
The Power of Trim Sheets and Texture Atlas Blender 2.8

In this video you will learn what are trim sheets and texture atlas inside blender . You will learn how to create them and how to use them. Trim sheets and Texture atlas are essential part of creating environments fast. It also helps to fast polished model when we apply them on a simple mesh. Hope this will be helpful in creating environments. You can support me on PATREON where you will be able to download the the project files and models that I will be using in my tutorials and speed ups, modelling or sculpting videos. Here is the link:- if you like my video and if you want to follow my work you can follow me on :- FACEBOOK:- ARTSTATION:- DEVIANT ART:-

Saqib Hussain

4 years ago

hey guys welcome here is a scene I have been working on and I have heavily used trim sheets and texture Atlas for the texture map to maintain the FPS. In this tutorial you will know what are trim sheets and texture atlas and we'll know how to create them and how to use them. Trim sheets and Texture Atlas are essential to create environments it helps the artists to create fast end result from the pre-existing textures. Trim sheets are bunch of textures laid out side by side in a texture map to un
derstand this here are a bunch of meshes I have created and laid them down on the floor plane in such a manner that they can tile from right to left you can use them with any other model and create fast results on fly .Here is an example of texture atlas and texture atlas described by method of packing many separate texture together into a single texture other common names for these textures are the decal sheets or Pack textures each of the texture can be tiled with themselves just like a regula
r tiling texture. To create trim sheets here are the meshes that I have already created I will use them for this tutorial for baking add a plane to the scene and then go to top orthographic view by clicking 7 on the numpad then add a camera to your scene make sure that it's on orthographic view and also make sure that this view matches the plane after that I just grab the meshes and laid them down on the floor plane I have used cycles material to bake the textures I have already have a video on
baking textures from camera so I'm not going to repeat it but you can use these settings for materials to create all other Maps also make sure you are on the cycle render otherwise you will not get the required results. You can also use the traditional baking method which includes a single mesh to bake the details out of the models after baking in compiling texture I got these results.Here are the two models on which I have assigned material on them to apply these textures you will need to know
the basics of the UV unwrap after applying the materials to the meshes I've just select the single face and used the u key to unwrap and after that select all the followed faces and make sure that you select the previous unwrap face to make it active then press U and select follow active quads it will create the strip UV island so you can use them to align with textures in the UV texture map try to slide the strip UV to apply different texture to it you can do the same with any other model wheth
er it's the cylinder or curved mesh but if you unwrap and have a UV like this make sure you use the snap tool to make straight edge on X or Y axis then use the follow active quad for the UV's otherwise if you don't make the UV parallel to each other you will get distortion in your textures. In a similar way I can use this texture for any other model You can even use edge loops and slide them to plan and extrude the faces inside or outside of the mesh to have more depth to it and that's pretty m
uch about it hope you have learned something new from this if you like my tutorial then subscribe and support me on patreon where you will be able to get the project files that I am using for my tutorials thanks for watching.
