
The Industry's Never-Ending War Against Piracy

This video is a deep dive into the ethics of piracy and aims to find the answer to the question, “Why do we pirate in the first place?”. 💬SOCIALS💬 📲Twitter: 📞Discord: 📌Twitch: ▶️Meme Channel: ----------------------------------------------------- 🔗 LINKS 🔗 SomeOrdinaryGamers Yuzu Video Piracy it's a crime Lextorias Video On Game Piracy ---------------------------------------------------- ♫ MUSIC & SAMPLES ♫ MUSIC: Soul Song#1 Sampel: The Delfonics - Baby I Love You ( HD Vinyl Audio ) vocals: Msunday MUSIC: Soul Song#2 Sampel: Bobby Marchan - What Can I Do ----------------------------------------------------- 🔗 EDITING EFFECTS🔗 Thank you so much to Ben Marriott for most of the effects used on this video. He is a brilliant editor & video maker. Ridiculously underrated go check him out. His Channel: CRT Effect: Paper Gradient Effect: ----------------------------------------------------- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. ----------------------------------------------------- #piracy #videoessay #entertainment


4 days ago

Piracy: the unauthorized use or reproduction of other works to some it's the greatest crime you could commit and to others it's something  that they do on a daily basis but the question still stands why do  we pirate in the first [Music] place Mudahar: Hello guys and gals me Mudahar you know it took one week  one week for Nintendo to whip out their fangs and basically take down an entire  emulator ladies and gentlemen so piracy Nowadays, I see so many articles talking about the  topic of piracy
and whether it should or shouldn't be banned. And I think that we gloss over the most  important fact in the situation with it being. Why do we pirate in the first place? For what seems to be years now, we've been conditioned to fear the concept of  piracy as a whole. With us getting ridiculous and hilarious ad campaigns like "Piracy,  It's a Crime” that compares crimes like stealing and grand theft auto to downloading  a movie illegally, That, in turn, seduced more people into pirating set medi
a. And like many others have mentioned, the only people who would get bombarded with  set ad campaigns were the paying customers themselves. With most piracy websites  cutting the whole thing completely. but fun tribia aside the question still stands  why do we pirate in the first place and I think that with many other people I finally found the  answer just to quote gave new real quick the easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting  anti-piracy technology to your work it's by giving those peo
ple the service that is better  than what they're receiving from the Pirates and this point still Dan to this very day just to  think about a more recent example let's think about Nintendo's never ending war with piracy  they did it with their music they did it with their games and the footage from them I'm not  even kidding most recently though they took down popular emulator Yu there's responsible  for keeping alive Nintendo's otherwise lost games even though some people might pirate  newer ti
tles that I'll get into the reasons later people pirate for a reason and when it  comes to legally playing old Nintendo games it's practically impossible want to play Mario  64 well you had the option 3 years ago to buy this n defun limited edition of the first three  Mario games so now the only option that you have that is not pirating is buying a physical copy  online but what if they ever run out well you can buy an N64 and a copy of the game to come  with it you know really cheap and also wh
y do people part Nintendo's newer titles like we got  the stupendous console Nintendo switch oh [Music] the Nintendo switch is one of the greatest  handheld consoles to ever come out well at least in 2017 it was and hey don't get me wrong  I also own a Nintendo switch but to like it's one of the greatest handheld consoles especially  when we got the the stin deck would be really stupid from our part and what separates Nintendo  from Xbox and Playstation is that Nintendo does not release their ga
mes on PC and well you could  say that's because most of Nintendo's games are party or family games are meant to be played  on the big screen and that is something that I would say if I was lying because when it comes  to Animal Crossing stard valy or Hollow Knight the Nintendo switch is a perfect console for it  but make those games a little bit more complex and then you get to see those frame drops so  what should Nintendo do as a company should they a release their games on PC or B make  bett
er software for their games to be run on [Applause] what can I one of the biggest reasons  for people parting is the ridiculous amount of streaming services out there and just how  ridiculously hard it is to keep up with the way that most if not all streaming services work  is by you paying a monthly subscription to watch set shows and movies so for example let's say  that you pay for through serving Services HBO Max or Max Disney plus and Netflix presumably  if you're paying for the non ad vers
ion of every single serving service you are paying around  $35.98 a month but in America's case what if you want to watch Family Guy well you also have  to play for who and that is an extra $17.99 a month and let just say you just want to watch  this very specific movie on a streaming service you do not have well good luck with that I  doubt you are going to buy the movie so are you going to pay for a full month subscription  this is the biggest problem that most people are facing nowadays this
constant never ending  back and forth of streaming services and here comes the biggest problem so the other day while  I was working on this video I wanted to get some footage of Wonder Over Yonder a TV show that  run on the Disney Channel so what did I do I went to Disney plus and I searched up the show  and and color me impress I saw that this show is not available in my country so now what what  am I supposed to do and I was just just realizing how my this sounds like a sponsor segment have y
ou  ever heard of Oscar bait well this is sponsor bait Atlas bpn sponsor me now I'm not going to pay  another monthy subscription for something that I'm probably going to use like what two times  every two months but Hey listen we still have the hiim documentary oh come on I actually tried  to watch a new anime yesterday called Angel Beats someone in the comments was like don't watch it  it's a trap it will make you cry and I was like I don't know man let me see how sad this thing  really is how
much it pulls your heartstrings and so I looked on FUNimation fro Netflix and  none of them had it I was just like where can I watch it so I Google where can I watch Angel  Beats in Australia and it's like nowhere it doesn't exist like well I've got like seven  different streaming service subscriptions and I still can't find the shows I want to watch  like no wonder piracy's a [ __ ] thing right even though this has become a huge meme it's  actually really true back in the day we only had like
three streaming services but now  we've got like 80 and three new ones coming out every week and some people say well don't do  streaming services just buy the merch or the DVD releases of set shows and that is one of the  biggest problems because DVDs are kind of dead now so there was a pretty in significant  controversy a while ago with a member of the animation industry sport take on piracy that  prompted multiple showrunners to call him out most notably okko Creator Ian Jones and final space
  Creator enen rosers and even though it was a bad take we also have to take into consideration that  he is a person who has worked on the animation industry for what I presume to be years and  just seen so many people calling him a doas for something this small is just pretty stupid  to me but what was the about taking question the prompted s inflammatory response from people well  this comic this single [ __ ] comic a pretty in offensive comic talking about piracy and people  not really suppor
ting a show and then getting surprised that it got cancelled but at the same  time he's kind of wrong one of the things that He suggests is buy merch your DVD copies of set  show and I completely agree with this well except for one thing where is the merch for example a  huge show like theowl house has barely any any merch and most of them are third party or bootle  versions of them and don't just take my take for it just listen to people like Ian we beg them  to make merchandise of our show or
make season DVD VR sets and this is what I have to say about  the piracy statement well yes it's possible that a lot of people might pirate that piece of media  it's really hard for me to believe that a show might get cancelled just because of piracy alone  for example just to go back to the Nintendo user stuff tears of the Kingdom one of the biggest  games of last year has made over $700 million in revenue for Nintendo and let's just say that  they lost around $2.4 million through piracy I don'
t know if that makes sense but oh well  what I'm trying to get to is that for a show to get cancelled over piracy the overwhelming  majority of viewers have to Pirate that show and with more piracy websites being available to  everybody the difference between a website like Netflix and is only the fact that you have to  pay for one so if the official Services aren't offering any anything special than the piracy  websites what even is the point of paying this video doesn't really have a conclusio
n and to  even this may of massive corporations piracy will still be a thing the only true way to end  piracy is like what G said provide better or at least unique features that the Pirates can  piracy will always be a thing and it's up to us and companies to find a way around this while  annoying do surveys and ask people why they rather pirate and unique features are not going to make  your software run even slower and for the love of God please please please stop deling shows  out of existenc
e and with that this has been Sunday like if you like dislike if you dislike  follow my Twitter because like only two people follow me and it's kind of awkward talking to  our content creators and see you in the next [Music] one [Music] sh up



Fantastic video


I remember having this question when the DS shop shutdown. I'm really apprehensive about download links, so the idea of downloading game files from some website was uncomfortable. I finally gave in when I saw that all the good DS games cost 70 to 100 dollars on Ebay. If that money isn't going to the company who actually made the game, I'm probably not gonna pay it.




This video was definitely worth the wait. Great job yet again.