
The Biggest and Best Movies and TV Shows Coming Out This Summer, WAS IT GOOD? Podcast

Summer 2023 is shaping up to be a blockbuster season for movies and TV shows. With so many great titles to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. That's where we come in. In this podcast, we'll preview the biggest and best movies and TV shows coming out this summer, including: Secret Invasion, Oppenheimer, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, The Flash, Barbie, The Bear, Ahsoka, and more!! We'll also discuss the latest trailers, news, and rumors for these and other upcoming movies and TV shows. So whether you're a casual fan or a die-hard movie buff, be sure to subscribe to our podcast so you don't miss anything. Subscribe now and join us as we preview the biggest and best movies and TV shows coming out this summer! 00:00 - Intro 04:00 - What we’ve watched 18:30 - Movies excited to see 42:30 - TV shows excited to see 51:30 - Pitch an obscure Movie/TV show 59:30 - Bold predictions for the summer #SummerMovies #Summer2023 #wasitgood 📸 Affiliate links of gear used Sony A7iii - Sony a6600 - Sony ZV-E10 - Wide Cam Lens - ISO Lens - Atem mini ISO PRO - Shure MV7 - Blue Compass Boom Arm - Rodecaster Pro v1 -

Was It Good Podcast

9 months ago

before we started the Pod I would like to give Arjuna an opportunity in response to our previous episodes cold open you may go ahead and now insult Krishna Arjuna you're a bunch of dick holes Arjuna I I do apologize I said this before I knew that your hair had become thick and Luscious once again you're just jealous because you don't have hair you haven't had hair since the Obama Administration it's actually true oh wow [Music] was it good the podcaster reviews movies and TV shows today we're do
ing something a little bit different and previewing the summer of 2023. I'm Ravi joined by Arjuna Krishna and our producer Michael and we are was it good good great that was beautiful actually yeah so much easier to to sync that up when one of us is not in the middle of the country you know what's really funny I actually wanted to pause a little bit longer after Arjuna said you know his name and then I introduced my name because there's always like a little bit of a delay you know just a tiny li
ke little delay because of our distance and the camera setup and the audio so it's like this pod would be so much easier if you but why why do things easier when you can make them harder we should take a pause and just let that soak let that simmer pause for audience response yeah please drop a comment below again with this you know it just kind of we gotta be uh you know engagement it's King the ctas man call to action yeah didn't you work in content what's kpi I keep seeing that uh kpi is know
n um Krishna pisses inside [Music] corporations are gonna change forever damn the downfall of the corporations right there is like oh I'm just gonna stop go in the bathroom it's not a good trackable stat for companies yeah so what happens I was like like I don't know why we're still on this but Christian pisses inside we're referring to like he only goes to the bathroom inside a building right right so he's not peeing outside so you need to now start using the bathroom outside like an animal yea
h like a porta potty or like no that's still inside that's still inside that's still inside a building a structure no Porta pie is still boxed it's still contained I would be lying if I said I have never pissed outside before I mean who hasn't peed outside oh like like something oh a business I don't want to incriminate myself yeah I know I know I know yeah you can't see technically you could just I mean lie who's gonna prove it that is true the cameras the camera's a good impressive the last ti
me I peed outside probably yesterday what a wistful look you had wait I'm sorry outside like in my backyard oh in your pool yeah you piece of poop I like to I like to pee in there at least once every time I come over I I'm gonna start filling up the pool with that blue changing [ __ ] that like identifies termination stop swimming in it yeah probably that too that that would work oh I'm sorry do you are we are you trying to subtly say hey let's get on topic got it no it's been it's been a rough
weekend uh I'm losing my voice clearly and uh you've been screaming I think I spoke too much yesterday wow yeah that's the first and I apologize me speaking too much yeah that's definitely not at first it's actually becoming far too common well I'm gonna have you to continue talking too much oh no uh let's start you know we're doing a summer preview here but before we get into like what we're excited for weird pitches on things that we want the other people in this in this little pod group to wa
tch what have you been watching so far oh I guess I'll go first um you see you see how you see what you did there see that he just assumed I want to hear from Arjuna first okay you know what you're gonna do it I just get my voice back it's getting real quick yeah take some sips of water oh I have watched uh so one show I've watched that I don't know if either of you have watched uh it came out last week on Apple TV plus stars roseburn and Seth Rogen and it's a new show called platonic uh it's a
comedy series about these two College friends who reconnect after so many years and the the question that's kind of being interested is can a a female and a male be friend as adults be friends and remain friends no uh and it's it's a comedy and I I really enjoy it so far it's with the same creators who uh directed uh neighbors and neighbors too also starred roseburn and Seth Rogen and uh yeah it's funny you know Seth Rogen is always Seth Rogen he does the he does and uh is is funny and it takes
place in La so you see a lot of a lot of downtown locations too actually there's there's one scene in like the first or second episode where Seth Rogen lives in downtown which is literally like uh very close to to where I've been before and he describes living in downtown as you know it's great you know and at night you'll just hear sirens and women screaming and occasionally a loud explosion that you just ignored I was like this is to a t what it's like to live in downtown Los Angeles uh so I d
id find that funny um but yeah it's a fun show it's like I think they showed three episodes last week and then it's weekly um starting this Tuesday um or an early early in the week show yeah it's at the same time slot is like Ted lasso gotcha and we'll run I'm assuming for like eight or ten episodes and you know I enjoy it I really liked it wait what what streaming uh Apple TV it's very if you watch shrinking it's not like it's not like the exact same style uh uh but like I feel like Apple TV is
starting to get like a it reminds me of beef I don't know if that helps a little bit but not in the same like we're against each other but in we destroy each other's lives yeah they're toxic for each other yeah for sure so spoiler they they won't remain platonic well we don't know I've only seen three episodes I think they will I think the show isn't trying for them to go to be romantic interesting but I do think I do think like Michael says it's more touching on the fact of like when friendshi
ps can be destructive gotcha and not good for you hmm so kind of like our relationship yeah it sounds kind of real damn I wonder if in like real life Seth uh Seth Rogen and and the co-lead her name Rose Byrne like are they actually platonic friends in real life or I think they both uh Partners yeah yeah uh well Seth Rollins have kids does he I actually have no idea I'm just making that up for some reason I think he doesn't but who knows you could I don't think he does I don't think he's I mean w
e could one of us would easily pull our phones out but I don't feel like anyone here is that I think that's my job no no it's fine I'm really not invested it's not important who cares so so that's a show and I guess I'll give a movie too a movie I recently saw actually which is better than I thought it would be um Blackberry was uh The Little Mermaid oh the live-action uh Little Mermaid movie interesting it's actually really good so there's been quite a few of the live Christmas yeah Christian w
hat's wrong with your face right now like uh how much are they paying you they're not that's what I want to know no I I I went in very skeptical because okay good there's been a lot of these live action Disney remakes right of the animated versions that they did in the 90s in the early 2000s and a lot of them have been uh bad right Aladdin very bad or like shot for shot too right like there's no difference there's not there's not many differences and this one is like very similar but it is it is
still like really it's it's still really good um like the music is really good visually it's like really really stunning um did you cry no I didn't cry but like I would say the the main songs were really beautifully sung and updated uh and we're like wow this is these are really good like these are this is really good music for like the for the movie so you excited for the sequel I mean it made it more like 118 million domestically this last weekend so there probably will be a sequel yeah oh wo
w yeah I didn't realize this but Disney has been using Memorial Day weekend for like almost all of these live action remakes like the wow it's really working they're like I think like almost like five of them have come out this this weekend and this is like the second highest grossing one only beside only behind Aladdin which made like two million more um so would you say would you say it's it's their best live action adaptation so far yeah I would say so my previous you say it was it you that s
aid this where it's like or somebody said like it's not it's not like the bar is set that high based on all the other live action movies because they're so poorly done I had said that about Marvel recently oh um they're not paying here wow wow but I mean yeah I mean the best one I the best one before I saw this one to me was the John favreau's uh Jungle Book okay we did in 2016. that one was like oh this is okay like it was solid entertaining enough but the rest like I really haven't enjoyed any
thing at like Dumbo was terrible didn't they go straight to like Disney World that came out really the book came out in theaters Aladdin I thought was horrible Lion King was underwhelming it just looked like I had that one like just made no sense wait isn't there also a hunchback one of Notre Dame that it's not out but I think they're working on one oh where did I I thought I saw someone like a live action oh a Beauty and the Beast was was solid um that one I didn't see that one in theaters I sa
w it on Disney plus and I was like this was like not bad that one was probably one of the better ones oh Mulan was terrible Mulan was that was I think this is the only live action one that I've watched that one they took a lot they changed it so much like that one they really completely just made it they made it a war movie yeah I mean let's be honest that movie If I feel wasn't made for an American audience like that wasn't made for I don't think it made I mean that it came out Peak pandemic ri
ght because that was uh yeah 2020 yeah that summer and then they did they dropped it not in theaters they did a digital Disney plus you need to pay like the 30 bucks for it or whatever yeah yeah we paid it right or somebody paid it yeah and then we watched it and it took us more the movie's like I don't know like two hours or something it took us like four hours because we kept pausing yeah so it's just so bad good but yeah those are those are two things I've been watching this Summer that I've
enjoyed and we recommend cool I'm gonna go next because I'm gonna I'm gonna steal this guy I'm like you better go now so I'm gonna I'm gonna probably say the exact two that you're gonna say so the same at the same time the two thing here you want to see yeah so do the TV show first okay TV show that uh we've been watching is silo and then the movie Blackberry if you are interested in our thoughts on BlackBerry you should see our last podcast which came out just recently yeah a couple days ago if
you guys not seen any other movies this summer no none of that stuck out like that movie I mean I I did see it so I I watched black bear was interested because of uh Always Sunny um Glenn Howerton and then um he obviously did BlackBerry and then Charlie day did um the Lost Paradise yeah fools Fool's Paradise that was bad uh it was not a movie I would recommend to everyone did you like it I enjoyed it because it was a very kind of it was making fun of Hollywood yeah and I love movies that make f
un of Hollywood because Hollywood is kind of stupid um but there's a lot of like industry Insider things in there it's very much like it feels like it's a movie made for people that work in Hollywood or know that's that world it is not like a movie that you just put on it's not easily accessible it's not by no means because it like the movie definitely has pacing issues Galore it jumps around a bunch you know none of the characters are ex that likable like Charlie Day's character is interesting
because I think he says all of two three words so it's very much a lot of like doesn't that seem away like to me like Charlie day is really funny but like his voice and like is the funniest part of him he's a talker so it's almost like you're pulling away the funniest part of the comedian in a comedic movie yeah it does work it does work like he is funny and he is genuinely like the best piece of the movie but again I think to your point when you're trying to put something to the masses yeah rig
ht if you take away the the funniest the thing that is comical yeah you're gonna discuss right and I mean this was his direct oral debut as well I see um and he had it just took him what two three years of shooting production posts and stuff and he shopped it around a bunch to various friends and people in the industry like Del Toro I guess like helped clean up his script uh initially oh wow he didn't chop it to his friend of a friend Ryan Reynolds no I don't think Ryan Reynolds had anything to
do with this uh we would be remiss if we didn't mention uh we didn't get to do a pot on it but Guardians three of course we've all seen it here except one of us we won't name him we won't out him but I think tour T we all enjoyed it Kylie in fact we have such high praise that it's one of the best Marvel movies we've seen I think that's the general consensus for this group of those of us who have seen it but what did it make you feel inside Krishna um regret right really wow that's the wrong word
he regrets that he never adopted that sea otter he always wanted oh yeah damn I cried I mean the thing that about that film that I think is still super hilarious is that Peta organization gave it like uh like they did the they said that the movie handled animal cruelty in the best way possible which I thought was yeah interesting they said that yeah I mean paraphrasing but like there's going along those lines which is kind of strange because it made it horrible and a nightmare I mean uh people
are calling the high evolutionary the one of the worst villains that they've ever seen on screen right yeah I mean wait what yeah as in like he's uh not one when I say the worst one it's like one of the most hated despicable Despicable yeah more than the guy from Despicable Me so I can see what Peter's saying yeah wait you're surprised by that Arjuna no I thought he meant like terrible like bad as in like rude yeah you're not a good portrayal yeah and then I meant despicable yeah oh no that make
s much more sense yeah I was like instantly like universally why are people like I thought it was a great performer he was a kind man I don't know why he was a villain well that's I was also reading you know with all the news and everything that's happened with Jonathan majors and in terms of that situation a lot of people had come out and said that you know the high Evolution High evolutionary the character and everything that needs to be kind of the big Central Focus for the next Avengers film
s and kind of just forget the whole Kang stuff James Gunn did confirm that he survives the end of well good spoiler right there you should have seen it actually I saw that a while ago because yeah gun tweeted that out or something yeah gun tweets out a lot of things he does James God it got him in trouble once and we forgot about it and we moved on well maybe the flash will do the same for Ezra oh Moving On movies that we're excited about because Spanish movies both mentioned Silo can you guys t
ell me about silence oh no no no I think it's best if you go in blind put it this way for sure the the tagline that we all came up with creatively last night together was it's lost meets tube TV it's lost in a tube oh yeah it's like a toothpaste tube like a silo and also and also you're a fan of Battlestar Galactica and that nitty-gritty contrasty Darkness overlay that has Silo has the same thing is there a is there like a mystery box element where absolutely the whole thing is the final five cy
lons no better than that we found that the final five silos are oh oh it's a oh it's a mystery Silo okay yeah full of yeah loss of mystery lots of mystery and questions and uh some answers well very little yeah yeah not not yeah now do you guys know if this is a limited series or is this maybe like a season one no this is supposed to be a season one okay it's based on a book or graphic novel book based on a short story that then turned into a book series oh wow damn and it's called the book is n
ot called Silo no what is it called what's the material they used oh wait no we we can't spoilers yeah we're just gonna aluminum because you need to you need to watch it but don't know anything about it when you go in yeah try and avoid this is it a scary show it can be suspenseful I mean monsters but like that second episode did frighten me a little bit it's without spoilers this is all just dumb intense and that there are moments where you'll be on the edge of your seat this reminds me of when
we used to do 60 second pitches you should bring those back the third episode I had to walk laps around my living room I couldn't sit yeah it's a very well done episode yeah the best one yeah wow okay X yeah excellent episode of Television okay yeah some movies that we're excited about oh that's actually quite a few I mean is everyone here I guess I think everyone here is excited for the flash I'm assuming somewhat I mean it's a weird movie obviously because of the Ezra Miller aspect or yeah fo
r certain like certainly that is a is a weird thing but also I think even from like the the DC film fandom experience you kind of have this movie from a different era almost where you also have this new era coming in with James Gunn and so I felt this way with like Shazam I filled this with the flash I feel it with Blue Beetle and even uh the Aquaman movie coming out at the end of the year oh that's still coming isn't it yeah unfortunately and it's like these movies were made under a different r
egime that don't necessarily like fit into this here's what's next for DC so it's like uh as a as a moviegoer I'm like how invested should I be in this if I'm invested in this universe of films right and I guess that's what the like MC units and the connected shared Universe film going experience is kind of tainted the can I enjoy this movie because there's like an individual by itself right and like I'm hopeful I can still get there in a few in a few weeks to to enjoy this because like you know
you look at it and you're like oh Michael Keaton Batman you know like multiple flashes Flashpoint that's a cool Arc within the flash that's been done on the television before we've seen iterations of this on the tube done on the television the television yeah but like it is one of the most famous comic book arcs uh for the Flash and so I think that's cool it's been teased for years when you go back to the yeah the Justice League movie if you even go to the Schneider cut there's a lot of teasing
of of what would potentially be coming with with some of the flash time travel stuff so I'm excited and then it is you're guarded as well because I'm like well like is there a lot of stuff in this movie that that will set up things that never go anywhere and like well and and I guess I'm afraid of investing maybe too much in that the last time I think the world collectively you know gave their time to the Warner Brothers of the world we gave almost 10 years of Our Lives to that dumbass Series G
ame of Thrones so they don't have the best track record really I mean think about how many of those like stories went nowhere things that they introduced in that in Game of Thrones and they just kind of wait what I mean Game of Thrones was more HBO wasn't it Glory but it's all under Warner Brothers it was or ATT Warner Brothers yeah I don't like them that's why I'm a Verizon guy I mean it's interesting Arjuna that you say that you have trouble because you can't accept it as a standalone movie do
es like all the praise like I haven't heard one bad thing about it I think that that's the icky part to me wherever it's like the super amount of Praise going on this movie that kind of has this like star who is abusive just say what it is it's not a good human being but it sounds like he has mental like it's like maybe some yeah is that not right anyway that's not for this part right I think I think that's a whole can like that's a whole can of worms and I think like when you look at the Warner
Brother track record too of like they shelved a 90 million dollar movie right because they they deemed it like this isn't good enough but they weren't willing to shelve this one now granted like 90 million versus 200 plus million is a little bit of a difference and almost double yeah more of a double not almost double no almost yeah I do math different from you guys yeah okay wait are we at the point yet with the crazy conspiracy people and everything like are there people there that genuinely
do math different if not I have a new idea yeah the the uh gen Z and the new generation hasn't been named yet they do math differently like they do some of them do like power of eight instead of power of ten and they just I've seen some of them try and do like two equations it makes no sense wait I'm sorry I'm sorry like two like they're still coming to up to the correct answer like it's not like they're saying one plus one doesn't yeah they do their version yes right it's the same answer right
but my question though is oh oh I see is there are there people out there that do not think like one plus one equals two it equals three because you should read that you should read 1984. the guy who was the original War Machine uh Terence Howard he believes that one plus one is not two all right those are didn't he have like that whole red carpet yeah yeah yeah yeah he created a new math that can create hovercraft or something I don't I don't want to live on this planet anymore I'm leaving you
don't believe let me talk to you about dinosaurs yeah that is just at the end of the day that is a joke it is a funny joke in my mind yeah it is it makes you all chuckle every time it does so here's the NASA conspiracy oh God don't don't even yeah that's three minutes or however I want that time back somehow you you owe me I'm not giving you that time back give me my time you clicked on it it's your your fault Welcome to our summer concert I I guess I guess to wrap the flash conversation are you
guys going to see The Flash yes oh for sure I'm excited I'm gonna see it uh I think I've seen the trailer too many times because I was excited now I've I'm like Overexposed like okay well I need they need to stop showing the trailer I need to stop watching it because I'm like I'm getting less excited it's like Overexposed at this point you didn't do a trailer reaction for that right no be sure to follow us on our Tick Tock at what's a good pod for uh it's becoming just a Christian trailer react
ion uh area now of course yeah did I do one yeah you're very quick with them sometimes wearing the same shirt yeah yeah you know it's you yeah very you need a bigger wardrobe yeah yeah basically my wardrobe is all the free t-shirts I get uh that's this stuff so thanks hey why buy clothes when they're free they're free don't I don't try not to yeah yeah I haven't bought a new piece of clothing I got a new socks so socks are important yeah I do a sock subscription now on Amazon oh yeah you send me
the link I still can't find it you just type in socks and do the Subscribe and Save and then you throw your socks away right yeah when they get holes yeah after three months no you can do I think I did mine for like 10 months oh wow in 10 months I get a new new set of socks perhaps I can be a a sponsor for us that uh this doesn't seem very sustainable there or like you're just tossing them are you recycling the socks or I mean it depends interesting gotcha okay okay yeah anyway so yeah I think
flash will will see it um I think I think it'll be interesting based on how I mean the flash comes in what two weeks June 16th yeah two-ish weeks two to three two three weeks I'll be curious to see though if we all see it and if we decide yes we want to do a pod on it or if we because of the nature of you know everything that's happening around the film with the lead actor who will end up doing a pod in on it or not so we'll see TBD TBD gone in Flash there you go oh speaking of good superhero mo
vies with knots necessarily things around it the new Spider-Man film across across the spider-verse is that part one is that your uh is that yours that's probably the lowest excited for for the summer okay is definitely um yeah across the spider verse and then I Transformers rise of the Beast is like you're very close second oh very close second because it's [ __ ] Transformers I mean come on and it looks red should be it should be so good it should be a great a great time yes yeah it should be
yeah you've convinced me to go see it I mean we got we grew up watching Beast Wars you remember yes yes we did that was that was my first real exposure to Transformers I didn't I think did you guys watch the older show the original the cartoon yeah I don't remember watching that at all yeah maybe I was too young maybe when it was on it was it's old yeah it was 80s right yeah you guys probably caught like the reruns in England in the early 90s yeah and then like right when I was born so then I wo
uldn't really remember you should watch this it's only like two seasons and then a couple movies and then a bunch of spin-offs and then beast wars and then Beast Wars well I remember Beast Wars yeah and then Netflix has their entire movie thing that came out recently with with it oh right right there's like four Transformers animated films they're actually pretty good they do oh yeah like 3D anime yeah oh [ __ ] it's uh it's basically it talks about It's the final days um of the where's their ho
me planet Cybertron thank you uh the final season of Cybertron and Megatron and the uh Decepticons are just kind of wasting away in the last of the Autobots led by Optimus uh basically Escape Cybertron to end up on earth oh quite interesting nice good film yeah yeah I think yeah there's four of them transform yeah Transformers right rise of the Beast definitely yeah close close second yeah yeah so but that's not until what end of the month Transformers yeah it was June 9th wow we got a lot of mo
vies yeah that's a there's a there's a we're getting a log Jam here yeah the first half of June the next three Fridays June 2nd across the spider verse then part one right June 9th Transformers rise of beasts and then June 16th Flash The Flash June 30th two weeks later Indiana Jones dial of Destiny do you know what I'm actually excited for that I am so excited yeah sure so I think I mentioned before the pause like yeah you know I gotta be very juicy with my movies all the movies we just said lik
e they put a gun in my head and like he couldn't I I probably can only see maybe three right and it's those first it might be convinced me fores of the Beast which means maybe Indiana Jones has to be the one that gets here I'm curious about that movie because I I do want to see how they kind of you know Harrison Ford has been up front and been like this is going to be my last Indiana Jones movie so this is going to be like the definitive end at least of like so he dies his character no not neces
sarily maybe he retires but but he's very much envisioned this like this is the end of Indiana Jones right like this character that you've known for 40 50 40 years 80s yeah I want to say so it could be very wrong but I feel like Raiders was 83. same year's return um so yeah I'm excited to see that I also have this curiosity because like Kingdom of the Crystal Skull obviously like came out and uh was terrible wasn't the best but it also introduced a lot of kind of lore changing elements of Indian
a gets married Indiana has this sun and at least through the trailer just been no indication of where's his wife where's his son like maybe they're hiding that for the movie but I don't know like I'm I do like continuity in my in my films and universes and stuff so I guess I'm just curious like how does that all are they going to ignore Kingdom of the Crystal Skull or is it going to be a part of this movie in some way shape or form Cameo really yeah mother I'm aware of that's if I know me yeah M
ichael sorry yeah stricken I'm surprised um nobody's mentioned the Wes Anderson film oh asteroid City yeah I'm actually pretty I'm actually like I haven't mentioned any movies yet you we don't really want to hear your opinion that's fair yeah I would say asteroid City looks interesting that comes out the same week I believe as the flash yeah it's gonna tank in comparison I think it's I think they're doing limited release on the 16th with a wide release on the 23rd because the 23rd doesn't have a
ny major Blockbuster I think it has that Jennifer uh Lawrence movie that no hard feelings no feelings that comes out to June 23rd that one's actually kind of interesting because like it's it's a comedy and it's like goofy looking yeah wait which one's that uh no hard feelings is that where she's been she's a summer trying to get someone to come out of that shell basically yeah yeah there you go there's the tagline right there yeah yeah there's also I mean yeah I don't want to take you know Chris
tian yeah you want to jump in with your I'm gonna say yeah I'm gonna say I think there are two the first one it's gonna be funny because uh anyone who's sees this and hears us it's going to be like you Hypocrites I don't say Oppenheimer yeah uh because you do [ __ ] on that movie you definitely did a trailer reaction to that one yeah I did yeah because the newest trailer is look is incredible I mean it's Christopher Nolan right and I I do consider myself a Christopher Nolan movie Stand except fo
r tenant uh I I want to re-watch it and give it a chance because I every movie that he's made I've Loved sure I think all of his movies are probably in my top 50 so to be honest maybe because I was saying the same thing maybe don't accept it but don't look at tenant as a Nolan film look at Tennant as a John David Washington would that help yes oh because he's a great actor and he does a good performance yeah yeah I just forget that Nolan directed it and I think that's what I'm gonna try and do a
ctually wait have you seen insomnia um [ __ ] the one uh with guy tears Memento thank you was that his first one Memento was his first like success his first wide one he had like one or two that were like independent okay so yeah I have the scenes I've seen his Blockbusters I guess yeah uh not but not not yeah yeah I think insomnia came after Memento it did yeah who's uh oh sorry you said that Al Pacino Robin Williams uh yeah is this the worst role where he's the villain is it is that the one wh
ere he plays the uh at like Walmart development no that's one hour photo that one's a great that one's because he's a villain in that area as hell yeah when was the last time you saw insomnia Arjuna 20 minutes four or five years ago oh okay never mind I saw when it originally came out and I was like yeah but I've seen it again recently and I'm like this is a slow burn but good interesting I've never seen it I don't think it's bad I just it's my least favorite of the Nolan his his family of movie
s yeah yeah yeah I uh and then the other movie that I'm excited for is uh mission impossible oh dead reckoning part one yep yeah I think it's the first job I think it's the first mission impossible that's uh billed as a one of two parts so I'm excited because the mission impossible uh franchise is just getting better with age every movie that comes out gets bigger better the action is better yeah your suit both of those movies are the ones that you did recent uh reactions yeah yeah and you know
and I'm consistent you know I did reactions because I'm very I'm looking forward to them and uh but you know um say what you will about Tom Cruise he knows how to do action movies I mean uh top gun Maverick last year was my favorite action movie it's one of my favorite action movies of all time isn't your favorite movie of last year uh I uh I forgot all the other movies that came out last year you know I think I did everything everywhere all at once oh yeah who's up there yeah yeah I mean that w
as a lot of good ones so but um but yeah the only other movie you named yeah that's uh yeah yeah your name too I'm like oh yeah so you're not excited for the Barbie movie no I'm curious I don't consider myself a a fan of the Barbie so um okay it's a it's a franchise or an IP that I was like oh I have to you know it's not on the radio I'll put that as my movie like that I'm excited for nice the Barbie movie Just because uh I do think it I I think it's got Ken's hair color wrong I think the movie
I at least one from when I see you of the trailer I think they're taking the whole idea of like IP franchise movies and they're really making fun of it and the whole like connected universe and like we're building up this you know X Y and Z and I think they it's a really talented cast it's a huge cast um and it looks yeah it looks It looks interesting and Will Ferrell's in it so like how can you not love it and simu I don't know I don't know if you've seen the last few Will Ferrell movies they h
aven't been name one bad Will Ferrell movie Anchorman too that doesn't exist who's so bad uh yeah oh I hate that movie oh my God I'm in the mood now Barry's about to puke it's on air tune into was it good I mean YouTube I do want to say one one question I do have you mentioned when you mentioned Mission Impossible and I know we mentioned uh spider-verse recently how do you guys feel about the uh pseudo-ish Return of the part one part two type of thing they did this like earlier in the
2000s when you had like Harry Potter's last movie was split into part one part two uh Hunger Games Twilight like a lot of the big IPS they're like our final part's going to be two-part fast like the Fast and Furious franchise is like fast X will be a part one and there's going to be a part two it is it'll be like the finale but now Vin Diesel's like there's maybe gonna be a part three and are they talking about more spin-offs as well the spin-offs too but like but the idea of even branding a mov
ie is like a part one how do you guys feel Dune part one so some some films I think do a good job like Harry Potter splitting into two parts I think is okay because pacing wise it doesn't feel like things are being dragged out yeah but then you have things like The Hobbit of course just [ __ ] painful wow to uh to like that's a good point no go through so I think it depends I think that as you know Case by case thing or whatever it depends on Strictly I think on pacing and like you know because
it very obviously you can tell like is this needed right if the movie is 50 slow motion shots no it is not needed yeah I don't know I don't I don't think I feel a certain way I think like grabby said it depends if it's if both parts are good or all three parts are good then yeah let's have at it but uh yeah I'm not sure I guess it yeah it depends we'll see like for instance I feel like Dune probably does need a part one part two because it's a beautiful movie The pacing was great it took its tim
e and the cinematography was amazing um but yeah then you have you know The Hobbit which by the way I do like but the whole thing I hate the first one but uh and each one gets worse oh I see I like the last one because I think three is over yeah yeah I thought the third part was almost unwatchable for me wow oh man I've only ever watched them I think once yeah I've seen them like three times wow I I don't know why I like them I know it's bad but it's probably the same reason I like triple Fronti
er another movie by the way I'm just throwing it out there and I'm not being serious but uh oh that's right that is a movie that's coming out and I like the first one because I'm surprised nobody's good action movie mentioned the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film I haven't even seen a trailer for it I don't know anything about it it's fun it looks I'm excited for that I mean and then I think the last Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie animated one we got in theaters was like oh 708 yeah reme
mber like you and I went to go see that I missed it you were in college so you're too cool for it definitely missed uh there's also I'm surprised nobody said the Gran Turismo film oh yeah oh there's a Gran Turismo film yeah it looks like a good sports movie but it looks like it'll be interesting oh that's the one that where they you they're playing like yeah they're gonna try and turn them it's based on a true story I suppose what the [ __ ] I don't know and then there's like training montage in
it Blue Beetle comes out on your birthday yeah so we won't we won't take you to see it well I don't think junior is gonna be planning to be here well excuse me oh then also Meg too the trench I never saw the first one oh okay yeah it seems like you're kind of a movie that's the person it feels hurtful Meg is that horror movie with that doll no shark shark no it's a giant killer shark yeah man Jason is the doll movie yeah wait Megan yeah like make 3n yeah oh you know just make again three or som
ething again oh Megaton that's a dinosaur dinosaur whale a prehistoric um a fake thing that never existed uh there's a ton of movies yeah uh obviously I don't remember previous Summers um but it does feel like this is a jam-packed summer relatively speaking yeah this feels like the first since the pandemic a few years ago because I think now you know production over the last year two years has been able to catch up and you've had things that have been delivered's over right it's over and anyway
and so yeah this feels like the first summer that has like basically a new huge release almost every single week and it's funny when you think about it because you know we say that this is the first summer things feel like we're back and then currently there's the writer strike happening which will a thousand percent affect next summer you've already seen the movies that were supposed to come out next year being delayed and definitely which is which might make next summer like yeah a little more
sparkling so this is going to be the Oasis in a desert of years so it sounds like independent filmmaking is back it's probably not gonna help do anything damn to everybody well Blackberry was an independent film it's true and it was great it was great it only made 1.8 million in the box office that's still budget 5 million oh that's that's tough yeah that's why it's tougher to make smaller movies because it's like yeah you're not going to get your return yeah you can't get it you just it's got
you have to have these big IPS and franchises with the actors that do the names yeah Cinema's dead um at least that's how the studio see it you know like they'll they'll see these these little ones that don't do much and the best you can get is like a few million in return or you just take the big gambles and spend the 200 million and you make a billion dollars it's not a big gamble it's there's so much like of that money it's supposed to spend on like researching and just tweaking the things so
that you know it's gonna get butts and seeds right right I mean who is it to to a point like you know these older film directors like the tarantinos and the Scorsese like you know Cinema's Dead with these Marvel type movies and to a degree I think they are correct in terms of there is so much research and marketing and just science manipulation to get that money so yeah 2 degree maybe but whatever Robert Downey Jr was like whatever of course says he can shove it oh because yeah the other day li
ke someone like Robert Downey Jr thing is like cool I still get paid yeah Robert Hunter June's gonna be an Oppenheimer he is yeah who's to say what Cinema is and that Marvel is not Cinema well that's right yeah no marching scores he is Cinema yeah all right that's movies what about TV shows that you're excited for oh can I start sure please because I don't know what TV shows are coming out here's one I think you guys might have forgotten about the bear season two that's right yeah two weeks uh a
nd all episodes dropping uh one day at once yeah so the Bears one I'm excited for and the other one which I didn't was relatively new development uh because they just really announced it I think a few weeks ago was Black Mirror season six that's right also coming out that is in June so I'm really excited for both of those um it's been a long time I think the last season of Black Mirror we got was pre-pandemic that's bandersnet that was a season there's that season five with Anthony Mackey yeah u
h and I I've only seen two episodes of Black Mirror that was one of them and the big one no I haven't seen the big one oh that's I mean to start a series with that geez like yeah wow I I I I I'm black man was tough for me because it's too scary I don't it's too Bleak really yeah oh it's too Bleak it's like uh yeah you know almost like oh it feels so I have to be in the mood to watch it I'm not usually in that mood I usually will just like pick random episodes every night like when I'm feeling do
wn about myself and put that on I'm just like wow I feel great because that ain't my life they're just great commentary it's just great commentaries on different portions life and technology and uh and everything so I'm excited for those two uh and then yeah um the bear is just the first season was was Perfection so anyways so I'm excited to to see how they followed up and how it does I'm surprised they're doing a a binge drop again I thought they would really try to do that show weekly because
it's probably so like that show was there's so much talk around it so like really trying to stretch it out you know like the conversation around it I think I read somewhere it's because because they did the first season as a binge drop yeah and like the show is written and done in such a way that it's supposed to be a bin show yeah right because you're clearly going through different styles visual Styles visual cues things are just changing that it would be hard to keep uh I think audience engag
ed week to week over how over how over you know whatever amount of episodes and stuff so because also remember their run times of some of those episodes are wildly different right like there's one episode that's 35 minutes one episode that's only 12 the one shot episode is like uh yeah it's like 20 something minutes okay yeah but so that's good those I'm also excited for those as well yeah same yeah can you guys uh just real quick just list some shows that are coming out that because I really am
drawing a blank right now on what is coming out in terms of TV shows yeah for shows yeah I'm like what is coming out you have this thing in front of you called a knife I tried looking it up and on uh I have a few other shows yeah yeah and then I'm excited for uh so in terms of new shows yeah uh there is the new HBO show uh coming out the weekend show the weekend show called the idol that comes out June 4th uh there's a new Marvel show coming out this summer called secret Invasion yep oh I am th
at I am also always sunny season um 16's coming out well I haven't seen it in the first 15 season so you've seen episodes here and there I have you don't really need to that's true no I mean last season they did was a continuous like run like storyline that would want to watch though because it's a good show I should we need to I just um a secret secret and uh reservation yeah because I saw that one trailer the 60 second TV spot it looks so good yeah it looks really I mean it looks like Marvel's
answer to Andor yeah very much a lot of ways so yeah yeah yeah there's also another Star Wars show coming out this summer I'm surprised neither if you guys remembered it uh it's called Ahsoka I am not excited I I don't know why but I I I I I'm nervous I'm nervous for it I think it's I think it's gonna I'm I'm worried it's gonna go the way of like Obi-Wan to be honest I thought the trailer looked great the trailer looks promising Disney is so good with their trailers it's gonna take them all wit
h a grain of salt but I'm more excited I have more faith in this show because Dave filoni is firmly entrenched and singularly right attached to it but like buffaloni is not perfect we know this so yeah what has he done wrong the final season of The Clone Wars do you remember that yeah I mean that's but that that's not egregious like the rest of that season's so good it's like you could forgive episodes three seasons of Clone Wars weren't great and they can just not ever watch them again yeah I m
ean he has gotten better options the first two seasons here's the other thing here's a Counterpoint to that George Lucas was involved more intimately with the first few seasons and and when he left the show got better sure you know because filoni was a little bit more in charge even this last season of like Mandalorian which wasn't everybody's favorite he was less involved in it because he's working on this show so that gives me more faith that like this show will be good and like the good Manda
lorian or the you know the the most popular I'm also the Mandalorian yeah have often been been written by a day also here's a big here's the bit I think one of the bigger selling points they didn't use the volume they didn't as much as they used it in Obi-Wan so that alone to me is like oh you're already doing it we'll see we'll see we'll see yeah also was filoni at all involved in Obi-Wan because I feel like he was not subbed that was uh Deborah Chow yeah he was there as like he he does have a
producing credit for it but no he wasn't involved creatively with that show hmm yeah I I have you know I I'll have cautious optimism but I can't say I'm gung-ho looking forward to it if that makes sense I'm hoping it's good and hopefully it will be so do you have shows that I can write down nothing oh I I have a secret Invasion that was that was fine yeah uh there's also a couple other shows uh did either of you watch the after party no Apple TV the second season's coming out this summer what th
e hell is half there's also only murders in the building yeah that's another season that's a good one uh the after party was a show on Apple TV plus which was like a whodunit murder mystery oh uh show with uh the Star Wars uh Tiffany haddish she was like the lead detective oh um and then it had a like an ensemble cast who are basically all the suspects and then each episode through a different suspect oh that sounds pretty fun yeah it was it was it was it was a really fun show I liked it a lot d
id you figure out who did it who who the murderer yeah I did you did figure it out oh okay oh smarty pants Apple TV also has hijack I completely forgot about that that's where the Idris Alba oh yeah it's uh yes this is true at the end of June uh it comes out it's a seven part Thriller plays on real time uh 24. during a uh a flight it's London bound uh it's hijacked oh so it's like plane meets Luther I don't know I mean honestly probably most likely yeah that's probably what it's gonna be I don't
I don't know that's kind of cool though yeah you got yeah I think for TV I'm like very out of the loop on that so I've been watching a lot of anime so uh you know well there's this way then to like uh our pitches and start pitching you pitch uh what yeah what we should be watching because you said so yeah okay yeah I'll go first um so Arjuna actually mentioned this a few months ago um so he knows and if you're watching the Pod you know that I'm a big fan for some reason of high school sports an
imes it's your Niche it's my Niche and uh I tried I think I did a 60 second Pitch on kuruko's basketball um a few years ago uh I watched and then I I watched I got into a yowamushi pedal which is high school cycling uh and then I got into high school basketball with high Q and then the latest one uh Arjuna actually mentioned uh and I'd love to know how you came across this you're like have you seen samay blue lock blue lock is uh soccer with high schoolers but it's not high school soccer now the
reason I'm pitching it to you guys is all of these uh Japanese High School animes they're very into teamwork sacrificing the self for the greater good right um you know very you know Japanese sentiments right like uh we work hard for the betterment of society blue lock is the complete opposite of that blue lock is uh taking all these high school Strikers the Fords in on these uh high school teams putting them into a hunger game style competition to create the perfect Striker the guy who's runni
ng this whole organization says the only way Japan can compete on an international level is to start developing a very strong ego the reason Japan sucks at soccer these are his words by the way sucks a soccer is because this sacrificing ourselves for the greater good it just creates subpar play you need a focal point you need this guy who devours everyone else on the team uh to and that's the only way Japan is going to get better at soccer so if all of these other high school sports animes are t
his style of teamwork and camaraderie and you know the feel good uh blue lock is this almost dystopian like the strong Will Survive you betray your teammates your teammates are going to become your Rivals and your enemies in the next stage of the competition if it's really interesting to watch and it's uh I think you said it Ravi that Japan might be trying to start developing these other uh ideals or values potentially and this could be an example of that uh oh is it based animation is incredibl
e by the way it's based on a map okay so it was a manga okay are you gonna read the Manga you think or no I don't I don't read the mangas I probably should but I just watch animes so what do you do in your free time I watch animes yeah and then the current one that I'm watching yeah it's only one season out so far I'm like I said the animation is insane but the current anime I'm watching The Demon Slayer which is very popular yeah um first few episodes are pretty generic uh but the animation and
the action are fantastic and the only reason I started it is because everyone says the first three episodes of genetic and then it gets crazy so I'm I'm waiting for that twist it's trippy you haven't hit it yet haven't hit it yet how many episodes are you in uh probably like seven okay yeah not too far have you watched you ever watched demons later I haven't no yeah well then here let me put you on mine real quick it's this Japanese anime called Blue lock sounds familiar well that was gonna be
my pitch no so mine is a legend of the white dragon what the hell it is a Yu-Gi-Oh spin-off it's an independent Power Rangers like fan film that was crowdfunded via Kickstarter a couple years ago it is unfortunately Jason Frank's last role before his you know passing and he plays basically he plays a white a white Power Ranger um but it's like it's basically more of a mature version of Power Rangers um it is I don't think in any way tied or attached to Hasbro or any of that stuff so it's going t
o be released online you know like a YouTube type release but that's coming out the very very very end of the summer like September 4th I think I remember seeing a trailer for that almost like two years ago yeah and uh it looked I didn't realize it was gonna they were making it into a full thing I thought it was just like a a fan made trailer for what Power Rangers should be they gotta they raped they did it they were able to raise half a million dollars yeah to make it and yeah it's finally com
ing in September that'll be fun okay should be fun it's only like a 54 minute thing so okay yeah we should definitely review it and watch it yeah oh wow because we love Power Rangers go Power Rangers I have sourced the YouTube video of all the theme songs good job yeah I don't know if I really have anything we mentioned a lot of well thank you for the pot everybody we were mentioning a lot of things are in this I guess one thing that wasn't mentioned that I'll mention which I think could be a an
interesting maybe somewhat fun summer movie uh as you guys both well you went TV show and you went TV special uh is uh the new Haunted Mansion movie coming out in July yeah I'm gonna pass uh starring uh lakeith stanfeld um and Danny DeVito oh okay Owen Wilson wow oh Tiffany haddish oh this is uh and there's there's somebody else oh um uh uh wow Jim Carrey I see let me look at Eddie Murphy let me make sure I get the he's the original yeah yeah that's the only one interesting Haunted Mansion uh a
nd Angela Bassett uh Rosario Dawson oh Jamie Lee Curtis oh and ravi's favorite actor on the entire planet Jared Leto oh oh wow you just kind of ruined it for me um Winona Ryder apparently is also in the movie oh I'm just close for all that's a quite a cast it's great cast feel like a lot of cameos that's uh yeah yeah I think most of those are main characters it's a group that's in the Haunted Mansion it's not like the oh the Eddie Murphy version where it was like a family that moved in wait so i
s you're a Disneyland recently yes probably more more reason than I was but is the Haunted Mansion then closed because I would imagine they're going to reskin it it had it hasn't last time I was there it wasn't closed I'd be curious well you uh almost sold me and then you said Jared Leto so that was the one you should have Jared that's the one you should have hit not so while he is playing a character he's the Hat Box ghost which on the ride the Hat Box ghost doesn't speak oh oh now I'm interest
ed again yeah all right and the hat box goes if you've been on the ride um the cool part of that dose is the that ghost is holding a lantern and he transfers his face on his face into the lantern yeah so that might be cool with Jared Leto faceless speechless you're just selling me on this film yeah I'm now genuinely excited he's just copycatting Brad Pitt from Deadpool 2. there you go so that one flash frame right oh yeah I would imagine I'll see it and then if he has a speaking role I'll probab
ly leave the theater and demand a refund that sounds like a waitford streaming movie oh I want to watch it but I don't know if I want to spend money what if we're gonna do a pot on it well you you too and uh pull in uh pulling uh you know a friend of the Pod or just do YouTube it could just do us YouTube YouTube YouTube for YouTube YouTube we should bold predictions for the summer of 2021 what let's keep screaming 2012 earlier yeah in my intro did I say 2023. thank God yeah geez why I'm I'm a ti
me traveler I'm just all over the time lord so pull predictions traditionally are about what we will see in our content right like what's going to happen you know in the next season of Mandalorian or or whatnot but for this how we how are we going to frame I think it could just be any bull predictions that will happen during the summer right like you could be like the bear season two is gonna suck right or it's too generic you could be like the Haunted Mansion will be Christian's favorite movie
everyone's favorite or you could be could do something box office right related like right like uh you know Mission Impossible will be the highest grossing movie of the summer or you know uh the flash will tank critically and commercially you know something you could do something like that or you could be like Ravi won't see any movies this summer I have I have considered that or you could be like Krishna will see the Barbie movie and become a Barbie stand but secretly but and not tell anyone be
cause I'm so ashamed and we'll buy like a bunch of Barbie dolls so the next time we go visit him he's got like all these Barbies in his closet yeah so we can't use any of those because they're all pretty good full predictions I got one let's hear it Nick Fury will die at the end of conversation do you think that's gonna happen [Music] it doesn't seem that bold to begin with you don't think so no killing Nick Fury no I already wrote it down it's your build prediction all right you're locked in I'
m locked I mean unless you can think of one in five seconds or less yeah we can move on this isn't bold Ahsoka the series will split the Star Wars fan base well yeah it has a female lead so cool he's also a minority so of course it will split the fan base oh actually then no no opposite the actual bull prediction Ahsoka will not split the fan base Circle will unite the stuff and everyone will unite everyone who is a star no one will say a single negative thing about the Ahsoka series oh everybod
y that is my Bowl prediction we said bold not it's ridiculous not not we said we said bold not wrong it's just a wrong prediction this is Taco Bell levels of bold level oh God IHOP I love IHOP I mean I really like the country fried steak that they had it was so good the milkshake in that case yeah I'm pretty sure that's what screwed me up today oh yeah you had I had problems all night yes and then he didn't sleep damn I'm sorry no it's all not you I wonder what was it undercooked or something th
en like guys just we got that fruit at like midnight with one waitress for the whole restaurant did a great job props to her did a great job shout out to the waitress at that IHOP downtown in L.A if you're listening great work yeah good work also weird thank you why because it just feels so we need fans and we'll take whoever we can get take this opportunity to like And subscribe and if you're the waitress then uh comment below if you're watching on YouTube I think I'm going to enjoy the summer
TV shows more than the majority like more than the movies in the war for the free TV and movies like I think the bear and uh so black mirror and Ahsoka and secret Invasion and all of those like cumulatively will be better than the cumulativeness of like the Flash and Transformers and spider-verse and Indie and Oppenheimer and Barbie and all that stuff I think like it'll be a better TV summer than it is a movie Summer that's pretty bold actually yeah because movies especially summer block pressur
es are supposed to be the best of the the collectively right it's supposed to be the best commercial right right yeah like these are these are the most they're gonna get the butts and the seeds and have those highs that you want um but I do think the summer I'm sorry are movies drugs what yeah they are drugs um you have to poison the kids early whoa push through keep going but yeah I just think that some of these shows are gonna be really really good uh like I you know I I don't know what to exp
ect from the idol I don't know if it'll be good or not but I think it'll be polarizing and people talk about it maybe that was a bad example to start with um but the bear like I think the Bear's gonna be great I think Black Mirror is going to be great um I think secret Invasion and Ahsoka have a chance to be like really special um especially for like the MCU and for Star Wars um so yeah I'm I'm excited for both but yeah I think the I think the shows will be will be better actually can't change m
y Bowl prediction no my bull prediction is that the because you know where you know we're gearing up for a political race next year all right I forgot about that small little one I think the news coverage of the the over the summer uh is gonna be more entertaining than the movies and I'm kidding wow she's already started like the Elon Musk run DeSantis thing that's where it's supposed to happen and just the [ __ ] that like how the news has been covering it's been quite it's quite funny oh wow y
our new ball prediction that baseball season will be the most enjoyable thing for you this summer well that's a lie it's also impossible do you want to go catch a Dodgers game no there's one today oh God no no no no no Memorial Day no no no Dodgers America yet I will say maybe one this I'm I'm gonna say it I'm gonna say Oppenheimer is going to become my new favorite Christopher Nolan movie and that's saying something because Interstellar is my favorite movie ever yeah I know so that would make I
nterstellar Oppenheimer my new favorite movie of all time glorification on a weapon of mass destruction oh I have one more bold prediction yeah I think it's more of a cautionary tale to be honest but I mean but the problem though is that even if it is and right now hopefully that is what that film is we haven't learned better no yes collectively I think Humanity's gonna lie Jupiter we're humans right we'll never learn this is his first movie with universal right yes he left oh it is yeah he left
Warner Brothers after everything Lieutenant right um because Warner Brothers wouldn't back him on his kill everybody in the theater play Universal's like yeah we'll kill people let's do it Universal we've been around for like 100 plus years though you don't get here without you know killing your audience you know it's kind of at a movie about the weapon of mass destructions the whole thing is just layered and just kind of like it's kind of perfect wow I do Wonder so Universal if you go to Unive
rsal Studios they do a studio Tram Tour yeah the Backlot tour yeah the Backlot tour I do wonder if they'll have anything from Oppenheimer oh definitely definitely a lot tour because they added stuff from nope uh that I hate what they added on the back it wasn't like a stupid people it could have been it could have been great but it was the dumbest thing ever um like you just had like a quick UFO flight like how hard is that so easy just with Holograms yeah um or kite yeah I was gonna say somethi
ng about Oppenheimer I forgot you're excited oh I'm actually not your new world production is you're not you're not excited were you gonna mention the new IMAX black and white film that was invented for this film no no I don't know what what is that there's he had Kodak I believe make black and white film that's IMAX film they don't make it normally because his ego is just not hey hey man remember what we said in Blackberry sure you know it takes the ego to really Drive things for and then you g
o too far right so has Christopher long gone too far is he about to fall off Warner Brothers and tenant yeah and now he's at Universal they're going to let him continue going too far too far and then at some point something will happen yeah he starts making movies where it's just him looking into it I just hope like genuinely you know he he you know you know he created a uh smaller nuke or whatever right in order to like make things look realistic and all that fun stuff and I think you know stuf
f like that's okay whatever you do it for the pictures but I do hope though at some point like he's not endangering cast and crew because he wants to get that perfect shot or whatever and I feel like oh he may maybe maybe he's not now but just his response over everything Lieutenant certainly makes me think he's definitely put people before zero chance and I hope though that like that's not true somebody will stop somebody will stop him hopefully you remember interesting remember when they're sp
inning and like Anne Hathaway passed out and then they all passed out listen they actually passed out to get art requires sacrifice truly great art this one's more personal okay Ravi will see Mad Max Fury Road this summer I doubt it I I would take I would take you said you'd do it for like an outdoor movie or something or like a re-release oh yeah that'd be fun maybe we could find one this summer why how about you guys all collectively go in rent me a theater and have them play and then I'll jus
t forget the time and not show up I'm just gonna put it on your TV after this podcast duct tape your eyes open that's gonna do it for us here and there was a good podcast as ours thank you so from so much for tuning in listening you can find the full episode on wow what did I do was it good definitely just had a brain fart there follow us on Instagram and Tick Tock it was a good pod check us out on Twitter at was it good and our website was a good dot info our next pod wi
ll be coming out later this week definitely on across the spider-verse across the spider-verse and or Ted lassos and or Ted lassos and or Ted lasso season three and we are was it good fairly well we were was it good we were good and cut
