
The Film That Changed South Korea | Video Essay

Start your free trial at and use code ACCENTEDCINEMA to get 10% off your first purchase. Accented Cinema - Episode 73 Silenced (2011) is a film based on true events that happened in a school. It is one of the most difficult film I have ever watched, but also one of the most important. It is a shame that it's virtually unknown in the west. Hopefully after this video, we can all appreciate this film for what it's done for our world. ------------------------------------------ Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Social Media!

Accented Cinema

2 years ago

本期视频讨论话题涉及虐待儿童等敏感话题 对此类话题有敏感反应的观众 敬请回避 本期视频由Squarespace 赞助播出 想要建立网站 Squarespace是最好不过的选择 轻松便捷就能建立自己的 专业网站 不管是艺术从业者 音乐创作 或是餐饮业者 总有一个适合你的模版 稍微修改或深度调整 短时间内就能完成网站 访问 并使用优惠码ACCENTEDCINEMA 便可享受九折优惠 快速、简单且经济实惠 Squarespace是建立网站 一体服务最佳选择 访问 马上试用吧 小学期间 我有一个家境贫寒的同学 他白天要上课 晚上还要帮单身父亲处理工作 可想而知 他的学业并不好 于是,考试失败之后 班主任对他公然开骂 她说他 “有爷生冇乸教” 这还不是一次两次的事情 最可恨的是 我们还没有投诉的渠道 父母一般关心老师对孩子的意见 孩子对老师的意见则不听不问 结果,她的恶劣行径一直持续到我们毕业为止 但是,这一切 和今天的电影完全不能相提并论 《熔炉》是一部2011年韩国电影
作品根据一所聋哑人学校里 发生的真实虐童事件而改编 而这个事件 无论听过多少次,都依然让我难以接受 这是我看过的最令人痛苦的电影之一 但它也是韩国电影史上 最重要的电影之一 话题沉重 但我们都应该直面这个沉重的问题 今天,就一起来谈谈 熔炉里的故事 [改变韩国的电影] [第一章] “你去慈爱学校做什么?“ “教孩子” 仁浩是慈爱学校 一所聋哑人学校新聘的美术老师 (获奖雾津市最佳学校) 尽管努力去亲近小朋友 但学生们都刻意保持距离 主要学生有妍斗 一个自我封闭的孩子 琉璃 一个心不在焉,总是在吃东西的女孩 还有民秀 一个上课迟到,面有瘀伤的男孩 电影花了颇大篇幅来塑造一个谜团 挑起观众疑心 但是画个角度 假设我们不知道电影的主题 “民秀” “他弟弟前几天出车祸死了” 其实孩子这样,也很正常 别无大碍,对吧? “身体的残疾” “会导致精神的障碍” 我们的主角,作为一名好老师 翻查着他们的档案 试试看他们的问题所在 而这也是最凶险的一点: “他们的问题”所在 “孤儿? ” 大人们往往觉得孩子的问题 出在孩子身上 那天晚上 仁浩听到学校洗手间传来哭声 “有人在吗?” 但是…… 保安截停了他
“这里的孩子们贪玩,经常鬼叫” 我们的直觉力,大人才是值得信赖的权威 而孩子经常是问题的所在 即使有着最好的意图 也很难抵抗这种偏见 仁浩转身离开 接下来要发生的事情,难以置信 [第二章] 警告:剧情涉及暴力虐童情节 “站直” “即使被打也要保持礼貌” 这就是民秀瘀伤的由来 “朴先生” “怎么了?” 我们只关心老师对孩子的意见 孩子对老师的想法则不闻不问 “这孩子昨晚偷偷溜出宿舍” “还带走了两个女孩” 但是,如果我们认真去了解孩子的故事 我们就会发现,从他们的角度来看 这个世界大不相同 这个世界如此恶劣 警告: 剧情涉及性侵儿童情节 “妍斗她……” “被校长” “侵犯了” 妍斗的自白 让我们看到学校的黑暗面 校内有数名侵犯者 还有许多受害者 “里面有人吗?” “警察把报案的孩子送回学校” “所以孩子才会挨打” 带着孩子们的证词 他们向教育局寻求帮助 “放学后?” “那就不归我们管了” 他们去找警察 “我们不能因为几个聋孩子说几句话” “就去把人抓走啊” 无人伸张正义 邪恶便肆虐无忌 也许大家觉得有点夸张 但这正是家暴受害者 不敢求助的原因 根据全国家庭暴力热线发布的一项调查显示 近一
半的受访家暴受害者 觉得自己报警时被受到歧视 报过警的女性里,有三分之二的人 表示不敢再报警 而其中最主要原因是因为 “警察不相信她们或根本不管” 当中最让人难过的数据,莫过于 四分之一因家暴或性侵而报警的女性 遭受到警察的逮捕或威胁逮捕 我们面对暴力总是大义凛然 但事实上 即使你和我,其实也没有想象中那么愿意拔刀相助 第一次目睹他的同事暴打民秀的时候 仁浩也没有阻拦 不就是体罚吗 有点极端,但是...... 也没那么过分,对吧? 我们都比较信任掌权之人 在这种情况下,我们信任老师 多于信任一个问题儿童 我们不知道谁是坏人 所以我们选择中立 “朴先生” “怎么了?” 当初,其实应该出手阻拦 而不是去问问题 邪恶能肆虐 是因为我们不去伸张正义 “和你教的孩子一样” “闭耳闭嘴,做你的工作” 幸好,新闻媒体报道了这件事 案子也上了法庭 但噩梦才刚刚开始 [第三章] “不要原谅那些诬赖我们长老的邪恶势力!” 审判中 我们看到了司法系统的运作 “前官礼遇” 在韩国 司法系统有一个叫“前官礼遇”的不成文规矩 法官或检察官退休后 转职律师 可在法庭上受到特殊待遇 “退休法官第一次出庭” “会保证得
到有利裁决” 不出所料,辩护律师是退休法官 干扰证人 辩方传唤两名证人 均提供了虚假证词 保安因为不想丢工作 暗中选择了帮助校长 帮受害者做检查的医生 谎称受害者没有遭受性侵的迹象 她于校长亦有关联 庭外和解 “检察官说13岁以上儿童的性侵案件” “可以通过父母庭外和解而了结” 生活在贫困之中 不出意外 一些孩子的父母 接受了和解 “民秀的奶奶看到钱” “马上就签了名” “谁原谅他了?” “我没有原谅他!” 原来 司法系统不是来帮助弱势群体的 只是一场有胜负的竞赛 和构成系统的人一样 系统本身也是冷漠的 这一幕就能看到同情心的缺乏 “谁脱掉你的衣服伤害了你?” “全部人” 受害者都不得不在公共场合坦白出痛苦的记忆 只是为了看到一丝正义 同时,还要被污蔑 “这么年轻的女孩有可能“ “和一个男人发生性关系吗?” “就算有,没有她的自愿” “也是不可能的!” 这就是虐待案件受害人要面对的现实 这个系统中的每个人都在做自己的工作 没有人伸出援手 而这些孩子 没有人帮助,便说不了话 他们的声音被抹灭了 幸运的是 检方破解了所有证人证词 并带来了无可辩驳的证据 每一个被告都被定罪 全员被判 缓刑…
… 魔高一丈 [结论] “孩子被侵犯的时候我也在场” “有人在吗?” “但是……” “我没帮忙” 如果说电影能够改变世界 这便是代表作 电影上映两个月后 片中的学校终于被封闭 案件重新调查 学校管理员因侵犯18岁学生 被判12年监禁 同年 韩国通过了“熔炉法” 废除对13岁以下儿童和残疾人 进行性侵犯的案件诉讼时效 最高刑罚也被提高了 不过,这部电影最大意义 是警惕了我们所有人 我们整个社会都没能很好地去 倾听孩子们的故事 倾听弱者的话语 倾听无助者的声音 正如电影所展示的那样 一不警惕,我们也会成为施暴者的 最大助手 不阻止,便是助纣为虐 这部电影改变了韩国 因为它改变了人心 电影让人们醒来 让人们主动去帮助弱者 希望,当大家看过这部电影后 你也会 成为更友善的人



“I didn’t forgive him. Who forgave him?” This shattered my heart.


“Who forgave him?” That scene was so heartbreaking.


After reading a book about this story Gong-Yoo, the actor playing the teacher, pushed for an adaption to be made. He said it's the movie he's the proudest of.


South Korea is statistically one of the safest countries in the world, but this is the same country that granted a man who raped an 8-year-old girl to the point that she was internally bleeding a 12 year prison sentence . As a Korean myself, please understand that the justice system here is fucked up beyond imagining.


I'm from South Korea, and I still remember the general societal discomfort this film brought about. The media often depicts Korea as a progressive, pristine nation, but it has only been a year since it became illegal for South Korean parents to beat their children. I'm 20 years old now, and I bear scars from the time my mother beat me. The concept of child abuse has not crossed her mind even once.


The difference of how the case ended with a sad ending before the move was released, and how the case was reopened after the movie was released, showed that any bad situation like this can have a good ending, as long as enough people cared.


Fun fact: The director of this movie is the creator of Squid Game.


I am a survivor of child sexual abuse, and when I watched this a few years ago I could not stop crying through much of the film. This is such an important work, and I hope those who can will watch it. We all have a duty to protect the vulnerable in this world, we cannot ignore it and pretend that these abuses do not exist.


The acting of the children sends shivers down my spine; how did they get them to do it without traumatizing them?


Turns out, the judicial system isn't there to help vulnerable people. It's just a game to be won. This is the saddest part and it's globally relatable. Regardless of the country, this is always the case.


The fact that according to Wikipedia, the real life school already have such history since the early days of the opening of that school, even causing a child starved to death and buried it quietly in 1964 The school was opened in 1961


As a future teacher, this movie taught me that teachers should be considerate and be open-minded so that they(including me) can know what problems are since every child is different including their development process. It is the teacher's job to help and guide their students to be the better version of themselves, and to teach the students knowledge about the world as well as teaching them morals, and social skills. (Sorry for the wrong grammar) Edit: thanks for the likes!


"Everyone in the system is doing their jobs, but no one is helping". This video made me so angry because of all the truths I see in my own society.


Inhwa school, the real school that got shut down in 2011 that inspired this movie, was a catholic school. This film does imply that the school is backed by a Christian organization but doesn't specify which to not offend the catholic church. After the film "Spotlight(2015)", and how that movie proved these aren't just unrelated one-offs and something deeply wrong within the catholic church, someone should really investigate Catholic authorities.


This movie's so heartbreaking and hard to watch, I had to skip some parts. But I really reccomend watching this if you haven't. Silenced was based from a novel, Gong Yoo (the actor who played main teacher) read the novel when he was serving in military. He thought the novel was fiction at first and went to search for the author after he finished serving to talk about the content. He was angered when he found out that the content was real and actually happened in real life. It left a huge impact on him that he went to the director (Hwang Dong Hyuk, who also wrote and directed Squid Game) and conviced him to made Silenced. He later said in an interview, he thought he could help as an actor by bringing up this tragic event to the cinema. And as you guys saw in the video, he did helped, the public outrage was huge. I personally think it was very commendable of him. Thankyou Accented Cinema for bringing up this movie in your video!


A holocaust survivor came to my middle school(U.S.A.) and spoke about his experience. My teachers were not ready for what he had to say. He repeatedly recited the phrase "The good people did nothing." as he highlighted times that the Allied Powers, authorities, and innocent civilians had opportunities to do something and didn't. I will never forget it. He pointed out the banality of evil and it shook the room; children and adults alike. I've ran into so many scenarios in my life where "the good people did nothing." I try my best to be aware but to be completely human with you all, I really do fear all the times I'm an "innocent bystander" and I almost instinctively turn the other cheek. You don't notice that you're turning a blind eye when you do nothing. "The good people did nothing" echoes in my head all the time and because of it I feel like those moments I fear are more often detected. I catch myself in them and do something but it feels wildly unnatural. Sometimes doing the right thing will feel weird or like you're making trouble and that's okay. I really try. I try so hard because I've become aware of just how mundanely hidden these moments can be in our day-to-day.


The child being so visually distressed while signing who forgave him I didn't is soul crushing. How evil do you have to be to hurt a child in general but even more so children that are already so vulnerable and the sheer miscarriage of justice. Those kids deserved so much better. 😭


"Even you and I are not as ready to help as we think" I feel this sentence so deeply. Just like when we see celebrities or Internet personality going through their manic episodes in public or on Twitter, some of us are quick to say "get help" but we didn't exactly mean it. We say that because their attitude annoys us, rather than genuinely wanting the person to get any real help. Sorry if it didn't make any sense, I'm just rambling here.


That scene with the kid in the bathroom and the man looking down with a smile while the kid gave a terrified scream is absolutely gonna keep me up at night. Probably not just this night, but many more. Holy shit...


I'm from Germany and we had a similar case in a boarding school called "Odenwaldschule" from at least the 1920s till 1999 teachers were systematically sexually abusing the students. For years no one believed the children even if they tried to ask for help. The school was closed in 2015 and only a single one of the teachers was held responsible ( probation). There's also a movie about that school in Germany, but it sadly didn't have the same effect. There's still not a single one of the perpetrators in prison, even though there must be hundreds of victims and several of them ended up taking their own lives. It's so horrible how the same thing can happen in two completely different parts of the word and how in both cases the victims were failed by the law system.