
The Dark Side of Japan’s Discrimination Against Foreigners

Discrimination against foreigners in Japan is a harsh reality that often remains unseen. This interview sheds light on the untold story of Kevin, who faced unimaginable challenges in Japan's legal system. His ordeal not only exposes the darker side of Japan but also raises crucial questions about fairness, justice, and the rights of foreigners. Join us as we delve into the complexities of discrimination and the struggles faced by expatriates in Japan. Thank you For Watching! Dont Forget To Subscribe! Follow On Instagram! Use this refer link to get the music i use from artlist (artlist is a paid service) #japan #interview #discrimination

Vin In Japan

10 hours ago

Japan is known worldwide as a popular destination with amazing culture some of the nicest people you'll ever meet and great hospitality but living in Japan and visiting Japan can be a completely different reality a reality of unfairness and discrimination this is the story of Kevin a little glimpse into the dark side of Japan my name is Kevin originally from California Los Angeles ive been be living in Japan for approximately about 8 years beside your current issue how was it until that point I'
ve always had a great experience in Japan never really had any issues here just just until recently that's when it kind of just saw a different side of Japan that I only heard stories about before you gonna tell your story did you see videos about those like Weird Sides of Japan yeah yeah I've seen like a lot of vice documentaries um I've heard from other friends just weird stuff that happens but I personally never experienced any of that stuff I was one of those people that was like oh that's n
ever gonna happen to me and and here here I am hahaha and probably my stories have been crazier than most of the ones I've heard so let's dive deep into that you are married to a Japanese woman yes this is uh my second marriage um I have 3 kids total my oldest child is from my first marriage um we ended that marriage pretty decent uh we're on good terms um with my current wife I have two children uh which is the main topic a son that's about to turn 4 uh next month and a daughter that's two and
a half so your wife took the kids without you doing anything wrong and kind of disappeared or so it goes back um until July of last year I had a couple businesses that I was starting um that were more of like in the Inaka part of Japan um my wife was working in Sapporo so we had a little bit of an issue about relocation um she really wanted to keep her job but she's a little bit too comfortable with her boss and they had some inappropriate conversations after work hours which I voice my opinion
I told her that I wanted to do like a family business with her so I was really trying to get her to quit her job and maybe possibly start the business with me what do you said inappropriate conversations what what do you mean by that like I mean like anything after you know let's say working hours 7:00 would be inappropriate for me so like 10 o'clock at night 11 o'clock at night still chatting with the bosses a little inappropriate for me plus she would tell like personal stuff about my personal
life and just a little bit too close relationship with her boss wasn't very professional she tried to make it more like a friendship so um kind of concerning I guess you were suspecting something or yeah I was suspecting stuff because I have caught in her cheating in the past before was very skeptical of any relationship she had or anybody that she was texting you know after really late working out especially when she was uh not currently working and she was on the childcare leave so I thought
that was very unusual to be chatting with the boss about work I see you started to open it up your own business that's what you're saying and you wanted to do that with your wife yeah I wanted like a little mom and pop family business um you know the countryside like selling some ice cream some hamburgers to some tourists in the local area it was definitely a dream that I wanted but I guess it wasn't something that she wanted so we had a little bit of issues about that topic we discussed divorce
a little bit if it didn't work out but um in the end she decided she wanted to quit her job on the day she went to go quit her job that's when everything changed um whoever she talked to got into her head and she did a complete 360 who talked to her and about what about your potential business business life with her yeah so she went to work to go quit in July and then I noticed that she didn't call me back and she was supposed to quit cause she said she was on board with this family business id
ea and she was kind of excited and you know she was kind of nervous wasn't really what she wanted but you know she was like kind of going with it but when she talked to her boss he was telling her that if she quit it would give his company a bad reputation cause 2 other people had quit already do you suspect that he said that because he did not want her to be far away from him or something like that yeah so he was basically trying to keep her from quitting and making her feel guilty because he d
id help her with like schools and getting like um certifications for child care and and welfare stuff so she felt really guilty that she owes him and she kept saying that she owes him another 2 years of working with him sounds sounds quite like um how to say that the Japanese thing to do innit? yeah I told her that it was power harassment that um that he has no right to kind of make her feel bad about the life choices that we're gonna do with our family she got very argumentative and basically w
as starting to back him up um after that she hung up on me um the next day she didn't come home and she told me that she wanted divorce and she was taking the children to her parents and that's pretty that's a crazy thing to hear so I I have to ask you how was the relationship before that was were there problems if you can elaborate on potential problems that you had because it sounds so sudden to for her to to say suddenly out of nowhere the day after boom I'm going to divorce you so we really
didn't have too many problems in relationship besides the time that I caught her cheating on me um that was a big deal for me I lost a lot of trust in the relationship cause my son was only 6 months old at that time so I was pretty disappointed pretty sad and we talked about it but I still never fully gained trust of her so I would say in a way I would I would just not have the trust in her that I used to have so that did cause some problems in relationship but we always try to work it out um th
en we had our second child and then it seemed like everything was kind of going good and life was good and everything was fine um then my sister died in April and that's when things kind of took a turn um obviously I was distraught I was going through my own type of you know mourning process I had to go to America for 22 days and in that time frame my wife was responsible for taking care of the children for 22 days and that was her first time doing everything by herself um she called me within t
he first week she couldn't handle it she was crying saying that the kids are not listening and you know she didn't know how to do it but um she ended up figuring it out and I think she had a lot of help from her her family and from her work so she when I got back it's felt like she had a lot of resentment for me for leaving her for that emergency situation and she kept telling me I can do everything by myself now I don't need you no more and I was like well that's great like you should be indepe
ndent you should be able to do all these things without me I'm glad she's like I Learned how to drive without you and I was like yeah that's awesome um and then when she wants to go quit her job you know that all kind of played a part in it she wants that independence um first of all and again I will say that I'm so sorry to hear about your sister secondly in between well before you went to back to America she was was she a homestay mom so we are both on child care leave for our children and so
we are both at home taking care of the children besides a couple of side business projects I was working on I was home majority of the time I was doing just as much child care as she was um she does suffer from a condition called PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome which means the woman has a abnormal level of testosterone so they're also more prone to postpartum depression after they give birth to the child which my wife did go through she takes her anger out on the children um just stuff like
that I didn't I didn't really judge her too much I just told her that she needed to get some doctor help what she said she did um she felt really guilty about the stuff that she did to the children when she was mad but I knew that she had hormonal imbalance so I wasn't really trying to you know make her feel too bad but I would just let her know like certain things bothered me the way she handled discipline with the children sometimes she was too lazy to clean or do dishes and she wanted me to d
o like everything so you mentioned her kind of like mistreatment of the children was there anything else when it came to discipline she would get upset and frustrated even when at such a young age when the children were breastfeeding at 9 months old she would smack them in the face if they cried too much just out of frustration which that was a big red flag for me I warned her about it was a couple arguments we had over it sometimes my go ahead that sounds like ab**e no? it is ab**e where you th
ere? it is ab**e I've witnessed it a few times and then from my neighbor I recently found out that she's was more ab**ive when I wasn't home so there's a lot of things that I didn't realize about my wife that had a lot of red flags that was going on so discipline that was a disagreement religion was one of them she's part of a a religious group called Soko Gakai what is this Soko Gakai if you can elaborate a little bit even I'm still not fully aware I just know it is a sect New Age sect of Buddh
ism when I tell people that my wife is Soko Gakai I get a lot of and usually Japanese people don't give too many reactions when you talk to them so um that was always kind of alarming I just know they have a bad reputation they're kind of considered a cult in Japan according to some of my regular Buddhist people and Shinto friends anything else when came to this sect that affected your marriage I would say now her religion is probably playing a big part in what's been going on just with like her
lawyers and stuff she's she's got a really high paid lawyer so I can only imagine um it's either recommended by her religion or it's through a connection of her boss and the MPO that they had and after she went to go quit that's when she did a 360 um the boss got into her head made her feel bad and then she kind of just went against me saying that she wanted the divorce that she wanted the children to live with her and her parents and that she took the children so for about four days she was no
t contact with me with the children she wouldn't allow any contact and she kept making these words like domestic vio***ce you threatened to kill me like just started all kinds of crazy nonsense where are you physically I was with my friend coming back from a fishing trip um supposedly gonna meet my wife for a business meeting that we were supposed to have in Otaru did you come back home there was no one after that I came back home and it looked like someone literally robbed and ransacked my hous
e um all the kids toys were still there but a lot of their clothes were missing but some of them were still there it was like someone just ran through it and grabbed as much stuff and they couldn't a very short amount of time and then left oh okay it was very weird that sounds quite extreme yeah I called their parents and the dad me and the dad had like a decent relationship and he said oh she's scared of you and I'm like I don't understand I've done nothing and she made like this persona that l
ike she's now abu**d and scared but I have like doorbell pictures of her leaving my house with a smile we're together with smiles so um it just didn't make sense at all so during that time period for those three days um I was like crying I was breaking down in tears and I called some mutual friends of me and my wives and one of them called her to try to calm her down um and then we end eventually end up meeting when you guys actually met did you ask her what happened when I met her that's when i
t was even more bizarre because um she was just totally not in her right mind it seemed like she was definitely like hallucinating or something so I would just honestly just it was mind boggling like is this really happening and so we sat there we had an agreement then we finally agree that I'll have the kids back and before we discussed any divorce or further we would both go see a psychologist and then eventually get counseling together and then that's when things started taking even a worse t
urn I went to the psychologist and got evaluated and did my thing and she ended up never going and then after that she stopped communication verbal communication and was only repeating her words over and over like bring me the children bring me the children bring me the children and I told her well please send me your doctor's receipt the agreement was that if if I was to bring her back the children she has to do the doctor visitation with the receipt when you had your evaluation was everything
fine so like yeah so everything was for me fine um I obviously I was mourning my the death of my sister so that was most of my conversation and other than that you know just some personal stuff that I had and that me and the doctor talked about but nothing that would make anything for my wife to have to worry about or for the safety of my children so everything was fine in that regard do you have the papers to prove that you are fine yeah I I released it to my wife when you had the meeting with
your wife and the friends your mutual friends can vouch for her strange behavior oh yes she she has vouched for my uh for my wife strange behavior and has even um been my uh key witness to all of this and now my wife hates her and refuses to talk to her because she told the truth about about all the strange behavior and the agreement that we originally had cause my wife is trying to say that we never had that agreement and that I was just supposed to bring back the children did you by any chance
had a recording of all of that meeting or you know because it's just a person that friend of yours so originally we were going to record the meeting but my wife told us not to so I just asked her the questions and wrote them down in my phone and my friend was there as a witness or our mutual friend was there as a witness and so she attested to everything that was said that friend is a mutual friend is not just your yeah it's a mutual friend she was my friend first but she became a mutual friend
of both me and my wife's um after we actually before we got married um she just a very good family friend I would say from the side I'm thinking to myself maybe its a shame that you still did not record cause you know cause you were friends before yeah well well well in Japan um you can't record without a person's permission so that's why I specifically asked my wife but having a witness is a different story so that's why my witness should be valuable and I have pictures and evidence of their f
riendship it's not like we are always together there's times where my wife and her went to lunch together or they all had a girls a girls day there's proof there and they've been friends for over 5 years even with before my wife even had any kids and I was just with my oldest daughter and that was the that was the person that my wife chose that she was comfortable to meet me with cause she didn't wanna meet me by myself that she was only comfortable to meet me with a mutual friend so that's why
she agreed on that person kept telling her like to show me the doctor's note I'll bring him over answer your phone I'll bring him over we can we'll work something out like you can see them I never once stopped my wife or stopped any block for contact of the children um I was always trying to initiate contact and this went on for a couple weeks and then police show up at my house questioning about um domestic vio***ce so report for my wife so she obviously did that as spite because she wanted me
to bring the children to her but she wouldn't answer the phone and she didn't go to the doctors so now she's trying to get the police to intimidate me and they had a lady in a van like ready to like take my children because they said that my children were also in danger so they were like where's the children where's the children I'm like my children in the house sleeping like can we come in I'm like I'm sorry if you don't have a warrant it's against the Constitution and I said respectfully I lik
e to keep my rights not violated they said okay you're right and we don't have a warrant but we would still like to know how the children are doing and I said they're fine they're sleeping and then coincidentally my children woke up came outside and ran to me and started hugging me in front of the cops and then the whole like interrogation part of the cops like totally the demeanor changed they're like smiling now kind of talking nicely with me and I'm like I said I see I told you she's lying th
e children are perfectly safe and she's like well they also called the child um the child center so now like the child services in Japan is gonna come to your house and I said well do they have a warrant to come in because I said you know I've done nothing wrong and these are just allegations they said yeah but they gotta you know they gotta investigate legally they can't enter um but when I when I spoke to the consulate about it they said it's probably in your best interest to allow them entrie
s just just to take their worries away especially when it comes to regards of children they came over a week later and I did ask him when they first came to my house do you guys have warrants they said no and I said well can we schedule this time they're willing to do it and they seem quite nice so I said you know what come on in and I let him in my house my kids were happy to be playing and eating and watching TV so we sat down again they questioned me about domestic violence and what happened
and I told him no just a little argument everything was fine then my opinion and now she's totally did a 360 flip and I believe it has to do with her condition told them the children are fine I had a medical check done so I showed them that the children were healthy they had a full medical check I showed my refrigerator showed me and the kids room and when they left they said oh looks like you're doing a good job raising your children and that was last I've ever heard from the police and the chi
ld services from that time sounds like the case should have been basically closed right there no? so for the police and the child services that was pretty much done the domestic vio***ce report is over but my wife is still trying to forcefully take the children from me without having to see me anymore now so now she started a family court lawsuit against me for the child's custodial custodial parent and for temporary handover of the children before court procedures are finalized okay and she wan
ted a restraining order um which I have no idea why cause I never done anything never stalked her never threatened her never even bother her so I had to go to court and that was the first court as family court and usually in family court you start off with mediation but in this situation there was no mediation um it was almost basically straight to a trial regarding the children once the court proceeding started um it just started getting a lot more stressful a lot more pressure and I asked him
if I can get a lawyer and he had some time they wouldn't give me extensions and because my wife made false claims about the children's welfare everything is like expedited and rushed even though I proved it with doctors doctors checks and certifications and stuff they still didn't care they wouldn't give you time they wouldn't give me time so unfortunately I wasn't able to get a lawyer and I had to represent myself you were in court and things moved fast how fast and what would happen after yeah
they move extremely fast so um we would have the procedure where they would get my side of the story her side of the story and then they would do an investigation and because I didn't speak Japanese uh even the procedure was done quite differently but it seemed no matter how much evidence I submitted to prove the claims that she made against me were false they totally changed the topic from the initial domestic claims to the welfare of the children now was like okay well the children are no pro
blem in your care but this is now determining who is the main caregiver for the children and then this is where the gender harassment and the racism played in because they said there's no problem of how I take care of the children but because my wife is Japanese raising Japanese children in Japan therefore it's better for a Japanese mother to raise Japanese children in Japan so that's quite common um gender harassment is quite common amongst even couples that are both Japanese but in my situatio
n where one parent is Japanese and the other one is not then the Japanese parent is gonna win in that case so you're saying that even even two Japanese people there would all most of the time give the children to the mother even if even though the mother could be a little bit not right in the head as far as you know I would say 90% of I would say 90% of the time it would be given to the mother but in cases where there was like in my situation there was claims of ab**e proof of ab**e witnesses th
at the mother did it then most of that time it would go to the Japanese father okay I see in that situation but because I'm a foreigner even though I have Japanese ancestry they don't use that in consideration at all I'm just a foreigner so my dad is half Japanese um and I'm a quarter Japanese did I literally in court tell you because she's Japanese it will be better for her to be raised by Japanese mother like straight up like yeah they wrote they wrote it in the investigation paperwork straigh
t out there was no hiding it um it's actually one of the reasons why I'm appealing it to the Supreme Court where is that Tokyo or Tokyo so the Supreme Court is the highest level of the court procedures so they they they have the final say in all cases so they took your children just recently yeah so the family court I had at that time I had my children then I appealed it to the High Court I still had my children and my wife refused to have contact for us about four months at that time and then s
ince I was financially taking care of myself and the children at that time by without any help from my wife I have a tree business and in Hokkaido um I had to move because Hokkaido there's no work during winter so I moved to Kagoshima to try to expand my tree business and grow my clientele for winter time so when we made the move with I made the move with the children and I tried to contact my wife but there was no contact and we did everything through paperwork properly through like um the city
hall we notify them of the move out the new city hall we might have been notified of the new move in so everything was done on paper but according to my wife and her lawyers that was for me to flee so like you kidn***d the children they tried to say I kidn***d the children but I told them after there was another time a police contact me saying did you kid**p your children I said absolutely not they've always been in my care um my wife refuses to answer the phone calls or messages so I'm not sur
e why she would even say that when she's had every opportunity to contact the children and I think a person that would kid**p the children wouldn't want to contact the person they kidn***d the children from right so just nothing made sense and that's why I still now I was never actually charged with any crime this point to you're just beyond confused it sounds like it exactly and I gotta remember I just lost my sister now I just lost my wife and now she's trying to take away my children I can't
change that my sister died I can't change that my wife doesn't want to be with me anymore but at least I can try to keep my children in my care what happened recently the latest news out of nowhere I get another court paper and I'm thinking it's from either the Supreme Court or something what turns out it's from the court in my area my new area now oh and it's called and the court order is for a hapius corpus what does it mean which basically means it's usually used for people that are like um p
risoned like imprisoned illegally like during war and stuff like that but they've tailored it now where it can be used for custody battles and because my wife believes she still has the the parent authority because it was given to her from the family court even though it's appealed she believes she still has that right she said that I was illegally keeping my children as prisoners and that she wanted for me to release them to her care oh wow she also said that children were in danger in my care
that we moved to a new area that it was psychologically traumatizing that I didn't have any money to feed them just all kinds of sorts of nonsense that have concealed their location everything that you said was an absolute lie so I proved it in court again I got my children um checked by the doctor I showed the the document showing that the children were in the nursery school I told them that I feed the children all the time I have you know receipts if they wanna see it I have tons of grocery re
ceipts so I said and if I didn't have any money how did I just buy another house and move from Hokkaido to this area all this takes money yeah um I just said this is just all lies well it really just came down to it that she had a compulsory execution order that I wasn't even aware of that she had enacted while I was on vacation with the children and I wasn't even at any of those court appearances to even present my argument and that compulsory execution is basically means she can have the child
ren handed over to her now before the court orders go through I talked to some lawyers they said if I don't abide by that it's actually not a crime but since I moved she tried to use as an excuse that I was trying to evade the order oh okay so that's why she started the heaviest corpus against me but I told the judge not aware of any of those things and all the stuff that I am aware is has all been appealed to the Supreme Court so therefore nothing is final in binding um still trying to contact
my wife I even asked her if she wanted to do some mediation through her lawyer since I don't have direct contact and she came back the lawyer came back saying that my wife's lawyer and her refuse to do mediation and they want to continue with the procedure of Havius corpus now Havius corpus is actually a quite traumatizing experience for children as they'll be handed over to court staff until the judge decides which parent has the authority I took my children to a psychologist um just because of
the trauma of the mom not being in their life for 7 months and some of the physical abuse they had and they were diagnosed with post traumatic signs of post traumatic stress syndrome um because of the mother I had those documents as well and it even said from the psychiatrist that it's recommended for the children to not take part in any of the disputes amongst the parents so I submitted that to the court and for my second court date I had also let them know that I'm also experiencing some you
know some psychological stuff um severe stress because of all this stuff going on with my wife and all the false accusations have put me in a severe stress state and just having to worry about taking care of the children it would just become very overwhelming so I needed you know medical you know intervention which I got and help me keep myself stable I let the court know that me going to court without a lawyer and having to bring my children there which is basically put me in a like a not healt
hy situation so I kindly request for an extension to get the lawyer and for my children not to be there so that morning the day of the court I dropped my kids off for the second court date I dropped my kids off at school everything was fine but I did notice there is an unmarked vehicle in front of my house with people that look like undercover cops why would they be there I I have I have no idea I just know my court date was that day so I drove my kids to school drop them off and then I FAX the
court telling them that I would like more time if possible and then as I'm returning home that same car still parked in front of my neighbor's house and so I pulled up next to them and I look at the guy and I'm like roll down your window and he just like ignoring me and I said like kind of like excuse me like roll down your window and he looks at me and then the guy in his passenger side pops out with another guy and then they start talking to me and then this little old lady pops out and the ne
xt thing you know I got cars from every direction on the road stop me and just tons of people come out and next thing you know it went from like two two or three people to now there's about almost 20 people surrounding my my car in the middle of the street in front of my house sounds like you had a machine gun or something yeah yeah they're treating they're treating me like if I just like killed or murdered someone and now they're just trying to come swap me there's 20 people here to tell me tha
t I have to go to court they are in court they are forcing me to go to court while I'm sick I have not complied to fail to the court order and here they are at my house forcing me surrounding me and watching me do you feel like they would behave in the same way if it was a Japanese person oh no absolutely not from what I heard if a Japanese guy or Japanese woman did exactly what I did they would not be treated like that this was specifically because I'm a foreigner I'm guy Jean with tattoos I lo
ok kind of scary um I don't have like the friendliest looking face so they said they had to take extra precautions for me because they don't know who I am oh okay so there's about 20 people there it was quite a crazy situation and then there is one small older lady like a grandma grandmother's age and she was my translator was she a good translator I would say she was not she was not a good translator whatsoever um she was nice but even in court she was my translator as well in court and it just
she didn't understand a lot of stuff I was saying so I believe a lot of stuff did not even get translated properly yeah but look at how many people look at 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 people i am alone why are they bringing weapons why they bringing weapons why they bringing Shields why they bringing gloves what crime have I committed because they never stated the crime you have to state the crime it is a japanese rule so if it's not criminal why is there 20 officers with weapons so t
hat is also illegal in Japan that is called cohesion which is forcing someone to do something against her will with threats they were they're basically they are ready for a fight and they weren't they weren't gonna leave until they had me and I told them I'm not fighting um I just wanna know what's going on and I want you guys to respect the Japanese constitution that if you are gonna arrest me you have to tell me what the crime I committed or what the warrant is for and it's usually for asking
for a criminal warrant and then in that altercation since I'm in the street the one officer took my car key out of my running ignition and I want my key back please now unless you have unless you have a warrant to take away my car keys give me back my car keys or show me the warrant car key? yes I'm gonna park my car I'm park my car I'm gonna put my suits on and I will drive and if I don't what is the crime you have to tell me the crime this is a lot of criminal procedure so that if it's not a c
riminal procedure why is there 20 people forcing me after I got out of the car and I said here I said give me back my other keys I said if you want to keep the car key take the car key but I want my other keys I told them that I was very angry that they took my car key cause there was no warrant for removing that type of um stuff from me and I said if you're gonna arrest me I want two things I want a I want a lawyer right now and I want you guys to notify the American consulate that I'm being ar
rested they said oh this is not arrest this is not arrest I said if you put me in handcuffs that's arrest you're arresting me for something and treating me like a criminal when you've never told me what the charge is and by the Japanese Constitution they have to tell you and they didn't why do I need to get handcuffed what why are you gonna handcuff me I don't what law did I break you cannot handcuff me until you tell me the law please state no it is against the law I will do it but you have to
tell me the law um they searched me um then they threw me into a vehicle an unmarked vehicle and started driving me to the court they didn't even put my seatbelt on and I mentioned that to them like well that is not against law you know like they're just doing they they just they don't care their goal is the judge said he wants to see me and they're making sure I get to court once I arrived to court they threw me in a cell they didn't bring you to the court they just threw it to the cell before
so they brought me to the court but they put me in a court sale okay and then they try to confiscate my phone and my wallet and I told them no they said put it in the bag now and I said no I said unless you have a police officer come into this room right now and tell me what crime I've committed to make this seizure legal I'm not giving up my cell phone or my wallet and I said it if you don't like that go talk to the judge because that's my right under the Japanese constitution they kept trying
to intimidate me to give up my wallet and cell phone but I never did so I ended up got to keep it and I made like a quick video of me in the cell just to show what it looked like and what I was going through at that time hi my name is Kevin Crystal I have been illegally detained without any acknowledge of the law and now I've been put in restrain into this room this is evidence they have not told me of any crime that I've committed they are trying to seize my stuff I refuse until I've been told
what crime I have committed if it is being criminal charge I have asked for them to provide me with legal counsel and I'm also having severe stress attack right now which is medically documented and I've asked to see a doctor which they have not given me so they are evading my human rights my heart rate is out of control right now I had over 20 something people at my house arrest me they said it wasn't a it wasn't a criminal offense that it was civil and then when I get to the court they say it'
s a criminal so if it's criminal I deserve to have a lawyer it's my right and they have to tell me the charge before they can seize any of my stuff welcome to Japan after all of that did they lead you to the judge? yeah so when the judge was ready um at the time that was scheduled the 1:30 time um they walked me into a courtroom um there's tons of people there but no one that I recognize besides my wife's two lawyers um there was no family of hers my wife wasn't there my kids weren't there it wa
s just basically a bunch of court staff and some police and just the three judges and the clerk that's gonna type it in the translator and before it started I said I want a lawyer and I want medical attention because my my heart is racing too fast and I feel like my blood pressure is too high he said no no no you have to answer my questions we wanna know who you are and we wanna know where you live and they so they asked me all these questions to confirm my identity and they forced me to do it o
r they wouldn't get me a lawyer so then he says you have the right to have a lawyer do you want a lawyer I said absolutely yes he's like do you want us to call through the whole terrace or do you have a number I said I have a number you can call they called it once and then after that they discontinue the trial without any lawyer and I said I want a lawyer and they just kept ignoring me and continuing the trial that's that's another illegal thing according to the Constitution yes it absolutely i
s there is so many things that they've done against the constitution but that's the problem in Japan so even though the constitution is supreme above all laws culturally most people don't know about the constitution and they only do as they're told so that's basically the culture in Japan is you just do what you're told don't question things but you have a judge that that supposed to know the constitution cause you know he's a judge absolutely and he also takes the oath for it but even these jud
ges that are in the lower courts they don't go by the constitutional laws and they go by civil laws because it's civil court and if there's a misinterpretation in the Civil code or in in the constitutional laws then you have to appeal it so they don't care it's just like they're still gonna do what they wanna do so what happened after that so after that the judges kept asking me questions um just more lies that my wife had said and I had all the evidence to prove otherwise even messages on my ph
one since I had my phone in court I was even able to show direct messages to correlate certain dates certain things that my wife said that wasn't true just to prove otherwise um he kept saying we'll take this in consideration we'll take into consideration I showed the psychological reports of my children I showed the video of my wife attacking me um that that they've already seen after the hearing was finished they said we will will have the hearing results at 3:15 which is basically less than 3
0 minutes after the trial oh that's fast it was already pre decided so even the typing there's no way they can type that much documents in 30 minutes like everything was pre everything was pre ordained and I asked where my children and they said my children were removed from school and they were placed into child welfare and that they'll be released once they make the announcement to whoever wins and they announced that my wife was to have the children released to her but my wife wasn't there so
all this was done behind scenes so I never got to say goodbye to my children my children never got to see me come pick them up from school so they they traumatized everyone they traumatized myself and they traumatized my children and it's been already almost five days and I still have not heard from my children so in my children's mind I'm probably just dead to them because dad never came to come pick him up from school and they were dragged away by police and child services and then transporte
d to their mom which obviously had to transport them back to Hokkaido so it it must have been a very very traumatic experience for my children and it just it just makes me so upset because they always say it's always about the best interest for the children but in my situation I had my children in school they're well fed well taken care of I had their medical all done check they're perfectly fine in my care so for the Japanese court system and the police and everyone to interrupt my children's l
ife just because my wife wanted it and she believes she had the right to it it's not really in the best interest of the children they do not care whatsoever about the welfare of the children this was all just to get Japanese children into the hands of a Japanese mother so what now yesterday I went and I I made the appeal cause I only had 3 days to make the appeal for this case so now officially I have three Supreme Court appeals two for the original judgments from the lower court from the family
and high court and now I have this new judgment for the heaviest corpus appealed so basically we're in legal limbo right now I'm not divorced so I still technically have parental authority but because my wife has physical custody now and she doesn't wanna speak with me we're kind of like in legal limbo where I still have the right to see my children but she refuses and the police can't make her do it because it's a civil matter so the only way I can do it would be to go to the family court and
start my own petition saying I want visitation and by the time that goes through I'm almost certain my wife's gonna probably try a divorce since now she has the custody so the Japanese women they they know how to play the game they know the system because it's made for them this this is not I'm not saying this happens to everyone these are just the very extreme cases in my case in a very extreme rare case when a woman just go goes totally crazy she has the power and Protection to act this way an
d do as she wants with the children because they allow her to be able to do this because they don't care about the foreign rights or the parents or or the father's rights in these matters that it's just between the children and the mother so therefore stay out of it I've gone to the police several times after this court finished to let them know that I just want contact with my children since I still have my parents or rights um they just said contact the courts we can't go we can't we can't ste
p into this it's a civil matter but I said but you guys arrested me and it was a civil matter so I said you'll do it for the mother but you won't do it for the father especially at the father's foreign so um right now I just pretty much I've lost my children I've lost my wife and there's nothing I can do about it it drives me absolutely insane I mean you couldn't even imagine I cannot honestly I cannot yeah so like my message to everyone is like Japan is like a I believe it's a great country but
like every country they do have their dark side and their flaws and I would say the biggest issue in Japan right now is especially in rare circumstances if the mother and father are not in good terms the custody situation since there isn't fifty 50 custody after divorce and the custody of laws are very extreme here in regards to the children only going with the mother and once they're divorced they just lose all contact with the father if the mother chooses so which I think is not right only fo
r not only just not right for the father but not fair for the children especially if they're very connected to the father cause that's taking away the child's rights that's taking away their constitutional rights their freedoms and that's a forceful freedom so it's almost a con it's a contradiction in their own law it doesn't make any sense and it's like I can accept my wife doesn't wanna be with me no more like that's fine I could accept that as a man um but what I can accept is having my child
ren taken away from me forcefully and never being allowed to communicate with them when I have the legal right to do so just because she's protected by these these laws and and if you go on the internet right now if you type in domestic viol***e claims or ab**e or anything it's all protected around just mothers and children there's nothing about fathers at all or men as men were kind of just stuck as we're mostly the ones that are doing the the ab**e the aggression so therefore we don't deserve
any counseling or any groups to help us especially when we're the ones that are actually the victims I've lived in here for eight years I've never broken the law man I've been a decent father to my children I've that's all I care about that's my life it's just a family man um even America don't have any criminal record cause if you have any criminal record it does follow you to Japan and then you won't be allowed to get a visa so my entire background is clean so it doesn't make any sense that I
would be with I would be a 35 year old man in multiple relationships and then all of a sudden the one that I have two kids with I go crazy and and do do bad things to her according to her that doesn't make any sense especially for my my character and it doesn't matter how much I approve about her false claims when it comes down to it is none of those claims have ever been like actually admitted in court because if they would I would have been arrested I've never been charged with any crime even
for kidna***g nothing the only thing they just give to her is that she should be the one with the custody for the children and that's what basically all the judgments come down to has nothing to do with anything else except for she gets the children because she's Japanese the last I heard from Kevin he actually lost his Supreme Court appeal which means that it's gonna be very problematic for him to see his children this whole situation is indeed quite messed up the only thing that I can do right
now is ask from you guys to please share this video cause it might help Kevin or in general just spread the word about those issues that indeed happen in Japan stay safe much love



Press CC for english subtitles! and of course tell me what do you guys think about this whole story? i am very curious about your opinion!


This should go viral! Give Kevin his kids back!


The government of Japan is finally talking about allowing joint custody for children, repealing a law that’s been in the books since 1898 Hopefully Japan finally joins the rest of the world in the 21st century and allows joint custody, gay marriage, etc


🥺 Such a heart breaking dark story .. I hope Kevin will get his kids back


Thats a great hook, I hope this does well mate! It's sad what he's gone through.


Make Japon great again!


Regardless of what jurisdiction we get married in, we men must first research the various laws and get advice on the worst-case scenarios.


He might think it was Japan who took his kids. Buuuuttt it was actually me, KOREA!!!!