
The Story Behind King's Canyon | Everything there is to Know | Apex Legends Story Time #1

This is episode 1 of a new series called Apex Legends Story time. In episode 1, I look at the back story of King's Canyon and how it came to be. This is very different to my usual content, but I hope you all enjoy it. Please leave your feedback. It's very important to me. Thank you! Many of the facts were based on the following pages: - Apex about page: - Detailed descriptions in Artstation concept art from Respawn developers: - In-game files, photos and media - Newspaper shown in the Apex Legends intro - General Titanfall lore Background music: Music by Credit to newspaper compiled information: Credit to information on the flyers and broken repulsor: Follow me: Instagram: Twitter: Join the Discord: Outro: 🎵 LAKEY - days like these » SoundCloud: » Patreon: » Instagram: » FaceBook: » SnapChat: Lakeyinspired #Apexlegends #apex #stories #apexlore #videogamelore #lore #apexbackground #kingscanyon #apexlegendsstorytime

The Gaming Merchant

4 years ago

King's Canyon is a small island located in the Outlands, a collection of planets at the very furthest reach of the Frontier. The Frontier is the name given to the deepest regions of explored space. 30 years ago, during the Frontier War, IMC, one of the two major warring factions, took it upon themselves to run a small operation in the Outlands. Named the IMC Outlands Expedition, we can assume one of their jobs was to set up a base of operations within King's Canyon. We're not sure why IMC ran th
is operation, but we can assume part of it was due to the fact that before this, the Outlands had mostly been untouched by the war. The Outlands and King's Canyon, specifically, proved to be an excellent location to pool supplies, gather resources, and run experiments without the risk of attack from the Militia. Upon arrival, IMC set up a number of key miltary bases. The repulsor tower was built to keep dangerous fauna like the Leviathans and Flyers from destroying infrastructure or attacking th
ose living on the island. The water treatment plant was built to provide a clean source of renewable water. An airbase was set up to allow an easy port for IMC military to fly back and forth between the Frontier and perhaps other Outlands planets. A relay station was built to allow communication with IMC ships in space. IMC even built an artillery base in case the Militia were to bring the war to them. But it wasn't just a place for military. A civilian prescence started to grow in the Outlands
after IMC brought the once dangerous King's Canyon into a place that could be hospitable. A small economy started to grow within King's Canyon. It was advertised as a prime location to move to. The Thunderdome, an old gladiator style arena was built to provide entertainment to IMC. A bustling market was built that allowed vendors to sell food like Leviathan meat and other important resources. A number of settlements were built throughout King's Canyon, so we can only assume the population was re
asonably high during the peak of IMC's control of the island. We can assume, all of this took place roughly 30 years before the present day. Eventually, though, something went terribly wrong. IMC prescence dropped to almost nothing. We can assume that all IMC personal were called to leave the Outlands to help in the war efforts. Whatever the reason for their departure, it was sudden. Many locations on King's Canyon show signs that when IMC left, they did it quick and at a moment's notice. We kno
w that some IMC personal were sent from the Frontier to visit the Outlands to gather up IMC crew members to help in the fight against the militia. In fact, just three years ago, Bangalore was sent with this exact task. Not everybody had the chance to escape, though. Many civilians and IMC crew members were left behind, with no means of escape. We can make the assumption that all interstellar ships were taken at a moment's notice by IMC, and they never returned to recover the remaining IMC member
s. As a result, the security that IMC once provided King's Canyon was gone. The law and order they provided citizens was gone and the island fell into chaos. We're not sure of how things evolved. King's Canyon went from being a safe space controlled by IMC to being a chaotic land where the criminals and outlaws took the crown, to being the prime spot for the Apex Games, a new bloodsport that offers the now teeming Outlands civilization with a form of entertainment, a gambling opportunity, or a c
hance to win fame, glory, and money for participating in the games themselves. With IMC prescence gone, much of the technology that IMC left behind has been repurposed for the Apex Games. The Draconis drop ship is used to drop Legends into the arena. It could be possible that Bangalore can take advantage of her connections with remaining IMC members on King's Canyon to use the Artillery base to call in an artillery strike. And, of course, the repulsor is still being used to keep the dangerous fa
una from causing havoc. But without IMC personal on the island to keep everything maintained, it's possible that this technology could fall into repair. In fact, some artwork for season 1 seems to suggest that the repulsor in particular will become broken, allowing the Leviathans and flyers to roam into King's Canyon...



Respawn does not get enough credit for their lore or in their entire universe that they made it is perfect after watching this video Apex kind of feels like a campaign now like an ever-growing story


Can't wait for #2. Also loving the other apex content!


I've just revisited this video and it's still one of my favorite videos


IT'S STORYTIME Edit: Now that I've watched the video, you really did do your research not like some people.


That was really cool. You just added a whole new level of immersion for me


I love lore, keep doing these!


It’d be cool if Bangalore had some voice lines saying something such as “this place gives me memories, though I can’t tell if I like them or not”.


I would love more maps and i am looking forward to it


Really enjoyed learning a little of the lore of the game. Can't wait for more vids like this.


I noticed those flying creatures right away in the reveal trailer, and I was confused when I didnt see them in game, I hope they do show up soon


Great vid. Can't wait to have another segment in the game with flyers and leviathans


GREAT just great ! Great type of content and perfectly well explained!


Great job! I've been looking forward to somebody covering The lore of this game. I would suggest adding "#Apex legends lore" as a tag. Think it would help your hits because right now the results for that on YouTube are lacking


Great work! That Bangladore idea about her connections to the imc being the reason for her ultimate was beautiful. Hopefully it’s true. It’d make a lot of sense. Even if not great job man. You just earned a sub. Keep up the good work.


insane quality


Thanks for crediting me in the description Merchant, not many YouTubers do that when they grab my posts, I'll be sure to continue posting the stuff I find, props to you :thumbsup:


According to you, Bangalore’s air strikes are possible due to her connection with the people in the island. What about Gibraltar’s air strike?


Great video, I appreciate the hard work