
The Crow 1994 Engagement ring scene 4K

4K HDR DV The Crow 1994 Shelly's engagement ring scene 4K Brandon Lee


6 days ago

Who the fuck is this now? Hey! Piss off! We're closed! Cerrado! Go sleep it off somewhere else, dusthead! Unless you want to get mutilated. Goddamn creatures of the night, they never learn. Hey! Hey! "Suddenly, I heard a tapping, "as if someone gently rapping, "rapping at my chamber door." What are you talking about? You heard me rapping, right? You're trespassing. And you owe me a fucking new door! I'm looking for something in an engagement ring. Gold. You're looking for a coroner, shit-for-bra
ins. Oh, shit. Oh, shit on me! Shit on me. Shit on me! Mr. Gideon. You're not paying attention. No! My hand! I repeat, a gold engagement ring, yes? It was pawned here a year ago by a customer of yours named Tin Tin. He confided in me before he ran out of breath. Who's this sack of shit? That's Tin Tin, one of T-Bird's little helpers. I think you can rule out accidental death. Don't any of your street demons have real grown-up names? This could be a turf hit, but it doesn't look like your usual g
ang crap. Come on, Albrecht, spare me. You're a beat cop now, so be a beat cop. I'm supposed to thank you for that, right? Word to the wise... Watch your fucking mouth. What the hell do you call that? I call it blood, Detective. I suppose you'll write it up as "graffiti." You can leave my crime scene now, okay? Warmer? What are you doing? Don't you know this game? What game are you talking about? Okay, the rings! I'll tell you about the rings! They're in that metal box! It's under the shelf ther
e! Take it! Take your fucking rings! Choke on them, you son of a bitch! Look, it goes up to the attic. Okay. No, no. No, no, no. Oh, it's beautiful. I don't believe it. Shelly. I love you. You have one chance to live. Take anything you want. Thank you. Take anything! Now you're gonna tell me where to find the rest of Tin Tin's little party pals. The Pit. They all hang out at The Pit. All of T-Birds' little potato-heads hang out there. Funboy. He lives there upstairs, all right? Funboy. Oh, baby,
oh! A whole jolly club... Stop! Stop! Please! ...With jolly pirate nicknames! Stop! Please! Jesus Christ... Hold still! Each one of these is a life, a life you helped destroy. I'm begging you, all right? Don't kill me. I'm not gonna kill you. Your job will be to tell the rest of them that death is coming for them... Tonight. Tell them Eric Draven sends his regards. You walk out of here, they're gonna erase your sorry ass! You're nothing but street grease, you hear? Street grease, you motherfuck
er! Is that gasoline I smell? No, man, no! No! No! No!
