
The Perfect Workout to Start Calisthenics for Beginners

Want to get started with Calisthenics? Watch this video to learn about the Best workout to start Calisthenics for beginners! ►Download World's #1 Calisthenics Training App📱: ►Start 1-1 Online Calisthenics Coaching👨‍💻: ►Shop Calisthenics Equipment: About this video: In this video we share the perfect workout you should do to start Calisthenics as a beginner, so you can start your journey with the best exercises possible and progress very fast without beginner mistakes. With this workout, we’ll work ALL muscle groups. We’ll also work on other important aspects to progress fast in Calisthenics like Core strength and balance. So are you ready to build some muscle and strength? Go watch the video now! ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Subscribe to join the Calisthenics Family! Follow us on our socials: ➨Instagram: ➨TikTok: ➨Facebook: We provide the BEST Calisthenics videos, workout plans, courses, and coaching. We inspire, motivate & coach thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals, learn calisthenics skills, and reach their dream body. Our mission is to bring Calisthenics to the public in an accessible way. Start your Calisthenics Journey – Join the Family! For collaborations: ✅JOIN The Calisthenics Family Now: #calisthenics #beginner #workout


2 months ago

today I'm going to share the perfect workout that you should do to start calisthenics as a beginner so you can start your journey with the and progress And the best part is that I will include different levels for each exercise. So you can start as an absolute rookie, but also as a somewhat experienced. And on top of that, I'll give you a complete training plan so you know exactly what to work on for the next few months. And to be honest, I really wish that I knew this work out when I started ou
t with calisthenics eight years ago in my dad's backyard. So I didn't waste my time. But guys, the good news is that now, after all these years, I know exactly So with this workout, we’ll work, all muscle groups, but we will target some muscles a bit more since they are more important like the shoulders and the back muscles. And we will also work other important aspects to progress fast in calisthenics like core strength and balance. So are you ready to build some muscle and strength? Let's get
started with the first exercises and make sure to stay all the way to the end to discover our weekly equipment giveaway. The first exercise is the diamond push. This exercise is a variation of the traditional push up. But here the triceps and core are more involved rather than the chest. The reason to do this variation is because the chest muscles are in fact less important than the tricep, since these will help incredibly with dips, muscle ups and handstand push ups. So to perform this exercise
, start in a plank position with hands close together, forming a diamond shape with your hands. lower your chest towards your hands keeping the elbows close to your body. Maintain a straight body line. Inhale as you lower. Exhale as you push back up and aim for a maximum depth without touching the ground. Complete beginners can start on the knees and more advanced should add weights for each level, aim for three sets with ten reps before progressing. second is the chin up. Why not pull ups? Firs
t, because the chin up is more accessible for beginners since in general, beginners can do more reps of these. Secondly, the chin up is more injury friendly since bad pullups can harm your elbows tremendously, Chin ups are much less likely to be performed wrong and this is how grab a pull of bar with your palms facing towards you hands at shoulder width apart. Hang with your arms fully extended. Engage your core and pull your chest towards the bar aiming to bring your chin above it. lower your
body back down with control Breath in as you hang and exhale when you pull up. Focus on using your back and bicep muscles. Avoid swinging, But maintain a straight body. Complete beginners can start with a resistance band and more advanced should add weights. Once you can do three sets of eight reps of the bodyweight reps, I would suggest switching over to pullups and progress with this exercise. Third is a core exercise that enhances balance, coordination and straight arm strength while targetin
g muscles in the core shoulders, lower back and glutes. Now, that's a complete package. It's called the Bird-dog plank, also known as the butterfly hold. and can't be missed in your workout. To perform the bird-dog plank, start in a plank position with hands under your shoulders. Engage your core and lift one arm and the opposite leg simultaneously extending them straight Maintain a stable plank, avoid hip rotation and hold this position. When finished, return to the starting plank and repeat o
n the other side. Complete beginners can start on the knees. More advanced should elevate their legs. For each level, aim for three sets of 30 seconds on each side without losing balance before progressing, the fourth exercise is the straight bar dip. This variation is preferred over the parallel bar dip, because at the start of your journey, you'll be using the straight bar more. Think about the chin up I just mentioned, but also for some of the next exercises in this workout, using a straight
bar for dips will therefore create a great mind-muscle connection. And besides that, the straight bar dip will prepare you properly for the muscle up that you probably want to unlock. Am I right? So to perform the straight bar dip, stand before a straight bar, grabbing the bar with your palms facing towards you. Jump up or use a platform to lift your body until your arms are fully extended. Then lower your body by bending your elbows, leaning slightly forward and aim for a depth where the upper
arms are parallel to the ground. push up by extending your arms to return to the starting position. Complete beginners can start with a resistance band and more advanced it at the weight for each level. Aim for three sets of ten reps before progressing Next is the Australian pull up, which targets the upper back, including the lats and the biceps. This horizontal pulling movement can't be missed in your workout since it develops great scapula strength, back muscles and explosive strength, which
will help incredibly to progress with pullups or get started with frontlever training to perform this exercise. Grab a bar at belly height with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width and then walk forward until about two feet behind the bar. Have your body straight. Heels on the ground. A pull your chest towards the bar by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Focus on maintaining a straight body And lower your body back down with control. Complete beginners can start with a high
bar or placing the feet under the bar, More advanced should use a lower bar or elevate their feet for a full horizontal position. For each level, aim for three sets of 12 reps before progressing. Sixth is probably the most forgotten exercise. And I wish that I knew it earlier, too. It's the pike push up. I only started doing this exercise after one year or so when I noticed that the wall handstand push up were impossible for me. So the pike push up lays a solid foundation for almost all calisth
enics skills, such as the handstand push up and the backlever. Just because it targets the shoulders so effectively the pike push up starts in a plank position hands slightly wider than the shoulders and lift your hips towards the ceiling by walking just a bit forward, forming an inverted V-shape. Now stand on your toes and lower the top of your head towards the ground by bending your elbows then push through your palms to return to the pike position. so complete beginners can start with their h
ands on elevation and more advanced should place their feet on elevation. So for each level aim for three sets of ten reps before progressing Alright., So I got to admit that legs are not the most important muscle group for learning. Calisthenic skills. But if your goal is to improve your physique or overall fitness level. Legs are actually really important. So therefore we are definitely not skipping them. In this workout we'll be doing pistol squats. This exercise will build muscle mass streng
th, mobility and balance. So to execute a pistol, squat with proper form. Start by standing on one leg, extending the other leg forward, lower your body by bending the knee of the supporting leg, keeping the extended leg straight and parallel to the ground. Ensure your back can remain straight and descent as far as your mobility allows and then push through the heels to return to the starting position. Complete beginners can start with assisted or seated pistol squats and more advanced should do
a weighted or balanced pistol squats on parallettes, for example. And speaking of paralettes,, this is exactly what we’re going to give away in this video. Follow these steps to enter and we will announce the winner in the next video. And this is the winner of the last giveaway. Congrats. So for the pistol squat, aim for three sets of eight reps at each progression and make sure to train both legs. lastly, is one of the most effective core exercises This exercise works your complete core and e
specially the lower abs, which will specifically benefit to moves such as the L-sit, pullups the frontlever and the human flag. And besides working the core, it's an excellent exercise to strengthen your grip, which will benefit pretty much all exercises. So to perform the leg raise, grab a pull up bar with overhand grip at shoulder width and now hang with arms fully extended and engage your core. Now lift your legs while keeping them straight until they are parallel to the floor. Lower your leg
s with control and avoid swinging or momentum in the end position. So complete beginners can start with new races and more advanced should do those two bar for each level. Aim for three sets of ten reps before progressing. Alright, now that I've covered all the exercises of this perfect workout to start calisthenics, let me share the most optimal training plan using all these exercises. You can use this three level training plan and jump in from your own current level, so make sure to screenshot
or download a calisthenics workout app for free in which you can find this program. Measure progress and take it anywhere you go. Click on the first link in the description and if you want to unlock your first pullups, click this video. Start your journey. Join the family.
