
The Game Changers | Official Trailer

A UFC fighter learns everything he'd been taught about protein was a lie. The Game Changers hits digital worldwide 10/1 & is available for preorder on iTunes in select countries! Get yours today: -- For more news, follow us on: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: #TheGameChangers #ChangeYourGame

The Game Changers

4 years ago

الوحيد الفريد، "أرنولد شوارزنيغر"! أكلت الكثير من اللحم. يعرضون تلك الإعلانات... شرائح اللحم، إنها طعام الرجال. ... ويروّجون فكرة أن الرجال الحقيقيين يأكلون اللحم. طعام رجال حقيقي. لكن يجب أن تفهموا أن هذا تسويق. هذا ليس حقيقياً. "الفائز الرسمي بمهرجان (صاندانس) السينمائي من الـ10 أفلام الوثائقية المفضلة للجمهور (كوليناريشيس كينو)" كنت أدرّس فنون القتال لهيئات حكومية منذ أكثر من 15 عاماً. ثم، أُصبت. وصرت غير قادراً على التدريس لـ6 أشهر على الأقل. أمضيت أكثر من 1000 ساعة في دراسة علم التعافي والت
غذية، وصادفت دراسة عن المصارعين الرومانيين. كان معظم المصارعين نباتيين. كيف كان المصارعون المحترفون الأوائل بكل هذه القوة وهم لا يأكلون سوى النباتات. "من المخرج الفائز بالأوسكار (لوي سيهوياس)" حين حوّلت نظامي الغذائي إلى نباتيّ، تأهلت للمنتخب الأوليمبي للمرة الثالثة. حطّمت رقمين قياسيين أمريكيين. فقلت، "يا إلهي، كان عليّ فعل هذا منذ وقت طويل." "المنتجون المنفذون، (جيمس كاميرون) و(أرنولد شوارزنيغر) و(جاكي شان)" حين بدأت النظام الغذائي النباتي، لم أكن متأكدة إن كنت سأصمد. وفي الواقع، لقد أصبحت كآل
ة. "والمنتجون المنفذون، (لويس هاملتون) و(نوفاك دجوكوفيتش) و(كريس بول)" أحد أكبر المعتقدات المغلوطة في التغذية الرياضية هي أن علينا تناول البروتين الحيواني لرفع الأداء. ولكن هذا ليس صحيحاً. عليكم أحياناً فعل أمور تعرفون أن منافسيكم لا يفعلونها. "يمزج العلم الصادم والرائد..." دم اليوم ودم البارحة. يا للهول. "... مع قصص الكفاح والانتصار السينمائية..." أظن أن هذا سيحدث صحوة للكثير من الناس. "... يضم بعض أقوى وأسرع وأعتى الرياضيين في الكوكب، (ديدلاين)" كنت أتعافى بشكل أفضل ولا أتألم كالسابق. هذا أفضل
موسم لنا في الـ15 عاماً الأخيرة وقد أضفنا 14 شخصاً يتبعون أنظمة غذائية نباتية. نريد جميعاً الشعور بالنشوة وأن تكون لدينا طاقة أكبر. كان الكولسترول 276، واليوم 169. يا للهول! هذا هو الكلام. لا يستطيع معظم الناس في سنّي مجاراة أحفادهم، ولكن أحفادي هم من لا يستطيعون مجاراتي. لا توجد مجموعة إرشادات غذائية واحدة لتحسين أدائكم كرياضيين، وأخرى لعلاج أمرض القلب، وأخرى لعلاج السكري... إنها مجموعة واحدة لكل ذلك. سألني أحدهم، "كيف تكون قوياً كثور من دون تناول أي لحم؟" وكان ردّي، "هل سبق أن رأيت ثوراً يأكل
لحماً؟" "(مغيّرو اللعبة)" "في شهر سبتمبر القادم" "GAMECHANGERSMOVIE.COM غيّروا لعبتكم"



I watched this in Jan 2020 and decided to give it a try. Have lost 22 lbs in 5 mo w/o trying, feel significantly better, no longer have desire for alcohol, far greater endurance, I'm in my 60s, and did attend a wedding in late Feb when I ate meat and felt like crap for 3 days. This lifestyle change for me has been significant. It's not a diet and I'll never go back. I'm not easily influenced by movies like this but couldn't identify a movie sponsor, like the Bean Growers of America. So, thumps up to the movie producer, so far it's had a positive change in my health.


my office paid for us to go see this movie last night and all I can say is I'm sold...i'm 41 and ready to make the lifestyle change


"Have you ever seen an ox eating meat?" 😂


I've been hearing people talk about Game Changers on the subway and in stores in New York. I don't recall another doc film having this kind of positive impact on people's behavior.


My whole life I suffered with headaches every day & my joints hurt in the mornings. I was vegetarian, once I stopped eating dairy the headaches & pains were GONE. Years of doctors & suffering changed almost overnight. I feel better at 45 than I did at 20.


Excellent movie, vegan for 34 years and never look back! I am 62 years young my total cholesterol is 141 and take no medications for anything. I feel great, energetic and full of vitality. When I became vegan I also lost 20lbs. without trying, and my cholesterol was 210! Going vegan saved my life undoubtedly.


SUCH A GREAT MOVIE! So glad I went on a plant based diet. I’ve gotten faster, stronger, I’ve lost fat, I have more energy, my skin has cleared up, I stopped having my daily headaches & my nosebleeds also stopped. My life has gotten SO MUCH BETTER!


Eating plant base now 3 years. now I understand the phrase " aging backwards ".


Soundtrack is: Tyrone Briggs - Victorious In case you were lookin' for it for ages like me.


Since I switched to a plant-based diet, the daily fatigue is complete gone. I have the energy I used to have as a teenager. I'm 48 and I never felt better. Thank you for this movie! Will share it with everyone I know.


Very useful movie. Actually the marathon guy opened my eyes. Now instead of taking a plane or a bus from New Hampshire to Maine i will just use my feet.


Vegetarian for 4 years and vegan now (cheese was hard to give up lol). Loving it


So popeye was right all along.


Jackie chan and Arnold produce this. Gotta watch it


cool. vegan already. living it loving it thriving.


I used to always lose at monopoly, since I went plant base, I own 15 hotels Edit: guys...this means absolutely nothing but 1k is a lot of likes


My parents grew up on a ranch in Mexico where it was rare to find people with obesity, heart disease, cardiovascular problems, and diabetes. I noticed that family members from the ranch started to have health issues after living here in the US. So I asked my parents how often they ate meat on the ranch. My mom said, pork once a year when they killed a pig during the holidays, beef less frequently - when a cow would get injured and needed to be put out, chicken about 1-2x/ month. The rest of their food was plant based. No wonder.


Would be good on netflix, my friends watch documentaries only if they don’t have to put effort into it. Netflix has Cowspiracy and What the Health. I think The Game Changers should be next


Our whole family started eating a plant based diet (95% plant based- 5% processed vegan food) after watching this movie and Doing some more research. I can tell you this was the greatest decision we have ever made. My parents struggled with high blood pressure - now they are not taking any medication at all and they are so fit now, having perfect blood pressure, suddenly they are working out and being much more healthy and fit. Back then when I ate meat I had to take a nap everyday. Eating plant based I am full of power - never tired, way more focused. Once you cut out this whole processed crap food (dairy and meat) and eat plant based- veggies start to taste so good. You start getting a whole different taste for fresh and healthy food. Btw for everybody who works out: I am leaner and stronger than ever before!


My diet consists of liver, eggs, oysters, raw milk and raw honey. I’m in great shape and I’m never going back to being vegan. I used to be sickly with weak bones and low testosterone on a plant based diet. I lacked the essential vitamins and amino acids. A vegan diet might be good for some people but did not work out in the end for me.