
The Terminator in People Playground

Terminator mod - thank you to L_OF_DA for writing the Russian subtitles and to goc agent for the Korean subtitles thank you also to Abhi for the Punjabi subtitles Fr*nch subtitles made by magmadiver (thank you) discord - terminator music - mods used -


1 year ago

这就是这个新更新中重要的一切。 如果您不知道如何启用测试版,说明中会有一个链接。 谢谢收看,再见。 终于完成了那个可怕的测试视频。 快点吧! 我们没有太多时间。 它是什么? 先生,这是关于交货的。 我们做不到, 广场已经满了。 然后清除它。 笨蛋。 你想要什么? 礼帽领袖在哪里? 礼帽2:嘿! 你刚刚说什么? 哎哟! 你这个—— 布赖恩,抓住他! 礼帽 1:为死亡做好准备! 死! 礼帽2:啊停~求你~停~ 别伤害我~ 礼帽1:不! 而已。 哈哈哈,你喜欢什么—— 什么!? 不! 请! 终结者:礼帽领袖在哪里? 礼帽:好的,我会告诉你的!他在- 308 Top Hat Hill,在巨大的豪宅上。 嘘**!哦,他妈的! 老板,听! 有人来接你! 我们需要离开这里! 为什么? 有人要杀了你! 好吧,你为什么不按照我付给你的钱去做,并照顾好它? 先生,你不明白,这家伙不是开玩笑的。 不如我拿起一把枪然后照顾好它。 大礼帽:老大! 你不明白这家伙的实力。 礼帽领袖:就是这样。 礼帽2:什么?呸**! 嘿老板!你在干什么 ——老大退后,我听见外面有人! 礼帽领队:开门。 大礼帽:什么? 礼帽领队:
打开! 礼帽 2:哦,天哪! 礼帽:啊,为什么! 礼帽 3:快,拿枪! 礼帽 4:快跑! 礼帽 5:哦 *******! 礼帽4:请不要杀我! 不! 拜托,D- Top Hat 3:F ***! 礼帽 3:哦! 飞行员:怎么了!? 礼帽领袖:立即启动直升机! 快点,走吧! 飞行员:我不能,螺旋桨还不够快。 大礼帽领队:S**t! 飞行员:老大,上车! 大礼帽领队:走! 嘘**! 做点什么,快! 哦,他妈的! 啊! 男:嘿看!是桑德斯上校! Guy 2:不,是牙膏广告里的那个人! 家伙 3:他可能会避开不喜欢他牙膏的 10 名牙医中的 1 名。 Guy 4:伙计,多好的聚会啊。 嘿,你!你是什​​么——呃——其实没关系。 终结者:礼帽领袖在哪里? 盖伊 4:谁 终结者:T- 盖伊 4:在乎? Guy 5:哦,天哪- Guy 1:安全! 家伙 6:不,我们可以为自己挺身而出。 Guy 7:你说得对,让我们给他一个教训! 不好了。 十分之一的牙医:我找到了你! 家伙 2:什么他妈的! 男1:拜托了!啊! 家伙2:嘘**! 请不要,请! Guy 8:保安,救命! 大礼帽领队:不! 去他妈的!
哦,他妈的! 牙医:准备死! 礼帽领袖:等等! 牙医:终于! 礼帽领队:敲,敲。 牙医:什么? 礼帽领袖:天哪! 牙医:为什么! 电话顶礼帽:你需要什么老板? 礼帽领队:马上派直升机过来! 手机上的大礼帽:在哪里? 礼帽领袖:礼帽酒店,就在—— 警察:我能看到他们的手! 礼帽领袖:不,不是我,你们这些白痴!他在另一个房间! 警察:现在举起手,否则我开枪! 大礼帽领队:S**t! 警察2:冻结! 大礼帽领队:噢嘘**! 哦,他妈的! 请不! 嘘**! 飞行员:伙计,我当然希望老板没事。 警察:嘿,举起手来——什么! 去他妈的! 哦,他妈的!英石! 呸**! 为什么! 男:请不要! Guy 2:哦不,请不要伤害我们! 家伙 3:去他妈的! 男3:不!啊!啊为什么! 礼帽领队:上来你这个白痴! 嘘**! 我们离开这里的唯一方法是我们都同时休息一下。 Guy 2:我不知道这是否是个好主意。 礼帽领袖:相信我! 3日! 1、2、3! 去他妈的! 请不要! 盖伊:哦,我的天哪! 大礼帽领袖:在这儿! 来吧你这个白痴!抬头! 英石! 嘘**! 笨蛋! 啊!我的腿! 飞行员:是的,老板,你成功了! 呃
,你在那里做什么? 终结者模组有 4 个很酷的皮肤, 带有自定义的生成动画。 此外,这个模组在后台播放来自终结者的音乐。 下载这个模组,在描述中链接。



I made this mod :)


Can't wait !


I like how the protagonist would normally be an antagonist in most movies, and how this is shot like a horror movie


6:17 Oh hey that's my sprite (The dentist. Actually called "masked human" in the mod)! I actually made that as a demonstration on how I'd do ppg style sprites for the guy making the mod but he just decided to implement the sprite itself. At least, that's how I remember it.


That guy put more effort into this than I'll ever put in my personal life. Fantastic job, my dude.


I love how resourceful the protagonist is. That play with his hat was 500 iq




5:58 this part had me dead 💀💀


The Terminator in People Playground has a total death count of 42 people and 1 Rob with no confirmed genders so we just have a grey circle here. With a total runtime of 12 minutes and 21 seconds that rounds out to a kill every 3.52 Seconds. Golden Chainsaw for coolest kill will go to the guy at 9:27 because of how awesome it is. Dull Machete for lamest kill will go to anyone of the guys who were gunned down by the Terminator. That is all the kills for now, Be good people


The amount of effort put into this vid is amazing!


So this is basically the backstory of how the top hat leader guy got the bullet wounds and missing leg in the last two reviews? Also a really nice way of showcasing an amazing mod!


9:25 most brutal kill my opinion


dude, this is awesome on a Hollywood level. I have so many questions for you. Did you shoot alone or in a team? How old are you? how much time does it take to make a video? who are you inspired by (well, obviously in this series)? why do you use a bot? how many hours do you have in people playground? do you consider yourself the best YouTuber for this game?


before: 4 more minutes After: Probably this best work, the jokes are good, the visual work is incredible and the editing is amazing!


Honestly, best people playground show ive ever seen, the way the people moved was so realistic.


So perfect i cant even think how long it took to get the right results.


I've been watching your people playground videos for a while now, and all of them leave me impressed. I have an idea for a video as well. Final Destination in people playground. If you haven't seen the movies, I highly recommend them. They are very well written and the plot of the movies is a very interesting topic that would be easy to recreate. Don't have to do it, but I suggest it!


Hey doompy what mod did you use for the humans running. Love your content man!


Wow I've never seen a video this well made! Well done!


glad hes finally making mini films again!