
‘The Five’: Hunter Biden believes democracy depends on his sobriety

'The Five' co-hosts react to Hunter Biden's interview with Axios about his sobriety and his dad's political future. #foxnews #fox #thefive Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more Fox News Video: Watch Fox News Channel Live: FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre. Watch full episodes of your favorite shows The Five: Special Report with Bret Baier: Jesse Watters Primetime: Hannity: The Ingraham Angle: Gutfeld!: Fox News @ Night: Follow Fox News on Facebook: Follow Fox News on Twitter: Follow Fox News on Instagram:

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7 hours ago

Hunter Biden raising the stakes on his addiction the first son now says that he sees his sobriety as the key to keeping Donald Trump from winning the White House again here's what he told axios quote I often do think of the profound consequences of failure here I have something much bigger than even myself at stake we are in the middle of a fight for the future of democracy the liberal media praising Hunter's Noble efforts to defeat Trump as a relapse would be very bad for the Biden campaign I t
hink it it would give anyone pause because I think he is very concerned about uh his dad's political future and that's really the reason why we didn't hear much from Hunter Biden uh the first few years which is something that Eugene wrote about which is and really Hunter essentially changed strategy when he hired Abby LOL and he really changed strategy after the plea deal unraveled last July um and basically said that this is now a political fight uh this seems like I don't know probably the rig
ht step right stay sober so Dad can win the presidency again right Jesse well I mean he's already relapsed that wasn't Joe's cocaine in the White House they found it's PR Trump has to be defeated or I'll be back on crack come on Hunter Biden is a guy who was born on third base not only does he think he hit a triple he thinks he's the victim of Republicans of Russians of addiction remember Sandra this is a 50-year-old man for eight years raided his children's 529s sex trafficked hit the pipe took
videos of sex acts posted them on the Internet dodged the IRS took bribes and diamonds from the Chinese laundered money come on and now he's saying he's not responsible for his actions but I mean this is what the left says the left says everyone's a victim no one's responsible for their actions it's the system that's unfair and if you put Democrats in charge of the system they'll make everything okay you have to suffer consequences for your actions and if you don't the entire country is harmed
uh judge then again a slip by Hunter would weigh heavily on uh his dad's re-election bit well I think Hunter knows that I think that he understands his Being Sober has some relevance it will have some relevance so he doesn't want to you know harm his father's brand that's number one but more importantly he needs his father to win because he doesn't want any pesky attorney general from the Department of Justice kind of looking at where all this foreign money has come from and what it was being us
ed for and you know he blows away his own defense all the time he says you know he confirms that he's been sober since June of 2019 except that he applied for the pistol permit and lied on it in 2018 so you know there isn't much that this guy does that isn't contradicted by the facts and is it's really and it really is irrelevant whether he can fight it or not the truth is he lied on that one seg section that said have you ever been addicted to drugs and he said no and that's a lie and everybody
knows it look he's had a business organization that is based upon access to his father there are even individuals are now saying his father considered going on a board of a company that was connected to a Chinese Communist party uh and you know he's now moving to dismiss the tax charges saying it's it's a six-year get this it's a six-year record of changing charging decisions where they responded to the Republicans no it's six years where they ran out the statute of limitations and then when th
ey got caught with their pants down with a deal that the Department of Justice had never made before ever a judge called them on it and they had to start all over I'm tired of his being a victim because he's he is more than that he is the protagonist Greg does the future of democracy depend on Hunter Biden staying sober God I hope not we'll be screwed I think he's he might be more concerned about his future if his dad loses because I I'm gonna go out on limb and say I don't think he's a great pa
inter so I don't think that's where his career I is going to go he is right on one thing he's no help to anyone when he's using but it you should probably be saying that about his wife and kids as opposed to the country cuz that's a bit narcissistic it's a bit egotistical uh know he you should probably be more concerned about the people that like have relied on you and that who you've betrayed but let's take him out his word you know uh you know he says you know he's we know he's been using for
decades so let's say he quits well his brain's going to change and he thinks that perhaps the S the sobriety will help him beat Trump what if when he's sober he realizes in this new reality that his dad shouldn't be president and for for his sake and the country he should not even run uh you know reality takes a different takes a different shape When You're Sober will he be honest about it um Harold I'll ask you a similar question is this is this you know dependent on the future of democracy him
staying sober and is he perhaps making the case that his struggle is more difficult than others he's responded to that criticism saying no but it's undeniable that his recent path to sobriety has been unique so I say a couple things to to your question first I I I always think that families and kids having grown up in politics should never be a part of the political discussion if someone breaks the law that's one thing you treat them if you want to accuse them of that it's one thing but these k
inds of things I I wish were not in the public F two um I think it's hard uh I've never suffered an addiction but I have I know people who have and if you suffer from an addiction or you suffer with an addiction any motivation whatever the drive is for you to gain recovery uh I support it as long as it's not illegal um some may quarrel with the motivation um and and some may quarrel that he shouldn't be using this that the fight that the plight of democracy is dependent upon Him staying sober bu
t whatever it is it appears to be working he appears to be staying away from drugs and alcohol and I hope he's able to repair the Fishers in his family I hope he's able to bring them all back together uh and at the end of the day um I wish him nothing but the best and if it takes him saying the plight of democracy will help is what I need to do to help stay clean God bless him I wish him the best did they ever figure out whose cocaine it was in the White House on that plastic bag I hope it wasn'
t his and they never answer your questions I don't think so all right judge is skeptical all right click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you won't get it anywhere else



He should be held accountable for what he has done and to be punished for illegal acts he has done.


Hunter's sobriety doesn't dictate our democracy.


Why are we even talking about this. The whole farm family is full of criminals.


He’s as sober as his dad is competent which means nothing.


Hunter never stood a chance with his loser Dad and Uncles!


Hunter again thinks himself way too important ! Wow ! This guy is pathetic and a criminal ! This is outrageous behavior as always !


He really thinks highly of himself. 100 bucks says if he disappeared tomorrow, democracy will be fine.


no one believes this guy is sober, he lives on a different planet


So he can't be held responsible for his actions because he is an addict. His father can't be held responsible for his actions because he is mentally compromised. Is anyone noticing a pattern here?


What about my sobriety? I've been clean for 5 yrs. Since Joe came in office, I've lost my job, my home, I'm homeless, lost 60lbs because I can't afford food, my medicaid because hes giving it to criminals, my kids, and my ability to walk. Joe is givime every reason to relapse! TRUMP COMING BACK GIVES ME EVERY REASON TO STAY SOBER AND KNOW LIFE WILL BE BETTER UNDER HIM!!


We are not a democracy we are a republic GOD Bless America 😊


What he means is he hopes that his actions continue to not have consequences.


We’re doomed if his sobriety matters ….


He just worried about his meal ticket 😂


Oh paleeze! Just go away Hunter.


This is beyond unbelievable... He cares about nothing but trying to save his own butt!


Hunter should be in prison for treason .along with his father not preaching about democracy


Anybody who remotely believes Hunter is sober is exactly what he was counting on you to believe good lord He aint sober i bet on it


He's so full of himself, no one gives a rip about his sobriety, we care about his crime family.


Could you imagine Hunter getting ahold of crack laced with fentanyl?