
The Ship Has Been in Space For 923 Years, Its Crew Mutated After Landing

Two crew members of a spaceship wake up from hypersleep to discover that all their colleagues are missing. Despite this, it appears that they are not alone. Our team strives to create quality recaps of your favorite films. On the channel, you will find stories about movies in Sci-Fi, thriller, fantasy, horror, drama, fiction, trash, comedy, detective, psychological thriller, and dystopia genres. Each video will intrigue you with surprises and mystery. Leave the names of your favorite movies in the comments, and we will make an exciting review about each of them. We will be very grateful if you give us a like for our efforts and subscribe to the channel so as to not miss the next entertaining video. Thank you for watching our recap. #movierecap #spoilerlab #recaps

Spoiler Lab

1 year ago

Hi! Welcome to Spoiler Lab! This ship flew in space for 923 years, but after landing it turned out  that the entire crew mutated! Today we will recap the story  of the 2009 movie Pandorum. In 2153, a space probe discovered  the planet Tanis, suitable for life, in deep space. At that time, the world's  population was over 24 billion people. Mankind was short on food and the necessities of  life. Twenty years later, the battle for resources on Earth has become extremely fierce. Then the  Elysium s
pacecraft was launched towards Tanis. The huge ship has been on its way to Tanis for  some time. Suddenly the crew receives a message from Earth. It says that the crew and passengers  of the Elysium are the last people of mankind. Another indefinite amount of time passes. A man  on board suddenly awakens in a hyper sleep pod. He takes off his oxygen mask, convulses and  screams loudly, but no one comes to help him. Thanks to the inscription on the capsule, we  learn that this man is Corporal Bau
er. Finally, he manages to cut the wires and get out of the  capsule. Bauer gradually comes to his senses, pulls the mucus off his body and pulls out  the catheters. But the man can hardly remember anything. There are obvious electrical problems  aboard, so Bauer finds a flashlight and looks around. This is how he finds Lieutenant Payton's  capsule. This name sounds familiar to Bauer. The corporal puts on his uniform and finds a  picture of his wife in his locker. After that, the man tries to ge
t on the captain's  bridge, but the door does not open. Bauer can't understand anything and with a  scream hits Lieutenant Payton's capsule with a piece of rebar. But he doesn't wake up. After that, there is a powerful surge of electricity, and the lieutenant's capsule opens  by itself. Payton tries to recover from his stasis and also doesn’t remember anything. The  men assume that their watch is about to begin, but it's strange why no one has woken them  up. Bauer thinks they are alone on this
ship, and they were awakened by the navigation computer.  The men do not remember where they are flying, nor their mission. It's impossible to get to  the bridge without electricity. Payton turns on the backup power in their quarters and tries to  radio for someone. Bauer finds a tattoo on his arm suggesting that they are Group Five. The men do  not understand what happened to the fourth group, which must now prepare for anabiosis. It’s also  a mystery where the third member of their team, Lieut
enant Cooper, went. His capsule is empty. Suddenly the men hear some sounds in the ventilation system. Payton suggests that  Bauer climb up the vent and look around in the other compartment. The corporal takes a  communications transmitter with him to talk to his commander and sets off. Nothing can  be seen in the tube, but Payton promises to monitor the subordinate's movements and guide  him. Power surges are getting worse. This means that the ship's nuclear reactor is now off and  trying to co
me back on, but it needs a reboot. There is still no way out of the ventilation  shaft. Bauer becomes uncomfortable, he can't breathe. He's starting to get nervous. Payton  makes him laugh and calms him down. The lieutenant then recalls that the shift change was supposed  to take place every two years. If they are members of the fifth group, that means that only eight  years have passed since the start of the flight. At this time, Bauer falls down the shaft  and ends up at the ventilation hatch
on the lower level. The man lights a lantern and  sees the dead Lieutenant Cooper next to him, who, judging by his condition, was stuck here  several years ago. Bauer makes a dash, kicks the hatch and falls into the lower compartment.  The connection with Payton is interrupted. Bauer explores the room in which he is trapped  and finds many human pods. Clanking sounds can be heard in the distance. Bauer sees a girl with  his flashlight and starts running after her, but she quickly escapes. Finall
y, the corporal  appears to think the girl has stopped. But as he gets closer, he sees that the frozen figure is not  a girl, but a man who has long ago harmed himself. While Bauer examines the find, the lurking  girl knocks him down and confronts him. She looks wild and makes the corporal take off his  shoes. But then a growl is heard in the hallway, and the girl runs away in terror. Bauer shines  his flashlight around and notices the outlines of strange creatures. Then he puts out the flashlig
ht  and prudently hides in a back corridor as well. Some creature rushes down the corridor at a wild  speed. It is a creepy roaring monster with spiked fangs all over its body. He smells Bauer and  is looking for him. The man hides in a corner, holding his breath. But at that moment  the connection with Payton resumes, and he loudly calls Bauer to the phone. This  gives the man away, and the monster attacks him, trying to wound him with his spear. But  Bauer presses himself into the wall and rem
ains unharmed. Soon the monster leaves,  taking the dead Lieutenant Cooper with him. Then the frightened Bauer gets in touch with the  commander, terrified, tells him what happened and asks him to call the rescue team in any way  he can. But Payton says nothing will succeed, because he remembered something. "Elysium"  is not designed to go backwards. They are the cargo - 60,000 people travelling toward Tanis. After these words, Bauer, too, sinks into memories. When the probe first landed on Tani
s,  he was a child and watched the live broadcast with his father and mother. Water, plants, and  everything necessary for human life were found on the planet. The decision was then made to send  the first settlers to Tanis. With that in mind, Bauer realizes that the journey on  the Elysium is a one-way trip. The man thinks of his wife again, but can't  remember if she is flying to Tanis or not. Bauer is very nervous and wants to go in search  of his wife to save her from the monsters. Payton as
ks the corporal to calm down and concentrate on  saving the ship. Bauer listens to him and finds a non-lethal weapon. He then asks Payton to find  him a route to the reactor to restart it manually. Bauer sets off and suddenly feels a strange  jitters. He fears that this is how the symptoms of the insanity that astronauts call pandorum  manifest themselves. It all started when an officer on a two-year watch on a spaceship called  Eden had a nervous breakdown. He went crazy, decided their flight w
as cursed, and ejected five  thousand passengers into outer space. Of course, no one survived. Remembering this, Bauer  tries to shake off thoughts of the pandorum. The man continues to move down the corridor and  discovers a motionless man. Suddenly he regains consciousness, and Bauer saves the unfortunate  man. He turns out to be a member of the sixth group, for some reason long awake. Realizing that  Bauer is unaware of what is happening on the ship, the man begins to slather on some brown li
quid  on himself. It is necessary to neutralize their smell and escape from the monsters. Suddenly the men hear the monsters growling, run away and hide. But the monsters do find the  officer of the sixth group and drag him after them. The creatures are intent on killing  the man. Bauer tries again to save him, but nothing works. Then he runs to save himself.  The man runs through the corridors, but soon stumbles and falls from a great height. Bauer is  saved only by a rope, which he miraculousl
y clings to. The communications transmitter falls off  the ledge and communication with Payton is lost. The monsters pursue Bauer, but at the last moment  a nimble guy with a spear comes to his aid. Having escaped the chase, the men hide behind the gate  of one of the compartments. The savior's name is Meng. He speaks a language unknown to Bauer, but  he looks friendly. From the tattoo on his arm, the corporal realizes that his new  comrade is from the agriculture group. After that, Bauer goes t
o the food supplies. This  is where the nimble girl he met earlier jumps on him. But now Meng comes to the guy's rescue.  While fighting ensues between him and the girl, Bauer fires his gun into the air. The two  wildlings are frightened and heed Bauer's words. He says they have to stick together and asks them  to escort him to the reactor. Meng shows signs that he knows the way. The roar of monsters is  heard again, and the three of them start moving. The girl's name is Nadia, and she thinks  t
hat the way to the reactor is too dangerous, because no one has ever returned from there. But  Bauer believes it is necessary to save the ship and land it by all means. Nadia gains his trust  and tells him that she woke up six months ago. She puts her hand to the lock on one of the  doors and waits for something. The monsters start getting close to them and they desperately  need to escape. But Nadia tells them to wait. Soon the door opens and, having fought off  the monsters, the company runs i
nto a bright room. The friends end up in the environmental  compartment. Nadia has lived here all along; she accompanies the embryos of the animals and plants  that are to settle on Tanis. On Earth, the girl worked as a geneticist; she and her colleagues  spent seven years collecting samples of Earth's biosphere to create life on the new planet. Listening to Nadia, Bauer recalls that it takes 123 years to fly from Earth to  Tanis. The girl gives the corporal a cricket to eat and suggests that El
ysium has  been on the road for well over eight years. Meanwhile, Payton tries to break down the door  and get to the captain's bridge. Suddenly he hears a strange sound in the ventilation pipe and  closes the hatch just in case. Later, the sound is repeated, but instead of a monster, a tormented  man in strange slime appears out of the hole. He begs for help, and Payton helps him get out.  The guy's speech is incoherent. He trembles and says in a weak voice that he is Corporal Gallow of  the Fo
urth Group. Gallow had been on the captain's bridge and now found himself in this state. At this time, Bauer and his crew arrive at the crew's anabiosis bay. Almost all of the capsules  are empty. According to Nadia, people were taken by monsters. Meng is wary, staying still among  the pods, and Bauer wants to go back to him, but falls down under the floor on the way. Nadia  follows him. The friends find themselves up to their shoulders in a muddy liquid and  find a lot of filth here. Above them
, a monster walks among the pods, but it soon goes  silent. Then the friends make their way to the surface. Bauer cautiously shines his flashlight  into the darkness, and the monster immediately attacks them. The corporal gets tangled up in the  wires and begins to feel the symptoms of pandorum. But watching the monster overpower Nadia, Bauer  comes to his senses and rushes to the girl's aid. A fierce fight breaks out. As Bauer and  Nadia fall to the floor, Meng appears. The friends gather their
last forces and  attack the monster from three sides. But then a second monster appears. It bangs its spear  against a wall and calls out to a crowd of its brethren. The three of them run away quickly. Payton, meanwhile, brings Gallow to his senses and asks what happened on the bridge.  He says that two other members of his team were possessed by the pandorum. Tom had to  protect himself. But Payton doesn't believe him. Nadia continues to lead her friends to  the reactor. Suddenly they notice a
n inconspicuous cabin with a closing hatch and  decide to rest after the monster attack. But another man named Leland shows up in the  cabin. He turns on the lights and informs them that he has lived here for a long time.  Afterwards, Leland cooks a meal for his friends. Meanwhile, Bauer discusses with Nadia where the  monsters on the ship came from. The girl thinks they used to be people sleeping in pods. But  these people woke up a long time ago and began to mutate because of the accelerator,
a  synthetic food enzyme that was fed into the capsules. The accelerator was supposed to  help humans adapt to the biosphere of Tanis, but it helped the monsters adapt to life on  the ship. Leland overhears this conversation and decides to tell his friends what he knows. Gallow finally comes to his senses and begins to haunt Payton like a ghost. The lieutenant  keeps a tranquilizer near him to calm Gallow down if anything happens. The young corporal  paces the room imposingly, listing the sympto
ms of pandorum and advising Payton to look  for them in himself. With these words, Gallow is about to tell Payton the terrible truth. His story echoes that of Leland, who at the same time begins to tell his friends his side of  the story. When the Elysium journey began, all the passengers were asleep. This went on for  several years. At this time, the captain's bridge had a change of crew every two years. Everything  went smoothly at first, and then the fourth group took over. The crew received
the last signal  from Earth. An apocalypse happened there, and life was lost. So, the people aboard the Elysium  were the last humans in the entire solar system. The only people awake on the ship at that moment  were Gallow and two of his colleagues. After the message from Earth, there was total anarchy aboard  the ship, and Gallow massacred the other members of the crew. The only survivor got bored after  that. He began to bring out of anabiosis everyone who came to hand, and to have fun with t
hem in a  peculiar way. He ended up thinking he was a king. All who tried to live according to reason were  destroyed by him. Soon the mad king grew weary and fell back into anabiosis. At this time, the  awakened humans mutated, and evil spread through the ship. During this story, Bauer and his crew  become uncomfortable with the poison that Leland slipped into their food. They lose consciousness. Payton is having a hard time, too. He suffers a powerful shock when he learns that Earth no  longer
exists, and that there is total mayhem on Elysium. Digesting the information, Payton  feels the symptoms of pandorum. In doing so, Gallow hypnotizes him with a frantic stare. There is a power surge on the ship, and Bauer and his friends come to their senses. While they  were senseless, Leland tied them up and hung them upside down. The savage man has culinary plans  for the company. Bauer tries to talk Leland into letting them go and lays out his plan to restart  the reactor. Leland has been aw
ake among the monsters for years and is not inclined to believe  in a miraculous rescue. But he notices that lately the voltage is spiking more and more often, which  means that the reactor will soon stop, and there will be nothing left of the ship. Bauer insists  that the reactor must be restarted immediately. The corporal promises that no one will judge  Leland for his past gastronomic atrocities, for he was simply trying to survive in  this hell. These words impress Leland, and he releases th
e prisoners. Bauer immediately  convinces his friends that they are a team and contacts Payton on Leland's radio. According to Bauer's data, Payton calculates how long the reactor will last.  The friends have 47 minutes to do everything. Payton then lines up a route to the reactor.  All four friends hit the road. Suddenly they meet a baby mutant. Meng tries to kill him, but  Nadia asks that the child be spared. The child immediately starts squealing and calling for  adult monsters. It turns out
that the monsters are breeding. The friends are immediately pursued  by a group of monsters, but they manage to hide. Payton doesn't give up hope of getting to the  captain's bridge, the control center of the ship. But Gallow makes gloating speeches  about how Bauer can't restart the reactor because he lost his skills during anabiosis.  Which means there's no need to steer the ship anymore. Gallow insists on the need to catapult  out of the ship in order to live a few more days. Bauer's team get
s into the compartment where  the families of the crew members were. But all the capsules are empty. Then he remembers that  his wife was never on the ship. She was probably unable to have children, and they wouldn't take  her aboard Elysium. Even before the flight, she dumped Bauer so he could fly without  remorse. Thus, she saved his life. Suddenly, Bauer notices Payton's wife's capsule. He  immediately recalls some important information about Payton himself. The friends continue  on their way
and come out to the reactor. The insane Gallow insinuates to Payton that  the reactor will not withstand a reboot. But the commander orders him to shut up  and wait for Bauer to fix everything. Meanwhile, Bauer himself is trying to approach  the reactor over the flimsy bridge. The structure cracks, causing one of the monsters to awaken  in the depression around the reactor. This is where the nest of mutants is located. There are  several hundred of them here, but they all sleep peacefully in th
e rays of radiation. The awakened  monster growls a little and goes back to sleep. And Bauer continues on his way. Suddenly the rusty  bridge comes off its mounts and almost falls down, but Meng grabs it and holds it up. However, Bauer  falls off and flies down almost all the way to the pit with the mutants. Meanwhile, Nadia runs  to the reactor and begins the restart process, but cannot complete it without Bauer's  help. He himself carefully goes down into the mutants' nest, takes pieces of the
ir skin  and wraps them around to hide the human smell. The conflict between Payton and Gallow heats  up. The corporal goes out of his mind and wants to eject. He points a tranquilizer gun at  Payton and forces him to begin the process of catapulting the capsule with Gallow inside. But  the lieutenant launches only a simulated catapult and closes the corporal in the capsule.  He becomes hysterical and shouts curses. And Bauer, in his new guise, cautiously makes his  way through the bodies of sle
eping mutants to the stairs leading up from the pit. But Leland,  who was illuminating the room from above, accidentally drops the flashlight  into the hole. The mutants wake up, start growling and looking for the source of the  noise. Bauer has no trouble getting to the top, and Meng finally drops the broken bridge into the  hole. The surviving mutants notice Meng and rush toward him. The man throws his spear into  the crowd and runs away down the corridors. The reactor is seconds away from sto
pping, but  Bauer manages to restart it. Panic ensues among the mutants left in the nest. Looking at what's  going on, Leland runs toward the captain's bridge. Payton is about to go to the control center,  and Gallow in the capsule starts talking in riddles. He calls Payton a corporal  and reproaches him for all his sins. Bauer and Nadia wait for the monsters to quiet  down and run away from the reactor. And Meng faces the head mutant in the corridor and gets  into a fight with him. The monster
is strong, but Meng kills him with his own pike. After  that, the guy notices the baby mutant. The creature makes an innocent face at first, but  suddenly slashes Meng’s throat with a fast jab. Gallow gets out of the capsule and approaches  Payton with a gun loaded with tranquilizer. It's like the lieutenant has double vision.  A fight breaks out between the men. The corporal immobilizes Payton, and suddenly  their bodies begin to fuse. After a dose of the tranquilizer, Gallow disappears  altoge
ther, and Payton feels relieved. Then Leland comes running to the captain's  bridge. He begins to recount his experiences, but Payton quickly eliminates him. Nadia and  Bauer also make it to the control room. At the same time, Bauer already realizes  that Payton is not who he says he is. The false lieutenant sits in the captain's chair  and admits to himself that he is in fact Corporal Gallow. He was the one who received the last  signal from Earth, and after that he killed his crew and didn't g
o into anabiosis. It was he,  Gallow, who set in motion the process that caused the passengers of Elysium to mutate. And after  having played around for a couple of decades, he fell back into anabiosis, but this  time in someone else's capsule - which used to belong to Lieutenant Payton. Gallow opens the illuminator, but no stars are visible behind it. While Nadia tries to figure  out their location by looking up, Gallow tries to awaken Bauer's symptoms of pandorum. He talks  about how wonderful
it is to give in to one's fears and forget about morality. Gallow believes  that laws and morality have ceased to exist with the earth. But Bauer is of a different opinion. Suddenly Nadia notices sea creatures passing overboard. This means that the ship has long since  arrived on Tanis and lies at the bottom of the sea. Then the logbook shows that the voyage has  already lasted 923 years instead of the 123 years. People could have awakened 800 years ago and lived  peacefully on Tanis without mu
tants. Upon learning this, Bauer has a pandorum attack and fires a shot  into the electric panel, supposedly to dispose of a mutant. This damages the hull of the ship,  the glass cracks, and water starts to flow in. Bauer quickly grabs Nadia and leads her to her  pod. Once inside, he triggers the launch of the pod. A mutant attempts to break the pod,  but is hindered by the approaching water. The capsule rushes upward, but the water  makes it increasingly difficult to breathe. Bauer puts an oxyg
en mask on Nadia and holds his  breath. Soon their capsule reaches the surface, the door flying off to the side. The friends come  to their senses and see the dry land up close. Just then, more than a thousand more intact  capsules with survivors emerge from the water. They all ejected automatically due to  damage to the ship's hull. Only Gallow and the mutants remain aboard the sunken Elysium.  Thus began the first day of life on Tanis. So what did you think of this movie? Leave  it in the comm
ents below and if you liked the video please like and subscribe for  more movie recaps. See you next time!



I read someone's comment a year ago that the mutated humans are supposedly ready to adapt to a new habitat or they were bio-engineered to adapt that way, but when the ship submerged under the depths of sea and the lack of sunlight, they become mutated into something resembling a creature that lives underwater. With nothing to learn or the ability to survive they resort to cannibalism due to isolation. Edit: thanks for the likes, but the one who gives me ideas about the movie should be the one credited, not me.


The passengers and crew were given an accelerator in their foodsupply during hypersleep so they would easier adapt to their new environment on the new planet. But since one of the crewmembers suffered from Pandorum he used the passengers as his slaves basically, releasing half of them to the cargohold without food or water, so they adapted to their new surroundings in the ship, instead of the planet, making them become what they... well what they become. Evolved humans.


i don’t know about anyone else but i have been binging these spoiler and recap youtube’s and i am enjoying it; i feel like i’ve watched over 8+ movies in one day


The revelation of the ship having already reached its destination was a twist I genuinely did not see coming.


This movie [Pandorum] was absolutely fantastic. The horror throughout, climbing through tight corridor of wired and tubing, discovering horrifying creatures, meeting humans turned Cannibal, finding out the one person you thought you could rely on is a psychopath suffering schizophrenic psychotic break, and then the big reveal of pitch black beyond the viewing glass on the bridge and a giant glowing monstrosity seemingly floating by in nothingness, absolutely terrifying not for these facts alone but the fact you have no idea, no clue, no knowledge, just the unknown, the feeling of dread horror anxiety helplessness fear, and then hope through all of it, a glimmer of hope. Really wish there was a sequel to this film. Another film I think is fantastic is Event Horizon.


I just realized how much was actually set up at the end. In order to populate Tanus with Earth's flora & fauna the survivors will have to dive back down and brave the ship to retrieve all the seeds and embryos, possibly releasing the mutants in the process and then having to brave not only the mutants but the planet itself. It's like the story wasn't actually over yet.🤔👍


This is the closest thing to a Dead Space movie we got and for it to actually be a solid film is mindblowing, totally underrated movie imo


Crazy part was, if this was made back in the 80s/90s during the Alien and Predator craze, we would have gotten a sequel and possibly more to flesh out this story.


Pandorum is legit one of my favorite sci fi movies of all time. My mind exploded the first time I saw the end plot twist lol


I like to imagine Bower was deep in the thralls of Pandorum until he realized they were not in space, and since Pandorum is exclusively a space disease, he was thus immediately cured.


The characters in this were so amazing. I felt bad for the Asian dude and I didn't even know his name. He was truly trying to help and he gave everything for the sake of humanity. It sucks that he let his humanity get in the way when the children came into it.


I get tired of mutant stories and humans changing in the mutants but this one was actually good mostly because of the ending I did not see that coming. It was refreshing.


Imagine the horror of waking up from hypersleep only to be devoured by mutated cannibals 😲😫💀


One thing I hate about movies like this is that there is never a 2nd one , just imagine how cool it would be to watch them adapt and build up this new world


I used to watch this movie before. The nostalgia, seeing that the protagonists survived and humanity still have a chance made me grateful that I found this movie recap.


Probably one of the most unexpectedly enjoyable sci-fi films, I've probably seen this about 10 times now,.


I thoroughly enjoyed Pandorum, despite the relatively poor to mediocre reception. Nothing truly groundbreaking, but a good sci-fi thriller before literally everyone was doing sci-fi thrillers, and I thought both twists were fairly well executed.


This movie is an underated gem. I say it's the best haunted ship type of movie. Event horizon is a close second.


There is a book similar where there is a strange civilization that has evolved on a ship and the objective of the mission had been forgotten and the ship was like their own planet and there was no concept of anything outside the ship. Then they finally find out they are in a ship that had already landed on their destination.


The ending with the almost 800 years wasted is fucked. I think my brain would literally implode from learning that.