
The Deficit Myth: The Biggest Lie In Politics | 1Dime

Support 1Dime on Patreon: Email for inquiries Buy Me a Coffee: Twitter: Check out my podcast 1Dime Radio (on all podcast platforms) The truth about inflation, money printing, taxes, fiat currency, and "the national debt." Debunking lies about what causes inflation and common misconceptions about government spending and "taxpayer money." Does the national debt actually matter? Do budget deficits matter? Can governments ever run out of money? Can governments print money forever? Does printing money lead to hyperinflation? What causes inflation? What is the point of Taxes? Do we really need taxes? How did the government pay for all of it's big spending stimulus packages? In this video, we use Modern Monetary Theory and real world facts to debunk deficit hawks and pro-austerity taking points. Timestamp: 0:00 The Myths We Believe 3:14 Contradictions in Deficit Hysteria 4:00 Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) 6:10 The National Debt and Budget Deficits 7:36 Governments are NOT like Households 8:32 Currency Sovereignty 9:57 The Gold Standard vs Fiat Currency 11:15 How Money is Created 13:34 How Government Spending works 17:37 The "Borrowed Money" Myth 19:03 What Government Bonds Actually Do 21:16 Inflation and What Causes It 25:50 The Real Economy 28:25 The Real Purpose of Taxes 32:13 How Will We Pay For it? Credits: Written, Narrated, and Directed by 1Dime Edited by Biodegradable (@BiodeEditable on Twitter) Thumbnail by Stafoh (@Stafoh on Twitter) Music by: Battleblock Theatre OST Voodoo Vince OST Conker's Bad Fur Day OST Yoshi Story OST Kevin MacLeod Sources and further learning: Books and Papers: -The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton -Soft Currency Economics II by Warren Mosler -Modern Money Theory: A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems by L. Randall Wray -Debt: The First 5,000 Years by David Graeber -Seven Deadly Innocent Frauds Of Economic Policy by Warren Mosler: - Why Money Growth Does Not Cause Inflation: -What happened in Zimbabue? -What Caused Hyperinflation in the Weimar Germany?: Lectures and Podcasts: -L. Randall Wray - Modern Money Theory for Beginners: -Warren Mosler: How Modern Monetary Theory Actually Works: -Bill Mitchell: Demystifying Modern Monetary Theory: -Everything You Want to Know About Modern Monetary Theory: -How Quantitative Easing Differs from Money Printing | QE Explained: -The Macro and Cheese Pod: -Check out the first few episodes of the MMT Pod: Check out more 1Dime content: Best 1Dime videos: 1Dime Podcast: About 1Dime (not One Dime): 1Dime is an educational channel dedicated to countering one dimensional thought by analyzing socio-political issues through the lens of theory, history, pop culture, and political economy.


2 years ago

we believe in various myths to make  sense of reality and rationalize the systems we live in for thousands of years  we believed in the divine right of kings often you will find that the dominant ideologies  of society conveniently fit the economic interests of those who are at the top of that society's  hierarchy people's own egos often play a strong role in maintaining these myths it's not  exactly comforting to realize that so much of what you are taught is nothing but a lie  it is often easi
er to get people to believe myths than it is to convince them that their  way of thinking is already based on myths one of the most common myths in today's political  discourse that for some reason still hasn't died out is the notion of the deficit the narrative  that governments need to balance the budget and that the so-called national debt is an impending  catastrophe there is a lot of unfounded hysteria surrounding the national debt especially in  countries like the united states canada aust
ralia and the uk many people in countries like these  still believe that their governments are flat broke and that their budget is unable to tackle  some of the most important issues of our time whether the policy debate is about health care  infrastructure high-speed rail education housing or a green new deal to combat the impending  climate catastrophe the same question inevitably arises how are you gonna pay for it where will you  get the money you want people to have homes how can we afford
that you want to invest trillions of  dollars into climate change program to transition to a sustainable economy to mitigate the impending  climate crisis but what about the deficit how are we gonna find the monies it's not  like money grows in the federal reserve i mean trees isn't the u.s national debt  like 12 trillion or 28 trillion or something won't future generations have to pay back the debt  that the government created in its own currency a lot of people unironically think this way even
a  lot of politicians believe this myth and the ones who secretly do know that the deficit is just a  mythical boogeyman have to keep pretending that it's real either because they don't want you to  know that you are indeed capable of demanding nice things from the government or because the  deficit myth is already so deeply ingrained into the political unconscious that politicians are  scared to challenge it sometimes politicians lie about the deficit as a talking point to perpetuate  the myth
of fiscal responsibility and use it as an excuse to push for austerity or shut down  progressive policies that the corporate donors won't like and often the politicians themselves  are ignorant enough to actually believe the myth the deficit hysteria is not just unfounded  bologna it is a highly dangerous myth that holds back human progress the way that many people  talk about the deficit today is comparable to how flat earthers talked about and still talk about  the sun and the earth before co
pernicus but i feel like many of us intuitively know that there  is something wrong with the deficit narrative and the way people think about it as many of the  holes in the narrative are quite easy to spot why is a deficit only brought up when it comes to  spending on social programs how come politicians don't ask how can we pay for it when they push for  multi-trillion dollar wars bailing out the banking sector we're giving billion dollar tax cuts to the  wealthy which all add massively to the
deficit why do conservative politicians always fear monger  the most about the deficit despite historically running the most deficits hell even washington  insiders like dick cheney admitted that deficits don't matter unless you are drinking the kool-aid  of ideology on the daily you can easily spot the clear contradictions in all of this but we are not  given the means to articulate it this video will provide you with the necessary means to absolutely  destroy the deficit argument when you enc
ounter it while many of the deficit hawk talking  points could easily be disproved just by old-school Keynesian economics and many economists  today who are not total conservative ideologues usually understand that governments don't  operate like households the main economic school of thought which has by far the most rigorous  and encompassing analysis of the deficit myth and how the modern monetary system in general  works is what is now called "Modern Monetary Theory" also known as MMT for sh
ort contrary to the  dogma spouted by conservative deficit duds and libertarian goldbug fanatics mmt is not just  printing money and it is not even a prescriptive policy ideology it's almost misleading  to call Modern Monetary Theory a theory because it's really more just a description of how  the modern monetary system actually works based on facts that are very hard to disprove once you  understand them those who critique it without first actually bothering to engage in the material  itself us
ually do so because mmt invalidates some of their ideological assumptions while many  of the ideas in modern monetary theory are not particularly new and derived from keynesianism mmt  provides a more well-articulated and updated lens for understanding the modern monetary system  and gets some key insights into the origin of money and taxes from fields that are outside  economics as well such as history and anthropology now i don't want to name drop too many unfamiliar  names but it is worth giv
ing a shout out to the economists most known for popularizing mmt such as  warren mosler larry randall ray bill mitchell and most recently stephanie kelton and her wonderful  book the deficit myth key works and lectures from all of these economists can be found in the  description of this video for further learning if you are interested but i will try to give you a  concrete picture of the main ideas in this video so it is accessible as possible once you  understand the key realities of how the
modern monetary system actually works the mythology  surrounding the deficit discourse will be demystified and you will go absolutely mad trying  to watch the backward discourse on the deficit that is so heavily polluted by this deficit  mythology but first what even is the deficit and the national debt the deficit is simply a  subtraction of two numbers how much money the government puts into the economy subtracted by how  much is taken out of the economy the national debt is simply the all-tim
e record of how much money  the fed put into the economy minus how much it subtracted out of it via taxation that's it the  national debt may look scary but in reality no citizens are gonna have to pay for it and no one  ever will and that's okay what matters is not how big the deficits are but rather who the deficits  are benefiting is the deficit being used for wars and corporate bailouts or is it being used to  fund things like affordable housing good quality public transportation universal h
ealth care and  tuition-free college future generations if they are lucky enough to survive climate change won't  have to worry about paying off the national debt but they will have to worry about paying off their  private student debt and their private mortgage debt as well as the impending climate crisis  coincidentally conservative deficit hawks don't seem to care very much about any of these things  while this may be obvious if you didn't drink the conservative kool-aid growing up for most o
f us  we have to unlearn first in order to see the truth to deprogram the deficit ideology that is  so deeply ingrained into the public psyche so let's demystify it one step at a time the  first step to deconstructing the deficit myth is understanding that governments are not like  households even though we hear this analogy all the time we often hear politicians say that  governments must get their fiscal house in order that the government must tighten its belt and that  the government is livin
g beyond its means this is a completely backward way to think even though  it works as a personal narrative to simplify reality in people's heads many people have the  tendency to apply their microeconomic thinking of private business and personal households to the  macroeconomics of the government and the overall economy after all if households ran continuous  deficits like virtually all governments do then most people would be bankrupt but in reality  governments do not function like household
s which should be quite evident unless your brain  is swimming in ideology contrary to popular belief governments with currency sovereignty cannot run  out of money i repeat governments with currency sovereignty cannot run out of money even though  you probably never thought much about this before something deep down inside of you intuitively  already knows this basic truth governments with currency sovereignty are the monopoly issuer  of their currency but just remember that this fiscal freedom
only applies to governments  that have their own currency and have most of their debt in that currency governments with  currency sovereignty include the united states canada the uk australia china japan and a few  others keep these countries in mind because all of what is being said in this video is applicable to  countries with currency sovereignty even though i will be mostly referring to the united states as a  primary example for simplicity's sake because most people are familiar with us p
olitics the arguments  of modern monetary theory apply to countries like this where the government is the monopoly issuer  of a fiat currency and is not on a gold standard so this does not apply as much to countries  in the european union who have to use the euro and rely on the european central bank or to  countries which do have their own currency but hold much of their debt in a foreign currency  such as venezuela argentina and lebanon these countries do not have currency sovereignty the  not
ion that governments with currency sovereignty cannot run out of money has become an irrefutable  fact ever since most of the world abandoned the gold standard which was formally abandoned on an  international level under richard nixon in 1971 but the usa abandoned the gold standard  multiple times most notably in 1933 under fdr for those who don't know the gold standard  constrained the ability of governments to create currency as an equivalent amount of gold  reserves had to be held in proport
ion to the amount of money stored gold is a finite resource  and the gold standard system proved to not make very much sense as governments had to spend  more and more to maintain the capitalist system so the united states finally abandoned the gold  standard officially under richard nixon and most other countries did the same afterwards ever since  then governments who issue their own fiat currency and impose taxes in that currency spend in that  currency and issue debt in that currency can nev
er run out of money the government will always  be able to make all payments as they come due so any payment that it has promised to make  whether it's your social security retirement pay wars military spending government programs or  interest payments to government bonds denominated in its own currency then the government can always  make those payments the way it used to work is that governments would actually print up that  currency or stamp the coins to make the payments but today it's mostl
y handled electronically so  it's a bit misleading to say that governments print money governments create most of their  money virtually via their central bank by typing numbers onto a screen without boring you with  the nitty-gritty details the way it basically works now in the usa for example is that the us  treasury spends by having the federal reserve the central bank credit the reserves of a  commercial bank and that bank credits the accounts of the appropriate recipients of the government 
spending the various actors that the government needs to carry out a certain policy voila money  created on a computer with nothing but a keystroke while many politicians probably won't admit  this all of the chairmen of the federal reserve the people supervising the money creation will  the united states can pay any debt it has because we can always print money there is an infinite  amount of cash at the federal reserve we print it digitally so we you know we as a central  bank we have the abi
lity to create money the banks have um accounts with the fed much the same  way that you have an account in a commercial bank so to lend to a bank we simply use the computer  to mark up the size of the account that they have with the fed technically the central bank is  formally considered independent in most countries but in reality it essentially functions as the  government's bank the government effectively decides what the central bank's objectives are  and of course it finances much of the
federal government's policies by crediting commercial  banks and the appropriate accounts to those who need to carry out the policy this common method  of fed money creation is not to be confused with quantitative easing also known as qe which is a  less common policy that a lot of people falsely equate with money printing qe is when the central  bank purchases longer-term securities from the market in order to increase the money supply  and encourage lending and investments now we don't have ti
me to get into the technicals of  qe but if you want to understand the difference between money printing and quantitative easing  the channel money and macro has a really good video about it that i highly recommend now back to  fed money creation let's use one more example to illustrate how federal governments with currency  sovereignty finance most of their policies while this essentially works in a very similar way  for every country with currency sovereignty let's take the uk as another examp
le to visualize just  in case you still don't get it when parliament approves the budget parliament gets the central  bank the bank of england in this case to credit the bank accounts of the institutions and the  individuals necessary to make that policy happen and there you have it now that the budget has  been approved new money has just been created and entered the private sector if you still aren't  convinced and think that it just can't be so simple then i would highly recommend checking ou
t  the statements from the central banks themselves the bank of england for instance published a paper  in 2014 that clearly outlined this process of how money is created and you can also find countless  statements from those who worked as chairman of the federal reserve in the united states as  referenced throughout this video the proof is in the pudding by now an alarm bell in your brain  is probably going off isn't government spending supposed to be financed by taxation where does the  money
come from it has to come from the taxpayer right isn't that what taxes are for to finance  government spending as counter-intuitive as it sounds taxes do not fund government spending  what taxes don't fund government spending nope taxes do not fund the majority of government  spending at least not on a federal level local and provincial governments on the other hand who  cannot create money do use taxes to finance much of their expenditures while also relying on  federal government handouts to f
inance the rest which is usually created by newly created  government money by the central bank but in general the federal government does  not rely on taxpayers to spend money for the federal government spending comes first and the  taxes come later the taxes are not to finance the spending it's the truth that many economists  know and even some politicians know it but because most of the electorate doesn't know it political  representatives have to keep pretending that it's somehow possible fo
r the government to run out of  money and of course it works as a quite convenient talking point for politicians to use as an excuse  to privatize public assets and social programs the state has no source of money other than the  money people earn themselves there is no such thing as public money that is only taxpayers money  margaret thatcher is wrong or flat out lying did it ever occur to these squareheads where the money  originally came from and who creates the currency a stubborn conservati
ve might say well doesn't  the government get all of its money from taxes according to this logic there is no public  money there is only people's money which the government uses then the question you should  ask them is where do taxpayers get their money well they earn them through wages paid by their  firms that they work at ok then how do the firms get money consumers purchasing their products  or services with the money that they earn from the firms that they work at as you can see if you  b
elieve the delusion that the taxpayer is at the center of government spending then you get into a  never-ending cycle that can never explain how the currency originally got into the economy content  check what the bank note says next time you get some dollar bills it will say bank of england if  you are in the uk or federal reserve note if you are in america take a moment to think about it if  the government really needed your taxpayer money to finance the spending then virtually every  governme
nt would not be running continuous budget deficits by always spending more into the  economy than it takes out of it by now you might be thinking to yourself if governments don't  rely on taxpayer money for federal spending then what even is the purpose of taxation  why bother with taxes at all the answer might surprise you and you will find out towards the  end of the video as seen in the time stamps but first let's address the common misconception that  government deficits are financed by borr
owed money a common rebuttal to what i have said so far  would be if the federal government issues its own currency and can create money digitally  out of thin air then why does it issue debt in the form of bonds doesn't this mean  that the government is borrowing our money most governments such as the usa do allow  people to purchase government bonds in exchange for interest payments which the  central bank pays with newly created money the government coordinates deficit spending by  selling an
equivalent amount of securities but it is highly misleading to say that the government  is borrowing money because it isn't relying on borrowed money at all the federal government is  not selling bonds because it needs the dollars bond sales just allow holders of reserve balances  to trade them in for u.s treasuries it's done to support interest rates not to fund the government  a federal government bond is really just a savings account with the fed what basically happens  when one purchases a
federal government bond is that one is swapping their money from one  savings account to another savings account with the fed you will never have to worry about  whether a sovereign currency issuing government like the united states will default on its debt  because it issues that debt in their own currency the central bank will always be able to continue  making the interest payments by crediting the appropriate bank accounts federal governments with  currency sovereignty like the united states
the uk canada australia and japan don't actually need  to issue bonds but they choose to for various reasons for one government bonds function  as reliable savings accounts with the fed where people can collect interest payments  bonds can be used as a tool to encourage people to save money and not spend it to clarify  once again the point is that neither taxpayer money or a borrowing funds federal government  spending for countries with currency sovereignty the federal government spends first 
taxes second and then chooses to issue debt in the form of bonds with interest which  functions as safe assets for people's savings the only so-called economists who don't understand  this are those whose thinking is stuck in the era of the gold standard and fixed exchange rates and  they have not updated their thinking to the modern monetary system which uses a fiat currency with a  floating exchange rate while it's really not easy to simplify if there is one message to take from  this video t
hat you should most certainly remember is that governments that issue their own currency  and issue most of their debt in that currency cannot run out of money and do not rely  on the money of taxpayers or bond buyers now while the government can't run out of money i  certainly can and with pretty much negligible ad revenue on these videos i will need your help  to keep high quality content like this going and unfortunately i don't get al jazeera  money or generous donations from leftist comedy
billionaires so if you think these videos  are important and give you value your collective support on patreon can make all the difference now  back to the video but if governments can't run out of money then what are the limitations to how much  money they can create why can't they just deposit each of us a one million dollar check the answer  is no the government cannot print unlimited money well technically it can but not without serious  ramifications mmt obviously recognizes that there are
indeed real limitations to government spending  but they're not exactly financial limitations the two biggest limitations to federal government  spending are number one inflation and number two most importantly the real resources available in  the economy let's first look at inflation because that tends to be what people worry about the most  inflation is a very multifaceted phenomenon which would probably require an entire video of its  own but for now what you need to know is that inflation is
caused by multiple factors inflation  is simply the continuous increase in prices most governments usually aim for a stable  amount of inflation for a healthy economy and deflation in contrast which is the opposite  is usually a sign of a stagnating economy but if prices continue to increase too much while  incomes stay the same people's money has less buying power in their own currency thus leading  to a lower standard of living and when prices increase so rapidly to the point where they're  o
ut of control this is when we get hyperinflation a very rare phenomenon inflation takes shape in  different forms first there is what is called demand pull inflation which is when demands for  goods and services significantly outweighs the supply for them one could argue that demand pull  inflation is one of the multiple factors behind the increase in prices we have seen recently this  year as businesses are increasing prices to recoup lost profits from the coronavirus stagnation and  are capita
lizing on the big increase in demand following the opening up of the economy but this  is likely not the main cause behind the inflation we are seeing now what is more relevant right  now is cost push inflation the second main type of inflation cost push inflation occurs when there  are noticeable increases in the costs of important goods and services where no suitable alternative  is available for example a serious drought could lead to massive crop failures and food shortages  that send prices
soaring as supply collapses or powerful storms could wipe out oil refineries  causing the prices of energy to spike cost push inflation is often caused by the rising costs and  key parts of production such as oil raw materials and transportation costs which have become very  relevant in the age of global interconnected trade examples include supply chain disruptions and  fluctuations in the price of oil both of which increase the costs of production and in turn  caused the prices of many import
ed goods to rise this type of inflation is primarily what is to  blame for the price increases we are seeing in many countries at the moment contrary to  the dogma that conservative hyperinflation hyperventilators will tell you larger deficits  do not automatically lead to hyperinflation in fact most of the time they don't even lead  to much inflation at all as real world evidence clearly shows us japan has the highest debt to gdp  ratio in the world of about 256 percent as of 2021 and they have
been at the top of that list for  quite some time now yet for the longest time they can't even get out of deflation the opposite of  inflation let that sink in this tends to make the brains of deficit hawks absolutely explode because  they haven't accepted two basic facts countries that issue their own currency and most of their  debt in that currency cannot run out of money and two that the cause of hyperinflation is not  large deficits governments all around the world including the united sta
tes created insane  amounts of new money after the 2008 crash and experienced little to no subsequent inflation  governments have also increased the money supply even more significantly during the coronavirus  crash and we have not seen any substantial inflation until recently due to the supply chain  disruptions and shortages of important goods the connection between money creation and inflation  is not as clear-cut as many people assume it is rare cases of hyperinflation such as zimbabwe  vene
zuela lebanon and weimar germany are extremely rare and were caused by multiple severe  catastrophes in their real economy and these situations were not helped by the fact that all  of these countries owed an insane amount of debt in a foreign currency for all the interested nerds  out there i have some helpful studies listed in the description if you want to learn more about  what exactly caused hyperinflation in these places dr kelton's book the deficit myth also  has an in-depth chapter on in
flation but the point is is that creating more money does not  automatically lead to more inflation and inflation is a multi-faceted phenomenon way beyond the  scope of this video anyone who gives you a short oversimplified idea or one single cause  of inflation is most definitely lying to you now while creating money does not automatically  lead to more inflation government spending does have very important constraints if countries  do not have the physical productive capacity capable of produc
ing and consuming an adequate  amount of goods and services as alluded to earlier this brings us to the primary limitation of  money creation and that is the real economy there are real limits to the amount of workers that  exist who the government can hire to do things and there is also a limited amount of natural  resources available and each country generally has their own limitations to their productive  capacity aka their economy's internal speed limit let's take funding a war as an example
just to  illustrate while we should all be against wars i hope the libertarian argument that we just  can't afford it doesn't really hold up it's just not a good argument because countries with  currency sovereignty can always afford another war at least nominally there is a reason why the  usa is comfortable spending so much money on the military every year and even spending trillions  of dollars on things like the iraq and afghanistan wars the limitations in this case is not the  amount of mo
ney that exists but rather how much actual people are willing to fight in that war how  many tanks and weapons are capable of being built and how much fuel is available to power all of  these war operations the real horror of these wars is not the amount of taxpayer money wasted  but rather the huge loss in real human life that occurred the us government didn't use taxpayer  money to pay for the iraq and afghanistan wars and they didn't use taxpayer money to pay for  the trillion dollar cares ac
t that recovered the financial sector during the coronavirus crash same  goes for the obama stimulus package after the 2008 crash the us government paid for this stuff the  same way it pays for most things it simply gets the federal reserve to create money and deposit  in the appropriate accounts of the actors needed to make these things happen if the us government  were to implement an ambitious progressive policy like a green new deal or a universal basic income  we would simply do the same th
ing here is warren mosler a known mmt economist explaining  how simple this process would actually be so when somebody says to me how do we pay for the  green new deal i say well congress appropriates the money and then uh the treasury instructs  the fed to credit the appropriate accounts and that's how it's paid for and then  the green new deal people go yeah that okay and so and there's no disputing that you  can ask anybody in a fed yeah that's how it works that's how we pay for things we cha
nge the number  in the account who you know who else said well bernanke said that we have the quote greenspan  said that we have these quotes from fedship now the question you have all been waiting for  which i waited until the end of the video to discuss because it is the finding of modern  monetary theory that shocks people the most if governments with currency sovereignty  can't run out of money and don't require taxes to finance federal spending then what is  the purpose of taxes why do we n
eed taxes at all the answer might surprise you actually it  will probably make your head explode there are multiple reasons for taxation but mmt boils down  the role of federal taxation to two core purposes number one governments looking to provision  themselves and create demand for their currency a government needs to find ways to get people to  do things for the society that it's supervising so the government imposes a tax liability that  essentially forces people to have to look for work to
earn enough currency to pay the tax by creating  demand for the currency and getting people looking for work the state provisions itself and creates  value for that fiat currency which would have otherwise been worthless of course pegging a  currency to gold adds some complications to this but we left the gold standard a long time ago for  a reason and because governments primarily run on fiat currency now it makes more sense to describe  the modern monetary system that we have now to clarify on
ce more how governments provision  themselves and generate demand for the currency via taxation let me use the following example  that economist warren mosler likes to use let's say i have all of you watching this  video in a room with me and i offer you one of these tokens to mop the floor for me  let's call this fiat currency donkey coins would any of you mop the floor for one donkey  coin probably not how about for two donkey coins probably not because they're completely worthless  now if i h
ad two guards with a machine gun waiting by the door and you had to hand in one of the  donkey coins to get out would you then change your mind everybody would and everybody would  try to mop the floor because you would need to in order to earn the donkey coins as you would  need to pay one of them to the guards in order to get out the door this analogy essentially  describes how government taxation works and how it generates demand for their fiat currency  this may sound coercive but it's essen
tially the reality of how the state works the state by its  nature always involves some level of coercion if the state didn't enforce tax collection via  law enforcement and agencies like the irs then the value of the currency would essentially become  worthless the federal government creates a hole in your pocket with a tax bill in order to get you  to need their currency so that the government can then issue that currency and have users of  that currency work and trade for that currency most s
overeign fiat currencies work this way  the relationship between state fiat currency tax liabilities and debt has been well documented  in the field of anthropology the narrative that money tokens spontaneously sprung up free of  state coercion as part of a natural market evolution from barter has been debunked many times  many anthropologists most famously the late david graber call it the myth of barter but the origin  of money is a complicated topic that we simply do not have enough time for
in this video now let's  move on to the second main purpose of taxation to control inflation taxes are one of the many  methods of reducing inflation by subtracting money out of the economy this is to control the money  supply and to prevent the economy from overheating and it can also prevent people from hoarding  too much money what a great job that's doing taxes can also serve other smaller purposes such  as discouraging certain behaviors like taxes with things like smoking taxes can also be
used for  moral purposes reducing inequality although the efficacy of taxes on reducing inequality highly  depends on the type of taxes and how well they're enforced okay finally there you have it now it  should be clear that how are we going to pay for it is not the question we should be asking  it's not the government's digital budget that needs to be balanced it's the real economy the  only limitations to government spending that we should be concerned with are the real resources  in our real
economy and not letting inflation get out of hand not only would policies like building  good infrastructure and high-speed rail not cause much inflation but many progressive policies like  universal care pharmacare and public affordable housing would actually be deflationary as they  would significantly lower prices in the cost of living but if what mmt says is really true then  how come governments don't embrace it and start using their budget to actually implement policies  that optimally be
nefit their people they sure seem to do so when it comes to optimally benefiting  the rich on first glance it might appear that most politicians are either stupid self-interested  afraid to challenge a status quo or all of the above but here is where i would argue that mmt  does not have the answer in my opinion certain other schools of thought do mmt is definitely  useful for monetary policy but it does not encompass the power dynamics of different economic  classes and the inherent class inter
ests of the state to see more about class interests and the  nature of the state i highly recommend my videos on the democrats and the stock market i also  talk about this stuff extensively on my patreon exclusive podcasts and my second channel one dime  radio which you should definitely subscribe to if you haven't already lastly if you enjoyed this  video and found it helpful please leave a like for the algorithm gods and consider sharing it with  your friends and family who you think could lea
rn from it we really need to get this message out  there lastly i want to thank all of my patrons big shout out to these generous people patrons like  these make high quality videos like this possible um you
