
The Rick Smith Show | Striking in the Sky?

We start our show with a discussion of the latest right-wing puppet to quit Congress and the potential of a third-party spoiler entering the 2024 race. Then we pivot to a discussion of American Airlines and the AA employees and flight attendants who are demanding fair wages, hours, and conditions that are over a decade overdue. Our guest is Julie Hedrick, National President of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants. 📺 One-click YT subscribe: ✨ Keep up with us! ✨ 💻 Official Site | 📷 Instagram | 📘 Facebook | 🐦 Twitter | #ricksmith #rickshow #freespeechtv #fstv #flightattendant #americanairlines #airlines #congress

Free Speech TV

1 day ago

it's time for the Rick Smith show now here is the voice  of the working class Rick [Music] Smith and welcome brother sisters Working  Class Heroes this is the Rick Smith show thanks so much for being here today on the big program  lots to get to lots to talk about looks like Kirsten Cinema is exiting stage left I had a big  announcement on Tuesday that she was uh she was leaving uh she was not going to run for reelection  she was bowing out probably because it it wasn't looking good for her was
not looking good in  Arizona for uh the the senator and look you know she she did this to herself I mean I mean  for me if you said you know what do you think of curs in cinema I remember the the Dipsy dooo  dance she did where she thumbs down the increase in the minimum wage yeah that that sticks with  me you didn't need to do the whole little dance and the whole little display with the weird little  outfit didn't need to do that uh that tells me not so much on the side of working people also k
ind  of the fly in the ointment on a lot of things now her her her Spiel uh she gave a three minute video  on social media on you know she went to Washington for compromise and you know she's proud of the you  work she's done and look you do that when you're going to possibly run for president because uh  I watched the uh the speech and I'm going well this is this is a nice way to bow out and say you  know you know Washington's broken and you know uh you know I you we've just gotten more partis
and  uh you know for me I'm going okay you know where where's she cashing in next and then I saw a tweet  from the No Labels people yeah uh those those folk uh they tweeted out the entire No Labels movement  the the movement of No Labels uh just a couple of rich people who are trying to figure out how to  also be of the fly in the ointment uh they write the movement is grateful for Senator Cinema  her courage Le her courageous leadership the worst Washington has gotten the the more she  has rise
n to the occasion they W they wrote she led the Senate passage of major bipartisan  legislation like the 2021 infrastructure Bill the chips act and most recently the bill to  secure our borders and get rid and get aid for our foreign allies she's a voice of Common Sense  and civility at a moment when America desperately needs more of both and I read that and I'm going  yeah I know where she's going could we see a Joe Mansion cursed in cinema uh hey I need attention  campaign because understand t
he both of them I I believe I believe the both of them it's about the  attention it's about you know having that power of of people pandering and and you know donations  and and you know that so we'll see and now I'm no just so you know no labels has not put her  out in front uh this is just my gut reaction Going H seems interesting seems like well timing  because she was never going to win uh re-election in Arizona that wasn't going to happen because  people there like like many people across t
he country frustrated that she held up a lot of  stuff that could have gotten life better for a lot lot of people uh now is she right that  you know we've become more partisan yeah out of out of necessity do we want more people in the  center yeah sort of but when you have things that that need to get done being the one who's always  holding up the progress or killing that progress that's going to get you in the center and that's  where she ended up so we'll see uh will she be the one that that
no labels cons into to running their  campaign uh I I don't know we'll see but the big news Tuesday uh the Biden Administration and Joe  Biden Joe Biden tweeted out uh today I'm launching a strike force on unfair and illegal pricing to  crack down on corporations who break the law while keeping prices high for American consumers uh and  look he said we're going to put all the powers of government the FTC the Federal Trade Commission  uh the Department of Justice and their arm going to get those
together going to get the agencies  of government working together to go after these these well gougers these people who have been call  it what it is screwing over the American people now you know I I talked to some of my friends who  have taken the simplistic route going you know it's all Joe Biden's fault that we have inflation  you know we we spent money on you know you've heard it they gave $1,400 to people you know we're  wasting all this money on infrastructure we love potholes in the roa
ds and bridges that collapse  we want more of it no um that's the argument that that we're we're spending money and not the  argument that Corporate America has grown too powerful uh that for decades now they've had their  way to consolidate uh to to be become so big that they're almost uncontrollable and that there's  no competition you know conservatives used to believe in competition now my free market folks  losing their mind over the fact that Biden is now going to be you know saying look w
e're going to be  the cop on the beat again we're going to promote competition we're gonna promote the ability of  consumers to be oh I don't know protected in an economy we're going to go after the the gouging  the junk fees the surprise fees the manipulation of markets we're going to go after that and and  consolidation as well uh they said you know look in the food in the food sector they're going  to support you know with some funding you know people to get involved in in different parts of 
the food market you know farmers and ranchers and and help lower prices for consumers this is all  part of that also on the health care front you know in his press release they were talking about  Health and Human Services the fact that they've rejected more than a thousand Medicare Advantage  TV marketing ads in just one year uh because they were misleading uh they were making a whole bunch  of things that you know maybe they're true maybe they're not but what they are is they're getting  more
people to taking on privatized Medicare than the the good oldfashioned traditional Medicare and  then you get to when you actually need it you go oh well sorry that's not CED or sorry you're gonna  have to pay more for that surprise and look our economy has been rigged on surprise so to hear  Biden say you know we're going to finally take on some of this stuff we're going to crack down  on on on credit card companies that gou you uh if if you're if you miss a payment or if you're  late or somet
hing we're GNA we're gonna take that on or you know all those places that you you  go to check out and oops surprise there's there's there's more fees you know just the other day  uh my wife is going to see our our our daughter perform in the drum uh line that she's in the  percussion band uh in in Virginia and my wife wants to get a hotel down down near Richmond and  and you know spend spend time because she doesn't want to drive down and back in the same day so  I'm looking at hotels and I go
on the websites and you know name I'm not going to say which one  I'm not going to promote it but it's it's one of those come here and we'll we'll look at all the  hotels so I go here's a good one let's let's look at this so I go to go through the checkout  process and at the end there's like another $30 in fees doesn't say what the fees are have no idea  there's the taxes we know what the taxes are taxes are clearly written and you expect that but it's  the fees and I'm going I don't I don't ev
en know what the fees are for so I exed out of that and  then I went to another one and not only were there fees there was like a resort fee and I'm going  it's a hotel I didn't know it was a resort hotel and this is the kind of stuff that has to become  more front and center if we're going to truly per you know move towards free market principles  having that information that's what makes it a free market ensuring that everything is front and  center making sure that there are no shocks and sur
prises and that there's someone on your side  kind of kind of important to me so seeing Biden do some of this I say it's about time now I've been  saying Congress should have been doing this for a couple years coming out of the pandemic seeing the  greed and the massive inflation that has happened to us saying hey senators where are you doing  the investigations into this stuff why aren't you doing anything to stop it and that's that's the  frustrating part of this it's finally come down to the
president you know coming out with this  Strike Force and and about time so for me I'm all on I'm all in favor of strike force uh we most  certainly need it I want to hear your thoughts uh have you been have you seen opportunities of  being cheated by well Corporate America outside of the the greed flation of hey we're making record  profits but we still got to raise the prices and cut those wages on those workers I want to hear  it Rick at the Ricks Smith gonna take a quick break when
we come back Julie Hedrick is  going to be here to talk about what's going on in American Airlines and the flight attendants fight  for well better wages hours conditions back after this from the steel mills of Pennsylvania to the  auto factories of Michigan to the modern makers movement manufacturing makes our nation great I'm  Scott Paul president of the alliance for American manufacturing we bring business and labor together  to advocate for policies that everyone can agree on together we can
strengthen manufacturing and  create good paying American jobs help us keep it made in America [Music] America the old factory  towns in America's Heartland have been taking a beating thing is though there's a light at the  end of the tunnel the inflation reduction act will lower energy prices and create millions of new  jobs by dramatically increasing the manufacturing of solar panels wind turbines electric cars and  energy efficient home appliances we're finally turning things around after 40
Years of screwing  over working people but will we keep moving in the right direction that's our choice As Americans  we are afge we support our nation's military and our nation's veterans we protect our nation's  borders and provide services to our nation seniors across the country and here in Washington DC the  American Federation of government employees we work for America so on Monday American Airlines  flight attendant picketed on Wall Street during American Airlines 2024 investor day meet
ing  where the company touted their goal of uh to care for people on life's journey yeah which  evidently and this is weird uh is a a registered trademarked slogan I gotta think I gotta think the  workers who are out there picking on the picket line would question the company's commitment  considering they're working for wages that were last negotia a decade ago yeah 2024 the last time  uh their wages were negotiated and here to share some thoughts on Monday's event and well where  this could be
heading and hopefully doesn't but I asked Julie Hedrick to come talk with us Julie's  the national president of the association of professional flight attendants uh she represents  27,000 flight attendants at American Airlines their website Julie thanks for taking  time for us hi Rick thank you so much for having me on today today so Monday you have this event  you got people out on on Wall Street saying hey treat us better tell me about the day all right  well first off that was Monda
y but on Friday here at American Airlines was Employee Appreciation Day  and American Airlines put out this like we have a culture of appreciation right for their employees  I can tell you our flight attendants today do not feel appreciated and that was clear on Monday  as we had many flight attendants out picketing with us on Wall Street to basically push back  on a company that's there for analyst day their first analyst day in seven years and uh touting  about the 260 aircraft that they are p
ut in an order for and our flight attendants want them to  invest in Us in the flight attendants first before they are investing in an order for 260 aircraft  right and uh isim had all of the top Executives there that day making their presentation on what  a great company American Airlines is and uh we were definitely out there telling everybody that  would listen to us um a different story uh what really is happening at American Airlines today I  got to think American Airlines is appreciative o
f your members appreciative of the fact that they  haven't had to give them a raise in in all these years and that they're making a lot of profit that  they can then you know plow back into uh new fancy airplanes and look we want them to invest I I I  want companies to do really well but the people who make that profit your members the folks who do  the actual work in making people's lives better on that Journey uh maybe you take care of them too  absolutely we are waiting for that and we are ti
red of waiting I can tell you every flight I am  on the flight attendants that when I'm talking to them they're like we are ready to go on strike  we can't wait any longer our flight attendants are suffering to say the least our new H flight  attendants make a gross of $27,000 and you know we are based in 10 of the most expensive cities  across this country so that doesn't pay the rent it surely doesn't put food on the table it is  not enough to live and this company is really been taking advant
age of the fact that many of  our flight attendants have second and third jobs many are living at home with their parents and  actually we've got flight attend who've been living in their cars it's totally unacceptable and  but do I understand Julie if I'm correct me if I'm wrong uh the the upper management your your upper  level folks the folks people who aren't taking care of the customers they've actually rewarded  themselves quite well haven't they oh yes we we haven't gotten their bonuses f
or this year yet  um but I can tell you last year uh the bonuses up into and this is like middle management and up  um they got like 60% of their salary some of them did we don't know what the top got um we we don't  have the information on that but as you probably know Robert isome took a 2.75 million bonus last  year as he has flight attendants who haven't had a raise in five years we negotiated our rates  back in 2014 and so you can imagine what it is like trying to live in these cities where
rent has  just about doubled in some of them right and and actually we don't have one city in our system any  longer that's affordable um for rent and and again you know I'm sure he appreciates your members  working for poverty wages so that he can enrich himself uh but so this leads us to where where  does this go I mean at some point uh this is an untenable situation the workers you know can't  I'm sure you've got a turnover problem that that needs to be addressed I'm sure you've got a lot of
  things that that need to be addressed what's going on I mean I know there's a negotiations happening  I know you're asking for uh the ability to possibly strike down the road where are we where  is this going all right so where we're at today is next week we are going to be in Washington  DC our entire negotiating team with our lead negotiator and we are going to be making our case  to the National mediation board in person uh this is the second time we have asked for a release  from these neg
otiations uh because we definitely feel we are at an impa impass sorry uh we have uh  they have passed one economic proposal to us and all this time we have passed two and we're waiting  for a second economic proposal from from them and the last time they passed a proposal was back in  September so we definitely feel we're at an impass we have narrowed the issues we know our flight  attendants need raises they need improvements to their work roles and we can't wait any longer so  next week we're
really hopeful that the national mediation board will hear us and they they will  release us so that we can we can get into our 30-day cooling off period and actually be able to  strike if that's what it's going to take for us to get the contract we deserve yeah I hope it doesn't  come to that but uh but if you have to you have to you know as I say strikes are are always the last  arrow in the quiver but you got to have that Arrow it's got to be there in the event that uh that  negotiations are
n't moving forward but here's the thing that gets me um as someone who has flown  and someone who who sees what your members do and what they go through you know I I got to tell  you the poverty level wages that haven't as you've pointed out were last negotiated over a  decade ago um I don't know how people do these jobs and good on your members for doing it but I  don't know how people do it um I just don't well I can tell you this like I I fly every week back and  forth I live in Northern Cali
fornia and I fly to Dallas every week so I'm talking to at least eight  flight attendants every week but usually I try and get out in the field whenever I can and I've  come across flight attendants who have a dollar in their pocket I had a flight attendant Dollar  in his pocket for nine days he said I don't have money to eat it is totally unacceptable we are  helping our flight attendants to get food stamps um we are trying to help them in any way we can  but at the end of the day this company
is failing they are failing their employees I know we've got  employees who've gotten other uh contracts here recently but I will tell you they've told me they  voted yes because they couldn't wait any longer if they voted no they had to get an Improvement  in their wages and so our flight attendants we are trying to do everything we can to help them  through this time frame but they're having to make tough decisions they want to stay but they  also know they cannot live on these wages for much
longer yeah now again I go back to that  trademarked and it seems I'm it's trademarked it's got the little r right there next to to care  for people on life's journey how is this caring for people and I know you know sometimes we don't  think of workers as people but how do how is this caring for those folks listen our management team  is caring for themselves that's it they are not caring for us and I can tell you if you went out  and you talked to probably thousands of our flight attendants it
's going to be hard to find one that  is going to tell you that they feel cared for by this uh company it it's a really sad state right  now I'm hopeful that we'll get this done soon we have to and that's why we're at the national  mediation board we can't wait any longer it is you know five years without a race you know we're  I know there's other Americans out there that are dealing with the same thing we are and having  to worry about how they're going to pay the rent how they're going to get
food on their table it's  totally unacceptable no it is unacceptable so on Monday as you're out there on the picket line you  know with the the investor class walking in and out what kind of response did they get from them  because I gotta imagine not all of them are just all about hey more for me and well screw you tough  luck better luck next time some of them have got to be going hey we want this company run better  so that it makes this profit continually what what kind of response did you
get on Monday uh we  didn't get any response from them we didn't see them which is not unusual we saw a lot of our  passengers a lot of public and I can tell you they support us they were definitely out there to  support us telling us to keep up the fight to get um what we deserve and I will say a lot of them  were talking about our boarding pay uh because now the public does recognize that we do not get  paid our hourly rate while we are boarding the aircraft while they are all boarding the air
craft  and um they're out there now basically chanting with us that we need boarding pay so um is insane  to me Julie I I gotta be honest you you're you're working but not getting paid how is that how is  that possible I mean yeah I guess this how we got paid started a long time ago no I'm thinking  about truck drivers you know most truck drivers don't get paid for their pre-trip only when  the wheels are tur and I've often made the uh the analogy that you know Airlines and truck  truck the truc
king industry are similar you know one's just got wings and the other one's  riding uh they both abuse employees in in very similar ways so I guess I shouldn't be surprised  uh that the flight attendants don't get paid for the boarding process the the security process I  guess I shouldn't be shocked by that listen our days are very long the majority of our days are 12  13 hour days we go up to 15 if we're just flying domestic right if we're flying International much  longer than that and we're o
nly guaranteed uh like a 12- hour day we're only guaranteed six hours of  our hourly rate okay so a lot of times you'll see flight attendants in the airport sitting around  waiting for their next flight that's because we have a lot of two and three hour sit times that  we're sitting there not getting paid our hourly wages and so that is why when people look at our  wages they're kind of trying to understand when you look at our hourly rate it looks a little  different um but that is because we a
re not paid for a a lot of the day when we are on duty  wow I'm ready to go on strike I gotta be honest with you I hear this and you know as someone who's  been very fortunate throughout my life uh to be a unionized truck driver there are a lot of things  that happen in the the non-union sector I'm going guys you should be striking over uh but hearing  this this is one of those things that that yeah absolutely uh so what are the chances do you think  that you're going to get this relief that you
're seeking and what are the chances do you think that  that this will awaken American to get to the table and to actually negotiate because look allowing  the strike to a strike to to possibly happen doesn't mean you're going to go on strike but the  threat of it has got to be something that's gonna put some juice in the negotiations I think right  absolutely we need that pressure on this company to get this deal done and we really want to get a  contract we you know I say this all the time our
our goal isn't for us to go on strike our goal  is for us to get a contract that we deserve but we will do whatever it takes to get that contract  and we are not going to give in to something less than what we deserve and that's basically what  this company wants us to do we have uh shown up to many events uh before this we've had eight  picketing events in the last year and a half uh across the country worldwide our last one with  over 100,000 flight attendants um that belong to unions and we'
re going to keep on it as much as  we can and as long as we have to until we get the contracts we deserve as you probably know this is  not just about American Airlines flight attendants we have Alaska United Southwest um we are all  in negotiations right now and of course Delta is non-unionized um but we're working on that  uh so I I will say it's not just about American Airlines flight attends it's about flight attends  across this country who who are we're all dealing with the same thing none
of us uh basically what's  happening is these CEOs have devalued our job and this happened during covid okay five years without  a raise that's what can happen to your wages when you haven't had a raise and they're trying their  hardest to keep our wages down this time and not let them get up and that is why we are working  together to make sure that doesn't happen again you know that idea of solidarity everybody  involved in pushing so with that in mind last question God for you what can I do
to help what  can our listeners and viewers do to help what can you know people do the flying public do what do  you what do you what are the marching orders well listen first off thank you so much for having me  on the show today this helps um just getting our word out there I will say like I said yesterday  when our passengers are out there and they're chanting because they think we should get paid  during boarding pay or boarding time uh that helps us also our passengers have been very suppor
tive  everyone in the media has been supportive getting the word out out about flight attends about what  these CEOs are trying to do um devaluing the job trying to make sure that it's no longer a career  for people to stay in for many years I've been a flight attendant for 41 years and um I can tell  you it would be really hard for a flight attendant today to do this for that long because of what's  happening at these Airlines it's not just American it's across the industry and it is time that
we  change so we've seen a lot of support out on the picket line every time we're out there and I can  with social media today one of the best things we see now is when our CEO puts out anything  on social media um about American Airlines or Robert isome our passengers weigh in they go  in and they're like give your flight attendants a contract that they deserve right give them a  raise so um that's very helpful to if if your CEO is putting money in his pocket uh some of that  should trickle dow
n to the pockets of the people who actually do the work and and not just boarding  pay should they get but Hazard pay as well because I got to tell you since the pandemic I see a  lot of craziness going on especially because of social media so your members they earn every  penny uh that they that they earn and and they deserve more uh but Julie I appreciate you taking  time for us uh one day longer one day stronger I hope you'll come back with some good news down  the road uh but thanks so much
absolutely I'd be happy to come back and I'll let you know how  it goes next week at the national mediation board looking forward to it Julie I appreciate you  taking time for us want to hear your thoughts uh can you believe that you they don't get paid  while while they're greeting people seating them doing all the putting the bags overhead all not  a dime that's insane want to hear your thoughts email me Rick at the Ricks Smith for our  Free Speech TV audience thanks so much for tunin
g in we'll see you back here next time for our radio  Affiliates across the country quick break right back



Yes Rick Smith, we need hazard pay!