
The Illusion of Progress | Charles Eisenstein

What if the very definition of progress we've been chasing is leading us astray? In a society adorned with technological marvels and material abundance, a deeper question lurks beneath the surface: Are we truly fulfilled? Delve into a narrative that challenges the conventional metrics of success, unveiling the hidden costs of our relentless pursuit for more. 🌍 Evolve Human Consciousness ⟹ 🌍 LIKE + SUBSCRIBE + CLICK BELL TO SIGN UP FOR NOTIFICATIONS 🌍 Learn more ⟹ Sustainable Human is a 501c3 non-profit whose mission is to evolve human consciousness by examining the underlying stories that give rise to the environmental, social, and economic crises of our time and offer new stories that help humanity to live in harmony with each other and the biosphere. We Appreciate Your Support! 🌍 Patreon ⟹ 🌍 Venmo ⟹ 🌍 Donate ⟹ 🌍 Email ⟹ We also are video storytelling producers who can help authors, researchers, organizations, musicians, product creators, or anyone with a story to tell to bring their story to life. Get in touch with us! 🌍 Hire us to tell your story ⟹ 🌍 Sponsor a story ⟹ 🌍 Help us translate this video ⟹ 🌍 Learn more about the speaker ⟹

Sustainable Human

1 day ago

Our society has definitely become masters at increasing the amount of things we can measure - more and more money, more and more floor space per capita, more and more GDP, and less and less of the things that we can’t measure - how happy we are, levels of intimacy, the authenticity of our communication, aesthetic pleasure, how much beauty there is in our experience, fulfillment. So that we come to a point where we're apparently very very rich. I just read an article in the Wall Street Jou
rnal about how civilization is such a great success. There are fewer people in poverty than there was a generation ago. There are fewer people getting killed in wars. There are fewer murders. There are fewer people dying of diseases. Even fewer people dying in plane crashes and car crashes. People are smarter, average IQ level is thirty points higher than it was 50 years ago, etc. etc. It's like, yeah, things are just great. Everything is awesome in terms of what we measure but what abo
ut the things that we do not measure, or the things that we can’t measure, or the things that are unmeasurable. So I think that we feel a lack of something but we don’t know what it is and all of these statistics about how rich we are, how privileged we are, how fortunate we are, these things are all telling us "well, you shouldn’t be unhappy." "You are irrational for thinking something is missing." But then we sometimes get a glimpse of what has been sacrificed in the pursuit of more
and more and more. We could talk about the industrial food system and how food is becoming less and less flavorful. We could talk about how our electronically mediated relationships are less intimate and less meaningful than when we saw the faces of the people we knew and interacted with every day. We could talk about the ugliness of the modern landscape: the big box stores, and the strip malls, and the auto dealerships, and the self-storage units compared to the architecture that was quit
e normal a couple hundred years ago. Something is missing. Something is not captured by our measurements. And that always leaves us hungry for this missing thing. This hunger is good for business because it drives the acquisition of whatever is available which is more and more and more of the stuff we already have and no matter how much I get, I am still hungry. I still want something. For some people, it turns into an addiction to literal stuff. What they really are is lonely. Because re
al existence is a function of relationship. The more relationships that you are in, the more you are held by community, the more present you feel in the world. So, generally speaking, the robbery of the qualitative - beauty, intimacy, fulfillment, joy, meaning - has primed us to be good consumers. And then we turn around and blame the symptom - blame the greed, blame the selfishness, blame the addiction, as if you weren’t actually hungry. Yeah, you’re hungry. It's just not hungry for stuff
, not hungry for the things that are offered, hungry for something else. The good life is not lost forever though. We are recovering our memory of it and therefore no longer accepting the substitutes, and we feel grateful to those who have remembered the truth this whole time. The loss of the immeasurable has caused deep wounds in us creating insatiable appetites for the closest substitutes… We are hungry for adventure. Society offers us video games. We are hungry for authenticity. Societ
y offers us “reality TV.” We are hungry for connection. Society offers us shopping. We are hungry for intimacy. Society offers us pornography. We are hungry to express our greatness. Society offers us sports heroes. We are hungry to feel excited by our work. Society offers us coffee. We are hungry to feel like we belong. Society offers us drugs and alcohol. We are hungry for meaning. Society offers us jobs. We are hungry to feel secure in the world. Society offers us money. To heal ourselves
and our world, we must begin to understand both what we have lost and what we are really hungry for. What are you really hungry for?



This is my favourite of your videos!


This video should be taught at every college instead of Economics 101.




Great video! What's the name of the music?


Hi Charles, I'm trying to meet other humans thru social media with no intentions... I want to connect with intelligent individuals to create a beautiful community of beings that can communicate on a level where we will feel the compassion that each one of has just as a young child with no traumatic experiences that makes them grow away from what we should be doing to connect us all... We are all truly one but because of the experience I think it has its reasons... we are only humans... this realm is way more older wiser stronger greater and intelligent than we can ever fathom to be... but remember we are all part of that source... and what connects us all is LOVE.. If you can LOVE yourself from all your traumas and know that if you are stronger today that everything that occurred and happened in your life was for a much deeper purpose and meaning. Sorry so long.. I just went with my heart. Take care everyone. I love you all and I hope you all find love peace and balance within yourselves. Take care. - Rassaan.


There is enough for anyone on this planet.Greed already destroyed us big time.


Isaiah 5:11-16 11. Woe to those who rise early in the morning to run after their drinks, who stay up late at night till they are inflamed with wine. 12. They have harps and lyres at their banquets, pipes and timbrels and wine, but they have no regard for the deeds of the LORD, no respect for the work of his hands. 13. Therefore my people will go into exile for lack of understanding; those of high rank will die of hunger and the common people will be parched with thirst. 14. Therefore Death expands its jaws, opening wide its mouth; into it will descend their nobles and masses with all their brawlers and revelers. (Spiritual death) 15 So people will be brought low and everyone humbled, the eyes of the arrogant humbled. 16. But the LORD Almighty will be exalted by his justice, and the holy God will be proved holy by his righteous acts.