
‘The Redeeming’ - Bad memories always haunt you - VOD trailer - Thriller fans, enjoy! - Join the mailing list on the website to get release bonuses and discounts. Be the first to hear about the film’s release. 'The Redeeming' is an absorbing psychological thriller in which disturbed single mother Joyce must confront mysterious stranger John to protect her home. But her struggle to hold onto her sanity could doom them both. After a fight and chase through the house, a shocking twist reveals just how fragile Joyce's reality has become. With mesmerising performances from stars Tracey Ann Wood, Ryan Wichert and Robert Blackwood, this cat and mouse power struggle keeps you on the edge of your seat and delights with its tension and unpredictability - you just never know what's going to happen next. Directed by Brian Barnes

The Redeeming

6 years ago

[Music] headlines once again for the Southwest the search continues for a missing patient escaped the senior secure unit you know I think I busted my arm well the dope you doing out on a night like this is a very lonely house you found here middle of nowhere have you noticed it's not to drive anyone up the wall isn't it hello it's all fine I'm fine be nice I worry about going in the middle of the night I can walk anywhere anytime I don't need permission I think you'd like to tell me something le
t's start with the backpack shall we didn't steal if that's what you think obviously missed the Telegraph buried but known you were coming I'd have had the west wing aired and I wouldn't have given the staff the night off [Music] there's nowhere to go John everywhere is locked you should know that by now I'm going to punish you John you know I have to you can stop this Joyce [Music]
