
The Simpsons Predictions For 2024 That Are Happening RIGHT NOW!

🚨Become a channel Member & get access to perks: The Simpsons Predictions For 2024 That Are Happening RIGHT NOW! If you're a fan of The Simpsons, you must know how frighteningly accurate many of their predictions have been. It takes its flowers as one of the longest-running American series ever that revolves around a chaotic family in a quirky town, offering humor, insightful lessons, and top-tier satire. But beyond the surface, The Simpsons also presents strange mysteries and surprisingly accurate predictions. In 2024, it comes as no surprise that there are yet again predictions, but what they claim would happen and what is happening are very strange. Covering every aspect and even the possibility of an apocalypse, we are in for quite an eventful ride through the year. Join us as we look at their top 10 predictions for 2024 that are happening now. In a 2015 episode of The Simpsons called Back to the Future, writer Al Jean grabbed viewers' attention with a part where Homer Simpson flew past a sign saying Trump 2024. When this was posted online, it caused quite a stir and reactions. Soon after, on November 8, 2016, Trump became president, just like the animated prediction. The strange connection between fiction and reality continues to interest people worldwide. In 2024, Donald Trump officially announced he wanted to be president again, something The Simpsons hinted at. On Tuesday night, the former president, wanting to be elected for two nonconsecutive terms, said he wanted to be the Republican candidate for 2024.


4 days ago

If you're a fan of The Simpsons, you must  know how frighteningly accurate many of their predictions have been. It takes its flowers  as one of the longest-running American series ever that revolves around a chaotic family in a  quirky town, offering humor, insightful lessons, and top-tier satire. But beyond the surface,  The Simpsons also presents strange mysteries and surprisingly accurate predictions. In 2024,  it comes as no surprise that there are yet again predictions, but what they claim
would happen and  what is happening are very strange. Covering every aspect and even the possibility of an apocalypse,  we are in for quite an eventful ride through the year. Join us as we look at their top 10  predictions for 2024 that are happening now. In a 2015 episode of The Simpsons called  Back to the Future, writer Al Jean grabbed viewers' attention with a part where Homer  Simpson flew past a sign saying Trump 2024. When this was posted online, it caused  quite a stir and reactions. Soo
n after, on November 8, 2016, Trump became president,  just like the animated prediction. The strange connection between fiction and reality  continues to interest people worldwide. In 2024, Donald Trump officially announced  he wanted to be president again, something The Simpsons hinted at. On Tuesday night, the  former president, wanting to be elected for two nonconsecutive terms, said he wanted  to be the Republican candidate for 2024. Donald Trump gives his reason for running as his  desire
to make America great and glorious again, speaking to a crowd at Mar-a-Lago, his house in  Florida, which would be his campaign headquarters. With allies, advisers, and conservative  influencers around him, Trump gave a somewhat calm speech where he made false and exaggerated  claims about his four years in office. Despite being a very controversial president and  his role in causing the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack, Trump tried to make people  feel nostalgic for his time as president. He oft
en compared what he did in his first term  to what the Biden administration is doing now and criticized the current economy for making  people focus on what he sees as his successes. Let's not talk too much about politics; this  is just a look at what The Simpsons saw coming. If this doesn't surprise you, stay tuned for  their next prediction, which might shock you. Elon Musk's Future Public  Release and Space Exploration Trump's becoming president isn't so scary, but  this surely is. The Simpso
ns make predictions about space travel and what Elon Musk says  about the future. The show seems real life, making us wonder if aliens are behind the scripts.  In one episode from Season 27, Lisa finds out the government wants people to go to Mars,  which sounds like what Elon Musk wants, too. Elon Musk, who started SpaceX, wants to send  people to Mars and ensure they can live there. He's focusing on Starship, really big rockets made  of stainless steel that can be used repeatedly. SpaceX now u
ses Falcon 9 rockets and Crew  Dragon capsules to take astronauts to space. But they're working on a ship for trips to  the Moon and Mars. Musk says it's important for humans to live on more than one planet,  not just Earth. He wants to make it possible for people to travel to Mars and back, which  would be a big deal for space exploration. In The Simpsons, the episode ends with Marge  and Lisa living on Mars in 2051. It's kind of like what Musk wants to do, making you  wonder what the show's cr
eators think. Some people say it's just a coincidence, but the  similarities are interesting and make you think. Intelligent robots are set to  replace humans in the job market. In Episode 17, season 23, Homer loses his  job because he replaced human workers with robots. Given the impressive progress  in robots and artificial intelligence, is it possible that in 2024, we'll see  job losses because of smart robots? Cases of robots working as waiters in Japan and  worldwide have already made the n
ews. While we hope this doesn't happen in real life, if it does,  The Simpsons might feel like they predicted it. Interestingly, The Simpsons also guessed that VR  technology would be used in restaurants by 2024. In Japan, people like all sorts of  robots—some that look like humans, some that look like robots but not  humans, animal robots, friendly robots, protective robots, and many more. Each  kind of robot has its special features. Right now, Japan has about 250,000 industrial  robots helpin
g with different tasks. But you know what? They think this number might increase  to over a million robots in the next 15 years! That's a lot of robots. And guess how much  money they think all these robots will make by 2025? They're guessing it will be about $70  billion! That's a huge amount of money, isn't it? So robots are a big deal in Japan and are  becoming even more important. They do all sorts of cool things, and soon, even more,  might be helping out with different tasks. And you know
what? All these robots are also making  a lot of money—$70 billion is no small amount! Moreover, the Japanese government has actively  supported and promoted the development and use of robots. Initiatives include funding research  projects, fostering collaborations between schools and businesses, and rewarding companies  investing in robots. This effort has helped Japan become a leader in the robot field,  promoting innovation and economic growth. The impact of robots on jobs is complex. While 
robots have made some industries more efficient and productive, they have also raised concerns  about job loss. Japan's focus on automation, especially manufacturing, has changed  the traditional job market. However, it has also created new job opportunities in  robot development, maintenance, and programming. To adapt to these changes in the  job market, there's a growing focus on training workers to meet the needs of  the robot industry. Training programs and educational initiatives aim to giv
e workers the  skills they need for this technological shift. As Japan continues to lead in robot innovation,  the relationship between technology and jobs remains a complex yet transformative part  of its economy. Japan's forward-thinking approach positions it as an important player in  shaping how humans and robots interact worldwide. Virtual Reality Technology in Restaurants, 2024. Surprisingly, The Simpsons guessed that  virtual reality technology would be used in restaurants by 2024. Imagin
e enjoying  a meal like never before, where digital and cooking worlds collide smoothly. In one show,  characters Homer and Marge enjoy virtual feasts, tasting digital food through tubes  while wearing virtual reality headsets. Before saying this is impossible,  think about AOB Banquet's RMX, a cooking experience like never before.  Though this guess may sound like a story, it echoes ongoing technological improvements.  As we move into the future, virtual reality technology is making its mark in
various  businesses, including cooking. The idea of virtual eating experiences is no longer  just in The Simpsons' animated world. With virtual reality starting, we might soon  find ourselves fully involved in special and interactive cooking adventures right at our  eating tables. A virtual restaurant is a food service business that works only through  delivery, depending on phone orders or online food platforms. These places usually work  separately using another restaurant's kitchen. As for t
he market analysis, the worldwide  Virtual Restaurant & Ghost Kitchens market size is expected to reach  a forecasted USD million by 2028, showing a combined yearly growth rate  from 2022 to 2028. In the U.S. market, major players in this area include Uber Eats, REEF  Technology, and Kitopi, among others. Together, the top three makers in the U.S. hold about  20% of the market share. About products, fresh food is the biggest part of the U.S.,  getting around 92% of the market share. This data sh
ows a growing trend in the  virtual restaurant and ghost kitchen market, with important players and a main focus on fresh, ready-to-eat products. It's good to check recent  market reports, business analyses, or official statements from relevant sources for the most  current information and detailed insights. The Simpsons' guesses continue to  interest us as we wait for the future, making us wonder if such technological  improvements are closer than we think. Will 2024 be a new time when virtual
reality  improves our eating experiences? Only time will show how this guess matches  our changing technological scene. Welcoming the Baby Translator Ever thought about what your little one needs  when they cry? The next cool thing has the answer, and guess what? The Simpsons seemed to  know about it before we did. Enter the baby translator, which promises to figure out  what babies want. In the series 3rd season, 24th episode, titled Brother, Can You Spare  Two Dimes? Homer's half-brother, Herb
Powell, made a magical thing that translated  baby talk into understandable words. That's very interesting, but can such a thing  become real, or is it just a great idea? For those unsure about this becoming an actual  thing, get ready to be amazed. Zoundream, a Swiss software company, says they've made tech  using artificial smarts to figure out what babies want when they cry—like if they need a hug or  food or just want you to stop smothering them. Zoundream thinks you'll understand  your bab
y's needs accurately, maybe by 2024. According to them, about  130 million babies are born yearly, with around 47 million born in rich countries. New  parents in these countries spend about $10,000 in the first year alone for each baby, which keeps  increasing. This parenting market is growing fast, with a 37% yearly growth rate. It's expected  to reach a huge $81 billion by 2025. To Zoundream, baby cries aren't just  noises but give useful information. They show what a baby needs,  how they fee
l, their health, and their overall health. For babies, crying  is how they talk with the world around them. This information shows the high birth rates  worldwide, the rising costs of parenting, the growing parenting market, and how  important baby cries are for communication. The question is: Did real life copy art, or did  art copy real life? You decide. As technology moves fast, staying updated can be hard,  but not for The Simpsons; they're way ahead. HD3 Holograms In one show, Bart sees a b
it of the future through  Professor Frank's interesting machine. It shows a holographic message inviting Bart's band to  a concert. Though it seems like a big change, the world already has fancy 3D  holograms. This special display can show 3D pictures from anywhere in the  world. Picture this: you're in your room, learning a new dance from your friend  on the other side. That's pretty neat. People expect a lot from these HD3 holograms.  They think they'll make holograms look more real, be used f
or more things, and be a bigger part  of daily life. They hope to make the pictures sharper, the colors more accurate,  and the images clearer. This would make holograms look more like real life  and change how people use digital stuff. As time passes, they want to use HD3 holograms for more things like designing stuff,  playing games, having online meetings, and working together virtually. They want to  put these holograms on devices like phones, glasses, and other smart gadgets. This would  ma
ke it normal to see holograms every day. They think more people will be  able to get HD3 holograms soon, as they'll be sold in more stores. They  hope these holograms will let people from all over the world share and play with  holograms together, no matter where they are. In the future, HD3 holograms might mix with other  new tech, like augmented reality and virtual reality. This could make experiences even cooler  by blending the real world with digital stuff. But remember, what we think will
happen might  change as technology grows. Paying attention to how things develop will help us understand  how holograms will affect us in the future. You can now find this technology in  about 500 Best Buy stores. But could 2024 bring even more use and maybe  even see it everywhere? It might seem like a big goal, but if it happens,  The Simpsons thought of it first. The Black Hole Thanks to The Simpsons, get ready for a cool story  about a famous dark hole. The show's 24th season, The Treehouse
of Horror 23, aired on  March 24th, 2013. In this episode, the Simpson family faces a big problem: a  mysterious dark hole threatens to swallow up their town, Springfield, and turn everything  dark and empty. The family tries to escape, but Lisa accidentally makes a space demon  while trying to deal with the dark hole. In typical Simpsons style, things get crazy,  and the dark hole takes over Springfield, leaving Maggie alone in the ruined  town. This is all made-up stuff for fun, but it makes s
ome people think about what could  happen in the real world. Even though scientists say the nearest dark hole is 1560 light years  away, some wonder if The Simpsons might be onto something and if this year could bring  unexpected events in a different direction. The Simpsons is known for telling funny stories  that sometimes resemble real-life worries. The idea of a big, exciting event, like a dark  hole, is just a made-up part of the story. But it makes us think about how unpredictable  life ca
n be. Whether The Simpsons predicts things or just has fun with stories, it keeps us  entertained and thinking about what might happen. United States of America  Prepares For A Female President While ladies have shown great skill in politics,  the United States still sees more men in charge, leading to the White House. Only a few  ladies have found their way onto these paths. In The Simpsons' episode, Back  to the future, they look at the future. Lisa becomes the first lady president,  confident
ly saying she's America's first straight lady president. The story involves  a made-up President Trump making bad choices, leading to money problems, so Lisa  decides to raise taxes to fix things. Thinking about the 2024 elections, some wonder  if The Simpsons will predict something again. Some think they already did with Kamala  Harris becoming the first black lady vice president. Her big role could be seen as a step  towards a lady eventually becoming president. In real-life politics, Kamala H
arris has broken  down barriers. She became the first lady vice president and the highest-ranking official in  U.S. history. Her successes bring up discussions about fairness for all genders. While Harris  hasn't said she'll run for president in 2024, her groundbreaking role adds something new to  talks about the chance of a lady president. Other ladies, like former  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who ran for president in 2016, and a few others, have yet to say they're running for president
  in 2024. The political scene keeps changing, and people are still talking about the chance of  a lady becoming president in the next few years. The world chooses between Barbie and Trump. Even though it is not a direct prediction for  2024, the Barbie movie's release is noteworthy for its startling accuracy. The Simpsons  seemed to have predicted many years ago the odd coincidence of Trump's arrest occurring on the  same day as the release of the new Barbie movie. In season 5, an episode title
d Lisa versus Malibu.  Stacy features a scene where a news anchor reports the strange alignment between introducing a  new Barbie doll and the president's arrest. The episode's story skillfully blends the small  news of a Barbie doll release with the big event of the president's arrest, reminiscent  of Donald Trump's April 4, 2023, capture. Despite the real-life importance of Trump's  arrest, media attention leaned towards the new Barbie movie release. This event emphasizes  a typical media tact
ic that shifts attention from other important matters to what the public finds  interesting. But that's not all. Aside from the Barbie movie, the Simpsons have also revealed  something odd in the entertainment industry. The Prediction of Hover Cars The idea of hovercars becoming very common is not  just a thing from Sci-Fi stories; The Simpsons showed it in an episode called Future Drama,  from season 16, episode 15. In this episode, Bart and Lisa see the family's future with  cars that hover wi
thout tires moving on the streets. This future-looking picture matches  ongoing research and development in technology. Before thinking this is just a made-up story,  think about Samson Sky, a company in Oregon getting ready to release its Switchblade  flying car in 2024. After 14 years of work, the company is set to show its creation  to the world and give it to customers. By flying in the sky, this flying car  offers a way to avoid traffic and anger on the roads. The idea of flying  cars becom
ing real in 2024 shows a coming together of future-thinking  ideas and technological progress. As for how it will work, whether people need  both a driver's and a pilot's license to use this vehicle remains to be seen; bringing  flying cars into daily life might bring up problems with rules and safety, and we're  still determining how the normal driving rules will apply to flying vehicles. The  soon-to-come flying cars from Samson Sky could change how we travel, getting us closer  to a future li
ke the ones seen on The Simpsons. Music Influences The Military In one Simpsons episode, a guy who makes  music puts together a boy band with Bart, Nelson, Milhouse, and Ralph. They made  a song called "Dropped a Bomb," which became popular. But there's a secret  plan behind it. The song's music video has a part where the words are said  backward, secretly telling people to "join the Navy." As the song spreads, it  starts affecting everyone in Springfield. When Lisa found out, she talked to the
guy who  made the music. She learns he's actually in the Navy. He tells her that in the past, music was  used to get young guys to join the military, like during World War II. The US used  movies and stuff to get people to support the war. This makes us think about today's  music with catchy words and cool beats, making some people wonder if there's  hidden stuff in it, trying to control us. This episode also makes us wonder if other  weird things from The Simpsons could happen for real. It make
s us think about how much media  and entertainment can influence and control us. Ivanka Trump's Political Involvement In an October 2016 episode of the show,  The Writers subtly hinted at a possible run for president by Ivanka Trump, the daughter of  former US President Donald Trump. Homer Simpson is wearing a badge that says Ivanka 2028, sparking  talk about another right guess from the show. This wasn't Ivanka's first time on the show.  Her character was also in a 2017 episode where she replac
ed Ruth Bader Ginsburg  on the Supreme Court. At the same time, showing off her collections, clothes, and  jewelry. What's the real story about Ivanka? Ivanka Trump, born October 30, 1981, is an  American businesswoman, writer, and former fashion model. She is the daughter of former US President  Donald Trump and his first wife, Ivana Trump. Ivanka played a big role in her  father's time as an advisor to the president from 2017 to 2021. Before  entering politics, she worked different jobs within
the Trump Organisation and  started her fashion and lifestyle brand. While in the White House, Ivanka focused on  helping people find jobs, empowering women, and economic projects. But her role  also caused problems and got criticism, especially about having conflicts of interest and  being accused of giving jobs to family members. Ivanka has stayed out of the public eye more  since her father left office, but people still wonder if she might want to get into politics.  From Ivanka's story, it'
s important to remember that not every guess from The Simpsons means  something bad will happen or the world will end. Willie Nelson Caught Swimming  along the English Channel The funny show from October 1991 shows  Willie Nelson, a famous country singer, swimming in the English Channel with many  fans cheering for him. Willie Nelson often appears in The Simpsons as himself.  It's important to understand that The Simpsons is a cartoon and doesn't  try to predict the future exactly. Whether the s
kit with Willie Nelson swimming in  the English Channel will be included is still uncertain. It's important to remember  that The Simpsons is meant to be funny, not a prediction. The writers aren't  fortune-tellers. Even though Willie Nelson is 90, he'll unlikely swim across the  English Channel this year. He probably has other things he wants to do. But it would  be strange to see if he ever tried it. Severe Economic Downturn of  the United States Of America Returning to the strange guesses,  s
ome people are worried that the United States might be heading for  a really difficult time financially, similar to the hard times faced during  the Great Depression. Money experts share these worries, saying how quickly  the American economy is going downhill. Smart money People say the United States  could face really difficult times next year. But it's important to know that this  issue isn't just happening in the US; countries worldwide are dealing with difficult  situations made worse by th
e COVID-19 pandemic, fights in Ukraine and Russia,  and various global problems. Connecting this worry about the  economy to The Simpsons' guesses, the cartoon series surprisingly hinted  at tough financial times in 2000, especially in the episode Bart to the future. This  episode, well-known for its guesses, has become a focus for those seeking insights into the series.  The surprising correctness of these guesses gives us a special view of how the show can predict  events like what we're going
through today. Also, the episode suggested that  financial problems would happen during Donald Trump's time as president.  Even though Trump isn't the president now, he's still a big figure and was in the running  for president in 2020. The link is in how the episode shows events, giving us a different  view of real-world political happenings. Third World War Is Nearing, and  a Zombie Apocalypse May Happen The funny show, thinking about  a possible end of the world, hinted at a potential big fi
ght between  powerful countries. It imagined American families acting out scenes from the show  in the face of such global tensions. Looking at current events, the chance  of a third world war seems closer than when the Simpsons show aired. With  global tensions worsening and many fights starting worldwide,  real peace seems far away. Even though there's no full-scale war happening,  the trouble and disagreement continue, showing how the episode talks about possible future  fights in a scary way
. But let's not stop there. Have you ever thought about the idea of a zombie  apocalypse? While it might sound unbelievable, The Simpsons had an episode where the  made-up city of Springfield got taken over by zombies. Even though a real  zombie apocalypse is very unlikely, it shows how the future is hard to predict  and how fiction and reality mix in the show. Knowing that about 30 unlikely scenes from  The Simpsons have happened in real life, ignoring these predictions as just stories  might n
ot be wise. Besides being entertaining, some people see the show as a glimpse into the secret world of powerful people  or a reflection of political power. With 2024 already bringing new events, this  year will surely give us more clues about the mysterious predictions made by The Simpsons. Do you see these events happening in real life, as with past years' predictions? Let us know  in the comments, and don't forget to like, share this video, and subscribe  to our channel. Until next time!
