
The Thirteenth Guest #comedyvideo

The Thirteenth Guest is a 1932 American pre-Code mystery comedy thriller film, released on August 9, 1932. The film is also known as Lady Beware in the United Kingdom. It is based on the 1929 novel The Thirteenth Guest written by crime fiction author Armitage Trail, [1] best known for the novel Scarface [2] on which the 1932 movie of the same name was based. The novel was filmed again in 1943 as Mystery #copyrightfree #freeupload #free #like #subscribe #free #upload #imbd #movie #comedywithoutcopyright #comedynocopyrightmusic #comedynocopyright #comedynocopyrightbackgroundmusic #comedynoncopyrightmusic #comedyvideowithoutcopyright #comedynocopyrightvideo #comedymusicwithoutcopyright #comedynocopyrightsound #comedynocopyrightbgm #comedynoncopyrightbackgroundmusic #comedysongwithoutcopyright #vadivelucomedywithoutcopyright #comedybgmwithoutcopyright #comedywithoutcopyrightand


2 weeks ago

[Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] you sure about the address Miss yes this is the place you'll be sure and wait  for me now won't you sure I'll wait come on that's funny number please oh I'm at 122 Old Mill Road  this house has been occupied for 13 years and yet there's a telephone in it can you  tell me who had it installed I wouldn't have that information Madam I could  connect you with a night supervisor but she'd have to wait until the business  office opens in the morning I'm
sorry H all the modern improvements might have cleaned the place up a bit oh yes of course dad sat there I sat next to him Mr barkdale sat next to me Aunt Lucille Uncle John Harold mother Thor marjerie Uncle dick Aunt Joan Uncle Wayne and Mr Boxdale Mr Boxdale is that you Mr parkil Mr Park [Music] police station Captain Ryan speaking Yeah  The Old Morgan place he says he drove a youngster out there about uh 30 minutes  ago hold the driver I'll be right over okay wake up you dumb ass muscle and
get going come on where where we going oh the better a macro all right let me ston 9600 you can go leave your address we'll  want you later yes sir what well keep ringing [Applause] them hello hello Phil this is Ryan listen  we've got a swell case down here I'm not interested give me Styers 9600 when you hear the tone of the gong  it will be exactly 12:00 and 6 split seconds ring that number again hello hello  you say what's the idea of putting that Dame on the phone I know what time it is what
time  is it shut up no no no no I I I don't mean you don't hang up I want you get over here right  away there's been a murder I know but this is a good murder listen 13 years ago a guy invited  all his relatives to dinner the sap deserved to die well arrest the  mother-in-law and don't bother me anymore oh all right but make it snappy all  right there was 12 people there the table was set for 13 the 13th guest never got there  that was 13 years ago and now tonight we find a day murdered and she'
s sitting at the table  in the 13th chair huh I counted them she was sitting in the 13th chair you dumb flat foot  who told you where to start counting well go back and count the girls chair first and let me  know how you come out and give my love to Aunt sah ring that number again and keep  bringing it and then tell the night supervisor I want to know who had  a couple of phones installed at 122 Old Mill Road if you have to  get the whole Bell family out of bed I'm Winston private investigator
Captain Ryan  sent for me yes sir go right in and uh have fun huh call up headquarters and tell clarents  I'm sending those prints yes oh what's the number Central you dumb idiot don't  you even know that get out and look it up the Discipline Do You Good yes hello  Mr Winston we got a swell murder here good and the number you want is Central  5 5,000 huh oh yeah 5,000 tempal 5 Well you certainly took your time I was busy  yeah sure when you hear the gong the time will be 12:00 and 6 split second
s yeah have a look  at this and then I'll introduce you to the lady this house has been unoccupied for  13 years yet the phone's installed and the electricity turned on I'm I'm  tracing that those books are on the floor that's all in here now  come on and have a look at the banquet you kid Sure hold still all  right same old joke I had a day off I think up a new one you can have her now dog just a minute I want Winston to have a look oh  will you take care of that Jerry please okay too bad prett
y girl you would  notice that seen enough yeah okay doc say how did you know about that dinner  party 15 years ago oh every man in this dog knows that story around here Morgan senior  dropped dead just after they all sat down to the table the old lady she was young then  must have been a little bit cracked herself she wouldn't allow a thing to be touched just  closed up the house and moved out and that's that all these guys have been  waiting for the dinner ever since gives me the willies every
time I think of  it well don't think then you know who the girl is sure daughter Marie Morgan had her whole life's  history in her handbag but no address the driver that brought her out here said he picked her up  on the corner of 59,000 and park the apartment house no on the corner we've been checking up on  the apartment house around there now how was she killed H way you hear the dock hasn't said for  sure yet but it looks like she was electrocuted electrocuted I thought of that too not a wir
e  on it that was it electricity enough to kill her but not to burn the body I wonder where she  got it hey that light in the living room I'll get it well um what about that light in the living  room t on I tried this globe in every socket in the room and it don't work oh maybe the globe's  burn burned out never thought of that anyway I don't think I'd go around trying light sockets  If I Were You Why didn't it occur to you that a young lady was electrocuted here tonight  and that she might have
been trying light sockets Hello Operator see if it can trace  that call and ring me back make it snappy yes darling there's been a murder you read  all about it in the morning papers she listened in on all the other calls why  the devil didn't she listen in on that one what was it I don't know I just  heard the receiver going up after I answered hello Captain Ryan speaking sound  Hotel thank you sister oh GR speed it over to the sound hotel and see if we can trace  that call get a list of all t
he guests and all the telephone calls after midnight and  don't Muffet don't and don't go to sleep yes sir oh well how am I going to get there you can  drive a car can't you sweetheart take mine unfe yes now if that guy's Uncle don't die  soon I'll be a nervous wreck who's the uncle just the big boss in the city  that's a oh so that's why he's on the force you don't suppose because he got  any brains hey Cat come here come here will oh come here C what's the matter now the car  look at it it ain
't fa well I'll be a son of a what are you laughing at nothing I just think  it's funny I'm glad you invited me down yeah come in boys yeah okay sit down I'll see you in  a few minutes do they identify the body yes sir which one of you is the brother I am friend  of yours yes and of my sister all right boys I won't keep you long either of you know  a man named Barksdale yes we both do he was my father's lawyer is he still handling  the estate yes why we'll ask the questions if you don't mind son
wasn't your father's  will a little unusual it was quite unusual he provided for my mother for Marie and me and  left the bulk of the estate to the 13th guest who was that we don't know the 13th guest never  arrived screw anything else about this guest no except that we always supposed that he'd come  forward or be named when we became of age well when that day well why you suppose that might  have had something to do with it Marie was 21 yesterday what yes Boxdale called her the other  day and
told her to I'm not interested in that well I am all right be interested wait a minute  where you going out I'll see you later hey but oh I suppose you were at that  dinner party your father gave yes where' your sister sit that night right I'm beside my father she always  sat there which side on his right will you draw me a diagram of that table  name the people in the seating arrangement and if any of them have died since make a note  of it have you kept in touch with the family when we couldn
't avoid it well uh put on their  addresses and leave it with the captain here thanks do you remember how we sat that night yes  I I think so were you there well I was visiting there we were just kids then but it isn't easy to  forget a thing like that dinner party I suppose not I've got a hunch I'll be thinking about it for  some time myself let us hear about that phone call from Barksdale I'll let you go well there there  is much to it except that Barksdale called her a few days ago and gave u
s some instructions  something she was supposed to do on her 21st birthday and you don't remember what they were I  know she wouldn't tell me and we're supposed to find the answer does anybody know anything  what's the matter with the old man besides being nuts are you sure this dinner wasn't held  in an insane asylum what I and calm down take these boys to the next office and give them some  paper and pencils and send Carter in yes sir you boys better stick around we might want you that's  too
bad son you take care of yourself and what do you mean nothing much you mean they might go  after me they might I don't think I'd care if they did well we would it cost the department  a lot of do to investigate a murder well in that case I'll be careful well thanks you've  been very considerate today that's all right son well what do you think I can't think I'm numb  why the devil does a man have to go through all that Hocus Pocus just to leave a will it burns me  up well stop burning card will
make happy yeah hey cter let's see what you got yes sir here are the deposit slips of the telephones  and lights Ed by one John Barksdale Barksdale so that's where you got it huh yeah feel better now  I'll say wait till I Lay My Hands on this guy also a man answering to Barksdale description  registered at the sound hotel last night about 9:30 under the name of Perry and at 1 122 put  in a call to Douglas 9968 then checked out of his hotel immediately after now he hasn't been  home since and he
hasn't shown up in these office yet and these folks beginning to worry well now  isn't that too bad tell them they can see him on uh visitor's day let's go pardon me sir I managed  to dig this up out of the daily Haro files that's B Ste swell let's send that out at once okay put a  couple of the boys on those two kids in there they may be all right and again they may not yes sir  anything else for me sir no but stick around okay calling all cars calling all cars stand by  for a description of o
ne John Barksdale wanted for questioning on the Morgan murder  case last scene on Long Island driving a package touring license unknown description  50 years 6 ft gray hair eyes brown that is all for h [Applause] [Music] hello hello I should ringing the wrong hello well I don't care you can call me all the names  you wanted I've brought out of names to call you I don't care Mr wish if You' have heard  it you what did it sound like grum well it sounds like tar tar and the devil and a couple  of h
inies throwed in well uh could you give me an idea of what it sounded like well yeah it  it it started kind of it started kind of up like that that ain't just it you know he's kind of like it well perhaps if you  tried it again Grump yeah well he Dum idiot don't you know when you're being  ribbed shut up well I was only trying shut up get out what is that i' like know who put all  them books there so would I did you go to sleep today I don't think so you don't think so get out of  my sight befor
e I kill you yeah hey Phil come here you come  here where are you in the dining room oh is he dead it's barkdale can you beat that certain house  upstairs and down yes sir not that it'll do much good Phil what's the answer it's got me  worried plenty me too but I'm beginning to be glad that I wasn't invited to that  dinner party years ago yeah here's the diagram young Morgan through today take  a look at the seating arrangement first we find the girl's body in the chair  that she sat in that nig
ht and now this are you beginning to get the idea Jus he godsville are they going  to line this table with stiffs that's the way it looks unless we  do something but but that's crazy it very nearly confirms one thing though  the person doing it was at the table that night I'll get it boss C help C watch the but now how did you get out of the  Mark I haven't been in any morg take your hands off me sh be nice I won't  let me alone do you want me to spank you hold still that's a good little girl wh
at's your  name re Morgan yes what did you say I asked this child here if she were Marie Morgan I'm no  child will you shut up and she said yes and she said yes I don't know maybe it's something  I ate and this is the nightmare where did you pick her up I found her riding around in  your car in my I was on my way to the police station yes and baby you're still on your way  to the police station take her down and lock her up I've got some things I want to ask her  about you can't arrest me oh can
't I that's what they all say maybe it's all a mistake and  maybe you can explain everything and I'll bet you won't say a word until you see your lawyer  well I won't all right baby come and see your lawyer yourself to a good look murdered that's right you know  anything about it no no of course not what can this mean that's what we're going to find out take her and lock her  in the library to we get through here was she headed for police station  she was going in that direction call up City hea
dquarters and report this call  the coroner then stick around outside yes sir now why did you ask that girl if she was  Marie Morgan I think she is what about the other Dame there are no twins no but the  other girl had several small scars around her face didn't you notice them yes but I  didn't think anything about it well I did I thought she'd had her face lifted well what a  blasted idiot I've been that's why you were so surprised when her brother told you she was 21  certainly no kid that ag
e is going to have her face lifted and you beat it back to the mark to  have another look right and took a good plastic surgeon with me she hadn't had her face lifted  she'd had it completely made over well I'll be now that commences to make sense Barksdale made an  appointment with the real Marie Morgan to meet him here they plann to kill her and substitute  the other girl huh who planned to kill her huh barkdale made the appointment  yes but if Barksdale was in on it which he may have been uh
who killed  the gentleman on your right little B peep for operat I wouldn't do that if I were you  the police might not like it I was only trying to call my brother we'll call him  later you're going to take a ride with me where to to my apartment she'd be safe  in jail don't worry she won't get away I didn't mean that I said she'd be  safer in jail and you may go to the devil Mr Adams Mr wisdom why my dear child why I'm I'm almost afraid  to touch you what is the meaning of all this why I'll ha
ve to send back that cutaway I ordered  for your funeral you wear those to weddings not funerals this is Uncle Adams the worst old  repeate who ever lived my dear you're covering quite a lot of territory how do you doing Mr  Winston I'm delighted how do you do if you give him a drink I think he may keep still what will  it be Scots and soda spended thanks easy on the soda [Applause] there you are if you want my opinion  it's Uncle Adams who's been committing all the murders all the murders Mr Bo
xdale was murdered  today in the old house Boxdale my word not that I ever like the old devil you understand but  but murdered oh what's the meaning of it Mr Winston you're investigating the case I suppose  unofficially I'm a friend of Captain Ryan yes yes of course I've heard of you well have you any  clues don't you call them any ideas no but he has a laugh for you really well let's have it you're  next what according to Mr Winston's Theory you're next on the list unless of course you've been 
doing the murders yourself really Marie you've always had the most peculiar sense of humor  must be some more of the family I'm doing the resurrection egg and enjoying it thoroughly  if I know you you certainly startled me did I Mr and Mrs thoron Mr wion and Miss thoron how  do you do how do you do if you'll explain your reasons well For Heaven's Sake I thought  you were dead disappointed well why be a hypocrite you know I've always hated your Mar you  if you say that word again I'll disum you
what a laws is this for private use only I suppose  you're a Winston At Your Service I may take you up on that mhm if this is another one  of your jokes Marie I must say it's in bad taste I've been simply prostrated all day  I'll bet you have Bridge always tires my margerie may I answerer it certainly let me search Bud Marie it is you oh my dear they  tried to kill me are you glad I'm alive am I glad I think you are but but  what is it mean sis they they made us go down and look at that that oth
er girl  we thought it was you did you cry well to tell you the truth honey we we both  went home and got potted that's just as good come on in Mr Winston has a whole  family here he says one of them is the murderer I'm giving odds on Uncle  Adams Uncle Adams H he's too lazy to commit a murder but tell me darling  what happened to you I'll tell you later well here we are just one big happy family  oh hello Thor who was that blonde that I saw you with the other night there was no blonde and  you
know it oh well dear m margerie your soul must look like the inside of a vinegar bottle  by Jo it's a good idea I wish I had thought of it myself what's that kill you off the family it  must be some poor soul that had the misfortune to dine with us when we were all together I think  you're right someone who dined with you 13 years ago really Oh you mean the night that John read  that stupid will and then died well Mercy don't Ogle me I didn't kill him no one killed him  as far as we know does an
yone here know the present whereabouts of um Wayne Seymour the last  time I saw him I got an impression that he was going to spend the rest of his days at number  nine Yokohama I see you know you're Yokohama Mr Winston I've traveled a bit with the exception of  Wayne Seymour you people were the only guests at that dinner who are still alive well and we're  dead from the neck up speak the yourself John I'll speak if you don't mind go ahead but a few  Snappy jokes injected here and there would mak
e a world of difference you see we're accustomed  to public speaking I'm afraid this isn't a joking matter it looks as if someone is determined to  kill every person who attended that dinner 13 years ago they've already killed two people  two yes a girl mistaken for Miss Morgan and John Barksdale Mr Barksdale murdered very much  so and in both cases the bodies were found in the chairs occupied by that person at the dinner  and as Captain Ryan so elegantly describes it the murderer intends to lin
e the table with stiffs  oh how vulgar well thank goodness I was under the table most of the time yes pinching me oh I  was a cute youngster always full of fun someday I'll look at your baby pictures but just now  we're discussing murder which automatically makes one think of the margerie speak for  yourself John shall we go on with this or just turn it into a family reunion well why not  have a blindfold test wouldn't matter which one you picked we'd all cut each other's throats  for a dime H w
hy a dime I'd cut yours for fun give me please headquarters detective  Bureau Captain Brown's office well it isn't every day you get a chance to see a m minded  work hello who's this speaking oh oh this is Winston send the wagon to my apartment and  issue uh um four joho and three Jane do warrants material Witnesses in the Morgan case  right I've got them here really you're quite amusing Mr Winston thank you you like the mat in  the city jail too she's one of the Philadelphia Smiths perhaps by t
his time you're beginning  to see that I mean business now then you want to stop trying to be clever or do you want to  spend the night in jail but women do the men have separate boards from the women I think you  settled it then young lady night in jail may make you people see that murder isn't amusing this is  an outrage so is murder why you can't do this wait and see I'll break you for this the governor  is a personal friend of mine and of mine and I happen to know that he's a little funny wh
en  it comes to murder he doesn't like it don't be a lot of fools he doesn't intender senders the  police Mr vinston yes yes I see good evening Sergeant good evening sir have you the warrant  yes sir oh yes yes all signed and in order all right take these people down and lock them up yes  sir all right step lby I demand to see my lawyer Miss Morgan saw her lawyer today and I don't  think she enjoyed it well you'll be sorry for this good night Winnie Dear Mr Winston good night my dear and sweet d
ream [Applause] darn hello come on down de  we've got another corpse what what what the family's all locked  up yeah sure you're you're a smart guy I don't know I'm not over yet you coming down okay get me the police station hello give me the death  Sergeant the city jail yeah hello this is Winston private investigator  on the Morgan case I sent down seven of the Upper Crust for you will you  send somebody in and see if they're all there yes sir hey Mike take a look at  the 400 and see if they'r
e all there okay sergeant what's the matter with her who cares don't touch her margerie hey what's the matter what what she says  that you remind her of her mother pipe down you can't do this I demand that yes I know  you're going to write a letter to the commissioner I won't stay in here another moment say what are you trying to do RIP  me hear me no say if you guys don't Dum me up there's going to be a murder well that's  what we're here for two murders he did them what he pipe down here offic
er I demand oh go  read your ticker I want to know what Steel's doing all there Sergeant okay all  there Mr Winston okay thanks oh wait a minute uh turn them all loose but  put a man on each one of them no I'll be responsible wire runs over here then goes no place at  all I've scoured the whole house now the only answer is there must be a closet or a  room somewhere that we don't know anything about I don't want to know anything about it  all right Bill make it snappy uh cut it right there what
do you make of that huh I wonder steel Great Guns nothing rubber about  that come on let's get out of here I've seen sights but that one rather a neat way of doing it though huh I  don't think it's neat it's fish as the devil do you realize that the murderer left that switch on  not caring who got killed and while he's asleep in the county jail he commits another murder but he  wasn't here to turn off the switch and bring the body in here I think that cinches it but which  one well you saw them
which are the most likely well the odds are about even there's a cousin  margerie who'd commit murder just for the fun of it and her mother kill anything that stood  in her way but I think it stands between the two uncles Adams is as smooth an Old Devil as  I've ever seen But Thorton's deep you know the big businessman who'd stop at nothing what about  the brother and his boyfriend I think they're all right Jensen's in love with the girl and her  brother seems genuinely fond of her what's the gi
rl story well she say someone shot at her  in the dark she ran upstairs and hid and by the way she heard that same cry that Grump heard and  according to her it wasn't particularly Pleasant just the same I'd like to hear it and what else  did she do besides steal my car well she said she came back down was about to beat it out the  front door when she heard a car and motorcycle Drive said by that time she didn't know where  to turn and when she came in here and saw her double sitting cold and st
iff at the table she  did go nuts got scared of the police as well as the rest hid in the cellar and then stole  the car she hid out all the next day thought better of it and was on her way to the station  when they picked her up it's logical Parkdale ask her out here yes and what they were all after  I think was a slip of paper that she'd got that day at the bank which doesn't make much sense  of course unless it's a safe combination what was it 13 13 13 13 H I'd like to get old man  Morgan alo
ne for about 10 minutes I'd teach the old Buzzard how to write a will well we get  the family down here and try and sweat it out of them or should we put a close watch on them and  see who comes down here well I'm in favor of the last know our friend may get curious and come  down to to see if he's had another killing then we keep this last one quiet huh that's right I've  got a hunch it's the missing Uncle I want to call Miss Morgan call the corer too will you I'm kind  of ashamed to because I'
ve bothered him so much lately thank you well if this is  the kind of service I'm going to get I'm going to get killed every day I'll get hello Miss's apartment  uh how' you like our city jail listen child I want you to destroy  that slip of paper at once and don't tell anyone what was written on it not even  your brother but but no one's accusing your brother say listen don't you get too  smart you know there's a distinct Prejudice in the police department against against  little girls who go a
round stealing police cars oh you're not well 21 air Dro in the  bucket uh well say will you shut up and let me talk now listen don't tell anyone  those numbers and if anyone tries to get them out of you let me know immediately  will you do that like a sweet little girl that was the Great slth Winston  yeah what did he want he told me not to tell anybody the numbers on that  slip of paper what numbers 13 13 13 oh God trust a woman oh well for good to  sake don't tell him I told you all right we
won't shame on you looking at those things huh why  don't you have lunch in with me it'll be more comfortable than standing out here how'd you  know I was following you have you ever been to the zoo sure did you see the elephants yeah well  that's how I know huh I'm afraid you're not very bright but you may come in handy I'm about to  go calling would you like to come along I got to go wherever you go is that a theme song or  just your quaint way of saying things oh well I you'd better ride with
me you know I'm getting  a pain in the neck from looking back at you come on of course just looking at  you may give me a pain in the neck get in okay stay there until you relieve that  was Bentley detailed to watch Adams he says Adams hasn't left the house all day but some  dame just came up in a limousine with Grump Grump he's tting the thorn girl tailing  her he riding in the limousine wither what I'd give a hundred bucks to see [Laughter]  that come in there's a do Sherwood outside says he
has some information on the Morgan case Dr  Sherwood yes sir send him in I hope he's our man H doctor Captain Brown how do you do won't  you sit down thank you I hope you're a plastic I see you're ahead of me I am as a matter of  fact and I operated on the young lady who was killed I only saw your notice in the paper  this morning yeah we didn't know until last night that the wrong girl had been killed  when did you operate on her several months ago three as a matter of fact she and her  brother
came to what well she said he was her brother what name did they give Morgan  Morgan may I take Dr Sherwood over to Miss Morgan's apartment okay you could identify the  brother couldn't you well certainly he came to me twice fine let's go well goodbye Captain  Brown Goodbye doctor and thank you thank you oh hello come here do there that your man no say why aren't you  down at the old house well I rather tired of being there so much have you a picture of  your friend Jensen around yes I think so
but look here Mr Winston Marie's gone down to  the old house to meet you what didn't you call her well no you didn't call her no I tell  you what's it all about I just got in she left this where's it oh oh I get a picture of Jensen show to the doctor will you please Hello  Operator help me Douglas 968 hurry it that's the one H hurry with that call hello hello oh yes now listen child don't get in  the panic but get out of the house as quick as you can is there an officer guarding  it yes he let
me in when I told him you Mr Winston didn't you call me no now don't  get in a panny just get the officer to drive you to the douglason police station and  wait for me there now beat it all right where's Miss Morgan hasn't she been here no no  one's been here you come with me I may need you no wait stay here tell Ryan to beat it over to  the Morgan house as soon as he gets here yes sir isn't she there no he'll come around all right come on go quietly for you son look out come on here cut it out
cut  it out come on get come on cut it out what did you do with my  sister here cut it out come on get up go let him in now then what have you done with Miss Morgan  come on now make a Snappy Miss Morgan I don't know where is she watch H just a swell species  of skunk now come on tell me what have you done with her I tell you I did you call her and tell  her to meet me here no I swear I didn't we know all about Sherwood and the other girl so you may  as well tell us the rest who was in on this w
ith you Barksdale so you killed her and then Barksdale  so you wouldn't have to split huh no I don't know who killed him I swear it pick up that phone  no no why why not because that's the way Leela got it you were there that night did you kill  her no I saw her after after shooting at Miss Morgan no no I didn't now you're a liar  go on take him down and lock him up come on but Phil I tell you Ryan it doesn't make good  sense why go to all the trouble to impersonate someone and then kill the imp
ersonator  Jensen tried to kill Miss Morgan but somebody else killed the girl thinking it  was Miss Morgan Jensen knew the difference there have been two different factions working  in this against each other what but where's exactly get an axe break that wall  in right and Son you'd better go on back to the station why because I  don't think your sister is going to be alive when we find her I don't know  tell me no you know what they are tell me I know but if you kill me you'll never know  you
Little Fool don't you know that I kill you anyway come me stop all right  there 13 13 13 you better not be lying [Applause] come on come on come on come here got ex that's he's the sh he's Lo going to he's Lo  the he's Lo in the I'm not to is that bu yeah it's a swell joke come  on come on get out of here come on got a patent on that little electrical device  of yours Adams no I'm sorry to say I haven't well I wouldn't worry about it if I were you  the state's got something that works along the
same lines and we're going to give you an  exclusive demonstration take him out come on move they let you into that safety deposit  box sure what did you find only a million dollar in Securities for her a minion how  disgusting I hope it isn't us steel don't worry it isn't I left the Securities there  of course but this letter was on top and I thought you'd want it thank you to Mar the 13th  guest can you imagine that I was it all the time my the poor lamb read it alow why yes my dear  child I m
aking a rather melod atic attempt to protect your fortune but if I am right about  the other members of the family it is almost certain to reveal them to you in their true light  so that you will not make the same mistake I made when I married into it bless you my dear and may  they have killed each other off by the time you receive this your father it's sad but it's also  darn good advice what not to marry into a screwy family hi tell me where you've been well first I went when you told me to [
Applause] tailor [Applause] hello hello Phil this is Ryan listen  I've got another swell I'm not [Applause] interested [Applause] when you hear the tone of the gong  it will be exactly 12:00 and 6 split seconds uhoh hello ring Styers 9600 and keep ringing it  and when you've done that well we'll ring it some [Applause] [Music] more
