
The Lich - Adventure Time Explained - Remastered - The Lich

Timp de aventura Explicat Subtitrarile Lich in limba romana L'heure de l'aventure expliquée Les sous-titres Liche en français The reason for the lich’s existence isn’t fully known but is probably a result of the radiation that followed the mushroom bomb, during the war. This idea seems likely after considering when finn wish the lich never existed, the bomb never went off. I explained this further in my video, the mushroom war, origins. The Lich, (formerly named the Lich King in the original pitch and "His Hero" and referred to as Sweet Pig-Trunks in his baby form, or simply just Sweet P), is a powerful undead being and the overall main antagonist in Adventure Time. In "The Comet," it is revealed by the Purple Comet that the Lich, like Finn, started out as an incarnation of the Catalyst Comet. The Purple Comet explains that it has embodied both the ultimate good by once becoming what would later be Finn, and the ultimate evil by at some point becoming the Lich in their respective time periods. His first episodic appearance is in "His Hero" where the hero Billy casts him down. He was imprisoned in the ancient tree in the Candy Kingdom, but escapes and plays a significant role in "Mortal Folly," "Mortal Recoil," "Jake the Dog," and "Finn the Human." The Lich goes on to ill Prismo and releases the criminals in the Crystal Citadel in "Wake Up" and "Escape from the Citadel." However, by the end of the latter episode, the Lich is turned into a harmless baby by the Citadel Guardian's healing blood, and is adopted by Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig and renamed "Sweet Pig-Trunks", or "Sweet P" for short. In "Gold Stars," it is revealed that the Lich's evil is still contained within Sweet P, and can take over when Sweet P is threatened and emotionally charged. Sweet P does not realize the evil lurking inside him, attributing his blackouts and dreams of being the Lich to being 'just a dream.' Sweet P also possesses the potential to use the Lich's powers as indicated when he shows his victims another dimension, although it seems to be more limited as the Lich's deth breath does not ill its victims as it had done before with Prismo. The Lich is driven by a rather single-minded goal: to destroy all life. He appears to show little interest in anything that does not further his ambitions towards this dark end. He also has an apparent hatred for all living things, as Princess Bubblegum said that his only desire was to destroy life, and his wish to Prismo was "for the extinction of all life." It has been said that he brings sadness everywhere he goes. He is viciously cunning and quick to learn from his mistakes. He methodically targets people and things that have proven a problem for him in the past by either destroying them outright such as in the case of the Gauntlet of the Hero, or using them as pawns to further his own agenda in the case of Billy to manipulate Finn. As shown in "The Lich," he is highly skilled at deception, as he was able to fool Finn and Jake into helping him while disguised as Billy. At the end of the episode, he tauntingly thanks Finn for opening the portal for him. He is a quick thinker, pretending to be horrified when Finn tried to smash the Enchiridion, even though that would cause the portal to open. The Lich is rather taciturn and speaks only in brief statements. Because he seldom speaks, his words carry great gravity. An example would be when the Lich calls Ice King "a weak fool." This could be because nearly anyone that came near him wore a protective gem in "Mortal Folly" and was weakened in "Mortal Recoil." In the episode "The Lich," he was able to talk freely with Finn and Jake. In spite of his intractability, he is visibly shocked when Finn survives his fire attack, and he laughs heartily when Finn attacks him with the sweater provided by Princess Bubblegum. He was also visibly confused when Jake altered his wish. He has only raised his voice once, when Finn asked the possessed Princess Bubblegum if everything was all right. The Lich's most notable flaw is his arrogance and his single-minded nature. In each case his defeat has been at the hands of opponents towards whom he was derisively dismissive. He laughed at Finn's attempts to stop him and shrugged off the Ice King as a fool yet it was through the combined efforts of these two individuals that he was dealt a crushing defeat and forced to possess the body of a lowly snail to escape at the end of "Mortal Recoil." After regaining his strength, the Lich manipulates Finn into opening a portal into the heart of the multiverse. Once again he falls prey to his arrogant and single-minded nature when he ignores Jake grabbing onto him with a dismissive grunt and continues onward towards his final goal rather than dealing with the two stowaway heroes he is dragging into the portal with him.

Just Breathe

5 years ago

The reason for the lich’s existence isn’t fully known but is probably a result of the radiation that followed the mushroom bomb, during the war. This idea seems likely after considering when finn wish the lich never existed, the bomb never went off. I explained this further in my video, the mushroom war, origins. The Lich, (formerly named the Lich King in the original pitch and "His Hero" and referred to as Sweet Pig-Trunks in his baby form, or simply just Sweet P), is a powerful undead being an
d the overall main antagonist in Adventure Time. In "The Comet," it is revealed by the Purple Comet that the Lich, like Finn, started out as an incarnation of the Catalyst Comet. The Purple Comet explains that it has embodied both the ultimate good by once becoming what would later be Finn, and the ultimate evil by at some point becoming the Lich in their respective time periods. His first episodic appearance is in "His Hero" where the hero Billy casts him down. He was imprisoned in the ancient
tree in the Candy Kingdom, but escapes and plays a significant role in "Mortal Folly," "Mortal Recoil," "Jake the Dog," and "Finn the Human." The Lich goes on to kill Prismo and releases the criminals in the Crystal Citadel in "Wake Up" and "Escape from the Citadel." However, by the end of the latter episode, the Lich is turned into a harmless baby by the Citadel Guardian's healing blood, and is adopted by Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig and renamed "Sweet Pig-Trunks", or "Sweet P" for short. In "Gold S
tars," it is revealed that the Lich's evil is still contained within Sweet P, and can take over when Sweet P is threatened and emotionally charged. Sweet P does not realize the evil lurking inside him, attributing his blackouts and dreams of being the Lich to being 'just a dream.' Sweet P also possesses the potential to use the Lich's powers as indicated when he shows his victims another dimension, although it seems to be more limited as the Lich's death breath does not kill its victims as it ha
d done before with Prismo. The Lich is driven by a rather single-minded goal: to destroy all life. He appears to show little interest in anything that does not further his ambitions towards this dark end. He also has an apparent hatred for all living things, as Princess Bubblegum said that his only desire was to destroy life, and his wish to Prismo was "for the extinction of all life." It has been said that he brings sadness everywhere he goes. He is viciously cunning and quick to learn from his
mistakes. He methodically targets people and things that have proven a problem for him in the past by either destroying them outright such as in the case of the Gauntlet of the Hero, or using them as pawns to further his own agenda in the case of Billy to manipulate Finn. As shown in "The Lich," he is highly skilled at deception, as he was able to fool Finn and Jake into helping him while disguised as Billy. At the end of the episode, he tauntingly thanks Finn for opening the portal for him. He
is a quick thinker, pretending to be horrified when Finn tried to smash the Enchiridion, even though that would cause the portal to open. The Lich is rather taciturn and speaks only in brief statements. Because he seldom speaks, his words carry great gravity. An example would be when the Lich calls Ice King "a weak fool." This could be because nearly anyone that came near him wore a protective gem in "Mortal Folly" and was weakened in "Mortal Recoil." In the episode "The Lich," he was able to t
alk freely with Finn and Jake. In spite of his intractability, he is visibly shocked when Finn survives his fire attack, and he laughs heartily when Finn attacks him with the sweater provided by Princess Bubblegum. He was also visibly confused when Jake altered his wish. He has only raised his voice once, when Finn asked the possessed Princess Bubblegum if everything was all right. The Lich's most notable flaw is his arrogance and his single-minded nature. In each case his defeat has been at the
hands of opponents towards whom he was derisively dismissive. He laughed at Finn's attempts to stop him and shrugged off the Ice King as a fool yet it was through the combined efforts of these two individuals that he was dealt a crushing defeat and forced to possess the body of a lowly snail to escape at the end of "Mortal Recoil." After regaining his strength, the Lich manipulates Finn into opening a portal into the heart of the multiverse. Once again he falls prey to his arrogant and single-m
inded nature when he ignores Jake grabbing onto him with a dismissive grunt and continues onward towards his final goal rather than dealing with the two stowaway heroes he is dragging into the portal with him. This oversight later proves to be the undoing of his masterful plan, leaving him stranded in Prismo's time room with his one wish already spent thanks to the two meddling heroes and some friendly help from Prismo. After turning into a humanoid in "Escape From the Citadel," he loses his old
personality and gains a new, infantile one. He seems harmless and does what most infants do, such as playing with toys. In addition, he is kinder and tries to be more considerate of others. As of "Gold Stars," the Lich is still revealed to be trapped inside of Sweet P while Sweet P is almost his own person now. Based on Prismo's statement that Lich-possessed Billy was "a ghost wearing a dead guy," coupled with the fact that Farmworld Jake was transformed into a Lich-like monster when mutated, i
t is possible that only the Lich's former body was created by the Mushroom War and was possessed by the Lich, who had existed before. This is backed up by the fact that the Lich survived his destruction at the hands of Finn as a ghost (which then possessed Princess Bubblegum, the snail, and eventually Billy). From this, it can be said that his overall powers and abilities may differ based on what he uses as a host, but this remains to be clarified. The episode "Evergreen" suggests that The Lich
originally came from the comet of that time, judging by its greenish glow and "horns," as well as Evergreen's statement of the comet apparently wanting nothing else than to destroy all life on the planet. In "The Comet" it is implied that the Lich was indeed connected to the Catalyst Comet. However, the exact means of how he came from the comet is unknown, although it might have just been a past life of his as it was for Finn. Based on the episode "Gold Stars," it is also possible that the Lich'
s origin goes back to when the universe didn't exist yet, being himself one of the primordial monsters he describes in his speech.



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“You are strong, child, but I am beyond strength...I am the end, and I have come for you, Finn.”


"Did you guys see that? You know that was a ghost wearing a dead guy. That might be the nastiest thing I've ever seen." I've always admired how very dark Primso's throwaway line from the episode The Lich is ^^


Did anyone find it creepy how even after the series ended, we never learn anything about the Lich’s actual origin? I think the fact we never learned his true origin just makes him one of the creepiest villains in Western media


"everyone will die, over and over again, mountains of broken bodies benath the wheel"(crossover). When the lich said everyone will die over and over again, it represents way the lich talks about the universe in the citadel. First monsters, than nothing, and then life. Everytime life appears the lich wants to destroy it again, hence dying over and over again until all that is left is monsters, and then nothing, and then life again. This cycle represents the wheel the lich mentions.


The Lich is one very interesting character, when you think deeply enough.


The exact origins of the Lich seem to be cloudy and uncertain. On one hand it has often been shown that the Lich emerged as a result of the Mushroom Bomb being detonated, while the flashback of Urgence Evergreen seems to imply that the Lich came from the Green Catalyst Comet. At first glance these two origins seem to contradict each other, but I think I have a pretty good idea as to how they might be connected. Most of this is just my speculation and conjecture based on educated guesses, but my personal theory is that whenever a Catalyst Comet hits the Earth, a part of the of the comet will be left behind in the spot where it impacts, given that comets are composed of solid material like rock and ice in real life and do leave behind pieces in the craters they make. After the Green Catalyst Comet hit the Earth and wiped out the dinosaurs, its rocky core was likely buried and laid dormant for millions of years until it was eventually found and dug up by humans. The rocky cores left behind from each Catalyst Comet are likely to have a strong residual magic power in them, which would make them highly sought after and coveted by many people, especially magic users, would would want to use them in the forging of powerful magical objects. The most likely scenario that I can see happening is that after excavating the rocky core of the Green Catalyst Comet, human scientists began to study it and realized it had a very strong magical power. Their ambitions however were not noble, and in it they saw the potential to turn it into a powerful weapon of war, so they weaponized it and used it to create the Mushroom Bomb. The humans were naive and did not fully realize or understand the power they were dealing with, and once they detonated the Mushroom Bomb it released the essence of the Lich into the world. In all likelihood, the Well of Power in the Lich Lair is likely his birthplace, being the exact spot where the Mushroom Bomb fell. Some poor soul was unfortunate enough to be trapped in that subway right when the Mushroom Bomb detonated, and thus they were corrupted and mutated by it, becoming the Lich's first vessel.


I'm so glad to see people are still showing interest in the show before its conclusion.


It's sad knowing that the fact when the shows over, that generation is over with it.


the litch was one of the absolute best parts of this show.


Top 10 characters who can easily defeat thanos


what i like most about the lich is its voice. it would be easy to make a skeleton guy have a raspy or deep demon voice, but it's more neutral. almost baritone. it's not exactly evil, it's cold, with little feeling, like death itself.


When The Lich's body got turned into Sweet Pee, that marked the end of the best of Adventure Time for me.


You gotta remember what a Lich really is. It's a king of the Undead. If the Lich successfully kills everyone, he can begin a cataclysmic rising and the entire world will be the Undead, of which he would be God. That's it. He can easily rival Glob as the king of the undead.


This character is much more powerfull than we thaught before


The Dark Souls music fits the Lich.


The Lich gives me goosebumps


The lich's grind was pretty motivating though He was focused af


It is pure fact that the Lich cannot be killed, rather beaten and sealed away by a hero of true heart and love to those he cares about, I imagine after Finn seals the Lich back up at some point, that Jakes kids would be the next GUILD OF HEROES, but instead of smoochy smoochy love, it would be more of a great family sibling love that casts the Lich, servant of the wells power, down once more, should he escape an earthly slumber once more...


The Lich does not hate life. He doesn't feel that strongly. He simply wants to end life because he's so simple he's basic.