
The Office Fan Theory That Will Make You Fear Jim

The Cracked investigative team blows the mystery of the Scranton Strangler wide open. It’s only been four years. The statute of limitations on Fan Theories is nowhere near expired. CHECK US OUT on AMAZON: Want some more SOME NEWS, starring Cody Johnston? Then CLICK HERE: SUBSCRIBE HERE: For additional perks, subscribe at: CLICK HERE for more HONEST ADS spoofs - CLICK HERE for GALACTIC WAR ROOM - CLICK HERE for WE'RE NOT ALONE - CLICK HERE for ROM.COM: The Series - CLICK HERE for AFTER HOURS: CLICK HERE for CRACKED ANIMATIONS: CLICK HERE for TODAY'S TOPICS: CLICK HERE for ESCORT MISSION: CLICK HERE to Subscribe to THE CRACKED PODCAST: On iTunes: See more LIKE us on: FOLLOW us on: FOLLOW us on:


6 years ago

- [Narrator] The American Office is your typical workplace sitcom full of wacky characters, harmless hijinx, will-they-won't they romantic drama, and, of course, a brutal serial killer. Oh, you didn't remember that? Despite being a fun comedy about paper salesmen, The Office actually had a running gag about a local serial killer, known as "The Scranton Strangler." In Season Six, Andy holds up a newspaper with the headline "Scranton Strangler Strikes Again." One episode showed the gang watch the
strangler's arrest on TV, and Human Resource drone Toby even became a juror on the trial, later confessing that he feared he helped sentence an innocent man to death. ♫ Oh yeah - [Announcer] Could this mean the real Scranton Strangler is still at large, and maybe even one of the cast members we know and love? A lot of fans certainly think so. It's not hard to see why, considering that the show's producer promised "explosive" twists in the final season, adding that the killer would be "unmasked."
And so, even though revealing one of the characters was secretly a serial killer seemed like an odd fit for a show built on unrequited crushes and awkward silences, the internet went full Miss Marple trying to figure out who the hell it was. Let's look at the suspects. The most obvious choice seemed to be Creed, the office's resident sketchy old man. Most damningly, in one episode he runs away after mistaking a murder mystery game for a genuine investigation. Another time, Creed comes to work o
n Halloween wearing a blood-spattered shirt, despite not knowing it was Halloween. - That is really, really good timing. - [Narrator] Some internet conspiracy theorists believe it to be the needless creepy Gabe, Toby himself and even Pam's ex-fiance, Roy, who has a known history of violence. Dwight dressed as the Strangler for Halloween, so he's on the list, but one Buzzfeed writer proposes the most shocking choice of all: America's Sweetheart, Jim Halpert. Think about it, Jim Halpert is an effo
rtless liar who spent eight years torturing his office mate, Dwight, and borderline stalking his office crush, Pam, even though he knew she had a fiancé, so we know he's not the most morally spotless guy. But okay, being a serial killer is a big leap from being a bully. How about the fact that the Strangler only strikes when Jim is in Scranton, and never when he's working in Stamford or out on the road, promoting his new company? Could this floppy-haired, amoral sociopath have been the terror of
Scranton the whole time? I mean, probably not, the evidence is kinda flimsy, but it is the unwavering belief of this website that he definitely was. - Thank you, Scranton Stranger. I love you. You just took one more person's breath away. - [Man] Yeah.



If Creed had blood on his shirt, it means that he didn’t strangle someone.


The strangler only strikes when Jim is in town. That actually ties to Toby being the killer because he kills when he’s jealous of Jim...


I don’t think Jim’s crush was stalker-y at all. Just a crush.


I hope you didn't pull a muscle with that stretch.


Scranton strangler strikes again was the news headline when Pam had a baby, and Jim was with Pam.


No one: This guy: so, my theory is thatjimisthescrantonstranglerandimjustgonnasaythatandnotgiveanyevidenceatall


Can’t be Jim he was at his daughter’s birth and the Scranton Strangler killed someone the same day


No. In the episode where the Scranton Strangler is chased by the police down the road where the office is located, Jim is in the office watching the car chase unfold on the tv with everyone else. The only people not in the office at that time was Toby and Roy.


The difference is, Jim is playful and deals with his frustrations in a healthy way. He makes other people laugh as much as he laughs, he is empathetic and understands other people - which is what also makes him a great prankster. He's not a sociopath or a psychpath. Toby however, never ever deals with anything in a healthy way - he is triggered time and time again and clearly has a lot of pent-up frustation, as well as jealousy towards Jim. Love you, Cracked - but the Toby = ss is way more compelling.


If Jim was stalking Pam, then hell send me to jail.


"These are some people with no obvious relation to the murders. Also here is Jim." What a theory


I watched this video, I left and I came back because I forgot to dislike it!


Sorry but no...Jim was with Pam in the hospital giving birth to their first child, Cici, when the Strangler strikes on the second day of Spring. The most signs seen to point to Toby.


No, nothing can make me fear Jim. He is adorable and funny. He is DEFINITELY not the Scranton strangler. He didn't actually stalk Pam and he was playing pranks an Dwight


Toby literally admits he was wrong about doubting the strangler


Yeah...Jim is not the strangler.


It's never the person you suspect the most. It's also never the person you least suspect. Therefore I know the killer to be the person I most medium suspect, Phyllis.


Sorry but when has being friends with someone been counted as “ stalking” yikes!


Well that was not worth the view at all


It's so obviously toby everything is stacked against him, He was the only depressed one, He always mentioned the "Scranton strangler", and he wasn't there every time the strangler killed someone