
The CSUN Assistive Technology Conference

Join researchers, practitioners, educators and exhibitors to foster connections and share knowledge, innovations and best practices for assistive technology, accessibility and inclusion. -Livestreamed Keynote Address and Featured Presentations -Hundreds of Educational Sessions on a range of topics presented by industry and community leaders -Numerous Networking Opportunities with colleagues, peers and thought leaders in the disability community -Pre-Conference Workshops for in-depth content and training -Extensive Exhibit Hall FREE and open to the public

Center on Disabilities at CSUN

4 days ago

The CSUN Assistive Technology Conference The Premier Forum on Technology  for All Persons with Disabilities Bringing Together Researchers,  Practitioners, Educators and Innovators Attend Workshops, Keynote Address, Educational  Sessions, Exhibits, Networking Events Share Knowledge, Innovations, Best Practices (Mike Paciello): “This conference has  everything…we’ve got shows, we’ve got exhibit centers, we’ve got new technology,  emerging technology, AI, VR, its all over the place…its all here as
it is every single  year, that’s what I love about this conference!” (Deaf Man signing with interpreter translating) “Mind-blowing…Diversity of Access, Accessibility Options, the different ways that people interact with each other. I loved  meeting so many different people today.” (Blind Woman speaking) “I love the fact that everybody is here internationally…and not  only that, people like me who are blind, we have an opportunity to speak to people  like Amazon…give our opinion to people who rea
lly want to listen and have the  ability to do something about it.” (Woman in Lobby) “…Getting to meet all  the people and learn more about all the different kinds of technology  that people have to offer.” Connect, Engage, learn (VOG) (Man/Exhibitor in Booth) “That AHA Moment the people get when I’m at a session and people  come up after the session and say ‘Hey, I can’t believe I learned this’, and it’s some  AHA moment that just makes me really feel like they’re getting the information and th
ey can  go back and make more accessible content.” (Woman on Show Floor) “We’re really learning a lot of new technologies and we’re seeing a lot of new innovations  coming out of the accessibility space.” (Blind Man on Show Floor) “It’s a well-rounded event and I think it’s really good year after year…it  has the support and technology that we all need.” (Woman on Show Floor) “My favorite thing about CSUN is all the relationships that I’ve been building…I  love networking and meeting new people.
” (Man in Exhibit Booth) “It’s just been a great week being surrounded by so many people who are  equally as passionate about accessibility.” Promoting a More Inclusive World for Everyone The CSUN Assistive Technology Conference.
