
The Good Neighbour by R J Parker 🎧📖 Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Audiobook

The Good Neighbour by R. J. Parker 🎧📖 Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Audiobook More Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Audiobooks : Summary : He isn’t who you think he is… When Leah Talbot hits a deer on a deserted road near her village she spots a light on in a nearby house and approaches, hoping that someone is home. He is. Charming, handsome, Martin Tate answers the door to the bedraggled and traumatised Leah, inviting her in. Though she’s not there for long, Leah feels an indescribable pull to the man who has helped in her hour of need. But when she returns the next morning to say thank you, it isn’t Martin who answers the door this time. It’s the police. There’s been a brutal murder and the sole female resident is dead. There’s no sign of Martin… Until he comes looking for Leah. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perfect AudioBooks is a place to find free full length audiobooks. We share a vast audiobook library on our channel and subscribers of Perfect AudioBooks can enjoy audiobooks full length for free. A Youtube channel that will post a new audiobook every weekday! I would be greatful if you could support me and my channel by SUBSCRIBING and by clicking LIKE and leaving a comment on my videos. THANK YOU! 🙏 You can support the team here: You can contact the team here: #audiobooks #MysteryAudiobook #ThrillerAudiobook


1 year ago

harpercollins presents the Good Neighbor by R.J Parker read by Rose Robinson chapter 1. Leah knew exactly where the speed camera was even though it was dark she'd driven home down the country road so many times she was familiar with its gradual curve but never got complacent she could trust herself but not other drivers there were no street lights along plow Lane but she knew at which overhanging branch to start her Slowdown there it was the length of fur illuminated and dipping to the road just
after the Gated entrance to the old pig farm she eased the pressure on the accelerator of her mint Fiat 500 and focused on the bend ahead traffic came bombing around there even at this time of night so she watched the headlights on the curved wall nothing looked like it was just her on the road she passed the beamed Cottage where there was one light on upstairs she'd soon be home and tucked up in bed Leah wondered if Elliot would be there yet she glanced at the clock on the dash at 11 45 she do
ubted it he always tried to stay out later than her now like it was a competition as if he was daring Leah to ask him where he'd been she knew she'd pass the camera on her left now but didn't pick up speed gave it a little longer to make sure she eventually put her foot on the pedal for a few moments to get her to the bend then took it off as she reached it she wouldn't wait up for him even though she wouldn't sleep until she heard his key in the lock if he looked in on her she'd close her eyes
pretend she was asleep but he probably wouldn't open her door and would go right along the landing to his room as noisily as possible Leah tried to recall how long ago it had been since she'd waited for him to get undressed before she entered his room they'd had sex that's all it had been fulfilling a need before she counted the minutes and left him in his single bed he hadn't asked her to stay she turned 30 in the summer and didn't know how much longer she was going to allow herself to hang on
for something that might already be over Elliot wasn't in denial of that but Leah felt an almost physical blow to her stomach when she imagined saying goodbye to him and it wasn't just because she was afraid of leaving the security of the life and home they'd created together after eight years she still loved him how much longer could she when he'd become so distant Leo went rigid as the curved wall in front of her was suddenly lit up a motorcyclist shot around the bend quickly after and her fin
gers tightened on the steering wheel the bike was in the middle of the road its Rider probably assuming it would be deserted she decelerated try to anticipate his reaction he was still coming straight at her Leah steered sharply left and hoped the motorcyclist didn't do the same he cut to her right but Leah had almost reached him she was going to catch his back wheel Leah's headlights revealed his battered red Biker's jacket and glinted off the visor of his black helmet she clenched herself in R
eadiness for the impact and heard an incare and exclamation from herself and an aggressive one from him as he swung his bike away from her and buzzed close by her window Leah waited for the scrape of metal but miraculously he passed her without contact she kept her attention locked on the road ahead she was about to hit the bend and tug the wheel hard so she wouldn't collide with the wall if the car had been traveling any faster she would have hit it but she slowed right down as she reached it a
nd came to a standstill a few feet from the bricks and wondered if there were any other vehicles coming the other way no sign of any Leah glanced in her mirror the bike had right at itself and was speeding in the opposite direction the motorcyclist wasn't hanging about to find out if she was okay if he carried on riding like that he'd be a statistic before long Leah's heart felt like it was bouncing around her chest it was just her on the bend engine puttering she checked her mirror again and wa
tched the red light of the bike vanish Into Darkness it was a still night light drizzle suspended in the headlights as if it were holding its breath Leah could hear the buzz of the motor but was sure he wasn't coming back she breathed out dropped her shoulders a little accelerated forward and picked up speed as she got on the straight road that took her to the traffic lights Leah briefly closed her eyes she was barely doing 40 but when she opened them again there was no time to avoid the shape t
hat darted in front of her two eyes glinted silver as the car harshly struck flesh and Bone chapter 2. Leah gasped as her seat belt cut into her and momentarily the impact made her lose hold of the wheel it felt like the car was spinning and as she clamped both hands back onto the rubber grip she could see only Darkness ahead was she about to crash into the wall her foot was jammed on the break but she was still moving a row of bushes swung into view and Leah's body jerked sideways as the fiata
abruptly halted she cried out as her neck snapped still after a few seconds she opened her eyes and her first thought was other traffic she quickly took in her position on the road she was half off it the front part of her vehicle in the Briars she turned and saw the bulk of the animal she'd collided with on the right hand side it was a deer she'd seen it for a split second before the car had Struck it eyes lit up by the headlights and antlers illuminated before she'd hit it full on Leah could s
ee them now partially sticking up from the road like a gnarled tree growing out of its body her head swiveled back the other way and the pain of doing so made her suck in air no oncoming vehicles but that might not be the case for long the engine was still running although the sound seemed muted Leah tried to accelerate forward so the back of her car wasn't in the road she rolled about a foot but a dry rubbing sound emerged from the front of the Fiat before it stopped even when she put the pedal
almost to the floor Leah couldn't accelerate or reverse she quickly undid her seat belt and as its pressure was released she experienced a shooting pain in her abdomen she breathed in and out a few times and it didn't seem to get any worse she had to move the car if someone came tearing down the road they might not see the rear of hers in time she opened the door and got out staggering sideways on the uneven marshy grass at the side of the road the mud squelched as her boots sank it was freezin
g cold and the smell of soil was in her nostrils her soul squeaked on the wet blades as she negotiated the open driver's door and moved around the front of the mint green car to examine the damage she slid in the muck and supported herself on the front of the car but the metallic surface was slick and she knew what the warmth on her fingers was her headlights lit up the dark red covering the palm of her hand but she fought repulsion and the instinct to wipe it on the grass the car had to be shif
ted quickly but as she leaned down to examine the left wheel she could see the arch was crushed against the tire Leah tried to prize the green metal away from the rubber it wouldn't give and she grunted with the exertion as the edge of the arch cut into her fingers and almost drew some of her own blood she went quickly to the rear of the car and opened the door the kit for changing the tire was there and she took out the wheel wrench and trod gingerly back to the front after three attempts she m
anaged to leave at the crushed Arch off the wheel she still wasn't sure if it was enough to allow it to turn Leah dropped into the driver's seat and put her foot on the accelerator the car went forward half a foot but stopped again was the tire still jammed or was it just slipping in the mud the back of the car was still on the road come on she put the pedal right to the floor move the Fiat suddenly shot forward and before she could lift her foot the front of the vehicle tipped forward Leah slam
med against the steering wheel as the car struck something solid she'd slid the Fiat down a shallow bank and now the front of the car was resting in the shallow stream of a ditch she switched off the engine and suddenly it was Pitch Black nothing but the low mutter of the water as her eyes became accustomed to the weak Moonlight she reached for her handbag that she'd left on the passenger seat a sign she scrabbled her hand about in the footwell and was relieved to find it there quickly clamberin
g out of the car she shut the door and stumbled back the car was definitely off the road now but as she took out her phone she confirmed what she already knew the battery was flat the screen didn't even light up she tried to charge it on the train but the plug Point had chewing gum stuffed in it she slid it back into her bag and ascended the slope to the roadside as she emerged from the bushes the thorny branches clunged her black Woolen sweater she extricated herself and looked up and down the
road still no other cars in either direction her attention shifted to the dark shape about 30 feet away from her on the other side of the road a breath cord in the darkness she could make out a small Silver Cloud rising from it the deer was still alive walking through the mist of her uneven panting Leah crossed over and tentatively followed the wall to where the animal lay this was dangerous there was no walkway just the edge of the road and no time to cross if a car shot around the bend but she
couldn't leave the deer if it was still alive it would get hit again and the next car might have an even more serious accident she picked up her pace shivered against the cold she'd left her jacket in the car but didn't consider going back to get it her stomach trembled and ached but her attention was fixed on the prostrate shape and the sporadic Vapor emerging from it into the night air she was about 12 feet away from it when it stopped she did as well waited and hated herself for hoping that
no more emerged Leah held her breath no more came she released hers but she had to move the animal couldn't leave it there as she got closer she could see that the antler sticking up had been snapped and one half of it was hanging down she squinted into the Gloom it was pointless trying to use the torch on her phone as she reached the deer she listened for any sound of it breathing but there was nothing she could smell it now though a musty Aroma with a sour and pungent Edge through the Gloom sh
e could see its head was at an unnatural angle to its body and another section of its antlers lay in the road behind it the bulk of its body in its rear quarters were against the wall if she could just move the head off the road she could be sure it wouldn't cause any cars to Swerve and she could alert the Police of its presence there as soon as she got hold of a phone she trotted by the animal and picked up the piece of antler that was lying there she held it for a few moments it felt heavy and
smooth Leah threw it over the wall and felt a Pang of guilt but she had to make sure it wasn't a hazard to other motorists she returned to the front of the animal exhaled and then bent down and put her hand on the thick fur of its forehead it was still warm and she held it for a moment waiting to feel any reaction to her touch the deer didn't twitch Leah tensed her stomach and slid the head so it was in line with the rest of the body against the wall she used the broken antlers to quickly push
it into position there Leah stood blood pounding in her ears she had to inhale and when she did took in its Aroma again she felt sick but fought the nausea and turned back towards the car she wasn't about to get it out of the ditch so it looked like she'd have to walk all the way along plow Lane until she reached the traffic lights at the edge of her Village a cold wind gusted towards Lear as if warning her against taking the route but as the current agitated the trees she caught the twinkle of
a light up ahead and to the right she knew what it was there was a house there she'd never Glimpse the building because it was hidden behind High wooden gates at the front but there was a spherical light outside that lit them up at night Leah started to walk swiftly in its direction and wondered if there was anybody home the three Leah Strode towards the light she was still very Exposed on the road and wanted to get off it as soon as possible the aroma of the deer was still potent in her nostril
s and her neck and abdomen ached she knew she was probably in shock but until she spoke to Elliot nobody knew where she was just over a minute later she could see the yellow spherical light on a metal pole its glass had a faint green tinge from the overhanging trees but it sufficiently illuminated the tall wooden gates behind it maybe they'd be shut tight they looked to be the sort that had electric locks but as she approached she could see that one of them was slightly pushed inward Leah put he
r hand on the cold metal Loop set in the gate and shoved to her relief it swung in easily and she was standing in a graveled courtyard in front of a very modern three-story house much of its Frontage was glass and the small percentage of wall visible appeared to be made of a dark slate bear Wisteria branches Twisted along the guttering beneath the roof and three green plastic overflow barrels were positioned below a dark blue car and a silver car were parked to the left of the property there wer
e lights on in the downstairs and upstairs rooms and the gravel was sufficiently lit for her as she noisily crossed it to the wide canary yellow front door she examined the frame for a doorbell couldn't see one so urgently wrapped the heavy knocker three times no sound from within maybe whoever lived here was in bed and left the lights on as a deterrent Leah knocked again she waited strained her ears and realized how fast her circulation was still pumping rain started falling harder and she turn
ed back to the gate as a car sped past she waited for the sound of their engine to recede the body of the deer clearly hadn't been in obstruction the canopy of trees over the courtyard twitched as fat droplets burst on the gravel the door clicked and Leah turned relief filtering through her as it started to open she just needed a phone it halted briefly as if the owner were hesitating then it swung wide a man was standing in the doorway and briefly Leah didn't know how to begin his features frow
ned at her Fair brows knitted over pure green eyes but his expression wasn't hostile he was probably in his early 40s but maybe it was his deep tan that made him appear older fine yellow hair covered his eyes almost touching his shoulders and was parted to neatly frame his face I'm so sorry to knock on your door at this time of night he didn't respond but patiently raised his eyebrows the gate was a jar in you're the nearest house are you okay his face wrinkled in concern they realized she was c
lenching her fists which she always did when she was trying to keep it together she did it a lot when she was talking to Elliot just a little shaken my car hit a deer just back there on the road his mouth formed an O shape Leah didn't give him time to speak it's dead but I managed to pull it out of the way I need to let the police know because it might be a hazard to other drivers my car's off the road too the wheels damaged I tried to free it but it rolled down into the ditch too much info stic
k to why you're here Leah my phone battery is flat could I please borrow your phone or just plug mine in he was already stepping back to let her enter I couldn't charge it on the train I tried to I just need to let my husband know where I am he was nodding gesturing her into the brightly lit hallway of course come out of the rain do you need me to call you an ambulance no I'm fine thanks Leah stepped inside the house an exotic Savory dinner Aroma hit her at the same time as the warm atmosphere s
o sorry to disturb you shook his head phone's right there he closed the door and indicated the small table beside it where a handset stood in a charging unit I've got the plug for this she took the phone out of her handbag he waved that away use it to make whatever call you need but his eyes dropped to her hand in the hallway light she could now see how much thick blood dorbed the heel of it and the sleeve of her jumper oh God it was all over the car his green eyes darted between her hand and th
e phone unit maybe clean yourself first in there he nodded to a door beside the coats hanging on the wall if you wouldn't mind thank you I'll be very quick she put her phone back in her handbag it's no problem take your time one minute a light came on automatically when she opened the door the room behind it was bigger than Lear expected but still only contained a toilet and a sink she entered closed it behind her and put her handbag on the Shelf under the mirror she turned on the tap and water
ran down the length of half a shiny open steel pipe and trickled into the dark slate sink she'd left Blood on the Chrome tap but concentrated on cleaning her hand first the water turned red as it flowed from her fingers Leah held the edge of her sleeve Under The Stream and squeezed the black wool it was saturated and the water went darker she took a breath and felt her stomach smart catching her reflection in the mirror in front of her Leah was shocked at her transformation a pinched white and g
rubby complexion looked deathly pale her dark brown locks had been neatly straightened and clipped to the top of her head when she got in the car at the station but now hung at the sides of her head she removed the gold clip and released her hair but it had already curled and clumped in The Damp air she looked deranged and despite the welcoming smell of the house the aroma of the deer was still about her face Leah turned on the warm tap and the heat traveled through her from her fingers she spla
shed some onto her face rubbed it around the edges of her nostrils her fingers shook while she did it okay in there she rubbed her aching neck fine coming now after cleaning the tap Leah took the tan towel hanging on the brass warmer rack beside the sink and dried her face it smelt of coconut and momentarily she wanted to leave it there she quickly dried her hands they were clean now but the sleeve felt cold and heavy on her arm she pulled it down and wrung it out dried her arm then replaced the
towel as neatly as she could Leah took a breath picked up a handbag and then walked back into the hallway the owner was just relaying his address he hung up I hope you don't mind I just called the police chapter 4. oh thank you was that because of the blood on her hand or was he just being helpful told them you've pranked a deer they're sending a patrol car as soon as they can but said it might be a while I'm worried somebody else might hit it as I said I did drag it away from the road can I qu
ickly call my husband of course he extended his tanned hand and the phone Leah took it from him thanks she quickly dialed Elliot's mobile and pursed her lips while she waited for a reply taking in her host a little more he was wearing a smart navy blue shirt open at the collar black slacks held up by a belt with a gold buckle and a pair of casual bottle green linen slip-ons with white rubber soles that looked incongruous with the rest of the outfit clearly his comfy home Footwear Elliot's phone
went to his answering service she waited for the robotic voice to finish telling her that the person she was calling was unavailable and waited for the beep Elliot it's just me her tone was neutral she smiled at her host who remained in the hallway behind him was a staircase carpeted in sage green I've had a little accident in the car nothing serious but I might be home later I'll explain everything to you then she hung up thank you she handed the phone to him sorry I didn't even introduce mysel
f I'm Leah Tolbert Martin Tate there was an awkward moment as they both considered if they should make the introduction official I understand if you don't want to shake hands I live just up the road in Farley I've been for the past seven years in Minster Street near the Railway Bridge too much information again Leah he regarded her blankly by the Black Horse Inn recognition flickered in his eyes yes I do know it I sometimes drive past here on my way to the station and I've always wondered what's
Behind These Gates God that sounded stalky he smiled kindly so we're virtually Neighbors yes pretty close Neighbors Leah told herself to dial it back should be producing her passport in a moment are you sure you're okay he squinted at her suspiciously fine she took a breath just shaken I think can I at least help you get your car back on the road she took in his groomed appearance no I wouldn't want to drag you out into the rain besides I don't think it'll move very far by calling roadside repa
ir I meant smile briefly registered as he brandished the phone I don't have a lot of experience in car mechanics I'm with the AAA but I think I left my card in the car she rummaged through her handbag and knew it wouldn't be there now her legs felt wobbly no problem I could use mine and they can sort you out when they arrive I don't think you should be going back out there this Road's treacherous enough in the daytime that would be very kind so your husband he's not at home no he's out tonight o
n Valentine's night Martin Tate seemed surprised Valentine's Day she'd forgotten about that it hadn't had any significance for the past couple of years she was about to make a scoffing comment but stopped herself yes she answered simply he didn't need any hints about her home life come and have a seat I hope you don't mind me saying but you're looking a bit pale that's okay she held up a hand I've Disturbed your evening enough her gaze went to the lit kitchen Beyond there's no problem just me he
re he'd read her mind you live here alone put it this way you're not disturbing a romantic dinner wasn't an answer Leah heard a small internal alarm Bell a car was down the road and she hadn't told Elliot in her message that she was inside a stranger's house on plow Lane come and sit down while I call the AAA despite feeling light-headed Leah nodded but didn't move he obviously sensed her unease does my cooking smell that bad Leah was about to smile but at that moment a dog came down the stairs
it was a white and brown basset hound and its ears flapped about its head as it descended awkwardly he doesn't bite either the animal slid down the last few green stairs on its stomach and made a beeline for Leah she bent to pet the dog what's his name her it's Sheila she tried to Pat its head while it snuffled at her jeans hi Sheila Leah held out her hand so Sheila could sniff it but the dog ignored her she stood up but felt Giddy and staggered back whoa Tate caught her firmly by the arm he had
a very tight grip but as soon as she'd regained her balance he released her sorry he pulled both his arms in as if he shouldn't have touched her that's okay I think I do need to sit down though if you wouldn't mind just in here he immediately turned and led her towards the doorway of the kitchen Leah followed and found herself in a very impressive and modern space more dark slate walls were broken up by bright white splash tiles behind the huge sink and cooking range in the middle was a long br
eakfast bar and several stalls a half eaten meal lay on it with a full bold glass of red wine beside it Leah's scalp prickled cold I'm sorry I've interrupted your dinner her mouth felt dry not at all he pulled out a stool yourself down but Leah stumbled fell and blacked out before she reached it chapter 5. Leah Drew breath in anticipation of the fall and then realized she was sitting on an armchair in a completely different room she sat bolt upright and grunted as her neck and stomach reminded h
er of the crash Martin Tate held out a placatory palmed her he was seated in an armchair opposite he had the phone in his other hand sure you wouldn't like me to call you an ambulance what time is it Leah took in the lounge she was in a large blank TV screen was mounted on the powder blue wall before her and there was an ornate dresser covered with framed family photos to her left to her right was an occasional table Tate had placed a handbag there is okay you've barely been out a minute Leah sw
allowed and rubbed her face I just caught you in time you completely folded I'm sorry don't apologize you're obviously still in shock I've taken up enough of your time Leah tried to stand but immediately felt dizzy again just stay there he said firmly then smiled take a breath I really don't have anything more important to do this evening are you sure you don't want someone to take a look at you she shook her head I've got low blood pressure it happens sometimes especially if I get out of bed to
o quickly but Leah suspected there had been more to her blackout than that the trauma of another car accident was never far from her thoughts he nodded than Rose Leah felt a little uncomfortable as he looked thoughtfully down at her I'll call the breakdown people just stay there Tate walked out of the room the phone at his ear Leah listened to him opening some Cupboards in the kitchen while he relayed the situation to the AAA and gave them his card number and address details she felt so foolish
but as she gripped the arms of the chair her vision fierced yellow despite the obvious presence of an air freshener she could still smell the deer she tipped her head forward to get some blood back into it yeah she looked up and found Tate standing in front of her she hadn't heard him re-enter the room you like brandy I don't really know if it's study's nerves but that's the extent of my first aid skills I'm afraid he offered a cut glass tumbler of it to her not really how about a glass of red I
've got a bottle open I don't drink red wine too acidic for me this will be fine thanks she took it from him truck's going to take five to ten minutes he seated himself again leaning back in the armchair and Crossing his leg they're coming here first or I could drop you home now if you're not feeling up to it I'll be fine in a moment really she broke the Silence by taking a gulp of the Brandy she swallowed too much of it and it burnt the back of her throat Leah just managed to stifle a choke Amu
sement played about his features again can I get you some water or a hot drink no this is good and it actually was Leah normally hated Brown Spirits like the whiskey that Elliot collected and revered but she could feel the liquid warming her all the way down and took another careful sip do you want to try your husband again she shook her head definitively Tate frowned he won't be back yet she couldn't keep the dismissive tone from her voice he will be though Leonard I don't like to think of you
going home to an empty house after you've had such an ordeal I'll be fine honestly maybe I should go and wait outside Tate gritted his teeth I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable you didn't she slid to the edge of the seat you've been very kind your choice at least charge your phone before you go he nodded her handbag she was shakily standing that's okay now the breakdown guy is on the way I can charge it when I get home it's still raining hard out there it made sense to stay where s
he was charge the phone and wait for the police and the breakdown truck in the house why was she so determined to leave she lifted her handbag up by the strap and slung it over her shoulder thank you for this she placed the empty tumbler of Brandy carefully on the glass top table Tate stood but didn't respond I'll be fine I shouldn't have knocked on your door Leah felt her legs crumpled the way they had in the kitchen he darted forward and caught her by the elbows his grip firm as before Leah at
tempted to straighten but it was him supporting her take a breath she looked up at him saw something Beyond his concerned expression you'll be fine her eyes were on his mouth and she felt an almost irresistible compulsion chapter 6. the lips gently touched and Leah remained in his grip for a few seconds wanted to stay there his mouth was warm when had Elliot last embraced her but then she tensed up and he released her I'm sorry Tate took a pace back Leah looked down at his slip-ons that was inex
cusable she shook her head still didn't make eye contact with him had he kissed her her mouth had met his that's not it's not how I usually behave her shoulders remained bunched her gay still at his feet but shouldn't she be apologizing too she looked up at him the police are already on their way if you'd like to report me for harassment Leah hefted her handbag again I'll wait by the gates if that's okay he nodded seemed to know she'd made up her mind okay let me at least give you an umbrella th
ough Leah nodded once relieved he was making her exit from the house easy he gestured her ahead and followed her back into the hallway one of these Leah asked politely as if she couldn't still taste his mouth on hers and pointed to an assortment of umbrellas in a stand below the coat rack her ears felt boiling hot whichever one you want he replied stiltedly Leah picked up the nearest it was a red lady's umbrella take a larger one Tate extracted a longer beige one and handed it to her she took it
I'll leave it on the doorstep when I'm finished if that's okay she was looking at his chest you really can't wait here in the dry she switched her Focus to the door I've Disturbed your Friday enough I'll just finish my dinner and you can sit here he indicated the ornate gold cushioned armchair to the immediate right of the door some fresh air will probably be good for me she had to leave now but stopped in front of the door there were a couple of locks on it could she just get out by turning th
e knob okay Tate leaned around her being careful not to invade her space he opened the door and revealed the wall of water on the other side it was torrential Leah moved to the doorstep and opened the umbrella droplets pelted noisily against it I really hope it's not my fault you're running away I'd really prefer to be here to meet the breakdown truck she stepped onto the gravel and stood back so they weren't at Close Quarters Leah met his green eyes he nodded resignedly I'll leave the umbrella
on the doorstep Leah repeated don't worry about that stay dry drop it back to me when you're done I'll be fine she said flatly but part of her didn't want their conversation to be over don't worry I'll tell the police exactly what's happened Minster Street number 33. should she really be telling him that 33. got it nice to meet you Leah Talbot that seemed odd to Leah using her surname as if he were proving he'd remembered he smiled lopsidedly give me a shout if you need help she turned and Strod
e away he closed the door and suddenly the courtyard seemed very dark Leah turned and walked past the two parked cars to the gates had his offer re returning the umbrella in what she thought it was did he want her to come back with it she dismissed the thought the wet wind blew hard against her and she could feel the cold rain soaking the tops of her jeans but at that moment she heard an engine slow and yellow lights Shone through the Gap in the gates Leah quickened her Pace pushed through and f
ound a breakdown vehicle pulling up outside the balding middle-aged driver rolled down his window and squinted against the rain breakdown yes man who lived here called you my card is in the car and where's that about 100 yards down there all right sweetheart just hop in and we'll take a look just two seconds Leah held up her hand she ducked back through the gates and crossed the courtyard again thankfully she couldn't see any sign of Tate at any of the windows Leah quickly folded down the beige
umbrella left it against the door and then dashed back to the breakdown truck seven when Leah got home the house was in darkness even though he might have switched off the lights before turning in she resisted the temptation to call Elliot's name was that because she felt guilty about what had just happened but she really faced him now she hadn't kissed anybody else in eight years as she'd been driven home she hadn't heard a word the driver had said I tried to dissect just why she'd succumbed to
the moment it was so unlike anything she'd ever done the drama of the accident aside Martin takes kindness towards her that had precipitated it if she'd been male would he have showed the same generosity towards a stranger she walked to the door on the left side of the kitchen opened it and switched on the bulb there no blue Vauxhall in the garage Elliot was still out this was no surprise to her but it was a disappointment she didn't want tonight she really wanted his presence but some Fridays
he didn't come home at all the first time he dismissively told her he'd stayed with a friend in London after that she hadn't asked he did it because he wanted her to so she didn't but the truth was she worried about him maybe he was just staying with friends there didn't seem to be any indication he was seeing somebody else perhaps he was just good at concealing it from her though he commuted to an environmental consultancy in Canada square and Leah no longer had any idea with whom he worked or
socialized she walked into the cold lounge and switched on the light there too the bulb emitted a low Buzz that accentuated how silent the house was except for the patter of the rain on the windows a laptop was still open on the table in front of the black double glazed panes everything as it was since she'd left it there that morning she picked up her empty coffee cup and plate and carried them to the kitchen as she checked the back door was secured she experienced a familiar sensation and knew
it was why she'd acted so out of character that night Lear often felt completely alone and it would continue that way even when Elliot Got Back having him in the house but isolated from her made Leah feel even more secluded she tried to brush the toast Crumbs from her plate into the bin but they dried on the China and her fingernails scratched the rough surface before she gave up and put it in the sink that was one thing they still had conversations about Elliot regularly complained that he was
tired of tidying away her dishes he still made two meals a day but she was a grazer sporadically grabbing something while she poured over accounts for the two property management companies she worked remotely for today had been one of the occasions she'd had to go to the office nothing had been discussed that they couldn't have put in an email but once every two months they liked to drag her up to HQ to remind themselves what she looked like she preferred being closeted at home and what had jus
t happened proved why again the smell of the deer wafted over her she checked her hands and clothes get that jumper off Leah went upstairs to the bathroom stripped off and put all her clothes in the washing bin she got into the shower and turned it on it was freezing the hot water hadn't been on all day the shower head squealed it was blocked needed descaling she reminded herself to do it every time she stood there it was the sort of jaw Elliott would have done in a Flash before there were a lot
of jobs that weren't getting done now though and the disrepair of the house reflected their emotional situation she waited shivering outside the Jets until it eventually came through warm she let them play weekly over her face and thoroughly washed her nose out again she wiped at her lips and thought of the moment Martin Tate had leaned down to her she kept on shivering but she wasn't cold he'd been right she was probably still in shock that poor animal she'd hit Leah thought about its last bre
ath escaping in a cloud would the police remove it tonight Leah slid down the wall and stayed sitting in the shower longer than she should have lingering in the Heat and steam and thinking about another incident on a road many years earlier her fingers on a warm face bruises of grief and anger that were always there began to ache again she put her arms around herself and thought of the brief Embrace she'd had less than an hour earlier just as she'd finished drying herself and her hair she heard
a door slam she quickly slipped on her Peach toweling robe it seemed ludicrous being modest in her marital home but that was where they were at neither of them walked around naked in front of each other anymore she cracked the door and felt the cold air sucked in from The Landing Elliot no response Leah tied the belt about her robe and stepped onto the landing Elliot she said louder the rain on the Skylight was deafening a third from downstairs Elliot he had to have hurt her but as he'd pointed
out recently he didn't have to answer to her anymore she walked Barefoot to the top of the stairs and looked down them light was spilling along the hallway from the open Lounge door she opened her mouth to call his name again but thought better of it she descended the stairs and walked into the kitchen nobody there a Creek from the lounge Leah made her way into the room and found Elliot lying on the couch he didn't have his glasses on and was squinting at the TV remote didn't you hear me he nodd
ed and returned his attention to the buttons his mop of fair hair looked disheveled and he was still wearing his blue work suit that looked as crumpled as he did she could smell the beer he drove home no it seemed to be his only response but then he added scooter man drove me she eyed the glass of red wine and greasy bag of food on the coffee table but didn't say anything where's your car he retorted didn't you get my message he took out his phone it's been towed she let that sink in he sighed c
lumped no I had an accident driving back along plow Lane that seemed to penetrate his drunken Haze his expression looked shocked but then the hardness was back in his regard you're obviously all right Leah tried not to react to his indifference but it hurt her deeply how had he become this Elliot was a sensitive man more empathetic than she was he'd cared deeply for her had defended her too much sometimes and now he went out of his way to show Leah the barriers he'd built against her it was an a
ct but it was such an ugly one he seemed to realize he'd been too cold sat upright and ditched the remote what happened I hit a deer killed it he nodded soberly any other cars involved no the breakdown truck dropped me off and they took the Fiat off for repairs he looked relieved all taken care of then she nodded I'm going to bed Leah turned on her heel Elliot started to say something else but she pulled the door after her and walked back upstairs he didn't follow half an hour later she was stil
l lying awake in bed with her bedside lamp on the events of the evening playing over in her head The Last Breath of the deer and Martin Tate's mouth covering hers a light knock on the door Leah pulled her duvet up yes Elliot poked his head around the door and for one moment looked like the man she'd known before their problems had started his expression was cowed apologetic permission to enter she didn't respond but waited for him to walk in he did but remained in the doorway are you okay really
she nodded fine just shaken her neck and abdomen protested maybe a bit of whiplash I should call an ambulance no I've already I decided against that let me call you a cab to take you to a e honestly I really do feel fine I promise I'll go in the morning if I feel any worse right now I'm just exhausted okay let me know if you change your mind he frowned with genuine concern so much damage to the car the wheel Arch was crushed should she tell him how she'd had to push it off the road and it had e
nded up in the ditch that a complete stranger had been the only person who had helped her the insurance will cover it he stiffened that's not why I'm asking she knew it wasn't if you're sure you're okay I've had a shower and I feel much better she wanted to tell him she was still trembling but that would pass don't worry go to bed but Elliot didn't budge from the door he appeared to be turning something over in his head I know things are really strange at the moment this is really strange he ges
tured around the room as he struggled to articulate himself Leah waited Elliot walked over to the bed Leah could see the old Elliot in his eyes but he stopped short of the Embrace that should have followed and touched the back of her hand hope you can sleep he squeezed her fingers his felt warm before he released her Leah didn't react and watched him turn walk out of the room and close the door quietly behind him chapter 8. the next morning Leah woke early unsettling images and Sensations from t
he night before vying to greet her the dying animal at the roadside jolting against what she'd allowed to happen in Martin Tate's Lounge her neck and stomach only vaguely ache now but she remained in bed Elliot was meant to be getting up early for a run he was training for an Iron Man in July his father had coronary issues but he'd stridently dismissed her worries she wondered how trying to make your heart explode for 17 straight hours couldn't lead to health problems in the future he was obviou
sly drinking while he was training as well she knew after his late Friday he definitely wouldn't be out at six as he was in the week but she heard him stagger into the bathroom just before seven would he even remember his visit to her room the previous night he'd been quite drunk and she wondered if he was chastising himself for allowing her a glimpse of the real Elliot seeing his old self soak through made her realize just how much she missed him Leah didn't want to bump in Tim when he was hung
over though she listened to him go downstairs and then clatter about the kitchen a few minutes later the front door slammed he wouldn't be back for a good few hours maybe they could talk properly tonight they used to share everything never withheld from each other at least that's what she'd assumed would he even care about a confession though or just use it as another excuse to close himself off from her she Rose and brushed her teeth she'd only recently showered and was relieved she could no lo
nger smell the deer the notion of staying in her pajamas for the morning was tempting working from home had made her way too fond of that she wandered downstairs to the kitchen she looked through the window to the overgrown Garden the rain had stopped and the sky was blue but it looked cold she got herself a bowl of granola and chewed a few mouthfuls but the echo of her crunching made her move into the lounge she put on news 24 and sat on the couch Elliot's empty wine glass and greasy unidentifi
able meat in bread lay half eaten on top of its paper bag in the middle of the coffee table Saturdays used to be their favorite day bagels and Americano together jobs around the house and then usually out with friends in the evening both their groups of friends had halved now they'd all declared aside but neither She nor Elliot got invited out as much she supposed everyone was uncomfortable with the self-imposed limbo they were in there had been no affair a Flashpoint Elliot had just told her he
didn't feel the same way about her she thought that had been his way of breaking away from her so he could see somebody else but still nobody had materialized maybe that had been his game plan from the start to make it go on so long that when he did bring somebody into the picture it would seem like a natural progression and not something that had been premeditated did he expect her to just walk out at some point so he could start the life he wanted with whoever was waiting patiently on the sid
eline Leah almost hoped that was the truth because the alternative was what he'd told her nearly two years ago he just didn't love her anymore her friends told her to leave Elliot was the only one who hadn't but his behavior was engineered to achieve the same outcome there were moments like last night when it briefly felt like it had before in the past she'd taken the permanence of what they'd had for granted Saturday afternoons only meant looking after her father now however his condition had m
arkedly deteriorated in the last year but the one good thing about her situation was that she could devote more hours to him without it having to be an issue with Elliot Leah put her Bowl on the table she listened to the weather forecast but didn't hear it she didn't want to finish chewing her last mouthful because then she'd have to decide what to do next work for the morning she already used her new circuit of time to get well ahead of schedule the hours she no longer spent being a wife were c
onsiderable and she now delivered her accounts early no more Sunday night staying up late after a long weekend away to make sure she just met a deadline she'd hated that pressure and panic but now she yearned for it her life was now a well-ordered and punctual vacuum she rubbed her shoulders through her white cotton pajamas and came to a decision Leah went back upstairs and pulled on a pair of jeans in a powder blue sweatshirt she felt better just being dressed then she straightened her hair too
k more time over it than usual and put on a touch of makeup she never wore much and couldn't remember the last occasion she had heading back downstairs she turned off the TV and slipped on a pair of black suede boots she grabbed Elliot's car keys then paused she went back into the kitchen and selected a bottle of Malbec from the rack this was the best thing to do get back behind a wheel as she pulled out into the road she was surprised not to feel more nervous reaching the end of Minster Street
Leah knew exactly which way she was turning she headed back to plow Lane the house where she'd met Martin Tate was less than five minutes away that was why she'd made herself presentable as well as dropping off the bottle of red to thank him she knew he drank it what else did she expect she'd left abruptly after he'd helped her out it was obvious why so she wouldn't apologize for that but what if he invited her inside again the wine on the passenger seat was an excuse she couldn't fool herself a
bout that and last night Elliot had showed her tenderness that he hadn't for some time she took her foot off the accelerator what are you thinking this is stupid turn around go back home a car behind her beeped as it decelerated to avoid hitting her sorry she mouthed in her mirror and held up her hand she picked up speed again okay the decision has been made Leah decided she would drive past the house and check the deer had been removed by the police first then she'd turn around and decide if sh
e was going to drop the wine off if she did that was all she would do but as the spherical light came into view she could see there was a row of five cars parked in front of the open Gates three of them were police patrol vehicles Leah slowed right down and the car behind her beat again she put her foot down what was going on in there by the time she'd collected herself she realized she hadn't looked out for the deer after the sharp Bend she indicated right and the other car surged past her this
was the stretch of road where she'd had the near-miss with the motorbike she turned in the yard of the pig farm and headed back rounding the bend again she scanned the edge of the wall for signs of the deer it was still there and from the new position of its body it looked like other cars might have struck it since why hadn't the police removed it perhaps they'd only just turned up but surely all those cars weren't necessary they have felt a low Tremor of dread she glanced in her rear view no t
raffic behind her slowing the car she peered through the open Gates two uniformed officers were standing in the gravel Courtyard the yellow front door was wide open but she couldn't see what was going on in the Gloom Beyond she had to stop find out exactly what had happened between now and when she'd left the house eight hours before Leah pulled the Vauxhall over parked in front of the other cars and got out to talk to the officers chapter 9. as she approached the gates one of the officers was j
ust stretching a piece of yellow striped crime scene tape across it excuse me the officer frowned he looked to be no older than late teens particularly because of the cluster of acne on his cheeks and Chin What's Happening Here he didn't reply but turned in the direction of the other older officer who strutted straight-legged and noisily across the gravel Leah put him in his late 20s and he had the squat physique of a rugby player you shouldn't be stopping here the older officer shot a glance at
where her blue voxel was parked can you tell me what's happened this is a crime scene please get back in your vehicle I'm a neighbor the older officer's expression was set Stern your car is a hazard move it please has something happened to the owner he waved her away with a black gloved hand I'm not a liberty to say I was in this house late last night tell me what's happened the hostility left the older office's expression okay just wait there one moment last night she nodded you're a friend of
the owner not really my car had a deer and I used the phone the officer stepped away to have a conversation on His Radio the younger officer regarded her vacantly yes just pulled up here okay I'll let her know the older officer moved back to the tape Dr bone is coming down to speak with you now Leonard already dreading being told the reason for so many officers being on the scene she remembered the bottle of red wine she'd left on the passenger seat cars hissed by and she felt the fine spray of
last night's Reign against the back of her legs she squinted past the two centuries to the open door of the house the beige umbrella she'd borrowed was still leaning against the left-hand side of the doorway the dark blue car was still parked in the driveway but the silver one wasn't less than a minute later a tall slender woman with red hair shown tight to her head walked out of the house and picked her way across the courtyard in a pair of short black heels her legs were clad in Gray Denim an
d she clutched her green Parker to her as the wind picked up she made eye contact with Leah long before she reached her intently gauging her as she approached the gates I'm di Helen Byrne she didn't extend her hand Leah Tolbert the wind rippled the Yellow Tape between them you live close by that's right and you've visited this property last night yes Leah detected a vague Irish accent and already felt intimidated by the woman's pale blue gaze I didn't intend to my car hit a deer just down there
she pointed to where the Animals still lay I knocked on this door because it was the closest and used their telephone your car was badly damaged it had to be towed Burn's eyes started what time was this between 11 and 12. burn blinked she absorbed that can you tell me what's happened burn sucked on her lip the owner of the property has been murdered Leah felt her stomach drop a lorry rumbled by loudly behind her and seemed to take a long time to pass and they were fine when you left I borrowed a
n umbrella while I waited for the pickup that's it there pointed stunned but Byrne didn't turn to look at it maintaining eye contact with Leah so you were picked up soon after yes by the IA but you live close by I know but my car needed to be towed because the wheel Arch was crushed sounded like she was a suspect a circulation surged the AAA guy dropped me off phone and ask okay we can do that you went home immediately afterwards yes somebody waiting for you there yes my husband she hadn't calle
d Ellie at that for a while at least he came in a little after me burn nodded gently her eyes narrowed how long after Lee couldn't believe what she was suddenly in the middle of can I get off the road di burn didn't step back in a moment just try to remember the last thing she said to you before he left another heavy vehicle trundle by but Leah knew she hadn't misheard who impatience registered on burns face Alice booth the woman who lived here chapter 10. nine hours earlier blood flowed from Ta
te's blue surgically gloved hands and swirled down the plug hole of Alice booths on sweet sink she lay on the bed behind him her overfed dog Sheila trying to climb up to the mattress to see her but failing to raise itself on its Stumpy legs Alice had been dead for around 40 minutes and he wanted to make sure he left only her body for discovery the water ran pink then clear and he dried his rubber-clad hands in the fluffy Marine towel beside the sink Tate walked back into the bedroom and even tho
ugh she was propped up on the pillows it appeared Alice was staring straight at him out of a red mask there was no hint of Life in Her dull gaze however he whistled sharply come on Sheila away from there the dog obeyed and looped over to where he was standing nothing else to see here now come on he led the animal to the door he would lock it shut behind him there would be no Vestige of dignity of the Basset Hound did manage to get her wounds three firm knocks on the front door he froze stay he c
autioned Sheila and then padded lightly over to the window he couldn't turn off the light that would attract the caller's attention instead he peeked through the plantation blind into the courtyard below there was a woman standing there he ducked back again as far as he knew Alice Booth had no friends perhaps it was a neighbor there were no properties nearby though she knocked again he took another look longer this time the woman turned to survey the courtyard she seemed nervous why was she call
ing this late but as she shifted back her profile was familiar to him he caught his breath it seemed too much of a coincidence Foley was a small village though he could so easily wait for her to leave her the five minutes it would take him to finish cleaning up and probably find her God when he slipped out instead however he slipped off his left glove as he hurried to the bedroom door Sheila obediently followed him and he pulled the handle with his gloved right hand and made sure it was firmly s
hut he checked himself in the full-length mirror on the landing no blood spatters on his face or clothes then he headed down the stairs to the hall and used his gloved hand to unlock it he swung it wide and as it opened inwards deftly slipped off the remaining glove and tucked both into his back pocket he waited while the woman explained why she was on Alice Booth's doorstep it was immediately clear she didn't recognize him Tate invited her in to use the phone he couldn't make her walk all the w
ay back to Foley and he knew there was nowhere else nearby again he considered it would have been easy to leave her outside but knew she was Leah Tolbert before she gave her name he told her his was Martin Tate it was the name he'd use for the past seven months she'd killed something that night not in a calculated fashion as he had but she had blood all over her hand he told her she could clean herself in the downstairs bathroom and waited for her outside he picked up the phone had to remember t
o clean that before he left as he listened to the water flow he considered how he'd been washing blood from his fingers only moments before where was the dog he looked around for it but it followed him downstairs Leah Tolbert came out of the bathroom but looked very pale he pretended to be finishing a call to the police now he didn't have to go through the performance of speaking to a deadline he waited patiently as she left a message for her husband how ridiculous that Elliot was so unreachable
on Valentine's night there was clearly something wrong at home he offered her a seat but she seemed nervous it was understandable but when Sheila came down the stairs that seemed to reassure her perfect timing pooch she almost passed out but he caught her touched Leah Tolbert for the first time felt the solidity of her radius and ulna and the warmth of the flesh around them through the sleeve of her black jumper Tate escorted her to the kitchen where Alice Booth's dinner was sitting on the brea
kfast bar he was just considering how she would reactively realized it was Stone Cold he had just told her he was in the middle of dinner but that became academic When She fainted he regarded Leah lying on her side at his feet pocketed Alice Booth's phone handset and then slipped his gloves back on he was about to lift her but paused pulled out a stool from the kitchen bar and seated himself he took a few minutes to take in her oblivious expression she'd had a real ordeal by the sound of it she
frowned but there was no further reaction Tate fished her phone out of her bag and plugged it into charge ten minutes later he replaced it scooped her up and carried her into Alice's Lounge delicately settling her into one of the armchairs before putting her handbag on the coffee table he brushed her damp hair from her face and then gently kissed her on the lips her lips felt cold but tasted of whatever Berry chapstick she was wearing he could detect another Aroma around her the gamey scent of t
he animal she'd killed he lifted her hands and examined them they were warm and pristine now but her sleeve felt damp Tate dropped into the armchair opposite and scrutinized Leah Tolbert but her head lulled forward and her chin dropped her chest he stood took her face in his hands and repositioned it carefully against the headrest he resisted kissing her a second time and chided himself his first infraction he wouldn't take advantage again he took out the phone handset and sat down and it was fo
rtunate he did because at that moment she started to come round he quickly removed the gloves and slipped them into his front pocket when she awoke properly he reassured her and then went into the kitchen he'd already gone through Alice Booth's purse on the dresser he slipped on one glove and used his clad hand to open it again he found her AA card and called them using her membership number while he did so he opened and closed some cupboards and found a few bottles of booze he located a glass a
nd poured leera Brandy he pocketed the glove and took the drink into the lounge clean the phone clean the glass the Brandy went her head Small Wonder she had plenty of adrenaline to zip it around her she almost fell again and something happened something he really hadn't expected they kissed only a few minutes after he'd tasted her mouth for the first time she clearly needed to be comforted after her ordeal but it made her suddenly nervous of him and now she wanted to leave he'd overstepped the
mark and he didn't want to make the situation any more uncomfortable for her he offered the umbrella daughter she could drop it back to him to test her reaction she rejected it but as she marched away he wondered if she wanted to come back even though he would be far from Alice Booth's house when she did he watched her umbrella cross the courtyard in the pouring rain to the gates and closed the front door then he went back upstairs and turned out the light in Alice's room he watched Leah through
the plantation blinds she was standing outside the open Gates talking to the driver he would come back later finish cleaning up but now he headed downstairs to his own car once Leah Tolbert had been taken to the scene of her accident further down the road he would follow the breakdown truck to wherever it took her she'd already told him which road she lived in and even at which number but now she could show him exactly where chapter 11. is this your car di burned up under the crime scene tape a
nd gestured towards the vehicle Leonard the one you were in last night burn squinted as she examined it no I told you mine had to be towed this is my husband's let's get in we'll take a statement from you right away about this Martin Tate while everything's still fresh in your head Leah walked unsteadly along the thin grass Verge to the car extending her arms for balance as another heavy vehicle wafted noisily by was Martin Tate a relative of the woman who had been murdered she recalled the phot
os on the dresser in the lounge she hadn't seen his face in any of them had she really spent half an hour with the man who had killed her she opened the driver's door and got in di burn was shouting back at somebody coming out of the gates Leah pulled the door closed the din of the road muffled so her own thoughts could Roar the kiss that was all she was remembering now the heat of his mouth and how she'd wanted to remain against it how could the man who had been so kind to her be a killer he'd
called the police and the breakdown people there had to be an explanation he couldn't have murdered somebody if he had why would he have opened the door to her but if it wasn't his house why his presence so late he'd acted the whole time as if it were his home he hadn't mentioned anyone else living there had been no sign of a woman maybe di Bernard got her facts wrong but there was obviously a body a woman Leah shuddered had she really been dead the whole time Leah had been there she recalled pa
ssing out and waking in the lounge what had happened during that time Leah remembered the Brandy he gave her had it been drugged if she hadn't insisted on leaving would she have passed out and become another victim but she'd been fine when she'd got home shaken but certainly not able to sleep until a good few hours after Ellie had gone to bed and her phone had finished charging the passenger door abruptly opened letting in the noise of the Road Again di burn picked up the bottle of wine that was
resting in the seat and dropped into it Leah turned as the rear passenger door opened too a blonde bearded plain clothes officer wearing a black super dry rain jacket slid along the seat this is Sergeant Fitch burn cast her eyes to the back seat he's going to take her statement she examined the wine label momentarily rested it carefully on its side on the dash and pulled her door closed Fitch did the same as Leah turned to take him in properly he looked to be in his 30s and his fair hair had re
ceded leaving only a tuft on his forehead he nodded at Leah but said nothing leaning back he pulled a tablet out of his pocket are you okay burn squinted at her but the expression was devoid of concern Leah could already feel blood surging through her cheeks I'm fine just shocked I suppose at a shocked as Ms Booth's cleaner the detective's Irish accent seemed suddenly straightened did she find her then nodded rubbed her eyes early this morning Alice bows was supposed to be gone on holiday red ey
e flight cleaner had the key and didn't expect to find her in where was she found Bern ignoredly as question and turned to Fitch ready Fitch nodded at his tablet burn asked Lear about her collision with the deer again and her movements preceding it Leah gave her as many details as possible burn looked Straight Ahead the whole time she interviewed Leia so you walked along this main road because you knew the house was here not really I mean I drive by the house all the time but it was only when I
saw the outside light on that I remembered it was there it's an electric gate did you ring the buzzer outside no the gate was open there were two cars parked at the front two cars one dark blue and one silver you didn't notice the number or the make of the silver car but burnstone said she already knew the answer no the silver car was smaller than the blue car though I crossed the courtyard and knocked on the front door burn waited a moment while Fitch tapped his screen and A man answered the do
or yes describe him Leah did as well as she could then she explained how he'd let her wash her hands before he phoned the police did you hear that conversation I was in the washroom at the time caught the end of it as I came out he was just giving them the address so he could have been talking to anyone or nobody Leah nodded at burn had it been a performance there was no call to us about this address a deer or anything else last night but he called the breakdown service and they turned up why wo
uld he do that indeed which breakdown service mine the Ia he used his membership to call but the pickup driver then took my details we'll check into that fetch make a note Fitch's rain jacket hissed as he nodded his head he let me call my husband he was out so I had to leave a message on his mobile then he invited me in to wait but I didn't feel comfortable why not it was a good question she recalled feeling uneasy being in the house when nobody knew she was there then his herb dog came down the
stairs and I petted it and that made you feel more comfortable Leah thought about it and nodded you're a dog person yes don't own one though my husband is allergic at least that's what he tells me where is your husband now does he know you're here Leah wondered how to answer chapter 12. he's out on a run it was the truth but not a response to the second part of the question D.I Burns still didn't turn to look at her but remained focused on the Saturday traffic so why did you come back here Leah
reluctantly glanced at the bottle of wine on the dash I came to check the deer had been moved but it's still there burn waited for her to elaborate then I saw the police cars outside so I turned around and came back okay so the dog made you feel more comfortable what happened then he let me into the kitchen but I was starting to feel faint at that point I have low blood pressure and I think I was still in shock why would he take you there it was the nearest room I suppose and he was in the midd
le of eating burn swiveled her eyebrow raised he ate while he waited no but I saw the meal on the breakfast bar Leah wondered if he'd cooked for himself after he'd killed Alice booth or had that been her meal and her glass of wine she'd brought a bottle of red as a gift because she'd thought it had been his was he acting strangely on edge no he seemed very relaxed very much at home Leah could hear fetch tapping away at his tablet what did you talk about while he waited in the kitchen there was n
o conversation because at that point I passed out burn raised her other eyebrow you collapsed I assume so when I woke up I was sitting in an armchair in the lounge he carried you there a cold current passed across Leah's shoulders as she imagined him doing so what else could he have done while she'd been unconscious how long were you out only few minutes you sure there wasn't she frowned hard remembered how he'd been sat opposite her when she'd opened her eyes it must have been she tried to reca
ll the next time she'd checked her watch had it been when she got home he gave me a brandy to revive me Brandy I didn't want to I don't usually drink spirits but he took it then guessed yes make a note she told Fitch so you're feeling a lot more comfortable by then no but he put it in my hand right after he called the AAA so it would have been rude to refuse Fitch's tapping halted as if he were waiting for her answer as well it did steady my nerves and you felt okay afterwards no feelings of dro
wsiness looked like burn was already entertaining similar thoughts to her no I was a little dizzy you offered to call me an ambulance I was fine after that though but Leah was dreading being pressed further but as far as you were concerned he was the homeowner yes burn turned her attention in front again but her gaze was on the bottle so what's this for Leah frowned but Burns attention was on the wine it's the weekend have you just bought it then she obviously hadn't not during this trip no it's
my husband's she sounded too defensive that's right it's his car Leah waited to be asked why he would have a full bottle of wine in his car first thing in the morning but Burns eyes darted as she turned something over in her head what did you talk about while he waited for the pickup to arrive it arrived quickly after but you must have had some conversation during that time he went out into the kitchen to get the Brandy and to make the call so you had no other discussions not really but now was
the time to tell them what really happened at that point I told him I wanted to wait for the pickup outside he'd kissed her hadn't he bitch's fingers drummed on the tablet why did you want to wait outside I still felt a bit dizzy but I put that down to my low blood pressure I still wasn't feeling comfortable waiting there though so I got up to leave but Leah wasn't giving them the real reason what did he say he tried to get me to stay but I said I wanted to go he told me it was raining and that
I could borrow an umbrella and you did yes the one on the doorstep but Burns still didn't seem interested in it so you went out of a warm and dry house into the rain I fell I overstayed my welcome did he give you that impression not at all it was my decision and that was that yes I thanked him and then walked to the gate it was tipping down but then the pickup arrived that was double quick time then burn turned to her again how long was the time between him calling in the pickup arriving five t
en minutes I expect you can check that yes burn cast her eyes briefly to Fitch we can chapter 13. Leah tried not to swallow his di burn considered her story so that was the last you saw of him yes Leah answered without hesitation glad to have passed the part of the account she didn't want to relay she'd been attracted to a complete stranger a man who had very probably murdered Alice booth did that need to go on record if she admitted to it Mike Elliot find out but another horrible thought overro
ded I did tell him where I live burn registered alarm why would you do that for the police because I thought he was a neighbor I believed he lived in that house she replied exasperated at what point was this I gave him my door number as I left burn puffed her cheeks to give to the police when they arrived I thought they'd want to speak to me about the deer Burn's face was Stern do you have any children no just your husband at home then when he finishes his run yes Leah's Temple started pounding
do you think we're in danger burn pursed her lips but said nothing it wasn't the reaction Leah wanted can you contact your husband he should have his phone with him Leah took out hers I can call him now you'd better she speed dialed his number but got his answering service he rarely picked up the phone turn nowadays Leah imagined him taking out his phone looking at her number and then pocketing it again Elliot it's me I'm with the police Something's Happened please please call me as soon as you
get this message tell him not to go home then prompted don't go back to the house go to the cafe wait for me there just do this and call me straight away she hesitated looked at burn for further advice but the detective just nodded she hung up I've got to get back fetch will go with you okay she shot a glance at the officer and he nodded once just for safety did the man at the house extract this information from you no that was correct she'd volunteered her address could she feel any more foolis
h there's nothing else you've neglected to mention but Leah was desperate to leave no burn didn't seem convinced I appreciate your distress but I'd like you to have a long thing about every detail of your visit here yes I will I'd like to go now though or was she also eager to finish the conversation take your car that's fine we'll go in this one is part just behind us Victory assured her I can get us there faster okay Leah wondered why but didn't want to waste time arguing about it she got out
of the car the two officers quickly followed take a good look around burnt old Fitch then madly as I don't worry I'm sure he's far away from here by now but Leah caught the worry and the dice glanced her fellow officer this one Fitch gestured at an unmarked car parked in front of the patrol vehicles it was a tan Audi the locks shot and Leah opened the door what time would Elliot get back from his run she jumped into the passenger seat and fit his door slammed the same time as hers he started the
engine Foley yes my sister lives here Fitch pulled out into the traffic in both lanes halted and honked as he u-turned and accelerated to the lights seat belt he nodded at Leah even though he wasn't wearing his she pulled it across her and willed the lights to stay on green as they reached them they did and fit shot through left at the roundabout yeah Leonard she tried calling Elliot again but still got his answering service where's this Cafe you told him to wait at top of Minster Street langtr
ies I'll drop you there no I'm coming with you but your husband might have stopped off there no he won't have he doesn't do anything I ask him to Fitch nodded once turned at the roundabout and sped towards the crossroads that would take them to the High Street chapter 14. nine hours earlier Tate waited for the breakdown truck to pass Alice Booth's house with Leah tolbert's little green Fiat hitched to the back before opening the gates pulling out of the driveway and following a few moments later
in his silver Nissan he'd chosen the vehicle because it was non-descript but even though it was dark he had to be careful about which road he used to enter Farley there were plenty of lights and cameras in the High Street he let them turn left but went straight on at the roundabout and followed the long one-way system until he was passing the carefully manicured Bowling Green before turning left himself and driving down Minster Street he slowed not wanting to meet them coming the other way he t
ook in the driveway of each house looking for the breakdown vehicle but as he rounded the slight Bend saw it on his right it was parked up at the front with its headlights on Leah Tolbert was still sitting in the passenger seat he kept his eyes front as he passed and then pulled his Nissan into a space on the left about 30 yards further on switching off the engine he kept an eye on the truck in the side mirror she was probably signing a digital screen for her car seconds later she emerged from h
er door and he heard her thank the driver before she walked up the driveway to her house the driver took a minute or so tapping some details into his handset and then Consulting his GPS before he took off with the damaged car Tate waited for the rear headlights to fade and then got out of the car locked it and crossed the road he passed the low hedge at the front of the house and could see light shining through the leaves he paused briefly at the driveway there was a white square Illuminating th
e edges of the garage door and a weak light in the hallway window he could see a tall wooden door at the side and assumed he could get to the back that way but it might be locked his eyes shifted to the neighboring houses the one on the left was in darkness but there were lights on in the top Windows of the one on the right maybe there was a way in at the rear that would allow him to operate in the dark he walked back the way he'd come he hadn't seen any roads off Minster Street as he'd driven i
n so he would check in the opposite direction he counted the front doors he passed and 60 Paces later came to a side street on his right and headed down it looking for CCTV cameras but seeing none to his right was an overgrown alleyway that had to run behind the houses on Minster Street there were no lights down there even better he resisted the temptation to use the torch on his phone and traversed the brambles and counted the back Gates until he came to the one he wanted then he reached in his
pocket pulled out a fresh pair of surgical gloves and slipped them on he put his hand on the metal ring and tried to twist it locked no it was just stiff with a little more force it rotated and he used his shoulder to nudge it open he didn't push it all the way but waited in case anyone had heard and was looking out of their back windows a duck quacked behind him and he turned beyond the overgrown Reeds there was a stream and a group of the birds were curled up on the bank asleep heads tucked u
nder their wings only one of them seemed agitated by his presence he counted to 20 and then pushed the gate half open it was enough space for him to slip through but he scanned the overgrown lawn ahead first it was dimly lit by a light on in the kitchen there was nobody in the room didn't she say her husband Elliot hadn't been home that had been when she'd first arrived at Alice booths though maybe he was back now but he couldn't see any sign of him his eyes tilted up to the window above another
light was on there and one next door to the left too he could cross the lawn area in darkness if he stuck to the right edge of it he entered the garden trod lightly along the flower bed and stood halfway across the long wet grass behind some buddlier branches the window above was frosted had to be the bathroom he could make out a shelf containing bottles and a dark cabinet at the back his eyes darted quickly left to the lit window next door orange curtains were drawn there nobody investigating
his opening of the gate when he was sure the kitchen was empty he Strode to the window to look through into the house it would mean he would momentarily be standing in the light but he needed to see the space where she lived just quickly but when he got to the pain he saw his reflection there Tate didn't have a mirror at home didn't like to catch himself looking back it was because since he'd been in his mid-20s he'd no longer seen himself as a person he just saw components a pair of eyes connec
ted to a brain that was connected to a stem that was connected to a body individual pieces slotted together into a hole that he was no longer fooled into seeing he didn't know why it had happened there would be no trigger event that he could pinpoint he'd lost all the friends he had then because he saw them in the same way and he'd felt the same about the girls he'd once been so intrigued by realized that they were built differently but only slightly differently crudely customized with curves an
d eyelashes and breasts to distract him from so effortlessly deconstructing them but Leah had sparked something else something nostalgic when he'd first laid eyes on her he'd not just seen a physical assembly he'd seen her as a whole he returned his attention to the bathroom was Leah Tolbert up there alone brushing her teeth before bed he recalled how her lips had tasted when he'd kissed her as she sat unconscious in the chair and then later when they'd briefly responded a pink shape flitted pas
t the window he kept his gaze fixed there until it appeared again looked like Leah had got undressed he looked down at his feet now he felt uncomfortable he wasn't a Peeping Tom why was he risking himself like this he returned his eyes to the window a few seconds later he could hear the low hiss of water 30 feet away she was standing under the Jets he imagined her eyes closed against their intensity that moment that he always enjoyed alone when the droplets ran down his skin and he felt like an
entity again he could feel the warmth flowing down to her feet and trickling away through the plug hole see the orange shapes in her eyelids closed against the firm pressure of the water well briefly no breath was being drawn in through the three holes of her face she was washing away the events of the night that raw animal Aroma that had been about her she'd be soaping her hands again now moving the Palms harshly against each other even though they were already clean was she thinking about him
was his face inside her skull a sensation crept over him again one he had struggled to identify but that felt familiar but its presence had been low-key before now had been nagging at him for the past few days maybe he should let it overcome him the Frosted window started to steam up blurring the shapes of what he could see chapter 15. turn here Leah indicated the right turning down Minster Street and realized how breathless she sounded Fitch complied can you see your husband there he squinted a
t Lang trees on the left Leah surveyed the people sitting in the conservatory at the front of the building no Elliot Fitch parked up in front of the cafe better get out and check Leah undid her seatbelt please wait for me I can't get into the house without you he said placatingly Leah opened her door trotted up the path to the cafe and leaned through the entrance the interior was busy but there was no sign of Elliot at the tables or counter had he gone home okay where's your place Fitch asked as
soon as she slid back into the passenger seat about halfway up and on the left Fitch accelerated hard but had to stop for a car pulling out of a driveway come on he pulled to the side and waved them on she recognized her neighbor's face glowering from the other car but his expression changed when he recognized Leia sitting beside the police officer Fitch picked up speed again and shot around the curve number 33 just park here Leah was almost out of the car before it stopped wait let me go in fi
rst Fitch closed his door eyes on the front of the house Leah waited for him to enter their driveway his eyes briefly shot to the bushes around the Tall Grass of the small front lawn before he focused on the front door Leah followed him and he didn't object any security system no body had a burger alarm in Foley there were few thefts The Village had been targeted by a gang who had robbed a few properties during the solstice Carnival but that had been over three years ago Fitch reached the front
door let me have your key then he turned fingers outstretched Leah pulled the keys from her bag and held up the main one before handing them to him Fitch took them and was about to insert the key into the lock when he paused he pushed on the door and was able to nudge it slightly inwards he turned to Lear again a frown on his face but she forgotten to pull the front door closed oh she'd left by the back had Elliot left it open on his way out Fitch pushed the door so it swung half in and then lea
ned inside and examined the lock it's on the latch was that you no your husband her shoulder's bristled cold I don't know Elliot he said Leonard Elliot fetch called out no response Fitch held out his palm just wait here he stepped over the threshold Leah immediately moved to the front door and watched him pause at the foot of the stairs Mr Tolbert he shouted up them louder still no reply Leah turned and looked back down the driveway hoping to see a sweaty Elliot trotting up it maybe he would wai
t at langtryes anybody home Fitch yelled nobody answered perhaps he'd left the door on the latch because he didn't think she'd be going out she'd only decided to drive to the house after he'd left there was no reason to panic she entered the hallway Fitch turned her stay outside please Leah took a step back but remained in the hall I'll check upstairs first swiftly climbed Leah heard him moving about up there doors opening floorboards creaking and then his return along the landing before he desc
endeth again not up here I thought you said nobody else lived here with you they don't but she knew why Fitch was asking Just the Two of Us okay fetch had reached the bottom of the stairs and nodded awkwardly he'd obviously seen unmade beds in both rooms I'll just check the downstairs he changed the subject quickly he must still be out shall I try him again she took her phone from her handbag Fitch nodded again and turned to the closed doors down the hallway a rattle both of them froze it did co
me from the kitchen Mr Tolbert Fitch gestured her to stay back it came again louder this time if it was Elliot why wasn't he answering maybe he'd only just come back and still had his earbuds in Fitch seemed nervous and didn't proceed further Elliot Leah called now they both waited no sound what's going on Leah turned to find Elliot standing behind her face flushed red why did you ask me to go to the cafe Leah shushed him and turned back to Fitch he gestured for quiet and they waited for the sou
nd in the kitchen to come again chapter 16. who's this Elliot nodded at Fitch the police Leah hissed wait Fitch took a couple of Paces towards the kitchen but halted when the same noise came again Leah thought the rattle was familiar but it was accompanied by a series of thuds Elliot joined Leah but his expression had Frozen exchanged a look with her but didn't speak Fitch put his hand on the kitchen door and pushed it inwards from over his shoulder Leah could see into most of the room it looked
empty but the sound intensified the acoustic said it was definitely inside Fitch pushed the door open all the way and moved across the wooden floor tiles towards the French doors Elliot crept passed Leah and was the first to the doorway but hesitated there as the officer moved tentatively on Fitch froze his head directed downward oh so you've got a visitor Leah slid past Elliot In the doorway and joined Fitch a gaze following his there was a duck a green neck Drake standing stock still by the F
rench doors it eyed them both with a shiny black eye Leah's shoulders dropped and she breathed again how the hell did that get in here Elliot said from behind her Fitch turned to them us not a pet then there's more ducks in Foley Than People it must have come in through the open front door Leah was thinking out loud the duck turned back to the chain hanging beside the vertical blinds and tugged it with its beak it rattled and the action knocked the blinds against the glass is this what the emerg
ency is Elliot addressed them both Leah turned him did you leave the door on the latch no he immediately answered I don't think so anyway aside so you called the police because you heard that in here she exchanged a look with Fitch and shook her head there's a bit more to it than that Fitch crouched to the animal should we open the door and let this fella out then I think he's had more of a fright than us Leah could see the dark wet droppings at the base of the door Keys here she took it from a
pot on the dresser and handed it to him I'll have a check her out outside as well he unlocked the door and Shoot the Duck scuttled out flapped its wings and flew 10 feet before resting again in the middle of the overgrown back lawn what's been going on Ellie asked as soon as Fitch had followed it into the garden but Leah's Focus was on the back gate at the bottom it looked like it was closed tight and although she felt embarrassed that the grass was almost up to the office's thighs it didn't loo
k as if anyone had recently crossed the lawn Fitch scanned the area and the duck scampered into the overgrown budlia patch at the left of the garden the officer reached the gate opened it and looked up and down the alleyway that ran behind the houses are you okay Elliot knew she didn't scare easily she didn't turn to him but nodded as she waited for Fitch to pull the gate closed somebody's been murdered there was a pause before Elliot responded what Leah turned to face him when I had my accident
last night I stopped at a house on plow Lane when I couldn't get a response from you a man there helped me Elliot's eyes dipped to the floor Leah folded her arms I went back this morning to thank him and there were police cars outside Elliot met her gaze again he's dead he asked incredulously no a woman lived there she's dead I think the man who opened the door to me who said his name was Martin Tate was the one who killed her Elliot's eyes wide and as he allowed that to sink in he told me he'd
called the police about the deer so I told him where we live so they could contact me that's why the police officer escorted me back Elliot shook his head Jesus his body language said he was about to hug her but even though she needed it Leah kept her arms tight to her chest [ __ ] walked back through the French doors I don't think anybody has been in the back he addressed Elliot that front door wasn't forced you really can't recall if it was you that left it on the latch Elliot blinked as he a
ttempted to remember do you generally put it on the latch sometimes not often Elliot shook his head even if it was you somebody could have come in though Leah tried to calculate how long she'd been absent just over half an hour maybe longer yes but I think it was likely to be just our little visitor in the garden Fitch was looking back through the doors again Leah hoped he was right I'll check upstairs Elliot turned to the door I've been up but it won't hurt to double check all the rooms you kno
w if anything has been taken or disturbed I'll wait here while you do that take your time Elliot nodded and trotted out but Leah didn't feel reassured it stood to reason that Martin Tate would have fled but as she watched the duck flutter upwards and onto the top of the back Garden Wall she recalled that the front door hadn't been wide open when they'd arrived at the house maybe it had blown almost shut after the duck had wandered in chapter 17. Elliot came down the stairs oh fine by the looks o
f it Fitch was waiting with Leah in the hallway okay good you check the windows Leah asked him yep Elliot sounded like he hadn't but nodded to indicate he had should I check she met his eye I confirmed when I went up Fitch stepped in I'll get back to the crime scene now but maybe you should both look around and reassure yourselves that everything's as it should be Elliot reached the bottom of the stairs should we really stay here Leah realized that Elliot was as spooked as her that's your call F
itch zipped up his jacket and then took in their expressions if you can't remember leaving the door on the latch Elliot shook his head no I don't maybe we should stay somewhere else tonight okay give me a number I can reach you on Fitch turned to Leah I'll get an officer to drive your car back over later today later today did they need to examine it because she was a suspect was that why Fitch had insisted on bringing her home in his car is there anything inside it you need aside from that bottl
e of wine Fitch quipped bottle of wine Elliot repeated but Leah was imagining officers fingerprinting Elliot's car no we'll need the car back soon though if we have to drive somewhere of course give me the keys and your phone number and I'll let you know as soon as someone's on their way she did Fitch tapped the number into his phone and then sent her his you two gonna be okay they are nodded for both of them just really unnerved by the whole thing you'll let us know as soon as you catch this gu
y Elliot looked at princely out at the driveway I'll keep you in the loop you'll be here for the next hour Leonard okay I'll be in touch soon if you see anyone who makes you suspicious call me straight away he Strode quickly backed his car Elliot closed the door and made sure it was securely in place I think we should leave as soon as we can you really think it's necessary but Leah had already come to the same conclusion even if I did leave the door open this guy knows exactly where you are dad
won't mind if we both descend on him Leah's mother had died in 2018 and she frequently felt guilty about how she'd only seen him at weekends since the funeral but then she caught the look in Elliot's eye I could go to a friend his gaze was on the banister why had she assumed the situation meant they would go somewhere together I mean if you'd prefer if I went with you Leah couldn't tell if the offer was genuine and she didn't want him accompanying her out of a sense of Duty that he'd happily dis
pense with for the past couple of years I'll be fine it'll be good to spend a bit more time with Dad if you're sure she didn't respond to that I'll throw some things in a bag but he remained at the bottom of the stairs and she just turned him down when he was trying to help or had he already made his mind up about sleeping at her friends will you need your car then I can always call the breakdown people and find out how long they're going to be with mine it's fine take the voxel when they bring
it back he's still loited awkwardly how will you get to she realized she had no idea where he'd be going I'll sort something out if you're sure it was like the politeness of strangers and she hated it Elliot put his foot on the stair but paused why did you have a bottle of wine in the car I took it over as a thank you for helping me she didn't meet his eye now why would he let you into the house if he just murdered somebody Leah was still perplexed by that there had to be an explanation a reason
for his presence that the police were yet to discover we don't know the full story yet Perhaps he had every right to be there but there was a meal on the table he told me it was his didn't mention her at all you went right inside she couldn't blame his disbelief yes everything seemed so normal there was a dog in the smell of cooking I didn't think I was doing anything wrong to tell him where we live Elliot filled his lungs and seemed about to say something but checked himself and nodded looks l
ike you might have had a lucky Escape but had she Leah couldn't tell him what had passed between them I think we should both be ready to leave as soon as the car gets here you don't have to wait here with me but Leah knew what his reaction would be I'll get a few things ready but I won't be going until you're in that car he didn't wait for her response but headed upstairs Leah walked back into the kitchen and tried the back door bolted with no signs of tampering she locked the French doors and t
hen methodically checked the windows her phone buzzed and she took it from her handbag it was a text message from an unknown number Leah opened it we need to talk about our kiss last night can I see you again chapter 18. Leah felt a cold Hollow open in her chest and immediately put the phone on the kitchen counter it was like he'd touched her again her eyes didn't shift from the words on the screen how had he got her number when she'd passed out had he gone through her contacts upstairs a floorb
oard creaked as Elliot moved about his room she re-read the message several times she had to tell Elliot turning around she stepped uncertainly to the doorway ahead of her were the stairs and the spot at the base of them she should walk to and call him down but she closed the door as if he'd be able to hear the turmoil in her head think for a few seconds she took a faltering half breath read the message again what would be Elliot's reaction she'd kissed a man she'd only known for minutes a murde
rer she wiped her Palms against each other but if she told Elliot she'd then have to tell the police he'd insist on that she'd withheld from them but only because she felt so foolish she'd been in shock he'd offered her comfort in what she'd assumed what anyone would have assumed had been his home Elliot's feet thudded overhead and a draw slid open Leah had wanted to stay in his Embrace though that was what repelled her now she'd wanted to linger there and she'd gone back to the house because of
that but only she knew that you've done nothing wrong he kissed you you made excuses and left soon after but she'd already concealed it why should she care how Elliot reacted he'd barely asked her about the incident when he'd come in drunk she'd been angry because Elliot hadn't been there to help her he'd been out on Valentine's night with God knows who maybe he was going back to stay with them now she had to tell the police no question but she would deal directly with di burn there was no need
for Elliot to be involved she told Martin Tate where she lived but that didn't mean he'd want to find her there he could have done anything to her that night when she was unconscious why hadn't he it was probably Elliot that had left the door on the latch let him head off to wherever he intended to go and she could sort it out directly with the police with any luck they'd apprehend Martin Tate or whatever his real name was and by her statement her involvement would be over but Leah didn't belie
ve her own reassurance for a second she was a witness would she have to recount her experience in court with Martin Tate standing in front of her with Elliot there felt nausea rise he'd carried her into the lounge given her alcohol she'd accepted and he'd kissed her before she went back the following morning with a gift a gift for Alice Booth's killer it felt like there was a Stampede in her chest had he really gone through her phone when she was oblivious wait though she'd used his landline had
he just redialed the last number that was Elliot's phone she'd called though he had to have got her number from her contacts but he couldn't have accessed those without her fingerprint an image of her lying on the kitchen floor with him crouching over her and pushing her finger against the sensor button on her phone popped into her head for the first time all of her rationalizing about how the whole situation was somehow a misunderstanding and that Martin Tate could be as much an innocent as sh
e was slid away had he killed Alice Booth before she'd knocked on his door or had she been tied up upstairs still alive all the time he'd been so helpful to Leah a forehead stung cold she looked through the locked French doors into the garden where had he sent this message from somewhere nearby and why because he believed nobody had found Alice Booth's body yet the police had said she was meant to be going on holiday I've barely got enough clothes for the weekend Leah jumped and spun around to f
ind Elliot standing in the kitchen doorway with a sports bag in his hand she'd been so caught up in her thoughts she hadn't heard him come down the stairs and push the door sorry his expression shifted to concern when he saw hers are you okay you look really white just feeling jittery I'm not surprised I don't think we should come back here until they caught this guy he went to the tumble dryer dumped down the bag and started pulling out some clothes you should go as soon as you got what you nee
d Elliot paused hand inside the machine and frowned I'm not leaving here until you do Leah had made up her mind she would get Elliot out of the way and then talk to the police on her own I've just had a call they want me to walk over and pick the car up Elliot's frown deepened I thought they were dropping it back Leah picked up her phone as if it could betray her they've not got anyone available I don't mind walking over I can drive straight onto dad's from there Elliot stirred and put his hands
on his hips they expect you to go back over there after what happened maybe they want to ask me some more questions he threw a shirt into his bag I'll come with you no she said too abruptly he seemed hurt by the reaction you really don't have to you're the one who said we need to be living more independently now but Leah didn't believe that forget it I need to know you're going to be okay if it had been a conversation at another time Leah would have been glad to hear the words but now he was ju
st making things difficult pleased Elliot the sooner we're both away from here the better how are you getting to where you're going she deflected I can hop on the train he replied awkwardly but that could wait I really think I should go with you why did it sound like he might not be getting the train Leah didn't have time to speculate and she didn't want to tell him any more lies I'll be fine go and catch a train I'll grab a few things and then I'll be off too I've told you I'm not leaving here
until you do okay Leah gripped her phone tight as she passed him I'll just need a couple of minutes you sure you're all right when Leah turned she could see he hadn't been convinced by her performance if you want me to I can come with you to your dad's she could tell the offer was genuine but at that moment the phone buzzed in her hand again chapter 19. Leah hoped it wasn't Fitch calling her and Strode quickly through the hallway to the stairs it only buzzed once however so it had to be a messag
e her shoulders stiffened as she climbed Leah Elliot was standing in the hallway looking up at her just give me a minute cold flushed through her as she walked into the bedroom closed the door and sat on the end of the bed gurding herself she opened the message what are your plans this weekend feel bad that Elliot made you miss out on Valentine's Day Leah pressed her feet hard to the floor it was another reference to a conversation they'd had how did he know Elliot's name she must have used it w
hen she called him from Alice Booth's landline but she couldn't remember doing that even if she didn't allow Elliot to see this she had to show the messages to the police if he was asking about her plans for the day did that mean he was still in the area he knew where she was Leah walked to the window and looked out it overlooked the front drive and the road in front of the house two cars went by in quick succession but there was nobody else in sight was it even safe to go out there but it was d
aytime surely nothing could happen to her on a busy Saturday morning but then she considered how she'd assumed everything was normal inside Alice Booth's house when looking in one of the other rooms would have told her otherwise why did he want to meet her to dispose of her but she reminded herself he'd had ample opportunity to do that the night before his motive the phone buzzed again Elliot at home understand if it's awkward a breath locked in her chest she read the three messages that had arr
ived it now looked like she'd exchanged much more information with a murderer than she'd led the police to believe she had to stop it how many more intimate details would he use give yourself in to the police she typed quickly but her finger paused over send this was a mistake she knew it was she shouldn't engage with him but she had to stop his texts what would his next message insinuate how long does it take to pack a bag Elliot shouted up the stairs Leah wondered how long she'd been it felt l
ike seconds but as she checked the time of his second message arriving she saw it had been seven minutes ago there was thumping on the stairs Elliot was on his way up she had to make a decision before another text arrived Leah hit send it was done now Alice Booth's murderer would know he could no longer dupe her the door half opened and then paused Elliot knocked two years ago he would have just walked in Leah used the Gap to open the Wardrobe and slide out her overnight bag she managed to dump
it on the bed before he put his head in nearly ready he regarded the empty holdle just give me two minutes his eyes remained on the bag we really shouldn't hang around she nodded emphatically lock up and I'll be down by the time you've done it okay he said uncertainly before his gay slid to the phone in her hand just texting Dad okay he repeated warily I won't take long nor will I she opened the top drawer of the dresser and grabbed a handful of underwear Elliot stomped back downstairs and Leah
took a breath she looked at her phone display dreading another message appearing that had to have scared him off but when she told the police she'd have to explain why she'd let their Prime Suspect know they were on him did he believe he'd have the time Alice Booth was meant to be on holiday before she was missed Leah knew she had to focus she threw the underwear a few tops a few pair of trousers and her toilet bag into her overnight and headed downstairs Elliot was waiting in the hallway with h
is light blue hooded jacket on everything secure yes he sighed Leah realized she'd probably taken longer than she'd said are you really okay Leah dumped her bag down so she didn't have to meet his eye as okay as can be expected there's nothing else you're not telling me he waited for her to straighten what wouldn't I be telling you looked past her eyes with his deep Brown gaze what time is your train he knew she was changing the subject but looked uncomfortable I don't know let's just she nodded
at the front door and hefted her bag Elliot said nothing as he opened it Leah carried her back to the end of the drive and hoped Fitch wasn't about to turn up with the car there was no sign of it approaching when she stepped into the street they both anxiously scanned their surroundings I'm off this way Elliot slung his bag over his shoulder you sure you don't want me to come with you Leah did but then Leah still had to deceive him again I'll call you when I get to Dad's he nodded Leah turned f
irst speak to you in a couple of hours she headed down the street she could stop off in Lang trees and call Fitch she would ask to speak to di burn better that than have the same conversation twice maybe it would be easier speaking to a woman but she doubted the female detective would understand why she'd omitted such a significant part of her account she walked brisply her eyes darting about as she dreaded glimpsing a familiar tanned face chapter 20. Leah tried to acknowledge the small talk of
Andre the owner of Lang trace and found herself a stool in the window of the cafe but sat there for only a few moments before she walked out Andre called out a puzzle goodbye to her and she turned and waved before heading towards the High Street she hadn't called Fitch because now she was unsettled by Elliot's Behavior was he really getting on a train it hadn't sounded like it was what was he up to oh was Leah just using it as an excuse not to have the conversation she needed to with the police
but she had to make sure he really was leaving and wanted him as far away from the house as possible she halted and glanced at her watch local trains were 10 to the hour and it was only just gone half past nine heading back up Minster street she decided to quickly check the little station make sure he got on a train then she would walk to plow Lane via the Bowling Green have the conversation with di burn pick up Elliot's car and drive to her dad's Leah checked the cars on both sides of the road
all empty no watchful occupants and the faces of the pedestrians she scrutinized bore no resemblance to the man she'd met the night before a young family she recognized past her and she remembered to smile and say hi everything seemed so ordinary when she reached the house she marched quickly by even though Fitch and Elliott had checked all the rooms she was still unnerved by the presence of the duck in the kitchen where had Martin Tate been when he'd sent her the messages hi Rianne Mr Trent her
gray bearded neighbor had appeared at the end of his Drive he always got her name wrong Mr Trent was probably mid-60s and had lived next door ever since she and Elliot had moved in Mrs Trent was always baking for them and making gentle inquiries about them having a family neither of them was aware of her and Elliot's current circumstances Mr Trent grabbed his black recycling bin and started pulling it noisily up his driveway but then paused was that Elliot I saw going off earlier Leah was in no
mood for small talk but Mr Trent was always a sweetheart to her and she didn't want to be rude Tim yes away on his own today Mr Trent nodded and then pulled a pained expression that accentuated the wrinkles on his bald head are you okay Leah frowned I'm fine Elliot too uh yes where was he going with this if you ever need to talk you know where Trudy is thanks that's good to know she had to ask why the offer Mr Trent glanced briefly over his shoulder I told Trudy to stay out of things but she ju
st wants you to know she's here if you need an ear Leah put down her overnight bag what would I need to talk to Trudy about Mr Trent immediately held up his hand none of my business and none of Trudy's either I won't get a minute's piece if I don't let you know though so there I passed it on now so you can tell us both to keep our noses out I really don't know what you're talking about was it so obvious to people that she and Elliot were having problems we just hate to see you both throw away wh
at you have Trudy Trent she was walking down the driveway in a blue apron wiping her hands on the front of it her gray hair was drawn back into a tight bun on the top of her head and she moved her Squat and considerable frame surprisingly nimbly to join them how long should she keep the mystified frown going we're fine thanks they Allied this was definitely a conversation she didn't want to have now told you Mr Trent sighed at his wife you must think we're interfering but there was genuine conce
rn on Mrs Trent's face Leah let her flail for words she and Elliot the regular subject of discussion in the Trent's home with all of the Cummins and going so it's difficult not to notice what comings and goings leave it now Trudy Mr Trent warned his wife his face was turning Crimson with embarrassment Mrs Trent seemed to consider that what comings and goings layer repeated I saw earlier with that young woman last night Mrs Trent said quickly as if she wasn't sure whether Leah was hearing about i
t for the first time or not woman Leah felt a spike of dismay but Shrugged like she knew exactly what Mrs Trent was talking about when he got home she asked as if she was about to confirm a misunderstanding yes Mrs Trent gestured at her husband he was just closing the blinds in our bedroom Mr Trent shook his head I wasn't spying I know who dropped him off at least Elliot had told her that a scooter man had dropped him off in the car it was Mrs Trent's turn to frown so you know her Leah nodded ke
pt her lips shut tight sorry I didn't want to land earlier in trouble it really isn't our business Mr Trent rolled his eyes at his wife you're both involved with other people now Leah considered how to answer her so a woman had given Elliot a ride home in his own car we're living together but apart further time being the disappointment registered in both the Trent's eyes so if you were a little surprised by Elliot's Behavior Leah hoped Rudy would elaborate I close a blind to me by surprise I saw
Mr Trent shot a scathing look at his wife Trudy opened it again only because I didn't believe what he told me Mrs Trent replied weekly what was it that surprised you so much Leah tried to sound matter of fact but wanted to know the answer as much as she didn't then Kissin Mrs Trent looked uncomfortable he was still kissing her when I came to the window her eyes were on the tarmac and how angry she seemed with him when she walked off down the street chapter 21 Leah struggled to compose her emoti
ons even though she'd told herself that it was very likely actually knowing for sure that Elliot was involved with another woman still winded her it also sounded like whoever she was lived nearby why else would she have walked away from their house she'd always assumed that if Elliot was seeing someone else it would be a girl he'd met at work or in a social situation related to it was she right on Leah's doorstep they knew a lot of people by name in their small village but all of their real frie
nds lived outside Farley there was nobody nearby with whom they spent any significant time maybe we said too much Mr Trent reacted to her expression you're not telling me anything I don't know they are said dismissively but having her suspicions confirmed by the neighbors was the last thing she'd expected are you sure you're okay Mrs Trent clearly didn't believe Leah's assurance she nodded but a hundred questions were already whizzing around her head was it someone from the coffee shop or a woma
n he met up with when he went for his local runs or was that a deceit an excuse to visit somebody who only lived a few streets away come on in Trudy Mr Trent rolled the recycling bin a few feet up the drive but stopped when his wife didn't follow I'm sorry we assume because of your own situation Mrs Trent began to explain what did you assume Leah couldn't keep the harshness from her voice we're sad to see things going wrong for both of you us all and what do you mean because of my own situation
leave it now Trudy Mr Trent barked but she didn't acknowledge her husband whatever you think of me Leah I don't make a habit of prying into your business but sometimes we see things we don't intend to the clamor in Leah's brain briefly halted sorry what are you talking about now the man who came to call here Leah shook her head at Mrs Trent I honestly don't know what you're talking about Trudy Mr Trent held up his hand sorry my wife's overstepped the mark it's okay Leah was more intrigued than a
ngry I'd like to know who this male caller is right I really don't want to fall out with you Leah you can't leave it there what had Mrs Trent seen but Lee was hard pushed to remember another man that had been in the house in the last few months Mrs Trent swiveled to follow her husband up the driveway Mrs Trent I'd honestly love to know I'm sure you got the wrong idea though Mrs Trent halted and turned you're right I probably have but Leah could tell her neighbor was just trying to locate her ple
ase if you saw a man here there'll be a legitimate reason even if he let himself out at night when you were home and Elliot wasn't Mrs Trent raised both eyebrows Trudy that's enough but Mrs Trent's expression remained suspended daring Leah to deny it Leah was momentarily stunned when was this Mrs Trent headed up the driveway Leah racked her brains there had to be an occasion she could relate to what she'd just been told but she couldn't think of anything Mrs Trent Mrs Trent didn't look back Leah
marched up the drive until she caught up with them both wait they turned and Mrs Trent regarded her [ __ ] I don't know what you saw but it wasn't what you thought Mrs Trent nodded as if humoring her a man letting himself out of the house at night are you sure it wasn't Elliot I'm positive it wasn't Leah's eyes shot briefly to Mr Trent but his face was impassive you saw this he nodded and looked down at his shoes and why were you so sure it wasn't Elliot because he came home in a car immediatel
y after Mrs Trent didn't blink Leah was speechless watched him get out of the car with that girl gave her that long kiss good night before she strut away Leah tried to process what she'd just been told so you saw this man leaving my house last night Mrs Trent nodded her face skeptical that's why I'm sure you should remember chapter 22. 10 hours earlier Tate stood in the garden and watched the bathroom window for a further couple of minutes anticipating her emergence from the shower and the movem
ent of her body in front of the Frosted window as she dried herself he wasn't a pervert he should look away now he told himself that as soon as he saw a sign of her he would but the hiss of the water continued was she okay up there another minute passed there hadn't been any other activity Elliot clearly wasn't home he peered down the narrow dark gap on the right side of the house between the wall and next door's fence more weak lights Spilled Out about halfway along keeping his eyes fixed on th
e bathroom window Tate moved back towards the kitchen and then turned his body sideways so he could slide through the gap he came to a small window and looked in it was the downstairs lavatory and the door was open into the kitchen he could see the breakfast bar with two tall stalls under it there was a metal basket of red and green peppers on top no sign of anyone else he remembered the garage at the front and continued along the wall until he was standing at the top of the driveway his back to
its closed door he cast his eyes along the windows of The house's opposite but most were in darkness or had curtains drawn he kept facing them bent his legs and slid his hands behind him and under the metallic edge of the door he took the weight in his knees and arms and lifted the door squeaked as it started to rise his body tensed and he altered then he raised it slowly reducing the sound until the door was high enough for him to slip inside the strip bulbs were bright in there but there was
no car parked its melt of oil and wood shavings he made his way to the door to the right and paused to listen no sound from the other side the light on told him she'd been in the garage since she'd Got Back checking Elliot was home he put his fingers around the handle and wasn't surprised when he depressed it and the door clicked open he was looking into the kitchen seeing the red and green peppers from a different angle nobody else around he stepped into it from the garage and carefully closed
the door behind him the room was cold but he could hear the boiler running sounded like Leah Tolbert was still in the shower he walked stealthily into the carpeted hallway and paused at the open Lounge door the light was on in there too looked like a little home office had been set up in the window he took in the sparse furnishings was this where she spent her days or maybe this was hubby's lair he spotted an array of framed photos on the dresser and crossed the room to examine them she was with
him and three of them one of them was a wedding photograph looked like quite a scaled back event at a small Church Elliot grinned back clenching his teeth to prove how happy he was he picked up the photo of their two black and white faces it looked like the most recent one Elliot was Fuller in the face and didn't clench as hard in this one his eyes looked distracted by something beyond the lens he replaced the photo in its exact position and felt an irrational sense of hostility towards Elliot
anger was an emotion that rarely troubled him everything he did was deliberate premeditated and clinical being in this house now was none of those things it was time to leave but first he wanted to make sure she was okay the boiler continued to run he stole to the bottom of the stairs and hesitated the noise of the water trickled down from upstairs old flurries indicating the movement of her body so she was fine go but Tate surveyed the stairs that were carpeted in the same deep blue as the hall
way he started to climb them stepping on the edges nearest the wall to avoid Creeks giving away his presence he couldn't prevent a few squeaks and paused every time waiting for the shower to be switched off but it didn't and it was still hissing when he reached the top a thin ribbon of light cut across the blue carpet of the landing and as he crossed to the door emitting it a floorboard groaned he held his breath waited for a reaction but the water kept flowing her ears would be full of it he co
uld probably speak to her from where he was standing and she wouldn't hear he was comfortable trespassing in the homes of strangers knew exactly how little was required to remain hidden and how to sidestep into the spaces outside everyday circuits but he hadn't studied Leah yet and he couldn't put himself at risk the door was ajar about half an inch and he placed the tip of his forefinger on the stained panel and gave it a gentle nudge he looked beyond the edge as it opened slightly inwards and
through the steamed atmosphere the washing basket was open her familiar clothes dumped inside Leah was sitting in the cubicle side on to him her back against the champagne tiles as the water trickled over her eyes were closed an aroma drifted out at him carried by The Vapor an artificial fruit detergent scent with a human smell underscoring it he could see the side of her face a throat a shoulder a breast a nipple a thigh a calf a foot one still half of a hole the skin binding her together was p
ale there was a red bra strap mark on the top of her shoulder then she Drew in breath and it moved everything she opened her mouth to Exhale and released a sigh water tumbled from her and her foot squeaked as she started to move to stand the Tableau had kept him in the doorway longer than he wanted to allow himself and a vague internal alarm suddenly became louder he took his fingertip away from the door and it swung back to its original position blocking his view of her any moment she would be
turning the dial halting the flow and removing his cover he had to go now if he wanted his exit down the stairs to go unnoticed but he stayed where he was the warm moisture cold on his chin in the draft of the landing what if he remained where he was let her find him there when she opened the door he tried to imagine her reaction how the muscles in her face would reconfigure themselves fright first then realization recognition and then Terror and beyond that would Leah Talbot remember what had p
assed briefly between them earlier and understand why he'd followed her there he put his fingertip on the door again considered how exerting slightly more Force than he had the first time would reveal him and trigger an alternative event to the one his survival instincts told him was necessary the water kept running he tensed his finger tempted by the notion of breaking the barrier between them he could hear her feet moving about in the cubicle but a moment later he was treading carefully back d
own the stairs retracing the path he'd negotiated up them in reverse he stopped at the bottom and looked up the moisture still cooling on his chin the water stopped the boiler downstairs cut out a few seconds after he could hear the last liquid running down the plug hole she'd be getting out soon pulling on a robe she couldn't know he'd been there he decided to slip out through the front door it was the quickest way to exit the house he painstakingly turned the handle Tate walked out into the co
ld rain but barely noticed it delicately click the door closed behind him and Strode down the drive he had to leave now because tomorrow he intended to come back chapter 23 what did he look like Leah dreaded the Trent's answer I know it wasn't Elliot Mr Trent said apologetically I understand that describe him though difficult to say it was really dark he shifted uncomfortably this is really important anything at all what was his hair like Fair here you seemed positive of that the tops of Leah's
shoulders bristled slim build average height that's all I can really remember what was he wearing I don't recall Mr Trent exchanged a worried look with his wife are you sure Mr Trent nodded and what did he do after he came out of my house just walked out of the drive and turned into the street which way right I think he took in her reaction right I'm sure you didn't see where he went or if he got into a car no Mrs Trent's hostility had evaporated what's this all about are you saying you didn't k
now him Leah turned when she heard the car she recognized Fitch's Brown Audi as it slowed outside her home do you both mind waiting here she said as it pulled in and parked this is the police police Mrs Trent's face lit up Leah registered that Fitch hadn't brought her car back just a minute don't go anywhere Leah trotted down the drive there's been a development Fitch was just heading into her house and turned in Surprise as she emerged from next door yes there is would you mind coming with me I
mean I had something to tell you somebody was in my home last night and it sounds like Martin Tate Fitch's expression froze my neighbors have just told me ask them she indicated the couple watching their Exchange Fitch said nothing but moved past her and approached the trance Leah followed and waited as the officer introduced himself tell him what you just told me they did and Fitch nodded before repeating the questions she'd just asked them how was he acting was there anything furtive about hi
s behavior Mr Trent glanced briefly at Leah I wouldn't say that he was relaxing not particularly conscious of being spotted I suppose so Leah watched Fitch purse his lips what did it look like to the three of them that she'd invited him back and that her guest had left casually afterwards and what time was this Trudy and I went to bed between half 12 and 1 so it would have been around then after I got home but just before Elliot did I had a shower and then found my husband downstairs and you did
n't hear any sounds in the house no I would have mentioned them to you before now if I had Leah tried to keep the exasperation out of her voice you didn't hear the front door opening or closing no again I would have mentioned that I know did your husband Leah took a short inward breath I said he wasn't at home at that point I heard the front door when Elliot got in but we both saw Elliot when he did come home Mrs Trent was clearly feeling left out of the conversation Leah nodded it Mrs Trent it'
s okay to tell him I've got nothing to hide he was dropped off by a young lady she was driving and got out to talk to him and kiss him before she walked off down the road fetch medley as I do you know this woman Leah shook her head once and ignored Mrs Trent's reaction um when was that like I said Elliot came in just after I'd had my shower so about half an hour after I got in you don't have any security cameras on the property Mr Trent shook his head Leah already knew that the man who claimed t
o be Martin Tate followed her home and got inside her house while she'd been washing the smell of the deer off in the shower her stomach shriveled Fitch turned to her there were no signs of a break-in you saw yourself when you took a look around earlier aside from the front door being on the latch reminded her Elliot could have done that this morning though Fitch turned things over in his head where's Elliot now um he went off to the station she checked her watch it was five to ten his trade wou
ld have left by now if he'd been telling the truth about getting on it Leah knew the next question was inevitable where's he gone Leah took in three expectant expressions I don't know chapter 24. so why can't I have my car returned Leah was sitting in Fitch's passenger seat as he drove them back through Farley you can Dr burn needs a word with you first though about what I just want to get away from here now my dad's expecting me he has Alzheimer's and no day carer this afternoon Fitch nodded un
derstanding if that was the same man in your house last night if it couldn't have been anyone else she had to tell D I burn about the messages she'd received if it was it may not be a danger to now he called Alice Booth's home phone Leah took a moment to absorb what he'd said when about 15 minutes ago called the landline unlikely to be a crank so soon after the event plus he knew the details of the scene too intimately you spoke to him no they are burneded said he wants to give himself up Leah f
elt a surge of relief but it was short-lived surely that couldn't be anything to do with the message she'd sent back to him she'd have to admit to that now give himself up [ __ ] nodded when Sizzle phone with a location for later today why not straight away that's what Dr Byrne asked him claims he's got a few loose ends to tie up Leah needed to open the window do you think I'm one of them that's why she sent me to pick you up there's an unmarked car getting into position to watch your house just
for safety you're sure your husband won't return home I'll call him and double check Leah shakily took out her phone Dearborn was only doing it as a precaution but after your neighbor's story Elliot's number rang but she got his answering service it's me please call me as soon as you get this let me know you're okay whoever you're with and don't go home under any circumstances it looks like somebody did break in last night so the police are concerned he might come back I'll explain everything e
lse when I speak to you she hung up you think you'll get that message eventually I'm sure he's on a train though but she wasn't Fitch caught the worry in her expression if he does call it the house there'll be offices in attendance Leah wondered if Elliot was still in Foley with the woman who had driven him home last night she still hadn't begun to deal with that revelation do you believe Tate it's rare for somebody to give themselves up so soon after a crime was committed but it's been known do
you think it's because I'm a witness perhaps you do realize that didn't have to be the case though Leah knew exactly what he meant Tate didn't have to let her go maybe there's another explanation Leah so wanted that to be the truth of why he was there and why what happened Fitch sucked in air through his teeth he certainly got a lot of explaining to do he turned right at the roundabout that took them back to plow Lane Leah wanted to ask exactly how Alice Booth had died it was a question she put
at the back of her mind since she'd first learned of her murder but she was sure Fitch wouldn't divulge those details maybe his boss would Leah had to know even though she didn't want to the Audi slowed at the traffic lights a right turn and they would be back at the house but Leah had changed her mind if Martin Tate handed himself in then his messages to her wouldn't be as relevant she'd told the police that he'd followed her home and had broken in and she was still trying to repel the notion
of him being inside her house while she'd been in the shower but if she could spare herself the ordeal of relaying the contents of the messages she couldn't plead ignorance of them arriving she'd opened them and there would be a record of that but if Martin Tate surrendered she hoped his deceiving her would be secondary to the crime he'd committed against Alice booth if he didn't she had no choice but to give up the texts was she just for stalling the inevitable but maybe there was a larger part
of Martin Tate's story that nobody understood that he needed to convey to the police as soon as possible she was positive that she wasn't about to disentangle herself from what had happened however if he was lying about his willingness to cooperate did that make her a prime suspect was she already Fitch pulled up in front of the house Elliot's car was still parked in the same position had they fingerprinted it di burn was just walking out of the gates talking on her phone with Rising dread Leah
got out of the car and took her overnight bag from the back seat all right on my way there now burn hung up Fitch quickly filled her in on the trend spotting The Familiar figure leaving Leah's house the night before didn't look at Leah but tried unsuccessfully to hide her surprise you've left a car there Lloyd send a second car make sure they stay out of sight relayed the instructions to another officer burn turned to Leah you know about our crawler yes you're my only Witness if he does give hi
mself up I want you to be present chapter 25. you want me to confirm it's him D.I Byrne seeing Leah's panicked expression held up a placatory hand we'll find a place to conceal you Leah felt a sudden Rush of anxiety we'll go in my car burn nodded at a white Lexus she focused on Elliot's blue voxel could I go in mine I don't really want to leave it parked on such a busy road it'll be fine jump in burn opened her car with a fob the locks thudded but Leah was still examining her vehicle had they be
en inside it she could still see the bottle of red wine on the dash it'll be perfectly safe there'll be Offices here for the foreseeable I need to give forensics their space so we'll head back now Leah felt in a daze aren't you waiting for his call somebody's Manning the phone until we get the number transferred burn extended her arm indicating that Leah should walk ahead to the car she complied got into the passenger seat of the Lexus and slid her overnight bag into the back the interior smelt
overpoweringly of coffee there was a half full paper cup in the holder seat belt burn said before she closed her door too Lira bade it was good advice as Byrne pulled jerkley out of the spot and headed back down plow Lane you must be feeling pretty shaken Byrne tugged her belt on as they slowed at the bend I don't ever want to go home now Leah wasn't exaggerating understandable where's your husband everyone wanted to know that and she still wasn't sure gone to stay with a friend nodded you going
to stay with them too I'm going to visit my father Leah said deflecting the question where does he live brockford nearby then burn observed less than 20 miles from here he's got Alzheimer's which he's managing at the moment but I'm glad he's close she heard herself answer did the police not want her traveling far R nodded when we're finished would you mind leaving the address for me so that answered that question so neither you nor your husband were aware that the suspect got into the house Lea
h shook her head only our neighbors saw it there was no sign of a break-in when your colleague took a look around he couldn't have got a hold of a house key from you burn change down a gear Leah hadn't considered that another terrifying possibility to consider when he lost consciousness acid tingled and lay his stomach I used my key to let myself in best you don't go back until we've got him do you really think he's going to give himself up stranger things have happened but no why do you think h
e called then not sure yet maybe needed to find out if we discovered the body Leah wondered if that was because of the message she'd sent him she flinched as she reluctantly recalled his lips on hers why bother to say he's going to give himself up could be misdirection or perhaps he just gets a kick from giving us a run around I think he wouldn't take the risk of speaking to us unless there was a motive though is it not possible that there's a whole side to what happened that we don't know about
burn turned and analyzed Leia incredulously you think he's innocent I didn't say that whoever he is he shouldn't have been at Alice Booth's house do you know that for sure burn shook her head and nor should you have but when you both left Alice Booth was dead Leah opened her mouth to respond and after 17 years in the job I've never seen the sort of Mutilation that she sustained Byrne met her eyes a Grimace briefly registering before she returned her attention to the road her phone buzzed yep th
e detective's eyes darted as she listened to the short message from the other end 11. the officer looked at her dash clock okay get Fitch to coordinate some backup and I'll see you there she hung up he called the house again she informed Leah wants to give himself up at the North Gate of Eddington park at 11. she put her foot on the accelerator chapter 26 for the minutes that followed Leah remained silent as D.I burn made calls and barked orders while she sped them towards the nearest large town
Eddington Park was just on the outskirts of Middleton and tell Fitch I want somebody covering the east side Byrne hung up and slowed the car as they reached a roundabout you're going to meet him don't worry you'll be in a separate car with another one of my officers they're sitting up there now if he does show you can ID him from your position but you don't think he's going to turn up if he genuinely wants to hand himself in he could just walk into the police station why this song and dance Lea
h had already asked herself that question perhaps he likes the attention no I think he's exactly the opposite of that burn turned to her and momentarily it appeared she'd said all she wanted to then she added this is no spur at the moment homicide this is a methodically executed crime wouldn't you say his behavior towards you suggests that he didn't have to open the front door to you did he Leah wondered if it was a rhetorical question did Bern believe she was part of it that him letting her in
put suspicion on her do you really believe I could have anything to do with this inviting you in calling you a breakdown service from the crime scene that's not the behavior of somebody who's just committed a murder on the premises is it but later acknowledged that she'd ignored her question so until I can gauge the motives behind that I doubt very much that this meeting is going to be straightforward either but what if he's just going to watch us wait for him you'll be protected and you'll be f
ar enough away from the gates would do as he says and just hope we can keep up the line of communication why don't you think he attacked me in my house Byrne gave an exaggerated truck and raised her eyebrows as if she were waiting for the answer from Leah I was in the shower I would have been defenseless she felt a jolt of horror as she considered how close he might have got burn nodded encouraging her to continue why follow me home break in and then do nothing burn held up her hand we're not po
sitive he did nothing what else could he have done I don't think he took anything but that was difficult to know for sure always burn insinuating something else your neighbors saw him leave it was late it was probably assumed he could do so unnoticed Leah didn't like Burn's choice of words did the detective think he'd been in the shower with her Elliot was due home any moment yes Bern agreed flatly he was you'd phoned him about your accident exactly where had he been Leah hated that she had no a
nswer he didn't tell me not even when he got in no he's your husband don't you talk no as a matter of fact Leah tried but failed to keep the anger out of her reply the only reason we're not officially separated is because we're still living under the same roof I have no idea where my husband was when I was stranded on the road in the dark maybe you should ask him and then maybe you can tell me burn sniffed I do know that he was with another woman though because she dropped him off in his own car
and then kissed him good night that fact I've just gleaned from my neighbors who saw it soon after a complete stranger walked out of my house a temple pounded but she didn't regret raising her voice to burn okay burn nodded slightly as they continued in silence until the police officer gestured ahead This Is Us Leah could see the green rusted railings of Eddington Park on their right Byrne took a left turn then a right at the end halfway along the residential Road a man in a tracksuit was stand
ing on the right by some parked cars Byrne pulled them over and rolled down her window where's Travis next right then left oh why Crescent burn didn't reply but pulled sharply away and followed his directions Leah clocked an older bald man with a gray mustache and a beer punch who she assumed was another plane clothes officer he stood up from the plastic seat of a bus stop and jogged over to the car we can go a street further back if you want burn cast her eyes around the other empty cars in the
road that'll be fine okay there's a space further down on the right corner he pointed burn nodded and positioned the car where he'd indicated Leah looked right and could see the entrance to the park about 50 yards away on the other side of the busy Street Burns Switched Off the engine and glanced at her watch 20 minutes how's your eyesight chapter 27. Leah remained in the Lexus while D.I Byrne chatted to the other officer beside the car she peered at the other vehicles around them and then the
windows of the stucco houses that lined the street there were so many places from which he could be watching them a young blonde girl in a bleached denim jacket emerged from a house a couple of Doors Down she dropped the wheels of a pram onto the road and crossed it diagonally Leah watched her as she passed and pushed her infant down towards the park Gates Leah checked her phone it was 10 43. less than 20 minutes before he was due to appear where was Tate now he had to know that the officers dot
ted around the location burn gestured for her to roll down her window Leah did so and the officer bent down to speak to her I'm going to make my way down there now you're meeting him alone no but I don't want to Spook him Fitch will be just inside the entrance he's making his way to it from the opposite side now do you think Tate's in there he might not be coming that way he may just walk up to it from the street so we've got that covered as well if he does decide to show he won't get away but y
ou still don't think you will be prepared for every outcome burn said stolidly they both watched the young mother wheel her child to the crossing and pause to hit the button burn straightened that's Travis she jerked her thumb at the other officer he'll be right here with the radio as soon as you recognize anyone he'll let us know Leah nodded are you going to be armed fetch will have a taser just keep your eye on the gates and anyone in the near vicinity before Leah could utter another word Burn
s Strode down the side street to join the mother at the Crossing she slid in a small earpiece as she walked Travis immediately opened the boot door hatch you could see okay from there Leah turned slide over to the driver's seat so you can get a better view just keep your eyes front and let me know if you spot him I'll stay back here okay she obeyed and focused on the park Gates two men in shorts with hipster beards jogged out and turned left The Crossing beep signaled the mother to cross and bur
n followed her to the other side Leah remembered to breathe and could taste the smog from the busy street on the back of her tongue burn slowed at the gates and then walked into the park behind her Leah could hear Travis chewing gum and breathing through his nose burn looked left and right and then moved to one side as a male couple holding hands walked out to the gates she lingered and then strolled out of the gates again and stood on the ramp way Leah tried to keep track of the pedestrians hur
rying by it was a stretch to see at this distance but she already felt they were too close could things really end this easily Leah got the impression Byrne hadn't encountered anything like this before Leah would be terrified in her position what had Tate done to Alice booth she recalled the expression on Burn's face when she'd stop short of telling her was that because Leah never would have agreed to ID him a movement through the gates somebody walking down the main path towards them it was sti
ll early but he had to be nearby now Leah narrowed her eyes at the man and recognized his face it was fetch he didn't acknowledge burn but seated himself on a bench about 10 feet from the gate so he was in profile that made Leah feel better now Byrne wasn't waiting there alone if Tate were dangerous was Fitch close enough to help her though the chewing behind her stopped all in position Leah realized he was talking softly into a radio ten minutes passed but Leah's shoulders remained rigid and Tr
avis kept chewing after a minute or so Byrne walked a few Paces left then a few right as Fitch pretended to be absorbed by the screen of his iPhone the traffic in and out of the park gradually increased Leah blinked as she tried to keep up with the faces passing and Crossing in front of burn just take a breath Travis clearly sensed her apprehension we've still got three minutes before he's due Leah nodded once squeezed her eyes briefly shut to moisturize them there was a brief Lull in the activi
ty but Byrne didn't once look in their Direction who's this guy Leah wasn't sure if Travis was talking directly to her or into His Radio but she could see who he was referring to a man in a white baseball cap was walking from the right hand side of the street and slowed as he reached the gates was that him with the hat on it was difficult to tell he was wearing jeans in a tan casual jacket she held her breath as he lingered there Burns stepped back a pace as he hesitated outside but he walked on
past her and didn't enter the park could that have been him Leah wasn't sure could have been the man walked out of their field of vision burn turned to watch him go no positive ID let's see if he comes back Leah rubbed her eyes perhaps he was going to come the way Fitch had he still had his head bowed his phone but was now perched right on the edge of the bench he'd clearly thought that could have been their suspect too more pedestrians more faces Leah's eyes darted about them as the footfall i
ncreased just keep calm Travis started chewing again Leah's phone buzzed she opened it and looked at the message that had arrived her heart stumbled as she realized it was from her Unknown Caller Elliot says hi and not to tell police anything about our conversation chapter 28. everything okay Travis asked from behind her he clearly caught her intake of breath fine Leah held the phone against her leg so he couldn't see it just my husband I need to call him back she heard herself lie Travis respon
ded but Leah didn't hear him was this a bluff did Tate really expect her to believe that he had Elliot with him she speed dialed Elliot's number but as she held the phone tightly to her ear she got his answering service any luck no she eventually replied realizing she'd got the beep and that her voice was now being recorded if you can just concentrate on the park the phone buzzed another message had arrived a photo Leah surreptitiously opened it it was of the back of Elliot as he walked down the
street he was wearing his hooded light blue jacket and clutching his overnight bag it had been taken that morning as he'd headed off to the station Leah's hand trembled as she took it in Alice Booth's killer had been feet away as they'd both left the house can you contact him later Leah nodded and turned her head right to look out of the window but her eyes were still on the image of her husband her Tate followed Elliot to the station but what could he have done in broad daylight maybe he'd got
on the train with him Leah's mind raced there was no denying the implication of the messages Elliot's life was being threatened if she didn't stay silent but how did Tate know she was with the police Leah's eyes darted around the street was he watching her right now anybody familiar yet nobody they replied before returning her gaze to burn and fetch at the park Gates okay it's 11. try to stay focused but Leia suspected that nobody was about to arrive there and release her from the ordeal that h
ad begun the moment she'd collided with the deer burn folded her arms and walked back a few Paces to allow the human stream to pass arise on each person that entered or exited the park dictate nolia was here and was watching from a distance he'd set up the whole meeting he had to be and if that was the case where was Elliot should she turn and tell Travis should she let him and burn know they were wasting their time somebody halted in front of Byrne Leah stiffened and peered hard but the volume
of traffic was obscuring them who's that Travis said aloud Leah crane forward Fitch stood up from the bench recognize him I can't see but it was clear they'd stopped to talk to Bern is it him Travis demanded Leah shook her head I still can't make them out properly Fitch had already covered the space between the bench and the gates and was only a few feet away from Burn Leah could see the back of the man as he spoke to the DI he had a dark blue Hood pulled up Fitch reached Byrne and joined the co
nfab what's happening Travis walked into Leah's field of vision radioed his mouth I can't see his face Leah wanted to get out of the car unable to I do Travis spoke into His Radio but why would he give himself up Leah seized the opportunity to look around the street no sign of him but he could easily be concealed in a car or behind one of the window panes of the houses when Leah's eyes swung back to the park Fitch was reversing his steps and Byrne was slightly shaking her head in their Direction
it's a false alarm Travis confirmed the man in the hoodie tried to continue on his way but Byrne took hold of his elbow the man argued and she pulled out a batch returned to the group and put a restraining hand on the man's shoulder Travis took up his position at the rear of the car again Leah didn't turn to him what's going on I think burn just got propositioned looks like she's going to hold him Leah's thoughts skated between the messages she just received and the situation in front of her sh
e watched the two officers talking to the man and him gesticulating he was much younger than Martin Tate probably only in his twenties it's definitely not him Fitch led the man to the bench and gestured for him to sit down he refused and continued to argue Burns attention had returned to the pedestrians outside the park again the man was still complaining Fitch took his arm and led him out of the park the other way where's he taking him Leah asked away from a situation that would have frightened
our boy away ignore that now just keep your eyes on the people around the gates Leia tried to but didn't see Tate half an hour later burn returned to the car chapter 29. how much longer do I have to be here Leah Rose from her plastic chair as soon as Fitch entered the Pokey interview room just a little longer he said appeasingly as he closed the door with his back there had been no further message from Martin Tate and Leah was getting increasingly uncomfortable being in the police station she k
new the longer she was there the more tempted she would be to tell them about the image that had been sent to her phone Tate knew she was with the police and he'd warned her explicitly she couldn't risk it couldn't risk losing Elliot at least she was communicating with Tate and so far everything the DI knew about him had come from Leah for whatever reason Tate had singled her out and spared her life at Alice Booth's home and in her own she had to use that Tate had already proved he could effortl
essly play the police and she'd already been at the station 40 minutes while they interviewed the man who had propositioned Byrne outside the park she'll be into Torchy when she's finished can I get your coffee no they replied a little abruptly are you actually holding me here you can go whenever you like Leah knew there was a buck coming but the DI wants to update you so you may as well wait here for now I need to sort out my dad's meal in half an hour that was true sympathy registered on Fitch
's face she should be done soon I'll let her know you need to get away he turned and opened the door as soon as it closed she tried Elliot again for the umpteenth time Leah hung up when she got his answering service she opened the text messages and the one she'd sent back to the unknown number have not spoken to police about messages please let me know Elliott is okay but she'd centered on the drive to the station and there had been no response was he deliberately tormenting her and if he had be
en at the park had he followed her back here might he assume she was telling them everything and what did that mean for Elliot she had to leave now Richard said she could she lifted her handbag off the back of the chair but the door opened di burn entered and frowned just going to get myself a coffee Fitch came in behind burn and met her eye suspiciously before he closed the door Leah reversed to the table burn folded her arms I've just spoken to the man who approached me outside the park Leah s
at back down and waited for her to continue Vincent Lowndes he was sticking with his story until I told him I was going to charge him with solicitation now he's admitted he was paid by who a man answering the description he gave us so Tate had been there Leah felt the desperate need to tell Byrne everything that was about to burst out of her Lowndes insists he's never seen the man before and you believe him he's professional homeless burn courtly as puzzlement as an address and a phone but sells
a big issue looks like he has addiction issues I've got a couple of offices scouring the east side of the park where the transaction took place but our man will be long gone we're trying to access camera footage from a straight opposite the East entrance but that's gonna take time Fitch added so do you need me in the meantime Burns seemed slightly taken aback by Leah's impatience fetch said you're eager to visit your father I'm already late burn unfolded her arms you say he's in brockford beer
was slightly surprised but then recalled she told the officer during their Journey to the park yes burn took out her phone give me the address there three hot Cottage men's on Drive burnt tapped her screen I assume you'll have your mobile with you Leonard she'd already given them that number okay I can go it seemed too good to be true I'll be in touch with any news you don't need to interview me now what up Leah just get out of there we found one witness who saw you at the roadside last night yo
ur story checks out but burn seemed almost pain to admit it how long had the detective been sitting on that she wasn't sure how to react just let us know if you plan to go further afield Leah nodded and picked up her overnight bag I will she walked by her and Fitch opened the door she was in a hurry she told them that but perhaps they were wondering why she seemed so unconcerned about Tate still being at Large was he waiting for her outside chapter 30. do you need a ride Leah turned only a few P
aces from the interview room Byrne was leaning out of the door I brought you down here in her rush to leave they had forgotten that no that's fine thank you I'll call a cab Ern studied her uncertainty everything okay fine I just need to get to my father's exactly why I'm offering you've got enough on your plate I won't be taking you but I can certainly make someone available thanks no you'll call me if there's any news I've just told you I will okay we'll speak soon then Leah turned on her heel
and strolled down the corridor to the swing doors that led to reception she had to get away from Burn as soon as she'd walked out of the building she paused at the top of the steps and gulped cold fresh air she felt dizzy and steadied herself on the handrail are you all right a young uniformed officer was just ascending Leonard I'll be fine but he loited there sure yes fine she repeated pointedly okay he moved by her Leah remained still until the wooziness passed then carried on down into the pa
rking area a car screeched to a standstill then beeped at her as she crossed the Concourse to the main entrance she didn't meet the eye of the driver as she made her way out onto the busy Street checking her phone she confirmed that there was still no further message from Tate she sent another to him please tell me what to do she waited but nothing came back was he watching her now she cast her eyes around the pedestrians and parked cars but couldn't see a sign of him she kept moving away from M
iddleton police station and tried Elliot's number again it's me please please call me back the minute you get this she said to his answering service then Leah quickly made another call it rang for a long time before it was picked up hello it sounded scared Dad it's Leah there was a long pause hello Leah he said like he knew exactly who she was she was used to playing this game she couldn't tell him directly that she was his daughter that made him angry more with himself than her so she gave him
enough Clues so he thought he'd got away with his stalling tactics I did the shopping but I might be late bringing it over another pause at this stage he usually still got her confused with Rachel the carer who called in on him oh right have you got enough food in to last you until this evening oh yes he replied unsure go to the kitchen cupboard for me the one with my photo above it she'd positioned it there last year and now she used it as a reference every time she called she heard him walk ou
t of the hall and into the kitchen yes Leah yes how are you 'd seen it knew who she was I'm fine just let me know what you got in the cupboard and how is Elliot she didn't have time to let him remember on his own he's fine her father didn't know that they were in the process of separating and she couldn't possibly tell him what was going on now her father used to be the one she could always turn to when life got on top of her just tell me what you've got there plenty of tins oh yes Elliot are th
ere enough tins to open if you get hungry yes I've had my dinner he answered irritably as if she were fussing over nothing she wondered if he'd even had breakfast as long as you don't forget to eat I'll be over as soon as I can okay yes yes he said dismissively is your sister coming too normally his mention of Olivia was guaranteed to upset her Olivia had been nine when she died but today she had no time for the pain no it'll just be me I haven't seen Leah for an age either he said conspiratoria
lly he clearly forgotten that he was talking to her and that she'd been there the previous Saturday like she was every week I'll be there as quick as I can Dad there was another Gap as he absorbed that yes I know he sounded angry now have something to eat I've told you I've just eaten he hung up on her Leah was approaching the railway station there was a row of cabs waiting outside she picked up her Pace quickly crossed the road and opened the door of the one at the front of the line reggae pour
ed out from the interior but the young man with dreads was pasty White he smiled at her flashing a gold tooth Leah thought he wasn't much older than 20. where you headed it was a good question chapter 31. Leah almost shut the door again but then dropped into the seat fully please where else could she go would Martin Tate expect her to return there it was the last place she'd seen Elliot the driver seemed oblivious to her indecision and started the engine Leah closed her door and he pulled out in
to the traffic do you mind turning that down the driver adjusted the volume but it sounded the same as before what would she do when she got there all that seemed important was putting distance between her and the police she Twisted to look out of the rear window at the cars behind them we have Fallout the driver asked jokingly she turned to the front again but didn't respond keeping her eye on the wing mirror was she really going to wait for a message while Elliot was in danger but what could t
he police do in the meantime they could trace a call though maybe that was the only way to find out where he'd been taken turn around go back Leah clutched her overnight bag tightly in her lap she looked down and saw her Knuckles white around the straps sure nobody's after you but this time the driver didn't sound so jovial he eyed the bag just in a hurry he nodded unconvinced and returned his attention to the road but she wasn't in a hurry when she got out the other end she didn't have the slig
htest idea what she was going to do it seemed only a few seconds between them leaving Middleton and the cab heading back down plow Lane it felt like a lifetime ago that she'd hit the deer there but it was less than 24 hours as they rounded the bend Leah was dismayed to see that the animal still hadn't been removed whoa the driver swerved around it Leah registered that it had been glanced by other cars and that it's increasingly battered carcass had been turned to a different position as they pas
sed it she recalled its last Misty breath trailing away into the darkness poor fella the driver regarded the animal in his rear view Leah kept silent surveyed the right side of the road she could make out the time marks she'd made by the overhanging Briars and up ahead she could see there were still two patrol cars eliot's voxel and a large white van outside Alice Booth's house were they removing the body Leah's phone rang she quickly took it out and checked the screen Elliot she answered and cl
assed it to her left ear so it was furthest away from the driver Leah it was him whispering are you all right are you alone his voice sounded strange echoey was he on speaker yes just I'm heading home in a cab I can only talk to you alone he gasped what's happening where are you alone he barely squeezed out the word pull over Leah told the driver what for this is where I want to get out I can't drop you here it's a main road come on the traffic's stopping at the light she indicated the line of c
ars decelerating in front of them you so Farley Leah produced a credit card charge me double just let me out the driver slowed to a standstill quickly scanned the card and Leah was out of the vehicle as soon as he handed it back to her stand on the other side of the road he yelled after her the car behind beeped as she carried her bag over to the grass Bank are you still there Leah pressed the phone hard to hurry up as engines accelerated she stepped up onto the bank she was about 50 yards from
the police cars outside Alice Booth's house an inaudible gasp from Elliot Elliot how did it go with the police he choked out the words what's happening where are you just answer the question he hissed I told them nothing her bag dropped onto the grass you mustn't promise me was Tate listening I promise I promise they took me to the park and then the station I got out of there as soon as I could they don't know about the texts again Elliot became incoherent sounded like he was struggling for air
don't touch him she yelled over the cars silence had the phone been hung up Elliot Elliot but she could still hear the atmosphere discerned a sliding sound and then an impact on the mouthpiece answer me Elliot the next voice was a familiar one and it was still calm and accommodating Leia Talbot you have to let me explain chapter 32. Leah took another step back from the traffic and felt sharp branches against her back Martin Tate's breath lightly boomed against her ear and it seemed to blow cold
inside her please don't harm him we're just getting to know each other there wasn't a trace of humor in the response he said it defensively as if she'd somehow interrupted she managed to swallow and moisten her throat why are you doing this I needed to know more about the man you married she ignored the implications of that please let him go I did as you asked I didn't mention your messages to the police but you've spent half the day with them how did that happen they were there when I went back
to Alice Booth's house why did you go there to give you a gift a pause what did you bring me bottle of wine that's most thoughtful but really unnecessary it sounded like what he would have said if things had gone as she'd envisioned that morning if he'd answered the door if it had actually been his home the police started asking me questions sorry I was surprised they were on the case so soon he sounded genuinely apologetic I didn't mean for you to go through that that's okay Leah wanted to scr
eam at him a sane person couldn't hold the sort of conversation they were having when you left the umbrella behind I was convinced you wouldn't come back I just wanted to say thank you that was all she fought to keep her voice steady did the police say how they came to be summoned to the house he asked casually the cleaner let herself in no response was he chiding himself for the mistake I only told the police what happened I've done as you've said since they wanted you to point me out at the pa
rk it was a statement not a question yes she knew he'd been there but how close I wasn't ever going to hurt myself in I needed to see the people who were looking for me but a face to a name who's in charge of the investigation the I burn is she treating you okay so he'd seen her yes when are you going to let Elliot go I haven't decided he suddenly sounded irritable Leah had to keep him on the phone is he okay he's fine he answered dismissively as if Elliot was an irrelevance can I speak to him d
id you speak to him last night when I got home yes on Valentine's Day after you'd spent the night fending for yourself on a dangerous road you had a chance then did you talk about me Leah wondered what Elliot was making of their Exchange yes what did you tell him I told him everything that happened but she knew where he was headed everything yes a short silence and you told him you were driving over to see me this morning no why not he almost spoke over her answer please just let him go I don't
think he knows about what about us Leah felt the sibilance of his last words Slither over her there is no us but Leah regretted her reply as soon as she'd said it I think somebody's deluding themselves where are you holding Elliot I told you he's fine he sounded irked again I'll let you speak to him again soon why not now because now we're in the middle of having a conversation and it's probably better for Elliot and certainly less awkward for you if he earwigs what we're saying and draws his ow
n conclusions it's going to be tough for him but this has to happen sooner or later chapter 33 what's going to be tough for Elliot Leah demanded from his expression I would say he already knows Leah closed her eyes so she could focus on their conversation I'll do anything just let him go anything yes she nodded abstractedly tried to block out the stream of traffic have you any concept of what that could mean just tell me what you want you clearly value Elliot even if he doesn't value you guessed
his loud reply was for Elliot's benefit was he bound I promise I won't tell the police but what have you already told them just what happened last night so you described me yes there was no point in her lying about that tell them that you kissed me Leah clenched her jaw imagine Elliot listening in what do you think would have happened if you'd completely succumbed to the moment I didn't did Elliot ask you where you'd been last night or did he not care let me speak to him if you hadn't come home
would he even have cared then yes but Leah knew what the real answer was I was the only thinking about the woman who dropped him off Leah stiffened Tate had obviously waited outside after he'd left the house watched her husband as her neighbors had did you know about Cartier yes but she hadn't until today and now she had her name it wasn't one she recognized attractive girl and so convenient for Elliot Leah recalled how the trents had said she'd walked away after she dropped Elliot off three st
reets from your marital home he raised his voice again for his prisoner's sake Leah could hear an incoherent exclamation it was Elliot what did you do dread billowed inside her 19a Medford Avenue first floor apartment nice place Elliot was shouting against whatever covered his mouth so you see you shouldn't have felt any guilt this morning about anything you did last night what did you do Leah articulated the question that she knew Elliot was struggling to yell I could send you a photo Elliot sc
reamed louder but there's already photos on your phone you probably still haven't looked at Leah froze she had to open the archive but kept the handset pin Terrier what pictures had been sitting there all day might be worth taking a look at those first she couldn't hear the cars now tell me what you did but she could hear a thudding sound like the feet of a metal chair rocking against a stone floor go and call on Katya I wonder how many times Elliot's been up and down her flight of stairs stop t
his now but Leah already knew he wasn't about to I'll give you half an hour then I'll call you again can you remember the address yes she knew the road I wonder if Elliot would be quite so frantic if it was you in that apartment momentarily she recalled how cold Elliot had been when she told him about the Collision he does seem very agitated right now I'll calm him down Leah heard the thudding sound getting louder don't touch him after what he's been up to that's very reasonable this has nothing
to do with you half an hour will that be enough time I'll go she dragged in a breath we'll talk soon wait stay on the line but he'd cut the call chapter 34. Leah immediately hit redial and got an answering service call me back I'm not going anywhere until I've spoken with Elliot she hung up and waited blood rushing through her ears she felt utterly isolated no response she redialed the number answering service she hung up again Tate was clearly ignoring her and she was wasting time start walkin
g if he wasn't going to pick up better to make for where she'd been sent he didn't want to be spotted by the police at Alice booths though Leah left her overnight bag where it was traversed the grass bank and waited for a gap in the cars well she did she quickly opened her photo archive a breath caught in her throat as soon as she saw the last clutch of images it was her lying on the floor in Alice Booth's kitchen her features oblivious she flicked back through them the angles changing he got ri
ght up close to her face with the camera a wave of repulsion broke through her as she imagined him crouching over her what had been going through Tate's mind as he'd taken them and he always planned for her to find them later or had he still not made up his mind about letting her go then there was no time to consider that now she had to focus on what she'd been told to do there seemed little point in calling him back the traffic briefly ebbed and she crossed the road quickly trotted to the other
side and headed for the lights a few minutes later a handful of cars had beeped angrily at her but she'd made it there and turned left onto the path that ran beside the road and led to the roundabout on the outskirts of Foley she tried not to think of what was waiting for her in the upstairs apartment concentrate on each individual step she went straight ahead at the roundabout she could avoid town and take a left that would lead her to the top of Medford Avenue but when she reached the turning
he froze what was she walking into a couple pushing a pram walked by her and she vaguely registered their expressions shift from smiles to concern as they passed her she was standing in the corner gutter staring down the road she was about to walk into the home of Elliot's lover her obvious fear aside shouldn't she consider what she might find and what conclusions would be drawn from her presence there but she had no choice the police were out of the equation and she had to think only of Elliot
's safety Leah Strode on checking the number on her left 110. the house would be on the right towards the end of the road she crossed over and it felt like a hand was clenching her windpipe there were no other pedestrians in sight and a plane boomed overhead but the sound seemed to continue resonating through her as she reached the door of number 19. it was glass and she peered through to the shared hallway Beyond two white front doors for 19 and 19a Leah pulled on the handle but the door was lo
cked beside her were two buttons the top one said M Wilson the one below okay boys there was an intercom Grill she gulped and jabbed the one for K boys there was no sound when she did so but she waited her eyes fixed on the grill please let a woman's voice answer no response Leah pressed the button again harder and longer this time still nothing what was she meant to do if she couldn't get inside did Tate expect her to break in she took out her phone and dialed his number again answering service
Leah tried the other button yes a male voice answered briskly Leah wondered how to proceed hello I'm trying to get hold of Katya who he sounded half asleep the girl who lives upstairs from you what's that got to do with me she's expecting me Leah lied but I can't raise her I think she said her Bell is on the blink can you just let me in so I can knock on her door can't you just phone her lay a thought on her feet I'm not charged up there was no reply but a few seconds later the door buzzed Leah
pushed on it and found herself in the small hallway that smelt strongly of varnish the front door harshly slammed behind her now what the daughter 19a was firmly locked she knocked three times on it more for the benefit of the neighbor who had let her in she waited her mind suddenly blank hello a muffled woman's voice said Leah was briefly confused then realized it was coming from the intercom she opened the front door again and spoke into the grill hello she held the door open with her hand ju
st a minute I'll be down now the woman said the intercom clunked off and Leah returned to the hallway a moment later there were thuds on the stairs Leah stood back and her body tensed the door clicked as it was unlocked and then opened inwards a tall pale skinned girl with her Fair hair pinned into a lazy bun on her head was standing there are you okay she spoke when she realized Leah wasn't about to I'm Leah nothing registered in the girl's eyes Elliot's wife a half frown evaporated as realizat
ion sunk in at that point Leia acknowledged that the girl was wearing a familiar Green Top and trousers the word gleasons was written in yellow on her breast it was the local Garden Center and she was clearly on her way into work but Leah had already bypassed the emotions that she should have felt she was just glad the girl hadn't been harmed um she looked awkward and then turned away from Leah and shouted up the stairs Katya somebody here to see you chapter 35 13 hours earlier having just left
Leah Tolbert in the shower Tate turned right out of her driveway and was about to return to his Nissan when he heard a car coming along the street its headlights extended along the road before him and he realized he would soon be lit up trotting across the tarmac he made for the cover of a tree and its shadow the other side standing behind the trunk he shrank back further as the vehicle slowed and pulled into leotalbert's driveway so Elliot was home at last but as he watched from his hiding plac
e he could see there were two people in the car one male one female the male occupant who Tate assumed was Elliot got out of the passenger side first and looked up at the house he was holding a paper bag of what looked like takeout food the female got out of the driver's side she was slim and had bleached blonde hair dark fur coat and high black boots who was this Elliot who was shorter than he'd imagined bounced nervously on his feet while he waited for the woman to move around the car towards
him is she back the woman asked they were both whispering but he could hear them perfectly looks like it Elliot pushed his hands in his pockets why don't we both go inside she suggested nervous determination in her voice no not like this her shoulder sagged a little it's not going to be easy whenever we do it I'm drunk It's not the right time his body was stiff I'll be with you she reached out to him how old was she early twenties at the most he flinched from her touch you said you wouldn't pres
sure me she retracted her hand months I won't call that pressure Elliot shifted his attention back to the windows if she gets ugly you can come and stay at my place she won't get ugly Elliot seemed sure of that then what's stopping you she's got to know you're moving on when you do she will too she will but this isn't the way when then exasperation raised her voice quiet she'll hear Elliot's companion side look thanks for the lift I'll call you tomorrow call me when you're in bed okay he concede
d unless you're still sleeping with her he breathed slowly in Katya how many times do we have to go over this then why don't you tell her I've told you sorting out all our joint policies is going to be easier if she isn't trying to kill me you said she wouldn't get ugly she won't just give you a little more time he turned his head to the upstairs windows again let's talk about it on the phone not here she looked down at the toes of her High black boots look I'll see you tomorrow he waited she no
dded then looked up again and put her arms around his neck Elliot stiffened as she kissed him hard take guests she wanted Leah to catch them eventually she let him go and then strutted off without another word he'd been expecting Elliot's companion to get back in the car and pushed himself against the shadowy wall behind him she turned out of the driveway and Strode up the street Elliot watched her go faltered up to the front door fumbled out his keys and then went inside the house Tate remained
in the shadows because something else had caught his eye somebody was standing in the bedroom window of next door he'd clearly been woken by Elliot's in the girls conversation or had he been watching longer the man talked to a woman behind him and then closed the blinds when he was sure the neighbor wasn't going to make another appearance he turned his head in the direction of katya's receding footsteps so Elliot was cheating on Leah and had been for 16 months and it appeared with someone right
on their doorstep how close he regarded the quiet house before him part of him was relieved they were sleeping separately or had that been a lie for Katie's benefit but Leah's comment about Valentine's night said otherwise he felt buoyed by the image of Leah showered and tucked up alone didn't sound like Elliot was going to rush into any confessions tonight he headed off after Katya picking up his pace and then slowing as she came into view on the other side of the street he followed her at a d
istance for four minutes as she cut left down two side streets and then scrabbled in her handbag outside a glass front door he hung back as she produced her keys and went up the short pathway he stole across the road checking the darkened Windows of the houses either side but when his attention shifted back to Katya she had turned from the door and was looking directly at him are you following me he paused halfway across the road well yes he intended to wrong foot her with an honest answer she w
as briefly speechless I can't deny it his brain spared ahead of his mouth my name's Martin Tate she raised her Palm as he took another step forward just stay where you are I won't have to this is effectively the end of my shift my fault not yours though she frowned I'm employed by Leah Tolbert I'm a private investigator she didn't react now you've spotted me there's a little point of me hanging around but full disclosure I think I already have enough she's hired you to follow me she asked incred
ulous no to follow Mr Talbot but he led me to you he could see her turn this over a smirk eventually broke over her face I'm so sorry if I frightened you she shook her head but was deep in thought no that's okay and I hope you don't take this personally it's a job a shitty one sometimes but it's a job so you'll be reporting back to her yes I'm afraid so she waved her hand don't worry about it you'll be calling her in the morning I suppose he looked at his watch yes a little late now okay good ni
ght she said abruptly turned her back on him and opened her front door he knew she was off to phone Elliott to warn him right away she didn't even look back if she had she would have seen him coming up the pathway behind her and slipping on his blue gloves she'd seen his face silencing her threatening her and getting her through the door to her apartment was easy unfortunately ten minutes later as he laid out his razor blades and prepared to complete his work he had to cut things short when he h
eard her roommate come home chapter 36 you're not cut here Lee had to stand to one side as the girl pushed by her no I just worked two jobs and pay her rent she replied caustically before opening the front door should I just go up she turned a look of sadistic satisfaction on her face make yourself at home she's still asleep doesn't usually get up until mid-afternoon but feel free to go in and wake her a trace of sympathy registered in her expression I'm glad she's not just my problem you know w
ho I am the girl nodded once you're not the first marriage she's ruined she whispered then glanced back up the stairs as if afraid to be overheard last or on the left the hist then headed out of the front door Leah was left looking at The Faded Crimson carpeted stairs the door slammed shut behind her she could now hear the muted TV from behind the door to number 19 over the clamor in her head climbing the stairs two at a time she was greeted by the aroma of coffee at the top Leah was standing on
a long Landing with white doors leading off at the end she could see through the open door to the kitchen pots pans and plates were stacked up in the sink under the window she could hear the slow rhythm of a tap dripping onto the frying pan the last door on the left was shut Leah patted Down The Faded Runner but the boards creaked as she approached she paused outside the door she could see right into the Compact and Spartan kitchen now a dirty plate and a coffee mug was sitting on a small dinin
g table in the corner a single cafetiere steamed beside the draining board what should she do knock storm in Leah leaned close to the panel Katya a voice was hoarse Katya she repeated louder no response or movement from behind the door Katya she stated the name flatly but it suddenly struck clear that the girl that shared with her hadn't said she'd seen Katya Katya she declared more urgently and knocked on the wood still no reply Leah turned the cold brass knob and pushed in a heavy scent of swe
et perfume wafted over her the room was in darkness only a slim bar of daylight bisected the heavy curtains should she turn on the light Leah looked beside her for a switch but couldn't see one from the illumination spilling in from The Landing she could make out a shape under the dark duvet Katya she didn't want to drag the girl from the bed to confront her only one thing was important Leah approached the bed and could see the girl's long bleached hair lying across the pillow her face was turne
d to the wall she opened her mouth to say her name again but thought better of it she'd reached the mattress and Leah registered a number of pill canisters on the Shelf over the bedstead she waited listened for the sound of the girls breathing please be alive there was no sound no movement of the duvet rising and falling momentarily Leah was back at the roadside waiting for the deer's breath she extended her hand to the duvet and the material felt cold in her Hot Palm Katya it was her last warni
ng Leah wanted the girl to jump in Fright to emerge bleary-eyed from the bed and demand to know who she was she pulled the duvet back in one movement exposing all of katya's fetal position she was naked and Leah could see a long dark snake tattoo across the shoulder nearest to her Leah knew she was dead before she turned her fingers gripped her cold shoulder and her body resisted stiffly she had to see her face she found herself kneeling on the edge of the mattress both her hands on the woman's
arm so she could roll her towards her she still wouldn't turn Leah used more Force the body gave but the face that lulled towards her on the pillow had a piece of cloth stuffed in its mouth cut his cheeks bulged with it and her bulbous open eyes did the same looked like a pair of nylon tights had been stuffed inside there was a black belt around her throat the Buckle was secured tight and the leather appeared to be embedded in her pale skin saliva had dribbled out of her mouth and streaked her c
hin Leah recognized the gold buckle it was the belt Martin Tate had been wearing when he'd let her into Alice booths she pushed herself away and stumbled back the edge of the open bedroom door struck her spine but she didn't feel the pain scream was Building inside her Leah couldn't take her eyes from the woman on the bed her legs bent up and her arms stiff the wrists curved and fingers turned in towards her chest Leah omitted a sound but didn't know if it was a sob or a wretch of repulsion she
was on the landing again her back against the wall there and her gaze still on Katya she'd never seen a dead body before a motorbike buzzed noisily by in the street outside and her face eventually turned in its direction she was looking into the kitchen again her attention on the window everything outside was normal nothing inside was the tap continued to drip onto the frying pan dazed Leah turned back to the stairs what was she supposed to do now she remained against the wall her attention fixe
d there but her feet not obeying her brain leave go move with Elliot's life threatened Leah couldn't call the police but she couldn't just walk away from Katya she trotted quickly back into the bedroom and pulled the duvet back over her body only her hair was visible above it now Leah could smell the girl's perfume even more strongly now it was overpowering how old was she who were her parents did she have a brother or sister she started to choke on the crying Aroma as one truth presented itself
to her if Leah hadn't stopped at Alice Booth's place nobody would have followed her to her house and then nobody would have followed Katya home chapter 37 Leah pulled the door to 19a shut but it didn't close she slid her fingers under the metal tab below the keyhole and tried again but it still wouldn't lock beside her she could vaguely hear the TV muttering in number 19. she pushed the door all the way open so she could get a full swing and had a third attempt the door still came to rest awkwa
rdly in the frame harder yank didn't make any difference come on she growled aware that the man in the downstairs flat would probably hear the door clicked into place on the fifth attempt Leah could feel her heart knocking against her chest as she opened the front door and walked outside she was glad of the cool fresh air on her face but catty's perfume still lingered about her how could she possibly leave Katya for her roommate to find when she got home she looked up and down the street but she
was long gone how long had Leah been inside a handful of minutes she inhaled sharply through her nose and checked the downstairs window expecting to see a man looking out but the navy blue curtains were closed it didn't matter if he saw her though Katie's roommate seemed to know exactly who she was she recalled the strangled sound Elliot had made during Tate's phone call to her and the warning she'd been given Leah couldn't report Katie's murder to the police not yet she found herself back in t
he street a refuse collection Laurie was working its way down from the end that Leah had entered which direction should she go she took out her phone and tried dialing Elliot's number again answering service she turned and looked up at the window she could see the handle of The Frying Pan sticking up at the bottom of the kitchen Pane and imagine the drip of the tap still thudding and catty is covered and motionless body on the mattress bottles clunked and crashed as the refuse men got closer and
Leah tried to focus on anything but what she just left behind her what now she had to go but didn't know where the phone buzzed harshly in her hand hello there was a long pause Olivia it was her father no it's Leah Dad I really can't talk at the moment another pause as if he were chewing over the name Leah Rachel hasn't arrived I'm getting worried Rachel isn't due to call in this afternoon I am I know he improvised look I'm going to have to go what time will you be here I was going to have a sh
ower go ahead and have it but it was something he seldom did just be careful I'll be there as soon as possible but when would that be okay I'll be out by the time you're here she kept her eyes on the blue curtains of number 19. it was doubtful her father would remember he was having a shower by the time he'd put down the phone let alone that she was meant to be visiting why don't you just watch TV until I arrive oh he considered it yes perhaps he could do that for hours at least Leah knew he was
safe while he did that okay just watch TV until I arrive but she was also aware that it only took a small distraction to set him off in another Direction I'll be there as soon as I can but there was no way she could go there now what should she do call Rachel hurry then he sounded impatient and rang off now she was worried that he wouldn't go and watch TV he'd already had a couple of falls in the bathroom Leah could feel the situation begin to overwhelm her breathing was shallow and even though
the Refuge men were getting steadily nearer the noises they were making seemed to be fading hold it together she headed away from them putting one foot deliberately in front of the other and making her way to the High Street end of Medford Avenue she could see the traffic moving fast there but the situation seemed so unreal she phoned Rachel but got her answering service she was walking away from a dead body but she had to if she wanted Elliot back where was he now what was Tate doing to him th
e phone vibrated again talking to someone Tate sounded irritated Leah stopped dead my father called me you're sure he's got Alzheimer's he calls all the time I won't call back again if you're on the phone I'm sorry he calls all the time she repeated where are you I've been into Katie's Place just uttering her name brought the image of her last expression back her body started to tremble I saw what you did Leah's voice quivered too you spoke to her what are you talking about she tightened her gri
p on the phone as if it could halt the Tremor of her legs good I hope you didn't give her too hard a Time Elliot's understandably concerned about the two of you sharing the same space Leah realized what he was doing Elliot must still be an earshot and he was concealing the fact that he'd killed her I think YouTube meeting was the best thing that could have happened I bet she was at a loss for words when you walked in the door no cat fighting I hope I did what you asked let him go now was she sor
ry Leah didn't answer she pleaded he continued as if he was repeating what Leah had said but she guessed he was telling her what Katya had done the night before chapter 38 . Leah didn't notice as The Refuge collectors passed her bleeding always uncomfortable to be around he carried on the conversation for Elliot's benefit the Lorry trundled by did you have to kill her she spoke low as a man in a high-vis jacket weaved around her it had to happen he answered simply the situation couldn't continue
as it was you didn't even know her now the two of you have become acquainted we have to decide what to do about Elliot next Leah could hear a muted protest from Elliot in the background relief was overwritten by how weak he sounded what have you done to him just a little something to keep him manageable why are you doing this to us there was a pause so you would have been quite happy to carry on as you were I just let me know what you need me to do Leah realized it was raining a droplet landed
on her eyelid you know what you have to do decide whether you really want him back of course I do of course you do so he can cheat on you again but he didn't Ellie and I are over the first time she'd said that he hesitated before replying you're saying that now But he sounded unsure I'm not we sleep in separate rooms was this the way to remove Elliot from danger the Tate see him as a rival to be erased you knew he was saying Katya yes then she responded to the silence that followed I knew he was
seeing somebody but he was free too we only lived together for convenience now is that why you weren't spending Valentines together yes Leah waited as he assessed what she told him you have no feelings for him and he has no feelings for you not anymore she had to convince him of that so whatever I do to him means nothing to you of course it does why I don't want him harmed she said emphatically Elliot grunted and she could hear the chair legs knocking again what about Katya even though you'd ne
ver seen her face until today Leah would never forget her stuffed expression you didn't wish her dad no anger filled out her reply I wonder if Elliot will when he tries to look past the sex and realizes she's just too young for him and considers all the implications that they've got ahead of them do you think he'll wish her dead nobody deserves to die like that you forget I've seen you with blood on your hands that was an animal an accident was that why he'd spared her at the house that's twice
I've helped you now she shivered but it was nothing to do with the cold rain running down her face if you really want to help me let Elliot go I can't do that you know that Leah felt the ground tilt why not he's seen me like Katya did she closed her eyes let him go for me let him go sounds like something you should have done a long time ago you're right she had to find a way inside his warped logic I think I began to do that when I came to see you this morning he thought about that and you came
to see me yes you've not been with another man outside of your marriage no she would tell him anything he needed to know however private anything to keep him from hurting Elliot I believe something conspired to bring you to the house last night he seemed certain of that I had to open up even though I could so easily have left you out there why did he answer the door Cutty would still be alive and Leah would still be in ignorance of her and Elliot would be safe I looked down at you from the windo
w and recognized you immediately there opened her eyes I'd watched you two days before and four days before that how could I not let you in chapter 39. first time I sat four feet away from you in langtries but Leah was listening for Elliot the sound of the rocking chair had stopped you were sighed on didn't register me you ordered a cinnamon latte I played a game tried to put a name to your face but then they called it out and you collected your coffee from the counter just sat there stirring it
was so deep in thought I had to speculate why I did what you asked let me speak to him I'd come to the area a week before I called on Alice Lang trees was ideal because they don't have any security cameras in there like they do in the pub please she whispered answer me one question first what was it that you were thinking about I don't remember the second time Thursday they did the same plain latte instead though she felt cold creep over her as she saw herself sitting obliviously at her usual t
able with his eyes planted on her she really hadn't seen him on either occasion but he was right she had been lost in her thoughts I really don't know but it was only a few days ago lunchtime you didn't eat anything I had a lot on my mind so I guessed I envisioned all kinds of scenarios were you thinking about Elliot yes please put him on right then I wouldn't have believed a woman like you could have been jilted I have to know he's okay she still couldn't hear him you still haven't answered my
question I told you I was thinking about him specifically Leah knew she had to be careful she couldn't tell him of the thoughts she'd really entertained but she still felt they had a chance that would endanger Elliot Tate clearly saw him as a threat to dispose of I've been seeing a counselor I'd had my final session with her that week a relationship counselor yes you said I does that mean Elia didn't no why not he refused to shouldn't that tell you everything you need to know if Elliot didn't wa
nt to attend then he must have had no interest in salvaging your relationship it was that day I decided it was time for me to move on was a lie she'd still wanted to work things out she hadn't known about Katya but she couldn't even intimate that I've answered your question let him go after all he's done have you forgotten Katya how could she ever he's betrayed you he sounded exasperated he can't go unpunished for that Leah could hear the hostility in his voice building she had to misdirect him
what about Alice Booth did she deserve to be punished too there was a pause that was a personal transaction what the hell did that mean you knew her long time ago reminded her exactly who I was just before she died Leah felt second that he spoke of her death as if it was something that he'd simply been present at and wasn't responsible for she seemed understandably perplexed when I told her Alice has been through two divorces since we last clapped eyes on each other Leah had to know why did you
kill her she was like an entirely different person last night did you know that after seven to ten years every cell in the human body is replaced that means that Alice had become a whole new person three times over since I last saw her Leah remained silent there was no anger on my part and you need that bypass when you kill someone you can't allow emotions to Cloud what you do it's a lot harder than people think so I always look upon it as a transaction like it was with Katya I was able to remai
n removed because I did it for you Leah shuddered to her core no you didn't Leah wouldn't allow him to make her complicit Alice was a personal transaction for me but for the me of 31 years ago I made myself a promise then a promise I kept I've done it three times before Alice was to be my fourth and last how could she begin to navigate a deranged rationale like that so what did Alice Booth ever do to you she was only in her late teens she didn't really know how intense my feelings had been for h
er then she had an inkling but she didn't really know to what extent she inverted my world when she spurned me I tried to remember my teenage rage when I cut up her face to use it as a Spur but to remind myself why I was there I couldn't summon it though not that it's important physical vandalism has to be part of the transaction scoring their faces makes them less human to me I was just about to do the same to Katya when her friend came home if she'd seen my face I would have had to put her in
the bed with Katya as well I always see my commitments through that's what Alice Booth was when I was 17 I promised myself if I didn't find somebody I'd go and find her impact her existence as she had mine I'd reached a point in my life when I firmly believed there was no one in the world for me then I saw you in nine trees and as soon as Alice died you were knocking on the front door I saw what was in your eyes when we were alone we both felt that connection that's why I have to make a new comm
itment to you chapter 40. Leah turned her back to a couple walking by her there is no connection between us she regretted the words before she'd finished stuttering them you can't possibly say that he sounded genuinely mortified not after what's happened in such a short space of time we only met last night it was a coincidence you really believe that if you really want to do something for me let Elliot go right now I promise I won't ever mention any of this to the police did you hear that Tate t
ucked away from the mouthpiece Leah strained her ears but couldn't hear any response she's pleading for your release even after the unconscionable way you've treated her a low groan Leah felt a surge of relief you must have done something pretty spectacular in a previous life to deserve such loyalty from her then she could hear Elliot scream stop but whatever was happening to her husband intensified and the scream curdled stop it it was suddenly cut short what have you done she could hear a low
breathing at the other end but wasn't sure if it was Elliot or Tate the phone clunked and momentarily she thought he'd hung up they say a man's tolerance for pain is higher than a woman's I think that's nonsense what if you turn would you rather it was you after all the pain he's already put you through Leah wiped the rain from her eyes would you take his place Leah released a faltering breath you'd really do that for him her fingers and the phone Shook at her ear yes and if you had him back you
'd forgive him she couldn't answer that even though you'll still both be over because his pride wouldn't be able to handle what you did to save him yes she heard herself say but what did he really expect her to do to free Elliot you know what I did to Alice booth Leah suddenly realized that the young couple had halted on the other side of the street they were both looking back at her with concern are you okay the man moused she nodded and realized there were tears on her face just just my boyfri
end were in the middle of something the man nodded uncertainly and the woman made meaningful eye contact with her they moved off boyfriend Tate repeated where should I go from here tell me she's bad when I was 17 Alice Booth lived in my head the best version of her the most pristine glowing Alice existed for a year inside my skull but the reality was disappointing I hope you won't disappoint me Leah watched the couple walking away from her felt the abhorrence for him souring her throat there wer
e three others they all promise something to me they never delivered but Alice was my first that's why I left her till last that's why I took my time and when it was done I felt emptied out I knew that moment had always been coming and I was just wondering what there was left for me afterwards when you knocked on the door right at that very moment the girl who had intrigued me was I wrong to believe there was some significance in that Leah had no idea how to respond if she said no would that end
anger Elliot Moore even after our intimate moment do you still insist there's no connection she had to think fast I can't talk to you properly here in the street but if there's nothing between us why would you want to talk to me at all just to save Elliot's miserable skin what you say is true you seeing me me coming to the house just as you were looking for a new purpose he didn't reply let her continue maybe this is all too much for me to process I can see why that would be but his tone was col
d let me come to you there was no other way in good time I still think you need convincing of what of what you'll need to do maybe your neighbors can help what the ones who are at the window when I left your house after I stood outside your bathroom they watched Elliot argue with Katya well I did too chapter 41. what are you saying they have felt a sickening jolt and immediately started striding towards the High Street Mr and Mrs Trent made the decision to involve themselves they had nothing to
do with this she was heading home exactly the reason they shouldn't have been spying please tell me you didn't harm them the police are watching your house but I had no problem getting into the property next door was this a bluff when did he come back after he'd taken Elliot she'd been with the police for a couple of hours her heart and pace quickened little pathway behind your house and theirs the back door was open should still be maybe you can help them out what did you do Leah wanted to yell
but kept her voice low as she passed a family unpacking shopping from a car but I was a little pushed for time not ideal circumstances for me I like to be able to inhabit a place when I work I prefer not to have any interruptions unless it's you of course Leah was reaching the end of Medford Avenue she didn't want to cross the busy road to Minster street but her legs were propelling her there I'll call you soon please don't hang up but he did Leah started to run but had to Halt and wait at the
roadside as the traffic rolled leisurely by darting through a gap in the cars she quickly made it to the other side jogged by the pub and made for the Turning of her Street she passed Lang trees if she hadn't walked in there for coffee the same time Tate had would he have opened the daughter after she'd hit the deer the rain eased and she slowed as she got halfway down Minster Street one or more of the cars parked by the house would have an officer inside all she had to do was knock on a window
and tell them exactly what had happened that way she wouldn't have to go into the Trent's house would Elliot have a better chance if the police handled it but Leah was positive the best way of saving his life was doing exactly as she'd been told she took a left down a side road crossed over and spotted the overgrown entrance to the alleyway behind the houses would an officer be positioned here she checked each car as she passed them but none of them were occupied peering through the overgrown Re
eds that boarded the stream Leah couldn't see if there was anybody waiting there the track curved around so she could only see as far as the first 10 feet or so she entered the path the wet Weeds on her Shins they swished coldly against her jeans as she Strode along the dirt passing the back Gates of each house and slowing as she reached hers it was still a jar from Fitch's inspection she looked in everything seemed normal the overgrown lawn The Unfinished patio and barbecue area but she felt li
ke an interloper looking at someone else's home someone else's life she'd only been in the kitchen that morning gazing out at the long grass oblivious to everything that had happened and that was about to happen Leah suddenly seemed so far removed from that moment now she passed her garden and came to the Trent's High wooden gate the dark wood treatment on the panels had faded and had a green Mossy Sheen she put her hand to it wondering if it would be locked but she could see that there was a de
nt of exposed orange splinters where it had been booted at the handle how long ago had he broken in she pushed it and revealed The Trenches immaculately kept landscape Garden an ornamental cherry tree was the centerpiece but it was as bare as every Bush that surrounded it dark wet leaves were neatly piled to its right then it occurred to her that Tate could still be here could he have called her from inside the house her eyes darted about the dark back window panes upstairs and downstairs she cl
osed the gate carefully behind her and thought about the police at the front their attention fixed on the house next door Leah felt a hand grasping the pit of her stomach dragging her back as her feet took her along the gravel path as she neared their tail stable door she could see that it was also a jar she stopped there aware of the breath hissing quickly in and out of her nostrils she knocked gently on the wood Mr and Mrs Trent she could hear the apprehension in her voice no answer Leah could
only discern the faint hum of traffic from The High Street she pushed the door and a warm inviting Aroma rolled out at her smelt like home-baked bread there was nobody in the traditional Farmhouse kitchen the only sound was the low purr of the refrigerator wheel back wooden chairs were neatly pushed in at the dining table and there was some fresh flowers laid out on the draining board waiting for a vars Mr and Mrs Trent she said louder now she was inside Leah wanted them to both March into the
kitchen she didn't care if she had to find an explanation for walking into their home she just wanted them to appear please let this be Tate's sick prank but no response came instinct told her to back out now they'd been in only a few hours earlier but they've gone out in the meantime she cursed herself for not checking that their car had been in the drive when she'd walked into the street at the front but the Hedge would probably have concealed it and she'd have to have looked directly up the d
riveway and the police would have seen her she moved to the strip door that led to the hallway Mr and Mrs Trent it's Leah but she already knew there'd be no reply she put her hand on the wooden handle and was about to push it when a noise made her freeze it was a low rasping sound Leah tilted her ear to the crack it was definitely coming from the other side of the door and nearby the noise ceased then started again something in the atmosphere was all wrong Leah's skin tightened as she recalled k
atya's vacant expression tight stuffed into her mouth the rasping became more insistent Leah kept her breath locked inside her gripped the handle harder and then pushed the door open chapter 42. in the middle of the dark tiled hallway a ginger cat was sitting licking the underside of its paw Leah released a small breath what was its name something to do with Game of Thrones Mr Trent was a big George RR Martin fan she couldn't recall the animal straightened its head to regard her properly and the
n continued what it was doing she stepped into the hallway and looked left into the first room she came to it was a lounge and some magazines were strewn around the tan leather sofa there was that sign of a struggle the trench seemed pretty fastidious to her she crossed the threshold and took in her surroundings one wall was completely covered by bookshelves and there was an antique Bureau in the far right corner no sign of either of them Mr and Mrs Trent it's Leah from next door her voice sound
ed very loud and she waited for it to finish echoing around the large room and listened intently nothing Leah returned to the hall the cat paused its cleaning again and tilted its green eyes up to her hello puss she whispered but she knew she couldn't allow the cat's nonchalant presents to convince her that everything was as it should be Leah paced to the next room at the front of the house its Pine door was closed let's see if they're in here shall we Leah spoke to the cat so she wouldn't feel
she was entirely alone pulling the handle down she released it and allowed the door to swing inwards this was clearly their formal dining room a long table with high back chairs took up most of the middle floor space and glass fronted cabinets with antique terrains and platters covered the wall to the rear Leah quickly crossed the room and stood a foot from the neck curtains in the bay window she squinted through them at the Care on the drive its presence dismissed any hope that the trents had g
one out she felt her dread double in weight she fixed her gaze upon the vehicle parked on the road opposite the end of the drive was it an unmarked police car there was no occupant because of the Trent's tall hedge that encompassed the lawn she couldn't see anything more of the street maybe they were parked further up if she needed help it was nearby but it was her house they were focused on not the one directly next to it was this some sort of trap for her and was she about to discover somethin
g worse than she already had the cat hissed behind her Leah turned back in the direction she'd just come nobody had followed her in she would have heard them she tugged open the door to the understeer's cupboard and stood swiftly back nothing in there but a wall rack of wine bottles her attention shifted to the stairs she had to go up but Leah remained where she was a rapidly Beating Heart feeling like it was completely filling her chest the cat growled slid past her legs bounded up the stairs a
nd disappeared red light spilled down from the stained glass window at the top you've got to wait me and imbue her voice with anything but fear the house was silent Leah put her hand on the mule post and slowly started to ascend the dark chocolate carpet on the stairs she counted them in her head at 14 she was at the top and in the middle of a square Landing with doors off it all of them were a jar the cat had obviously gone through one of them she knew the animal wasn't going to return to her L
eah could smell furniture polish and a floorboard creaked as she readjusted her footing had Tate been here she recalled what he'd said to her on the phone I like to be able to inhabit a place she fought the reflex to flee Tate had Elliot with him couldn't have brought him to this house particularly if he knew the police were watching but he'd sent her here for a reason Leah pushed open the door nearest her it was a generous office the trents were both retired and this was clearly where they ran
the household from box files were arranged neatly along a shelf and below it was a computer monitor and keyboard the swivel chair was empty the cat meowed Leah thought she identified the room it had come from and walked to the door on her right come on puss where are you find the cat she pushed the panel hard and the door banged was this where the couple slept there were two single beds next to each other but there was no clutter on the shelves beside each so she assumed she was in the guest roo
m the cat meowed nearby this time it echoed that had definitely come from the door in front of her Leah didn't give herself time to hesitate and pushed on that door too she was outside the main bedroom a large double bed was fixed to a large gray padded headboard and there were Spectacles perched on a Kindle on the cupboard beside it the bed was empty and neatly made two corners drawn back ready for the couple to climb in Leah surveyed the rest of the room there were two large wall-to-ceiling do
ors on Runners to her left the cat meowed again mournfully Leah identified where it was coming from there was a door to the right of the bed looked like the ensuite that was why there was an echo she crossed the Terracotta rug in front of the bed and stopped outside the door it was open about half a foot what are you doing in there but she couldn't misdirect herself with the idea that she was only searching for the cat the animal was silent but she heard a squeaking sound Leah put her fingertips
against the panel and it gave easily one slight nudge would open it wide the noise came again like a wet finger running down a polished surface she exerted pressure on the door put all her fingers against it and shoved find the cat the animal was looking at her and made a guttural sound as it was revealed Leah's hand went to her mouth as she saw what was wrong with it chapter 43 two and a half hours earlier Tate parked his silver Nissan in the small car park for the Bowling Green again and ente
red Minster Street the way he had the previous night avoiding the cameras he walked on the side of the road opposite Leah's house he didn't look across to it and tried to appear as casual as possible he passed two occupied cars but resisted the temptation to peer directly into them even though he'd just driven from Eddington Park and made a note of the officers who had watched for his Surrender At The Gates he guessed they might have posted at least one here he didn't cross the road until he cam
e to the right turn he'd used to access the rear of the properties would there be offices positioned there now if there were any present he'd just keep on walking there wasn't a sign of anyone in the street however so he slipped down the lane and picked his way through the brambles when he reached Leah's slightly open gate he crept past it to the next one would her neighbors be in he hadn't dared look up their driveway to see if there was a car there if there were police watching but before he c
ould touch the panel of the gate he could hear activity from the other side metal over gravel he stood stuck still as the methodical sound got closer he looked up and down the pathway nobody coming either way if the neighbor came out he had the Privacy to deal with them a few moments later he could hear an approaching set of footsteps over the sound which abruptly stopped thanks a male voice said then slept from a cup why don't you use the leaf Hoover sucks up too much of the gravel the rake's b
etter the male neighbor replied bruskully Tate hadn't been able to get a good look at them through the window last night but they sounded elderly you're not playing for time down here because the log burner needs cleaning I told you I'll get to it he snapped less of the tone you've asked me six times this morning and I said I'll get to it there was a pause as the male neighbor slurped from his cup again Tate moved closer to the mossy green panel of the gate and calculated he was about three feet
from the couple he put his fingers on the handle she's still not back next door the female neighbor reported the raking started then halted you go around there when she is just to make sure she's okay she assured him must be serious if the police are involved Tate could hear a scratching as the male neighbor thoughtfully stroked his beard bristles I know things were getting worse between her and Elliot she continued how heard the market when they had the kitchen window open last week that's wha
t not having children does to you the male neighbor side it's none of our business he dragged the rake across the gravel a couple of times then stopped again I'm sure I've seen that girl that dropped Elliot off before maybe she worked in a black horse at one time got a good memory for that sort of thing have you he carried on raking didn't reply what about her man who sneaked out last night the female neighbor pushed Tate stiffened they had watched him leave the male neighbor stopped raking agai
n not seen him before very embarrassing their secret Flames almost passed each other in the driveway maybe they're not a secret the male neighbor speculated Elliot definitely didn't want that girl hanging around you saw that it was a trace of Glee in her voice it's none of our business he repeated and started raking again I'll speak to her when she comes home doesn't look like Elliot will be he had a bag with him when he left perhaps she's thrown him out she wandered breathlessly but Tate knew w
here Elliot was exactly where he'd left him still don't know why the police would have turned up like that though her feet crunched as she started to head back to the house should he put them out of their misery Tate tried the handle but the gate was stuck he booted the wood heart and it opened with the second impact he jerked The Rake out of the old man's hand two hard swipes and the couple were cowering bloodied on the floor get up they struggled shakily to their feet and she held up her hands
as if he were holding a gun walk inside and lead me to the bathroom chapter 44. the ginger cat was trying to get out of the far end of the deep bath nearest the Taps its paws skating and squeaking on the buttermilk acrylic but Leah saw the trends first they were face down on top of each other in the bath four feet hooked over the end nearest her one with a backless pink slipper hanging from it a brain reluctantly absorbed the details of what was in front of her there was no water in the bath bu
t the cat's Escape was being frustrated by the dark rivulets that spattered the sides the blood was sprayed over the gold yellow wall tiles streaks that had trickled back down and set in thick lines on the grouting and along the Shelf the animal's paws paddled against the stained bath its claws making a frantic clicking as the muscles rippled under its dyed fur Leah couldn't move somewhere between her instinct to rescue the cat and the repellent spectacle before her canceled out any ability to r
eact the animal groaned as it tried again foreign t it seemed as if Leah's voice was coming from somewhere behind her their bodies were quite Motionless Leah's attention was drawn from the trapped cat to the powder blue bath mat there was a maroon pool there and something in it glinted in the illuminated overhead strip bulb there were three razor blades submerged in the thick liquid the cat finally got free and managed to clumber awkwardly onto the Taps before turning its body and glaring it cle
ar it hissed as it hunched low she'd only been talking to them a few hours previously all she could smell was a potent antiseptic Pine aroma the cat thudded onto the floor as it left its perch its pores submerged in the blood on the bath mat it bent its head to sniff what it was standing in Mr and Mrs Trent she had to make sure of what she already knew the cat shot out of the bathroom jinking around her legs but Leah stayed rooted to the spot she could see their clothes were wet had he drowned t
hem in the bath and then pulled the plug cut their throats when I work I prefer not to have any interruptions but he needed three razor blades Leah's eyes were drawn back to them set in the congealing puddle she took a step towards the bath and saw her arm extend and retract she had to touch a part of their bodies they could still be alive her hand was out again fingers moving closer as she took another three Paces to the bath now she was looking down into it and gagged as she took in the heads
and shoulders of the trents Mr Trent was on top of his wife the back of his bold Pate glistening red below it she could see the membrane of blood over the hairs in the plug hole what part of them could she Shake she ran her eyes down their stacked bodies saw Mrs Trent's hand curled at an unnatural angle under the weight of her husband Mr Trent's back didn't rise and fall she couldn't look at them anymore but she had to check the only parts of them that weren't saturated with blood were their leg
s she reached out to Mrs Trent's exposed foot Leah breathed harshly in and then gripped her ankle it was cold solid and immovable she couldn't shake it she pinched it instead and then retreated when there was no response Tate had murdered the elderly couple and then mutilated them with the razor blades while the police watched the house next door Leah realized she was standing on the blades and recoiled in horror now there are only two there she wiped her boot on the mat and the third blade came
unstuck she headed back into the bedroom and pulled the door closed hard behind her she leaned back on the panel and looked down at the smeared bloody Footprints she'd left on the tan carpet a set of red paw prints stretched from her to the bed the cat was curled up at the white pillows dark smears all over them it watched her impassively its green eyes not comprehending the fear in hers all she could hear was the animal's harsh breath as its chest pumped in and out her phone vibrated in her ba
ck pocket and it felt like an electric shock the police are outside Tate said as soon as she'd answered Leah tried to respond but only a choked noise escaped her oh in the bedroom yes go over to the window then you'll see them parked in the road was he watching her Leah lifted herself away from the door and crossed the carpet to the horizontal blinds at the pain her fingers fumbled them open she could see Over the Hedge and all the way up the street there were two cars on the opposite side of th
e road with people sitting in the driving seat how could you have repugnance bulged out of the unfinished question you're inquiring about my method they were strangers to you and that doesn't make them easier targets they were defenseless see my last answer Leah blinked away a tear you seem to be having more trouble dealing with this than you did Katya is that because you didn't know her she gagged again or because she'd been sleeping with Elliot I didn't know the old couple that's why it was ea
sy were they really good neighbors But he sounded bored Leah felt cold nausea trickle through her take a breath you need to compose yourself for someone you really care about chapter 45. Mrs Talbot di burn had taken the phone from Fitch yes can I pick up my car Leah was striding shakily back down the rear path Bramble snagging her legs are you okay fine I just wanted to chat with you it's all right I need it now are you not at your father's place burn sounded puzzled Leah remembered she told the
officer she was on her way there when she left the police station and that had been some time ago no she tried to slow her breathing down I had some other things to sort out first who's got my keys the attending officer will have them I'll call ahead and let him know you're going to pick the vehicle up thanks I won't disturb you any longer just so you know we've released loans momentarily Leah had forgotten who he was there seemed little point in holding him further okay thanks where are you no
w they had been about to hang up now she had to think on her feet she couldn't tell her she was in Minster Street just on my way to Alice Booth's house there was a pause uh Leah wondered if her non-specific answer had made Burns suspicious should be there in five minutes and then you're going to your father's house yes will you be in touch if there's any news she added trying to act like she should I've already said we will burn said flatly are you sure you're okay yes everything's fine which wa
s a stupid thing to say okay Byrne conceded uncertainly keep your phone with you of course she heard burn hang up the officer was clearly skeptical but Leah didn't have time to worry about it she had to get the car and drive to the location that Tate had just given her ten minutes later she was walking back along the grass Bank to the home of Alice booth she was still numb from her horrific experience in the Trent's bathroom her fingerprints had to be at catia's place as well as her neighbor's h
ouse was taped deliberately incriminating her and was he nearby observing her every move if he was she wouldn't link along at Alice booths she needed the car but she had to avoid him thinking she was communicating with the police if they detained her with more questions what would happen to Elliot she tried to examine the face of each motorist that passed her on the road and shot wary glances behind her no sign of Tate but she couldn't afford to assume he wasn't around only she could resolve the
situation so she had to shut away the sickening images in her head and focus on what she had to do there were only three cars parked outside now two Patrol Vehicles an Elliott's Vauxhall the gate was open but Leah remained outside the property the same older uniformed officer was standing in the courtyard talking on his mobile he hung up as soon as he saw Leah and ambled over D.I Byrne said she was phoning ahead he nodded his fingers already in his pocket for the keys he handed them to her than
ks the officer didn't respond just studied Lear she lingard expecting him to say something else but he didn't as she made for the car she could feel his eyes on her back after their conversation but Byrne told him to watch her suddenly the distance between her and the voxel seemed far greater than it was and she tried to slow her Pace down Leah didn't look back but got in and pulled the door closed behind her she tried to start the engine but it wouldn't glancing at her mirror she saw the office
r still at the gate his attention fixed on her car come on the Vauxhall turned over sputtered and cut out Leah attempted to remain composed and tried again the car still wouldn't start was this a ruse by Bern did they still have suspicions about her and want to keep the vehicle surely they could have fingerprinted it by now if they'd wanted to but perhaps they wanted to do other tests on it and this was their way it started up the fourth time Leah puffed out a breath of relief and pulled out ont
o the road as soon as there was a gap in the traffic to you turned accelerated away and checked her mirror the officer still hadn't budged was he going to report back to Bern now as Leah put her foot down the officer disappeared behind the curve of the road she couldn't allow the police to follow her she peered at the other vehicles behind her were any of them surveillance officers that Bern had dispatched from their vigil outside her house she realized the deer had been removed no sign of the c
arcass she'd left there remained at Alice Booth also been taken away if she had there were still three other dead people behind her in Foley and the police were still to discover them she really capable of withholding that the knowledge of it burned to her she would tell D I burn as soon as possible but she had to do everything in her power to save Elliot's life first Leah grimly gripped the steering wheel and tried not to imagine what was happening to Elliot at that very moment at least she now
knew where he was being held that's if Tate wasn't lying to her maybe he was sending her there as part of a game she slowed down at the bend if she wasn't careful she'd crash the car before she got there stay calm just follow instructions if Tate genuinely wanted her if his feelings for her really weren't another lie she could use them to get Elliot back it was the only leverage he had she knew there was a mini tool kit in the back underneath the spare wheel was sure there was a crowbar in ther
e she could use as a weapon there was no time to arm herself with anything else he'd said half an hour her watch told her it had already been 15 minutes since she'd left the Trent's house after he'd told her where to meet him the sign came into view even though it was just outside Foley she'd only ever used the front of the property to turn her car around on a handful of occasions she stopped in the middle of the road the cars behind her passed by would any of them be watching in their rear mirr
ors for where she was going she couldn't hesitate Leah tried to swallow her fear as she turned right and headed over the graveled area her tires popping as she drove straight through the Rusted and now open Gates of the old pig farm chapter 46. Tate's instructions on the phone had been clear come to enclosure d we'll be waiting as she passed through the third open gate the space opened up and Leah was surprised at just how big the pig farm was she halted the car at a blue metal sign on a low bri
ck wall and squinted through the rust spots an arrow pointed right from B to D so she followed it around a curved overgrown track until she came to a large dilapidated corrugated iron building decelerating she scanned the Lichen coated metal facade and spotted a faded yellow bee above the double sliding doors at the front she shifted off again the track getting progressively more overgrown as she passed sea and then came to the last corrugated structure slumped and skulking under the soiled silv
er clouds it was the largest one and the sliding door was open a square of solid Darkness awaiting her arrival Leah turned off the engine and registered how quiet it was she couldn't even hear the traffic on plow Lane and she remained in her seat scrutinizing the enclosure and its surroundings behind it she could see a barbed wire boundary fence ragged plastic and rubbish clinging to the top Tate had brought her to the furthest outbuilding from the road rain started patterning lightly on the roo
f of the car the farm had clearly been abandoned for some time it had certainly been closed as long as she and Elliot had lived in Foley and it was definitely a place where Tate wouldn't have any interruptions Leah wondered if she walked in there would she ever walk out again but she had to go inside the longer she hesitated the harder it would be she balled her insides in Readiness and heaved herself out of the car she closed the door and the harsh sound bounced off the building was he watching
her now she went to the rear of the car and found the rolled up leather tool kit the mini crowbar was the heaviest her hand shook as she replaced the rest and shut the door she locked the car and pocketed the key it was a long way back to the main gate taking a few steps forward boots crunching on The Damp gravel she tried to prevent her frame trembling by gripping the Crowbar harder she slowed and stopped her attention was on the black space before her she couldn't go in there it had to be a t
rap was Elliot even still alive she'd been batting away that thought since their phone conversation but now she had to consider the implications with the trents dead Leah might be the only one left who'd seen Tate's face she entered she would surely be making his job easy but she had to keep reminding herself that Tate could have disposed of her when she'd been unconscious in Alice Booth's home maybe he changed his mind now though perhaps he'd realize she was too much of a liability and had to b
e quickly dealt with why else lure her here she couldn't physically put another foot forward the silent Blackness before her looked impenetrable there was no glimpse of anything beyond it I'm here she declared and it was loud enough to Echo back from the interior no reply from within where's Elliot her right leg quivered and she readjusted her footing silence he was somewhere near waiting for her to go inside with the door slam on her would she find Elliot in the same state as the trents and wou
ld he then kill her and take his time afterwards I'm not coming inside until I see him she shot a glance behind expecting Tate to be stealing up on her she turned quickly to the front again and waited the wind blew suddenly hard at her right side and she Twisted her head so her ear wasn't blocked by the blast he wasn't going to respond he told her where she had to go it felt like a significant exertion to move herself forward but she managed to cover another few feet it took her close enough to
the building to hear liquid dripping rhythmically inside but now she could make out some shapes ahead the low rails of the pigpens and the long feed troughs below Leah kept moving steadily forward her ears straining for other sounds she reached the doors and peered left and right nobody was lurking either side of the runners in the floor a chain and padlock lay just inside even though the place had been empty for so long a mixture of ingrained and sour smells prickled her nose swine and feed and
urine she fought back a cough let her eyes get used to the Gloom the pens stretched away as far as she could see it would have been deafening inside when it was full of livestock what now she raised her voice its resonation chilled her the two words ricocheting off the walls she still hadn't stepped inside but he knew she would Leah guessed he wouldn't speak until she had she brandished the mini crowbar but the cold metal in her Palm didn't make her feel any less vulnerable she took two paces f
orward and the atmosphere settled on her the aroma suddenly cloying she could see further inside but not as far as the back wall she took out her phone and turned on the torch there was a wide concrete walkway ahead that bisected the pens either side Leah headed tentatively down it her footfalls fed back to her as she Shone the beam into each pen she passed half a minute later the torch caught the edge of a sign above dispatch and processing boots and overalls to be worn at all times her skin ti
ghtened on her scalp as she realized she was walking into an abattoir Leah was a vegetarian and hadn't eaten meat since the turn of the century this was the sort of vile Place she'd only seen in documentaries how many thousands of animals had passed through here prodded and poked towards an undignified production line fate Leah haltered and Shone the torch up ahead it highlighted a corrugated wall with a smaller doorway thick faded blue strips of plastic hung down in place of a door Goods in and
out but enough of a barrier to keep the flies away a low tapping noise came from behind her Leah Whirled around crowbar and torch held up the beam caught a small furry body as it darted out of sight a glimpse of its linked tale confirming what it was she restrained the revulsion she would normally have felt had the rat been the only source of the sound she could see the daylight through the doorway behind her but it seemed so far away now she quickly returned the light to the entrance up ahead
you've got me inside speak to me he didn't Leah had to walk through the drapes as soon as she did she'd be away from the daylight but even if he'd attacked her at the car nobody would have heard she was alone with no choice Leah could hear the circulation pumping through her whole frame as she continued ahead and put her hand on the cold plastic chapter 47. Leah passed through the drapes her arm extended as she shot her torch ahead there was a different Aroma in here a richer but gave me a smell
she had to be near the back of the structure by now the beam picked up the edge of what she initially thought was a table but as she played the light over it she could see it was a large circular conveyor belt the torch caught some shapes above and as Leah illuminated them she realized they were rows of hooks this was definitely where the animals used to be slaughtered she tilted the phone down and could see the large open drain hole at the center of a metallic basin the drapes close behind her
and she darted the beam around the corrugated walls any moment she expected it to pick out a face his face but as she breathed erratically with each movement of the light she couldn't see any sign of him or Elliot Beyond a large rusted white gas cylinder which was connected to a hose gun on a stand she could discern two aluminum doors they were part of a small box structure to the right of the space Leah Stood Still for a moment and listened the only noise was a low wind blowing through the gap
s in the roof and the rain rattling behind it she clutched the crowbar are you in here something scuttled her right but her torch wasn't fast enough to pinpoint it she started walking towards the doors swinging the beam from side to side and up to the steel joists above until she was standing at the bottom of three metallic steps that led up to a platform the steps complained as she put her weight onto them and the platform wobbled slightly when she was standing between the two doors they both h
ad identical rusted steel handles she had to open them that was the reason he directed her in here was he waiting behind one she strained her ears for sounds of breathing nothing that scared her even more what if Elliot was here left to suffocate she was wasting time she chose the left door in front of her raised the Crowbar and tugged the handle with her other she aimed the light inside it was a refrigeration room more hooks dangling from rails there was debris on the floor beer cans and cigare
ttes she could also make out some used syringes there as well how old were they and had Tate subdued Elliot by injecting him she turned around suddenly expecting somebody to be preparing to push her inside but there was no movement and only the noise of her feet settling on the platform Leah began to feel that she was alone and the notion that the next room was empty too seemed more terrifying than finding Tate in it was he just stringing her along enjoying her torment she tugged the second door
bracing herself for what she'd find the torch hit the blank rust-spotted back wall with its identical rails and hooks she flitted it around the floor more leftovers from a junkie party there was a dark shape there though to the right and towards the rear Leah's beam halted on it she ran it down its length and could make out the dirty Souls of a pair of trainers the light trembled as she tried to hold it steady who is that the shape didn't budge a low Rumble built in Leah's head she recognized t
he waterproof light blue jacket it was the hooded one Elliot had been wearing when he'd left the station that morning Elliot she said louder her voice cracking still no response Leah moved inside the room her hand holding open the panel Elliot she'd said it loudly enough he should have heard maybe he was sedated despite her frantic need to reach Elliot she spun round again the torch going in every direction but finding nobody she returned her attention to the motionless figure as she took anothe
r Pace forward she could see that he was facing the wall the rumble became a boom the pressure building to the moment she'd been dreading since she first had the phone call from Tate he'd show no mercy to Alice Booth catch your boy as all the trents why would he towards a man he saw as a threat she covered the space between the door and where he was lying but now she didn't want to touch him Leah tried to hold the beam steady he was quite still Elliot the door closed gently behind her but she sc
arcely registered it she leaned over him the hood was up and covering the side of his face she whispered his name now waited for any tiny movement she couldn't contemplate the reason for him being so still Leah put the Crowbar under her left armpit reached out and put her right hand on his shoulder he didn't flinch the flesh was solid in her fingers she gripped it harder parted her feet and tensed her stomach she tried to turn him attempted to roll him towards her like she had Katya he was too h
eavy Leah recalled the trents in the bath that dead weight face down in their drained blood the body came with her third tug twisting around the back of his hand slapping against the floor Leah could see the blood on the side of the light blue Hood one half of his face had been in a dark pool it had been scored multiple times slits cut at all angles in his cheeks through his eyes and across his chin but Leah still recognized him she straightened her torch still spotlighting the notched features
her arm trembling as she took them in and a gasp escaped her her brain grappled with a dead expression before she realized how recently she'd seen it it was Lounge the man who had approached di burn at the park Gates as she repositioned her feet her left boot slid in the dark slick that had been discharged by the movement of his body a low sound of revulsion seemed Amplified by the low ceiling there was a deep gash across his throat he was quite dead when had burned said he'd been released from
custody a beam remained on his face his dead stare and his slit eyelids not looking away as if reassuring herself that it wasn't Elliot but Tate had dressed him in Elliot's coat murdering an innocent man to deliberately traumatize her into believing it was her husband she remained there for another few seconds before lowering the light but the image of his shredded face remained burned into her vision as she turned and stumbled back to the door using both hands she wrenched down hard on the hand
le it clicked and the door swung out chapter 48. Leah had to get out of the enclosure lounge and his mutilated face were behind her now but every detail was settling in her mind she was desperate to breathe fresh air the darkness and the aroma had inflated a balloon in her chest that felt like it was about to burst gripping the mini crowbar she staggered down the steps Leah swung her taught from side to side and headed for the plastic drapes passing through them to the walkway she anticipated fo
ot falls behind her was Lounge the only reason Tate had summoned her to this place dressing him in Elliot's jacket to illustrate just what he was prepared to do if she wasn't obedient or was he still concealed somewhere nearby and what had he done with Elliot but she had to get out before the horror of the place overcame her she started to run the beam bouncing before her as she pumped her arms the square of dirty white light at the doors grew bigger as she allowed herself to suck in a breath if
he was here would he really let her leave she was about 20 feet from the sliding doors when she heard the noise she slowed whipping the torch behind her and confirming there was nobody there before she returned her attention to the entrance a car was pulling up outside Leah darted left and moved more slowly towards the door using its Edge as cover lurking in the shadows she squinted against the daylight it was a purple car and it had just finished parking next to hers as the door opened she rev
ersed a couple of steps a pot-bellied bearded man in a dark leather jacket emerged and quickly assessed his surroundings before quietly clicking his door shut Leah Sean the beam behind her again the walkway was still empty in front of her the man was looking over her car he peered through the driver's window and then took in the building Leah retreated another pace was he a police officer who had followed her from Alice Booth's place as if to answer her question the man took out a radio from his
inside jacket pocket and spoke into it just driven to the last enclosure d her Cars part outside there was a response from the radio that Leah couldn't hear the door is open so I'm assuming she's inside another incoherent reply okay we'll hold fire until you arrive the man put away his radio but started strolling towards the building Leah fought the impulse to approach him she reminded herself that if she did she might never see Elliot again the man hesitated as he reached the doors his express
ion nervous Leah slunk away pointing her light at the floor and finding the rail of the pen she could run her hand along it and use it as a guide she swiped off the torch and looked back the police officer's figure appeared at the door but he seemed reluctant to enter Leah crouched where she was and didn't make a sound the police officer stepped over the threshold and the beam of his phone torch came on it was too weak to reach Leo where she was but she slid further along the pen so she was in t
he Deep Shadows the police officer remained in his position she couldn't afford to give her location away and prayed she didn't disturb anything on the ground as she followed the pen to its far Edge if he found her she'd have to tell him exactly what she was doing here was there another way out of the enclosure she let go of the rail extending her hands she carefully shuffled forward until her Palms connected with cold damp corrugated metal she was at the wall maybe there was a side door chances
were it was going to be locked though her phone rang Leah quickly scrabbled it out of her pocket and silenced it after two rings who's that Mrs Talbot Leia put her hand over her mouth as if she didn't trust herself to stay quiet Mrs Tolbert you all right she clenched her Palm tight to her lips I'm police Constable miles are you okay his voice echoed around the space Leah watched him take three steps inside and swing his light around she crouched until her knee touched the floor do you need help
when she still didn't reply Leah watched his outline Stefan okay backup's on the way if you can hear me walk to the front of the building he tried to sound officious but there was tension in his voice she stayed put and watched him Venture further in his torch now pointed between the pens the police officer paused if you can hear me walk towards my voice he waited Leah guessed he was hoping he didn't have to go any further after a few moments of realizing he did the police officers started maki
ng his way down the walkway Leah held her breath as his beam moved into her line of sight and then went beyond it should she risk trying to leave by the front entrance or would he see her silhouetted there and quickly intercept her Miss Tober he briefly shot his phone back behind him before returning it to the path Leah had just followed he was now halfway along the walkway soon he'd be entering the dispatch area where Lance was Leah stood upright and crept towards the entrance if she stayed in
the shadows she could sidel right up to the door and only be visible when she slipped around the edge Mrs Tolbert he was at the drapes now Leah didn't wait to find out if he was brave enough to enter she Strode towards the door clenching herself as the daylight eventually fell on her face chapter 49 when Leia got outside she swiveled back and saw the officer's torch beam playing over the drapes looked like he was in two minds about whether to enter in minutes he'd find lounge and she had to be l
ong gone by then she walked delicately over the gravel towards her car if she started the engine he would definitely hear her how long would it take him to exit the building time enough for her to get off the site or would he be able to catch up to her in his car it sounded like his colleagues were about to arrive if she went on foot she could skirt the enclosures and stay out of sight of police vehicles coming the other way was she meant to stay on the pig farm she quickly checked her phone it
was a missed call from her father Leah looked back again had she missed something else in there something the officer was about to find surely if Tate had been lying in weight he would have made himself known to her before she'd left maybe he was giving her time to find the body before he called her with his next instructions being in the daylight did nothing to shift the Specter of Lance and his carved up face she had to get away from the officer couldn't afford to have him delay her and start
asking questions while Elliot was still a prisoner Leah cringed as she used her fob to unlock the car doors but then a thought struck her she peered in through the officer's window and spotted his keys still in the ignition she painstakingly opened his door slid them out and then pocketed them she'd hand them back when this was all over she got in her own car and threw the Crowbar in the back once she started the engine she'd have to shoot out of there as fast as she could there was plenty of ro
om in front of the enclosure though so Leah calculated she could easily exit in one Arc and not have to slow down she took a breath suddenly there was the buzz of an approaching engine Leah froze and listened it was definitely coming towards her must be the backup the officer had mentioned should she go regardless the track in had been tight they could easily block her Escape she swiftly got out of the car scrambling behind it to the bushes there she skirted The Edge until she came to the side o
f the road leading in Leah pressed herself to a fence post the engine got louder and a few moments later a yellow car entered the area in front of the outbuilding as soon as it had passed she slipped around the corner and scrambled up the track until she'd rounded the bend had they spotted her in the rear view Leah waited there chest heaving she heard the engine switch off and two doors slam footsteps over gravel were they heading up the track to water the footfalls didn't get louder they change
d pitch they were following the first officer inside the enclosure she turned and started jogging along the track she would get off it as soon as she could just in case there were more cars headed the same way get behind the next enclosure stay out of sight and decide what to do next Leah's phone buzzed in her hand dad she didn't have time but what if he'd had another fall in the shower she would answer him quickly find out if he was okay and tell him she'd call back Olivia no Dad it's Leah yes
he dismissed grouchly is your mother with you Leah briefly closed her eyes there was no time for the usual conversation no she's not well she's not here there was accusation in his voice I'm in the middle of something dad I'll call you back as soon as I can I need to go outside but I can't find the key to the garage that wasn't good the last time he journeyed out they'd found him in the local library after hours of searching Panic heaped on panic there's no need for you to go to the garage Leah
had the key it was permanently locked up they'd had to sell the car to stop him from wanting to take it for a spin but he often assumed it was still in there you can't go out in the BMW dad I know that he said with hostility as if she were patronizing him I just need the key they are trotted faster down the path what for silence he'd forgotten you don't need to go out there it's freezing today stay in the warm and I'll be there as soon as I can she felt a Pang of guilt knowing that as soon as he
'd put the phone down the promise would be forgotten anyway ah wait I do remember I need to get some things out but I'm not sure where they are Put Your Mother on she's not here Leah could feel her chest tightening don't try to go out there promise me I have to hang up now don't know why I bothered calling I'll find them myself Leah stopped on the track there's nothing out there you need Dad how do you know he snapped the car is gone mum's gone she died two years ago and you were too ill to go t
o the funeral silence lay aside it wasn't the first time she'd broken the news to him but never with such anger it would be forgotten but for the following moments it would be as raw to him as the first time she told him dad I remember that I know but his voice was small his confusion barely concealed she studied her voice I'll be coming as soon as I can just see what's on TV till I get there he sniffed now you've got me upset in front of my guest Leah started to shake her head but froze what gu
est your friend the one who wants the thing from the garage what friend dad the booming in her head was back the phone clunked a low voice spoke to her father Leah immediately recognized it he breathed in before he addressed her now this is the sort of place that I can really inhabit go to join us chapter 50. Leah's stomach lurched and Tate's presence in her father's World struck her briefly dumb did you find Lounge what are you doing there I needed somewhere intimate it's got it is really somet
hing chocolate box don't you dare hurt him how had he envegled his way in why don't you rustle up that coffee you were talking about Tate said away from the phone Leah heard her father say something incoherent and his footsteps Shuffle off to the kitchen get out of there now she couldn't restrain her anger but we've made ourselves at home we Elliot and I should she be relieved or was he lying put Elliot on able to he's still in the car Leah imagined him tied up there if he was there at all I'm n
ot doing anything until I speak to Elliot and you get out of that house the curdle's on again it would be rude of me to refuse your father's hospitality why have you involved him but she already knew the answer making sure you know what's at stake with all Elliot's done I wouldn't blame you for leaving him in my tender care but your father he seems like a good man hatred course through Leonel he's got Alzheimer's yes Elliot told me pretty Advanced too I told your father I'm Elliot I could see he
doubted that when he opened the door and I introduced myself but I think he's playing along because he's not sure I'll meet you anywhere do anything you ask you've promised that already and I've done it sorry do you have sugar I should know by now her father said from the kitchen no sugar for me what do you want from the garage Leia demanded said I needed to borrow his tools Tate lowered his voice he's been very helpful but he can't find the key I have the key it's in the drawer at home not muc
h use there then I'll have to improvise with what I can find in the house tell me where you want to meet me a plea dried in her throat is good we have privacy oh thank you Leah could visualize Tate accepting a cup from her father go and take the weight off and we can have a good catch up Tate said Tim a few seconds pause anything I should know to put him at ease while we wait for you to arrive I told the police I was going to visit him she blurted a moment's silence why would you tell them that
he asked skeptically you were going to the pig farm like Mr loans I told him he could have the rest of his money when he met me there I don't think he could have been trusted to spend it wisely though Leah repelled the image of his mutilated face before I left the police station I told them I was going to the cottage they took the address from me that's very convenient but there was doubt in his voice I always visit him on Saturday afternoon maybe I should ask him you can but he may not remember
she could already hear Tate's footsteps moving across the lounge floor expecting your daughter today Olivia yes her father responded confidently that's my sister he often thinks I'm her I visit every Saturday that's why I gave the police the address you better get out of there they're here at the farm they must have followed me I lost them but if they can't find me here then you will obviously go to the place you gave them the address for Tate replied sardonically they'd have to check it you're
right but Tate didn't seem perturbed what's going on is Olivia not coming everything's fine tape located her father ask her about the garage key she says it's at home Tate informed him well it's not much good there is it I have to agree with your dad Leah thought fast there's a fishing lake not 10 minutes from where you are in the grounds of a stately home issue would manner it's been closed down but you can still access the lake behind the house nobody goes there but we could yes I can be ther
e in 20 minutes no he eventually replied I have everything I need here I'll keep your father company until you arrive Tate hung up chapter 51. Leah tried twice to call him back but her father's phone was engaged she got nothing but the answering service when she rang Elliot's number she remained motionless on the track staring at the screen she was paralyzed unable to decide what to do next she had to get away from the farm and the police God knows how long a cab would take to reach her she turn
ed the way she'd come they were bound to have found Lounge by now would that keep them occupied she hurried back to the enclosure and slowed her Pace as she reached the entrance by the bushes she couldn't hear any voices Leah stole into the graveled parking area three cars in a row now but nobody in evidence should she risk it if they caught up with her she would be in a worse position than she was now she couldn't jeopardize her father and Elliot's lives by telling them about Tate being at the
cottage and it was likely they'd hold her because of the body they'd just discovered getting her car was still the best option she listened and could just make out low conversation from inside the building go now before it's too late she crept over the gravel her attention on the open sliding door no sign of any movement Within only one car was capable of pursuing her because she had the key to the other her eyes shifted to the yellow car that had parked up she looked in the driver's side no key
s in the ignition she really had to shift as soon as she started her engine echoing footsteps Leah halted and her attention swung back to the enclosure the footfalls sped up at least one person was about to walk out Leah trotted her car opened it and slid into the seat she closed the door as quietly as she could and then glanced up at the entrance nobody had appeared yet she fired up the engine two plain clothes officers emerged from the sliding door looked like the ones who had just arrived Lea
h pulled out she had to drive right at them to turn one of them held up his hands Lear accelerated hard out of the way as she closed the Gap the two officers stood their ground move she kept her foot on the pedal she could see their expressions Clearly Now didn't look like either of them believed she would keep going the other waved his arms go she thought of her father and Elliot and prayed they realized she was serious the two officers parted and dived in opposite directions Leah wrenched the
wheel and aimed for the exit the back of the car skewed and she fought for control behind her she could hear shouts and knew they'd be running for their car the Vauxhall rated itself and she negotiated the tight exit and was soon bombing back down the track past the other enclosures towards the Rusted sign she checked her rear view the yellow car appeared about a hundred yards behind her she was almost at the exit the officer's car surged forward and rapidly gained on her Leah turned left at the
sign and shot to the gates that led to the main road please guard the traffic wasn't too busy if she had to pause there for more than a few seconds they'd catch up to her she looked right and left as she rocketed through a car was coming from her left and she tried to estimate if she had time to pull out in front of it no time to think Leah stamped the pedal and dragged the wheel right turning in front of the oncoming car they held their hand down on the horn was there time for them to decelera
te Leah's head snapped as the car struck her from behind the impact made the voxel Veer to the left she was hurtling towards a ditch on the edge of the road she'd lost control she jerked the wheel right again but too hard now she was careering to the other side Leah managed to struggle the car back to the middle before she reached the roadworks there in her mirror she saw the vehicle that had struck her was slowing down she hoped they were okay it had been quite a jolt but it didn't look like it
had been severe enough for their airbag to deploy the two officers were close behind and swerved around it before they picked up speed again Leah knew there was a roundabout up ahead but she was approaching the temporary traffic lights for the roadworks and they changed to Red before she reached them any moment there would be cars streaming from the opposite direction she kept going and willed the voxel to beat the signal for the oncoming traffic there were only 50 or so yards of roadworks left
could she make it to the end before the cars blocked her way out she darted her eyes to the mirror the two officers passed the red light as well as she rounded the bend of the road Leah could see the traffic a white van had already surged forward they would collide with her unless they saw her and slowed down but they kept coming she was about to be Boxed In by it and the police behind and she couldn't allow that to happen Leah flawed it she was almost at the end of the roadworks could she turn
left at the end of them before she hit the van the van beeped as she barreled towards it Leah tugged the steering wheel and sharply turned left and the van just grazed her as it passed more cars beeped at her as she drove by them but she'd made it to the roundabout and there were no other vehicles waiting there she looked back in her mirror and saw the van stopped in front of the officers they couldn't get through but that wouldn't be the case for long Leah joined the roundabout and almost took
the second tourney for brockford but she didn't want them to know she was heading that way so she took the Third there was another route to her father's but what would she find when she got there chapter 52. as she reached her father's Village Leah wondered if any cameras had photographed her plate the police would have registered it when they were in Pursuit so it wasn't going to be difficult to find her but she hadn't spotted any traffic cameras as she'd pass through the little Villages of Qu
igley or hunston she wished she could take comfort from the fact that the police wouldn't be far behind but if they turned up it meant she'd be putting her father and Elliot in even more Danger regardless of what she did wouldn't the police send an officer to the place she told Bern she was visiting that day anyway or would it be the last location they'd think she'd go the only thing she could do was try to get to the cottage as quickly as possible and plead with Tate to release her father and E
lliot that was probably exactly what he wanted but she doubted he planned to let any of them go a stark sensation of foreboding overcame her as she drove down the hill to Saint Mark's Church and took the Turning for menthorn Drive Hawk Cottage came into view through the four bare apple trees at the front it was a converted cider press that her parents had bought nine years before her mother had died she parked outside the single rusted Green Gate which was half open Leah regarded the mini crowba
r on the back seat for a moment she grabbed it lifted her right Jean leg and slid it into her boot on the inside of her shin surely he would anticipate her bringing a weapon but she couldn't go in unarmed getting out of the car her attention was already on the downstairs windows but she couldn't see any movement as she walked through the gate she tried not to limp because of the heavy cold metal she had the key to the front door in her pocket but hesitated there and pushed the Bell a heart pumpi
ng in her wrists the door immediately opened and Tate was standing there his face as welcoming as it had been when she'd called a Dallas Booth's home only the night before Leah to Albert no problems on the road this time the inquiry was convivial where are they she demanded perhaps you better come in first he stood back what choice did she have did I bite last time they are reluctantly stepped over the threshold as naturally as she could would he search her as soon as she was inside she turned a
nd immediately put her back to the old red brick wall in the familiar hallway she could hear the TV murmuring in the front Lounge Tate closed the door and swiveled on his heel to her a look of concern on his face you look very pale at the last night even where's my father interesting that Elliot's welfare has taken a back seat now if you've harmed him in any way is that because you care for your father more or because you've had time to think about what Elliot has done dad she yelled without tak
ing her eyes off Tate the house was silent except for the TV Tate blinked a few times as if he were also awaiting a response where's your phone I turned it off one day I burn tried to get hold of me Tate extended his hand Leah took it out and gave it to him He Slipped it into his trouser pocket tell me what you've done with him he's resting Tate's eyes tilted briefly to the ceiling we shouldn't disturb him was that a trick or was he really up there Leah fought the reflex to race up the stairs I'
ve warned you the police know I'm coming here so you said we followed from the farm they weren't far behind it's your responsibility to keep them away if they pull up here you'll have to do your best I've just been chased by a police car they're definitely on their way Tate considered this and nodded Leah noted that his trousers no longer had a belt she could still see it around katya's throat sounds like you might have let them hear deliberately Leah's face flushed hot I've done everything you'
ve asked of me do you think I'd endanger them anymore Tate's eyes darted as he tried to read hers maybe you're not trying hard enough for Elliot maybe as I said you care less about what happens to him now Leah opened her mouth to respond but the whole phone rang take turned in its direction I've only just put it back on the Cradle does your father get many calls Leah shook her head dad Tate held up his palm to her just a moment he went to the handset and took it from the base hello Leah strained
to hear the voice at the other end what was he doing yes speaking it was a woman's voice but Leah still couldn't understand what she was saying my daughter his gay swung to Leah not today Leah tensed her leg could feel the cool metal how long would it take her to retrieve it she needed him to turn his back yes I'll ask her to call you if I see her can you tell me what it's concerning another incoherent response wait a minute I'll write it down I do forget things very easily I'm afraid but he ma
de no move to the pad beside the phone police but she's not in trouble is she okay as soon as I see her so it's D I burn he repeated and paused as if writing the name and the number that followed down Tate's eyes were still on her he frowned could he see what she was concealing I certainly will right away Tate cut the call and carefully replaced the handset on the base that was to be expected I don't think they'll be calling in anytime soon though chapter 53 Leah's eyes were on the replaced hand
set had di burn really believed she'd just spoken to her father there was no reason why not unless they knew for sure she was here she'd lost the police car at the roundabout though how long would it take them to locate her via cameras with none in the Villages she'd cut through could they work out where she'd really gone let's go into the dining room he gestured to the door behind him then he snatched up the phone handset and put it in his other pocket Elliot brought you here how else could Tat
e have found out about the cottage he didn't really have a choice Leah recalled the three bloodied razor blades she'd stepped on in the Trent's bathroom where is he will you follow me to the dining room Leah didn't move Tate raised his hands and walked backwards I'll go first if you like dad Elliot she yelled again Tate pushed open the door and entered the room it had to be a trap but if he'd wanted to kill her he could have already done so she warily approached the door and looked inside Tate w
as standing at the head of the dining table five candles were burning in her mother's old candelabra in the middle and two places were set at either end there was no sign of her father or Elliot I'm afraid I had to improvise with what I could find I know you prefer White he nodded at the filled crystal glasses Leah took in the plate on the mat in front of her egg mayonnaise perfunctory but a classic hungry Leah looked sharply up at him he caught the disbelief in her eyes I'm starving but I've be
en waiting for you Leah shook her head tell me where they are in good time I really hope you're not going to dismiss my Hospitality a second time I've gone to a lot of trouble you expect me to eat now she couldn't conceal her incredulity you will if you want to see your father or Elliot again he stated simply and picked up his wine glass Leah shook her head I have to know they're both okay of course but at the moment you're giving me no reason to tell you you're putting me on edge sit down Leah
didn't move the quicker you indulge me the quicker I indulge you they're both perfectly safe but only I know where they are see it he gestured her high back chair and scraped his own out she remained standing what do you want I've just told you he sat and nodded towards her chair I would pull it out for you but I don't want to make you any more nervous he took a small sip from his wine glass not bad your father's got good taste he unfolded his Claret napkin and then regarded her unchanged positi
on I'd have preferred chives but I could only find rosemary in the garden Leah felt the grotesque situation shift her perception of the table she looked down at the halved eggs on the plate covered in mayonnaise and sprinkled green there was a set of cutlery was the knife sharp enough to use as a weapon he dropped the napkin into his lap no dessert I'm afraid although I don't really do dessert couldn't find any cheese either so it's just the two courses Leah grabbed the back of the chair and pul
led it out it felt heavy as she shifted it and slowly sat the Wicker seat creaked as it took her weight I don't want to hear mention of your father or Elliot while we're eating I want to get to know you a bit more when was the last time anyone wanted to do that please she looked down at the food in front of her just let me know they're okay and I'll tell you anything you want to know I expect you've enjoyed some great family meals around this table she took a breath and realized she had no optio
n but to play along this table was bought by my mother when my parents moved here I'd left home by then you see wasn't that hard she heard his chair Creak and shot her eyes up he was leaning across the table his glass extended cheers Leah fixed her eyes on him his expression was expectant she slowly picked up her glass and slightly extended it Tate leaned in further and clinked it to getting to know you Leah Tolbert he sat back seemingly satisfied with his progress right I am ravenous he quickly
sipped his wine put down his glass and picked up his Cutlery Leah's glass remained in her hand it's not drugged he cut a half egg with his knife and popped it in his mouth Leah put down the glass here he slid his across the table to her drink mine if you like pass me yours Fish Hook ahead I'm not thirsty he sighed leaned across and switched the glasses I'd like you to have a drink with me he chewed on his mouth full and then sprinkled some salt on his egg he was about to take another morsel but
stopped and raised his eyebrows at Leah Leah lifted the glass and put it to her lips chapter 54. this must be difficult take Jude some more egg Leah had a tiny amount of wine in her mouth if you replace the glass on the table looking after someone who isn't the person they used to be he nodded to a photo on the window ledge of Leah and Olivia with their father when they were kids the rain clouds had darkened the view of the garden Beyond Leah watched him take a glug of her wine while he examine
d the picture had that been a trick was hers now the glass that was drugged I hear it's like a death even though they're alive the person you knew is gone he's still my father Tate met her I but you must often wish for a release Leah knew what he was insinuating no when you're exhausted and you need Saturday off you must have thoughts you're not proud of he's still independent but for how much longer I don't ever think about that no don't consider how difficult it's going to become in the future
how he's going to drain the savings you've been putting away for yourself I only care about his well-being I've had a drink with you now tell me where he is that wasn't a drink you barely wet your lips he took another gulp from his mine's going to need refilling in a moment I hope you're not going to make me feel uncomfortable he waited Fork poised over his plate Leah picked up her glass and tipped it back against her lips she took a little swallowed as loudly as she could very commendable what
he was saying about your father that's not really the truth is it I'm sure he causes friction between you and Elliot what does it matter to you Tate put down his glass a look of approval on his face as if she'd asked precisely the right question he filled his from the bottle leaned across and filled hers almost to the brim this us is an investment of time all relationships are my mistake in the past has been my inability to make an informed choice it's something I have to remedy now my energies
and time have frequently been wasted on the wrong people through no fault of their own but it causes resentment in me a resentment I unfortunately have to satisfy was he really making it sound like an apology I decided to kill Alice Booth a long time ago the days and months that I lost yearning for a future with her when she was patently the wrong person irked me more than her rejection but I had to be as good as my word if I'm not I don't really exist I'm just a hapless lump of Flesh at the me
rcy of others my word is my will my control so are you really going to be as good as your word now are you lying about my father and Elliot she looked swiftly down at her knife and then up again no I promise I've never lied to you you said you lived in Alice Booth's house that was your assumption he scraped his Fork through his mayonnaise you lied to the police about giving yourself up but I didn't lie to you he quickly licked the back of his Fork you're not eating just ask me what you need to k
now she immediately regretted the outburst Tate was impassive so the friction between you and Elliot that makes the situation with your father even more difficult Leah inhaled no that makes things between Elliot and me difficult because your husband is selfish they didn't respond Tate nodded and demanding always has been but you've always rationalized his behavior because he has a lot to put up with the Specter of Olivia's death then your mother dying and now your father losing his mind she bit
her tongue what hadn't he learned from Elliot but when you shake it all down you realize that Elliot has only been present for those events he didn't actually support or help you Leah's right hand slid from the table and into her lap and on top of that he's been having an affair behind your back looking for his moment to escape you and the misery you've made him part of is this what you do she had to distract him break down people's lives for fun Tate looked genuinely affronted people are easy t
o break down they're such a rude Construction not you though that's why I want to help you I want you to see things as clearly as I do I heard Elliot and Cartier outside your house last night Valentine's night the night you'd been in a road accident did he care about that or was he too busy trying to think of a way to tell you he doesn't love you anymore Leah's Palm moved her right knee she could feel the top of the mini crowbar poking through the denim and your father is just as demanding I ima
gine your mother was the one who kept the family together but with her gone it's just you left to deal with two selfish men her fingers touched the two metallic points in moments alone every now and then don't you wish them away Leah shook her head I've promised you I won't lie to you I only ask you do the same in return she gripped the metal hard what have you done with them Tate took another large Swig of his wine food first chapter 55. a mouthful just so my hard work isn't wasted then we talk
about your father I promise Leah picked up her fork and jabbed it harshly into the egg on her plate I'm sure he didn't teach you to eat like that she met the mock remonstration in his expression exhaled through her nose and then put the food past her lips Tate nodded satisfaction as she started to chew he's not in this house but he's nearby he paused when she stopped eating and raised his eyebrows again Leah moved her jaw faster the cool pulped egg turning to paste in her dry mouth likewise Ell
iot if you don't behave though you don't find them are they alive Leah felt her throat close up speaking with your mouthful I'm sure your father would take a dim view of that too Leah put down her fork yes they are but I need to know a few more details before I give you any more he looked pointedly at the fork she picked it back up are you going to swallow his green eyes were on her lips now Leah briefly closed her eyelids and choked the egg down was that what he'd actually drugged Tate leaned f
urther back in his chair how badly did it affect your father losing Olivia I know how it's Afflicted you what it did your confidence when you were growing up that wasn't a conversation she'd ever had with her father what are you doing getting to know you what has Elliot told you exactly what I wanted to hear I imagine to be fair though he did so under duress what did you do to him Leah felt sick as the food slid down to her stomach I've told you he's alive although I'm not sure you'll want that
to remain the case Leah clenched the fork firmly in her fist his gaze dropped to it thinking of using that or maybe the knife she shook her head we should really get that out of the way if you're planning to Leah's breath whistled from her nose a few times before she dropped it noisily onto the plate you've finished then if you really knew me you'd know that I love my father and Elliot you love him yes but she paused a second before carrying on yes she repeated he narrowed his eyes not entirely
convincing did you know that Katya wasn't his first infidelity Leah nodded maintaining eye contact but knew she hadn't sold the LIE Gainer Allegra Nicola you're familiar with those names she nodded again feeling her insights collapse he was seeing Allegra three months after you got married if you knew about it that shows great forbearance on your part Tate sipped his wine while he allowed her to digest what he told her and a complete disregard for you on his she suspected it was the truth but ho
w had he extracted those names from Elliot I don't want him to come to harm she said very deliberately I never want that Tate nodded thoughtfully message received he chewed his lip thoughtfully I just wonder what it would take to convince you that disposing of him is the best thing that could happen to you nothing she said definitively Leah watched his expression turn blank she realized she had to leave herself something to negotiate with you're right though I don't love him anymore a vague spar
k flickered in his eyes it's been over for a long time between us and until recently I've been in denial of that it wasn't hard for Leah to sell the truth surprise on his face now as if they'd made a breakthrough you valued him above yourself she nodded agreement even though he was conspiring to leave you it's because of Olivia that you don't value yourself because you wish that it had been you hit by the car Leah froze Elliot told me how you've carried it but did it ever occur to you that he us
ed that to abuse you in the way he has she'd only ever shared that guilt with Elliot her breathing quickened cynically using the fact that you feel worthless because you're convinced you're to blame for your sister's death chapter 56. Leah's eyes were fixed on Tate's lips the mouth of a stranger uttering things she could barely admit to herself it was your Frisbee she ran into the road to collect how could you not feel that way she experienced a familiar sensation those bruises of grief and ange
r that were always there aching in her stomach again she was at the roadside touching her sister's warm face before her father dragged her away it was the last time she'd seen Olivia she couldn't picture her expression but remembered the last Heat of her skin against her Palm Elliot told me that you can never forgive yourself is that why you can always forgive him despite how desperate she was to know if Elliot was safe however Tate had learned it it still felt like another betrayal I found a co
uple of steaks in the fridge how do you like yours cooked Leah's hands shot to the cutlery in front of her as soon as tape rose he regarded her with affectionate amusement medium rare these are the little details I need to know he dumped his napkin on the table and picked up his empty plate he leaned over and took hers I'll let you collect yourself but I'll keep this door open so we can talk Leah felt in Breeze past her and flinched but he carried on to the kitchen she heard him put the plates o
n the side the gas ring firing up and a pan clanging onto it if you want to help out fill our glasses Leah's eyes shifted to the bottle could she knock him unconscious with it her gaze flattered about the room anything else she could use as a weapon there were only books and photos she turned in the direction of the kitchen door and expected to find him watching her from there he wasn't you didn't answer my question he called from the stove very well done she had to keep him busy out there witho
ut taking her eyes from the doorway she put her hand to the crowbar could she slide it out in time he appeared in the kitchen doorway I'm blue so I'll do mine first and let it rest so I can focus on yours she nodded I've salvaged a salad from the drawer slim pickings but the meat's the star he was gone again as soon as she heard the sizzle of steak hitting the skillet she leaned forward and started rolling up the right leg of her jeans how are we on the wine nearly there she exposed the top of t
he Crowbar which meant she could pull it out of her boot she tugged it clear and placed it on the floor under the table then she frantically rolled her trouser leg down again you sound suddenly compliant what are you up to as Tate walked back into the room Leah was on her feet she grabbed the bottle from his side of the table and started filling his glass she turned towards him Tate just nodded audited The Cutlery on the table and stepped back into the kitchen won't be long do you know if your f
ather has any English mustard Leah SAT but angled her chair so her back wasn't Square to the door it creaked as she did so might be some in the cupboard above the fridge you're moving about she turned to find him standing in the doorway again I don't want my back to you because it's rude it's murked and quickly disappeared had he seen the Crowbar on the carpet Leah put her boot on it and shoved it further forward but whatever she had on hand to attack him with she couldn't use it until he told h
er where her father and Elliot were nothing for you to do except sip the wine he said significantly her glass was still full but she wasn't about to drink it as the bottle had been shared between them she hoped it hadn't been drugged but what about the mouthful of food he'd made her eat she didn't feel drowsy yet Leah scanned the room again how else could she use this window of time had he foreseen everything she might try or was he positive she wouldn't attempt anything when two lives were at s
take he hadn't offered her any proof that either of them was alive perhaps he was just getting off on tormenting Leah before he killed her too she had to wait had to believe that he would reward her for obeying him what else could she do Leah picked up the knife and fork and clenched them tight in her sweaty Palms in the kitchen the sickening fizzle intensified filling her ears and merging with the hissing sound already there the smell of cooked steak wafted in and the aroma was overpowering goo
d to go he announced minutes later Leah tensed herself and turned her body towards the door as he entered with a plate in each hand and a bowl resting on his arm she had the knife ready good job it into his stomach while both hands were occupied but it wasn't a sharp blade Tate paused and quickly took in her situation as if expecting something to be out of place satisfied it wasn't he arked around her to return to his side of the table he put his own China plate down first his sealed steak had a
serrated wooden handled steak Knife beside it he retrieved the salad bowl from his arm put it between them and then deposited her stake in front of her beside it was another serrated steak knife all yours he declared Leah looked down at it the smell hitting her in the face as she considered the significance of what he'd given her Tate seated himself and replaced the napkin in his lap he nodded at his stake your father knows how to live Leah looked up at him the sizzling still in her ears Tate p
icked up his fork and serrated knife and started energetically soaring through the meat chapter 57 Leia regarded the puddle of red under the piece of meat on her plate do you think your father blamed you for Olivia's death Leah heard his Fork scrape over his teeth and him chew vigorously when are you going to tell me where he is she didn't look up as soon as we've had a pass at this course he said placatingly through a mouthful Jama couldn't find any mustard this is excellent Leah took hold of t
he steak knife good just one bite there was something sprinkled over the meat was it salt or had he drugged it it was far from well done the puddle of red was expanding underneath as the meat relaxed she sawed a small corner of it Elliot told me that your father calls you Olivia now she died when she was nine has plenty of time for you to replace her as his favorite isn't it Leah didn't respond but managed to separate the morsel from the main stake but it doesn't sound like you have is that beca
use you were the older sister who should have been looking out for her has he not forgiven you for that Leia examined the meat on her fork done okay for you the idea of putting it in her mouth seemed repugnant Leah breathed through her mouth so she couldn't smell it wouldn't you prefer that guilt to be gone now isn't your father just a constant reminder of something you'd rather forget she shook her head and Elliot he's the only one you've told and he's used it against you abused it so he can be
unfaithful without reproach Leah put the fork to her mouth but her lips wouldn't open year after year knowing deep down you were unhappy but not thinking you were worthy of anything better she tried to block out his words concentrate on what she had to do you've convinced yourself you're as happy as you're ever entitled to be deceiving nobody but you that you have a Loveless marriage worth salvaging but what if you could start again chew and swallow but it seemed like an insurmountable task wip
e all that guilt and negativity away start afresh as Leah Tolbert and not the sister who should have died on the road I can see who you are they never have they've broken you down for something that wasn't your fault and you've taken it for too long Leah slid the piece of meat into her mouth and chewed quickly Tate was silent as her teeth worked it he watched her with fascination Leah swallowed it he picked up his wine glass and sipped you can change look what you're capable of I know you're a v
egetarian Leah tried not to react as she felt the bolus of meat sink inside her can't you see why we're sitting here together you had your own accident on the road but you survived surely you must acknowledge the significance of that you came to me with blood on your hands and we both experienced an undeniable connection you believe you killed your sister they already suspect you did might they be right are you already a killer Leah held his green eyes one bite it's done take me to them Tate nod
ded but seemed unsure think you're ready Leah's hands were shaking they still held the cutlery Tate's eyes dipped to them leave the fork here she dropped it onto the table Tate emptied his wine glass it's just us here now we have as much time as we need for this Leah stood but the room lurched Tate remained seated studying her did you drug me he pursed his lips and shook his head I think you're just a little overcome she slid her foot forward to steady herself it didn't connect with the Crowbar
but she still had the serrated knife in her hand Tate took his napkin from his lap dabbed his lips and tossed it on the table you can come at me with that if you want I'm unarmed is that what you'd like to do no no because you're scared or no because I've never done anything to harm you you said you wouldn't lie to me take me to them and I will I just want to make sure you realize there's a reason you haven't planted that blade in me yet he stood up slowly his chair sliding out behind him Leah t
ook two paces back she was getting further away from the crowbar Tate fumbled in his pocket and took out a small set of keys he held them up Leah recognized them they were to the dilapidated Stone out building at the rear of the property that used to be the Apple Store for the Press he threw the keys over to her side of the table you lead the way Chapter 58 was this a trap Leah half turned to the door but swiveled back again Tate was still standing in the same position on his side of the table h
e raised his palms I don't have a weapon this is your choice now Leah scraped up the keys from the table with her empty left hand Tate's expression didn't shift he watched her with breathless interest they're still alive you can't lie to me I promise they're alive for as long as you need them to be she backed away a few more Paces until she bumped into the door jamb I'll follow you out the back door is open Leah regarded The Cutlery in front of him he could easily pick up his knife and pounce sh
e slid past the door jamb so she was standing in the hallway with the kitchen door to her right I've been making all the right decisions on your behalf he leaned forward and snuffed out the five candles of the Candelabra by pinching them with his fingertips now it's your turn go I'll join you now Leah turned and Strode quickly through the kitchen the smell of cooking was heavy and the atmosphere smoky she reached the back door and gripped the handle okay she couldn't leave and lock it from the o
utside she opened it inward turning back she saw no sign of Tate in the hallway she stepped through the door in the cold evening doused her face the last of the golden sunlight was just disappearing Leah stumbled along the wet Paving Stone path past the garage and headed towards the half collapsed Stone structure 50 yards Beyond it her irregular breaths clouding around her there were no other properties within shouting distance nobody would be able to hear she stopped and glanced back at the hou
se through the window of the back door she couldn't see Tate in the kitchen her eyes shifted to the lit window of the dining room he was no longer standing at his side of the table Leah staggered on towards the Apple Store it had always been too dumb to keep anything but Tools in there were Elliot and her father really imprisoned inside as she approached she took in the buttered blue doors and the collapsed roof which sagged inwards at the middle her fingers trembled as she tried to maintain her
grip on the knife and insert the first key into the Rusted padlock securing the doors fragments fell out as she waggled it and pushed harder come on she looked back and saw Tate closing the back door behind him Leah pushed the key all the way in and twisted it the padlock opened and she took it from the hooks and allowed it to fall into the mud Tate's footfalls made her spin back in his Direction he was striding in her Direction his eyes on hers Leah pulled open the doors and let the failing da
ylight into the interior the first face she recognized was her father's he was sitting on a black metal garden chair he was gagged with a length of green plastic hose pipe and the same held his hands to the arms and bound his ankles together dad his features were deathly pale and his blue eyes rolled sluggishly up at her then Leah saw Elliot he was Seated on another metal chair and bound by the same but his face was a mask of dark dried blood it felt like the breath had been sucked out of her ch
est and her hand went her mouth there were deep cuts to his face and Leah knew what Tate had used to make them his genes had been scored the material slashed multiple times there were incisions on the backs of his hands and the arms of his tan shirt were threadbare and saturated red Elliot his head was on one side his eyes closed and there was no reaction to her exclamation she went to her father first attempting to loosen the plastic gag that was cutting so severely into the sides of his mouth
the nuts at the back were too tight could she saw through them her gaze shot to the door and she could see that Tate was only about Five Paces away from the Apple Store stay away she brandished the knife Tate halted and held up both his hands I'll kill you this is an understandable response he said calmly I swear I will she held the blade out him he nodded but isn't this an overreaction they had dragged her father back in the chair could she close the doors she quickly took in The Rusted tools h
anging on hooks on the stone wall opposite her there was a hoe a rake a long wire brush nothing Sharp haven't I already prepared you for this her Focus started back to where Tate was still standing cashier your nosy neighbors Lounge you've seen them all in the last 24 hours haven't I desensitized you to this now Elliot she turned to him but he didn't stir he's lost a lot of blood I spent more time with him than I did your father got to know a lot about you through my chats with him Leah's eyes b
ounce between them was Elliot dead his eyelids were stuck down with dried blood but considering he was your husband I was done with him surprisingly quickly Elliot didn't really know you did he didn't care to know you only what you could do for him Leah's father grunted as he tried to move just sit tight addressed him this won't take long Leah got in front of the chair so she was blocking her father stay back she arced the blade in front of the doorway I will as long as you need me to I promise
Elliot still no response but with both of them tied up she had to defend them from Tate alone listen to me try to breathe try to calm down this calls for a substantial paradigm shift but I'm going to talk you through it we'll get through this together chapter 59. again Leah considered slamming the doors and leaning her weight on them I've told you I won't try to come inside he'd read her mind you'll be shut away in the dark with them and then what if you leave now I promise I won't call the poli
ce but she knew the offer was as futile as the first time she'd made it I have no intention of leaving not when we've made such progress progress scornfully your father Leah didn't move from her protective position in front of him I think he's having difficulty Tate's gaze was on him Leah turned the steak Knife around in her hand so she was holding it like a dagger she brandished it at face height the blade protruding from her fist she knew she'd have no hesitation in stabbing him if he came at
her but he remained where he was a father wretched behind her I think you've got him over excited Tate declared but she still didn't move bear in mind he doesn't know who I am doesn't know who you are Leah could hear her father groaning against the gag he hardly knows who he is let alone what he's doing here if you stab me he won't be happy or sad and if he is briefly relieved you saved his life he won't even remember your name in a few minutes time Leah stepped quickly back so she was beside he
r father and could look at him his fearful eyes bulged and swiveled between the two of them maybe he thinks you're Olivia perhaps that's who he'd prefer to save him now even though she's been gone for so long despite the fact you've tried to do everything in your power to fill her space she had to release the gag but she couldn't afford to take her eyes off Tate dad try to breathe slowly he's been waiting for her to walk through the door all this time but it's not going to happen you're never go
ing to be the daughter he wants to see Leah's father arched his back as he tried to rise from the garden seat you're holding that knife to the wrong person Tate's tone was calm dad breathe in through your nose but he continued to Buck and struggle against his bonds this is how he suffocates every day confusion and fear is all he knows now is that really the life you want for him Dad it's okay you have to keep still but he kept squirming I imagine he's never mistreated you try to protect you from
what happened but you've always picked up on that quiet disappointment he's been grieving for so long and now every time you tell him you're not Olivia it's like he's finding out she's dead for the very first time shut up Dad I'm going to untie you now try to calm down let him go if he was still the father you knew you'd know he'd want an end to this Leah put her free hand on her father's shoulder and don't you need an end to this every weekend watching a man trapped in a mouse wheel those mome
nts of clarity when he knows who you are and what you do for him shrinking Away Learning that his wife and favorite daughter are dead over and over again it won't work she barked at him whatever you're trying to do put the knife in him he said collectedly it's been a long day for him a long day for you you both need that relief now you both deserve it Leah's father moaned through the gag what would you want if you were in his position I know what Joys I'd make Dad I'll free you now a voice tremb
led just wait for what I think you're more afraid of the consequences than actually doing it I'll take responsibility if you want you could say you found them both butchered here if you want to help me go she yelled her throat grating each word I could do it for you Leah tugged in a breath is that what you want me to say her father bucked in the chair it is isn't it stay the [ __ ] away from him give me the knife he extended his hand you know I'm not going to harm you give me the knife take one
step no Tate took a pace forward you won't do that Leah's father shouted aggressively through the hose his anger directed at Tate he knows I'm a threat he's defending you maybe he thinks you're Olivia Leah's leg muscles stiffened as she prepared to launch herself at Tate but then another voice started screaming behind her chapter 60. Leah didn't shift her attention from Tate it was Elliot he was alive a small gap of relief opened in her but the Revelation didn't negate the danger she was in Elli
ot was tied as securely as her father looks like somebody's decided to step up to the mark Tate's eyes were over Leah's shoulder better late than never you promised you wouldn't come inside Leah was still poised to launch herself at Tate I did and I won't I think you might need my help now though but I won't enter until you invite me to Elliot yelled against his gag again you can't really complain about your predicament Elliot Tate said parsley you told me about this place you let me here and he
didn't need a lot of inducement either Elliot Leah didn't dare look in his Direction he kept screaming Elliot she guessed the pain of his wounds must be overwhelming can you get free Tate's face was impassive as if he knew how the conversation was about to go Leah heard Elliot's struggle and the hose creaking as he moaned in agony he doesn't need to do that put himself through any more trauma neither of them does try to get loose Elliot he breathed erratically and asab escaped his nostrils Tate
sighed slightly You're Expecting too much of him Elliot you can stop now it's a waste of your time and Ours she could hear Elliot's movement continue but quickly decrease when has he ever put himself on the line for you when has he ever done anything but look out for himself I think that's going to change in circumstances like this Leah's father twisted his bound hands but look at you prepared to kill for them both do either of these gentlemen deserve your loyalty what have they done to make yo
u risk your life for them step back Leah tightened her fist on the knife handle he didn't do you believe Elliot thought of you when he was sleeping with Katya or Gaynor or Allegra or Nicola happily making a mockery of your marriage time and time again do you know how easily he gave up those details to save himself not realizing that each cut I gave him was a punishment and not an incentive to give me more I told you I don't love him anymore was this what he needed to be told again or was she con
demning Elliot to death by saying she no longer cared for him so you said but you feel so worthless that you're going to let him get away with it I don't want to see him again she retorted but Tate's reaction made Lea seal her mouth tight his satisfaction was plainly visible and why did he get away with it for so long who made you feel so worthless she didn't look at her father kept her eyes unblinking on Tates what Comfort was Elliot to you on Valentine's night you could have died in that crash
would he have been concerned or would he have seen that as a very convenient way out he wouldn't have had to confront you about Katya then as she wanted him to last night do you think he cared that you sat alone on the floor in your shower for so long abhorrence broke through her she knew he'd been in the house but now there was no doubt he'd seen her there thinking about Olivia and how the accident of so many years before had been the Catalyst for the person she'd become living in a house with
a husband who didn't love her that's why you came to see me again this morning it was the first time you'd exerted your will in a long time and you found that that's exactly what I'd done with Alice booth taken back the control she took from me years before you can exert your will again I think you're capable but saying the word to me is exactly the same no I don't want this you want to punish Elliot his voice remained even and you never want to see him again don't twist my words you've harmed
him enough enough for what all the years of deception all for handing me the key to your insecurities Leah's father and Elliot were both noisily fighting to get free say the word and it's done no repercussions Leah shook her head say it you're the only one I want dead because I'm the only one telling the truth Tate took another step forward stay back Leah noticed her father had stopped moving dad but she couldn't afford to look down at him even for a second there was no response Elliott continue
d struggling behind her dad I think he's fitting Tate squinted dad perhaps this decision's about to be made for you he didn't look up Leah shot a glance to her father his body was taught and she could only see the whites of his eyes chapter 61. it appears despite my best efforts you can't decide for yourself Tate regarded Leah's father as his body jerked in the chair she had to cut him free of his gag but she couldn't afford to take her eyes off Tate if you really think he's worth saving Leah pu
t her free hand to the hose wrapped around his head but it was bound too tight it had to be cut which you obviously do I won't stop you go ahead there was disapproval in his voice she shook her head another trick her father noisily Drew air in around the gag I told you I won't lie to you release him give him the shell of his life back even if dying now is what's best for him Leah lowered her blade and slid the blunt side under the hose at the side of her father's face she started furiously soari
ng away from his cheek the serrated edge should make short work of that she focused on cutting through the plastic Tate lingering at the periphery of her vision he could attack her now and she would never Slide the state knife back out in time to defend herself the blade got traction on the double thickness of the hose but if you choose one man you forfeit the other her hand halted I'm making that decision on your behalf it really would be remiss of me to watch you throw this opportunity away he
r father's eyes had closed his convulsions were weakening dad Leah started soaring again she had to save him first I refuse to make that choice you're incapable of resolving this you'll thank me though as if your father isn't already brain dead stay with me Dad the knife was through the first coil as she saw it faster her father's head bounced Loosely on his neck look how close you are you could just wait a few seconds keep soaring if you like though so you can tell yourself you tried shut up th
e blade was cutting through the second coil she got her fingers under the hose and opened up a gap breathe dad maybe he doesn't want to anymore maybe there's a part of him that wants this as much as you saw it frantically and Tate watched Motionless the coil severed and Leah pulled the plastic away from his face dad she shook him his head lulled forward dad she lifted his chin and slapped his cheek His Eyes flickered under his lids take a breath after a second his chest suddenly heaved and he no
isily dragged in air Leah turned to Tate he was still watching silently when she stole a look at her father his bloodshot eyes were open uncomprehending what is this spittle ran down his chin it's all right Dad you're okay her father squinted at Tate and then blinked as he tried to focus his eyes on her what are you doing do you think he recognizes you it's Leah this man tied you up her father bounced his gaze fearfully between them Leah's fingers trembled as she tried to release his left hand f
rom the arm of the chair but the hose was binding it tight cut them I'm not going to stop you date promised soon have you out he addressed her father Leah couldn't get the knife under the coils just saw down Tate suggested careful not to sever any of his main cables though Leah looked into her father's confused expression to reassure him but she could see he was just as wary of her as he was of Tate it's me it's Leah I'm going to get you out of here maybe he would rather it was Olivia who was he
lping him Leah soared the blade above his wrist Elliot started yelling through his gag again Leah's father swiveled his head to where he was he turned back to her eyes widening I think Elliot is becoming concerned about the choice you've made any choice her arm worked furiously it's not too late you can still change your mind what is he talking about there was still no recognition in her father's eyes your daughter has to choose you or her husband you remember Elliot just keep still dad she had
to cut him loose give him a chance to defend himself if Tate attacked her Elliot kept screaming but under it Leah could still hear Tate observe looks like she's just made up her mind Elliot chapter 62. ragged ends of hoes flicked up as Leah's knife cut through them she yanked on the remaining length and it came away dad use your hand to free the other one he regarded her with bewilderment but his feet were still tied and even if he could get out of the chair it was unlikely he could defend himse
lf don't Tate had Advanced a step Leah held up the blade Tim again his expression remained impassive say to your father keep back she swiped the steak Knife I mean it now I have no doubt you do in fact I'm probably the only man here who doesn't underestimate you I can't move my legs her father whimpered see to him take him back up to the cottage I'll finish here Tate's gay switched to Elliot Elliot slid noisily back in his chair Leah swung the blade again as he took another Pace forward who else
here has shown you the consideration that I have I've laid it out for you made it as easy as possible my instincts are good I refuse to believe I've been wasting my time dad try to untie yourself her eyes were on Tate but she could see her father made no move to free his other hand Elliot grunted and rocked in his chair I could have dealt with both these problems before you arrived but I didn't want to be presumptuous don't she raised the knife high as he approached he was a couple of feet insi
de the Apple Store you have the potential Leah Talbot but it needs to be harnessed by you what is it you believe will happen after this she had to play for time distract him while she weighed up non-existent options Enlightenment he replied as if it were obvious and then what my gratitude she retorted caustically your life is about to change for the better you may not see it now as I do but once a situation becomes academic the only path left will be the right one he extended his hand make the r
ight choice and join me Leah brought the blade down and it caught the pads of his fingers he snatched them back Payne briefly registering on his face he examined the cut Leah caught her breath could see drops of blood welling up on his middle finger Tate seemed to check himself before he inhaled let me have the knife now there was a clutter from behind Leah she didn't turn but guessed Elliot had tipped over in his chair Tate briefly looked down at the floor first time he's fallen at your feet st
ay away from her the silence that briefly followed underscored the threat Leah looked down at her father he was glaring at Tate leave my daughter alone he didn't blink is this a breakthrough Tate sucked his fingers this girl you're valiantly protecting though can you tell me her name the hose securing Leah's father's other hand creaked as his body tensed can you tell me who she is a father's jaw clenched the muscles throbbing in his jaw don't answer him dad what about your wife will she remember
should I go and get her do you think she'll jog your memory for you Leah's Father's Eyes burnt full of an intensity she hadn't seen for a long time is she indisposed Leah's Knuckles went white along the handle of the knife take these off Leah's father nodded at his remaining bonds take these off and let me out of this chair looks like he's coming to your defense that's enough Tate seemed Satisfied by the barely controlled rage in Leah's growl squeaking and thudding as Elliot writhed on the floo
r Tate raised his palm at Lee as father just give me her name dad her father lifted his hand too like he used to when she was a little girl irked at her interruption he didn't wrench his attention from Tate Olivia he whispered his expression triumphant Leah lunged with the blade [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] Leah gasped and held up both her empty hands Tate was open mouth too Leah's father breathed heavily down his nose you chose Tate stated but both words were whispered al
most in awe her eyes were on the blade and where it was buried Elliot had stopped struggling Olivia her father said Tate looked down his chin grazing the top of the blade the metal was half buried at the bottom of his neck just above his clavicle the motion prompted blood to pour from the wound Leah hadn't aimed for any particular part of Tate's chest her Palms went to her lips as he reeled unsteadily she couldn't allow the shock of what she'd done to paralyze her there was surprise on his face
as he carefully took hold of the wooden handle Leah's fingertips were under her eyes he focused on her opened his mouth to speak but gagged untie yourself dad Tate gurgled as blood flowed faster from the deep slit his expression changed shifted to Triumph her father hadn't moved quickly she heard him tugging at the piping around his other wrist Elliot was saying something incoherent through his gag Tate yanked out the knife Leah Drew breath the same time as he did but his bubbled Tate staggered
back his hand to the wound but blood pouring through his fingers you left me no choice Leah didn't blink his gaze slid sideways he was looking at the wall opposite staggering to it he placed his palms on the bricks his back to her she kept her attention firmly on him hurry she addressed her dad then she backed over to where Elliot was lying on the floor on his left side he was still babbling at her through the gag she worked at the tight knot securing his right hand to the chair arm dropping her
eyes to her trembling fingers and then returning them to Tate Tate's body sagged and he leaned harder against the wall blood was pooling in droplets at his feet had he brought a weapon out with him the knots were so tight and Elliot was struggling and tensing the hose keep still she hissed let me do it her father had his other hand clear and bent on steadily forward to his bound ankles as Leah worked frantically on Elliot's bonds Tate went down onto one knee Leah's father was bent all the way f
orward now grunting as he fought to untie his legs Leah released Elliot's hand and checked Tate he was still Motionless she uncoiled the hose and her husband's hands started working on his other she concentrated on his feet Tate tried to stand again but dropped down hard onto both knees Leah picked at the knots and noticed he dropped the steak knife it was at the bottom of the wall Elliot used both hands to tug at the hose around his face her father had his feet loose and tried to stand up he co
llapsed back into his chair Dad wait there we'll help you up now she undid the knot at the back of Elliot's head and he ripped it away Tate's body collapsed against the wall Leah helped Elliot with his ankles I'm sorry we're husbands first words can you get up she pulled the chair away from him Elliot took a few breaths and nodded he started to stand but trembled and flinched as the motion emphasized every slice in his muscles Leah supported him to his feet his eyes looked so white in the dark b
lood mask of his face and he opened his Sticky Lips to speak again save your energy can you walk he nodded and she guided him to where her father was trying to rise a second time you Dad Elliot whispered and took his arm from Leah she helped him out of the chair then took a few cautious Paces towards Tate don't Elliot warned she halted but quickly raced forward and scraped up the knife Tate didn't react let's go Elliot whisper yelled in the dregs of daylight Leah could see a small puddle of dark
blood between Tate's knees as it broke its tension and flowed backwards picking up dust as it went we can't leave him like this Leah's father said we'll call him an ambulance but Leah knew it would probably be too late come on Elliot dragged her father out to the Apple Store Leah took one more look at Tate's hunt shoulders and followed them we get inside lock the doors and call the police Elliot was determinedly walking her father back to the cottage the breath misting around them she caught up
with them careful dad's about to collapse she took his other arm but Elliot wouldn't slow down wait what is it Elliot turned to her tears had welled up in his eyes and were trickling white tracks down his face he has dad's phone and mine Leah turned back to the Apple Store chapter 64. Leah found the spare key and locked the back door as soon as they were inside the kitchen she and Elliot helped her father through to the hallway and she double checked that the phone wasn't there Tate had it and
her mobile in his pocket but going back into the Apple Store was a bad idea I just need to sit down her father declared no time she repositioned herself under his arm we'll drive my car to the nearest neighbor call the police and an ambulance Elliot nodded and blanched as he took her father's weight can you walk okay now Leah's father looked Ashen if I can just have a minute to rest Leah shook her head at Elliot come on the three of them shuffled through the tight hallway towards the front door
a rattling sound came from behind them they all stopped dead and Leah and Elliot turned in the direction of the noise the back door handle was being jerked down out the front Leah was already dragging them both to the door she opened it and they helped her father onto the path where are we going he asked bewildered Leah gripped the steak Knife firmly in her right fist it could come up the side of the house keep a lookout she fixed her eyes on the darkened Track overhung by trees to her left as t
hey headed up the short path to where her car was I need my coat Leah felt her father resist them you don't need it it'll be warm in the car quiet Elliot snapped his attention locked on the track to one side they'd reached the gate support him Leah took her arm from under her father and watching the house scrabbled in her pocket for the key hurry Elliot turned her father so he could look back as well no sign of it in either pocket maybe it was back in the house or had fallen out in the Apple Sto
re she tried her back pockets and felt metal got it she pressed the button and the door clunked he's coming Elliot exclaimed Leah spotted Tate emerging from the Shadows at the right side of the house he was illuminated as he stumbled in front of the lights from the windows he was carrying a long Pole run Elliot turned to Leah in alarm Dad can't outrun him get him inside the car Elliot looked as if he was in two minds about releasing him and then nodded open the door Leah lifted the handle of the
passenger door but it was locked the car had been open she just locked it again she pressed the fob again and yanked the door put him in the back Elliot was already shoving her father inside Leah knew she had to use the knife again she turned back to the house but Tate had already arrived he swung the Implement in his hand it was a rake and the edge of the heavy metallic teeth caught her in the left side of the jaw Leah was on the ground white pulses of light in her eyes she could hear Elliot s
houting and the knife was no longer in her hand God she heard her voice scream but it sounded like she was yelling in her own ear she had the key they couldn't drive away was on her feet but slewed sideways and her face hit a wall a hand gripped her shoulder day down I'll finish here Tate's voice gurgled get the knife Elliot cried get up back on your feet had she blacked out she used the edge of the wall to haul herself up and turned but the action seemed to continue and the struggle in front of
her appeared to repeatedly Zip by as if she were on a carousel Tate was climbing into the passenger side and she could hear Elliot get the [ __ ] off us her eyes dropped to the ground where was the knife but the dark dirt track lurched up at her and she put out her hands was she Falling Again she staggered directing herself at the car her hands were around Tate's shoulders the passenger door on the other side was open and her father was lying on his back on the ground Elliot was half out his to
rso on the dirt but his legs still inside Tate had hold of them and was trying to pull them back in let go of me Leah he's got the knife Leah climbed onto his back and put her hands around his hot throat he tried to shake her off but as hard as she squeezed he wouldn't let go of Elliot's legs she slid her hand further down and found the wound in his throat she put two fingers inside its warm and moist interior Tate bucked underneath her Rose and slammed the back of his head into her face she was
looking up at the car ceiling realized she'd fallen and turned so she was lying on her spine between the back and front seats Leah could hear Elliot's feet pedaling in Tate's grip striking him in the face she hinged up and rolled over preparing herself to jump on his back again but her Shin smartered as she put her weight on it and against something solid she reached for it it was the wine bottle she gripped it by the neck Leah straddled Tate and brought the bottle down on the back of his head
as hard as she could it clunked and she felt the full impact reverberate painfully in her wrist she hit him with it again the third blow broke the bottle but his hands were still on Elliot's thigh her father was Motionless the jagged neck was still in her hand stop he wasn't going to Leah fell onto his back and ground the bottleneck into the side of his neck everything froze she pushed it further heard the glass crunch inside him Leah could smell the sweat in Tate's scalp could feel his circulat
ion pounding pounding but gradually slowing as Elliot slid free she waited there waited until Tate's heartbeat had weakened and stopped Leah didn't release him until the last clouds of his dying breath it floated away [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] Leah didn't want to open her eyes sitting on the floor of the shower the slight pressure of water on her scalp and knees she clenched her shins a little tight at herself and listened to the flow over her ears and the trickle into the pluck
hole it was their first day home and they'd arrived mid-afternoon she'd left Elliot perched on the edge of the couch flicking through the TV downstairs while she escaped to the bathroom they'd called in to see her father on their way from the hospital he was the first to have been discharged and had insisted on going home Leah had been against it but realized that ironically it was the one place where he felt secure he'd already completely forgotten what had happened there he had his usual care
r with him until Leah had packed some things and headed over later that evening she was going to stay there with him for a few weeks and suspected she wouldn't be returning home she'd been treated for concussion and had remained in hospital while Elliot had been in the ICU thankfully his face only needed six stitches with a further 14 on his torso most of the Razor Cuts Tate had made while he was torturing him would heal its face was entirely concealed by bandages though Leah wondered if he was
as glad of that as she was did he resent her forever knocking on Alice Booth's door they hadn't begun to process the consequences of that and every exchange they'd had since what had happened at her father's Cottage had been about nothing but practicalities once her father had been settled once all the interviews with di burn were over and they were finally approaching a semblance of normal life again where would they begin on themselves how far would they have to go back to find the point when
it had fallen apart years before the deer on plow Lane here she was again sitting in the shower washing away the trauma of what had happened and thinking about Olivia and how her death had molded the life she'd settled for Martin Tate had effortlessly perceived that she opened her eyes and turned her head to the closed bathroom door as if he might be standing there again the droplets built up on her eyelashes and rolled down her face she blinked them away kept her Gaze on the door he'd wanted he
r to free herself however repulsive his actions he genuinely believed he was helping her what did he plan for her beyond that was she simply the new promise he'd made to himself his new purpose and hope after he dealt with his other failures maybe even the inhuman needed that too she could vividly recall the moment their lips had touched what would have happened if she hadn't allowed it but she was sure Tate would have brought Mayhem into her and Elliot's life regardless she could still feel his
body stiffening as she held him and pushed the glass into his throat she knew she would never be the same person again even though that seemed like the actions of someone else entirely person Tate had extracted from her Leah would remember that look of Triumph on his face when she'd stabbed him as sharply as the sensation of his life ebbing away and the aroma of his scalp as he died underneath her she'd had to do it to save her father and Elliot but why hadn't Tate finished Elliot the knife had
been in his hand Tate had easily abducted her husband on his walk to the station asked him to help him bump start his car and led him to a car park before knocking him out did Elliot feel humiliated by that but why had he been getting on a train if Cartier lived a few streets away from their home was he really going to stay with a friend or had it been Gaynor or Allegra or Nicola he was on his way to see one infidelity was an affront to everything they'd built together but the notion that there
were four women he'd been intimate with was something she still couldn't conceive of she wondered if he'd lied to them as much as he had to her all this time Leah had lived with somebody she'd naively assumed she'd known some wounds would never heal there was nothing left for her here at Martin Tate's intervention precipitated her acceptance of that Martin Tate wasn't his real name the police were still trying to find out exactly who he was they could start with Alice booth trace him back to th
e person who'd been in love with her had it all been lies though she suspected not everyone was a product of what was denied to them her father had hidden it for decades but as his personality was gradually eroded he could no longer spare Leah from the hurt of their family loss she had to honor all the years he'd done his utmost to spare her feelings though even if he hadn't always succeeded Leah stood and turned off the dial it was good to be alone however briefly she dried herself and slipped
on her toweling robe deliberately busying her mind with the packing she had to do and making a mental inventory of what she would need to set up her office at her dad's Cottage she walked Barefoot onto the landing but paused on her way to the bedroom she could hear the noise of the TV downstairs but something held her there she opened her mouth but couldn't bring herself to call his name Leah padded down the stairs she crossed the tiles and run her in the hallway and entered the lounge Elliot no
w she could say it Elliot was lying motionless on his back in the middle of the room she ran to him and knelt beside him Elliot she shook him in his bandaged head fell to one side she took hold of his face and looked into his eyes there was no life in them she knew he was dead before she shook him again tried to revive him and then checked his pulse his hand was outstretched a glass of red wine had spilled along the oatmeal carpet and rolled against the leg of the sofa Leah looked over at the bo
ttle on the table this was Tate she was certain of that he'd orchestrated her Presence at each crime scene he'd created manipulated her the whole time but now he was no longer the Specter she could Point her finger at who would believe that Leah didn't want to punish Elliot for all the wrongs he'd done her was that why Tate hadn't killed Elliot during their struggle in the car Elliot's eyes looked blankly at her from beneath the bandages on his face Leah took his hand it was still warm she was b
ack at the roadside touching the deer touching her sister before her dad dragged her away the warmth ebbing and her parents love leaving with it she released Elliot as if doing so could prevent what had been triggered again chapter 66 three days and three hours earlier Tate made his way along the track at the rear of Leah's house for the second time in the Morning Light he could see the stream on the left-hand side of the Reeds clearly there were Ducks there some of them on the bank the others i
n the water there was nobody at the rear of Leah's place so he paused at her gate and recalled watching her through the bathroom window and then going inside the house he scolded himself for being so impetuous but the image of her sitting on the floor in the shower was still imprinted on his mind some ducks quack noisily behind him and he turned and spotted a hen surrounded by three Drakes they weren't too interested in her just yet in Spring they would be on her back trying to mate and pecking
her head until it was bald he'd observed the brutality of that ritual before he was about to open Leah's gate when a thought occurred to him he climbed over the fence to the stream and most of the Ducks waddled away one Drake was defiant though and it was a drake he wanted he grabbed the bird's body either side of its wings his palms lightly compressing it through its fluffed up feathers it wasn't as plump as it looked and it struggled a little so he waited for it to realize it couldn't escape T
ate laid it on his chest and held it to his body with his left hand firmly over its neck with his free hand he let himself into Leah's Garden again and briefly surveyed it in the daylight he'd watched her go out in the car after Elliot had left his run skirting the overgrown lawn he made for the passage at the right side of the house that he'd accessed the night before when he reached the end of it the Hedge along the edge of the front drive concealed him completely he put his hand under the edg
e of the garage door and opened it sufficiently to slip under again he entered the kitchen through the side door of the garage there he deposited the Drake and it seemed unperturbed as it walked unsteadly across the tiles to the locked French doors when she found it Tate wondered if Leah Tolbert would understand the significance of the discovery of a new Drake imposing itself on the territory then he saw the bottle of red wine on the counter next to the bowl of red and green peppers about a quar
ter of it was missing and the lid had been replaced could he Tate took the syringe out of his jacket pocket and removed the cap from the needle there was a full cylinder of yellowish liquid a small amount of it was tasteless he planned to administer it to Alice Booth to allow him to work on her but it hadn't been necessary Tate unscrewed the bottle lid and depressed the plunger into the wine he knew Leah didn't like red only one person was likely to drink this a double dose for Elliot in fact ma
y as well empty the syringe Tate replace the lid put the cap back on the needle and slipped it into his jacket would Elliot be alone when he died here would he know that he'd lost Lear that her new life would never again include Mr absentee Valentine he considered how he would abduct Elliot and take him to the old pig farm maybe he'd let him Escape maybe that was a gift he'd give to Leah but after all that Elliot had done he enjoyed the notion of him fleeing with his life only to lose it again t
o something as innocuous as a bottle of wine Tate left the Drake with the run of the place and slipped back out that was the Good Neighbor by R.J Parker read by Rose Robinson produced by Rosie O'Dowd at the rnib talking book Studio Camden an audio book from one more chapter a division of harpercollins text copyright 2021 production copyright 2021 by harpercollins publishers All rights reserved R.J Parker asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work thank you for listening
