

Norm MacDonald (SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, BILLY MADISON) discusses the newest ingredient in cat food and why you shouldn't underestimate a wiener dog. GEORGE SCHLATTER'S COMEDY CLUB (1988). #normmacdonald #standup #comedy Subscribe to Clown Jewels’ YouTube channel: Follow Clown Jewels: Official Website: Facebook: TikTok: Instagram: Twitter:

Clown Jewels

7 hours ago

[Applause] okay thanks a lot I'm no Prize or anything like that I'm no prize you know I'm PR lazy guy I just hang around on my couch watch TV that's all I do you know lazy I get hit by a truck tomorrow a big truck could hit me paralyze me from the neck down wouldn't affect my lifestyle a bit I love TV boy I said this commercial other day for cat food said at the end of it says all natural food for your cat all natural food but cat food is made out of horse meat yeah that's the way it works in na
ture the cat right about a horse in a food chain matter of fact every time my kitty gets a little cooped up in the apartment I take him down to the racetrack let him stock some prey down there you know so cute when he comes tring back with a stallion hanging out of his mouth you [Laughter] know but I have a cat I I'm trying to buy a dog now I went to this dog store and I tell you boy typical salesman in this dog store wanted to sell me the most expensive dog in the store you know wanted to sell
me a $600 dog pitbull $600 I was looking for a cheap dog you know I just wanted a discount dog you know I something off the rack for me you know show me your BIN of dogs I said to the guy but no this guy wants to sell me to p he says this Pitbull will protect your valuables and I don't have anything that valuable you know I mean I bite a pitbull the most valuable thing I'd own beat a pitbull that's a bad dog to buy anyway cuz why you buy dogs you can order them around you can't order a pitbull a
round you can't say Okay pull run into the bedroom fetch my slippers go on and fetch my slippers people go I could kill you buddy I'm a pit bull don't you read the papers what the hell [Applause] that's I got a wiener [Applause] dock weener dock can't rip your throat out you know unless you're lying down you know lying down sleeping maybe then the wiener dog sneak up start nibbling at your throat by Daybreak he's got a hold of a vein he's pulling out a vein there wake up go oh get away from me y
ou wiener dog what do you think you are a pitbull or something my vein bag there give you a hickey that's the worst of wiener D you ever get a present for your dog my grandmother sent my dog a sweater what a waste of wool that is there boy sweater for a dog I don't want to put it on a dog just humiliates the dog you know what happens if the dog gets lost he's wearing a sweater how long is he going to survive any the Alleyways with that on you know them's Mean Streets if you're a weener dog in a
cardigan you know you know you guys have been great thanks a lot enjoy the
