
The hunt for the elusive village | Minecraft episode 3

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4 days ago

Hello and welcome to episode three of the  let's play series. In between episodes, I did a little bit of mining, so I want to show  you what I'm talking about here. Got some more diamonds, some lapis, got another axolotl,  a lot more iron, although I ran out of coal, so I can't make any more, we've got this, and  I got some diamond tools, and then just a ton of redstone as well, uh, and just random building  blocks. Over in the chicken farm, I know I said I was going to look into making a new de
sign,  um, but I haven't yet, so we just have just, just, just all the eggs. Too many eggs. What I  want to do now, though, we, we've been that way, been a little bit that way, we came from that way,  I think, somewhere that way, haven't really been that way, and I want to find a village, because  I need to get some villager stuff going. I did say that I was not going to do a ridiculous  villager trading hall and that is true. Um, I don't want to cure zombified villagers and get  the super cheap
trades, to me that's just kind of boring, uh, and it's, it just doesn't really  interest me. I also think that it is likely to be the sort of thing that, um, not, not cheapens,  but shortens the series. I feel like once you get everything all up and automated and you've got  infinite everything that you could ever want, you kind of lose interest in the world, so I  don't want to do that too much. What I do want to do is kind of a concept that has intrigued me  for a while and that is, uh, and I
've never really fully committed to it, and that is, uh, that's,  that's, uh, that's Guardians. Let's go around, huh? That idea is to make a trading village.  I want to have, or, or a town or a city, probably what will happen is the villagers will  get confined to, say, let's say the blacksmith will live in the blacksmith house, uh, but maybe  make it so he can't leave that house, but I don't want to, uh, I don't want to do the thing where  you convine confine them to a single block, uh, I, I do
n't know, I've done it, I'm just not  all that interested in doing that again, it feels bad. But if we can make a safe space for  them to exist without getting attacked by zombies but still have some degree of free roaming then  that is my goal for the villager setup. So once we find some villagers, uh, try to decide if  I want to do that kind of in their village? What happened here? Or bring them somewhere else  and get a breeder going, uh, that kind of stuff, um, but I haven't fully decided on
that.  I don't, I didn't really go into this, uh, let's play series with plans. Um, the whole, the  the only plan that I have, per se, is uh, is that villager village thing, that villager idea. Um,  I like that, I've kind of tried to do it before, but I've never fully succeeded or executed on the  idea, so I am going to try that for this series. Obsidian! Nice, that will help [cat  meows], I want to make a a portal so we can get that going [cat meows],  and a golden apple [cat meows]. It's beco
ming night. I don't think I  thought this through very well. Well, I'm going to keep getting  obsidian here and see what happens. Okay, that is enough obsidian to make a  portal eventually, so I'm going to, um, I'm going to keep walking. It's been an entire  day out here on the ocean. Still no village, but this is kind of a neat piece of terrain  generation. I just thought that we might, uh, go through it together a little bit and see  what's going on. It's pretty neat, even if it is a crazy flo
ating island in the sky. Okay  rain, calm down, I'm trying to record here. No village up there either, though, so we carry on.  Still no village, but we found a mangrove biome. I picked up a propagule and I might just grab some  of this mud. Slap slap slap is the sound it makes. I somehow doubt there's  any villagers on this boat. But there's foxes! Hi! You're so cute. So, I'm going  to try to get some saplings, if somebody here will leave me alone. So, it's um, it's nighttime. I have discovered
  I've been walking the wrong way. Pulled up a screenshot and the house  is at, uh, it's about 7,000 blocks west. I thought we needed to go east  for some reason, but we got to go west, and it's quite far away. And another 5 or  600 blocks to the north, so, once day breaks, I'm going to back that way and catch up with  you guys then. I have some bad news. We um, we didn't find anything, not really anyway. Our  inventory is filled with a whole lot of random junk. I mean, some cool stuff, but I th
ink I  already have this one nice, a golden apple, that's handy, this treasure map, uh, useless,  didn't get me anywhere. I did get some obsidian, so we can go to the Nether. I may need that for  quartz to make observers and things, but um, yeah, yeah that's all, that's all that I got. Uh  no village, I got lost along the way, just, um, it's just a big mess. So I think it's going to be  time to upgrade the chicken farm finally. Yeah I think it's, uh, I think it's time. Okay, so I took  down the
chicken farm. Um, don't worry about what happened to the chickens for now. They're fine.  Need to get rid of that and that. So this chest now is basically our chicken farm chest. Oh it  just breaks it into charcoal. What does it take to make a campfire, camninipfire. That might  be my better cooking choice for the moment, simply because then I don't need, then I don't  have to burn, uh, coal every time. So I'm going to make a campfire and I'm going to set that  down. I'm going to throw my pick o
n the floor. So this will be our fun little campfire area and  now, yeah, it's a slow process but, whatever. I mean this part is basically correct. Slab slab. Okay, so yes, that works, now they are there. Great. Like this. Thing. I need a thing to happen. Comparator. I need quartz! I need to  get quartz and I need to get lava, so I think it is time to make the first portal.  Um, let's make it, where do we put it? I just like my portals to be out of the way, I don't  want things walking into my b
ase all the time, you know what I mean? So, I mean we can  always move it, but, for right now I think I'm going to put it here. Yeah? Yeah. And that and that and doot doot. Here we go ladies and gents. [cat meows] Okay I have one torch, we've got gold  armor so the piglins will leave us alone, let's go. Well this is a terrible spawn location, but the good news is there is some quartz right there. Well, that's all I needed, uh, for now. I would  like to get some lava, except that I didn't bring a
lava bucket. That's okay, though. Wow, are you kidding me? This is my spawn. Wow. Wow wow wow wow, wow wow. Okay, uh boy. I think we'll get lava back on on the  Overworld. We are back at the base now, um, I've built it up a bit, this is a bit of a  contraption, uh, but we'll see. I don't know if this is correct. So we've got a hopper  into a dispenser, comparator coming out, then, nope, don't want that.  Get a repeater, I guess? Eh? Okay, so if I throw no. That, that does nothing. So if I put a
n egg in there, then I get a signal. So that puts out a signal, and  just so I'm clear, if I have this, um, here, and I put a bunch  of stuff in there, no signal. I didn't put the stuff in  there. No, that's a signal. So why didn't it? And yes, I understand that this is a solved  design, but I'm trying to understand the redstone. Hmm. That's not what I want. So probably don't  want to read off the hopper, then, because the hopper is not gonna do the thing. But if I read off of the comparator. No
w what happens if I put eggs in? So we know there's stuff in there.  If there's something in that, I need it to get sent to there. If there's  anything in there, I need it to fire a signal. Like a so. Now there is stuff in there, we know that. It's not full, so it's  not going to be a full signal strength, which is something that I have  to work around. Repeat it. That fires it once, which is not helpful. That's essentially what I  want. So if I put this down like that, and, I don't know, we'll
just say we  have a dispenser and it has eight bread in it, it doesn't even give enough  signal strength to lock itself. Yeah, so that's, that's what we  need. So, yes, you come, nope, I need you to come out the side. Maybe I  need to move the hopper setup to be on top? That way I can run all this around without having to worry about hitting the  hopper. So I will grab this and the hopper can go there, then like that. Okay. It is taking me an entire  Minecraft day to get this done, that's fine.
Can I get a repeater there? Yes. Then we'll go around. Target block. Okay, so we  take the target block and we're going to use that to redirect the signal. Hey it works! So, that's exciting. So now I need to take as many of these  eggs up as I can, I think. What just happened? Um, hello? Okay, this incredibly loud and  incredibly annoying contraption is now our new and improved chicken farm. So,  at least we've accomplished something so far this episode. It may not have been finding a  village l
ike I wanted, wow, those are so loud, but, uh, we've created this kind of jank  contraption that at least seems to work, so that's good. Uh, once these  chickens start actually laying eggs I might leave it like that just for symmetry,  I think I have to anyway, um, once they start laying eggs, then those will go in there which  will put them in there, this circuit seems to work correctly, where it will dispense the egg so  that they pop up in there, baby chickens can just survive under the lava
blade, and then at some  point they'll grow up, hit the lava, and burn to death and become food. So the chicken farm is  done. We've got a portal to the Nether in what can only be described as the worst possible spawn and  we still don't know where a village is, but we'll keep trying. It is a new day in real life, that  is how long it is taking me to find this village, but, look at what I have spied. It is,  unfortunately, couple thousand blocks away from the base. I only came here because I had
a, uh,  treasure map, but a village is a village, so I am going to go up there and take a screenshot because  it's about time I found a freaking village. I think we need to talk to these villagers about  their, uh, their irrigation strategies here. This is um, not really the best way to grow crops?  I don't know, maybe I'm the crazy person, but Kitty! Nothing in there, baby villagers, cool,  grab these for future target block making, and screenshot. So now we know where this  is. Well, I am bac
k at the house and, uh, discovered a bit of a problem. Maybe one of you  can help me out in the comments here. This, uh, chicken farm behind me here, the thing that  I'm running into, I took all of this out, but when I came back, there was not only cooked  chicken, but also a bunch of raw chicken. Now, just for troubleshooting purposes, I went in with  my freecam, which I normally don't let this go on, and if you look at this, the box, the hitbox for  this, oh jeez, is just, it's like here. When
they grow up, they have to hit this and then they die.  There's nothing else here to kill them. If they were cramming as babies, yeah, you can just see  that that just happened, if they were cramming as babies, there just wouldn't be chicken in here.  Uh so that doesn't seem to be what's happening, but somehow, I'm still getting raw chicken in  there, and so what I'm wondering, and maybe one of you smart people in the comments can explain,  is if it's just the sort of thing where if you're a ce
rtain distance away, then, uh, there's a,  a problem with that? I have my render distance, simulation set to 16 and render distance set  to 16, so I can't think of any reason why that wouldn't be the case. Uh I'm just going to fix  this so it doesn't do that anymore. But, um, yeah, I tried a bit of a tick speed up just to  let them grow faster and experiment and all of them came out cooked, so the best thing that I  can gather is that it has something to do with the distance I am from it and may
be having the  lava in there as a singular, uh, block of lava instead of a dispenser that is dispensing and then  bringing it back is the problem? I don't know. I, I'm trying to avoid just looking that up  because I know there are designs out there, but but it's a little bit more fun for me to  experiment and learn a little bit more about the mechanics that way. Um I also, before  I spend the time building a portal to the village way over there, thought it would be okay  to use locate and see wh
ere the closest village is in the event that that one is not the closest,  and indeed there is one. It's at like minus 544, which is this way, and plus 944, which is that  way, so, uh, looking at this, that should be over that way somewhere, so I think  I'm going to hop in the boat and, uh, go check that out after I clean out my inventory. Well well well, we do indeed have a closer village and this one is maybe a little bit bigger. Naturally, along the way, as is always  the case, I picked up a
bunch of loot, so um, can't really grab anything, but, uh,  it's neat to know that this is here. What are you doing you lurk? Buddy, you can't just  stare at people while they sleep. That's not okay you creep. I know this is a big house  and all but, don't be a lurk. Y'all, what, is this just the staring at people while they  sleep village? I don't know about these guys. There's just a bunch of creepos here. Alrighty, so, we have the village coordinates, we know where to go in the Nether. It sho
uld be  about minus 68 and 109. Now the problem is just dealing with the Nether. So let's see, minus  68 is going to be back that way and 109's going to be that way. So, unfortunately, our  Nether spawn is terrible. We're just floating, uh, so I'm also going to need a ton of  blocks cuz this is what I'm dealing with. Yeah. Uh it looks like I could go that way,  though, and I think I need to do that anyway, right? So we need to go to minus  68, which is that way, okay. This is fine, I need to get
some blocks  anyway, so maybe I'll just go over to minus 68, put some torches down so we can  see what's going on, and then uh, start working my way that way,  over to number 109. So I actually have quite a ways to go here. Hmmm, this  place is certainly a choice of things. One more block. This is where the  portal goes, so let me do that. Uh nope, not quite. Boom. So if I'm not mistaken,  this gets us right to the village. Oh, nailed it! I mean, I wanted it to be facing  that way, but, um, tha
t's a, that's otherwise exactly where I wanted that. Um, I mean I could  rotate it, it's not that big of a deal. Alright, we have access to the village now, so, um, now  that we're here, we finally found the village, I think that's probably a good stopping point  for this episode. I was about to swing my sword, but I think I would have hit that guy. So I think  next time I will get some kind of something set up where I can actually trade with these guys.  We've got our food situation sorted now,
so that's exciting. Uh, we have a village with  lots of villagers, apparently more villagers than there are beds, uh, so we can trade there  and, uh, start getting some villager trading going. We also have access through this portal,  uh, just to be able to explore over here and we know where that other village is, it's, uh,  it's way off the way I'm currently facing, which is not the way you're looking. It's  uh, it's, it's like that way. So, uh, yeah, that will be it for this episode. If you
like  what you see, please consider subscribing for more of these. They're coming out every other  week right now. Uh I also stream over at if you want to see sort of the  behind the scenes making of these videos. Bye!
