo. As you can see, I can see way more than people realize. That's why I created this observation station. Find some evidence here and I find some evidence there and it starts to develop a pattern. And so now when I come, I come to these lo
cations that I haven't found known evidence and I start to search from there. If I go to one area, there's nothing new, I go to the next area and I continue checking these areas until I find the newest evidence. Something to tell me that he's been moving in that area. It's easy for this creature to do 40 miles in a day. So you have to locate where he is at the time. (birds chirping (foot steps) (birds continue chirping) (wind blowing) You get up on one of these ridges, you can hear something goi
ng down below a long ways off. When you consider all that, you start to understand why it's so hard to find one of these creatures and you start understanding the importance of finding tracks and finding where he is been, finding remnant evidence to help support what you're doing. That tells you areas that he may be in or he may not be in. Here's another print. See all the gravel here? See, it's less gravel got pushed into the mud. Heel down here. Okay, we are finding tracks and most of the trac
ks are old or they were washed out during the heavy rains the other day, but we are finding evidence. Could it be a bear? Possibly. I don't think so. Some of the tracks are too long for a bear track. And we're just south of a known location where we found a lot of evidence of the Kiamichi Beast. Some people, the locals, call it Kiamishi. If you go 40 miles east, you're into the Ouachita Beast territory. And so there is a ridge that goes from here clean over there, strangely enough. But I believe
two different animals, two different creatures. We're gonna find out more. Later, we're probably gonna move a little farther north and follow the pattern of movement that we're finding. Now these rock cliffs, you find them out in the middle of nowhere up here. You never know where you're gonna find them, but any of them could house a small cave with either a bear in it or Bigfoot and you never know where you're gonna find them. They just appear outta the dirt and no telling what is living up in
there. But we're taking a close look to see if anything is big enough to house shelter for Bigfoot. Wait a minute, something is broken. It's clean off. That's something's that big around snapped off. Could be a bear right in there. You'd never know it. You can get real close to them by accident and you don't want to. (birds chirping) (birds continue chirping) (foot steps on leaves) (birds continue chirping) (leaves rustling) Okay, if you find saplings out here that have been over and broke, tha
t's not Bigfoot. That's often tree disease. Quite common in the forest. But when you find a sapling, that bigger round, that was snapped off, then you have got something. It takes a lot of force to snap it off so it's not been over and broke and sitting there, something just took hold of it and snapped it off. Could it have been a bear? Possible. Bears don't have a thumb to grab a hold of something, but sometimes they'll take their paws and snap it off. The question is, was it a bear or was it t
he big man? This ground is so rocky and hard. It's hard to find any tracks on it. Nothing but rock. Mission. I'm checking out spots that I know for sure have been used by the big man, but I have to check a lot of spots to locate him. Because of all the rain, it washed away most of the tracks. So I'm gonna have to look twice as hard. (eerie music) (eerie music continues) We're not gonna find any tracks around here. Too many boulders, too many rocks. If we find a track, it's gonna be coming off th
e slope. And like an animal trail, deer trail or something, that's usually where I'll find the tracks. There's enough soft soil around here. We might find a track along the creek farther away from the boulders. But the problem is there's so much leaf and mulch, it's difficult to spot them. (animals chittering) (footsteps) (eerie music) Better get inside, lock her up. It's so thick in here he could be right beside me and I couldn't see him. (eerie music) (breathes deeply) (birds chirping) (birds
continue chirping) Now I'm gonna show you a shelter. And if you watch my other movies, Kiamichi Beast Expedition, Kiamichi Beast Expedition Two, Trail of the Kiamichi Beast, you'll see more shelters. It is not just one shelter here. There are groups of shelters through these forests. You just have to know where to look and then it's still very hard to find them. Anything could be out here in these woods. Anything literally. They tell you there's no cougars out here. There are cougars out here. Y
ou'll never see them. There are bears out here. You may see a bear, but a lot of times you don't ever see a bear. And there's a fair amount of bears out here. Well, come with me. I'm gonna show you something. (birds chirping) (footsteps plodding) Hidden amongst the rocks is what most people never find. If they do accidentally walk across it, they don't realize what it is. Right here was a shelter. Now at one time these limbs were crossing. It is big enough for a large creature to sleep up in the
re. Easily something eight feet when you cross this here. And one time, these limbs were stacked until this whole thing was covered. And so it looked like a pile of brush and you couldn't even see this tiny cave or this area between the rocks. Just totally hidden. You could walk right by and wouldn't know it. But the thing is, these particular type of shelters are hand-made. It takes a pair of thumbs to make them. These knot limbs, you could just tell, at one time this was covered with all the l
imbs. I actually knew about this one several years ago when I saw it, and it was covered totally with limbs at that time, and these have just been broken down and rotted over a period of time. So it's been a long time since this shelter was used. (suspenseful music) (suspenseful music) (animals gibbering) (suspenseful music continues) (birds singing) (suspenseful music) (leaves rustling) (dove singing) (dove singing) (owl hoots) (birds chirping) (eerie music) (eerie music continues) Now, when I
move through these forests looking for Bigfoot, I try to be as quiet as possible most of the time. I do occasionally, but not a lot. Bigfoot, I don't want him to think I'm hostile. I wanna be quiet. I want him to allow to get close to me if he wants to, to look, to be curious. I don't want to do anything to make him think I'm hostile. Going through the woods hollering and screaming, it's not gonna work. He's an elusive creature. He's a quiet creature. He's reserved. Get close to him? You have to
do it his way. You can't do it your way. You have to be quiet. You have to be conservative. You have to understand that this creature is elusive enough that if you make him think you're hostile at all, you'll never see him. He'll never come close. Well, it's understanding the creature what's important, understanding how he thinks. Quiet, elusive, protective and he wants to stay hidden. Now, for those of you that want to come on one of these excursions and go through this wilderness area is I wa
nna warn you, always be prepared. Take it seriously. Let me show you something. Emergency gear. Hard start in case I lose my battery. Tow rope, tow rope for emergencies. It's full of emergency gear. Emergency wire connectors. I'm gonna have to use some of those 'cause I tore the wire out from under the truck a little while ago. This is not a game coming out here. This is real expedition. And you should take it seriously. If you decide to do something like this, be prepared. It is dangerous out h
ere. Now, I don't usually do this, because I conceal informants' information to protect them when they call me and tell me about something, Bigfoot or something else. As I've already said, I had several people did get through and contact me. I had this one very, very strange call. And well, it was actually a text message 'cause you couldn't get through. And I got a text. I don't know how it came through up in the mountains. And I just gave a quick response. I can't talk to you by phone. And I go
t text back with information. Now, I don't know if the person was trying to warn me about the Bigfoot that was apparently very close to where I was searching. I assume he's guessing where I was searching. But he did send me information about that. I have concealed his phone number. I'm gonna let you read it. This text actually was sent to me during the expedition. And so I'll let you read it real quick. So as you can see, claiming there's clan of Bigfoot there. And I, again, I don't know if he's
trying to give me a warning for safety reasons or if he has some other reason, I don't know. But I didn't call the phone number back. I couldn't have at the time anyway. (suspenseful music) (suspenseful music continues) Now, for those of you that don't believe in Bigfoot's prophecy, there are thousands of American natives that do. They believe they can speak to their spirit animals and have for thousands of years. It's in their history. I can tell you this, as somebody has spent weeks and weeks
alone in the woods, the woods speak, nature speaks. All you have to do is listen. After a while, you can even hear the animals' thoughts. So why couldn't I hear the prophecy of Bigfoot? It's there, but you can't hear it going on a weekend. It takes time. You have to go in for long periods of time. Quiet, desolate areas. You have to clear your mind. Bigfoot? The prophecy? I think it's true. I know that you can hear the thoughts of the animals. You're not alone. The forest is alive. Many, many pe
ople have heard Bigfoot's prophecy. All I can say is this. Until you have spent a lot of hours alone the woods, in desolate places, and until you learn to go in and let go of the world and sit with the animals, the spirit guides, you can't hear anything but the shatter of your mind. That's the whole point of Bigfoot's prophecy. Yes, there's more goes on in the woods than you think. More than you ever believed. It's there, but you have to go and you have to seek it. As I said, thousands of Americ
an Indians, natives, have said they have heard the spirit animals speak and guide them. Nothing new there. Maybe it's just the way you think about it. Now there's no way to search thousands and thousands of acres. What I do is I go to areas that I have found previous evidence of Bigfoot over the years. We're talking about, I've been coming up here over 15 years probably. And over those periods of time I've found certain spots, numerous times, have evidence. And that's what I do. I go and I check
those spots and I start from there. Newest evidence is where I start. But otherwise, thousands and thousands and thousands of acres, they're not walking around here and finding them. Here's another ring of stone. It would look like a camp place fire, but there's never been a fire in this. So what's the purpose of this? (somber music) It is been a difficult trip. We're already five days into the trip. We have almost zero communication with other people. We've gotten a couple of information or qu
estions sent to us via text message and that's very, very sporadic. Some people are asking me why we hadn't put a camper on this truck. Well, the roads are so rough and rugged where I go, the camper would cause the four-wheel drive to overturn. There's no way you could take it up that trail. So I developed this. It uses a blind. It does several things. It's lightweight. It can handle the four-wheel drive road. And it allows me to look out. There's slots in it where I can take photos, I can pull
up to a very dense spot, sit there and take photos in the observation station. It's also been lined and the roof is protected. In case the weather goes real, real bad on us, it will repel heavy hell. And so it was a win-win situation to develop this. It's light, it's mobile, it was inexpensive and I can tarp it over and rain's not getting in. So that's why we did it this way instead of buying a camper. There's no way in the world in the rugged spots I go that a camper would work on the back of t
his truck. So that's one thing I wanted to address. People want to know where we are. We don't tell people where we are. (owl cooing) (birds chirping) Where everything is stacked. It looks like something had a little mini shelter there at one time. (eerie music) I know early, early in the morning when I'm searching, something's watching me, it's watching me from the real thick brush, watching me up on the ridges. So thick up there, I can't see what it can be. I can't tell. I just know I'm being
watched. And it's always happening early in the morning, because at night, nighttime, as soon as it gets dark, I'm going into the back of the truck and trying to record. But when I get out early in the morning and I'm out there in that thick, thick brush, I can tell something's watching me. Not sure yet. Hopefully, we'll get a look at it and maybe it'll give me an idea. But it's really, really hard in that thick brush to see anything. (suspenseful music) I have seen in the past 15 years, there'v
e been rare occasions where I've seen movement in the daytime. Most of the time, I know that the most activity will be at nighttime 'cause it's much harder to identify him. If he comes in close, it's usually going to be at nighttime. The one photo I have that we believe was a Bigfoot was probably taking it a hundred yards away. Unfortunately, using a cell phone on a scope. But there was clearly something there. And that's about as close as we normally have a chance of getting during the daytime
to this creature. Nighttime, if they're curious enough, they'll sometimes come into the camp. I do look around the woods a little at night, not a lot because I've found that letting them be curious works better than trying to track him at night and be active. You're not gonna out track him, you're not gonna out gone him. This is his territory, this is his kingdom. We're gonna see what happens. Hopefully, the truth will come out. If nothing else, the evidence will keep piling up. Now this is stra
nge. You see this rock outcropping. Nothing strange about that. Let me show you what's strange. Let's uncover it here. See all that? There was a fire. Some people believe Bigfoot can light fires, but this is head behind this outcropping. This was not a camper. (eerie music) (owl cooing) Now, I smell rotten flesh and usually when I smell rotten flesh, Bigfoot is somewhere close. Quite often that's where I find bones, sometimes fresh bones. (eerie music) (water splashing) (eerie music continues) A
nd those rocks stacked right over there. I found stacked rocks before, right in a creek, stacked one on top of the other in the middle of nowhere. Well, the wind's coming up. That's not gonna help me. I'm here back in the truck getting prepared for the night. I'm going to be out there tonight in the woods. We're gonna see what we can find. Now, right here in this particular area, I don't have to worry about stepping off a ridge. I do have to worry about the gully. So it's easy to get hurt, which
is one reason I refrain from going out in the dark in these areas. It's very rough, it's very rugged. I am alone. If I get hurt, nobody may find me. But I am getting prepared. We're gonna see what we can come up with tonight. (frog singing) (Knocking sound) (animals screams) (frogs croaking) ( animal screams) (animals continue gibbering) (breathes deeply) (animals growl) ( wind blowing) Well, I'm back here in the back of the truck trying to clean this mess up. And I've had two nights that somet
hing really weird happened. I'm in a small, you might say valley right now. I've got a tall ridge, a short ridge, and I'm in a small valley. Wind is sort of weird here. I don't know why. And the other night, I put my tarp over the cab 'cause I've got the slots in it for shooting movies and taking pictures. So I've got a tarp, I cover it over. The tarp is so big, it covers the whole truck. It covers the whole bag, and it hangs off the end, the big tarp. And I woke up to hear a sound, sound like s
omething lifting up the tarp and then bam! The whole tarp is yanked off towards the end of the truck that I enter. Whole tarp gone. Well, there was a little wind and I'm thinking, you know, god, what was that? You know, it can't be the wind. The wind's not that strong. But it was sort of really spooky to wake up and have to, you know, see your tarp being yanked off. And so, the following night, I went ahead just in case it was a wind and I put the tarp on and I tied it down this time. So I wake
up again, I'm hearing this sound. It sounds like something's getting up under the tarp. All of a sudden, you know, I can see right above the end here, I can see the tarp, that's why we have a tarp over, and I see the tarp all of a sudden, and it's all of a sudden drawn tight like it was trying to drag it off the end again. But it was tied down and it couldn't. But I saw that tarp lift up, all right? Now there's not enough wind to do it, but I saw that tarp lift up, and then when it wouldn't go,
it dropped back down. And I'm trying to look outside, I can't see anything. I don't know what's going on. All I know is that was real weird. And like I said, the first night it happened it was sort of scary, 'cause my whole tarp's gone. But I thought, let's be practical. Maybe you had a gust of wind. Second night it happened, there was no gust of wind. I could hear something getting under the tarp. And I saw that tarp yank up here towards the end and be drawn tight. And when it wouldn't go 'caus
e it was tied down, it was just released. Can't explain that. I couldn't see anything. And it was dark out here. But, you know, that's spooky. Now, I've had these strange events like the tarp being yanked off the trailer before. I've been coming up here for years. Last year, I think I got closer to Bigfoot than ever before when I was awakened from a hammock growling right there in the camp. It's pitch black. And I jump up to try to get my flashlight and my camera and a strange whistle came off t
he hill. He disappeared. He's gone in a blink. I grabbed up my camera and light and searched, but he's already outta the camp. He's gone. So it is spooky up here. I've had one guy tell me he will not spend a night in these woods. (water splashing) (eerie music) Well, a lot of people ask me, aren't I afraid to be out here? There's not too many stories of Bigfoot hurting anybody. Could it happen? Yes, it could. But actually I'm a little more afraid of the bears and the cougars. Those are known to
kill people. They're out here. Have to face your fear sometime. That's the only way to find the truth. Well, it's an experience. Maybe one I'll be telling my grandkids someday. (eerie music) From my location up on one of the ridges down lower, a big fog was coming. I mean a dense, heavy fog. I don't like to be up there when those fogs come. There are things walking in that fog that you don't even wanna meet. Dangerous, really dangerous. So I moved to a lower location and then move farther down.
We'll be fine here. Night's coming again. Let's see what happens. Or not. Looks harmless enough. Let me teach you something. That is a huge bone. I think maybe we're in Squatch territory. Now, the reason I'm wearing this bright orange right now, where in the area where the hunting's going on and I'm required by the law to wear it. I don't like it. But I have to wear it. But we're almost in a Squatch-like area right here. I mean, this is really, and I just found a huge, huge bone here. Looking at
that rib. It was literally tore out of something's chest. (eerie music) I wanna remind everybody again, what I am doing is real. It's not a fake TV show. And it is dangerous. As you can tell by this bone, something died here. And even with these boots on it's tough up here especially carrying this camera. It's hard to balance. At least I didn't go in the river. (water splashing) I have to be careful. It's easy to get hurt here. Gonna watch out for the rattlesnakes too. This is a great spot for
them. (coughs loudly) (birds chirping) I guarantee you this is as Squatchy as you can get. This area right here. And this area where we found this bone. Real. Not made up. It's real. There's no telling what is close to us right now. (leaves rustling) We located this bone. This is in fact, I verified, a rib. It is a rib bone. And the strange thing is we located this in the edge of the river, just below what appeared to be a big bed of mulch, a big bed of mulch where it appears something was layin
g there 'cause it was all packed down. But there had been a bunch of mulch scraped together. And cedar mulch, all cedar trees around it. It had been scraped together and created, I guess you'd say a mat or a bed. And you could tell something was laying on it because it was compressed. I'm not sure what that means. I only know it means that there was some animal that was there. That it was laying in mulch. It apparently is a big animal and it's very, very heavy. This bone. It's not human bone. Wh
at other animal could it be? Well, some will say a cow bone. Well, normally a cow bone is a lot bigger than this. And there are no cattle in that area. I mean, this is back in the wilderness. There are no cattle in that area. Somebody asked, well, could it be a Bigfoot bone? Bigfoot rib? I don't know. Since we had no Bigfoot DNA, there's no way I can verify that it is or not. All I can verify is that we found this bone below a big bed of mulch in which some large animal had been laying in and it
was right in the edge of the creek. It was right on the edge of actually more of a river. It's pretty big. So we're finding stuff. It's interesting. Why is it there? What put it there? I don't know, I'd like to find out. But there is evidence that there is a large animal there. There's evidence, there's a bone, there's photographs of me picking it up. It's all real. (somber music) (somber music continues) (somber music continues) Wind's blowing pretty hard. It looks like a storm may be coming u
p. A lot of people laugh about Bigfoot. They have no clue. They have no clue how big these forests are up here. Over a million acres alone in just Arkansas, not counting all the land in Oklahoma or the top part of Texas. It's huge. It's rugged. There's plenty of game there. There's nuts. There's acorns. There's hogs. There's wild deer. There is food to eat there. Yes, it is possible because the bears exist there. If a bear can exist there, why couldn't Bigfoot exist there? Bears are used 300 pou
nds. They don't care if you see them or not. Bigfoot does. That's the difference. Bigfoot's more intelligent than a bear. But you can still walk right by a bear in there and never even see them. (eerie music) (eerie music continues) (birds chirping) (birds continue chirping) (water splashing) (leaves rustling) (water splashing) (birds chirping) (water splashing) (birds chirping) (water splashing) (birds chirping) It is chilly this morning. But this is an excellent vantage point. I can watch this
little valley. I can watch the top of the hill. (bird chittering) Well, I've been pretty lucky so far. I'm going through these ridges and these gullies and everything and I hadn't seen a single snake. I've been real lucky 'cause it's still warm enough for them, big rattlers to be out. (eerie music) Did run across a big raccoon, that raccoon was big enough to ride to town. I mean, it's big. A lot of people don't realize you gotta steer clear of them things. They've sorta got bad temperament and
they will attack. You don't have to worry about a possum, but the raccoons, they will attack. So there's a lot of things you gotta watch out for here. (eerie music) There's strange stuff I find up here. It's some kind of fluorescent blue mushroom. I've never seen anything like that one before. And I've been up here a lot of times. I see some strange things up here, but a fluorescent blue mushroom. (somber music) A lot of people laugh about Bigfoot existing in these forests, over a million acres
just here in Arkansas alone. Most of these people got opinions, but they couldn't survive out there one week. They couldn't survive that forest out there without a compass. They couldn't even find their way out. So-called experts, never been in the woods, never been in a wilderness situation, know nothing about animals, but they all have opinions. Well, I can tell you this, there's a lot of animals that have already been found to exist when they thought they were extinct. Don't count Bigfoot out
. It's rugged in there. If he can exist, he can exist there. (somber music) Now we're down close to one of the waterways. Spring, there's a lot of water here. Usually in the summer it dries up quite a bit. But Bigfoot wouldn't have to come down here to get water most of the time anyway. There's natural springs up in them hills. He knows where every one of them. It's not necessary for him to be here. He doesn't have to show himself unless he wants to. He can literally survive up there with little
or nothing for extended periods of time. (fire crackling) (suspenseful music) (suspenseful music continues) (suspenseful music continues) Now, Native Americans are long swore that Bigfoot brings prophecies. But there's more. There is evidence. The evidence was written by a legend. 1836 Nacogdoches. Davy Crockett himself wrote a letter home to Abner Burgin. In part, "Whether it was the axe's disturbance or possibly the heat of the high sun, which caused an apparition to slowly form in front of m
y eyes. I know not. As a Christian man, I swear to you, Abe, that what spirit came upon me was the shape and the shade of a large ape man, the likes we might expect among the more bellicose and hostile Indian tribes of the territories. The shade formed into the most deformed and ugly countenance. Covered in wild hair, with small needling eyes, large broken rows of teeth. The monster then addressed a warning to me. Abner, it told me to return from Texas to flee this Fort, to abandon this lost cau
se. When I began to question this, the creature spread upon the wind like a morning steam swirls off a frog pond. "I swear to you, Abner." Davy Crockett was on the way to help defend Texas. Bigfoot appeared to warn him to turn back. As we all know, Davy Crockett died at the Alamo. Davy Crockett was known to be an honest, true and Christian man. This letter's been verified. There is nothing from his description that he clearly met Bigfoot. It's simply that he clearly met Bigfoot and the fact that
a prophecy was given to him by Bigfoot is more evidence. (suspenseful music) On this expedition, we did find more information. We did find more evidence. The evidence clearly is becoming less and less over the last 15 years. I've been up here many times. Why? We don't know. Is it because people are moving into the area in these remote areas? Is it because more people are out hunting 'cause of hard times? I don't know. But the evidence is clearly becoming less and less. Yet through the years, I
have gathered quite a bit of evidence as I've showed you in the movie, like the shelters. What created those shelters? Well, hopefully someday we'll have the answer. There are people who say Bigfoot is a demon, a mountain demon. There are people who say, I know what I saw. It was Bigfoot. I know with a hundred percent. And then I have people say, I've never seen Bigfoot. He doesn't exist. Why is it some people have the opportunity to see Bigfoot and so many don't? Is it because they're not in th
e right place at the right time? Is it because they're not looking for them, so they pay no attention? I don't know. But the witnesses I interview are very, very sincere. (suspenseful music) (suspenseful music continues) (suspenseful music continues) (suspenseful music continues) (suspenseful music continues)



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You’re knowledge on the subject is never ending. I’ve been to South East Oklahoma and it is rugged. You’re a brave man to go out there by yourself! Take care. I appreciate your efforts to make this video. Ignore the haters as they have no clue the realism you teach and the Indian teachings you share. Much love from Tulsa.


Just started watching the video. Really hope Todd Standing makes an appearance.






The blue mushroom looked to be a "Blue Roundhead"


The rib is most likely an elk and bears will make beds using pine thistles...


There is an hour and a half I will never get back


I find that this guy is allowed to vote and has possibly reproduced the scariest thing about this video.