

A young girl's obsession with her looks has tragic consequences. Join the fun on Peacock Kids where you can find an endless supply of laugh-out-loud jokes, lovable characters, life hacks, music, magic, gaming and more! → Watch Something New! ← → SUBSCRIBE TO Peacock Kids! ←

Peacock Kids

1 year ago

Emma always felt plain. She thinks her life would completely change if she looked different, maybe like someone in a movie. Her parents always insist that she's beautiful just the way she is and that there is beauty in being her own unique person. She doesn't have to look like anyone else to be special. But Emma doesn't feel special. She longs for the attention of the most popular beautiful girls. That's not to say that Emma is lonely. In fact, she has a great group of friends that she loves spe
nding time with. They have inside jokes and secret handshakes. They always make her forget about her worries and just enjoy the moment. But it's when she's by herself that she begins to wonder if she's good enough again. Then, one day, Emma finds a mirror that somebody threw out. It looks like a mirror a princess would have. Emma decides to clean it up and put it in her room. She gazes at it and begins to think about all of the things she'd change about herself, starting with her eyes. Wouldn't
it be amazing to have brightly colored eyes? As soon as the thought enters her head, her eyes change from brown to blue. [gasps] She can't believe it. She assumes it's just a trick of the mirror. But then the next day, when she sees her reflection again, her eyes are still blue. Her parents are astonished. As Emma leaves for school, they discuss how this could have happened. Her friends can't believe it. Whoa! Other kids in the school begin to notice her bright blue eyes. She's actually getting
attention for her appearance. And it's all thanks to the magical mirror. That night, Emma takes out the mirror. If the mirror can change her eye color, what else can it do? She wonders if it can change her hair color. She always dreamt of being a redhead. It happened. [gasps] She couldn't believe all it took was thinking about it. She thought about having purple hair, maybe black. What about her nose she never liked? Can she change that? Yes! The size of her ears? Yes! The shape of her face? Emm
a finally looks like one of the glamorous models she sees in the movies. She looks like a completely different person. She thinks now she'll have the life she always dreamed. Now she'll be happy. The next morning, Emma's parents don't even recognize her. They don't understand who the stranger is in their home. Where's Emma? Emma tries to convince them that it's her. She shows them pictures of her old self and explains that it's still her. But they don't see it. They think it's some kind of terri
ble joke and ask her to leave-- Get out of here. --and bring back their daughter. Upset, Emma goes to school. Surely her friends will know that it's her. But they don't recognize her either. She tries to prove who she is by doing their secret handshake. But her friends want nothing to do with this strange girl. She tries to explain that she's still the same person. She just looks different. But they tell her that friendships aren't based on looks alone. And they keep their distance from her, sti
ll not believing it's Emma. Desperate to get her old life back, she takes out the mirror and tries to put herself back to the way she was. She thinks about her brown eyes. Nothing happens. She thinks about her original hair color, her nose, her ears, and the shape of her face. But nothing changes. She's stuck looking like this completely new person. Frustrated, Emma throws the mirror to the floor. She now knows why someone had thrown it out. Emma decides that now all she can do is try to be hers
elf as best as she can. What she doesn't notice is that inside the mirror is a terrified Emma, the old Emma, desperate to get out. [emma screaming] She appears to be screaming, but nobody can hear. [emma screaming]
