
The Rocket | Full Family Sports Drama | Family Central

With grand expectations from his father and the local community, a high school football star's entire future is suddenly lost, and he must find a new way to push towards greatness. Description goes here. 2018 | Stars: Richard Blake, Brady Tutton, Patrick Webb | Director: Richard Blake **This film is under license from Indie Rights. All rights reserved** For more Family Movies and Clips, LIKE & SUBSCRIBE β†’ Visit us β†’ Binge-watch more family movies from our playlists here: 🍿New Releases β†’ πŸŽ₯ Movie Clips β†’ πŸ‘Ύ Animated Movies β†’ 🐢 Animal Movies β†’ 🀣 Comedy Movies β†’ πŸ’• Drama Movies β†’ πŸ—ΊοΈπŸ’₯ Adventure Movies β†’ πŸ‘½ Sci-Fi Movies β†’ 🧚 Fantasy Movies β†’ πŸŽƒ Spooky Movies β†’ πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ•Ί Dance & Musical Movies β†’ ** All the content on this channel is under license from various copyright holders. We ask you to please contact us if you believe there are any copyright issues via - ** #FamilyMovies #SportsMovies #DramaMovies

Family Central

2 years ago

(gentle music) (alarm ringing) (triumphant music) (rocket hisses) (clapping softly) - Buddy, you're gonna learn to get under anything in the air. You keep your feet underneath you, you catch these rockets, well, dang, you're gonna be able to catch anything, you understand? - Yes, sir! - Gonna be the best football player this town has ever seen, you're gonna put in the time. Ready? Set. Hut, hut. (rocket hisses) Eyes up, son! (gentle music) Combination of hard work and desire equals what? - The b
est! - Who's going to state someday? - I am! - Who's that? - I am! - [Robert] Who's the best there is around here? - Josh Davis! - You know it, buddy. That's me right there, buddy. We had a team that year. Anybody that's ever won a state championship in football is right there. And someday, you're gonna be up there with me too. Can you see it? I can see it 'cause when I look at you, Josh, I see greatness, it's in here. Can you feel it? (Carol chuckles) - Robert, that's enough. - Ooh! (Carol laug
hs) - [Carol] Did you say your prayers, honey? - Mm-hm. - Good boy. Goodnight, sweetheart, I love you. - Goodnight, son. - Dad. (claps loudly) (gentle music) I don't know if you can see me, but can you help me be great? I'm supposed to be great. It's for my dad. - [Man] Go ahead, McNeil, do your thing. - Let's go. (whistle shrills) Let's go! All right, somebody cross the line, right here! Ready! Set, hut! (bodies thud) (upbeat rock music) (whistle shrills) - There it is, come on! - [Quarterback]
Ready! Set. Hike! (bodies thud) β™ͺ He thought he'd make it, he was ready β™ͺ (whistle shrills) - All right, helmet time, let's line it up! - [Quarterback] Coach D, what's the right side? - [Man] It's alpha! - Alpha! He wants the line right here! Ready! Set. Hike! - Man, that kid you got throwing the ball, Coach, he's a play maker. There's your leader. - Well, he's only a part of the equation. Let's go, 88! Tell you what, the ball's in the air, 88's gonna catch it. - That's your boy Josh out there,
isn't it, Coach? - Sure is, I've been working long and hard for this. (whistle shrilling) (Robert clapping) Bring it in, let's go, boys! Helmets off, take a knee, listen up! Now, I trust you've got your schedules for the fall semester, if not, get it done. Not only am I your coach for the next four years, I'm a beloved teacher as well. The more I know you in the classroom, the better I can coach you on the field. I want high test scores, high football scores. How's that sound?! (Robert clapping
) - Yes, sir. - You heard the man! You need to get into the classroom! This little plop and flush is your careers going down the toilet if you don't get there! - Okay. - You got it? - Yes, sir. - What's that? I can't hear you! - [Boys] Yes, sir! - Good. Great practice today. Pick a partner, spot each other, I want 30 minutes of weights before you hit the showers. Summer's just beginning, gentlemen. Before September, this team's gonna be more than ready. Put in the time! (Robert clapping) - Yeah,
you heard the coach! Get your butts up there, get your lifts going, put in the damn time! - So I guess we can start calling you a quarterback now. Don't lift too heavy, we need to protect your perfect arm. - And his perfect hair. - Shut up, Ryan! - Fine. I won't protect your hair. - Whatever, man. Any of us could be a QB. Throw the ball some more around Baby Coach, he's gonna catch it. Am I right? - That's right. - So you're the king out there, is that it? You think you can get us to state? - W
ell, I'm not a king, but I will be the best when it comes to football. The best this school's ever seen, anyway. And I don't think, Sam. I know I can get us to state. - How'd you learn to catch like that? - His dad's the coach, idiot. He's been catching footballs since birth. - Nah, you guys don't get it. It's all in the feet. The speed, the agility. - I'd love to see you catch with your feet, Terry. - All right, ladies, you're done for the day. Let's get down and get the showers going. Oh, reme
mber, get some underarm deodorant on 'em. Sure sure your parents will appreciate that at the dinner table. - Yeah, let's go. - Sir. - Josh. Coach needs to see you outside. - [Boy] Took you long enough to do your hair. - [Terry] Dude, I got a reputation to uphold. Have you seen some of those girls this year? - I mean, yeah, I will. (rocket hisses) (loud thud) Whoa. (lively music) - All right, I'm ready. - You good? - Yeah. - Ready, hike. Ready. Set. Hike! - [Boy] Nice, that's what we need right t
here. Perfect. (girls laughing) - [Boy] Josh, we're doing this or what? Come on. - [Josh] What's so funny? - What? - Come on, you wanna play? - [Sophie] Seriously? - [Josh] Yeah. Come on, one play, I'll guide you. - Josh, what are you doing? They're not even on our team. - Just one play, all right, buddy? Hey. - Hi. - I'm Josh. - Uh, I know. - You know? How? - We've seen you at the summer camp. You're really good. - I'm working on it. (Josh chuckles) - My dad says you'll be able to go to any col
lege you want the way you play. Says the team could win state this year with almost all freshmen. - So you're going to Central this year too? - For the love of God, Josh, give her a kiss or something. Let's play. - What's your name? - [Sophie] Sophie Kirkman. - Okay, Sophie Kirkman, you ever catch a football before? - Nope. - Well, my quarterback Kyle here is gonna throw you a perfect pass right down the field, and you're gonna try get around me and look for the ball. - [Sophie] Sounds easy. - L
et's go! Ready. Set. Hike. - [Boy] Come on, Josh. - [Sophie] Thanks for letting me play. - Yeah, no problem, you were awesome. Well, you are awesome, that's... - A bunch of us are going to the movies right after the picnic. You guys wanna come with us? - Your friends coming? - Yeah, sounds great. Oh, we're gonna finish this game up first, though. - Cool, I'll see you in a little bit, then. - [Josh] Yeah. - Seriously, does that count for our team or yours? - We'll take it. (people chattering) - E
xcellent, I'm sure all the kids are gonna really enjoy it. - Hey, Dad, I need you to drive me somewhere. - Hey, son, you remember meeting Mr. Logan. He's the principal of the high school. He's looking forward to watch you play this year. - I've been hearing about you for quite some time, Joshua. Your father's a proud man. - Yeah. (group chuckles) - I hear you're gonna be playing wide receiver for our team, is that right? - Yeah, I think so, yeah. Hey, Dad, do you think you could drive us to the
movie theater? We only have like 15 minutes to get there. - Josh, not today. - Why? You don't even have to drive me, I can get a ride. Hey, I'm gonna stay at Kyle's house tonight. - That's sounds good, honey. It's fine. - No, son, I want you to stay and help clean up. - How wonderful, it's good seeing such great character in a young man. It's good for the community. - Dad, all the other guys are going. How come I have to stay? - I wasn't asking you. You set the example for the others. They're go
nna need help loading these tables. - Dad, this isn't fair. You always do this. - [Robert] I'll be back to pick you up in about an hour. - [Josh] This is bullshit. - [Robert] What did you just say to me? - Nothing. - You're skating on thin ice. Do you understand me? You've had fun with your friends all day today. Now, put in the time. - Just let me go! This isn't fair! I hate this, and I hate you! - Would you excuse us for a moment, Mr. Logan? - Carol. - Robert, honey. You've got to calm down, o
kay? Your blood pressure is up, you're stuttering again. - I don't stutter. - You know you stutter when you get upset, it's okay. - It's ridiculous. Let's go. (Carol sighs) - Robert. - [Robert] I'll be back in about an hour to pick you up. We'll launch some rockets at the house, all right, buddy? - [Carol] Bye, sweetie. - [Boy In Shorts] Dad's a teacher, right? - Yeah. - [Boy In Hat] Like a scientist or something? He launches rockets at his house? - Yeah, he does. - That's pretty awesome. Does h
e have like a secret lair in his basement or something? - No, don't! (somber music) (siren wailing) - [Rose] Someone page Neurosurge. Let CT know we're on our way. - [Nurse] Vitals are 110 over 70-- - [Rose] Anyone know what's happened? - Rose, he fell off a moving vehicle. He's been out for about 20 minutes. (machine beeping) - My son, Josh Davis, I was told he was here. - Where is he? - Yes, sir, what's your name? - [Robert] Robert Davis, I'm his father, we're his parents. - Yes. Of course, he
's in the ER right now, so just stay calm-- - He's in the ER? - And I'm sure the doctors are gonna come out and talk to you as soon as they can. - What happened, though? We were told he fell, is he okay? Have you spoken to him? - Everything's gonna be all right, just stay calm. - Are you sure? - Stay calm. - Stay calm? It's not very easy to do. - [Receptionist] I'm sure everything's gonna be okay. - I'm gonna find my son. Don't know what you're-- - Mrs. Davis, please. - Josh? - Wait, you can't g
o-- - [Carol] Oh, excuse me, I'm sorry. No, I'm gonna find my son. Josh Davis, please. - Please, wait! - Excuse me, excuse me. I apologize. Josh? - Mrs. Davis. - Josh? Please, can you tell me where my son is? Where is Josh? - On standby. - Oh, my god. - [Doctor] Probably be here in 10 minutes. - Josh. - Okay, I need-- - Oh, my god. - Get them out there. - Oh, no! Oh, my baby. Oh, no! - Get four on standby. - [Carol] No! - [Receptionist] Folks, please, let the doctors do their work. Let the docto
rs do their work. - No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, I'm just-- - Mrs. Davis, they're doing everything to stabilize him. - It's okay, go. - Everything's gonna be okay, Mrs. Davis. - Please help my boy. (people chattering) (machine beeping) (PA system beeps) - [Announcer] Paging Robert Davis. - [Receptionist] Yes, they're sitting right here. - I'm Dr. Rainkee. - Doctor. - Hi, I was just working with your son. - Is he okay, can we see him, please? - In a minute. However, I need to give you some det
ails first. - Okay. - Perhaps we could sit. - No, we're fine. Please. - Okay. Josh has suffered a pretty severe head injury. He has a concussion and a fracture of the skull. - Do you have any idea of what happened, Doctor? We were just with him, and we don't know. - I was told, apparently, he either fell or jumped from a moving vehicle. It does seem that he landed on his feet, but the momentum caused him to fall backwards and his head made impact with the pavement. - Is he awake? - He's not awak
e yet, ma'am. This is a severe head injury. He has had minimal concussion, and in the next few days, as the swelling goes down, and we can repeat some CT scans, we may find that there is more damage we don't know about yet. He's also wearing a brace around his neck because of the whiplash. He has the large cuts on the back of-- - I wanna see him. We need to see him. - We really wanna see him, Doctor. - No, of course, of course you do. Please come with me. - Thank you. (machine beeping) - Right t
his way, please. - Oh, Robert. - Damn it, Josh. Wake up, son. Did you hear me, I said wake up! Wake up! - Excuse me, Mr. Davis, Mrs. Davis, I want you to know that with time, I do believe Josh is gonna get better, okay? He's young, he's strong, and we got the bleeding stopped very soon. But he needs to rest now. Can you please come with me? Let's give it some time. Please, come with me. - Doctor, is he... He's a football player, well, he's going to be a football player. He's the best there is. H
e's a warrior. He's gonna come through this. - Thank you. Well, let's give him the night to rest. We're monitoring him closely. We'll know a lot more in the morning. - We're gonna be staying. We need to stay, we need to be here when he wakes up. - Absolutely, absolutely. You could wait here in the waiting room, or there is a hotel across the street if you need to-- - We'll be right here. - Yeah. - He's a tough young man. He's gonna wake up soon. - I'll give you a call as soon as I have more info
rmation. - Oh, Robert. (machine beeping) (somber music) (machine beeping) (Josh groans softly) - Sir, please. We need to keep these on. - What is this? - You're awake, that's good, but we need to keep these on, okay? - Is this Wednesday? - Actually, it's a Friday. (Josh sighs) Can you look at me? - No. - Doctor! - Well, look who decided to join us. - Oh, Josh! Josh, you're awake! Oh, honey. Sweetie. - Mom? - Yeah, honey? Are you okay? You had a bad fall, and you hit your head really hard, but yo
u are okay now. - My head hurts. - Oh, I know. - Josh, I'm Dr. Rainkee, one of the docs taking care of you. I'm gonna check some things out on you, okay? - Okay. - All right, can you see me? Look right here. Purple. Hm, passion. And end zone. Can you say those back to me? (Carol chuckles) - Purple, passion, end zone. - Very good, you got one point. All right, now what's your full name? - Joshua Brandon Davis. - And the judgment is? - That is correct. - All right. That's another point. Now, what
kind of place is this? - A hospital, I think. - Mm, good. - What day is it? Is this Wednesday? - Listen, I'll ask the questions, but it's Friday. I'll give you that one for free. Now, who do we have in the room here with you? - [Josh] That's my dad. (Carol chuckles) - Yeah. And over here? - That's my mom. - Yeah. (Carol chuckles) - She's laughing. - Yeah, that's 'cause she's so happy to see you awake and talking to us. So how do you feel? - My head hurts. And I can't move my neck and my eyes hur
t. - Well, the neck is easily explainable. You've got this clunky thing called a brace around you. It's keeping you from moving on purpose. But there's other parts I want you to move. Toes, fingers, can you make them move? Ha, that's the best dance move you've ever made. I'm really glad to see that. I think you're gonna be okay. Those three words I had you repeat, you remember any of them? - End zone. - That's a start. You're gonna be all right. (machine squeals) (machine whirring) Here and here
, what we see on your occipital bone is a nondisplaced fracture, meaning a break that didn't shift around. And then we got the wound stitched over it stitched up really nicely, so it's all gonna heal really well. That part doesn't worry me. However, over here, right there, right there, right there. Here's what happened. When you came off that trailer, your momentum was so fast that the impact of your head hitting the ground made your brain dance around. The front of your brain smacked into the i
nside of your forehead, causing swelling of your frontal lobe. - So I bruised my brain? I have a bruise on my brain. - Yeah, that's a very good way to put it. Just like you could bruise your knee if you fell on it, your brain's made out of soft tissue, so you bruised it. - So what does that mean? What can we do? - Like any bruise, you just have to let it heal. Now, of course, you need to give it time to do so, which means that the rest of this summer is gonna be devoted to just resting. - But I'
ll be okay by the fall, right? My football team starts playing in the fall. I'm in high school this year, it's my first high school season. - Josh. I'm afraid there's not gonna be any football. - What? What do you mean? - I believe you will fully recover, but this is a very serious injury. - Dad, talk to him, tell him. - What about next season? - Any contact sport would be so dangerous after what you've just been through, all it would take is one more hit. I'm taking this seriously and I need yo
u to take this seriously too. And that means boxing, wrestling, hockey, definitely football. Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I know this is so difficult for you and-- - No, you don't! How could you know, you don't know anything. - Josh. - No, I'm supposed to play football. Please, no. I could play another position, any other position, I'll be fine. - Josh, it's okay. - No, get off of me! No, I'm supposed to play football! Please, tell him, tell him! Tell him I'm supposed top play football! Tell him!
Please, no! (birds chirping) - [Carol] You feeling okay? - [Josh] Yeah, I think so. - Okay. You're home, honey. Okay. Be careful, take it easy. Good, that's it. Good, good. Now, the doctor says you need to keep sitting upright, honey, even when you're in bed. - My head hurts. - Aw, okay. - I have such a headache. - Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, sit down in here. You rest, that's what you really need. Can I get you anything? You want some water? - No. - Okay. You rest for a while, okay, sweetie? - Son? -
I was supposed to play, to be the best and... That's what I thought. - You could've been. (sighs) (mellow music) (people chattering) - Hey, you. - Hey. You're good at cheerleading and football. That's rare. - I think I like football better than I like cheering. - Maybe you could play my position. I think you'd be good at it. - I heard what happened that day. I just... I can't believe it. - Yeah, it's pretty crazy. - I'm so sorry. - [Josh] Yeah. - I made you this. I know it's dorky, or whatever,
but I made it for you while you were in the hospital. - You made this? Thank you. It's awesome. What do you think? - Looks perfect. - [Josh] All right. - Well, I'm glad you're okay. I've gotta get back. See you around, yeah? - Yeah. Maybe we could still catch that movie sometime? - I'd like that. - Football team looks like winners this year. What do you think? - I mean, my dad's the coach. Robert Davis. He coaches winners, that's what he does. - Yeah, I know. You're Josh, his son, right? - [Jos
h] Yeah. - I'm Mr. Olsen, I'm part of the faculty here at Central. - [Josh] You're a teacher? - Oh, I'm a guidance counselor, actually, but I'm also the coach of the cross country team. You interested? - What? - Well, I saw you watching, I thought you might be interested. - Oh. No. - I understood you were quite the football player, quite the athlete. I know what happened, Josh. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you can't play. Look, you don't have to talk to me, or do anything you don't wanna do, but maybe y
ou could run with us. Who knows? - Running? - Top seven guys on my team have a chance at state this year. - There's state championships for cross country? - [Mr. Olsen] That's right. - So it's just a race. - Right again. Five kilometers. - [Josh] How long is that? - Eh, it's a little over three miles. - Three miles? You run three miles in a row? - Well, I don't, but the team does on race day. - Wow. - I tell you what, you wanna check it out, practice is tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. - No, I'm good. - Ok
ay. Well, hope to see you around school. - Science is not an app on your smartphone. If you'd have told me 20 years ago that every student was gonna have their phone with them all the time, I'd have pegged you as a science fiction writer. Don't even get me started on their writing skills. - Well, maybe you should make them write more in the classroom, Robert. It is your classroom. - Are you even listening to what I'm saying? I'm not talking about their writing skills, Carol. - How about you, Jos
h? Are you ready for the ninth grade? You're looking so much better, honey. Honey, did you hear me? - How do you feel about cross country? Dad? - What's that, cross country? - It's not for him. - Why? - It's not for him, it's long-distance running. And besides, doctor's orders, no sports, if you'd consider running a sport. - The doctor said no contact sports. - He's not built for it. Long-distance running, it's not for anybody. I don't know what Coach Olsen's doing out there, anyway. - I can run
, I can try. - So it's just running? Where? - No, they frolic in the woods. - The woods, that sounds dangerous. - It's not for him. You should focus on school, maybe drama club. - I'd be worried about your injury. Alone in the woods? (table thuds) - I'm worried about my injury. I'm worried about my injury, but I have to do something! I have to try. - Sit down. - I'm finished. - I said sit down. - Robert. - It's just not good for you, with your head. You outweigh those guys 10, 15 pounds. Trying
to save you the embarrassment. - I'm finished. May I be excused? (dishes clatter) - Josh, honey. - [Robert] He's not built for it. Long-distance running, it's not for anybody. (muffled speaking) - I can run. - [Mr. Olsen] Switch legs, guys. Good job. Hey, I thought you might show up. - I told you I wasn't interested. - Oh. Well, then what can we do for you? - I'd like to try out for the team. (group laughs) - You would? - Yeah. - Okay. Well, see that sports bag over there? Why don't you run over
there, grab that bottle of water, and run it back, okay? Yeah, go ahead. (group laughs) All right, all right, relax. Ah. Congratulations, you made the team. (group laughs) - He's gonna run with us, at seven? He's a football player, Coach. - Well, football players have legs, don't they? Then they can run. Everybody, this is Josh Davis. He's a freshman this year, just like some of you, and he wants to run with us, so we should be grateful for that. Josh, you can take a seat right over here next t
o Chad. Follow him through the stretches since he knows them all. - Nice shoes. - What do you have written on your shoes? - That's his call sign. Coach has everybody pick one. It's like their own nickname. I'm Adam. That's a cool wristband. - [Mr. Olsen] Switch! - Wait, if your name's Adam, why does it say Jack on your shoe? - Like Jack Skellington, from that movie? It's 'cause I'm so skinny, get it? - Wait, so speed and Jack Skellington. Okay. - [Adam] So, Josh, you ever run before? Like, you k
now, run? - Yeah, I was a wide receiver. I used to run all the time. - Then why aren't you on the football team? - Something about me being to fast, I don't know. (whistle shrills) - Okay, boys, today, you're gonna be doing the back loop just like yesterday, all right? Four times around, that includes the soccer field. What does that include, gentlemen? - [Boys] Soccer field! - Thank you! Girls, you'll be doing this side loop back here. The goal of today is to stay together as a team, okay? Chad
, you lead the boys, I'll be checking in on both teams. Let's go! - So four times around? That doesn't sound that bad. (Chad chuckles) How far is just one time? - Two and a half miles. - No, but how far is just one time. (group laughs) What? (students chattering) Can I sit here? - You want our seats? - No, just the one. Is that cool? - So how's your legs? (boys laughs) - They're good. - Yeah, we saw you walking over here. It was slower than yesterday's practice. Hey, what was that for? - Leave h
im alone, man. He ran the 10-mile, just like the rest of us. Plus, if he wanted to, he could break you in half. You don't wanna do that, do you? - Not yet. Did you guys get double servings or something? - Gotta load up on carbs. - Yeah, that's a perk of cross country, Josh. You can pretty much eat whatever you want. - It's for the running. - But you guys are so small. - Yeah, we burn about 2,010 calories every practice, so we need the glycogen source for it. - Are you eating a whole box of cerea
l right now? - Yeah, do you want some? I got another box. - That's okay, thank you. - Man. I wish I could talk to a girl like that. - Yeah, right, Adam, I dare you. - No way. - Why can't you guys talk to her? - Dude, are you kidding me? Just look at her. - Why don't I go talk to her for you? - For what? She would never talk to us. - You should do it, Josh. She might like you. - You think so? Let's find out. - No way. - Hey, you. - Josh, what happened? - [Adam] What'd she say? - You guys were rig
ht, she wouldn't talk to me. (school bell rings) I'll see you guys at practice. (students chattering) (whistle shrills) - Okay, guys, I know it's quick, but our first race is tomorrow. It's gonna be a dual meet, we're gonna host it here. It's gonna be a great opportunity for us to see where we stand. We're gonna show them what we got this year, okay? It'll be an awesome opportunity for the top seven guys and the top seven girls to compete for the varsity spots on the team. We want to run togethe
r as a unit. When you're racing, the longer that you can see your own teammate in front of you, the more likely you are ahead of the other team's number. Does everybody understand? - What does he mean "top seven"? Is there only seven guys on the team? - Yeah, without you, we wouldn't qualify to run. The team needs seven. - So I'm seven? What's your number, Adam? - I'm not sure yet. I'll find out Thursday. - Can anybody be any number? - Yeah, it's whoever's the fastest, and it goes from there. Bu
t even the number one runner needs the number seven to win anything as a team. - Today, we're gonna be Indian running. Relax, relax, you'll be fine. All right, doesn't matter if you're number one, number three, number seven, everybody stay together as a team, okay? For a refresher for those of you who don't know what Indian running is, you run in a straight line, the person at the back of the line sprints up to the front, falls into pace, and then the next person at the back goes, so on and so f
orth, okay? Easy enough? - Is it easy? - [Adam] No. - All right, let's do it. On the track, come on! Come on, Josh. Right now, buddy, let's go. - Dude! - There's that speed. - Nice one. Just don't waste it all. We're doing this for, like, 90 minutes. - I'm running tomorrow. It's the first race. You can come if you want. - I've got practice after school, Josh, you know that. I'll make it if I can. - Yeah. - [Robert] Make sure you tell your mother when you go. (people chattering) - [Boy In Glasses
] You're not racing in those, are you? - It's all I got. - Those are gonna be heavy, dude. Don't let anybody spike you. - Yeah, man, be careful. - I'll be fine, I think. - Okay, guys, first race, here we go. Everybody just relax, it's gonna be fine, all right? We're expecting Chad to be out in front, so whoever's at number two, all right, just keep Chad in sight as long as you can. Whoever's at three, stay with two, and so on down the line. It's just running. Keep it simple, and it will be, okay
? All right, hands in, team on three, here we go. One, two, three. - [All] Team! - Relax, Josh. It's just running. - You nervous? - [Josh] A little. You? - Shit yeah! - Oh. Good. - [Announcer] Runners, to your mark. (crowd cheering) (pistol fires) (runners panting) - That's it, Chad, that's it, pal! Number one, baby, number one! Mile one, done! (Josh panting) (shoulder thuds) - Hey! (crowd cheering) - Nice job. Good job, Brett, good job, Brett. - That's six. Only the football star is left. - He'
s walking. I knew he started too fast. - He better not be in the cart. (crowd cheering) - Let's go, Josh Davis! Let's go, Josh Davis, pick up those feet! You are finishing this race, let's go! All the way, let's go, let's go, let's go! It's right here! That's what you do, you finish races! Nice job! All the way through! - [Boy] Hey, good job. - That's seven. All right. - You okay? Hey, you finished. Don't sit like that too long. Hey, we'll let's stretch right here. (Josh panting) (knocking) - Mr
. Olsen? You wanted to see me? - Yeah, come in, take a seat. You can call me Coach. Classes good so far today? Did a great job yesterday. - What do you mean, I came in last place. - Did you finish the race? - Yeah, but what does that-- - Did you finish the race? Okay, have you ever run like that before? Exactly, so I'll say it again, you did a great job yesterday. - Mr. Olsen, I know you have to have seven guys to get to state, and I know you have to tell me I'm doing fine and all that. - No, I
don't, Josh. I don't have to tell you you're doing fine. - Right, well, I just don't think we have a chance at state if I'm your seventh guy. - Well, there's a lot of training left. Now, you know what the races are gonna be like, you just have to put in the time. You can only get better from here, Josh. - What did you say? - You can only get better. - No, before that, you said I just had to put in the time? - That's right. - My dad used to say that about football. He used to tell me every day. -
Hm. Well, he's right, isn't he? Let me ask you something, when you were planning to play football, how much did you play? How often would you say you practiced? - Every day, all day, all the time. - How come? - I was great. I was the best. I thought I gonna-- - Why do you think you were great? - My dad. My dad knew I was a great player. He knew I had talent. - That's admirable, but that's the wrong answer. You were great at football because you put in the time. You played over and over every da
y. I think it's wonderful it was your dad's idea, but he wasn't the one doing the work that it takes to be great. Let me tell you something else, it takes a lot more than talent to be great at anything. - So what are you saying? - I'm saying that we both know football is over now, but the great part doesn't have to be. You can still be great, Josh. I know this isn't how you thought it would be, but life is like that sometimes. If you want it, if you're willing to put in the time with running, ju
st like you did with football, I think you'll get the same results. You're not just a great football player. - [Josh] Is that what you called me in here for? - No. I wanted to get you these. Thought they might help. The blue ones there are for practice, and the spikes are for the races, okay? - Thanks. - And I'm sure the guys told you about my call sign rule, want you to pick something out for yourself. - Hey, Mr. Olsen? Do you think I can actually run with the other guys, like, that we'd have a
chance at state? - I think that part's up to you, Josh. - Hey. - [Josh] Oh, hey, what's up? - You're not quitting, are you? - What? No, I just... I thought about it. - But you're not? Some of us, we thought, maybe after yesterday... - I was that bad, huh? - No, no I thought you were really great. - You know, cross country's the first sport I've done where you can get in last and people still tell you you did great. (both chuckle) - So what did you talk to Coach about? - Oh, he just gave me some
shoes. - Good, don't quit, we need you. The boys' team, I mean. Did you pick a nickname yet? - Not yet. What's yours, by the way? - Sunny. My mom always says that my hair reminds her of the sunshine. I guess it's kinda silly. - No, I like you, I like the name of your hair. (chuckles) - Thanks. I guess I'll see you at practice. - [Josh] Yeah. - Don't quit. (alarm ringing) (birds chirping) (gentle music) (inspirational music) (gentle piano music) - All right, guys, today, we're gonna work on spee
d, not only chasing the competitor, but outrunning the competitor. All right, boys, you're gonna do the back loop all the way around, and, girls, you're gonna go clear around the soccer field. The idea today is to run as fast as you can for the entire loop, okay? It's about 800 meters or so, and you'll get a short break. - Hey. Might wanna sit out the first couple rounds. Get some extra rest. Might help. - Hey, how about you worry about you, and I'll worry about me. - Okay guys, guys, enough. Re
lax, all right? After 30 seconds, on my whistle, the next runner's gonna go, all right? Focus on trying to get the runner in front of you in sight before the finish. And also, don't let the runner behind you catch you, okay? That's it, you're gonna pick a person to start, fall in line. You're chasing, but you're also getting chased. That's the essence of racing, ladies and gentlemen. All right, let's to it, let's line it up. - If only those shoes could do the racing for you, maybe, just maybe, w
e might be able to get to state this year. - Chad, enough. Let's line it up, let's go. (whistle shrills) (gentle music) Okay, runners to your mark! (whistle shrills) - What are you doing? - I'd like to go first. - Okay, man. (whistle shrills) (triumphant music) Holy crap. (gentle music) (boys chattering) - [Sam] Look at these shit heads. - Hey, you ladies gonna hit the weights any time soon? - Look at this, I can fit my whole hand around this kid's bicep. - Let go. - What'd you say? Hey, I'm ask
ing you, kid, what'd you say? - Leave him alone. - Was I talking to you? (locker clangs) Huh?! Are you his mommy? What? What, Josh? What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? - That's enough. - You're fast. You were fast today. - Thanks. - We can use it, that burst of speed. - Yeah? - Yeah, man. Just gotta get good enough to hang around the other teams' last guys, the other backend runners. And then, at the end of the race-- - Pass them? - That's right, all at once. They're distance runners.
No one has that speed. You just gotta use it at the right time. - Okay, I'll try. - This is my senior year. I always thought that... - State, right? Chad? Do you think I could ever run like you, the way you do? - Nope. (upbeat rock music) β™ͺ Yeah, yeah β™ͺ β™ͺ No use crying, leave your tears at the door β™ͺ β™ͺ You keep buying what they sold you before β™ͺ β™ͺ You won't change it, but you can't take it no more β™ͺ β™ͺ No more β™ͺ β™ͺ Look out, maybe you're beginning to see β™ͺ β™ͺ Deep down, you know about the way it sh
ould be β™ͺ β™ͺ I don't need to tell you, fear can be so captivating β™ͺ β™ͺ Yeah β™ͺ β™ͺ You are fine β™ͺ β™ͺ Just let go β™ͺ β™ͺ By this time β™ͺ β™ͺ You should know β™ͺ β™ͺ Run, you can run β™ͺ β™ͺ To the light at the end of the way β™ͺ β™ͺ Run, will you run β™ͺ β™ͺ Run from the things that remind you β™ͺ β™ͺ Things that will bind you β™ͺ β™ͺ You've got to leave it behind, yeah β™ͺ β™ͺ Yeah β™ͺ β™ͺ No use dying, you've got living to do β™ͺ β™ͺ You keep trying, but it's not up to you β™ͺ β™ͺ A voice is calling, ooh, a hand to pull you through β™ͺ β™ͺ A hand to
pull you through β™ͺ β™ͺ All the pain β™ͺ β™ͺ That you've known β™ͺ β™ͺ No more shame β™ͺ β™ͺ Let it go β™ͺ β™ͺ Run, you can run β™ͺ β™ͺ To the light at the end of the way β™ͺ β™ͺ Run, when you run β™ͺ β™ͺ Run from the things β™ͺ - [Carol] I still don't know how you can eat all that, Josh, and still have room for dinner. (Carol chuckles) - It's a team thing, Mom. We have a big race tomorrow, and I'm gonna need a lot of energy. You'll be there, right? - I think so, yes. - I mean, this is it. Our team could officially qualify for
state meet. Do you think you can get Dad to come? - Well, Josh, your dad's a coach, and he has a team too. - It's a Saturday, he can make it. - We run drills on Saturday, you know that. Now, I don't want you to eat like this anymore. One bowl a day's plenty. - It's a running thing, Dad. There's a huge race tomorrow, you wouldn't get it. - What I do get is a paycheck to buy food for the house, and eating like this is total waste of money. Seven, what's that? - [Josh] What? - On the back of your
shirt, Seven. - Oh. Mr. Olsen has his runners pick a nickname, like a call sign. - You picked Seven? - Well, I didn't pick it, I'm the seventh man. The seventh runner on the team. - [Robert] So you're the last runner. Does first runner have one on his shirt? - No. - Oh. What's for dinner? - Not cupcakes. (Carol chuckles) - You should come to my race tomorrow. - I told you, we run drills tomorrow, son. (spoon clatters) But good luck, okay? - Dinner's in a few minutes, Josh. (dramatic music) (crow
d chattering) - There's a lot of good runners here, guys. Crazy mile splits. - I'm sure they're all thinking the same thing about you, Chad. - We just have to run like we do in practice, keep each other in sight. Nice, Josh. - Thanks. You guys like it? - It's perfect. (triumphant music) (dramatic music) - Hey, KO, how you doing? - Hey, how are you, Scott? - Good to see you. - Hey. - Good to see you. - Good to see you. - So we all know who's gonna win here today. It's pretty much a one-team race.
- Too bad you got that football kid over there. - [Mr. Olsen] That is too bad. - You know, maybe four years, eight years, you'll be back. - Looks like somebody's going home today. (Scott chuckles) - You know, I always look forward to coming here and seeing you gentlemen. - Yeah, good luck today. - You have a great day yourself, okay? - See you, boss, take it easy. - Why don't you get in the back? That's where you're gonna be anyway. - Hey, back off. - [Tall Boy] What are you gonna do about it?
- Look at those shoes, The Rocket? What are you, a cartoon? (tall boy chuckles) - [Announcer] Runners, to the mark! - Feeling good? - Yeah, I feel all right. - Listen, to day is the day, all right? You have put in the time. You find every single one of those number seven runners and you pass them. Every one, today, you got it? - I got it. - Let's go. - [Announcer] To your mark! (pistol fires) (crowd cheering) (thrilling music) (dramatic music) (kick thuds) (Adam groans) (Josh panting) (coughing)
(gentle piano music) - [Josh] Hey! Hey, can you run? - Yeah. - Get outta here, go. Oh, god. (dramatic music) Adam, it's just that group ahead, Adam. We have to pass them now. Fight it. (triumphant music) That's it, that's it! (crowd chattering) (gentle music) (crowd cheering) - That's it, Chad, that's it, Chad Robinson! Come on, baby! Number one! Number one today! That's what I'm talking about! All right! Where's Adam? Where's Adam? He should be right with you. - I don't know, I never saw him.
- That's North's fifth guy. - Adam should've been ahead of him. Something must've happened. - All right, well... (triumphant music) Is that them, that's them right there. That's them. That's it, Josh is with them! That's it, both you guys, let's go! All the way through! Here, here, get him up, get him up. Let's walk him out. - Come on. - Let's walk him out right over here. Right over here. - [Josh] You okay? - I guess. - [Josh] You finished. - I'd like to thank you all for being here and partici
pating in this fantastic event. These athletes, boys and girls alike, are truly remarkable people. And, of course, the top overall finisher will go on to represent this great sport at the state meet. And our top three finishers are the Lake Chargers, North High School, and Central High School. - In third place, with a phenomenal performance all year long, are the Lake Chargers. (crowd applauding) (crowd cheers) In second place, with some of the fastest paced times I've seen from them, since I ca
n remember at least, North High! - That's it! (crowd cheers) - And let's hear it for the Falcons of Central High and their coach, Mr. Keith Olsen! (crowd cheering) You are an official state qualifier! - That's all you guys right there! That's you guys. Good job. - [Josh] Dad, you down here? Dad, what are you doing? - Just tidying up a little bit. - Hey. We never got to use this one. - Oh, that? That's something I was gonna use in class. - I like it. - Better quality than when you were nine. - I
changed my call sign, the name on the back of the shirt. - The Seven? - Yeah, I changed it. The Rocket. I thought you'd like that. - The Rocket? - I'm going to state, the team, we are. I made it. - [Robert] I know, your mom told me. Congratulations, Josh. - It's in one week. - Yeah, I know, I've got a playoff game in a week as well. Long season, huh? - Yeah. - Grades up? - [Josh] Yeah, Dad. - Math? - A. - [Robert] You're kidding. - You're a teacher at my school, Dad. I know you know what my grad
es are. - [Robert] Yeah, it's kinda hard to get anything past the old man, isn't it? - That's for sure. - Do your mom a favor and take the trash bins out from the garage, okay? - Look, I know it's not football, but I'd like you to come. I'm gonna try to... Well, it's a long shot, but we have a chance to win. Good luck at your playoff game. (gentle music) (sighs) I don't know if this matters. I don't know why my... But everything's different now. (sighs) If you could just help me win this race, h
elp my team, I know I can still do something great, for my dad and also for me. Anyway... (lively music) (hammer thudding) (triumphant music) - All right, guys, bring it in, bring it in. Here we go, we are here. Okay, this is it, this is state. I don't have a whole lot to say to you. We've worked all season, this is the moment. People are gonna lead off fast off that starting line, don't get caught up in that. Let's run our race, okay? - Can we actually win this, the whole thing? - Well, the pro
bability of us coming in last is one-in-seven. - How do you know that? - Isn't there only seven teams here? (group laughs) - Calm down. Don't worry about any of that, okay? Just clear your head and focus. All right, McClane, you've been running behind Chad at number two all season, you hang right there, everybody hang with him. That's all we gotta do, okay? - We're only as fast as our last guy. - That's right. We are only as good as our last guy, all right? Let's do this, state on three, here we
go. One, two, three. - [All] State! - [Mr. Olsen] Let's get it, come on! (people chattering) - I'm glad you're here. - Coach! Hey, good to see you, man. - You too. - Nice shirts. What, are you guys gonna run today or what? - Maybe. - Oh, Keith. (Carol laughs) No, sir. - Does Josh know you're here today? - He asked me to come, but no. No, I don't think so. - Oh, okay. - Coach, how is he as a backend runner? Kinda slow? - Coach, Josh is the reason we're here. Why don't you guys go catch the gun,
okay? I'll catch up with you. - Yeah. - Excuse me, I'm so sorry. Okay. There he is, there he is. - That a boy, Josh. That a boy. - [Announcer] Runners, to the mark! (cannon fires) (crowd cheering) (dramatic music) (gentle music) (crowd cheering) - Good job, guys. Good work. There we go, that's our first guy there. That's our first guy, right there. That's him. That's it, Chad! - Okay. Okay. - That's right, big dog. Come on, speed. You can hang with these guys, man. You can hang with them! - Is h
e in there? Is that him? - Let's go, David! Let's go, Bobby! Nice job! Stay together, stay together! - Where is he? - That's Adam right there! Let's go, Adam! Come on, buddy! All the way through, all the way through! That's Josh! - Let's go, Josh! - Let's go, Josh! - Let's go, Josh. Go, Josh! (triumphant music) Go, Josh! That's my son. That's my son. - [Josh] Come on, let's pass these guys. - This is too fast. We're not even at mile two yet. - [Josh] Stay with me. Let's go. (inspirational music)
Zach, you good? - [Zach] I'm good. What are we doing? - [Adam] We're winning. (triumphant music) (crowd cheering) - Come on, buddy, that's right. That's right, that's right. Okay. That's it, die hard, all the way, baby! Come on! Hold on, there. Hold on, there, there he is! That's it, Josh! Come on, Josh! All the way through, baby! They're here! Good job, man! - [Carol] Boy, you did it, you did it. - What about he playoffs? - Josh, I'm so sorry. I love you, Josh. I'm so sorry. - What an incredib
le day, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for being here to support these outstanding young men. It is truly an exceptional accomplishment to be in any of these fierce competitors' company. Now, we have an upset today. The favored Southeast Tech will be going on to accept second place individual medals, and they have earned second place overall today. (crowd cheering) (gentle music) Now, this was truly earned today by a team that I'm about to hand this to. Together, they ran a season that took the
m all the way. I would like to announce and personally congratulate the first place state champions, Coach Keith Olsen and the Central Falcons! (crowd cheering) - [Keith] Chad, that's all you, pal. Hoist it up. (boys laugh) - Yes! - Hey, what did you do today? - It was the shoes, man. (boys laugh) - That's my son. - Let this kid hold this. (boys laugh) That's all you, pal. (gentle piano music) (upbeat music) β™ͺ Have a little faith in me, oh β™ͺ β™ͺ When my faith is running low β™ͺ β™ͺ Spare a little grac
e for me, oh β™ͺ β™ͺ 'Cause sometimes I'm not graceful at all β™ͺ β™ͺ But I keep on dancing β™ͺ β™ͺ Like I ain't got no strings β™ͺ β™ͺ When my heart is fading β™ͺ β™ͺ I always find my way β™ͺ β™ͺ Lost my sense in a wishing well β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm a mess, but I fake it well β™ͺ β™ͺ Oh, I just keep my head in the clouds β™ͺ β™ͺ Far away from reality β™ͺ β™ͺ Running from gravity β™ͺ β™ͺ Oh, I just keep my head in the clouds β™ͺ β™ͺ Always getting what I want, oh β™ͺ β™ͺ But what I need, I can't seem to get β™ͺ β™ͺ One second, I'm so confident, oh, no β™ͺ β™ͺ The
next minute, I'm losing it β™ͺ β™ͺ But I keep believing β™ͺ β™ͺ One day I'll get it right β™ͺ β™ͺ As long as I'm breathing β™ͺ β™ͺ It's a beautiful lie β™ͺ β™ͺ Lost my sense in a wishing well β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm a mess, but I fake it well β™ͺ β™ͺ Oh, I just keep my head in the clouds β™ͺ β™ͺ Far away from reality β™ͺ β™ͺ Running from gravity β™ͺ β™ͺ Oh, I just keep my head in the clouds β™ͺ β™ͺ All I see in front of me is a clear blue sky β™ͺ β™ͺ I just keep my head in the clouds β™ͺ β™ͺ Knowing that'll bring me down 'cause I'm up too high β™ͺ β™ͺ I just kee
p my head in the clouds β™ͺ β™ͺ I can't help but wander β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm a gypsy soul β™ͺ β™ͺ Might have to learn the hard way β™ͺ β™ͺ But it's all I know, don't tell me no β™ͺ β™ͺ Don't you tell me no β™ͺ β™ͺ Don't tell me β™ͺ β™ͺ Lost my sense in a wishing well β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm a mess, but I fake it well β™ͺ β™ͺ Oh, I just keep my head in the clouds β™ͺ β™ͺ Far away from reality β™ͺ β™ͺ Falling from gravity β™ͺ (inspirational music)



One thing that I've learned in the past when I was a teenager, blessings could come in disguise. There may be major interruptions in people's lives. Even so, there is not just a dark side to circumstances, also there is a bright side for the circumstances people like Joshua Davis faced.


Amazing movie nd Channel πŸ˜„.


I love this movie so much


His mom and dad should have been grateful he was alive and ok. And should support him if he wants to be a computer whiz or runner or whatever keeps his spirits up.




Well put together....good cinematographery.....


Cricket addict from asia😊😊


Don’t quit. We need you πŸ™‚ 48:50


That Chad at 53, should have been answered: "So what you're saying is, if we don't achieve, what you couldn't achieve without me, it's bcz I'm not good enough? That sure makes sense..."


What an incredible movie & lesson learned. When one door closes GOD opens another πŸ™Œ


I might go and eat another bowl of fruit loops!