
The Top 10 Cyber Safety Tips to Secure Your Home

Cyber criminals don’t discriminate and will often target personal devices and accounts as easy targets. This short video will teach users how to secure family devices and networks as well as keep sensitive information secure at home. Start your free training:

GoldPhish Cyber Security Awareness Training

4 weeks ago

ah the home office where pajamas are the new power suit living the work from couch stream are we unfortunately without Barry from it locking things down and breathing down your neck hackers are just waiting for you to drop your cyber guard let's dive into the top cyber risks we face at home seat belt optional attention mandatory default passwords oh you didn't change the factory settings on your router hope you like unexpected guests in your dig life you're probably also still using a flip phone
crappy passwords and lack of multiactor authentication on your accounts and devices come on querty isn't fooling anyone except you unsecure Wi-Fi at the office the Wizards from it set this stuff up at home it's all on you unencrypted home Wi-Fi or using weak passwords is like leaving your house keys under the mat just begging for a breach yeah those updates you keep ignoring are released to make your device security as ninja as possible to withstand the latest cyber assaults but please you just
keep putting them off everyone's a Target in and out of the office yeah that means your click happy spouse and Roblox addicted kids one wrong click and it's game over smart home devices yes that includes your beloved Netflix machine hackers love them like you love binge watching tech support calls you first out of the blue yeah probably best to hang up no backups one ransomware attack or innocent computer crash and your data is gone and so are last Christmas's awkward family photos got it you l
ock your home doors and windows but leave your network wide open you're a special kind of Daredevil your work devices aren't a shared toy for streaming gaming and browsing it's a ticking time bomb had enough let's turn your home into a cyber Fortress and no that doesn't mean wrapping your router in tinfoil strong passwords aren't optional they're your first line of defense stop being lazy and set up multiactor authentication wherever you can yeah updates suck you know what sucks more getting hac
ked lock that Wi-Fi down strong and encrypted and go update that factory password on your router it's embarrassing don't get fish or scammed trust issues are your friend never click before you double check your smart home devices need brains too keep them updated and passworded regular backups are as essential as caffeine on a Monday morning because even you deserve a second chance run regular malware scans and fire up the wall yeah that's a firewall joke and lastly School the home team little T
immy needs to know that not every free game offer is a playground and that your work devices are a nogo Zone look it's simple be smart at home so you're not sorry later follow these tips to become the unhackable hero your home needs or at least less hackable than your neighbor



Wow what an insightful video! Thank you GoldPhish!