
The Damien and Shayne Show Special

You asked for it, you donated to charity for it, HERE IT IS! 0:00-0:49 Intro 0:50-28:01 Family Feud 28:02-56:06 Wheel of Fortune 56:07-1:21:47 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 1:21:48-1:40:03 Nidhogg SUBSCRIBE: WEAR OUR JOKES: WHO YOU SEE Shayne Topp // Damien Haas // WHO YOU DON’T SEE (usually) Director: Spencer Agnew Editor: Andre Gardere Director of Programming, Smosh Games: Spencer Agnew Producer, Smosh Games: Damien Haas Associate Producer, Smosh Games: Alex Tran Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar Art PA: Oliver Wehlander Audio Mixer: Greg Jones Camera Operator: Cameron Dunbar, Darren Kho Dir Of Photography: Brennan Iketani Dir, Design: Brittany Hobbs Designer: Ness Cardano DIT/AE: Matt Duran Post Production Manager: Luke Baker Production, EVP: Zoe Moacanin Production Manager: Amanda Barnes Production Coord: Heidi Ha Production Assistant: Marcus Munguia Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia NEW SMOSH VIDEOS: Watch No Plates Allowed? (Eat It Or Yeet It): Watch Revealing Our Dating Histories w/ Chanse McCrary | Smosh Mouth 17: OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: Smosh Pit: El Smosh (Spanish Dub): SmoshCast: FOLLOW US: TikTok: Snapchat: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter:

Smosh Games

4 months ago

what's up you sacks of beautiful people we're back this is the Shane and Damien show that's right we flipped it there was a time skip yeah that's right and today is the game show special because Damian and I know that if we were on any game show in real life we would destroy it so hard that the show would uh get canceled so get ready to for proof of that and I know what you're thinking and it's disgusting so focus on this video let's go let's believe in ourselves but first it's a 19 and 11 damn
freaking 11 yeah that sucks it's not bad that's probably going to be my best role of death we're good okay okay first game up uh what are we thinking Family Feud Family Feud is my favorite game show by such a mile anytime I'm in a hotel room I look for Family Feud I think it is it's very much the like the homesick the hotel room and I also o think you like it more the less your family actually feuds well the families that are on Family Feud don't really Feud they're all they're all very chill yo
u think that car ride home is great when someone's just like name a fruit you might find in a fruit basket and someone's like a mangustin and then someone say insane stuff on Family Feud and then the families are just like it'll be like name someone you'd want to sleep with and it's just like oh my wife's mom uh Steve and Steve will be like what but then you cut over to the family and the wife's like he does want to my mom he has how we met it's fine I will say I think we should probably customi
ze our characters to start you know what I mean okay I kind of want to make us you know yeah yeah sure so I'm going to start out um you know that one's pretty close to you I'm going to start out with the one that's close to me and we're going to see if we can just make our he already looks pretty close to you I I think he does I think he does I think he needs to be like he's never seen the sun Fair um I don't think we can make make a horrible monster in this uh type of no it s it looks like pres
et good and his hair is blurple actually this is turning out great wow holy crap you really can just have yourself on there I really thought this would take a minute or two actually fine this is a better character creator than most games I've played except for Starfield shout out to Starfield I love it at Star starfields got really good character creator and balers Gate 3 balers gate dude you know you know what it is it's video games their character creator when you Lo log into it you know immed
iately whether characters are just immediately disgusting looking or handsome balers great balers Gate 3 made all their characters just handsome from the from the back so you can't really lose I thought you said from the back at first and it was like everyone's handsome from the back yeah probably probably like that um yeah yeah yeah you're a little bit like a like a sandy blonde yeah there we go that's that's a little bit closer hair sty now there are more the more up you go oh wow oh wow uh we
can just go let's just go with that yeah or wait is it more of a if any well it's up to you how do you see yourself um I get my hair is kind of in a weird phase right now I'm just going to stick with that I think your hair is very powerful Shane and you should own it thanks man I'm going to make classic classic Shane oh wow we're doing pre cuz I can go back and make my guy Disney ch Daman way thinner way less medicated um this is this is pretty close to like now it's it's got Noah Vibes to me o
h really I mean it's not bad um I I'll do that I think it's the glasses there we go you don't wear glasses yeah wait you're right [ __ ] that's what it is let me let me get rid of those glasses damn glasses got it there we go okay there we go nice now it's Shane Robert now we go uh let me change those shoes really quick I don't like those yeah what are those like spares boom all right sick this is me sick this is me Shane you look great my dude thanks dude sick yeah I was thinking the same thing
oh that is a 12 oh damn that's a six yeah yeah is okay okay uh get get ready for this guy's name Shan this is not Steve Harvey uh but this is the weirdest name of all time get ready what's up I'm Co mcginness you're not lucky McCoy not that far off boy I was really close I named a different character from pey blinders I haven't seen that show but I swear I love two guys yeah it's just us where's the rest of your family we had a bad car accident on the way here lucky it got cut in it got cut in
Twain half of it got Final Destination the rest of us were chill and I feel actually okay being here I'm still cold and shaking I'm think but I don't think it's shock I think I'm just St we're feeling happy it's not genuine it's not it's I'll suppress it I've done it dude we can win 20,000 bucks whoa that's like 10 smash salaries you wait that's our car we fixed it wait how did you know about it this episode is brought to you by the Logging company that the logs fell off of on your way here see
that never bothers me what's really real is like the cars the trucks that drive with like what the am I doing I was like with the like stones and they kind of cover it and then it hits your windshield they're like well we kind of covered it sorry man I'm going to chime in no matter what just so you know or we can for our team surve Buzz as as Can Am I fighting I think they want or we asked 100 people this question which one which question tell me the question name a place dogs are known to drink
from oh toilet oh dude uh yeah I was going to say uh well toilet is good I was going to say water bowl yours is better this is why we're a team dude that's a great yeah boom did our survey agree you're the smartest man I know dude freaking let's freaking go let let's freaking go dude that was I say we play yeah let's play yeah I think we play it rather than watch the computer trying to just like yeah you're I'm going to play I just want to see if I hit B you're just like what the what why Steve
Harvey shows up and kills this man halfway through okay uh okay what what else are we thinking a b bll oh nice yeah otherwise I would say maybe a hose I going say belly Buton hose works okay dish um what are you thinking a belly button but hose works okay weird oh um no F not fire hydrants where they piss um [ __ ] the cat's Bowl dude no hose hose you know what hose is your answer I'll let you have that one a dogs drink from a um dogs drink from uh a cup like a person no I'm going to take hose
and watch you struggle um oh you know what since it's not one of the first ones to pop up I'm going to think I'm thinking that it might not be the answer damn did they drink from a puddle do they drink from sh [ __ ] um uh anybody else in here have any thoughts no well no we said we we said we both you're right we don't need to phone a friend yet could it be the cat's dish cuz this is a very like Family Feud dancer you know sink no how are they getting up there with what jetpack Shane what uh ma
ybe puddle maybe maybe maybe puddle cuz these are we're getting puddle is one of the first ones up dude that's great ZR well you can just also go up there and hit it but yeah did you see the answer before that said puding head Wilson oh [ __ ] puding Wilson does that answer up there puddle yeah dude okay puddle uh last one okay and it's less than 12 it's like God it's only a couple okay um hey Shane where dogs drink from man dogs sure do drink from the uh the the cats I'm going to try to type in
cats bowl and just see if it comes up dog dring from the cat dog drink from the cats tell you what it's not the cats B I'm going to say I'm going to say hydrant even though that's stupid maybe people say it uh dogs drink from the Hydra [ __ ] dogs drink from the fountain dog strength from the fountain at the park um fountain fou drink with the F give me a break F dude if it was we have one more we have one more I can say Fountain but what but what do you think do you think it's Fountain I I thi
nk Fountain is just the best I can't think of what else to say the I mean maybe the bird bath um maybe they drink from um like a Diet Coke can I'm going to say Fountain just cuz like what it didn't come up very quickly though I mean I guess right there hand drink for the fountain yeah yeah yeah Fountain maybe the maybe the bathtub river river damn it P ah I'm it's that's okay all right there good luck Cooper are we Cooper family so I'm not one of them's a furry Jud like look I have a lot of furr
y friends like it's great I'm just like surprised like Sonic Fox is there to like show up and do their thing and like kick ass for a chance to steal names uh dogs are know to drink from what also like it's not particularly SC that they're like they're like if it's sink if it's sink I said sink earlier okay okay we get it you're right so but I'm like that's the thing that they're like tailored to win yeah I know that was well they're more of a fox I mean foxes are Pine you're right dogss are Lupi
ne is it is it River Lake pool I'm so stupid why didn't I think of pool all right Shane this is all you my guy I believe in you hey how you feeling checking in good yeah I'm ready I this this would be what would stress me the hell out is if I went on this show this part where I would just be I'd be he'd be like all right we ask I just hit the person where do they find these 100 people a kind of building that has many sh Hotel Steve Hotel welcome to the hotel Steve I know hospital hospital also b
ut Hotel oh yeah you sure about yeah hospital for sure I'm sure I'm sure [ __ ] uh bed house he's got cat probably a bed oh oh [ __ ] dude Hospital mattress store Shane that's the smartest thing mattress store anybody say mattress store cuz those are drug fronts yeah yeah we can lock I firmly believe that yeah oh we're going to play mattress firmly believe that Steve we're going to play uh I think we'll play Steve do you think um do you think Steve Harvey just sort of tickles you when no one's l
ooking probably I've always thought that I I do Wonder all right well I'm going to go ahead and say my own answer here because I know you've got Hospital unlock I'm going to say apartment building oh good apartment share an apartment chair is an apartment building right I think a lot of these were developed in the UK too because like when I played um millionaire last night just to test out like how long it would take a lot of it was just like spit spot Willy is it yeah and I was like oh [ __ ] w
hat the [ __ ] what the f okay that's fine that's fine it's all right I'm going to say hospital cuz Hospital yeah what the what the hell here we go they really it really does look like us I think we could have switched faces easy Hospital boom it already knows hog probably the hog Steve yeah I think Hog Heaven has a bunch of Steve dud I'm I'm dude nice I look they asked 100 men and I know 100 men dude I can't I don't know what did you watch the new season or the recent season of I think you shou
ld leave I think so when uh it's Beck Bennett talking about all of his friends he's just like oh yeah you're hanging out with a bunch of guys he like yeah it's like 200 guys cabin I'm going to say cabin like a like camp like it's camp like a bunk house like a cabin okay right okay yeah or am I stupid you can go with cabin go with cabin if I'm wrong if I'm wrong correct me next time I don't want to my ego is not on the line here I want us to win [ __ ] um place with lots of beds in it uh now what
did you say can I can I say an honest you said mattress store what was your honest though uh O Okay I I I'm genuinely curious like a brothel a shelter like no one wrote that people don't think about other people I'm going to say a shelter I think it what what would you say instead I think broley shelter's fine with 15 seconds left I would have said mattress store I think that's very smart mattress store is funny I want I want if mattress store is on there and we didn't say it I'm going be so pi
ssed it's cuz they asked 100 people and people don't think about other people what the fck I am I am on fire Shane I know you said we could take on any game show I don't think you need me I think that's why we switched it to the Me by myself boom here we go [ __ ] oh wait wait first first answer this and then then we'll do that um okay um I mean what do you think is it mattr mattress store say mattress store cuz it's just funny cuz that's one of those answers that it's not going to be mat shop t
hat's the one dude dude they have Malta in there too the building the uh country of Malta who oh oh a I got disappointed in multiple ways in the same moment oh yeah we just lost that and okay here we go oh [ __ ] 11 four and a bunch they got Carl's Jr but not for us that's really cool of you guys I love that thank you I got how much I get 11 yeah 11 don't forget that's how much you got I hope you guys really enjoy your Carl's junr back there if they say bunk house comma I'm I'm dead Mal 5 hos I
dude that's a what that's Hospital dude on oh get out of here if care old folks home I'm so mad yes suck it losers yeah your answers belong in hospice suck my tiny bones suck my tiny bones I do I am in rare form being back on this show with you it's weird yeah man you're on fire you're on fire with jokes I'm on fire with answers yeah you got the knowledge J whoa I forgot they let them sleep cuz if you count them as beds yeah and people our system ised up dude all right we are annihilating this f
amily yeah they are two Bros just annihilating a typical American Family Home yeah they are having a hard time making ends meet and we're like we got YouTube money yeah wow there was something for everyone in the room huh wow that's really awesome that all of you guys got Carl's Jr we have to sit here and watch everyone around us eat Carl's J do you know what that experience is like hours watch yall play video games no I'm not I don't even want any I don't even want any I was actually going to a
sk if anyone got a jalapeno poer I'm sorry I have to what is that Jack in the Jack in the back now oh it's Jack in the bux I was saying Carl's Jun whatever they're the same in my eyes I love the jalapeno poppers now you get to watch me get di no it's it's more me making fun of the situation dud thank you so much I'm okay I had Sharkies earlier name an animal trainers and vets dude obviously it's lying I was going to answer as a joke before even um hearing the question shark ly oh I know this dud
e this is easy seal uh the number one answer is crocodile I think it's lion though first no no no no wow okay I stand corrected I'm pulling my weight this time that's that's to I know animal mouths dude that's totally fine do you know many s up yeah yeah uh my ex-wife Steve she was an animal God bless your keeper all right I miss you every day Elaine got her uh okay uh she died in that mysterious crocod spousal murder accident boom crocodile he walked over he's like all right I'm like crocodile
Steve crocodile two crocodile alligator that's so messed up to to put them like that to say that they're so different uh hippo no I thought hippo and that'll kill you well it will kill you trainer dolphin dolphin I I was going to say maybe seal okay and I'm talking about the singer yeah okay go with seal I don't think I I don't think I see it but you know what man do your thing maybe a tiger tiger is what tiger oh I'm sorry seal tiger theal um okay you want me to say tiger oh no I'm going to say
I'm going to say look I'm going to say hippo all right I think a hippo I think if anyone's ever done done that it's been a not on purpose I'm going to say dolphin I'm going to say dolphin cuz I think they do yeah boom okay dolphin absolutely I don't know if I've seen that really I believe might they might do it cuz they're they're just very commonly trained animals you know and this is what 100 idiots said okay there's yeah I don't know if a dolphin would be a good answer fine then man say a ti
ger um I'm going to say tiger because I think of Sig freed and Roy and how that's always worked out and um wow yeah wow man that's so soon uh tick uh probably a tick probably the tip of my tiny tick answer I'm going to say tiger dude all right uh think they've got Stripes all right what's the last one then we keep getting the first three and not four so we've got big cats are there any big dogs like a wolf still alive what do you think trainers oh wait a whale to clean its teeth I'm going to say
hippo man oh man no it's not hippo but like it could be a horse I feel like I'm missing out on something very obvious some kind of weird bird um uh kangaroo uh anything Australian anything you'd find in uh it's got to be a predator like a giraffe I mean it's or unless it's a hippo put hippo you got to have something man I'm going to write hippo hippo you could be totally right you could be totally right there's two hippopotamus on there it's just like something you could put your head in but I
want someone to look it up if this no you definitely wouldn't do that you would die immediately for like no reason the deadliest animal on Earth by such a mile more than the mosquito cuz they also give you the T okay what the hell is this I think it's going to be does someone in this room think they've got it beefed up on Jack in the Box knowing things is that a shark it could be a shark well I don't know is that worse than hippo who's a shark trainer hyena if it's hyena I'm going to the good ne
ws is it's not the good news is it's probably like an animal dentist where it's like oh dog and cat and I put my head in here to see if it's maybe dog maybe it's just dog whale I was going to say whale but that's also terrible or like killer whale but that's like similar to Dolphin oh it is killer whale cuz Shamu shampoo Samurai Shamu similar results to Tiger didn't really work out so well horse I called it I called it dude straight from the horse's mouth Yep they're talking about someone's head
oh God yeah yeah 15 oh you bumped mine dude eight got a six dude you bump mine dude sucks okay oh my God the rest of our family is still in the car uh my mom's having a whole hereditary situation out there she just found my sister worry about it you see the little dance you just did his he looks like he's from a different game look at his eyes yeah oh yeah he's freaking the out he's from heavy rain start the clock okay um oh this is just me now it'll be you I'm I'm going to shut up uh jack off
uh game uh wait no uh sleep wow I wish dude I don't sleep at all name of food that kids can prepare themselves uh pbnj can I just write PBJ nope uh peut God damn it peanut butter and jelly there we go uh something with teeth with teeth uh human comb human comb hummingbird K made something in your house that's worn out that's worn out my wife uh my Steve my my two my ancient oh that's a good name the first thing you notice about an elephant at the zoo trunk or no how much it shits on its trainer
and the guy behind it going it's a living or no how it's like showering off a Flintstone it goes like it's a living I don't know what to say to this I said trunk did I say trump it well at least I know that I know what I can answer I think they know what what was the question what what did you notice about an elephant at the the Trump Steve do for sit uh um uh sleep game they're going to sit some could sit for 12 hours new food that kids can prepare themselves did you say sandwich I did well I s
aid peanut butter and jelly uh [ __ ] um um do you need help do you want help uh mac and cheese I was going to say mac and cheese mac and cheese mac and cheese Steve name something with teeth uh did you say human I said human there's also comb uh dog um or wait uh um the dog freaking dog has teeth yeah yeah man yeah they they most of the time something in your house that's worn out um uh 30 seconds left I don't know you help me with that one I don't know um a couch couch yeah yeah yeah couch is
great answer we get to cheat because we only have two people in our family name the first thing you either trunk or ears for sure trunk uh probably probably drunk trumpet naked Grandma trumpet Ste let's see what if one other guy the one Zoo I've been to you saw it to freaking he's like oh my God we both saw that right that's got to be the tro I like how he's got his arm on your shoulder he's like yeah man okay you're you're not you want to win don't you yeah he looks over me like oh sorry I forg
ot you were there sleep sit who won let's go I got zero for sit yeah nobody sits for 12 hours if they do their gaming or jacking off a [ __ ] to a bad start but we're both winning dude that's okay that's a full meal right there no veggies that is a you got zero for peanut butter and jelly that's cuz this is UK yeah they they hate they're allerg they call it they call it almond and jam dude zero for peanut butter and jelly te what here are your answers okay human dog it's going to be that one guy
's like hey those both are me wow dogs more well dogs do have more we're not winning this but you know dude we might we're pretty close um toothbrush is probably the best answer for this I think couch is going to be really good yeah and then next is my wife what the what got zero what's worn out in the house me Steve I'm at the end of my rope my patience Steve my sick wife tell you what if we did trunk in ears I think we won for sure oh trumpet oh my God we didn't win the 20K trumpet you didn't
win the TW oh God damn it God Stephen oh trumpet we won we did win we did win all I said is we would win look the Cooper family got zero points that's true that's all that matters I want them to follow them for a full 24 hours with the silent car ride home the dad calling his job saying like hey I'm I'm sorry you know when I said go yourself I I was kidding see you on Monday stop fighting back there yeah I know I Tony shut up I don't care about your persona lucky McCoy all right what are we movi
ng on to uh we'll tell you what Shane here's a funny thing let's roll the dice yeah I've got to go and make pee pees okay oh you you got the most on the board you got the fastest answer highest correct chain man you carried us I love like a Sten King High a strike chain though that's bad fastest thing though with that trumpet answer I'm also the slowest thinker slow fastest fastest thinker slowest thinker but the but I got the best one I got the most Lions dude scored most points though 245 poin
ts really killed it most top answers three I mean inherently but also most of oh we tied there we go one just as idiot and it's like it's me I'm like what guy I'm going to Merc it's like what ignoramus all right it says mine and then it says Damian oh I can do better than that that's one that's a freaking one I'll do I'll get my 20 now thank you it's a what was that it's a five damn dude oh it's fine I rolled a one five is more than one all right guys we'll be right back I'm going to go make pee
e in the appropriate area wait what's what's happening right now are we throwing it no no no come and get it with your mouth no ah [Laughter] shooter [Laughter] shoo this is Cliffhanger a [Music] yeah oh have you ever watched wheel for so when I was a kiddo um cuz I I I started as a baby you know you were a kid at one point I have I'll be honest I started as a baby grew into a man um I uh my family would have a wheel of fortune and Jeopardy on at like I think it was like 700 and 7:30 situation w
e have dinner yeah my family was not a game show family they didn't have game shows on they were a uh it was the friends Seinfeld Fresh Prince but I feel like that was all after this though right uh I think Jeopardy was honestly sometime I felt like Jeopardy was pretty but you know where I watched Jeopardy was with my grandparents in Florida whenever I was at their house they would have Jeopardy on and I think it would come on later there cuz it was the East Coast maybe i' like to think it was j
ust a single rerun on VHS and your grandpa was just like I'm the smartest guy in the I know everything wow Jeopardy is addicting if you sit down and Jeopardy starts it's hard to walk away it is uh they do say that Jeopardy is the um vaping of game shows it is The Vaping of game shows Ken Jennings is a Wheel of Fortune though I'd say look I like I like most game shows it's probably my least favorite game show well I think like there's so much skill involved in the guessing but like when you see s
omeone really just get their [ __ ] rocked by luck oh um okay this is my time 2 16 wait what no way that's a 16 is a two and I'm making my way back town yep H didn't that wasn't even words but that's okay dude this sucks hell yes sus things are looking good heyy how's it going all right let's start I say normal no normal normal unless you want to do no cuz I think this is what I'm going to be really bad at I I this is not going to be my jam yeah we're competing now this is whenever I'm watching
Wheel of Fortune I yell out what I think the answers are and I blow it every time who oh for a second that looked really real oh yeah she's fine wait what Oh I thought it was real for a second I got I got scared I thought it was actually at the maybe I thought maybe we were watching a live stream of it I think the thing is we were actually playing this was all a prank we just played the two frames per second Family Feud game and so now anything is like this is actually jarring is this GameCube n
ow yeah okay yeah hey everyone what's going on FR thank you for joining us today I don't I don't take any [ __ ] I own my own business I am their attorney I am just here for legal reason you and I are here for a professional category is things what's up I'm Pat Ajax from uh The Iliad and I'm here okay things okay um uh um uh wow uh Tex Tex God damn I pressed it what button do you press a oh oh man I didn't even know it yeah I was going to put I was going to put Texas Roadhouse but if you ask me
what a hundred guys think something is I'm gonna know that you pretty good dude it's a landmark Landmark um oh god um what if you think you know the answer please go ahead all right so we got ourselves a little uh a little bit of a little bit of fart a little bit of fart knock oh Fort KN fart knock in Kentucky Fort Knox in Kentucky a if you ask me what 100 guys say I'll say I don't even know 100 people Bravo man thanks man I was not going to get Fort Knox in Kentucky you know what's really funny
is I knew that I know you don't have what it takes and see now we're in competitive mode that's what we do that's okay see speaking of uh speaking of uh Damien chain show favorite best moments uh do you have any standout memories from our from our time together um we used to work together honestly man the the when we had our first Grudge Match and you beat me and the last I I actually want to say half of that video is US playing games and the second half is you going on an insane rant yeah no g
et fight my controller no eat me in the dog it's me just just losing your mind cuz I've always been real unwell uh proper name uh oh um Fort Knox in Kentucky I'm going to go and spin I'm gonna go and spin Dan I'm gonna spin Steve I want to go on Wheel of Fortune just so I can say that it's just like I'm GNA P I'm going to spin Steve uh I'm not Steve uh I'm going to go uh for an S uh Kyle all right uh all right yeah I think I'm going to probably need to go ahead and do another spin there David so
I don't think I know how Wheel of Fortune works if you don't get the answer right do you lose all the money that you spun for no it's only if you don't win the round God but you uh you lose your money if you bankrupt um all right so I'm going to go uh I'm going to go with a an R FY well now it's it's your turn my guy oh wow that there wasn't a okay I'm going to spin Steve no pirateer no RS and Bam full power I thought yeah look at that just up but saws through the audience 700 Steve that's pret
ty good uh I'm going to go with a um C I'm gonna go with a l bold Richard I think an l l wow two L's what the Merl twins um I'm gonna spin Steve uh uh yeah yeah oh I know this one I actually I actually have it correct I really don't know I actually know what it is and I wish I could tell you right now audience but I can't but I know who it is I know who it is okay um what the hell is this uh uh balloons uh yeah man uh I'm going to say B cuz that looks like balloons in the bottom part and it's no
t I know I know it says proper name but maybe balloons are pretty proper here's the thing here's the thing Shane you don't have to worry because while I know with 100% certainty what this is I don't have enough money yet so I'm going to still Spin and try to get my money and if I don't get a money and I hit bankrupt you get another turn and you then get to see who this is oh like proper name like this is the name of some what the Inc you landed on the 1 million this lawyer is going to kill us sh
e guess Q you lost I now know it do you really I okay yeah I wasn't thinking like celebrities a proper name I was thinking like you weren't thinking about I was think like gentlemen I don't know I I was think I was thinking of I it was just God I wish I could have a she blew a million dollars we're never going to see that happen again I'm just trying to think if there's anything else that would have multiple uh uh uh you know what do not actually know no I do know what it is I just want to see l
ike um I want to try to get like a something that gives me multiple of the letter because whatever you land on you get you know what I mean you get a couple of that those letters so like if I landed on 2500 and there's two M's then I get 5,000 you know is that how that works yes I'm going to go and solve cuz I want that money really didn't know that number one um all right well yeah see I I was I was screwing this up see if if I if I'd known I like cuz Michelle Williams I know that name oh no I'
m kidding see you know what also would have worked is forel if you spell it wrong that's true wow arya's got to be thinking like her family when she gets home that was for sure her 13th reason when she gets home her family's like wow that was pretty crazy she's like bring me the nearest Hammer you're going I have never I was going to say before we started this I've never in all my watching of Wheel of Fortune which isn't much never seen someone land on the million so I don't think it works in th
e way that you think I I don't think you just get a million dollars I think it's like wow you know collect 17 more of these throughout the game and you get to have a million doll got it oh it's a thing Shane okay I'm going to spin Steve yep bow it's all right Darnell it's all money this makes so much noise free play with the free play well then I guess I get to just guess it uh thing uh that would be a um no I'm just kidding um uh I do remember that like time when we had a grudge match going nut
s and we we tried to do multiple Grudge matches and as much as as much fun as it was to like play against each other and be like ah battling like we were so much like closer in time to being roommates then which when it was like a common thing for us to like mess with each other I think now like I frankly have more fun succeeding with you oh W that's as we've done together in life that's I look I I feel the same but at the same time if I had the opportunity to beat you at something I would take
it well you did just possibly win it to two knives right there uh maybe plant one in my back okay um let's see an S um where there's I'm going to go with an R yes we have some that's what they say where there's an S there's an R oh the answer is a thing that's so mean I know dude a thing uh uh uh ocelot resurrector uh ra a ra a rutro a rutro I have no money to spend um actually yeah I'm going to I'm going to get a vow uh I'm going to say an A and what the hell damn dude this is awful hey man it'
s all money [Music] dude you got all the sorts of time in the world you could just think about it dude and you can also spin the win I'm going to spin I'm going to spin this I don't know I'm so bad at just don't lose a turn though just make sure you don't lose a turn how do you lose a turn you got to land on lose a turn o now you get the mystery ,000 and he just pulls out a gun oh [ __ ] okay um I'm gonna say t unfortunately there are unfortunately Shane what the hell is this all right if she la
nds on a million again it's gonna be so funny a triangle like all right wow bankrupt damn dude o sorry wow we gave you all the luck in the last turn idiot all right man solve this do you know it no and I don't have any money either so I I do need to I do need to make some money here I need to make some gosh dang oh thought I too thought it was you're going to bankrupt there um I'm going to say um you know what man I was going to say B and I think that's stupid so I won't yeah I'm going to say h
all right great great that's awesome so now we have um I oh I know okay I know which other letter goes there I'm going to get a little more money I'm just going to get a little more money you know what I mean h man all that money I want to get so we know it's not a th and we know it's not an sh so it's got to be either this or a vowel we have one okay okay what the hell Umar mascara and then the furniture starts floating what the freck don't cares I'm pissed about about this I don't know what th
is is this hurts my brain oh I got greedy I got greedy and now the bank ruptured that's tough man that's tough what's your favorite roommate memory okay hold on what's your favorite time so did name three nice things about me uh okay oh no okay okay okay okay okay succeed all right there there's got to be another letter in this thing uh yeah I think that's core concept uh I I worry that there's only uh vowels left in this piece of [ __ ] I don't think I I don't think it's possible to have that o
h oh my God yep do you know what it is yep y wait wait wait wait okay okay hold on contestant number two please solve you know what this is my guy yep uh ye wait okay I'm just going to say yep to whatever you do yeah yeah yeah no it's not that damn it I I don't know I don't I don't know it I don't freaking know this thing what the hell is this thing is dude you know what's really frustrating to you right now do you know it I do know it but I don't have any money cuz I bankrupted so I can either
uh money block you you know what I hope I hope she wins this what the hell was that letter that's what's going to okay so it is p take that audio do what you will P dude I think it is p uh you're going to you're going to kick yourself squat in the nuts dude psychiatric uh uh cicilian Reaper Sicilian reer hey I like it the gr oh dude I like oh dude she's going to be if she got it again wow not a single one on the bo do another queue again I'm just going to I'm just going to money block you I'm so
rry I have to dude if it's if we're about if we're about i ph referral I know you're going to be so mad I know I'm so sorry dude it's okay no I do not deserve that one at all no cuz you do no I don't to be honest I wasn't sure how you were going to solve this God damn that's an eight that's a six we're neck and neck dude winner of this round will also be getting a free prize already the category is same same name it says okay okay same name you know what that means no I don't know David and Davi
d David and David I actually don't know what that means oh it's going to be like Michael and Steven bckas okay you know maybe same name the hell we have one okay uh that's a p or t j keep and you'll be heading home a winner tonight Toth the god of knowledge of of Egypt Tylo and Otis um oh dude that's my uh what's your favorite roommate memory um do we have any of those no I'm sorry um get out is up there oh yeah dude that was great uh what's what's yours um probably get out no probably just like
the fact you know what I'm going to be real sentimental for a minute oh you got the money now1 oh man um oh I'm going to guess an N I'm going to guess yes we have some end you got some [Music] money hold on I'm I'm thinking about this I'm thinking about this the hell is this hold on let me think about all the letters and I'll answer you in a minute tits yeah tits and tits and fannies a lot I'm I I know I know what one of the letters is is but I don't know what the rest of them are and that's th
e problem but I don't know if I have the strength to do it no I just think oh come on Wow Come on Brutal I could have won half a car you could have won half of the car again our family's like weit that's exactly what we need that is what we want I think what was really special is uh so while you and I were roommates you had that like back house area and I had uh a room in the house but we sort of shared that backyard like if we both open up our windows we could you know hear each other doing stu
ff no um there's no s like yeah um there's no s oh man Stanis baran's out though um so oh got it you know it yep I don't know it I don't know it um you and I were both able to smell uh the like ripe guavas in the summer oh yeah yeah yeah and the cats we could hear the cat Cat every yeah the feral cats there were a lot of feral cats oh it's your turn um what the hell um hold on oh I think I know this one get out is uh when my ex and I were in Damian's room late at night we're and he was showing u
s these videos of squids on his on his computer and we were standing there and we were just like that's crazy and we were like hanging out for a bit but but it end at at a certain point we were like this and we're just watching and and the video ends and we're just kind of standing there and we're just like that crazy and then there's a moment of silence and Damen just goes well get out yeah they were just in my room you know so I was just looking at them and I was like well get out and it's som
e of the hardest I've ever laughed it was very honest and I guess I don't want to say too much about it's fine I mean it was it was your ex was a very blunt person where that was like a big gamble for me to do that and it worked out I think it was the kind of thing where like if You' played balers Gate 3 you're talking to LEL and you're like maybe she'll like if I tell her to listen to me oh what the [ __ ] is this oh it is okay amazing amazing amazing you know it I still don't know this yep yep
y y y yep and it was [Music] yep I um sorry I'm sorry for spinning the [ __ ] out of this thing no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on Bonk Krypto ah all right Arya take it away I'm already stock of how stock oh bankruptcy wow the dumbest wow you're so dumb don't you wor dude I have Zer don't you worry dude I got this dude I got you taco it is actually T is it Taco I want to make that money though cuz I don't have any money [Music] dude got me close cutting it real close you're ce
rtain it's Taco it's Taco dude I know what it is dude taco and something Bell dude taco and Dennis Bell taco and God damn it am I going to be so bad am I going to be so mad uh you were so certain Dinner Bell Dinner Bell Dinner Bell oh I think I don't understand the the gimmicks of these rounds I didn't either for this I was I was looking for like a genuine like Duo look you might get to go here oh we'll actually shoot you out of a cannon from your home in the direction of France and now you get
to off to France where everyone stinks it it's actually pretty dirty sorry really bad people events um uh yeah what if we just let it just fully oh yeah well got it I got this dude it's my favorite thing in the world oh no uh oh no I'm so sorry I feel like I should um out of uh month time hunt crunch uh Bunch time workout P time I feel like it's not it's not right for me to take this one I have to pass I've solve no cuz I have 58 seconds to 48 seconds to solve it it's okay man you took it just j
ust take it because it's it's workout and I thought it was nighttime workout but then now I'm like it's bounch time workout pun time workout it's tunch time workout TCH time workout man it's uh pinch pinch time out let's let's say it's a pinch time workout are you genuinely answering that punch time workout what is it uh lunchtime workout lunchtime yeah you said that earlier and I was like yeah that's definitely what it is I didn't say it doesn't make any sense to me it's an event dude okay ites
never been invited I've never heard of lunchtime workout it's what I do when I but it's definitely the answer you guys are all eating and I'm like like oh yeah I don't time workout about that Shane I wish should take that money back do they sometimes just make [ __ ] up on this show yeah they do all the time is that the gimmick sometimes sh this has been running for longer than there's been TV how many puzzles can there possibly be they're out of nouns yeah it's a spin-off of I Love Lucy Lucill
e balls in my mouth that's it final spin um people people s s One S um Britney Spears you got it you actually have that number one would you like it's noty spear you actually got it dude it's there's an R there for sure wait no I don't want to oh this is where you okay so this gimmick is you get to guess one letter and then you have a chance to solve it and then it passes to the next person it's sort of like a lightning round situation so if you really thought it was Britney Spears you'd be righ
t but it's people so it's okay I've got it I've got it got it genely yep I do um I you better get this I I literally do I just don't have time to do it God damn it this isn't working fast enough uh it's really not uh it's really not moving fast enough oh I've got this dude it's political pundits autism don't fail me now if it is political pundits I am going to be so amazed it is I think I think lucky McCoy will walk out on stage he's not in this one dude oh are you kidding me it would have worke
d though oh that would have been so cool that sucks so much oh God damn it and there's not an a there's not an a dude ho [ __ ] come on we have some what is it contestant number three your chance to solve okay you know what dude wow not a single there's no PE it's not political pundits um all right let's roll sorry uh e there's got to be another vowel in this I don't there's no vowels yeah is it is it we it's Bronies Jolly T you got it Steve I got to go with jolly your taunted does anyone else s
mell copper is that toast do we have any of those oh yeah shut up you were making fun of me saying jol your taunet Arya I think I actually do know what the I know what the second word is no we don't see what it's not political pit it's got to be political pundit dude that would have worked though I'm so mad it's got to be political P there's got to be another unfortunately that's not what what is this word with no vowels in it everything is a CU it's G she didn't get it right what letters are in
these words I know this one it's an F dude there's got to be an F there wow not a single you holy crap dude your family there is a series you can't have okay there's one vowel left I got to go with it we have one okay oh I do know this one do you actually know it yeah I know the second word for sure it's pundit bodic wallets suck why don't you suck on B wallets why don't you suck on B wallets Steve okay come on what is this you bastard she cannot guess us anything okay so I know what the second
word is so I'm going to try R yes we have some R okay okay I've got this oh give me a break got this now I know it yeah dude well that's why because I got it give me a break I won't do that I'm not going to it I mean we didn't guess two of the most common letters T and R so like you know volunteer worriers that's it that'd be volunteer worriors Steve uh volunteer wers that's how they make their puzzles all right congratulations on having 27 Grand and I have 0 Shane we live in Los Angeles that's
a month that's true it's crazy how like from 5 years ago when we did the show now we're both Rich we gained so much money from not doing this show hey you guys did pretty well too we're not all have fun man please keep sending us money oh okay what do you think I'm going to win though what kind of vibe um I I we need to win a car by the a church you got it what does this mean uh I win uh s it stands for scar what does that do I I win a me over here please all right come over here all right yeah
come over here TV title TV title dude R boner third one's boner okay uh pristine penis um um oh wow see um I'm going to go with uh P I'm going to go with um uh D I'm going to go with uh M and a vowel I'm going to go with uh I I was pretty sure you were going to get that one um oh this is easy okay criminal criminal ma good luck um criminal mans it's why they got those safe boxes in the hotel room's funny is you know immediately that it has to be a show that's wait no this isn't on their network
no this is made by Nintendo this is on Nintendo what channel is Wheel of Fortune on is it ABCD not it's ABC right yeah cuz Criminal Minds I think is CBS I think you're right it is CBS oh uh I got a 15 I got a three yeah yeah you did wow Rich [Applause] dude oh we unlocked new kind of hair dude oh good nice so how you feeling great that's great almost feels like we would unlock a new uh Grudge Match wow did we build up animosity maybe uh okay 61,000 it's like Jesus walking around money right the
re I like that they just give you $1,000 I think it's your day rate and you do get I literally won my day rate you do get taxed all right millionaire time yeah you know what Shane that was fun and all and you know that I got rich um you did get rich but I I I kind of feel better if we would get rich Let's Get Rich dude or die trying that's right it's my favorite we're movie Curtis 50 Cent Jackson that's probably the best movie that 50 Cent did I would agree I that okay so who is your biggest sur
prise to find out was a smos fan cuz that one was mine for sure sorry what did you just say Curtis 57 Jackson watch a smash he's tweeted me a couple times okay he he really actually had me for a split was just like for a second I thought 50 Cent actually watches smos and I was like wow he does he was like I really enjoy sord F uh please bring it back for a couple more seasons party like it's your birthday and then I had to pay him $70 for the Cameo and then but he said it so I'm going to warn yo
u real quick Shane I did play this last night to test it and I put this but a lot of the questions sound an awful lot like I put that but I put it I put this but it seems like they're about that interesting and I used Alex's money on his switch to buy the DLC to unlock all these different thing types and then they said hey congratulations you now have the opportunity to unlock those types when you win a bunch and get a bunch of money and then you can start adding in manga questions they have man
ga questions that we don't have access to that we paid to for it's the dumbest thing in the goddamn world Who Wants To Be A Millionaire my hero Academia Edition yeah what does deu have to eat in order to gain power ass what's up JZ let's play oh I don't even I don't even need this play right um see what I mean but check this out wait General culture no where there it is manga nice but we can't play it but you can't play it because we don't have enough neurons it's 2,000 neurons we only have 40 o
h give me a break all right let's let's unlock some neurons yeah let's unlock some neurons dude all right let's just play solo right I think I think Lo local multiplayer allows us to pass it back and like Co-op everyone must agree and validate the same answer everyone wins or everyone loses so you can just we just don't have to pass it back and forth you can still use your controller but we can do this cool let's do it Cooperative um connected yes excellent confirmed so is there anything we don'
t want on here let's just have it all man like look this is true this is true who wants Be A Millionaire we can't eliminate categories for sure I agree with you how do you feel about Olympic Games though because I'm real bad at that as proven last I'm fine with keeping Olympic Games on there okay all right let's do this all right so I'm margareth and I'm Reuben and this is jackass did the did the 50-50 Lifeline thing ever bother you like in the live action show where he'd be like where they' be
like well I know it's not puppy power and I know it's not but it could be the other two I'll use the 50/50 and then they take away away those two yeah you're like God damn it I know no they'd be real Jerks with that one uh ask the audience is absolutely the best one I it often just gives you the answer yeah now a phone a friend can be good if you know the right person or if you have someone there with Google the worst thing is though if someone is on the phone with you and like you they know you
're relying on them and you as the audience and the people at home and everything all like realize all at once that they don't know it it's so it's so rough like Kyle I know you're my history guy he's just like oh are you ready for this new he looks like uh halflife too wait am I do I look exactly like the host no you look like Reuben he's blonde well okay this margareth which actor played the role of Aquaman in the movies in 2018 as Nicholas C oh that's definitely um that's definitely Christian
Bale no he's the same guy as Jamie Lannister dude Nicholas CER Waldo yeah yeah without even having to discuss it we agree that it's be Oh I thought we were holding if this is your final answer there we go hope it's the correct answer oh my God oh my God oh my God my God just tell him the freaking answer great great cool who won the Olympics in the year one $100 dude that's going to buy so much that's walking around money we all agree that we can move on to this new question which political brou
ght Richard nion oh that was definitely um Obama gate that was dude that was if Obama GES one of these I would lose my mind beer gate beer gate hello welcome to beer gate the only Nixon themed drinking it wasn't any of those Nixon was very hydrated that was the issue is that he was so hydrated that had to well he opened up that slle and all that water came through that water really bad and it it went into the Overflow cloa through that SLO yeah and through the SLO was quite literally a Watergate
you know what I'm saying okay so $200 this is already the most money I've ever seen in my life where's myle uh how many stars are there in the EU flag we know this one dude and that's tell you what you see what I mean though do you remember what I said earlier yeah you did say it just gets immediately hard I want to say it's uh well how many how many nations are in the EU these are all so freaking close to each other that's brutal um say 13 is that oh God wait 13 doesn't fit well on a flag hold
on I would say it's I feel I'm feeling 12 I know about you we only get to yeah okay cool 12 we're going like 12 Final Answer bam it's wrong it's 14 if it's going to be 13 dude I'll kill you it's 14 100% it's 14 I'll your oh good job dud see I trusted you I've trusted you minute that was tough um okay ask what they would uh anything but anything but shardon um I think it's got to be anything but Chardon this is not an American saying anything but anything but I I guess it would be anything but c
hampagne it probably would be champagne cuz you're not celebrating now we do have time to answer how much time do we have all the oh oh infinite okay great uh that's a six 10 that's one of my best rolles sorry that's a five I'm sorry I don't want to lie to you here Shane um a 10 is one of my best roles I've ever had in my life I mean I feel like we're looking pretty even here dude I think I'm I'm I might be you added a one oh no you're you're had the other wow I've been accused of a lot of thing
s in my life anything but I think anything but champagne it's either champagne or it's uh shablis because I don't know what that is sh sh and I don't cuz this sounds like an old phrase so it's like may I I think maybe it's anything but shbl well tell you what I actually think I figured this out you helped me out there my friend so if someone we're thinking about like anybody instead think about someone looking real sad walking into a bar they're like what do you want to drink and they're like an
ything but champagne cuz there's nothing to celebrate they need a stiff drink okay all right let's go champagne if it's sh I'm going to be so sad you can shoot me in the neck with a nail all right man let's see don't is made it'll be a for us going be sh watch it be sh I don't think it's I don't think it's sh dude it's going to be sh dude I feel so did anyone in this room know that okay you did Brennon how did you know that how did you know that brenon oh my gosh it's the wrong you've heard that
before you spend a lot of time in London huh anyway good luck anything but chardonay all right okay before we start our next round wow yeah dude I'm feeling hungry dude 14 dude 13 we got 14 on 13 D oh [ __ ] I've got an idea what's up if ever we tie we just don't write them up no we if we have the same numbers it just it doesn't matter well here's my thought if we tie we write them up for each other okay cuz then we get to cross on camera and the audience is going to love that dude all right cu
z I've been planning all my moves we're going to move around we're going to move left and right there's only 15 questions which animal is represented on Wonder Woman's breast plate boobies tities kitties sorry I'm really sorry about that one um I feel like that's got to be some kind of bird Trevor after we discussed it what if we're wrong what if it's a lion I I have not paid look as an ally have not paid much attention to her to her boobs I don't I don't I don't look at her moves I look at her
face I look at her white and bl Frenchman was the gold medalist in 100 me freestyle yeah Shane let's see which uh which oh was it Jean BTO Al ber ston or Charles dandel oh [ __ ] do we want to H do we want to use one of our things already uh look let's just go for one and it's Charles dville but I just wanted you to feel bad about it dude it's not Charles D you don't think so you really don't think it's Charles Dandan I think it's John booty I'm going to I'm going to vote Charles Dandan I'm V vo
ting John booty Steven Corone dude what happens when this uh they uh they put one of us down so then I have to go with Charles all right then I'm probably going to probably say johnb oh I can't change dude if it's John booty I'm going to be so mad corre answer it is John booty dude I'm sorry it's definitely Jean booty god dude why did you make us lose this suck my tiny bones Alan Bernard we knew it was Alan Berard we're going to try this again um that one doesn't count we could okay next round w
e pick one category that's a great great idea and we just see if we can get that one category wine cuz there's some categories that I think I could just Crush oh are used to other sheep dude traitor sheep hamsters oh God I tell you what I pick good American money to watch hamster her a sheep that' be real good I watch skip it we know we know I watch a guinea big fight at Cappy Bara yeah that's right one of them gets a blatant it's not the one you here just just okay just skip it we know it's rig
ht do you have somewhere to be what are uh Phoenicians dude uh yeah uh wait so are Phoenix what am I called I I think it's Phoenix residence I'm sorry if you we were never called any of this [ __ ] I grew up in Phoenix this feels pointed Phoenicians is for there they they're part of Mesopotamia I know but you think they're just called Phoenix residence you're from Phoenix Shane all right Phoenix residen Phoenix resid long because we're not called Phoenicians you are absolutely called we were nev
er called Phoenicians that's why there's a Vegas ever called us Phoenicians unless they're referring to a different Phoenix I noticed your I'm going to hit you with a rock what what were they talking about an ancient Phoenix what are the Scot still residents called they never called no one in Phoenix has ever used that word entertain let's just go full entertainment wait no dude we need science no we need scence we cure we just need General culture out we not want to do do we not want to do a on
e single category okay well let's do one for each of us so let's get rid of DC Comics you want to do entertainment I don't want to do DC Comics I don't want no I'm saying let's get rid of it so you do you do entertainment I'm going to do science dude all right right okay dude we're going to do that unless it's like when does the thing what do you what's okay so we just get to pick twos so entertainment and science what's up next um I will do I will do um o Sports I'm going to do Sports all right
for me it's either history or language I'm going to do language all right we got this yeah dude now it's going to be only our strong suits so we're good we're really good at this dude I would watch this for three hours yeah are we doing a good job tell us someone validate us what do you need more of how stupid are we um in the comments ments down below let us know if we're stupid I will ask this I think my pants are pretty cool that whole stupid pants bee I think it's coming gone especially cuz
I'm trying to work with a company now that actually makes cool pants and I was like I'll post about your pants and then the first comment swarm that I got was like oh look at all the stupid pants and I was like God damn it like I was like that's the worst combo of things like normally all mind when someone's like you're silly I'm like whatever but I'm like I literally was like trying trying to work with a company and all the comments were like stupid pants stupid pant I was like I want to kill
my your fault sucks which of these phrases a toast up roast or um compai or um see this is language left up rights up bottoms up okay I didn't even know what they're referring to ass up face down face down ass up neck back [ __ ] and crack it down Mark I couldn't be more happy for you you found a great woman that's going to be me on Saturday dude cuz I'm pronouncing our friends married you're officiating right do you understand how much power I have you could ruin everything I'm officiating a fr
iend's wedding a mutual Friend's Wedding um from long ago oh d w gowing that's right and he's the first one what if none of the others showed up and it's just Ryan Gosley way duckwing Ray duckling Robert chick and Rory Swan yeah but I had to get like I'm actually a minister now so you have to refer to me as Mr President I love that they gave us a bunch of imaginary people as opposed to other actors well dicks out like all the other ones were really easy too well I know but like yeah I feel I gue
ss that'd be too tough okay which body of water is Chicago located dude that River um it's not it's uh it's l Michigan dude everybody knows that it's Lake Michigan dude everybody knows it's Lake Michigan it's Lake Michigan it's not the Eerie Canal I'll tell you that much right now are we going to say yeah yeah yeah dude we're getting we're actually making real money in this one in the fairy tale who did the mirror declare was the feris Rapunzel Rapunzel Rapunzel no wait wait wait it's not Rapunz
el no of course not it's snow white dude it's no white dude yeah here's the other thing though um in in addition to officiating the wedding they were also like hey can you sing uh a song with a friend of ours for our first dance and I was like yeah for sure and I said yes to this months ago and now it's coming up this week and I'm like oh that's there's a lot of pressure all at once for this weekend yeah so I'm I have to like sign their license all right like it's and I'm going to sounds like a
lot man I'm worried I'm going to have diarrhea on stage that'd be really funny and I take the pressure off of them though which athlete played himself in endurance a docu drama about his Olympic experience Olympics uh what if it's the same guy ah this is tough oh God you just made up every one of those people uh okay well we do have lifelines though dude we haven't used any of our lifelines let's use the lifeline do we not have lifelines have lifelines wait everybody look over there for a minute
I'm getting a text one second oh [ __ ] oh no is she okay let me know if everything turns out okay with her getting the idea that it might be I think it's ha jell that's something I remembered Jo M see the right yeah go Italy all hail jelly all hail jelly Breeze Mr jelly be ha jelly Breeze hail jelly bre aren't you guys mad at my be okay funniest idea you're on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire it's like you ask a question you're just like oh God you a new question sorry I thought I was getting a t
ext which of these US states does not share a land border with Canada my god dude okay who do they think we are an idiot Wyoming dude it's what it's Wyoming you think it's not Vermont I don't think it's Vermont I think it's Wyoming there's the Pacific Ocean right above it dude wait is it Wyoming no I don't think it's Wyoming I I think it's Wyoming cuz Idaho they're trying to trick you with Idaho cuz it has that little like I think they're trying to trick you with Vermont too I think it's Wyoming
man go Wyoming dude be wrong but going to punch you real hard in the thigh now it's time to you pull good job dude hey nice so close to your hand now yeah cuz Wyoming is underneath Montana which from which fruit is syrup grenadine made boom pomegranade let's get out of here nice there's not even alcohol in there could be you can just make a Shirley Temple with grenadine nice Spencer Knows what's up wait Shirley Temple's Cherry I thought concentrate it's grenadine new question for you which of t
hese is not one of the children in the 2005 film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory oh these are going to be awesome Violet Bard Violet Bard Mike tv Mike TV that's real yeah I know Cornelius oh wait a Cornel assault dude yeah he's not one of the children it's veroo assault is the kid yeah and Augustus Gloop is what Augustus is named after uhhuh Mike TV I love watching Cowboys with their guns Mike TV sounds like a a child YouTuber what's up guys I'm Mike TV that is how twitch started right it was
just and then it became twitch really yeah holy [ __ ] it was wow learning learning new things yeah and what I love about you Shane is like I say that with the same voice where I [ __ ] things and you knew that it was true mhm oh um three I think how many films were in the original Charles Bronson Death Wish series oh there's a lot hold on hold on sorry it's almost 7 this is slated to go till 7:45 I know but I do have to do something real quick um let's see oh Fu sorry I have to
just asked Brenan how many Death Wish hold on one second I'm not do I have to text my friend dude it's almost it's almost seven you said you're looking at Death Wish Bron how many Death Wish movies are there I think there's I think I would guess there's probably about five what did you say I think there's probably five okay fine be wrong but we're going to my friend's okay by the way I thought you about to tweet out that you're not streaming tonight no I did that when I went to the bathroom an h
our ago oh you can check me on that I did wow we got it yeah that's so crazy that we knew that cuz that's I would always watch him with my dad and he'd be like you better be careful there's five of these i' be like I'd be like I hope you you better be careful there sequels to this under what name did Eric Weiss uh achieve fame uh d That's Bella Los GOI right there oh that that makes me think that's Harry Houdini you think so I I I uh you know hold on I oh [ __ ] I forgot I got a there's a episod
e of Smashmouth I got to figure out what we're going to I okay I was actually right I was right on that think it was it's Harry Houdini I think it could be Bella loosi I don't think they would reference HP Lovecraft in this time to on account he's a racist the thresh I will say if we unlock enough money to do manga after this we should just do manga let's do manga after this manga after but if we ever don't know we need to back out because you get to walk away with the money you're going you're
going to make short work of this new Bo TF what subject being an idiot [ __ ] being stupid and Rich uh she what if it was magic potion I think it's probably history cuz she's too stupid uh it was French was it really yeah God stinky City that France is after having thought about it a long time oh that's why she's an [ __ ] D oh she learned from the French yeah smoking their cigarettes that that was actually that was an easy one we're that was easy but it could have been this new question is now
waiting for you to be answered oh dude we know this one the CH the chungo building oh wait hold on oh the it actually is the ghim museum are you dead serious probably I think Frank Lloyd wri designed the Empire State Building are you sure uh look let's just answer it uh I that I am I'm I think it's the Empire State Building for sure for sure are you look I'm gonna google it just because just to be safe because who do we care what do we care yeah we're not trying to prove anything to you or ourse
lves cuz we know we'd be fine on this um if we knew the subjects beforehand and they let us study we would be okay we just didn't get to study for this uh let's see hold on um my next time I post please compliment my pants I really want to work with this company come on they're nice right what did he design I like most famous wait I think it's the Guggenheim Museum dude unless you think it that's designed by John Guggenheim the Empire State Building is too early cuz Frank lyd WR so I watched on
stream the other night because it's public domain um the or yeah what's the answer Franky Des okay so you're right can you say that a little louder so that the microphone can e please Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Guggenheim if you see the outside it's very Franklin right so yeah I was watching House on Haunted Hill as like a movie night stream thing the other day and I was like oh there's noing way that building is real it looks like it's one of those models how silly they could have at least
made it look real and everyone was like that's a frankwood right building I was like yep and they were like it's in Los feles and I was like yep you're like shut up that's an I get behind well he called it the Guggenheim which is stupid well no cuz it's named after goles gogles the clown who invented goling in which country is Radio Donna a national radio I think we just walk well like badon so I think it would be Italy D I I I agree or Greece but I think it would be Spain or France for sure to
o R it's got to be itly dude asn't it Radio Donna um uh cuz they pronounce it R and if you don't have hands say Country Radio Donna um what the [ __ ] I can't I can't even find the answer to this [ __ ] just look up Radio Donna Italy Radio Donna Spain or text your friend about her bones see if they're okay I dude I don't I don't know this can anyone figure this [ __ ] out I think it's dude it's wait sorry can I share some fun facts the the building is called the Anis building from House on Haunt
ed Hill what good movie dud but it's redrawn in Venture Brothers cuz it's where the Monarch winds up living wow dude and you watch Frank Lloyd R that's really cool hey Spencer what country is Radio Donna a national radio network I'm getting Spain you're I was GNA say dude getting Spain thank you thank you that's a 17 for seven for me [ __ ] Shane just took the lead dude Shane just took the lead dude Shane just took the lead dude my shoes untied God damn it I wish I could slide of hand and roll b
etter C well you know what I'm actually stoked for Shane what this whole thing so we'll let you in on a little secret that we haven't been telling you all this whole time we're trying to see who gets the the most highest numbers when we roll um that's what we've been doing the whole time and the reason we're doing that is because Shane um when playing these games here uh often says man oh man my luck with Rolland on nuts it ain't no good nothing noow um and so we're trying to see is that true or
maybe we all agreed on an answer if it's not Spain they give up it's dud so sad dude look at it right here I'm looking at it here Alex Alex what the hell we actually had it and then you Googled it and we lost I Googled the actual question it says it's a Spain right there every single thing here says Spain oh how much does it take to get manga 2,000 oh I don't think we would have gotten enough had we won I think we have to play so much to unlock this is so much heavier than you'd expect I had no
idea why is my shoe untied again bad shoes dude no don't start [ __ ] about my clothes when you see stupid shoes I'm trying to work with this shoe company too um okay you know what uh Alex just to show you there's no hard feelings I'm going to give you a little autograph from your favorite Disney Channel star how do you spell your name what do you do in 60 seconds from now let's see here wow Alex Tron we've come to the part of this evening or whatever time of day someone's watching this where w
e do have to do a little bit of a classic for us yeah dude I know we've been working together we've had a few moments of competition but you got to give the people what they want exactly let's roll some dice yep all right right come on oh it was an 18 dude it was an 18 I'll give you the 18 it was 18 I saw it as 18 did anyone else see anything different do you want to roll let's roll you know what it giv okay yes this is us rolling with Advantage if you get higher than a 15 grade if I get higher
than an 18 great okay that's a 19 and a four so you got a 15 15 okay great so now I got a 19 yeah see that was a that was a gentleman's compromise see that's the kind of B thing we take into battle you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah um you know what I think this next phase will also remind me of um you asked favorite uh roommate memories there was a time where you and I played nit hog and we had a round that went for 11 minutes 11 minutes of nit hog yeah actual like unstopped play of going back
and forth for 11 minutes it was insane now if you're not familiar with nit hog it's basically tug-of warar with swords and bow and arrows and stuff like that if you die you respawn it's a whole situation and it is our um it's probably our most competitive game yeah but it's so much fun it's not gonna be a lot of talk beaten you have I ever beaten you at nit hog I'm sure I'm sure you have I don't think on camera I ever have I think it nit hog one for sure yeah maybe nit hog one that was where we
had the 11 minute match wasog 2 I struggle with a lot more I think though it's like look I mean we ain't getting any younger I'm not as much of a prite jamer as I used to be and you've only gotten more powerful so I'm going to get sappy here for just a second my guy okay because all those years ago when we were roommates you know we were trying to figure out what we wanted to do with our lives you were you know in school studying while also auditioning and you were thinking maybe you want to be
a psychologist or a therapist or something like that and I was still working customer support and I I was trying voice over but other one was really working out you got that smos audition and obviously you knocked it out of the park and you started working here and you know we we went our separate ways for a while just in life cuz you know you I ended up moving with a with an ex-girlfriend well not ex then but you know um and uh you know you were working here and then eventually when the door o
pened up at smos games you you know at least just pointed me in that direction and got me the appointment and I I we I wouldn't be here without you and this is my life is infinitely better for having known you and I'm proud of seeing how far you've come and I thank you so much well dude and I wanted to lock that in before I embarrass you on camera okay but no but I really I mean that thank you man I appreciate it and you know uh we have done so much awesome [ __ ] here at smos we really have uh
I don't know what this place would be without without this Duo you know what I mean you know I think this place needed a Duo of some kind you know um yeah yeah so the way this game works is uh you just got to make it to the other side if you kill your opponent you have advantage and then you can start moving toward their side um otherwise you would just all run in your own Direction so you have to be the last one who have made a kill and then you got to run and if you haven't seen how what the r
eward is the reward is the greatest thing in uh all of games incredible you're going to love it all right I forgot how to play yeah um what is this what is uh I forget you pick I don't care yeah okay so there we go I forget oh my God I I straight up forget I'm actually nervous now dude I'm a little scared of like um yeah I'm a little scared of situation okay fine okay yeah yeah yeah yeah okay now I'm starting to remember all right starting to remember kind of how this works okay cocaine okay oka
y okay okay I'm starting to remember kind of how this works yeah yeah I'm starting to kind of remember this okay that's that's okay [ __ ] okay now You' got you've got the advantage finally got you okay here we go sh got you again wow wow wow is we're coming back wait all I weird okay so now we're even who gets the kill first is the question oh okay so that's me I do I that okay that was very lucky you had a bunch of tummy water on the ground there what do you mean lucky I've never been lucky on
ce in my life except for right there oh shittles same spot I feel like the silliest Goose dude how do I how do I throw it uh you hold up and then you press attack button oh oh [ __ ] like that same spot same weapon yeah that that was cool see how honorable we are and then I I told you how do I how do I jump um uh B button oh I I've been I'm I'm learning shisa dude shisa my guy you just can't get past it I just sure can't dude you're too skilled honestly you're too Jo okay okay okay okay that's s
o with that dude all right okay no no for real okay uh yeah dude for real for real will oh right through the right through the Noggin through the NOG dude no not not this time I dude I egged your Nog for sure dude I straight up egged your Nog my guy oh is it time it's fair eat me yeah so the giant uh the NIT hog which is a creature of Legend uh devours you and you lucky enough to die that way so that one for sure counts all right P Palace let's do it let's just go through them Penny Arc now that
I know the the rules yeah dude oh you see that Dodge yeah who do you think you are oh oh I was I was I I thought I was doing good for a second yeah I know a okay that wasn't fair that was just not cool I know you did Champion okay okay I was at a disadvantage there I I know you were I know buddy okay that's not cool you just got to just got to be a gamer you know what I mean okay I was trying to jump there that's not cool okay yeah see that's that's tough for you ooh o you chopped my little leg
gies and that sucks the law offices of Smithers and E wait what how did you survive that whoa With Honor we oh what the dude you deflected that back at me my guy I never in a million years thought you could do that oh I jumped into it like an idiot yeah like one of them for sure dude who J into it like an idiot no I'm going to wait for this it's like hear him out F all right okay here we go here we go we're doing good God bless the editor then no no no no that's not fair I there was nowh for me
to go [Music] Smither no I was trying to block it I was trying to block it I do it no don't like it no oh come on I had no knife there was nothing I could do yeah dude what's the problem Chef a that hit me that sucks St hit me dude can't believe that dude suck come on just jump down there no you jump down there you silly little Goose guy oh wow you really called that one that really grumbles my gness my guy oh there's come on freck off no no just don't get shot by the arrow like just check it ou
t like don't get shot by that for sure oh come on you have to be careful shanee there's arrows flying about are you kidding me dude oh come on just be careful about it dude please come on just come on in just come in dude oh wow same dot wild like a Thornberry dude seagull hear my prayer there we go okay I I I I I had to get this game moving you do have more honor than I do for sure but look at that okay come on I know but when you think about it realistically oh come on dude that sucks dude you
can't you can't do that I don't think legally you're figh if I were to be honest I really oh [ __ ] stomp you stop my nog dude you can't stop my nog a come on that's my favorite you're not what did you learn karate it's not allowed just just right there not in my economy dude that was really good dude did you that was almost so cool I threw it just a little too high no a no dude sucks dude oh God no no stabbed stabbed stabbed oh God and my tummy water just like LED right out dude oh God no a Fr
ick karate fre me dude oh no oh my Bon I stab you right through the face yeah but that's not enough dude it just gives me a cool Scar and now the ladies are like wow he's so DK he's so dangerous a [ __ ] a come on no I will never come on oh God no no no no no God no fre give me it please dude no no no no oh come onck freck I got you with the tummy combo my God oh God penis stab stab stab stab stab stab stab come on your gear spawning in the perfect spots you know what they say the the way to a m
an's bladder is through his urethra so care I stabbed you right through the head I shot you in the dick now get ready for murder time Express it's my day just fight me it's my birthday birthday Shan I was born on this day I was born on this day no no F I love you so much you're my best friend I'm really proud of you thank you for everything Shane thank you for everything I really appreciate you roll roll roll with honor roll with joy and Delight 17 no you got a 19 17 19 I got a 19 close enough d
ude so good so good I got a 19 it was basically a 20 it's my best roll of the day all right so that one counts all right so beach what beach again we did do Beach yeah but we could have I forg I forgot that we didn't do that I'm sorry oh I landed right on your sword so you don't want to get hit with the blade that's a thing for sure [ __ ] I got hit with a blade a dang it oh come on Chopped you clean and Twain we did do the beach Shane we for sure did we we did not do this is that not what we di
d first is this not it oh we did the did we do the castle there's no way we did the castle for real cuz the castle this was a beach there was seagulls and everything there's no seagulls in a castle they're not allowed to round royalty yeah take that man I can't take that man he has his own free will oh come on no no shot you in that's not clean in the urethra dude clean shot got him right in the Ure okay okay okay I'm getting I'm getting this [ __ ] oh God you shot me in my shins damn it bullets
my only weakness a i twanged it back to you my guy and now I twang it right in the crotch right in the Gant my guy seagull oh cuz if they flew over the bay they'd be Bagels got it oh gry time God God can't help you now Shane Sorry God help me Buddy Buddy Bud oh shittles I don't want that I want this yeah but I want this one though oh no jump jump jump do ity dude just what god dude that was the coolest thing I've ever seen that's the play of the game though no matter what happens dude that was
the play of the game for sure we're just like posturing like come on he ho he karate oh [ __ ] oh no no I think I'll go back and grab that I think I will don't I won't I do it [ __ ] I [ __ ] me bones didn't I really [ __ ] me Bones on that one me Lord I'll Kate you to death won't i f how'd you like to get bladed get bladed kid oh sorry maybe next time you get bladed my bones I'm going to eat your family son I'm going to eat your family son not the SE please dud just protect them is all I ask pl
ease please protect the yes perfectly into the pit yes into the pit you go oh smash pit [Music] [ __ ] no oh [ __ ] hold on oh no wait oh stop don't that's cheating dude please please be careful please be careful be careful dude just be respectful me alone leave me alone I'm to I'm about to win no no no no no Damian don't Daman don't come back right now you have final girl energy and I can't don't can't handle it dude you have final girl energy I can't with you God that was so I'm so good at thi
s dude careful careful oh I was about to get you I know you were oh God careful careful careful here here dude careful sh [ __ ] no no that's so [ __ ] no it's not I'm the winningest boy of the all a and then freaking blocked it I know I know and then not bow an Arrow come on this the worst one for me half it's actually the best dude you actually got you were so lucky a minute ago and now you're not [ __ ] yeah I can't wait the B Arrow thank god oh [ __ ] I don't have it anymore and okay we trad
e trade the blade trade for blade I'll trade for blades won't I yeah I'll trade for blades won't I oh [ __ ] he's got the blade hasn't he no no no no steps oh God come on get see now you guys can see how these 11 minute matches Happ God dang it dang it I wish I could dual whe so mad just like the character I voice in Fire Emblem available now for the Nintendo switch entertainment system okay I don't get to spawn there come on how many times have I fallen into that freaking pit well stop doing it
I'll make it happen again come on no I'll cut your dick clean off D I just won't spawn what if they just don't spawn me oh [ __ ] dude don't start no [ __ ] there won't be no [ __ ] Shane oh I was murdering you that blows dude that blows dude don't start no [ __ ] there won't be Freddy Mercury ass mustache killing me no in the pit again to the pit you go to the pit with you son in another pit to the pit with you twice get me out of this freaking pit keep hosting Reddit show on SM pit that's our
favorite that's our favorite boy thing on Smash pit come on come on then you think you're so smart God damn it I'll kill your family come on give me a break I feed your dad to you won't I oh that was a bad idea come come on come get back here don't do don't do what I do what do you mean oh no I can't see what I'm doing got tummy W in there yeah man here you go got you it's okay cuz watch cuz just check this out no you sp no no no come on oh but you were see you were so close nothing has changed
hey Shane some things have changed I've only gotten better stronger more powerful yes you're far more recognizable than I am yes you can bench three times more than me but what really counts is nid hog and I think we've proven that we're both pretty equal at me being better than you one last role one last Roll come on let's both get you know what just to make it fun let's both get natural 20s okay I think we both deserve it won't even change anything but all right there's a one in 400 chance th
at proves our friendship all right you go first uh that's a four okay here we go here we go that's a seven what if we rolled with Advantage okay one more one more yeah one more let's roll until someone gets 20 yep want you look at that 15 versus 13 okay n 20 and then a 19 dude that's perfect it's just like how we are in life I'm almost as good as you dude I got a 20 dude nice and I got 19 all right so final tally dude okay I think it's pretty even honestly what's the math here while everyone's d
oing the maths um I want to thank youall for uh having this be something we could make an incentive to a cool charity stream like knowing that like oh if you donate we would get to do this like that's cool thanks for supporting the show so long ago thanks for supporting the channel through all the different evolutions and our friendship through all the different evolutions and thank you uh for watching today and we hope you enjoyed it and we hope we can do this a thousand more times but maybe it
'll just be a special thing every now and then can we get the final tally I think you win by two Shane Damien with 150 150 that's as many Pokemon as there is almost that's pretty good and we had Shane with 158 W I rolled better that's crazy and you know what that means Shane you don't have bad luck you just had to believe in yourself guess that's true wow well thank you guys this has been really cool and next time let's play all of doy DOI literature Club in one sitting that is the thing that ki
lled the show sure is um thanks guys thanks y'all we love you I miss you see you later I us I don't want to say that you guys are going to get parasocial about it yeah it'll be weird I'm going to fart please cut fart to end the show he felt it you sorry



Shayne saying, “as an ally, I’ve not paid much attention to her boobs,” in response to the Wonder Woman breastplate question, was hilarious. 😂


Shayne's hair always looks like he woke up in an RV about five minutes ago


A smosh sketch of family fued where one member of the family keeps getting things wrong or embarrassing the family and it ends with a super awkward drive home


"Autism, don't fail me now" is such a real mood 😆 Every damn day.


this absolutely has it’s-2am-at-the-sleepover-and-we-just-got-our-second-wind energy and I love it


"My hair is in a weird phase right now" zooms out to show that shayne hair is indeed in a wild state


“I forgot they let them sleep” had me choking on my drink


I love when they roll the dice, Damien just stand and walks up to the board while Shayne doesn't even bother and struggles from the sofa 😂😂


The fact Damien really telling shayne thank you for his helping him in life very wholesome moments and see shayne like proud of his self hearing that made his day you could really see how much that meant to him


I love that Shayne barely bats an eyelid as Damien sits beside him talking his chaotic shit lmao


Damien has such cool pants and they'd be cool on the average consumer and Damien seems like he'd be great at advertising pants like those and if I were asked I'd say that to any pant sellers looking to sponsor somebody 👍


Damian telling Shayne he has final girl energy and he (Damian ) doesn’t know how to handle it made me laugh way more than it needed to. Favorite duo for a reason.


I think we can all agree how we have been eagerly waiting for this since the charity stream 😭🙌


“My hair’s in a weird phase right now” cuts to Shane looking like he had a restful 4 hour nap


36:05 to answer Shayne and Damian, when you land on a million dollars in Wheel of Fortune and get it right, it gets added to the final "tiny" wheel spin at the end. So it's not that you GET a million, it's that you get a CHANCE to earn a million.


Who wants to be a millionaire but it’s Chanse in his “cheating on a test” outfit from Let’s Do It 😂😂


Shayne saying "I'm gonna spin Steve," has no right being as funny as it is


Damien: I think he needs to be like he’s never seen the sun. Shayne: Fair. I don’t the the pun was intentional, but I loved it.


I’m so used to Damien’s wholesome language habits from his streams that hearing him unabashedly curse cracks me up.


I laughed so hard when they were talking, and Damien said, "this place needed a duo"-- cut to photos of all the other duos on the channel... and Shayne being a good portion of them lol.