

So big man Spy (Officially "Ace", but who actually calls him that) is at the half way point to killing his first target of 7, The Ninja. Public transport in the form of a plane was the only way he could traverse after all the agency's helicopters were unavailable or taken down by "Shadows with swords"...Turns out even public transport is unsafe when you're hunting a guy with a description like that. TARGETS: THE SPY BAR (HUNTED) THE NINJA (Hunting) DRUNK BATMAN (Hunting) ROLAND (Hunting) TASK FORCE 69 (Hunting) THE SPY YACHT (Hunting) TARGET 7 (Hunting) Discord: #peopleplayground #ppg #DEADEYES Bacon


8 months ago

foreign [Music] oh [ __ ] what was that noise [Music] what language was that strange man  so who's a ninja guy and who isn't a we know that guy is at least one guess we  about to find out who else let's do this why oh [ __ ] oh God damn [Music] foreign not again I'll get off of me oh [ __ ] [Music] die is that all you killed them all but you won't get me [ __ ]  I'm taking us both down don't trigger it you'll be the only one dying no one else is here  to kill only you and you won't be in peace [
 __ ] should have aimed for the head [Music] foreign [Music] spy are you there I had to kill everyone can't believe that you did that spy  shut the [ __ ] up for us okay then listen they knew you would come and  attack them but only around half of those guys were henchmen the others  were civilians oh [ __ ] is that all wait where are we oh [ __ ] we're not even close  are we first the chopper now the plane goes down he's stopping everything I don't even really know  if I can beat him he just re
vives spy look up spy look the [ __ ] up what your GPS says  you are only about a mile away you landed right [ __ ] next door to the restaurant  get up dumbass go wait what oh Jesus Christ spy look up again your plane wasn't the only  War what the [ __ ] oh God get out of there [ __ ] [Music] [Music]
