
The heartbreaking tale of Jastine Valdez | True crime Documentary

Escaping Horror: The True Tale of Jastine Valdez's Life Cut Short | True crime Documentary Dive into the chilling tale of a young girl's fateful journey home from training, where she unsuspectingly crossed paths with a cunning maniac! This harrowing true crime story unravels the unexpected twists and turns of a seemingly ordinary evening that took a terrifying turn into the unknown. 👁️👁️👁️PLEASE SEND ALL SUGGESTIONS TO THIS FORM: 🚨 Dive into the chilling truths of unsolved mysteries with "Real Crime Explained." Our series delves into the depths of true crime, bringing to life true crime stories that intertwine with stark reality. Each episode of our real crime documentary unfolds a narrative that's more than just a tale; it's a journey through the heart of darkness. Experience a world where the eerie silence of missing persons cases meets the sinister plots of serial killers. Our crime stories, ranging from crime of passion to cold case solved, will keep you gripped to your seat. We are dedicated to shedding light on true crimes, with a special focus on unsolved cases and real crime news. Through our true crime documentaries, we strive for insight and resolution. We delve deep into real crime stories, seeking truth in the complex web of criminal investigation. Sometimes, our journey leads us to a mystery solved, bringing solace to those affected and our viewers alike. But our true crime stories are not complete without your engagement. Your keen eye for detail and passion for solving true crime cases are what drive our community. Subscribe for a relentless pursuit of truth, and join us in discussing theories and clues that could crack open real crime mysteries. In today's video, "Escaping Horror: The True Tale of Jastine Valdez's Life Cut Short | True crime Documentary" we unravel a heart-wrenching case that epitomizes the gravity of real crime. Subscribe for weekly updates on true crime documentary, true crime stories, and insights into the minds of serial killers. Inspired by leading true crime content creators, we bring you stories that are both compelling and informative. Ring the notification bell so you never miss out on our latest content. Join us in this journey of discovery and resolution, where every episode is a step closer to uncovering the hidden truths of real crime. Together, let's explore, understand, and solve the puzzles of true crime. Inspired by ✅ The Highest-Profile Case In Ireland | The Terrible Case Of Jastine Valdez | True Crime Documentary ✅ The Abduction and Murder of Jastine Valdez : A tragic tale unravelled. ✅ Ireland's First Serial Killer ? | The Disturbing Case of Jastine Valdez (True Crime) ✅ Sie steigt aus dem Bus aus … dann beginnt der Horror I Der grausame Fall Jastine Valdez Also check out: ✅ ✅ 👉SUBSCRIBE HERE: Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. I would love to hear your opinions, so comment down below. Thank you for watching. 🔎 #Realcrimeexplained #truecrimedocumentary #truecrime #truecrimestories #unsolvedmysteries #truecrimenews #unsolvedcase #realcrime #solvedtruecrime #crimestories #truecrimes #realcrimestories #crimeofpassion #coldcasesolved #realcrimedocumentary #realcrimedocumentaries #truecrimedocumentary

Real Crime Explained

2 months ago

in a quiet corner of Ireland a tragic and chilling  incident shook the nation on a quiet evening the peaceful environment shattered triggering one of  the most harrowing events in recent Irish history he imagined how a normal routine day suddenly  changes into a terrible Nightmare and takes a turn in everything around this is the story of  the highest profile case that unfolded in Ireland this documentary delves into the heart-wrenching  story of Justin Valdez young woman whose life was tragical
ly cut short when she was doing her daily  routine work sound so simple but it's all tangled in Mysteries and twists that'll keep you in awe  this incident took place in May 19th when Justin was walking back home after a gym workout that  ended at 4:20 p.m. that evening what happened later is something even we can't believe keep  watching till the end as we're going to unveil the truth behind this Dreadful story shedding  light on the impacts and the public and the details that caused deep fear
across every corner  of Ireland most cruel of all is the feeling that there were chances lost to stop Jon's kidnapper  and murder her when she first vanished from the side of the road she was supposed to go back home  but her mother ordered her to buy some bread while returning after doing her shopping she went to the  bus stop and boarded one she got off the bus just after 6:00 in the evening on Saturday and started  to walk along the r76 killed crowny Road in the direction of her house in and
his carry the walk  from the bus stop to her home was around 15 to 20 minutes it wasn't difficult to walk as she was  young and active as she was returning routinely she knew the area well but that day Justin never  returned home her mother was waiting for her at home anxiously as it was late and she wasn't home  she called Justin and sent her text messages but to no response ODS she headed out of her house  and searched all the way to the bus stop she asked a few people around if they had seen
Justin  but she came to know that she was last seen when she got off the bus and was headed in her home's  Direction after that she vanished Into Thin Air and nobody saw any trace of her later that evening  her mother then called the police in desperation after not finding her daughter the detectives  then took her statement and began searching for Justin in the area detectives started their  investigation into her personal life and assumed she had run away from home cut to the Past she  was bor
n in the Philippines in a not so sound financially stable family but as she was the only  child the parents were willing to do anything to make their child happy 3 years ago Justin moved  to Anis Cary Ireland in an attempt to better her own life Dr Kenneth Carol the college register  stated that she was a firste part-time Finance and Accounting undergraduate at The Institute of  Technology tullk and this carry is a beautiful and Serene place with less than a population of  2,000 she also got a p
art-time job as a waiter at a restaurant to help ease the financial burden  on her parents and to finance her studies she also babysat and cared for the children in the  neighborhood all three of them were far from home but her mother and father were also staying  there keeping close to their only child the girl was very responsible and cared for a parents so no  one believed that she could run away from her home leaving her parents whom she loved so much owing  to her busy schedule she had very
few friends in Ireland the police called all her acquaintances to  investigate about her life but they couldn't find any solid traces or pieces of evidence about her  disappearance she would always inform every little thing to her parents even that day if she was late  she would have informed her parents that day too she exchanged six 63 texts were their mother  her last text was 6:24 p.m. as the detectives were doing their investigation they got a very  important lead to the case according to
a witness a woman that evening was allegedly assaulted by  a man who hit her in the head before pushing her into the back seat of what she described as a dark  colored SUV while she was being driven by in a car with her son to surprise this happened just a few  minutes after Justin got off the bus the girl had dark hair and was Asian when the driver noticed  that the car was stopped in the middle of the road without any lights or blinkers on she pulled to  pass it and overtook it while doing so
she heard screaming and then shouting and noticed a girl  staring at her from the trunk of the car after the motorist stopped She immediately called the  police a few minutes later a male witness who was also traveling close by noticed what he thought to  be a distr woman being taken away as a passenger in an SUV after returning home and talking to his  wife about it he reported what he had witnessed to the Garda since he thought it was weird gardai now  thinks that what the witnesses observed w
as a man assaulting and driving CH in away to her death  but when the initial two reports were received on Saturday night the Garda only had a partial  registration 171d for a 4x4 or Nissan SUV to go on chest's parents called the Garda and Report  Ed their daughter missing at 11:30 p.m. which is when the eyewitness reports became more clear  the eyewitness description such as they were match chestin and link to the same area where chestin  would have been although gardai had spent Saturday night
inspecting the roadside stretch that the  initial witness had identified as the abduction area they had discovered nothing officers headed  down the road where the initial witness claimed to have seen a man putting a female in his car  along with Justin's broke broken phone they found a bag of bread the police Thought Justin  was seriously injured to locate her patrol cars and helicopters were sent out as Darkness fell on  Saturday Justin was nowhere to be seen But at 3: in the morning the next
day the police got  a break they recognized the man behind the wheel of the Nissan Hennessy Mark after the  identification of the SUV or 4x4 as a Nissan kashai with registration number 171 C 20419 in  CCTV footage acquired by the Garda the case was placed in height notice gardai went to the  registered owner's house in the Woodbrook estate in Bray after identifying her the owner  Nicola a married mother of two young children claimed that on Saturday afternoon her husband  Mark Hennessy had left
in the car but had not returned she worked on construction sit as  a banker it was September of last year when his youngest daughter was born Nicholas spoke  with the police she reported to the police that Saturday afternoon she had seen Mark he arrived  at work at 7:30 in the morning that afternoon he came home shortly after 3:00 p.m. and sat out  again at 5:00 p.m. Gardine knew they had their man with this information instead they knew who  he was but were still in the dark about where he was
also they were in the dark about where he had  taken Justin and what exactly he had done with her when the police went to the pub they were able to  confirm that Mark stopped by on Saturday even if at first he only stayed for about 10 minutes to  watch football his car was parked in the parking lot when he was captured on camera leaving the  pub at 5:41 p.m. 2 minutes later he was gone in his car looking like he was on the phone he was  following Justin's 185 bus for 30 minutes after that this
was confirmed by the bus's CCTV footage  he went back to to the pub that evening around 11:00 p.m. after chatting with a few people who  knew his family at the Pub's store he walked out what did Mark do between 5:41 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.  more importantly where was Justin several public appeals were made initially through media releases  and then on Sunday at a press conference held at the break artist station it was given along with  a description of Justin and the kashai that the guardy were sea
rching 4 if anyone saw the car  they were asked to report it to the Garda but they were urged not to go near the driver it took  many hours for armed gardy to respond to a public tip and visit Cherrywood industrial estate to  investigate a reported cting the evidence was solid when the police arrived Mark was sitting  in his car's driver's seat blood was all over him it was his blood he had used a Stanley knife  to cut himself he was shot by a police bullet that hit his shoulder during an encoun
ter for a while  on Sunday night it wasn't clear if Hennessy was alive or dead and if Justin was in the kashai  with him but shortly the shocking truth became clear Hennessy was dead and Justin was nowhere  to be found she was still missing however gardai assumed that she had been kidnapped for sexual  purposes and now feared her debt the history of the kashai movements was available through the  electronic control it could be downloaded in the car there was a note with blood on it though  it wa
s blurry the cops were able to make out the terms Sor in Puck's Castle police searched the  area as a result after receiving such information the guard closed off a significant search area  in South County Dublin's wrath Michael there the search was intensified after Justin's purse with  her identity card was discovered next to a pitch and Putt course a team made up of Gardon and  Personnel from civil defense and Defense Forces began searching the area there was also the jaring  use of C dogs in
the guard of helicopter cheston's body was discovered in the early afternoon in the  underbrush at Puck's castle some 50 m off a small Road and then before the news of the tragic event  reached the public the Garda took off to tell her parents that night Justin's body was still there  hidden by thick undergrowth in the country she had traveled hundreds of miles to escape for  a better life as fixa for manual strangling was the cause of death and pathologist Dr Linda  Mulligan concluded that the
death took place on Saturday May 19th the pathologist found signs  of vaginal area brations and bruises evidence of a small amount of cocaine used within  a few hours of death was discovered in a toxicology result the jury found that the death  was unlawful Dr Myra cullinan the coroner called called Justin's death thoroughly shocking and  appreciated appearance Grace during their loss the investigator who was hunting the monster  who kidnapped and killed Justin Valdez believes that the monster
was fascinated with her and had  practiced the kidnapping beforehand in addition to revealing publicly for the first time that he  thinks Mark Hennessy sexually abused the student before killing her and disposing of her lifeless  body and dense course in South County Dublin retired detective super intendent Frank kenahan  also discussed his frantic hunt for Justin it is shocking frightening and horrifying that they  could travel to one of the safest and warmest Nations on Earth and yet fall vict
im to the most  heinous crimes it may never be completely clear how or why it happened both Justin and her alleged  killer 40-year-old Builder and Dad of two Mark Hennessy are gone and the guarded think that only  they could give details about the exact events that took place there was no known connection  between the two that the guard have been able to uncover if it turns out to be true it would  imply that Justin was taken away from the side of a road in County Wicklow and killed on the whim 
of the Moment by a predatory killer of course he may have seen her working in the restaurant where  she worked part-time or walking down that road when she got off the bus before but there had  been no contact between them and it appeared to be a completely random abduction and subsequent  murder what then had caused a married father of two young kids to violently take the life of a  deligent young woman who worked hard for parents Mark seemed to have more of a dark side than most  people knew
given the charges made against him it is likely that the Trace Amounts of cocaine and  chest in system were caused by his heavy cocaine use his death and the collapse of his marriage  were causing his life to spin out of control he had even signed up for da abs and had started to  approach women at bars however for some reason on May 19th Mark decided to kidnap Jon as she walked  home innocently with the bread she had just gotten for her mother all of this happened during the  day on a street th
at was frequented by cars the terrible evil that filled their life that day  will always be with Justin's parents Justin was our life and when she was taken away our world  ended we try to smile but in our hearts were still crying the heartbroken parents claimed that  they still make their child a plate of food each night and set up a pillow for her before they go  to sleep Danilo Valdez expressed his shock to the Irish mayor saying quote I still can't believe  that my kid is no longer here to t
alk about our plans for the future he also expressed his hope  that the incident was a horrible dream they as well as Justin's relatives in the Philippines  loved her very much the whole story of that day will never come to light because Mark is dead but  at least we now know that Justin a selfless woman who devoted your life to helping others was  viciously killed by a man she had never met
