
The Curse of Oak Island Season 11 Full Episodes S10E09 (Mar, 22) A Damming Clue

#OakIsland2024 #TheCurseOfOakIsland #TheCurseOfOakIsland2024

Pranijagat Bangla

13 hours ago

oh we got wood it looks like it might be a new shaft it changes the whole story yeah we could be looking at The Money Pit there are significant anomalies in this area wow that is huge we need to dig oh yeah look at that that is sweet this is Roman Roman no way definitely from 300 BC Roman baby it's remarkable there is an island in the North Atlantic where people have been looking for an incredible treasure for more than 200 years so far they have found a stone seil times and a lead cross whose o
rigin may be connected to the knight's Templar to date six men have died trying to solve the mystery and according to Legend one more will have to die before the treasure can be [Music] found gentlemen what's going on out in the field so uh want to get you up to date try to F be based on different records that's right as a new day begins on Oak Island Brothers Rick and Marty lagina along with their partner Craig tester have gathered for an important meeting with members of their team in the rese
arch center we have to take advantage of the fact that the garden shaft project is on hold because it presents unique opportunities to conduct more Drilling in The Money Pit area all right good unfortunately due to permitting issues the team's reconstruction of the garden shaft in the Money Pit area which began 1 month ago is currently on hold it elected wood samples that have been dated to the early 18th century but also conducted water tests that yielded High trace evidence of gold so let's ju
st summarize what's going on in The Money Pit yeah yes now as they await permission for the project to proceed the team must decide how best to continue their pursuit of the fabled Money Pit treasure Vault and the Ultimate answers to a 228 year-old mystery one thing we could discuss while we're right in this area you know you can see what we've drilled around there we have five holes all along there defining a tunnel right we drilled there and we had a direct hit we had wood around 103 ft I mean
it's the first time that we felt that we've ever drilled into a tunnel that was still open yeah oh what's that what's up that's a view down the tunnel oh wow it's awesome one recent discovery that the team is considering for further investigation is a 5T high wood cribed tunnel which they've encountered at five separate drilling locations at a depth of 103 ft this structure has not only been carbon dated to as early as the 17th century but may also be leading in the direction of the garden shaf
t here with possibility that this tunnel uh if it is confirmed uh runs toward the garden shop and there might be x marks a spot at the end of that tunnel you know then the question is do we continue pursuing this tunnel or is there a want to move to d7.5 this one is right offset to the Garden shaft we could intercept this 70t tunnel which was first found in DC 17 5 weeks ago the team drilled into another tunnel in Bor hole d17 at a depth of just 70 ft that they've speculated odd that it's at tha
t depth it almost has to be an offset chamber there's no point in having an upward facing tunnel is it what makes this an ideal location for the team to investigate now is that it sets just 20 ft south of the garden shaft because when they and the team from Duma Contracting limited are given permission to continue with the operation to clear out and reconstruct a new waterproof shaft down to at least the 80t depth if any evidence of man-made voids or structures are detected nearby lateral tunnel
s can be constructed off the main shaft in order to allow the team to search press strongly that this is original work we've never encountered wood at that elevation before so everything that we find everything we uncover will be new to us and thus it will be exciting so we're actually looking for two things the 70 foot and the 100 foot tunnel y yep okay so where are we going next then we should talk about it yeah to me I guess do we want to look for this tunnel up towards the garden shaft at D7
we have no records of this tunnel is it a tunnel leading to an offset chamber yeah possibly so we could drill a well to try to Define this the gold data I guess I'm okay with it for me that's the objective there is really get an idea of the orientation of the tunnel yeah so those are my thoughts okay so we're going to move down to d7.5 good I like to know more about that thing and I would like a water samp maybe a couple as you go down yes mhm so let the data speak let the science speak let's s
ee where this goes yes all right guys let's go thank you thank you later that morning d7.5 this could be it all right look you've got nothing north of you so that's what that's good as geologist Terry mat and Oak Island historian Charles barous supervised the drilling of bhole d7.5 in The Money Pit area there we go this is a nice little area of lot five k Rick lagina and metal detection expert Gary Dron arrive on lot 5 located on the western side of Oak Island I've already been in EMA and I put
a lot of flags down there's a lot of good sound in Target so as far as I'm concerned it's rainy with a Chance of artifact so first flag's over 4 acre property from the estate of Robert Young who passed away in 2020 this is in the past now mate to the Future let's get started okay Rick and Gary quickly Unearthed several potentially important Clues look at that these include two possible iron chisels and a cut hammered coin which Metallurgy analysis suggests could date back to the 16th century or
early earlier all right that sounds good now after flagging a number of additional metal Targets in the area Gary and Rick Five May reveal about the Oak Island mystery gr is so Rocky come on little effects yep that's it what we got here mate the heck is that if you don't know I don't know oh I mean what it's a metal Acorn yeah that's what I was thinking as well this really is nuts yeah I don't know what that is it's heavy it's crude it's not oh heavy said very dense and the interesting thing abo
ut this is we're like maybe 30 ft away from where we found that piece of Bell Mell one year ago while searching on the adjacent lot form Gary and Jack Begley found a piece of bell metal which chemist Dr Christopher so believed may have been a fragment of an ancient Cannon and possibly Portuguese in origin okay mate we're bagging it cuz it looks old yep is it possible that Rick and Gary have found another clue on lot five that could help identify so next flag somewhere in here not bad yeah not ba
d sounded just uh I'm going to take my jacket off cuz I'm in business now things are rotting up okay I'll see if you moved it and you moved it cuz it sounds better mhm oh what's that D wow look at that yeah on lot V located on the western side of Oak Island Rick Lina and Gary trayon have just found what could be a very important clue might not have been fired but doesn't look fired yeah but I love it when we find stuff like this I mean you're going back to black powder weapons so you know you're
going back maybe you're talking late 1500s yeah a musketball potentially dating back to the 16 Century could it be related to the ancient tools and the hammered coin that were also recently on Oak Island there is a way to date this mate we can uh uh measure the diameter and see what caliber it is cuz this does seem on the small side well that is bable yeah definitely that is a Bonafide artifact this is just the beginning of the story mate the following day good morning gentlemen hey fellas hi g
uys hey morning Stefan I know that you post process the the grid the North End of the swamp and I personally am very interested in conference with ground penetrating radar expert Stefan gr we all know that prior to his passing Fred was kind enough to inform us of a possibility of a log structure in the North End of the swamp so uh I very much look forward to this because if there's log wall there that is huge that that's original work if it's there okay I'm good to go yep one week ago following
a preliminary geophysical scan of the swamp which identified a curious underground anomaly near the northern border Stefon conducted a follow-up ground penetrating radar scan of the area the same area on Lot 10 where Tom's late Father Fred Nolan found at evidence of what he believed could be a man-made Dam a dam that may have been constructed centuries ago to create the triangle shaped swamp in order to hide something of Great Value I'm going to let you tell us what you learned yes definitely no
w having fully processed his GPR data Stefon is prepared to review his findings with the team so let me start with the scans with the opam jeopard GPR we do see significant um anomalies in this area coming from the left to the another scan this is very interesting because we do see here again anomalies in the middle of the grid from the left to the right and those are between 2 and 8 ft depth so it's a duplication moress wow numerous anomalies running in a linear pattern between 3 and 8 ft deep
just north of the swamp could it be evidence to support Fred Nolan's Theory regarding a potential man-made Dam the information that Stefan relay to us I found it incredibly intriguing thought was certainly worthy of further investigation I believe that Fred was truthful about probing such a structure or finding such a structure I think if you come to a point where you think a Target is legit then you need to dig well thank you for that because it's very curious Craig you have any thoughts just u
h mean get Tom involved um obviously so be interesting to see what he thinks about this location yeah 100% the next steps would be obviously to inform Tom and that it would be up to Tom to decide how to proceed My Hope Is after hearing there was but you're going to be getting a lot more data you're looking forward to it fair enough careful what you wish for great thank you very much appreciate it as Rick and members of the team finished their meeting in the War Room in The Money Pit area looks l
ike we got a core coming y Terry mat and Charles barkhouse continue supervising the drilling operation in Bor hole d7.5 C where they hope to once again penetrate a mysterious tunnel at a depth of some 70 ft 39 ft at the bottom 39 how about that we've got wood that's OD at 39 ft that's an interesting outcome don't you think Charles scalpel please scalpel thank you wow Charles what we got is wood we got a lot of wood here too a large quantity of wood at a depth of just 39 ft in bore hole d7.5 and
less than 20 ft south of the garden shaft it's really interesting Charles it's just a a tunnel at 39 ft does not make sense encountered a wooden shaft who built it was it simply previous treasure Hunters during the 19th or 20th centuries or might it have been someone who visited the island much earlier to hide something of Great Value I'm going to let Craig know but let's just leave everything on the table absolutely you know there's so much that we don't know about the money pit area there's a
number of tunnels there's a number of shafts that we know nothing about piece right there you look at the history this is 220 some years of searches if this was easy this would have been solved a long time ago Charles I want answers not more question split beam or something we're not sure but upright yeah seems to be some seems to be an upright yeah now we have the possibility of some kind of a shaft rather than a tunnel right at that unusual depth it's got to be a shaft but which one it's got t
o be between the spot we Drilling and the garden shaft y I would really hoping the d7.5 was a tunnel at 70 ft and led to the Vault or a side chamber the big surprise was down 39 ft we started hitting wood and it was telling us right away you are in a shaft what shaft we don't have a clue they kind of Chase this and figure out what this is yeah it's a major major change yes it changes the whole story yeah we need to get Rick out here hey guys gentlemen what do we got we got a shaft mney in The Mo
ney Pit area a new shaft yeah Rick and Marty leina along with Billy Gart have joined members of the team where they have just made a surprising discovery in Bor hole d7.5 at 38 to 39 intersect a nice little chunk of beam or or something more or less to think maybe the 70t was not a tunnel of a shaft yeah so it's yet another unknown shaft yeah exactly this happens a lot in oky we're drilling to try and identify what we were sure was a tunnel at 70 ft and we're drilling to confirm which way this t
unnel goes well lo and behold what we find out is it's not a tunnel at all totally unknown to us uh a shaft that is not on any Maps or referred to as I know it by anybody what's that so that to me looks like a pits off you have somebody below and somebody above yeah right that's that's an an would potentially cut with a pit saw dating back to the time of ancient Rome this process of sawing Lumber was widely adopted by Europeans in the 15th century and utilized until the Industrial Age when it wa
s replaced by mechanical Sawmills I don't think that was cut with a circular saw is it possible that this structure predates the discovery of The Money Pit in 1795 if so might it be the Breakthrough the team needs in order to solve the 228 yearold mystery you can see that that has the the touch of man there there's there's any way this is pre- Searcher I don't know I I I don't know there shouldn't be a shaft there that's shaft too the assass that you don't know should be a lot older yeah it's mo
re likely to be older you can't dispute that no we're not sure what the garden shaft is we're not sure what number two is we're not sure that this one is so yes yeah that's say there we go hey Mike that's a word you think we're probably going inside of a shaft at this point say to me at this point in time we just want to get to the bottom of the shaft so we've got to chase the wood as far as it on thanks Mike all right good carry on Good Luck later that afternoon Steve you have all the data righ
t yep Rick lagina along with fellow Oak Island land owner Tom Nolan and other members of the team arrive on loot 10 just north of the mysterious triangle-shaped swamp based on the data that Peter gave me I calculated where the center of the anomaly is uh this is the center location so the anomaly itself is 12 ft by 15 ft and this is the center point having reviewed the GPR data collected on his PR search of a potential man-made damp that may lie buried in this area so that's kind of the anomaly
all the way across our grid Tom I don't I don't know if you've noticed this on Zena's map before but you see where it says the Basin yeah and the dam right shows right here tucked right in right right where we are this anomaly could be that damn interesting in 2016 the late author and researcher Zena halber presented Rick Marty and the team with a reported 14th century Meed a number of marked locations including what appeared to be the original Money Pit the swamp and a dam a dam which appears t
o be in the same location as the GPR anomaly that the team is about to dig we've been trying to judge this map on its merits right because we don't know what provenant so it' be really interesting if there is a wall there was something here it' be huge on on a number of levels let's bring in a machine and dig it let's go get it okay I say we don't dig past the stakes yeah there's no question that my anticipation of a dig on the lot tenon for two reasons Fred certainly believed that it was there
and the fact that Zena's map indicates a dam at the Basin I'd love nothing better than for us to ground TR something regarding the designation onus m as Billy Gart carefully excavates the possible man-made anomaly i''s say we're what 3 ft down right now yeah Gary drton will search the spoils with his metal detector for any potentially important clues or valuables G's going to hit yeah we're got the a that's a good sign let see if I can pinpoint it for you oh no wow wow look at this got like a pi
ece of iron here while searching for evidence of a man-made Dam just north of the Oak Island Swamp I'm hoping this is an old F members of the team have just made a potentially significant Discovery fairly chunky that could be like an old iron pin wo to me it looks like rod iron that's a perfect candidate for the xrf we found over the years the the higher the Purity the interpretation is that it's older yeah it' be interesting if we could get an idea how old it is it's a spike might have been use
d when a log wall as Fred suggested might have been constructed but what we need to do is some scientific analysis some met allergy on it if it's pre 1795 before the discovery of The Money Pit well that would be very interesting that didn't float in it didn't float in no some out of the bucket just ahead of your foot yeah it seems to have some kind of oil on it yeah that's been shaped see what you think there's a lot of that there is that oil or craso no that's not Creo no that's not that's a w
you know they put oil on wood for a lot longer than craso wood covered in oil dating back to as early as 400 BC oil was widely used in Asia for the purpose of protecting sailing vessels and structures from long-term EXP exposure to water in Europe until a tar-based substance known as creot replaced it in the 1800s not C that's for sure is it possible that the team has found another clue supporting Fred Nolan's belief that an artificial Dam lies buried just north of the swamp and also corroborate
Zena Hal's reported 14th century Templar map which indicates a dam feature in this area on Oak Island how deep do you think we have Billy 8 ft 8 ft yep we need to go at least three more big old log on there there we go we got a log and we got a plank here as well like a board there's a piece of board and uh that's definitely a piece of shaped board that's deep you go man that's interesting that's b shape it's an interesting find is possibly associated with a construct in an area where there sho
uld be something which may imply original word prior to When The Money Pit was doing that type of work in the swamp if you come around this you probably can see the different layers 3 4T down down there you can see the layers going down then you've got Peep and then you got this clay so yeah you would think anything below that is original ground how much deeper you want to go I think this is a bigger dick what you'd have to do is get a proper permit it's the only way you'd know for sure that you
didn't miss it yeah the whole point of this exercise the way to address that is by getting the proper permits okay we'll reassess this is not an area that we put an X through it as Rick and members of the team finish their work on Lot 10 what do you think Mike back in The Money Pit area H think it's the bottom of the shaft all right excellent thank you Craig tester Charles barous and Terry mat continue to oversee the core drilling operation in ble d7.5 you got Brandon 109 109 109 here it comes
it is here just 18 ft in order to find out just where or what it may lead to oh yeah there there we go very big chunk what do you think guys I think it's wood I dare say that's great I got some more right here yeah we got one here boys check that out and that's a solid chunk that is a solid chunk of beam right there oh my God can't believe it what do you think of that gentlemen wow see the Arc of the Leading Edge of the axe I would say which makes it very old yeah in ball d7.5 crank tester and m
embers of the Oak Island team have just found more evidence more than a 100 ft deep that the mysterious shaft they have encountered was cut by hand meaning that it could predate the discovery of the original Money Pit in 1795 that might have enough tree rings and body to it that we can get a good dendro date absolutely yeah excellent uh it' be fantastic with pre- Searcher but but who knows at this point in time yeah it's interesting that we if the area of the garden shaft turns out to be The Mon
ey Pit then you know we could be looking at a shaft that was connected Into The Money Pit good point so this could be the keys to the kingdom right here from our historical records there shouldn't be any shafts in the area this is completely new is it a shaft that the original people uh had put in leading to the treasure is it a Searcher shaft that was not documented we run into that problem every once in a while so we got to do our homework and uh figure out what it is I'm going to run back to
the research center try to look up historical records on the diff okay guys I will talk to you soon we'll finish up here later that afternoon perfect thanks Jack L Helen how are you Emma we set up here alexo Jack Begley and archo metallurgist Emma Culligan welcome numismatist Sandy Campbell to the Oak Island interpretive Center Sandy has come to examine the cut copper coin that was found one week ago by Rick lagina and Gary Dron on lot five a coin which x-ray fluorescent scanning has indicated M
ay pre a find on lot five which we've recently gained access to so this is kind of a new area on the island for us okay we only recently got access it a lot so we haven't been over it with the metal detector ourselves and that's what Rick and Gary were doing when they found this it's very interesting we're not totally sure what it is uh but we have some ideas well let's have a look I'll go grab the coin great perfect here we go thank you Emma they all handed to you in the bag all right let's hav
e a look part of a coin hopefully a look yeah Emma are you able to pull that up for us by any chance can thank you it's just loading right now well that loads here's a picture let's flip it to the other it looks like there's some sort of characters or something inscribed on it yeah what about uh xrf yes so I do have an xrf results and it shows High Condon copper lead and Tin but also um about. 51% arsenic yeah um and it also has has 1.05% silver occurring with copper obviously and you know if it
has arsic this is pre 1500 for sure you know if we weigh this let's weigh it this is going to tell us something okay this coin looks like there's probably a third of it left M mhm this is probably somewhere in the gram range but let's so it weighs exactly a gram which you know sort of unusual that it would be bang on a gram but you know it's not unusual to see coins cut up and used as money in a partial payment again you know you get so you're just snipping off a third of the coin right right a
nd that's really how barter worked then right see here I think this is [Music] probably I I'm guessing it's either Roman it could even be Byzantine but I'm thinking it's it's Roman Roman no way in the Oak Island interpretive Center New mmst Sandy Campbell has just shared an incredible assessment of the half coin found one week ago on lot five what on Earth would that the style is defin definitely from 300 BC to 5600 ad no way a Roman coin possibly dating back over 2,000 years but if so who could
have brought it to Oak Island all right so I'm going to have to call Rick I want to see I want to see Rick's reaction this is unbelievable hello hey Rick hey Alex how are you good hey you uh you and Gary might want to come down to the lab uh we got some pretty interesting information here for you we'll be down ASAP okay see coin on Oak Island and here we sit trying to draw conclusions and it's like wide open at this point you know who brought it here how did it get here why is it on lot 5 in pa
rticular it's just a total mystery right now hey Lar hey can you uh join us on this we love to get your take this is like a typical looking Roman all the way into Byzantine period design lar is there a president in Nova Scotia of you know not in Nova Scotia there are precedents in the east coast of the United States okay from our from archaeological sites hey guys hey chips hey guys we heard so this is uh what you guys found on lot 5 the other day and we just showed it to Sandy my my thoughts an
d I think I'm I'm you know pretty confident that this is Roman most likely Roman Roman baby I wait for this put it in probably Roman that's my gut so what do you make of that that is incredible my incredible run it by me again why is it possibly Roman well it it the design is definitely Roman this is definitely a person here and this does the elemental analysis confirm what you suspect about the coin yeah when I when I see Arsenic and I see silver in there you know it's a very unrefined copper w
hich shows that again really confirms with me that it's probably most likely Roman a Roman coin on Oak coil what's it doing here so when we were in Portugal we were investigating the that we found in the swamp right and we saw an example of a Roman Road over in Portugal oh money welcome to Portugal thank you one year ago Rick Alex and members of the team visited a number of locations in Portugal okay let's see what we can find there they were shown a number of carvings and Templar churches match
ing symbols that have been found in the past on Oak Island the symbol is definitely on the 90t stone right there it's perfect yep the stone path looks exactly like this but one of the most compelling features they saw was a cobblestone Road dating back nearly 2,000 years to a time when the area was once part of the Roman Empire incredibly the road was an exact match to the one Unearthed in the swamp by the team in 2020 which is believed to date back at least 500 years and B of Portuguese origin
is it possible that this Roman coin may have been brought to Oak Island by members of the Knights Templar if so could it also explain the possible Dam feature at the North End of the swamp the medieval lead cross found in 2017 at Smith's Co or even perhaps the high traces of gold that have been detected in The Money Pit area a Roman era coin on Oak Island it's astounding it's undeniable that there is a certain Geographic connection but is it Templar related I don't know we have to put it through
more rigorous scientific is now on the Oak Island Treasure Map for sure yeah Sandy you know we welcome your expertise and if you can continue to look into this I will we would love whatever information comes of that and we need to get back out the lot five we do mate boots on the ground as you would say yep thank you very much go find more yep all right let's go with each new discovery that Rick Marty and their team make the confounding puzzle that is the 228 year-old Oak Island mystery is one
piece closer to finally being completed but as they continue to dig all across will what they ultimately find rewrite North American history next time on the Cur of Oak Island we've never seen that before H oh wow look at this it's looking like some sort of Fairly large feature this could be important for the whole story this object is from medieval Europe wow this adds validity to Zena map we're trying to track the gold back to a source the area in pink there would be exactly where the gold is
wow that is astounding yeah let's go these items came from a tunnel associated with the money we might be closing in human beings were down there this is the kind of thing you're hoping for oh really I would put it in the early 1700s and look at that fits like a glove know what this reminds me of what the ho in the cross the left isotope data here is identical to the Cross excellent wow there is an island in the North Atlantic where people have been looking for an incredible treasure for more th
an 200 years so far fragance of human bone and a lead cross whose origin May stretch back to the days of the knight's Templar to dat six men have died trying to solve the mystery and according to Legend one more will have to die before the treasure can be [Music] found as a new day begins on Oak Island let's get Craig on TV and talk about video conference with their partner Craig tester hello Craig hey Craig hi guys we're here to discuss Miss Cole sounds good for me as as close as we're getting
to the end of the year here we really got to do this excavation and dig underneath the crane pad yep we did get an extension on the Coffer Dam and our permits oh no kid but we need to make a decision because time and weather's closing in you know Marty's well aware that and you are too of the red dye results coming out in Smith's Cove three weeks ago pumping thousands of gallons of water mixed with non-toxic red dye down the exploratory bore hole C1 the die has been cast copy that they were atte
mpting to locate where a number of believed flood tunnels originate off the island Shores flood tunnels which were designed as a means of booby TR the centuries old treasure shaft just hours after beginning their operation treasure hunter Gary dren was astonished to discover red colored water seeping out from the ground at Smith's Cove water which then tested positive for traces of the red dye directly to the location of the fabled Oak Island Treasure Vault yeah it's even higher I have to say th
e die only coming out in Smith Cove do you find that persuasive like I kind of do yeah I do I mean it especially you know where where historically we think the um flood system is but there's still water seeping around the edges so you know I think we have to follow it for sure yeah I do too I mean if we actually unearth the flood tunnel would change a lot I think we all agree that it should be followed up on just how you know fall storm s coming in I think the sooner the the better follow it bac
k yep yeah having just obtained government permission to leave the 525 ft long steel coer Dam surrounding Smith's Cove in place the laginas and their Partners will now dismantle the 6,000 ft wooden construction pad so that they can dig beneath the area and hopefully uncover what could be the convergence point for the flood tunnels what's becoming clearers to do a complete job in Smith's Cove we're going to have to move the crane pad and we are absolutely Running Out of Time the weather's closing
in we're tired he's tired uh everybody is I agree but we still have a a window of time and okay well then we do it and uh you know at the end of the year we'll have no regrets sounds good all right Craig thanks for the time see you see you soon following his meeting in the War Room good morning Rick lagina joins other members of the Oak Island team at The Money Pit site where they are continuing efforts to excavate the exploratory B hole known as S6 so we stuck stuck another can on this morning
and our casing teeth is at 160 from what we're going to call harder Rock but we' have to you know turn the Terry on what exactly that rock is we're getting mostly uh carbonous sediments beded sediments and a little bit of wood so we're still in the influence I would say of the debris field while drilling at this same site just 3 days ago a lot of wood here that's look at the flat surface there the Oak Island team penetrated a hard wooden object at a depth of 100 1 ft which they believe to be th
e so-called shaft 6 tunnel a Searcher tunnel constructed in 18 some big Timbers but as they continue to drill deeper Rick and the team made what could be one of their most significant discoveries so far that's Oak a handcut Oak Timber the same kind reportedly used to construct the original Money Pit centuries ago it is the team's belief that the discovery of this Timber as well as possible leather book binding and iron chain are evidence of the massive collapse that occurred in The Money Pit in
1861 and which left a debris feel of potential artifacts and treasure scattered across the shaft 6 tunnel and what we'll do is we'll wash it and then we'll take the intermediary back to this that wash that's where I sent the last one down to the wash PL okay I just continue to do that unless something comes up of some significance and then we'll go back to the wash table in order to thoroughly examine the spoils being excavated from the S6 shaft the team has decided to use the large scale wash P
lant located near Smith's con as each load of Earth and material is fed into the machine they will automatically be cleaned and sorted according to size allowing now to be carefully searched by hand for ery re so what's up well this is what we found so far off the wash Plant line S6 yeah what do you make of it well it's a few cool little thing that not a pottery expert but some of it looks pretty what is that pipe stem and it looks like a pipe stem this is the chewing end yeah or a taper stand t
hat fits in the pipe that's interesting yeah this this is cool stuff no question about that to me the shaft or someone was in a tunnel associated with The Money Pit to me that's huge yeah exactly we have a container literally filled to the brim with objects that have been falling on the on the wash Plant there's certainly pieces of pottery little bits of glass but you don't know what it means other than people were down at those depths doing [Music] something 160 yeah yeah there is there plate t
his came up from the wash Plant Billy was kind enough to get his guys on it it's fairly old glass that looks very old yeah and then we have pieces of Potter which lar will have to render an opinion about lar will be interested in that that's people on there like they're going over a bridge interesting we saw some of that last year out of h8 pottery similar to Pieces the team has found in borol h8 located just 10 ft away it was also an h8 one year ago that Rick and Marty encountered an Blair and
William Chapel in 1897 could the pottery the team is just found in the S6 spoils be further evidence that they've located the tunnel connected directly to the original Money Pit this looks old to me oh look at that that's a jesz that looks like like a really old butt this looks old to me oh look at that that's a Jes that looks like a really old pot in The Money Pit area Rick lagina and members of the Oak Island team from borle S6 look at the glaze on that that's pretty crude like an earth and we
ar yep is that indicate age I don't know but some of these things are surely quite unique we've never seen them before that that's a bubble in the glaze a flaw careless work or age I'm not sure which lar will be interested in that we did find some pottery of the kind that we have not found as of yet so we need to bring that those items to L and we've got an enormous amount of wash plant material to go through so job guys let's keep digging the next day Rick leina and Craig tester along with Isla
nd historians Doug croll and Paul Troutman meet with archaeologist lar nien in the war room again lar welcome back thank you after finding pieces of what could be ancient Pottery in borole s six Rick is eager for lir to examine them and confirm whether or not they might date to before the money pits Discovery in 1795 I've been on and on and on almost add nauseum everybody knows the tunnel between shaft 6 and The Money Pit okay we did make some finds and I'd like you to to weigh in on them okay a
nd to have a look for [Music] yourself [Music] this is kind of an interesting case yes you have a pattern the identifiable Blue Willow pattern that was used for a number of years this is a a transfer print that have been used over and over again so we're going to say 1810s to 1840s that's a pipe bit see this so obviously not a clay pipe yeah um this wouldn't be out of place in in the 1870s 1880s M I would say it's probably post 1850 might be a little piece of History it's a big piece of stone we
ar red bodied Stone [Music] Weare it's got a pretty tily fired red body I've seen a lot of pottery from from Oak Island but see this see the striations on the outside I haven't seen that before it's almost made with like a comb or tool of some sort and what does that tell you well this would be the one thing that could be earlier oh how early I we' put it in the early possibly in the earlier part of the 1700s ston wear Pottery dating back to the early 1700s could this piece of Pottery be definit
ive proof of human activity deep underground in The Money Pit area prior to the treasure shaft's Discovery in 1795 and if so could it validate the team's belief that they intercepted part of the so-called debris field in borole S6 having you be surprised is is is is important I mean obviously you know you looked at myriad number of things and this is really for you it's the first real a you know there's much earlier activity on the island than we had supposed yeah I agree that's great definitely
y so thank you Le yeah later that day hey guys hey okay Rick Rick Lina arrives in The Money Pit area after receiving an important call from representatives of Irving equipment limited concerning borole S6 I'm sure you've got some information here but but before you do that let me get Craig up on the line okay although to weigh in on any new decisions Craig you there hello y sure yeah Craig I'll let Danny give you the the digging details and then Terry will render an opinion about the geology we
're encounter and then each of us will weigh in as to where we sit okay here's here's Danny hello Craig hey Danny I got some numbers for you okay we have a total of 216 ft of casing 190 of it is in the ground we have a whole depth of 175 we have a plug of 15 ft P understanding of the geology so we're definitely below the level of the Bedrock Plateau okay most of the material is ground up uh Limestone R sediment and just fairly classic fairly straightforward material that we've encountered in a n
umber of places when we've gone into the solution channel news that the 60-in wide drilling queson has encountered Limestone bedrock at a depth of 109 90 ft is a disappointing development it indicates that the S6 shaft has now dug well below the believed Rick I'll just let you take it from there yeah so I I'm of the position that we're not going to encounter anything further that will direct us where to go next I guess what it comes down to I would strongly Advocate that we we end the hole and a
nd you know do everything we need to do to set up on the next location I'm disappointed I was hoping for the one thing and unfortunately we we took a swing and yeah we certainly didn't hit a home run but did we find the one thing no we didn't you know maybe okay my vote is with your guys go ahead terminate it here okay that's what we'll do okay all right thanks Greg good night okay that's what we'll do then we're done okay see you [Music] later as a new day Dawns on Oak Island Rick lagina joins
heavy equipment operator Billy Gart at Smith's Cove okay we have the extension that's great news having received the necessary permits to a,t Crane pad so that the team can dig in search of the convergence Point leading to a man-made flood tunnel a tunnel which the team hopes can be traced back to the legendary Money Pit treasure Vault what do you think deconstructing what's the timeline you can do it in a hurry if you're not fussy where it goes but right you know that being not fussy means ulti
mately more work more that's what I think too right so so it's it's about putting the material here that we have room for and the rest you have to put in the truck and truck up the hill in order to build the massive confer Dam the team from iring equipment Lim strong enough to support a 300 ton cran it looks like a really sturdy pad this material along with a several hundred tons of spoils displaced during the excavation of Smith's Cove must now now be relocated in order for the team to dig bene
ath the crane pad well the bottom line is let's start are we ready all right as work to remove the crane pad begins at Smith's Co Rick leina heads to the research center to meet with historians Doug croll and Paul Troutman regarding the team's plans moving forward in The Money Pit area hey reick good morning okay it's ahead of us um you know I had high hopes for S6 uh unfortunately we only got more clues which beat more more questions Paul your opinion you know we could be close to The Money Pit
that's what I feel we're in because of those new ERS it could be from any number of shafts but the fact that there's solid oak some of these that says to me that it might be original Money Pit we have but one can today that we have to put a pin in what's your choice I would actually go to this location two weeks ago the Leia Searchers from the past two centuries here's just a quick overview of everything that has been drilled up there by combining this data along with the more recent efforts of
the Oak Island team Steve was able to create a virtual Master map one that Rick hopes will help them locate the original Money Pit treasure shaft so from about 103 to 120 we did come into conglomerations of wood and we found all those pieces of wood which were really interesting so we possibly did hit into a shaft or a tunnel like we're finding the problem is we found so much wood of different size shape and construction but I here presently we're right here so I would go further north and this
is a a good location to go to I think the debris field will possibly go up and this could be the money pit area but we're going to have to explore it and find out Doug I agree with Paul I think the prance of evidence that we have so far is circumstantial but the pottery turned it to be really interesting so is that a sign that we're really close to The Money Pit we're starting to get the real interesting pieces we're creating quite a mosaic but Clues are questions not answers yes exactly well s
aid but I think for right now today 5.5 based on their discoveries in the S6 shaft it is the team's belief that they may have intercepted the shaft 6 tunnel and that their new site known as FG 5.5 which is located some 5 ft North and on the same line could be on target to it the original Money Pit itself that whole area is of Interest h8 is close by the headen shaft is close by Chapel shaft is close by we're still on the track of the supposed tunnel associated with the original Money Pit but the
re's a lot of interesting information there but where is the x marks the spot x marks the spot as Rick Doug and Paul conclude their meeting in the Oak Island research center block 21 Jack mhm Jack Begley and metal detection expert Gary Drayton head to Lot 21 there's a lot of history in this area yeah and it's opposite the mcginness foundation mhm so with this little coil hopefully we can get in between the iron and find something good mhm I'll zigzag down H I'm going to go really slow and try an
d Winkle out some good signals in light of their sign continuing their investigation into one of the men who first uncovered the treasure shaft in 1795 Daniel mcginness not long after mcginness and two friends made their lifechanging Discovery he purchased Lot 21 on the western end of the island and built a home where he spent the remainder of his life raising a family farming and searching for Treasure although the house has long since weathered away the stone foundation remains a protected his
torical site on Oak Island however it is the team's hope that by searching nearby on the property M covered from the money pits centuries ago such as the goldplated brooch discovered on the same lot earlier this year which was determined by experts to be as much as 700 years [Music] old I'm hearing a bit of iron that's blanket yeah that's definitely modern I can tell it's an ey pitch hey that's not yeah that do sound too bad actually yeah let's get this one Jack that don't sound too bad all righ
t you mate give it some [Music] well might be out Jack oh all right yeah that's think is you never know come on something good o 21 on the western end of Oak Island come on something good yeah that is good actually yeah it's lead Jack Begley and metal detection expert Gary Drayton have just made a potentially important Discovery this actually with it being this shape on both ends this had a purpose might I don't know what oh you think it broke off from something yeah well I I think I see decorat
ion on this that's pretty cool the more I'm looking at you can see little leaves these are like little flowers oh yeah along it decorated great near the edge it's going to be interesting to see what this is when it's cleaned up all right mate we'll have a little look and see if we can find anything else double check the hole it's a different tone that's all right oh there's more something in the spoil pile come on baby do something good maybe it's more of this lead o it is more yeah it is more o
f it oh man this is interesting look at that a glove yeah it's a square old man look at that you know what this reminds me of what the ho in the cross lead pieces found on the property of Daniel mcginness with features similar to the lead cross discovered one year ago at Smith's Cove oh Tobias hi guys earlier this year the Yoke Island team sought the expertise up to by scronic a geochemist at the German mining Museum in bohome Germany who conducted a lead isotope analysis on the cross I think it
's using data collected from laser oblation testing he was able to determine that the lead was mined over 600 years ago in a region of Southern France near a onetime strong hoold of the knight's Templar this might be o shimoi part two no way sweet yeah that is this is fantastic couple of good things to show Rick mhm we'll be really excited to see this stuff following his exciting discovery on Lot 21 Gary Dron heads to the Oak Island Research Center to share decorative piece of lead on Lot 21 oh
really and I believe it's really really old when this first came out the ground there was soil stuck to it and both Jack and I saw like a floral decorative pattern on it that's the side where we see it this is the top side I see little design there it seem to like a rope thing right here do you think it looks like a leaf or a Vine that's on the pattern here that would be interesting because the vines are supposed to be a symbology a sacred symbology I wonder if it has any bearing to the tree of
life it's another possibility with symbology on it the Tree of Life the ancient abraic symbol the team found carved on the wall of a 14th century Templar prison in Dome France one year ago oh wow Rick leina and his nephews Alex and Peter visited Dome France where they were shown carvings made by members of the Knights Templar including one that depicted the Tree of Life this calistic symbol features 10 points known as sephron representing the Divine principles of the human soul and the spirit ne
xt to it which incredibly is nearly an exact match to the lead cross discovered one year ago at Smith's Cove could the vine like pattern found on the newly discovered lead artifact really symbolize the tree of life and if so could it also be related to the medieval cross Jack and I we found one long strip of lead and then at the side of it we found another little piece and when we put them together we noticed there was Square roll similar in size to the one in the cross yeah can I see that and y
ou found those was right next to each other yeah yeah so they definitely belong to each other right once you put those two pieces together and I saw so much similarities between this and the cross that came out of Smith's Cove and especially the square r as well yeah I see that Gary definitely a square hole it looks like it's got a square hole on the other end it it looked like it was tacked nailed onto something and I would imagine if it was part of a large a cross it would been nailed on this
cries out to where did the lead come from Tes exactly yeah no we have to test the lead Gary would go from huh what is it to dramatic if this was mind at rly shitto yep laser ablation yeah I mean this has got a really really old feel of about it I think you guys are going to be surprised once we get this tested of all the tests we've conducted all the analytics apply to all kinds of science laser ablation really has been uh probably the most definitive so why wouldn't we get it tested it takes a
lot to float my boat when it comes to lead but this has you know keep finding Gary keep looking and you guys keep analyzing yeah we'll keep at it Marty we got a million things to do let's go well done Gary if there's a piece of metal you'll find it that's what I'm here for [Music] yep 3 days after the discovery of a lead artifact on Lot 21 good morning hello I should say good afternoon Rick Doug and Paul joint surveyor Steve Gil in The Money Pit area where the team from Irving equipment limited
has begun to remove the 60-in wide steel Quon from the S6 shaft purpos the massive steel sections to dig their new exploratory B Hole In Search of the original Money Pit okay so what we'd like to do I mean I don't want to stop you but I think you'd like to know a general area of where we're going to go next yeah so we're hoping just to show you I mean we'll pinpoint it exactly but we'll have to come back after everything's removed and actually we put a stake in the ground so we'll set Steve loos
e we have all the points programmed get him over there and let you know okay yeah that'd be great cuz then we'll know where to put the equipment exactly okay we'll let Steve go to work and and then we'll all get a really good idea of where we need to go perfect Steve gumel will now Mark the location of the next dig site designated earlier as FG 5.5 located some 6 ft Northwest of borole S6 the trail of information from S6 to this location we believe we're rounding to something and we may because
of this hole we may find the Oak Island treasur company Vault I.E the chapel Vault we may find The Money Pit and we're very close to a number of things possibly so it's pretty close to the last drill okay from center point it's only 2 m off okay so right about here right about there okay so the corner of this so we're coming right up here for what's this one going to be called you name it me name it what's your daughter's name Gracie let's do gg1 because we call her GG and my daughter's name czy
y so have about gg1 it's a lucky name it is there a lucky name fair enough all right we'll get set up all right as the team from Irving equipment limited breaks ground on Bold gg1 at The Money Pit site Brothers Marty and Rick leina their partner Craig test are eager to hear the results of scientific analysis conducted on the lead artifact found 3 days ago on Lot 21 as you guys know Rick sent the laser ablation data onto Tobias the guy who determined where the cross was mined and when yeah so he'
s going to have some data for us hopefully we get some good news we're going to have an information session from Tobias he's the German scientist that uh has the extensive lead mind data and analyze the cross Gary can you get to buy us on the screen please I'll get him up value so we're very keenly interested in what your determination has been okay so uh I had a look at the data of the Lot 21 artifact right [Music] correctly okay the Lot 21 ad effect well it could be a little bit different from
your expectations so can I tell you what I think yes abely okay I believe that this object could have been once an art object what makes you think that in the Middle Ages there was invented a technique called called cloony and this is a technique where you then put in a binding medium of cide enable and some pigments to achieve some colors and this is exactly the assemblage of elements that we have here wow excellent dating as far back as 1300 BC clois a is an ancient method for decorating meta
l and ceramic objects used in everything from fine artart and jewelry to ornate Weaponry this technique involves soldering metal wire or strips often made of gold or silver to make compartments on the surface of an item these compartment wired in a Kil creating a smooth polished finish okay so this piece is particularly interesting because the lead isotope data here is identical to those of the Cross really wow the Le isotope data here is identical to those of the Cross really wow that's great a
nd that means that probably both pieces come from the same or deposit so it's pre 15th century geoc Tobias Gonic has just shared an astonishing Report with members of the Oak Island team he has determined that the decorative lead piece found on Lot 21 matches the lead used to make the medieval cross discovered last year at Smith's Cove lead which was mined more than 600 years ago in a region of Southern France with deep ties to the knight's Templar this is absolutely from the same Source uh as t
he cross is wow that's huge yeah that is amazing cuz that reminded me have put an impact all over the island so it seems incredible and stretches belief but the lead from the cross and the lead from this other piece were from the same ancient mine in France fantastic job appreciate it the data very much appreciate the time thank you I'm sure you'll hear from us again thank you guys it was a tremendous opportunity for me so I hope that the story continues the story will thank you for Rick Marty a
nd the team the confirmation that two discoveries made on opposite ends of Oak Island both date to a time and plate in the 223 Yee Old Oak Island mystery could they be proof that members of the medieval order really did visit Oak Island as early as the 14th century or might they have been left here by their heirs during an effort to protect their most sacred treasures and secrets for all of eternity as the team continues their quest to locate the legendary Money Pit treasure Vault one thing now
seems more certain than ever whatever lies buried on Oak Island could very well change the history of North America loaded with plunder got caught in a storm and was purposely beached on Oak Island oh sweet a really old piece of glass they call them pirate bottles sea Pirates were here yeah that's what we're looking for we're on something that is massive look at that what that's a lock oh it is that looks like it's up a treasure chest look at this what is that something in there it's going to be
it man what's in that thing holy cow oh wow the artifacts are GRE Searchers what was going on here that is the question oh what the heck is that wow that is very badly burned hard on a ship wow it's getting close oh look at that there's a Big Timber right in this way oh baby oh that's fantastic there is an island in the North Atlantic where people have been looking for an incredible treasure for more than 200 years so far fragments of human bone and a lead cross whose origin May stretch back to
the days of the knight's Templar to date six men have died trying to solve the mystery and according to Legend one more will have to die before the treasure can be [Music] [Music] found hello hey good morning boy this is early what hot Bravo a going now as another hopeful and exciting day begins on Oak Island Rick leina along with Oak Island historians Doug croll and Charles barous eagerly plays a call to Rick's brother Marty to update him on a potentially significant discovery made one day ago
in the man-made triangle-shaped swamp yesterday Billy and Doug were digging in the swamp I'm going to let them tell you what has been found and the potential of what today might mean Doug yo lay it on me uh quite excited actually we were 9 to 10 ft down and we brought up part of wood rounded Corners it's it's K yeah this has a potential to be really old also Marty when Billy was Excavating this hole he's riding on some wood and he doesn't know whether it's a platform or or you know long pieces
of wood but there's something he's not down to the bottom layer yet wower wower although the Oak Island team has made a number of incredible discoveries in the swamp this year including a massive Stone Road believed to have once been part of a ship's Warf there is one tantalizing mystery that has baffled them for nearly 3 years now Cross the Swamp using more than 2,000 Dynamite charges this produced astonish data that revealed a 200t long anomaly buried in the center of the brackish bog that res
embled the shape of a gallion ship look at that yeah what do you got it looks like a piece of finished wood is it possible that the believed piece of ship's railing and the large mysterious obstruction that members of the team discovered some 10 ft deep in the swamp one day ago might be key evidence of just what that anomaly Is So the plan today is uh we're going to expand the whole bloody Island you know and the rains closing in yeah but we have a repre from the weather today supposed to be bea
utiful but we're going to take our time we have to have a real understanding of what this might mean wow that is something I mean this is big I think so we'll give you an update at the end of the day that' be great I'll uh I'll be on pins and needles thank you okay thanks by see you guys bye bye well it's a piece of ships really you know the mine jumps to the old deal that the swamp was used as a disembarkation point for Treasure or something or a ship was blown in there and racked but same spot
to dig and I'm real hopeful that it'll show something hey guys bil he draw that down or did the pump do it it's been pumping now that the heart fall winter has begun to set in bringing with it a heavy rainstorm last night the team has installed a 6in pump to drain the area and allow the team to continue digging with a 30ton swamp excavator well Bill what's the plan well the water's down so I guess we got to bail it out and look at every bucket that comes out to see if there's more pieces of the
wood from yesterday right right we should take our time go slow Gary metal detect Steve take all your elevations and everything you need to do Charles and I be down here putting eyes on it Doug if you want to get up there put your eyes on the bucket sure okay well let's not waste the beautiful day no they believe that the bucket was sliding across a massive wooden something so hope is we'll find something else but you don't put the cart before the horse you don't start dreaming of artifact unti
l you actually hold them in your hand he should be able to put the bucket down and feel if he feels here what he felt over there yeah you're pretty close to the depth we were yesterday almost covered with water now BR is there any way to keep that pump running Scott no it's all porge over here now you're just going to have to dig it out and throw the slop out yeah so although the team is hopeful that they may be close to a major discovery the heavy rains from the previous evening have made the m
uck and mud of the swamp a frustrating challenge for Billy Gart and the excavator water level's higher than it was it's coming in from behind us there Ain yeah okay well every minute we waste more water's coming in so let's find out what it is okay oh look at that there's a there's a Big Timber running this way man look at that that side aost 4 years ago while exploring in this same area professional diver Tony Samson discovered what is believed to be a piece of deck planking from a large ship t
hat was dated to as early as 1680 is it possible that Billy has just made an identical find or could he be on the verge of a much larger and more infed Discovery he's getting close this is undermined very badly here now yeah oh you can feel this second you can feel that feel that oh yeah I would take it quick because we're going to lose this it's just not stable enough it's wet it's liquid it's muddy it's black it's thick it's it's a nightmare that big piece is going to go right now look at that
piece right there is going to go oh oh oh there it goes who he hey that ain't good well in the Oak Island Swamp Rick Lea along with members of the team are trying to uncover what they believe to be a large flat surface more than 10 ft deep in an area where they recovered a possible piece of a ship's railing just one day ago what's the plan trying to get the water to come off and then it'll start start here yeah we got to know what that is unfortunately the more Billy Gart digs with the swamp ex
cavator the more the hole fills back in with sppy mud and sludge I think we have to stay focused we have a piece of wood is with the amount of water in the area unless you pull it out that makes it all the more important to come to an understanding of what this is it just caved in over the top of it it's not even draining out there now it's drain it right into here look at look at that water coming in right there yeah well I'm not sure it's worth continuing we need to fix this issue otherwise th
e water will just keep recirculating here so yeah it wouldn't matter what you did now I don't think you're not getting any Headway it's a good idea that looks because the rain soaked mud in the swamp keeps caving in and also because the weather is only expected to get worse as winter approaches the Yoke Island team will have to wait until next spring to continue this investigation when they will have time to install a CER Dam system similar to the one they constructed at Smith's Cove 2 years ago
using sheet piling which is hammered deep into the mud and sediment the CER neet will create a water tyght barrier that will allow for a complete excavation of this area of the swamp you know it's disappointing again about this Stone Pathway to me there's going to be some answers there so for the remainder of the year that's our area of focus I think that we're done here yeah yeah I think we are okay Billy you're free to fill this in okay all right yep okay we'll get out of your way you know we
'll see what the rest of the day brings later that day on the western end of the island this is a massive root seller Charles barkhouse and Scott Barlo join archaeologist lar nen and Liz Michaels at the 18th century Stone found in 1787 as a simple cabbage farmer but who mysteriously grew to become one of Nova scotia's wealthiest land owners by the early 19th century is it too much square footage just to store root vegetables and that type of thing that's a good question uh if he's just storing f
ood this seems like a lot right oh what do you got got a hinge a hinge and wood it's nice that it's right by the stairs yeah yeah the positioning is pretty significant a metal hinge found in the stone or might it have come from some kind of container or chest like the Fasteners are still in it as well got some wood coming up here o it's delicate oh there a cross piece wow so this is the kind of the working floor right here so it's not floorboards no no this is just a plain dirt floor the floorbo
ards are up here right yeah so this this would have come intact they're vertical boards and horizontal boards so it looked like a door I actually hadn't seen anything like that before I'm curious about this if they're floorboards they obviously would have been Above This level they wouldn't have floorboards in the root Celler No Maybe maybe rocks okay that's great now we know we have more work to do while Charles and Scott continue working with lar and Liz at the ball foundation so here's what w
e found holy cow near the Eastern edge of the swamp Rick lagina along with geoscientist Dr Ian smithway looking for any more evidence of a ship or other clues that could help solve the Oak Island mystery let's see how far these Stones go that way yep we'll grab a detector you have to have context for these anomalous features I.E the possibility of making artifact finds certainly are near the shore so we're going to investigate it and hopefully uh come up with some answers w w w that's a good de
there Billy okay oh look at that so we're getting more oh wow Rick check this out what have you got Gary that's unusual came out of that last bucket it's one piece of wood yeah that is strange it's perfectly Square yeah oh it was made that way but I look of it Aaron check this out hey guys what do you got we're hoping you can tell us oh god wow it's got to be a tool yeah I was going to say like something for architectural or Carpenter Square found near The Stone pathway on the eastern border of
the swamp could it be an important clue like the wooden survey stakes and wood pieces dating back as far as the 15th century that might be connected to the features construction and if so might it also help identify just who built it interesting thing about something like that you can actually date them it's wood yes so this is probably more important than we think I will put this away well good find yeah you thanks guys while Rick and members of the team continued their investigation in the swa
mp swamp thanks for coming down this is the well that is cool after learning of the discovery of the possible Carpenter Square Marty leina meets with Oakland historian Doug croll and Gary Drayton in the research center to inspect the potentially important clue first I thought it was metal because of the shape of it that is actually kind of Exquisite isn't it it's one piece this this is is not joined to this what do you think it is I've looked through ship right tools looked through old carpenter
tools it came up as a stone Mason tool tool that's what it most closely resembles in the research center Doug croll has just revealed that the possible tsquare may be an actual stonemason tool well obviously it's it's use is for right angles isn't it I mean that's the idea I ran with cuz they say that that form follows function so yeah if the team has actually found the stonemason t-square in the triangle-shaped swamp could it be evidence tying one particular organization to the Oak Island myst
ery ever since the discovery of The Money Pit in 1795 the secretive fraternity have been closely linked to Oak Island in addition to the fact that that several prominent treasure Hunters including Daniel mcginness Mr champel and even a young Franklin Dela Roosevelt were members numerous Masonic symbols such as the letter G for God or grand architect crosses and prominent triangles have been found all across the island that is really cool this so-called Mason's tool it's nicely crafted which seem
s to have sort of masonic connections and more to the point creates angles that are very useful in laying out things so I want to get a date on it and I want to find out what its use is both those things are very interesting to me it's amazing now it's well preserved like that cuz of the swamp that's a pretty cool find Gary I'm going to say two things one which I've been saying a lot lately let's put it in the line for carbon dating okay we are and what's the second thing I always that was nice
but go out and find some more that's right sorry Gary I hate to be so predictable all right guys I'll let you carry on see you see you see you Mar the following morning on Lot 25 Gina Gary Drayton and Rick and Marty's nephew David fernetti arrived at the foundation of Samuel Ball's 18th century home after being alerted alerted to another potentially important Discovery by archaeologist lar nen and other members of the team lar you want to tell them what we found yeah so we were clearing out the
cellar floor as we were working along we found some wood that seems to be in situ perhaps a hatchway or a doorway wow a possible doorway embedded in the floor of the ball Foundation just what might have been or would still be who knows what it is how much of the door is still there is it intact all of it we've got a a good number of boards here but um it's pretty partial because the door is embedded in the foundation lared and Liz will have to take their time to carefully excavate around it befo
re they can remove it to reveal whatever might lie below the wood appears to be laid horizontally appears to be a door if this is an opening and floor that's a big fine but again it's the Oak Island roller coaster want to make Gary to look at yeah I'd love to oh wow that's nice mate oh it was found right here it's small might be too small for a sell a doar I'm thinking this would be type of strap hinge you'd see on a chest or a box a strap hinge for a chest one year ago while conducting an excav
ation near the stone foundation on the ball property starting to look like a chest hinge of some kind artifact conservator Kelly Baraza found a similar item is it possible that these two discoveries are related and could they be further evidence that Samuel ball may have hidden something of Great Value on his property so many places to hide something good in here fantastic you're doing really well there Okie do yeah good luck thanks RI thanks Ricki later that afternoon Rick Marty Craig and membe
rs of the team hey guys gentlemen guys have arranged to meet with researcher and Oak Island theorist Philip Stevenson via video conference in the War Room Mr Stevenson welcome one day ago in the swamp the team has invited Mr Stevenson who contacted them earlier this year to share what he believes to be important information that could help solve the Oak Island mystery hello Mr Stevenson I'm looking forward to to what you have to tell us the journey started from a 25 years ago my father's sister
had this mic regalia that once belonged to Robert Johson sty and the initial interest for me was Robert dson Stevens his family you know Robert dson Stevens is a freem meron so obviously there was quite a bit of intrig and what he reached in symbols and some text in English what you see in front you is the what jumped out for me was that the symbols on the N looked very similar to the ones on theic CER they sure do wow in the War Room researcher Philip Stevenson has revealed a masonic Cipher tha
t he believes is directly related to the Oak Island mystery I then real the numers they all appear in the as well wow so this is amazing it's very interesting and really presented the leinas and their team with three documents that she believed had been created by members of the knight's Templar two of them contained Maps which appeared to describe Journeys that the Templar supposedly made to Oak Island during the 12th century and again in the mid 14th century the third document also known as La
formula is a coded Cipher containing many of the same symbols reportedly found on the legendary 90 foot Stone which was removed from The Money Pit when it was first excavated to that dep in 1804 could the remarkable similarities between lence time both the knight's Templar and the Freemasons to the Oak Island mystery it certainly gets your attention when you come up with a whole bunch of correlative things the same symbols Masonic connections so has credibility right over the door the solution
for the was actually in French when I realiz this also was in French as well I try to translate this to English did you just figure this out you know using the substitution trial and error is that how you got to these yeah absolutely okay yeah in other words once you figure out the substitution this is what you get concluding from that when you actually look at that I think the cipher is a set navigational instructions uh but it doesn't stay where from unfortunately but as it says in line two he
ading from alter if it's going to be somewhere in oral and the obvious place for the Altar for me would been the the center of noran's cross if he represented the cruciform church the altar would be in the center of the church although no one has been able to conclude just just want the megalithic formation of six Boulders that was discovered by Fred Nolan in 1981 actually R nature and may include Priceless relics such as the holy grail and the Ark of the Covenant it is for this reason that many
have suggested a link to not only the Freemasons but also their predecessors the Knight Templar app the Templar found a religious artif and I believe that it's actually transported to Island the reason I'm saying that is because I I think I know exactly where it is now so navigating from The Altar and he got geometric North straight up the first line of the the 45° man is 21° give the 24° at a distance of 522 ft the next heading is 145° minus the 21° which gives 124° at a distance of 1,65 Ft so
what you end up with is a point Z which it then says uh land six depth from Mark of 40 ft and because it's referring to a depth uh the only conclusion I can make is once we get to Point Zed you actually dig 40 ft and that's where the Vol is survey has four potential nonfer targets and your target Zed lands fairly close to one of them I believe has that been explored before it's definitely a spot of interest that we haven't explored conducted across the area from Smith's Cove to The Money Pit in
1988 by Dan blankinship and his partner David Tobias the Behringer survey was a low velocity radio wave survey that identified four potential nonf farest targets meaning they could be composed of silver or gold although the team has not fully explored the four Target SS could Mr Stevenson's something people have been trying to find for more than two centuries I don't like to rush to judgment but boy Phil's theory is quite compelling there's an x on the ground he's suggesting that it's only 40 f
t down let's just put a rig over the site and drill it very interesting stuff yeah I mean you look I can tell you right now there's nobody on the screen or in that room where isn't going to want to go dig there yep it's more than interesting I mean as I sit here my mind Rebels against the thought that it's mere coincidence I agree there's a lot pointing to the same place much for your presentation thank you okay every man to Duty the following morning PS1 here we go this could be the day on lot
20 near The Money Pit area that's it we're we're looking for a treasure chamber okay you think Mike can get us there I think so members of the Oak Island team begin drilling at the location provided by Philip Stevenson this could be the one right here yeah where he believes they will find something of Great Value at a depth of 40 ft we this peel they don't see any evidence of disturbance it's always a great thing when a theorist will say here's your ex dig here he's saying that his location is b
ut 40 ft down well it's a simple matter of putting a rig over the site and find out whether or not there is a vault there what are we looking at 29 29 [Music] yeah it's kind of a Sandy blueberry too this is actually the stuff that you want over a treasure Vault if you're going in from a tunnel right absolutely you want this hard stuff over top to to preserve whatever Vault or whatever treasure you're burying right away we coming up in this next core [Music] look what is that there's something in
there what's in that [Music] thing on lot 20 something interesting in there I'll go take a look while core drilling at a location East of The Money Pit area members of the Oak Island team have just recovered something at a depth of 40 ft where theorist Philip Stevenson predicted a cash of treasure would be found two three to me like a ground up something or other and in fact it is a ground up Boulder so 49 ft all the way back up to 39 ft this is the pretty much the Fateful intersection this is
what we were looking for a 10t boulder found at the precise depth where the team was told they might find something of Great Value is it simply a coin incidents of nature or like other massive Boulders that have been found on the Island's surface could it be a marker placed there for some purpose there's all kinds of possibilities it's typical Oak Island here's a little clue guys you may want to take a look at it and see if you want to go somewhere else all right unfortunately there's no treasur
e Vault right here basically that's where we know where it isn't every time you dig and you don't get what you want you're discouraged but I think we're missing something though uh on Phil Stevenson's Theory and that is I'm not at all sure we know where the altar is I think it's deciphered brilliantly but you have to start at the altar that's the problem so that's that yeah that's that they're going to pull out of that hole and uh we'll update the rck but we'll we'll let them know the results su
per later that afternoon Drayton and David fernetti continue scouring the area near the Stone pathway for more important Clues and hopefully items of value we have got a signal here mate it's an iron signal just do mate I'll get to the higher ground okay it's a great area to find so think about it we got all these old boulders see that yep what the heck I this is a really old piece of iron Rick yeah and huge yeah that does look broken I mean it's bent in two directions right let's have a look oh
it's broken all right if you could imagine you complete the circle it would have gone closer there that's what it looks like to me some kind of a ring bolt ringbolt ring bolt a possible ringbolt could it be connected to the others the team has found this year along the stone pathway ring bolts that dated back to as early as the 17th century and of I mean this has been under some stress I mean was it in a boulder I don't know what to make of it well look we're we're speculating a lot about what
this might be David why don't you take that to Dr Taylor yeah and have him take a look at it yeah sounds good that's fantastic that is it's an inch and A4 solid steel bar that took some Force to bend that but why why why I have no idea but that's why we try to apply science to it and we also have people to take a look at it and try to give us a greater understanding as to its purpose hey hey Dave hi what you have that is very heavy that's cool so what are what are your initial thoughts what I fi
rst noticed is how black your hands are and that's not from Swamp that's charcoal and this thing has seen intense burning oh it's been burned yeah very badly burned so much so that it's still adhering to the iron so I think it was part of a wooden structure Maybe maybe something to do with some large Timbers on a ship that's good the iron object severely burned and potentially related to the wooden Timbers of a sailing ship border of the swamp and possibly the massive ship-shaped anomaly the tea
m identified with seismic scanning 2 years ago all right well we'll go take this to the research center I'll come with you thanks for showing that to us yeah you bet that's great later that afternoon before the day comes to a close welcome to the War Room Rick and Marty lagina gather members of the team in the war room for a video conference with Craig tester to hear a highly anticipated scientific report on the possible Mason T Square found 2 days ago in the swamp Craig all right so Craig I'm g
oing to turn it over to you okay um I'm going to look at the wood Mason's tool this one was from 1632 to 1668 [Music] wa in the Oak Island War Room crank tester has just revealed carbon test results indicating that the possible Masonic t-square found 2 days ago in the swamp could date as far back as 1632 more than 160 years before the discovery of the money P H it would be I wasn't optimistic that it was pre- Searcher but I'm happily surprised of course that Mason's tool could be in use for how
many years 10 20 yes for sure the followers of a group of Scottish kns settled in Nova Scotia during the early 1600s they were the free three weeks ago author and Oak Island theorist James mcquiston shared information on his incredible theory that a 17th century Scottish organization with close ties to both Freemasonry and the Knights Templar known as the knights baronet were behind SCS ousted in the spring of 1632 and I believe they took shelter in Mahone Bay and buried treasure on Oak Island i
t's quite remarkable could the carbon dating test on the possible Masonic tool be corroborating evidence that James mist's incredible theory is true I think we create this timeline and you're going to see a a grouping is what I think yeah it happens to fit with just about everything well luckily we're finding evidence of pre Money Pit what is it about that made them choose to build a huge Stone P I think the carbon dates are exceedingly interesting rounding to the mid 1600s but the more importan
t issue is that item had a purpose I want to know what that purpose is and then the carbon dates become even more interesting what is a wooden instrument from the mid 1600s doing in our swamp here on Oak Island all right what very cool and very old yeah and uh we just have mountains of data that that something significant happened on Oak Island prior to this discovery of The Money Pit I think we can all attest to that we have an agenda yeah I agree so we're very hopeful and I thank everyone for
continuing to puzzle over this so I'm grateful to everyone all right then let's get back to it all right thanks to everybody thanks guys take care the leinas and their team often remark in justest that the Oak Island mystery is a 1,000 piece puzzle missing several hundred pieces required to complete it if they have proven anything in their Quest so far it is that the analogy is no understatement because despite the daunting setbacks this Rick Marty Craig and the team have found a trail of puzzle
pieces suggesting that something extraordinary happened long ago on Oak Island and if they keep moving forward down that trail they may soon uncover the ultimate piece that will complete the puzzle next time on The Curse of Oak Island this is typical of something to do with ships or parts of ships there's a couple of War on Samuel Ball's property yes Alex right here is the second one I found the ofone new of War take a look at this we found a coin look at that I think that's gold it's stunning
for e e
