
The Exercise Coach in Avon using AI technology for working out

3News' Austin Love takes us to The Exercise Coach in Avon where they're using AI technology for your workout. We take a closer look at how it all works. See more from the "GO!" morning show: -- At 3News, we’re not here to tell you the news, we’re here to share the stories that you say matter most to you. Share your ideas, thoughts, concerns and engage in conversations about the communities in which we all call home. Follow 3News on Social: Facebook:   Twitter:   Instagram:   Visit our site: And be sure to download our app here:

WKYC Channel 3

21 hours ago

seen artificial intelligence be integrated into many businesses and platforms but what about for your workout yeah one gim and Avon is working hand inand with AI to get the most out of its cons customer base so we sent Austin love there to check it out he's live at the exercise coach right now Austin you need a little exercise huh buddy I guess so you know in my high school everything was full of rust and was just pick up a dumbell and go I mean look at look at what we've been able to do the pas
t few years it's unbelievable so I'm here with Amy I'm here with Paul we're here at the exercise coach right here in Avon Off Center Road and Paul I I guess the first first off good morning to you morning how are you it's good to be here excited to be here you got me all hooked up and ready to rock and roll so basically all this utilizes AI technology exactly what does that mean well essentially the machine is going to control your movement your range of motion okay how fast you move in the moti
on and most importantly how strong you are and we have a strength index ESS going to to adjust to your abilities so we're going to test see how you really are this well now we're putting it all over Northeast Ohio of how weak I am and how my chicken legs got rocking over over here so yeah we got the leg press right here we got this all set up so there was a whole calibration uh type thing that we had to go through beforehand so am I ready to am I ready to roll at this point yeah I think we shoul
d get you going here so on the screen you're going to see this Monitor and as I hit this start button yeah there's going to be a timer popping up okay I can feel okay now you can start pushing on it and what you're going to see is a yellow Line's going to pop up here oh oh you're way up here hold on pull down a little bit slow down you're much stronger than you think what you want to do is Max oh see he blew it up that too strong for the AI here ladies and gentlemen my goodness you can't hold ba
ck on that so how did you guys get into this this is a this is a chain how you guys a franchise um and we got into this I was spent you know about 30 years in the Tech business yeah and I saw this as an opportunity to do something for the next few years that really I know helps people cuz I love the opportunity to keep people strong as they get older yeah and really take uh take advantage of you know this cool technology to to really help people yeah this is pretty unbelievable so I mean my legs
already just from that sorry about that we got machine so you were giving it your all absolutely that's that's how you do it so uh hanging out here at the exercise coach we're going to be here all morning long we're going to have information coming up at 6:00 how you can join how you can be a part of this and join the AI revolution of breaking machines over here with how strong your legs are and everything Dave so I can put that one on my resume there buddy boy what do you think yeah what leg d
ay is the best day apparently your legs are all that day baby yeah all right we'll see what you got cooking up here a little bit later keep burning them Boston thank you all right
