
The Martin Garrix Show: S1.E2

'So Far Away' out now on Spotify and Apple Music: -- The second episode of The Martin Garrix show takes you to his hometown Amsterdam for ADE(Amsterdam Dance Event) for a week full of interviews, parties and the Dj Mag Top 100. Follow Martin Garrix: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:

Martin Garrix

9 years ago

Right now McM lens event it's my hometown I grew up here, so it's super dope [that] the whole industry is here right now It'll be a busy week a lot of interviews a lot of shows, but I think it's all worth it And we're gonna [see] so many people so many friends somewhere in the world So I'm really excited your safety knowledge a huge when you go. Yeah, this is a lot and Some such an adorable does it work this also gave a fucking very good mark Yeah, this is super like I might go for the face and
I knew I'm so don't actually like and outers [familiar] things Here's how the house of DMx the homophobic and marking who belong I guess that's where walk use Americans make a plain flour dave our income model secure income I should think of the Occipital Tony Informants ever stem and yeah, [it'd] [be] life He started metrical to the are today in professional theater and turnip eggnog Ruth care and Army took knife of the ethnic net water don't almost - Anchor that you've made is New York lying a
sleep above their clothes on Boris, Yeltsin You're not that serious problem, [so] mobile use we've got that It doesn't know if there's [Mohonasen] [ob] and dismal station will be good do [it's] for the products [Cooper] [no] [offense], [and] if I take it out on Dementia, Blaming America Yeah, this is super talking. That's it. You know What's out? It's an tracks Briella since Martinique and Carolyn get [Richard] [Warren] might like failover His [weirder] than animals came in [Eotech] Tyson. You d
on't make the potato a damn career and festivals since quarterly snow This letter got serious my [mom's] Gonna, cry Hey, man, stop It's like really sweet They're like from all my friends accounts around the world they made like Messages like I don't speak English very well, but Martin you're the best you're crazy. That's right. It's really though I'm Gonna put this image to you It's Martin Garrix press day. It's a te week. So there's a lot of video magazines television, I think we had like 150 r
equests for the ad week, I think we're doing 20 interviews. I think it's one of the most hectic schedules. We have here Who have a sloppy he's quite tired? So he's going to take quick power nap So he will be ready for tonight to do his big uber bus [performance] and then we go directly to the escape where he hosts his own night with his friends It's gonna be a late night and then tomorrow. It's Gonna happen all over again So cool. Though. It's only once once a year this week, so it's all good Li
ke Manila husband Super-fit, I suppose Lebanon We're going to do a collaboration with Google you're going to drive around in the bus to the city and I'll be djing in the bus and we're picking up fence and then We drive straight to Escape amsterdam, or if my only friend if all the valves playing Julian Jordan Dillon Francis J hard way, [Ma] teacher south Co and I got some special surprises, but I think it's going to be really fun you you Hey, oh A little Birdie told me that last year you were run
ning around with An iPod and headphones and you were letting people listen your music Yeah, I think Two years ago hey, I think [two] [years] you were just running around and what was the song you're applying to everybody? Uh it's a trick. I never released Those two is subject imaging company And your [lap] Detection. [I] don't hear cheers. Yeah, it'll make [you] lie for [some] film. It's a very nice job So what's gonna happen is that Martin Garrix come to be interviewed by? Didn't Francis life h
ere from the [Facebook] [back]. I'll proceed himself it's my dream to be asking Martin Garrix What it's like being an [eighteen] year [old] boy make me beautiful Dillon Francis is the Craziest a lot of fucked right? [oh], okay? No? He's like the coolest guy in the industry [I] met Martin through the internet [I] saw him on MTV with Julian Jordan and they the song with Sander van doorn I believe and I saw that they were both like 18 and 17 and I was blown away, [so] [I] ended up following Martin
and he was following me on twitter. Yeah, we started sending each other tracks giving feedback [I] Was he was actually one of the first guys who I sent animals to it's great like after three years We became really good friends as well, and then I was getting to amsterdam and [man] I was like hey Let's hang out [last] [Year's] [a] [de] [state] four days in a row and my place just to work on a track Which we finally released called set me free saunas on set. What was the best moment of your DJ tim
e? With like on stage like dude. That is the [only] question I got so this fruit flies in here Right cool message to your fans that was awesome. No that was good. I was not done yet Keep going and I called my - you guys can hear my new upcoming tracks. [I] think you should start over again I can't wait till they get here you [track] [two] So quick I [can] sound sarcastic. I sound sarcastic, but I'm actually being serious We wait horn. I saw the DJ marty thing Any, we're not Gonna show it We're n
ot gonna show it it is the coolest thing I've ever seen in [my] life it is Martin How old are you like eight [or] something? It's Martin at eight years old djing and it says DJ marty in front of his DJ booth Your parents of the coolest parents ever so they've been supporting you since you were eight years old to become a DJ I know that yeah Yeah, oh yeah, it's cool, Rico. I mean I got using media. Okay the video stays on your phone and nowhere else No, it's fun Yeah from from since very young ag
e I was always dreamed to be like Dj One day And I love making music. I love to DJ, so When I was very young I saved some money to buy some shitty DJ equipment. We made like this big Sign which we put in for my DVD [temari] on it and uhm Yeah, it's quite fun, and then I started producing and started messing around I found my own My own sound after a couple of years and got signed to spinnin records [-] [emerges] before you guys near some amazing up actually all died So fucking before they said l
ook like big guys I'll straighten the surf and sleigh Bells left before me. Yeah And I'd repair stuff up the air staff astronomer Gerald laughter them these are money gone was a slim elegant enough to find a lot of history update yeah, my dad Wasn't [yeah]. Yeah, I [only] been neatly Mumm-Ra 442nd family oh hey Bozo would against the hood the Crystal former self yeah, even come back up the desert Sort of all didn't call sir. Yeah, [lister]. We bother Eddie starts on Wednesday and from Tuesday ni
ght to Wednesday morning. I spend all night in the studio with effort jack so when the week started I was already super tired and then like all the interview started all the show started and I was really really tired, but It's something I learned from like next year. Make sure [go] completely rested into a de and then it should be fine oh I can [only] [about] [American] [recipes] done now Guys we have to go. Sorry hateful and quickly [I] Just true up. Yeah you I feel like so fuck you. Hi ashley.
He novella probably yeah, you mean anything Like a fucking photo job On Springer, I don't move yeah. He great. It was half now and then You can like off him I said like Doing I know I was super tired. Yeah, and I like the first two minutes. I started like sweating like so much Except that You saw my energy went like less to hopefully myself. Yeah if you look if I see someone dance again pedal of that long Agreed was complete Chaos [we] did so much interviews so many shows [west] it was all wort
h and we had such a great time and together with the whole team We made every show great, and I'm super Bria and tonight is actually the last show This is actually one of the last interviews. I'm doing right now and Hard work pays off and tonight. We're going to close [with] a big bang We were now at AmSTerdam music festival and Mc Marina. Which is a Whole match for me. I live like ten minutes away from here. I brought some of my best friends I brought my family got sick [-] as well [everybody],
we're [Gonna] make my party I'm super excited in like [1] hour Tomorrow gets announced if the rumors are true. I'm Super high Like three hours have to play my [7] which. I've even more side. [I] just go away Deadly New Determine open up the trunk line is you see all the diet basically Smith music alright was right on the photo Sabbatical Spielberg's Electron times the [elevators] a computer on 24/7 iconic motion American slapped on the best meeting an object average material the different effor
t was considered So it's a laptop a [cable] Della Notte basically. I think all that self based try some states with yourself [restore] their athletes God do look. I thought [it] [suggests] new [markets] needed [Gather] on the sheets of show for [Martin] Garrix Vision [Mike] just got announced and yeah fucking dream came true, and I was looking at the screens And then they were at number four and they called my name yeah, holy fucking shit it's uh It's crazy. I didn't do any any campaign for DJ M
cFArlane I don't think the people who are your fans who like your DJ sets who [loved] your productions? They'll vote anyway and a lot of artists are like doing a whole big campaign asking for votes, but I think I think your real fans will like folk to be anyway and Yeah this year's number four without any campaign has been has been approved and then I'm super thankful and super Humble might affect so many people took your time to vote in and sit. Yeah fucking sick It's about Haven filter bottom
well, we wait Could be unsafe that will be okay make fighters fuck [suppose] in my dream I accomplished Leg away from Vista and best about the kitchen. That's uncle [clothes] [son] let's go with the guy come on. I've just [been] asked. What's my my bond with [math] [in] my time. That's his real name Who me he's my little brother? I am I love him there is one of the nicest person I've ever met in the whole fucking dance music industry and He's still kid But it's going to be one of the three geniu
ses out of the whole Edm scene region a lot of people are here Cool [top] on DJ's yada yada yada. This kid is still gonna be there in 20 years in 30 years I'm happy he came into the scene because a lot of people do not even come close to his energy and Regina from mix the theater for fear of the fear You can see it in the eye and after the beste Charlie come here My name is own [blue] set the [of] your hair. Yeah, but I've completed water the last Few Years Fucking sick. There's like one big dre
am one crazy Dream and I It's [peas] [are] Stores, she's saying in Dutch It's hard to describe this this yeah this feeling well. I know one thing without with all of you without all of your support it Yeah, it wouldn't be possible Thanks, thanks for everything. Thanks so much Wow That black mark motor or my father sky life versus in Dubai
