
The TV animation 'Blue Archive' version of the Sensei.

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Arisu archive

3 days ago

※I don't speak English very well, so I used a translator. ※I hope it helps you understand a little bit. A visual image of Sensei! Look this way! Here, for a moment, This isn't the only media mix in Blue Archive. And then there are the Sensei, each with a different design. However, as mentioned earlier, the Sensei in the game are the users themselves. I'm sure you all have your own image of a Sensei. So I hope you enjoy this as a representation of TV animation content only. I'm a teacher at the F
ederal Bureau of Investigation chalet! Take care! Hello, everyone! So many people have come... Hello, and thank you! My name is Shogo Sakata, and I play the role of a teacher in the TV anime Blue Archive Animation. Good luck!
