
The ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN you've always wanted!

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Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of Off the Rack. This is a comic book show where we talk about comic books and stuff. Got plenty to talk about today. Of course, this show is brought to you by viewers like you. If you're watching the show live, you can sponsor today's show and keep the riffraff out of the equation. by using Super Chats. That's a question or comment we're going to hear on the show. But the most important way to help us out is, of course, by watching this damn thing an
d by clicking the like and subscribe button and hitting the bell for notifications so you know when we're going live every Monday around 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Of course, there's so much to get into, but just a quick... Oh, good. As did I. A little breakdown of what this show is all about. We're going to talk a little bit about the news. We're going to talk about comics. We're going to review this past week's worth of books that we thought were worth our time and effort. And we
're going to tell you whether they were or not. And then we're going to recommend comics that have come out this week. We think you should check out. But between those two things also, Book of the Week. book of the week which book we think is the book of the week and we each get one that way it's not uh contentious right we each get to pick a book and since helena windhorn is not coming out it's we'll call the helena windhorn of the week because that's obviously I don't know if you guys know thi
s but a book called helena windhorn from dark horse comics came out have you heard of it it's uh it's good helena windhorn I I've heard of that book yeah as as have I and I think there's not a soul alive that hasn't watched this show that also doesn't know That Helena Wynhorn came out like two or three weeks ago or whatever. That's right. Three or four weeks ago. Yeah. But it bears repeating because it's a good book. But anyway, there's an inside joke. We're not paid by Dark Horse. Not at all. B
ut if Dark Horse would like to sponsor today's show or next show, they're more welcome to do it because we'd be happy to read Helena Wynhorn, number two, coming out soon. Anyway, plenty to talk about. So, yeah, there's a we were talking about X-Men. So I'm really happy that we kind of covered that. But it's out. I still haven't gotten any more screeners. I think that was just the first three. And I'm like, no, man, I got to wait. Yeah. No, it's wait longer. Yeah. No, no. Three just dropped. So n
ow. Yeah, but we had to wait longer because we saw the first three and then we haven't had anything. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. Yeah, we went and checked. It's a different type of waiting. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so there's a lot going on. There's one particular big piece of news that came out in the comic book YouTube scene that we were really hesitant to talk about. And I'm for the... Most part, I'm just glad we didn't because it wasn't like our place to talk about it. It wasn't real
ly in any way contributory. But the takeaway from it, and if you know, you know, if you don't, you'll find out. Just Google it and you'll find it because there's no point in filling the chat with that or getting into it. But the point that I really want to make as far as any optics are concerned when it came to unfortunate and terrible and tragic and non April Fool's related news. A creative took his own life today, possibly yesterday. And the most important thing that I want you to understand i
s that it is. I don't like to say this because it feels trite, but it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. And in this particular case, there is help out there for you if you are ever feeling that way, because when it's in the news, it tends to trigger people and it makes people feel like they need help. Maybe that's a solution. And I wanted to put in the chat a couple of options for you. There's a website, and a great website or a 800 number, 800-273-8255, which you c
an call anytime, day or night, 24 hours. They're going to be trained professionals there to talk to you and work out. At the very least, they'll be there to listen. These are trained counselors who are there to talk to you and to listen to you if you're at your lowest. And I've heard people in previous conversations. Unfortunately, this is not the first time that someone that we know has taken their own life. And unfortunately, it probably won't be the last. But the point is that some folk, when
we talk about this, tend to downplay those options to you. 988, I believe, is the emergency number. But there's also the phone number is the way to call 800-273-8255. Um, but, uh, some folk, they, they, they, they're like, oh, it's not, they downplay that. Trust me when I tell you, not that I speak from personal experience, but I know anecdotes, anecdotal evidence that says, call it upwards of five minutes is the longest wait. And listen, if you are going to make, if you're, if you have it in y
our head to make that decision, honestly, you can wait another five minutes. So call the number, you know, and, uh, and, and at the very least, you know, Try. Take one shot to, you know, seek some kind of professional guidance. And then, you know, you go from there, you know, one day at a time. But that's what they're there for. Their job is to listen and their job is to help you through it. And so it's worth it. It's worth it. take that uh you know with you and uh so from there on we will uh ge
t to the comics absolutely so uh there we do have some super chats I i will address those uh next and then we'll get into the comics although you know what really quick let's get this out of the way right now because I read amazing spider-man number 46 uh I i don't know what my problem is man I just read these books and I just like Yeah, and you know what it was? It was because there was a tease of the Sinister Six, and I was like, oh, cool, Sinister Six. Yeah, all right. Go give it a shot. Yeah
, they didn't do anything. But the thing that I should point out is that for a brief minute, there is a new artist on this book, and Carmen Carnero did the pencils, and the book was really good. It's just a really solid, slice-of-life-looking comic that also handled the action very well. And I was just like, oh, this is really good. know all right marvel way to go uh and uh you know to to up sell my uh lack of uh knowledge of creators in the industry uh I i don't know uh carnero's work from much
okay and so I just wanted to kind of highlight it you know or or highlight my total uh and utter ignorance by being like hey check out this and they're like yeah we know who carmen carnero is man And it's like, all right, well, fair enough. But, uh, she's writing, she's drawing this book and it looks really good. Maybe she should keep drawing it because it, uh, it'll look better, uh, than it has in a while. Um, but, uh, but yeah, it's, uh, you know, it's, it's, it's Spider-Man and, uh, it, Aunt
Anna, we're trying to make Aunt Anna thing. And, you know, it's like one of those things where it's like a monkey's paw. Like, hey, you know what I really like? I'd like you to get more into Spider-Man's main cast, you know, supporting cast. Spider-Man is one of the best supporting cast in mainstream comics today. How about that? Can we talk about that for a minute? And they're like, yeah, how about Aunt Anna? And I'm like, Aunt Anna really isn't a character. Why are we bothering with Aunt Anna
? but here we go. And she is like, she's, you know, she was a victim of the sinister laced Krakoan medicine. And so she went bonkers or something. It was very vague, but she was in Ravencroft. And then because she got out of her system, she's a good person and she's friendly. And she's just, she's like Aunt May, but for Mary Jane. And I'm like, look, you know, I come from a world where Aunt May died and didn't exist for a good long time. We don't need two Aunt Mays. I'm just saying. But, you kno
w, the book itself is very boring. I'm sorry. It's a boring book. But, you know, that's how it is. Yes, someone mentioned Anna from the animated series. Best version of her. She's just a villain. She's a bad guy, and she is played by Loxana Troy from TNG, and of course, Jamie Roddenberry's late wife. Yes, and she really is hamming it up, man. Every chance she gets, she is just dragging Peter Parker. She's like, what are you doing with that horrible Peter Parker boy? And also manages to maintain
a friendship with his caregiver, Aunt May. It's awesome. It's just high drama. It's the drama I'm looking for. Anyway, not found in Amazing Spider-Man. Maybe next year. Okay. Okay. We'll see. Anyway, there's plenty more to talk about. Yeah. I thought you might want to talk about this DC book. Oh, sure. Because you took to Twitter. I did. To try and get to the bottom of this mystery. Who in the name of God made this comic book? So this is Flash number seven. It's written by Cy Spurrier with art b
y Ramon Perez. um supposedly so well and here's hang on hang on before someone thinks we're like accusing ramon the issue was I purchased this um through amazon slash comiXology slash kindle reader um and that's where I often read a lot of my books just because it's a huge space saver and because of the fact that like this isn't my full-time job it allows me the ability to like read at work or whatever or like on lunch you know or you know if I'm waiting for a meeting um Um, and, uh, this, I wil
l often try to remember on Monday to go back through my books and queue up the credits page, which is why sometimes I'm like, and I'm not ready. Um, and so a lot of them actually didn't happen today, but this one, I was like trying to get it ready to go. And I'm like sliding through it and I'm like, okay, DC often puts it at the end. Yes. So I go to the end of the book and I got nothing. So I go back through and I'm like, okay. So I start at the beginning and I'm going through the pages and I'm
like, oh, it must be cleverly put into the art. Yes. Worked in, weaved in like an opening credits. I can't find it in my version of it. I deleted the download. I redownloaded it. There's no credits page. And it's not necessarily a make or break moment. No. But it also sucks for everybody who works on this book, who it's nice to see your credits page. And this is like, of course, digital may not be their biggest seller. Yeah. Um, but it is like the best option for a lot of people out there. And,
uh, yeah. Yeah. Like, I don't know. That just, that just sucks for me. And that just, I don't know who that is. It sucks for the creative team where it's like, here's the, here's the one page they get. It'd be like if a movie suddenly just cut off the end credits. I was like, no more. No more. You'd get a lawsuit if that happened. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, that stuff is protected. you know, the, like everyone who works on this, the colorist, the editor, I, there's none of the information is
in this book. Right. And that to me, it was like, that's really unfortunate. And I assume this is something on Amazon's side of things. I would not be surprised or maybe cause I know, you know, we've been on the press list before for books. We've received digital copies. In fact, it didn't occur to me until just now. I should have checked my, my DC digital copies because then I always there the week. after no we get them early I guess yeah but they they don't they remove them let oh that's true
that's true that you remove them but because my point is like you know when you get it sometimes they're unfinished or they're or they're like they make a late stage change and that's not a dc thing that's just a comic book thing um so maybe they like sent the wrong version I don't know because there's two the two ads are in here yeah no I'm saying like they could have had like an up to the minute No, it feels like it should go right here. It feels like just a page got left out. We usually supe
rimpose the credits over like a page, like a content page. Like end page. Like I've definitely seen some books where it's just a like color or whatever with just the credits right at the end. Yeah. And I just wasn't there. And I just noted that because I was like, that's just unfortunate. I more or less took to Twitter not to be like, I'm making fun of you, but in hopes of if the creative team wanted to, they could contact someone about it and hopefully get it remedied. I don't have the ability
to go and be like, excuse me, Amazon, I believe you've forgotten something. But if they are able to get a hold of their editor, then hopefully the editor can cut in touch with a person in DC who would handle this and hopefully get this taken care of. Because I feel like if you're a creative team you know even if you're down in the nitty-gritty if you're if you're an editor you're an editor you know the the letter I you know often It's overlooked anyway. It's overlooked, and their name is not on
the cover anywhere. No, that's true. So it's like, that sucks. So hopefully they are able to get this fixed, and it's something that doesn't happen again. But I was like, no. Great issue, though. This book constantly makes me feel like I don't know things in general. There are words that will come up in here, and I'm like, That's a reference to something. No, great chance for you to learn a new word. Oh, cool. That's Spurrier for you. Yeah, that's Spurrier for you. And I do absolutely love that.
It's a good opportunity where I'm just like, I'm 99% sure from context clues I can figure out what this is. However, this word was chosen specifically. So instead of just wearing context clues, I'm going to look it up and see what the meaning is so that I can better understand. Because some writers obviously are very choosy about the words that they want to put on the page, right? Yeah. Flash has been the book for seven issues now. Some people are just not on board for it. And again, I'll say i
t again. I get it. This is such a good issue. I really enjoyed this issue a lot. And I would say to our audience, hey, just break out your physical copy and see if the credits page is there. Unfortunately, since none appear because the book is so... on the bottom rung of the popular ladder, I am afraid no one in the chat can do so. I'm sure someone has it. I thought about that, but I really just wanted to know, was it like my download was messed up? But yeah, so this issue... It's Max Mercury. Y
eah, well, it's a lot. That's what they tease. They're like, that's Mercury. Yeah. This is very much like you're trying to start giving you an explanation. It's kind of some of the things that are going on. Right. And it's funny because at the end of the day, like I, in my head, anytime I've run into the flash in, I've run into, um, I'm not being not a flash reader. Um, He's there for a couple of reasons. One, they need to use the Speed Force in order to do something, go back in time, power some
thing. I don't know, right? Or back up the Justice League in some way. Right. Or something is happening and the Flashes are ruining something. Yes. Right. Whether it's the multiverse, the Speed Force, Sanctuary, you never know. Right. And so for me, those are kind of like... just a couple of the main bins that stories like the flash come from. Right. And so I assume that most fans are used to seeing those and are, are looking forward to that type of story. Right. Um, that's what this is. Yeah. T
hat's what this book is. Okay. Uh, the, the flashes are like wrecking. That's all there is. Speed force is messing things up. Yeah. So it's like that episode of star Trek and the next generation where, uh, uh, It's like the speed force is something bad happens. Yeah, we're like... Well, because their use of the speed force is breaking something. The way that, like, star... Like, light speed travel is harming these, like, seemingly innocuous beings. It's like, every time that we go, like, warp ni
ne, it hurts the fabric of space or something. Yeah, and it's, like, unmaking... that. And so Inspector Pilgrim has been collecting flashes instead of destroying them, which is what others he's working with would like to see that happen. He's like, I'm just keeping them someplace for now in order to figure this out. So I'm just grabbing speedsters and putting them over here. Right, which is why Max and Impulse are here, right? Because Impulse went to find Max. They got chased down by these monst
ers that are like mercenaries. My brain was like, Langoliers now. Just want to make a Langoliers reference. Yeah. But Inspector Pilgrim's like, I kind of am like a Flash in my own way. I'm able to travel back and forth within the time span of my life. Okay. That's like a speedster. Yeah, he's trying to connect to them, right? Essentially, he brings them in, he shows them what's going on, and that essentially the future's been murdered, right? Something's murdered the future. Oh, so now it's like
a mystery. It's a mystery. And they've got to forensically figure it out. And what's the mystery? It's seemingly the Speed Force, right? Or the Flash is utilizing the Speed Force, right? Oh, that's the murder weapon. Yes, and the perpetrators. Oh, okay. Right? Yeah. And yeah, his solution is just kind of get rid of the speedsters. Yeah. Yeah. For the time being. And so he has a whole bunch of them. A menagerie of speedsters. A menagerie of speedsters. And he ends up adding Max and Impulse to th
e list, of course. Impulse is like, I'm from the future. Can I go? Yeah, but he's like, no, man. Yeah, like reality's crumbling because speedsters keep using their powers, right? Sure. Because like at one point he attempted, he went back to like his birth or like the moments before that. And then when he tried to go forward, he ran out of time and someone like pulled him back out to save him. Okay. And I'm like, that's cool. So yeah, like we have the criminology element of it. It's just on a gra
nder scale. And at first it may not have felt like that's where we were going with this story, but like we're there. Yeah. We found our way. and it's great the way like they end up grabbing them they got this weird like it's very I don't know Spurrier's just doing something here and meanwhile in the last issue we saw Aobard yes sorry my crown of thorns my jersey was trying to take over there for a second and you know Barry seemingly had been taken over by him for a second okay right at the end w
hen he you know stabbed Wally okay And there's a great sequence right at the beginning of this. And it's not quite David Lynchian, but it's a little David Lynchian. It's evocative. It's evocative of that. Which Barry's talking with Iris. And it's Iris, right? Yeah. Iris is Barry's wife. No, not Iris. Sorry. Linda? Linda, thank you. I always want to make her Iris. I don't know why. I'm like, she looks like Iris, but she doesn't. You know why? She doesn't. Because no one talks about Linda. I guess
that's true. Well, we have been talking about Linda. Linda was like the main focus of the first issue. I also have like a co-worker of Linda, and I'm like, that's not Linda. Yeah, that doesn't look like Linda. That's not Linda. I know Linda. Mm-hmm. Um, it's also not Linda Belcher. Um, but anyway, Linda's like got a, you know, baby. Yes. And she's just like, she's just somewhere else. Yeah. And I'm like, but like not somewhere else. Like she has been like, she's just like, Oh Barry, you're stil
l here. What's up? Like, oh, no, don't worry. Detached. Wally's got it. Right. He's a superhero. Like, oh, you're still here? And, like, Perry's like, hey, I'm a little worried. I don't really remember what happened. But there's, like, blood? And I'm a little concerned about that. Yeah. So, yeah, things are starting to fall apart for the Flash family, of course. Starting to lose a little. We're starting to lose a little bit of stuff here. Initially, Barry puts together, he's like, okay, based on
everything I've learned, I'm 99% sure it's this person who has turned good. It's Red Herring! Right? He's just like, okay, it has to be the Pied Piper. Fits the rap. I got it. All right, yeah, fair enough. Pied Piper is now giving up that life of crime, presumably, and works for Mr. Terrific. Mr. Terrific's like, it is not. It is not Pied Piper. I'm also, Mr. Terrific, I'm keeping tabs on him. It's literally what he says. Pied Piper's like, wait, I'm sorry, are you monitoring me? He's like, I m
onitor everybody. You're a supervillain. I monitor everything. Also, everyone deserves a second chance. He's like, that said, I don't know where Wally is. However, Mr. Terrific has put together that Wally has been able to slide between um realities sure uh and uh essentially he's like I technically I don't know this because he I wasn't told that but sorry layers of existence I need to make sure I say these things correctly right because that's that's how they're meant like it's not just like oh
it interchangeably multiverse and hyper time exactly this is this is something that's what it is um and so you've got mr terrific and um barry now putting together what's happening to wally uh wally wakes up back in that garden he's he's visited and uh you know he's like like I was dead basically and he's been fixed up but like the wound that that has had hurt him uh or had presumably killed him uh has been healed but like it's so like it's the material he was wounded with is from someplace else
and it is like it's kind of like frodo's wound Okay. It's like, be careful because it could open up at any moment. And that's when we also find out that there's an arc angle there, which I love the idea of that. Again, that's like, I just think that's really fun. Playing with words. Yeah, I love that type of wordplay. It's fun. It is an angled angel thing. Fun stuff. For me, I'm loving this. Yeah. We are still getting a lot of hallmarks for me of like flash or I'm like, we're solving a mystery.
You know, we're dealing with family and, you know, we're dealing with there's something wrong with the speed force. I'm like, we're ticking all the boxes. It's just in a very not traditional way. Right. So how's Perez's art? You know, this is really different. And it was a little more traditional. Mm hmm. which I think might have been a, like, I really liked the art and the other issues. And I did like this too, but I really liked the art and the other issues. It's just night and day. It's comp
letely different artists. Right. I am wondering is if, if we had led with a Rome Ramon Perez with this book to start with, it would have been an easier pill to swallow for some people. Cause at least it would have looked a little more traditional. Sure. You know, we don't see as much fun panel breakouts. We don't see a lot of the experimentation there. Yeah. So I think this was a good decision for right now, at least for this issue. But I really love the art from before. But I thought this was r
eally good. It had a very heroic feeling to it without feeling too standard superhero. You know what I mean? But it allowed the colors to be bright and poppy and still have human moments. So good stuff. Cool. Getting into our super chats, Lee Allen says, I thought you were off the goop for warming up to DK2, Sal. This is a deep cut. I very casually made a comment, Lord knows when, where I was like, maybe I judged Dark Knight Strikes Again too harshly. And I'm going to talk about that on the couc
h one day in the near future, probably this year. But he says, but upon revisiting it, I see what you're talking about and appreciate the art and colors more. I wouldn't go so far as to say I appreciate the art and colors more. I'm just saying that I may have judged that book a little too much. Somber Shadow 001. Hey guys, happy 10th to you. Thank you very much. That's right. Our main channel, Comic Pop Prime, has turned 10. On the 26th of March, back issues hit 10 years, which I still am shocke
d by. I'm thrilled and I'm happy. But we didn't do anything. We didn't feel compelled to celebrate much. It was kind of like, yeah, we're just another day at the office, which I'm happy about. I'll take that. you know, overfeeling it, you know? Uh, but, uh, he says I was 12 years old when you guys started Q aging, Matt Damon meme, and I have been watching ever since. Love you guys. Thanks a lot. Samba shadow. Holy crow, man. Appreciate it. Uh, cat lawyer will depend for treats. You guys reminded
me of the joy of discovering new stories and really love the medium and creators. Thanks to you. I feel like a kid every Wednesday. Yay! I mean, that's me right now. And again, I know I am that person who is always like, you don't have to follow a writer if you don't want to. Meanwhile, I'm reading The Flash for the first time in my life because I'm following a writer over to it. Right. But it is fun to be reading a character that I've never really read before. Yeah. A secret boss. I finally ge
t to watch this live. I'm finally back in the U.S. Ultimate Spider-Man continues to deliver. Agreed with you, man. Thank you very much. Welcome back. Welcome back. John Kata, question for Tiffany, as a lot of your favorite writers are from the UK and usually start on 2000 AD. Have you actually considered reading that on your next and find your next fave? That's actually not a bad idea. I was going to say, holy crap, what a brilliant idea. Yeah, that's actually not a bad idea whatsoever. I do won
der how well it will translate, though, because I do question if part of what I find to be so strong about their writing is them writing for an American audience is like taking the way that they would write a 2008 comic for a British audience and then having knowing that they have to make some changes for an American audience and and hopefully not making too many sacrifices. But I do wonder if it helps to hone that that word craft. I don't know. I'd have to check. I'd have to read some of their
stuff, but of course it'd be older stuff. So it's harder to make that decision because writers change over time. I don't know. Yeah. That's a great idea. Uh, fell man. Cal L data says, uh, happy April 1st to comic pop. I had the worst Easter of my life thus far this past weekend, but getting to catch you live is certainly improving things. So I'm glad here. And I'm sorry to hear that, uh, things are, uh, things are down, but you know, just keep it up, man. Just keep, keep plugging along and, uh,
there'll be better days ahead. Yeah. Um, but yeah, actually it's funny. We didn't even think about doing an April fool's episode. Not at all. I'm thrilled that we didn't do that. Bear Farmer saw a post. People want a recast of Kang as Terrence Howard. Thoughts? I think they should do it. First line is, it's me. I'm here. Get used to it. That's a funny joke that I don't think is worth the effort. Honestly, I think it's better to just move on. Kang never had a strong showing in terms of people's
enthusiasm. People wanted to be excited by Kang because they wanted to keep enjoying the MCU for the most part. I think that... Any praise that we gave to the actor who previously portrayed Kang, whose name just escapes me. It's genuinely just forgot his name for the moment. But I think that it's well earned. He's a fine actor. He did a good job with what he was given, regardless of allegations. You know, it's just like we we liked what he did. But I don't think anyone will miss Kang. No. And I
don't think there's any need to worry about that anymore. Like, I think that Kang was a hasty decision that was made without much thought because, you know, why would you do that? Kang has two good stories out of a hundred. And those two stories are steeped in continuity that this franchise is frankly unequipped to handle. And, you know, and on the heels of a time travel Avengers movie, you're going to do more time travel. And then you're not going to have fun with it. Like no fun with the time
travel. Like Kang's appeared in what? Like two or three projects and he didn't do anything of value or consequence or fun with the time travel. Just he got small. That's it. Nathan Chaffin says, great interviews coming from the other channel. Any chance of you and Tiffany sitting down with Kelly Thompson to talk Birds of Prey and her announced Scarlet miniseries? We would love to do that. In fact, I think we've reached out to Kelly Thompson in the past, but so far, no dice. But we really, really
, we enjoy her work and I would love to have a chance to sit down and chat with her about anything from her career because she's top marks in my book. Thank you for your generosity. John Tink, five, six, 56. Why does Marvel make it so hard to find trades of their most famous and well-known runs? It can be frustrating to find what you're looking for. Well, I will say it is easier now than it was 25 years ago because Marvel had to be like goaded or cattle prodded into making trades when like Joe Q
uesada and Bill Jemis came on the scene. And so, yeah, it could be worse. The problem is they don't like to have like a big stock in their warehouse. It's just a holdover from the old days. And so as a result, like they don't like order a lot. Right. So those books run out of print very quickly. And so, yeah, but the fact is, when they do print, they print a lot. So my advice to you would be to track them down via aftermarket until they make money. those, uh, trades available. I will notice, uh,
the Epic collections. Those were like, those are weird how they did those. And I remember one of our comic book stores actually had like a whole long box full of Epic collections that were like half price. And I'm like, Oh, these, they're going to not print these. These are gonna be double price in a minute. But I bought a whole bunch of them like a, like a rat. And, uh, sure enough, they were, they, they skyrocketed. But one of them, the fantastic for, uh, coming of Galactus, uh, volume in the
fantastic for Epic trades. Um, it was like volume four or three or something like that. And, uh, or maybe six. I don't know. I don't know why I picked a number arbitrarily, but like it was, it was an early, it was like, I think it was single digits for the epic volumes for fantastic four. I'm going somewhere with this. Okay. Uh, it, uh, It was out of print for a while. And I know it was only because I really wanted to have a copy because I wanted to do Coming of Galactus. And it was out of prin
t. And it's like, the point of the Epic Collections is to be in print, is to have these seminal stories available. And because there was such demand for it, it went back to print. So they do listen to the audience. But honestly, you want Omar from Nearman Condition to hear your pleas about the out-of-print stuff. He actually talks to Marvel. Marvel will send him things. So that's about a hundred percent more communication than we get from Marvel. Right. You know, if you want to know more about t
hat, start doing that then. I mean, we don't need it. These emails I send to Marvel definitely go on, uh, fall on deaf ears. Uh, so, uh, Thelman, Kel, Al, Cal, Al data, uh, also, uh, A new horror anthology from Gail Simone this summer. Misty, excellent. And she's writing something Superman. That's true. Out of WonderCon, Gail Simone dropped a huge amount of information about what she's working on, which I was like, oh, cool. I hope she has time for X-Men because that was the big deal at Marvel.
Well, a lot of them might already be done then. Yes. Incidentally, they also mentioned that she's going to do 18 issues per year at least of X-Men and maybe Uncanny X-Men as well. And I was like... Per year? Yeah. Yeah. What about just 12? I know. And it's funny because I was like, at first my reaction was like, okay, cool. Sounds good. But when I went online to see what people were saying, most people were like, cool, so David Marquez will be doing what? Three, six issues of that run? Because t
here's no effing way that he's going to stay on or be able to catch up or be able to maintain the deadline of more than 12 issues a year. And the kind of like... wind out of the sails reaction of like, boy, I love when you announce a massive initiative for X-Men or for any title and then have no plan for artistic similarity. And my only theory about that is that I think that Pepe Larraz we tapped very quickly into the run to maintain people's enthusiasm for X-Men if the art has to shift multiple
times. I mean, I don't know about that. I mean... I'm sure you're right. I just don't know if that's the right decision. I feel like LaRoz is so tethered to the look of Krakoa that if they're trying to make this feel like it's new and exciting and to appeal to people who weren't into Krakoa, I just don't know if that's the right decision right away. Not that LaRoz should never work on X-Men again, but so soon? It just doesn't feel like the right call. It wouldn't feel right. Yeah. I hear you. U
h, let's talk about some more books. Yeah. Let's talk about some, I read a lot of books and so did you, what do you, yeah. Uh, really quick. I read quick stops volume two, number three from Kevin Smith and Ahmed Rafat. Uh, this is the weird, like, Hey, did you ever wonder where movies came from? Slice of life story. It's one of the more grounded and fun, uh, comics slash anything. Kevin Smith's written in the last decade that I've like been like, Oh, this is actually really like, uh, okay. It's
a sex thriller. That's what the book is. It's got its usual tropes. I don't know if I love the cow peering out from the side. That's the idea. You're supposed to be unnerved. This is very much... Mission accomplished. Yeah, this is Smith really channeling his red state vibes, but sandwiched in the view-esque universe. It's interesting, and I appreciate that it's happening to characters that are not necessarily created, that are part of the askew universe, because Lord knows... I don't want him t
o check in with any more 40-year-old characters from his world if Clerks 3 is an indication because, man. But this is really interesting and fun. Uh, it's, it's dark and interesting how we get like the juxtaposition of like your usual kind of like sex comedy, uh, and envelope pushing that Smith is, has been known for, uh, within the confines of like just regular people in suburbia. And I was like, Oh, this is really cool. Uh, it has now taken a turn for the tusk and we'll see if it goes, uh, rea
lly, really ridiculous, or if it'll just be a straight-up standard thriller, but I'm intrigued. I will say that the Rafat art looks unfinished. It is very evocative of a Phil Hester, but without the refinement. It tells the story, and that's the most it can do. It is doing the... The writing is doing a lot of the heavy lifting, and unfortunately the art is just carrying it across the finish line, but not It's really more like the art is being carried across the finish line. The art really could
use either more refinement or some kind of help. Either in inking or colors or something like that. It's just not enough. It would be good for a six-issue or a six-pager to just get in, get out kind of thing. But as an ongoing multi-issue saga, it's It's not doing it for me. Okay, fair. Totally fair. Yeah, but you read a lot, so let's hear it. I read Wolverine number 46. Ah, yes. Your favorite Krakoa book. Yeah, this one had a parental advisory on it. Ah, good. We got more of that Ben Percy gore
. Yeah, this is Victor Lavelle and Ben Percy with pencils by Corey Smith, which I think is a change. I think she said right now, wondering. Sounds familiar, though. Probably. I don't know. I don't know. Anyway. Don't worry about it. I'm not worried about it. Anyway, so this issue, this is good. This is a good issue. I actually kind of like this one. No, I mean, like, here's the thing. I enjoy Percy's writing, and I don't know enough of Lavelle's work. I know Lavelle was working on Sabretooth, an
d I just don't care enough about Sabretooth. And we both quit that book. But I don't think that's a reflection of Lavelle's work. I think that's just a reflection of me not liking Sabretooth as a character. That's totally fair. Yeah. So, you know, the series was kind of like, I was like, all right, you know, I've been on and off again with Wolverine. I might as well finish it out. You know, we'll see where this is going. And this issue kind of gets more into the idea that, like, Sabretooth... cl
early misses like Wolverine and when they used to like hang out and be friends. Okay. But not in a creepy Joker loves Batman kind of way. Yeah. More in just like a, I have a lot of nostalgia for that. Right. And I think we're maybe having fun. Hmm. But also, I do want to kill you. Oh, sure. It's very interesting. I mean, the fact is we're reminded of the Sabretooth dogging Wolverine on his birthday every year. Yeah. If he could kill him, he would. It's more about the game. Right, right, right, r
ight. And yeah, so we get like the way in which we get these like kind of like flashback, not flashbacks is that like Kid Omega's head is being utilized to, you know, take control of Wolverine to show him what he wants him to see or what Sabretooth wants us to see because he's trying to get down into like a vault that Forge has like some weaponry in. So he'd like to get those. So he uses Wolverine to like help him get down there to avoid traps and to, you know, get past any sort of guard or what
ever. But it shows us what it might look like with them being on a mission together. So we flash back and forth between those two things that didn't really happen, but you get that sensation of getting to see them in their heyday. At one point, Kid Omega's like, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you're really enjoying this. I feel like you're getting a lot of joy out of this adventure. And he's like, shut up. Right. Shut your face. Does the Predator show up? It used to be Jeff Shaw. Tha
t's what it was. I think they alternate. That's the idea. Okay. There you go. I don't remember. I mean, they have a similar style. Gotcha. So to me, I'm like, it works. Okay. The Predator does not show up, but it should. Right? That would be such a good book. Former issues. It's freaking Wolverine and Sabretooth, and they're battling it out, and the Predator shows up, and they're like, we need to put this on hold. We need to put this on hold right now. Obviously, Lavelle's exiles have been tryin
g to get on island to deal with Sabretooth, or to help deal with Sabretooth. Mm-hmm. So they do manage to find their way to the vault as well. But not before Sabretooth manages to get exactly what he came to get. Right. Which is one of Forge's weapons, which ends up depowering Wolverine. Oh, no. Which I'm like... That's a problem. You have four... What? Yeah, well, they could depower Moira. Yeah. Yeah. But now it depowered Wolverine. So he's just like, thud. Thud. Right? He should be. And oh no,
the Ataman seems poisoning my bloodstream because remember that? That's a whole damn story. That's literally what happens. That's what happens. Done. Meanwhile, Laura, who had been taken by the other Sabretooth from elsewhere, manages to get hold of something that will allow her to plot her escape. Good. So we'll hopefully get to see her show back up. Obviously, nothing's good like well depending on how everything ends with fall of house of x I'm like I guess she's fine yeah because she's going
to be on the team she's going to be on a team in fact everyone in the whole three image panel or or not because it depends on how things are going to end you know what I mean like maybe they never were in trouble in the first place because they rebooted time who knows right but yeah I actually enjoyed this issue just again because we got a Sabretooth and Wolverine kind of talking. Yeah. Or like just, you know, doing their thing. I love it. Yeah. I always liked that. And of course there was, you
know, there was violence. Oh no. Oh no. Gore. Not as much gore as in the past, but there was still gore. Hmm. But yeah, I was like, Oh, Wolverine's depowered. Okay. Oh, I'm less interested. Hulkzilla, happy April Fool's Day. I got no pranks, but I do have appreciation to offer. You guys keep being the highlight of every Monday. Thank you, Hulkzilla. Thanks for being here. I forgot one other thing. What's up? The most important thing for me. Oh, no. Oh, no, that was something else. Go ahead. Sor
ry. Are you sure? Yes, it's a different Ben Percy book. Oh. I'm combining my two Ben Percys. Rami Darwish, happy 10th anniversary, guys, four of which I have been a viewer. You've introduced multiple books to me and creators, so thank you. Well, thank you, Rami, for being here. Thanks for sticking around with us for a while. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Matthew Trelaga, thanks for your generosity. The jackpot Black Pit Cat book was so unnecessary, making MJ the fifth superhero. In Marvel, t
o have luck-based powers is so original, not to mention the fact that I forgot she even had powers. I'm constantly reminded of the fact that she has powers. In fact, don't forget also that she has powers that if she rolls, you know, she has to roll like a jackpot because she said that in the 70s. But she has to roll these jackpot powers like it's one of those crank jackpot cash machines. What the hell is that called? A slot machine. Slot machine. Thank you. I don't go to casinos very much. But y
eah, she has to roll her powers. But she could get like three skulls or something and it'll kill her. Like every time she uses powers, she's rolling them bones that could kill her. Wait. What? Yeah. Does she have actual powers, or does she have machine-based powers? It's a thing that she got from another reality with Paul. I don't know. I refuse to learn more about it. Fair. Okay. All I know is she has a thing on her arm that she can't take off, or maybe she can. Who cares? And she keeps using t
he powers, and she's now finally jackpot, and she's wearing this ugly, complicated costume. She and Spider-Man are constantly teaming up in the series to kind of go, hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo. I'm like all right that's enough I'll go read the other book now thank you but uh but yeah she could die the point is she could die uh laatro medina I was half expecting a joke stream maybe sal dramatically rating marvel quotes I wouldn't waste my time doing that nor yours folks canopied uh with bowers appreciate t
he message at the top of the show happy to do it man um It's important. And we'll reinforce it at the bottom of the show. Days Toys, thanks for generosity. Hi, y'all. Always happy or glad to catch you live. I wanted to thank you for it helping get my partner into comic books. Woo! That's awesome. So far, their favorite episode of Back Issues has been the Onslaught episode. Hey! Trying to slowly get them into Krakoa era. Well, I'm excited for them and their exposure to that world. Exactly. Yeah,
it's a good time. Yeah, it is. uh I read uh superior spider-man number five from dan uh from mark bagley and dan slot uh spider-man and uh it's a fun cover it is a fun cover it's mark bagley of course bagley doing the interiors uh spidey and ock uh teaming up to fight a villain that was invented by dan slot that was part of the like big time era who was marginalized by or brutalized actually by uh Superior Spider-Man when he was Ock, and now the chickens are coming home to roost. Two of them tea
ming up to fight them. Meanwhile, Bailey's in the background being like, I exist! And I have fans who tell Sal to keep reading his book, even though he never will. But finally, something interesting happened to Bailey that I actually might read about, which is that Ock was like, because in this series, there has not been a Superior Spider-Man. It's Ock and Peter working together. And for reasons that make sense in the plot, but if you talked about them out loud, would make a funny episode of Bac
k Issues, Peter is wearing the Superior Spider-Man costume, but it's still Peter in the costume. And around issue two or three, Doc Ock did try to Superior Spider-Man Peter again. He's like, nah, I'm in your head. And he's like, nope. And they were like, okay, never mind. So Ock's like, all right, fine. I'll get into Bailey and I'll be the superior spider boy. But it was also like I thought I don't think it was this. I think it was like spiders or something. It was like spiders. It was like a de
fense mechanism that that set up in his lab. And I was like, that's funny. All right. Yeah, you can make Bailey the superior spider boy. That'd be fine. There you go. I don't care. Moving on. But the art's fun, and it's Bagley doing his thing. And I will say this. I love the design of Spider-Boy. I just like what he looks like. I like the fun, bright colors, and I like his design. I like how lanky he is. Just a fun look that I'll never care, and he'll never make me. Okay, fair. But the book's fu
n. It is the most fun in continuity Spider-Man book you'll read. Okay. Anyway, what do you got? I read X-Force number 50. X-Force number 50? The end of X-Force? The end of Ben Percy's X-Force, because I believe there's another one coming out. What? Oh, yeah, no, there is. There's a 90s X-Force coming out. There's a new one coming out. Yeah, of course. But X-Force... End of Krakoa X-Force. Yeah, this is it. This is it. Ben Percy and Robert Gill on this one. This is like, hey, let's... Tie up some
loose ends here. We're better. The loose end being Beast. Yeah. You know, we got good Beast trying to track down bad Beast. Who is real Beast. Yep. He's, you know, teamed up with Wonder Man. Yep. He's a pacifist. Yeah. Stars and... Oh, God. Shut up, Simon. Is he insufferable in this like he always is? No, no, no, no. No, wait. No, they're always like, OK, we got to kill this beast because they don't know. Right. Right. They don't they don't know that he's actually OK. That he's our beast. And s
o don't call him Goodby. Call him Stars and Guards. Stars and Guards. That's what I call. Give him a terrible Mary Jane costume and make him a new character. Stars and Garters. Stars and Garters, Beast, and Wonder Man have a speedboat, essentially, and they're being chased down by X-Force in their techno-organic ship. So Beast is like, listen, I know you're a pacifist and I totally respect that, but you're going to need to do something here, man. It was fun that we were on the cover together, bu
t now I need you to actually be useful. Otherwise, we could have sold more units of Spider-Man and all teamed up. so it was like all these like you know missiles coming at them and you know simon's like listen I'm not gonna attack the ship oh my god I will take out the missiles great that is the literal least you could do so he does so he does but then you know the ship the boat ends up sinking anyway naturally so they they dive down um and he's immediately grabbed by bad beast oh no who's real
beast yes by beast and um Beast punctures his tank and just shoots him away. So he's gone for now. He just goes. Wonder Man? Yeah, he just goes back. Isn't he energy? Does he need to breathe? I don't know. All right. It just seems weird. All right. So now it's just beasts. Yes, they're underwater. And I was like, are we about to do the... which one do I shoot oh no yes from the x-force they're like oh no it's beast which one is that really what we're doing I mean so here you know what hang on a
second what I have I have a show device that is perfect for this scenario I think you know exactly what I'm what I'm reaching for yeah that's exactly no no yeah the one in your right hand is the one I'm thinking of Okay. Hear me out here. I think this has to be a new feature for the show. No, it does not. We are not children. Okay. aren't we we're talking about comic books now get back to our serious comic book show it is um x-force is like all right so we can't find anybody we gotta do somethin
g about this meanwhile uh their their fight didn't go unnoticed orcas just oh geez so like all points are converging on beasts yeah and when they're underwater that's great because wolverine can't be like I know which one's the real b So X-Force is like, all right, we need to deal with this whole thing. And what's the name of that character? Who is it? What's her name? I'm going to get it. Jun Wei, which was someone who had showed up in X-Force before. She works for Orcus. So they're going to ta
ke care of that too. So most of X-Force is going to deal with that. And Wolverine's like, I've already suited up and I'm going underwater and I'm going to take care of it. I'm going to kill them both. I'm going to kill all the beasts. Bye. All right, bye. So off he goes. The rest of X-Force does their thing. beast and beast have a beast and stars and garters beast have a conversation in which he's like listen I'm sure you're here to like try to convince me that there are my ways um but here we a
re and he tries to explain all the reasons why he is the way he is yeah like what he's doing and that like you know it's all in service of you know mutants and like yes I'm going to put them in like a black hole sort of situation but then like what I'm going to do is defeat orcas and then free them but like a lot of people are going to die and maybe that's okay because that's what we have to do because I'm smart like that Right, and also, like, well, does he even bring up, like, the resurrection
protocols or anything, where it's like, they'll die, but, like, we'll bring it back or something. Well, no, he means, like, humanity. Oh, yeah, no, that's fine. Um, and Goodbeast, or in Stars and Guards, it's like, yeah, no, see, like, you, you, that's not, no, no, like, you need to understand that, like, you need to have better perspective on this whole situation, and, like, I clearly can't let you do this. Like, you've gone down the wrong path. Right, yeah, yeah. Like, it doesn't work at all.
Bad Beast is, like, But, like, I noted that they both literally have the same costume on, right? Yeah. They both have the shorts. Oh, they still have the same. They both have the same shorts. Yeah. Except Stars and Garters had glasses. Right. And I was like, those glasses are going to be destroyed. Yes. Or swapped. Or swapped. Oh, my God. And so he's like, that's a shame. Like, okay. I love this, like, moment of, like, negative Beast. Like, our Beast. Real Beast. Real Beast being like, oh, Hank
. yeah oh if only I was so young and naive yeah um and he's like no but like you clearly you you like you destroyed all the other like versions except for me right that must mean something he's just like no no I didn't regard you and it's like no secretly you did though no it wasn't that he didn't regard me he's just like that was when I was my happiest and I just couldn't destroy that but like that's not you weren't my best how dare you right yeah um I love that it's just it's so good yeah this
is good this has been a long time coming yeah yeah yeah and he's like and then like stars and garters beast is like you're acting like a magneto once did and beast like goes and pulls like a lever and she goes magneto magneto was right and hopefully one year from now they'll say the same with beast and I'm like and they will not they will not beast I'm sorry man nope nope magneto was right is a joke Magneto is right. Is a meme beast. You're supposed to take that literally. Well, that's the prob
lem, right? So they have a big fight. He activates the machine. He's like, Oh God, I got to stop the machine. And like, you know, beast was like, I'm going to kill you, Hank. Yeah. I can't with you anymore. Right. Um, Sentinel shows up. It doesn't matter what we're here for. Yeah. Get out of the way. Plot. Yeah. Iron Man and stuff. Yeah. Iron Man or Stark Sentinel, you know, Colossus like has a moment where he's just like, Hey, I wasn't really in Krakoa. I owe everybody a debt. I'm going to go d
own swinging if I have to. And I'm like, sure. You're not going to die. Colossus didn't have enough time to deal with Colossus. He's like, I wanted it to end on a 50, but I also really needed like another three issues. Yeah. Well, and like, no one's going to, I don't think anyone's going to ever deal with that. Somebody will eventually one day remember that Colossus should have some PTSD from what happened to him. When Colossus settles down with someone, it's going to be a character from like th
is. When Tom King decides to write an eight issue mini about Colossus. Yeah, when Tom King is lured away from DC after the DC universe at James Gunn's helm inevitably ends and an hour of wolves and shattered shields as the age of freaking DC comes crashing down. Tom King will write a friggin eight issue miniseries about a colossus said. Yeah. And they'll make a reference to it. Exactly. So whilst the two beasts are fighting, the glasses are broken. Naturally. And Wolverine shows up. He's like, I
got to kill one of you or both of you. Yeah. He's just like, oh, cool. Like, I came down to end this, but you guys are already killing each other. Works for me. Mm hmm. Uh, and, uh, immediately, um, Hank, like stars and garters is like, you know, Logan, he built a black hole machine. We got to stop it. It has to be stopped. And then like, uh, you know, our beast launches himself at like Logan. So I was like, okay, well, we immediately know who the bad guy is for a minute. I guess that beast is
like, oh no, Logan might actually figure out how to stop this thing by wrecking it or calling someone. I, I have to stop this. Yeah. And they do attempt to contact the folks up top to be like, Hey, like you have to stop this thing. Yeah. It's like fueled by a nuclear, whatever. And yeah, it's going to cause a problem. So wonder man's like, I got this. Oh, you're going to do something now, Simon. Yeah, I'll sacrifice myself to fix this. Those are the two things you know him for. Right. Is not doi
ng anything and sacrificing himself. And I love this because Wolverine's just trying to fight and also get a hold of Domino and be like, you have to do something. Hello? Can anyone hear me? Freaking God, you idiots. Mm-hmm. So Beast puts on his Krakoan suit. And he's like, I'm the last hope for mutant kind. And inevitably, Stars and Garters is like, don't protect your weapon. You need to protect your friends. What are you doing? So he launches himself up to make sure, presumably, that no one is
destroying his missile. He sees Wonder Man going for it. And he's like, Simon, what are you doing here? Because obviously, he hasn't seen him. Yeah, in a while. And he's like, you know, this is for old friends. He's, like, going to fly into it. And he's like, no, don't, don't. It's fine. And so, like, instead, like, that beast. Our beast? Our beast, like, takes care of it. And sacrifices himself? And presumably vaporizes. We don't have a body. And then here's where this book completely falls apa
rt for me. I'm sorry. I don't call this sticking a landing because we 100% deserved another page in this. But we see that happen and then it literally just wraps up in text boxes where they're just like, so yeah, Beast died. yep right real beast or stars and gardens is now beast prime yep the they took care of the sentinel orcas doesn't know that they're there so nothing will happen to the people it's fine um the other beast moved in with wonder man oh so that's that's fine he's just not an x-ma
n he's just he's over there it's okay don't worry about it okay quentin mind wiped the orcas agents and uh the book's over yeah and we we keep evolving and surviving let's go oh and I'm like what we just spent issues issues yeah years dealing with beast to have it wrapped up like this I didn't feel super satisfied by this except for the fact that presumably the right beast lived yeah except for the fact that once you've like introduced this concept inevitably a writer will take that down the lin
e and say like no it wasn't him right which is garbage either that or they'll bring back um like real beast as dark beast it'll just be a really annoying sure sure like real beast will be part of the bad guy team yeah one day they're gonna be like how are the bad guys able to out out maneuvers every step of the way yeah and then there'll be a shot of like an evil beast with like little glasses you're like stars and garters will be like it feels like I'm like fighting myself and then they'll be l
ike oh no do do do yeah it's him right and he'll he'll dye his fur so that he'll look a little more distinctly different or something that sucks yeah I was I wasn't super thrilled with the ending of this like I liked a lot of like everything leading up to it I wish we'd had more time for like stars and garters beast and this beast but it feels like maybe what percy's message is here And I hope it doesn't get lost for future writers. And I'm not talking right immediately because I think immediate
ly we are getting good beast in the next iteration after post Krakow. It seemingly is nice stars and garters beast. It's a shame because he's the nineties and that's what they want right now. That's true. But I'm hopeful that people down the line past that will remember that what it feels like Percy was saying was that like, no, it's not that in beast is this like scary, negative, horrible human being or mutant being. But that, that beast in that final moment decided to help his friend. Yes. And
that like that beast is intrinsically good. Even if he fought against it, like that's really what I think he's saying. I get it. And I like, but we just didn't get enough of it. And for that to wrap up in that one page just felt kind of like, yeah that said there is an amazing uh great letter at the end from the artist and from percy and there is a section of it that made me feel I'm not gonna lie it was a little like uh for me because it made me feel really good about our take on this whole th
ing from the get-go where he talks about how he first got this job yeah Um, and that, you know, he was literally, he was going to see Halloween reboot and his phone rang and it was Hickman. He was about to go in. He's like in the lobby of the theater and he's like, Hey, he's like, I'm relaunching X-Men. And like, I think you'd kill it on X-Force. Right. Yeah. And so they went to the summit. And Hickman had had a new normal or had it written out a Bible. So he did have like his Bible. Yeah. Right
. And everybody like pitch their ideas. And what Hickman had said was like, here's the garden. What do you want to grow in it? And every book in the X line should have a distinctive vibe and personality so that there'd be something for every fan. Yes. And I was like, that's what we were saying. Yeah. That's what we've been saying this whole time is that that's where Krakoa came from. And it worked like it worked. And I was like, that's great to see. Like, that's literally what it was. It was a r
oom full of creators coming together, going like, okay, how do we make it all come together? I think that's beautiful. I agree. It's so beautiful. Yeah. So as much as I didn't love the ending to that, I loved this letter. Yes. And overall message of the ending was still, it's not like it's, it's not like it was really frustrated. Like evil beast beat good beast because cynicism beats hope. But it's like, no, there's something there. Yeah, exactly. So, you know I take it in stride I i still enjoy
ed reading x-force x-force was one that like I was a little on again off again until like inevitably like I was just on this book especially the more we were doing with beast I was like so hooked by that so I think that's why I feel a little let down I'm sure like as time passes as we all tend to soften on some things I will soften on this as well but for right now it's kind of like oh yeah It's a shame. Yeah. But at least it didn't end up in a, who do I kill? Yeah. No, like I was, we were so le
ading to that and he was like, no, we're not going to do that. Yeah. I'm really glad. Uh, right. Do happy Monday. I've been rereading the novel house of leaves in between comics. And it got me thinking, what are your favorite examples of comic playing with the format, like page layout panels, et cetera. I mean, the one that immediately goes to comes to mind is when, um, Snyder Capula launched Batman and one of the like, issues uh where batman's in the labyrinth of the court of owls and the whole
book is like you have to turn the book and that was around the time of like comiXology being really prevalent and so that was hard to actually turn the comic it was very much like a celebration of the physical medium and you have to turn it in order to follow along and capullo's really like swinging for the fences on that one like with with his demonstration of of perspective and in space and character and in a mainstream book like that with a big push behind it was like that was really cool Th
at was one example that I always think of. I'm like, hey, you really played with the format there. Way to go. I often think of Batwoman and Doom Patrol. Nick Darrington. Yeah. Really, yeah. Talk about swinging from the fences. Just some of the most incredible panel layouts I've ever seen. Just amazing art. Very meta. So good. Oh, yeah. Agreed. Darrington is just worth watching. Charzy. Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Pop. Hi. Hello. Have either of you ever heard about the Batman movie plagiarism lawsuit com
ing to an end? If so, any thoughts? Love your videos. Thanks, Charzy. I did hear a little bit about that. I expected it to be bupkis. It was. Who'd have thought? What a shock. Somebody accused Matt Reeves of stealing an idea of theirs that was eventually the Batman. The Batman is literally like three different Batman comics at once, so it wasn't their story in the first place. It's just like, yeah, duh. And that happens. That happens a lot. So I'm not surprised. Thorne, thank you very much for y
our generosity and for being here as always. You did not judge it too harshly because that is not a thing for that book. I don't recall which book you're referring to. I'm sorry. You don't have to super chat for the answer, but please elaborate some more. Thank you. It was about a half hour ago. What were you talking about? I don't know what I'm talking about. It might have been Spider-Man. Flywheel Shyster, no need to read aloud. Well, I am. So much I would like to say, but too many words for t
oo many things. Too many thank yous. All peace, always. Amigos. Thank you, Flywheel, for always being there for your support, man. We really appreciate it. We really appreciated you. revolutionary dragon hey comic pop do you think with solicits being a bit spoilery do you think solicits should stay with comic shop owners and not give into the public uh you know on one hand I uh I understand the idea of having like solicits like I was surprised it's listed where I think people got I always though
t that was like something for the comic like when I remember uh going to the comic shop more regularly as a more uh seasoned reader as a kid I would just go but as a, like a young adult going to comic shops and seeing like the, like the, the previews magazine available and like, Oh, you could just get that. And I'm like, what, what shouldn't that just be internal? Like, doesn't that date like data in it? And it's like, no, it just tells you what's coming out and then you can order it and stuff.
And I'm like, Oh, okay. Um, Too much has to do with, I think, the scheduling. Yeah. When you think about it, it's like, okay, so the publisher needs enough time to get X amount printed, right? So they need to have a cutoff date for their order. So the comic book stores need to give them a good few weeks or months or whatever their time frame is in order to go like, okay, this is what I need, which means that the comic book shops seem to know what they think the reader response is going to be. So
it's like, it just keeps getting backed out, which is when things start getting spoilery, right? Because they're trying to sell you something that's like months out because it's like, that's the timeline they have. Exactly. So, I mean, I, on one hand, I think a lot of like weekend or a Wednesday warriors are, rely on that and so I think it's like it's just part of the system now or at least it's at me it's been part of the system it's just it's a necessary factor that people make decisions on i
t certainly would help me like if I I remember as a kid or as a young adult getting that and being like oh this is amazing I know what I could get months away from when they come out right but I also understand the idea that like because we've seen events ruined from that oh yeah yeah oh just the fallout from events or or story arcs just yeah Or when a creative team leaves a book and then the new creative team is on, I'm like, well, I know what happens then. Yeah. So, yeah, it's tough. It's a qu
estion. It's a constant balancing act between like what you about being informed and just enjoying your media. Yeah, yeah. And there's no other industry like it, of course. Jesse Gonzalez, thanks for your support. Thank you. Ray Farr, Kampabwu, hope you're good. Been loving all the content across the three channels lately. Thanks for keeping me sane while writing a Spanish paper. Good luck. Bienvenidos. I don't know. Buenas suerte. There you go. Yeah, three channels. Comic Pop, Comic Pop Returns
, and Comic Pop Plays. Uh, and, uh, doc, thanks doc. Uh, finally made it to the Chris Claremont era of X-Men and starting to get into the Phoenix saga. Storm is my favorite so far, of course. And beast is blue with no explanation. Uh, they'll explain it. They'll, they'll explain it, but, uh, but it'll take some time. Um, but yeah, uh, storm, especially back then was like really given a good push. Uh, they were like, we got something here with storm, like give her, give her a lot to do. Uh, you k
now, Obviously, she'll lose her powers. She'll have to still keep going and keep being cool. It's exciting. It's an exciting time back then. It's about 40 years ago. Thanks a lot, man. Right, right. Yeah, more books. I read God's Number Six this week. Of course. Six of eight. We got two more left. Oh, no. Sucks. This was so good. Your book got canceled. That sucks. Listen, this is Jonathan Hickman, Valeria Schiti, Marta Gracia. Incredible team. Yep. Incredible team. Get another example of like,
if this was like from YouTube to comics, if this was 2017, 2018, this book would be a big hit. It is in my heart. This book is a huge hit in my heart. Hickman. No. Jonathan. No. This was so, so good. Listen, folks who love magic systems and watching... Or just stories about magic in general and the process of it. I know that sounds really weird because it sounds like I'm pitching a business. But I'm not. Or a class. Then come on down to Magic 305. But this... such a good issue literally you're w
atching a character who's gonna have to go through a series of things in order to meet the tribunal you know the one I'm talking about yep um they happen to be alive um wait the tribunal yeah the living tribunal yes really yeah cool I i just as a as an outsider because I i stopped reading this book uh not for any particular reason I was just like I don't need to read this I was like tiffany will tell me No, you do need to read this. It's beautiful. I know, I know. And I'll read it all at once. L
ike the fact I was like, I know I'm going to be able to read it. And it's like sexy looking. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Skidi can't help himself. Skidi's good stuff. But I love that because somebody asked me, I think yesterday or the day before, somebody was like, hey, I know Tiffany's reading Gods, but are you reading Gods? And if so, how do you feel about, like the person who asked the question said basically like, it feels like it's something else. Like it feels like it's not part of the Marvel univer
se. And I was like, I understand that impulse because it is, first of all, it's Hickman. And Hickman's like, I got new stuff. And here you go. Here's some stuff that didn't exist before that now is. And it's super important. And normally I'm very critical of that. And I'm still critical of it. I'm not going to not make fun of Hickman for it. But when he weaves it into it, I'm like, all right. Yeah, I mean, like, and here's the thing. This should feel like it's not in the Marvel Universe. Right.
Because it's magic. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's on the fringe. And that's really what this is. And we know that, like, they don't have regard for magic. Like, the higher's up. Well, for sure. But, you know, he's just trying to tell a different style of story. Like, if you only ever read Doctor Strange into Shambhala, you'd be like, what the? What? Yeah. What is this? Like, how does this fit into the main Marvel universe? Yeah, it's like, well, first of all, half of you did read Into Shambha
la because Marvel won't put it into any kind of collection. I think it might be in one of the epic collections. Well, if it is, you should read it. But it's like, if that was your only exposure, you would think that it had not, like, that Doctor Strange really wasn't, like, in... much of the marvel oh no exactly yeah yeah and so that's kind of what this story feels like you know we we are very much telling a story about brand new characters set against the marvel universe and occasionally things
as you know will show up yeah and I and at first you might see that as like oh no like what that feels like is like hickman just trying to come up with stuff so that he can do whatever story he wants or like get a check you know what I mean because we have definitely accused creators of creating characters just for doing that right um but the way the way in which he utilizes his characters it feels more like he's like I made these characters because a these are the personalities I wanted and th
ey weren't quite like other characters in the marvel universe yes and b I don't have to be precious with them Right. Like whatever I do to them, it's fine. Yeah. And people won't like send like dead chickens to my house or something. Right. Right. Right. Or it's not like I'm going to like forever change the way that people have to deal with them. It's just here they are. And I get to do whatever I want because I made them. Yeah. So he's like almost treating it like it's an independent book in Ma
rvel. Right. Which is why it only has eight issues. Yeah. Unfortunately, it legitimately is incredible. Yeah. Um, so yeah, like, uh, Ico feels really, really horribly about what she did to Mia, which was essentially pulling her into the natural order of things, which cut her off to ever being able to like wield magic and be, um, you know, part of the avatar of the powers that be like, she can't use magic now because of this. And Ico feels like just wretched about this. And so she attempts to get
to the tribunal. Cause she's like, the tribunal can undo this. Yeah. And so I'll go there. And what we see, this entire issue is her going there. Right. And because she's not Adam Warlock, it's not easy. Well, no, she could go another way, but because she's not doing this for the national order of things, she wants to go another way. I'm not here on professional business as a representative. I'm here for something personal. This isn't for work. Yeah. And so like, you know, if you're doing somet
hing for work, you don't use your work laptop. You don't use your work phone. Right. You do it on your own time because you don't want to do that. You don't do that. People. It's actually a good lesson. If you are working on something, try not to do it on your work. No, that worked up. That work laptop is proprietary. Everything you make on it is good. Might be beholden to your company. Exactly. Yeah. Um, but that's where I'm talking about, like the process of it all. And like the, like Hickman
establishing his rules of, of this, like his corner of magic, his pocket. Right. So it's like, they need to take a, like a journey. And so like a carriage shows up and it's like, uh, the driver of it is like a, like a minotaur bull man. Right. And it's also pulled by like two oxen style. And I was like, so are we doing like a Pluto goofy thing? Right. That's fine. Not thinking about it. don't think about it oh no no it's like there are ox those oxen are pulling it but that that ox man is either
a member of rintra's race or he's a new man made by the high evolutionary right but there's like another one there too there's a couple of them right so they go and like the payment is like two coins And inevitably they come to another, like the next leg of their, their journey is they got to take a boat. So it's like, it kind of gives you reverse sticks vibes. Right. And her guide has like a free pass essentially, but it's like, what are you going to give me? Right. Cause everything has a price
. Right. And you know, it's like, what do you want? And the idea is every time she faces like a question like this, there's two options. And like the first option is like, I either want your left eye or you'll have to tell the truth for the next 24 hours. And she, She's like, well, obviously. I'll take the truth one. The truth. And her God's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Think about this for a minute, because you don't know what's going to be asked of you in the coming question. Yeah. Righ
t. Like, what if one of the options is something really, really horrific or tell a lie for the next 24 hours? Then your brain's going to explode trying to figure that one out. And she's like, I think I'm going to be OK. Right. Right. And so I'm a Hickman character wearing all white, so I'll be all right. Right. And so like she she ends up facing like several more challenges. Right. One of them is like, you know, the the the the secret that I tell a secret that no one knows or, you know, give her
your back teeth. Yeah, yeah. It's a secret. It's a secret, right? It's like, you know, maiming an innocent or maybe some blood, right? So it goes on and on like that. Okay. Until she comes to someone who is essentially in a position like she's in for the natural order of things, but for the tribunal. And for Oblivion, the god we met in an earlier issue, right? Okay. Those two have the natural order of things. And Wynn's god, who is the Avatar of the Powers that Be, or the Powers that Be, are at
odds. They hate each other. Okay. But the Tribunal and Oblivion are at odds, but they don't hate each other. They don't talk to each other. Yeah. They refuse to acknowledge one another. Okay. Literally, they're like children. Where it's just like, tell them that I said this. You're right next to each other. They heard you. They heard you. And so we get to see Skeete's version of the Living Tribunal. It's very interesting. It's very abstract looking. Cool. Right? He looks like a giant statue. An
d you can see the face up there. But it's not truly a face. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. And that's literally what we do. We have this full conversation. And he's like, you could have just had Reed Richards teleport you there. Right. Right. She's like, no, I had to go this route. And so like, Let me tell you that the turn at the end of this is brilliant and I'm not going to ruin it for those of you haven't read it. Like what ends up happening at the end of this is fantastic. And I, this issue, like
I love all the issues, this issue in particular, because again, we've been a couple of issues out now without having Dr. Strange in it. I was like, I, I could go for another eight issues of this. Oh, totally. Like a hundred percent, a hundred percent. I love this world. And I love it's like real consequences. Yes. And I love again, that he's playing with characters that are his own. So he, you can lose safety here. Exactly. There's no safety with these characters because whether it's for them or
for you knowing that they're going to be okay. Yeah. So, um, yeah, like I'm going to treasure the next two issues and maybe one day he'll be able to return. Yeah. Uh, with it. I hope so. Uh, but if, if not, you know I'm gonna I'll have enjoyed this and I it's a high recommend folks if you are a person who likes magic um and magic systems and maybe you find mainstream comics not your thing because it feels like it's you know like either the the system's too simple or you just you're too worried
about the super heroics of it all yeah this is maybe more up your alley in terms of like a big two magic thing totally love this book and it's gorgeous right like I said like it's just it's just you know it is just a top of the game for skitty yeah yeah uh nikki t I'm a little confused on something tiffany is xavier just off the board or is he dead again so hard to keep up on what he's doing these days and what he's not dead no he's not dead he's not dead he is off the board in fact he's in a in
a very hidden away no place with a team we will get into that uh theriot got a rage thanks for your support uh much love to be you both My favorite books right now are Immortal Thor, Avengers, Vengeance of Moon Knight, Ultimate Spider-Man, Blade, and Titan Comics as Conan. I'm hoping Doctor Strange picks a backup for me. Pampy Tenth, Rage On, Will Do. Yeah, Doctor Strange, good book. Brandon Foley read Ultimate Spider-Man 1 and really liked it. Haven't read a ton of Spider-Man before, so are th
ere any specific runs you'd recommend to read? If you like this Spider-Man, you're going to enjoy J. Michael Straczynski, creator of Babylon 5's Spider-Man run. That, of course, you can read, essentially, JMS's run from Volume 1. You can skip Skin Deep and Sin's Past, and you're good to go. Those are your only two volumes. You can literally just drop them, and you don't have to worry about them. um and of course one more day but he didn't write that really so uh that's a book that that's a run t
hat's similar to an adult spider-man it's the closest thing to an adult spider-man you're gonna get um in recent years which is to say within 20 years um ultimate spider-man proper was a good run good long run and you watch a uh more emotionally mature peter parker than the main one in amazing spider-man today so you can pick up that series as well you'll enjoy that um Or if you want any emotionally mature or at least interesting Peter Parkers, you can read any book by Roger Stern, Peter David,
or J.M.D. Mateus. Those are the writers you want to follow on Spider-Man without any blemishes. So check those out as well. Sean D., hi Sal, and Tuh. I just finished Spawn the Enemy series. That's your slash comic pop references. Just finished Spawn, the animated series. Does Al ever get his humanity back in the comics because the show just ends? Also, hope you're both good. Thank you very much, Sean D. Yeah, don't watch Spawn for any definitive ending. If you want an independent comic
book series from a fledgling image that is also an animated series that has a better ending than the comic book, you might watch MTV's The Max for that. But as far as Spawn's concerned, yeah, Spawn, Al eventually gets his humanity, kind of, but there's a twist to it, of course. There's a reveal about what he really did, why he's in hell and stuff like that, but then it changed. Let's just say there is no happy ending for Al. Al never gets a happy ending. But he's also still headlining his book,
so you can still read the ongoing adventures of Spawn today in Spawn number 351. Rayfar, check out his fart gun. It's going to pay off big time. I'd say it will. Kevin Kruger has DC ever told the origins of the Lazarus pits. And why does Alan Moore hate Grant Morrison? There are plenty of write-ups about Alan Moore, Grant Morrison. If you just Google it, I think the idea of the origin of that. Yeah. Right. What is the origin of Alan Moore hates Grant Morrison. But as far as the Lazarus pits, th
ey've explained that as well. I believe there are, You know, Snyder explained that they were kind of like a derivation of Dionysium. There's all kinds of explanations for Lazarus bits. But there's no clear definitive, like, here is what the Lazarus bits are. Unless you count, like, I think we talked a little bit about Lazarus planet and stuff. Obviously, there was Larazosaurus's Yeah, and they all died and their bones became the goop that you use to keep Rachel around. Obviously. Naturally. But
as far as Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, I don't recall. I'm sure that I don't care. There we go. But if you Google it, there are write-ups. I've read them and I've not retained them. Matt Fisher, thank you very much for generosity. I thought the same thing about Wonder Man while reading the issue. Lol, has Ethan ever recovered from DC Heroes making a second run, second son in Final Night 2? Oh, in Final Night, yeah, he forgot about that. There's no way he'll remember that. Fragrant Fools, tell Eth
an you're doing Bloodlines. Happy prank day. I'm sure he will not. I want Ethan to show up to shooting, and the last thing I need to do is tell him it's going to be redoing an episode that he already didn't enjoy doing. Sick, happy 10 years. Been watching for seven or eight years. You've kept me into comics when I couldn't always read them. Keep up the great work and have some Coke. Thank you very much. Sorry, I'm so used to seeing those letters together. But thanks, Sick, and we'll appreciate i
t, man. Thank you very much. Matt Fisher, PS, can Tiffany please do her Joker impression and say you killed Captain Klan? I don't have a Joker impression. I know, right? You do. I guess. It's just Mark Hamill, but bad. Yeah, do it. No. You do yours. I'm not a monkey. I don't just do stuff because people demand it. I don't have one. Right? I don't know. Have you done it? No. No. If you did, it's on your Arkham streams that you can find on Maybe I did. I think I just did what you do.
I think I just did an impression of Sal doing. You killed Captain Clown. It's just what he says. Real Setherby. Yo, yo. Long time fan. First time caller here. Just wanted to leave this message to thank you guys for broadening my knowledge of comics as I write my own. Well, congratulations and good luck to you, Real Setherby. No, you do it more extreme than that. Oh, I did it as well as I'm going to do it. Yeah, I'm not going to do it. I get too embarrassed. That's fair. Jesse Gonzalez, Compop Ru
les. Happy birthday. Thanks a lot, Jesse. It's not really my birthday. It's the channel's birthday. Yeah. I mean, another channel. Happy birthday, Sal. It's not my birthday. I'm going to confuse everyone. I don't know why people somebody made a Reddit thread a couple of weeks ago where they were like, Sal's birthday is today. Happy birthday. And I'm like, who screwed this up? I think that's very sweet. I appreciate it. I'm like, where do they find that? Like, where do they think that? Not where
they find out. My birthday is June 1st. So there you go. uh gert pectus write that down you recommend any funny comic books for april fool's day I love tiny tita uh I don't know what the hell that's supposed to mean but I'll tell you just read scud the disposable assassin uh marlin sg you guys are great thanks for getting me into comics well thank you very much for watching and uh for trusting us curious whatever happened to the comic shop for the first few episodes uh it's still there it still
exists in lake hiawatha new jersey go check it out funny books comics and stuff uh we uh we've explained it on live streams and stuff but like the walls were really thin and uh for whatever reason after like eight o'clock it became a haven for uh motorcycle riders and so it was just loud and horrible to the film there also the heat didn't work all the time and it was just it was just a really crappy experience working there and so we're just not gonna we were like I would rather shoot at my hous
e it was a fun set and it's a fun location but like the hassle was just not worth it so eventually we just simulated our own comic store yeah and small says question for tiffany uh want to read some ghost rider k catch or blaze any good suggestions appreciate all you do I gotta tell you I think you just go back to sort of volume three of ghost rider uh pick up the howard mackie uh javier solterra's uh start yes to it it's like 1990 uh spirit reborn those are in trail you can get those now we hav
e three copies of that Yeah, I would start there for catch. I just think it's a fun ride. You can get off whenever you want. But some of the most ridiculous things, you're going to get the origin. Well, part of his origin. They're going to retcon it later on. But you're going to get the start to his origin, right? And you're going to get a whole bunch of random crossovers because they're trying to push the character. So like Spider-Man, Captain America, and random X-Men. They're all going to sho
w up in this. And then a whole bunch of ridiculous characters are going to be introduced as well. And then you can just get off. Yeah, honestly, my favorite version of Johnny Blaze is in this one. Johnny Blaze is boring and done. That's why they keep reinventing him. The best thing they ever did with Johnny Blaze after making him Ghost Rider was making him Blaze. A dude who used to be Ghost Rider who has an enchanted shotgun. that's that's good enough for me he looked dope now he could be like y
ou're like the old dad like someone's you know what I mean like someone's dad that comes to pick up their kid on their motorcycle and you're like no dad what are you doing it's not 1996 you know that is that that is my blaze right you know right ghost rider is and has always been a tattoo that's so mean Well, thankfully he's not real, so he can't take it personally. I think he does take offense. He definitely does. He's welcome to take it up with me. You don't want that. Yeah. But yeah, no, read
the Mackie stuff. It's certainly the biggest push for a character that's named Ghost Rider in forever. Fair. Right? Fair. That wasn't like, what are you doing? Like Garth Ennis did a Ghost Rider run and it was like, what are you doing? And he's like, I don't know. I thought it'd be funny if I just did this. The arts are great, though. Anyway. Anyway. uh I read some books yeah what do you got oh man uh I read the penguin number eight a character I never thought I'd be hearing so much about yep t
om king rafael de la torre the art's fantastic but uh so is the writing uh penguin continues to be awesome penguins finally here done with the flashbacks penguin well kind of still some flashbacks uh but only to like recent uh past but yeah penguin has returned to gotham he's like all set he's got uh the force of July at his disposal, which is a classic old team of like America themed heroes. Force. Yeah. The force of July. Cause force works. Yeah. I think, I think we all know that, but yeah. Th
e big reveal of like the penguin and Batman's relationship has been already dropped. And so we could just casually reference it by characters who are aware of it, including Riddler and Batman. um it's a great moment from uh batman in this so don't worry there's still batman in this book of course it's a great series just it's just so well written and so well executed uh I will say that there is a sequence um you know king loves to do this where like there's a character especially in this series
where it's like here's a new here's a character we're establishing talking to somebody and also they have an ongoing monologue where they're thinking about whatever's happening while they're talking about it and uh sure uh there's a riddler sequence where um in every panel that riddler appears in which is every panel on the page riddler is saying a riddle and he's also interacting with penguin having a conversation the riddles have nothing to do with what's going on okay because tom king's brill
iant but like there is a like I i read I was like this is a I've had enough all right right like I literally I i saw where it was going and I skipped all the riddles and I just read the scene I'm like what a great scheme and then I went back and thought about it again I'm like this is like portraying madness. This is Riddler's head. He's always like, it's always Riddler's riddles. Riddles are running through Riddler's brain all the time. Sure. I'm like, that's fun. That doesn't surprise me. Caus
e it made me feel like I was, I feel like I looked at the medallion, but it's a great series and it's, and it looks great. It's just, it's just worth your money in time. You should be reading this book. It's like, I don't know. it'll it'll get to finish unlike tom king's batman run this will actually get to finish perfect it's perfect it's perfect uh ah uh I'm just catching up with these super chats here ah Matt Fisher, a serious question. Is there a reason why it's so hard to find a trade of ol
der Ghostwriters like pre-Roberto? The back issue costs are crazy. They are? Because when I look at old Ghostwriter books, especially the ones recommended by Howard Mackey, those things are a dollar. Well, I guess it depends on what you're looking for. It really does. I mean, like you're looking for keys or the other thing is like, there's a Daniel way run that we never talk about. Yeah. There is a size barrier. Uh, Danny catch run. Yeah. We never talk about. Yep. There is, um, and you know, it'
s just because for me, like, because I met Mackie's catch first, like, I don't know. Yeah. It's just hard for me to get into other. I know. We should, we should revisit that. That's barrier one though. I should, um, There's a lot of stuff. But there's there's a Jason Aaron run of Ghost Rider. We never talk about like there's there's a ton of those. So like maybe those are hard to find. I assume it's just because they're out of print because Marvel doesn't regard Ghost Rider. Yeah. Super Mian say
s read the Aaron run of Doctor Strange. Thanks to Tiffany and was wondering if anything important happens in it between it and Kate's run on Doctor Strange. So the time in between there was like really tumultuous because it was like Aaron's run ended. A lot of people were like, this was incredible. And then like Secret Empire happened. And so there's literally four issues of that. It's not some of my favorite stuff. It's it's a secret spider woman book. Yes, that's right. That was Dennis Hopeles
s's Doctor Strange, which you can just go ahead and skip. No, here's the thing. I think if I rewrite it now, I wonder if I would feel differently about it, because we had literally just come off of Aaron telling this amazing story for just about Doctor Strange, and Hopeless was like, I got kicked off of Spider-Woman, so I want to put her in this book, and I'm going to put a lot of emphasis on that. So if you're reading it maybe more in a vacuum, It might feel better. Maybe. I just wasn't a big f
an. Then there's two, like, number 25 and 26, where it looks like it's, like, I can't tell if that's the Marvel U logo. Oh, the Marvel Limited run, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you roll into the Cates stuff. So it's like, you could read that stuff. It's completely up to you. But between, I think, yeah, so Cates' run picks up with the, like, legacy stuff. numbering yes um but post aaron's like number 20 there's six issues that come in between till we get to kate's stuff it's up to
you there you go but four of them are italian ugh so yeah just skip the first four or if you're like if you're like you know what I want to know I want to know what happened yeah but four of them are a tie I feel like some stuff does happen in there but I'm like let's do that I remember being so annoyed yeah and I was not a golden age and I was really not a huge fan of cates's run you were not but I i feel like maybe you could read it again yeah well you know what I didn't mind his The damnatio
n. His Dr. Strange itself was fine. I wasn't thrilled with it because they brought back magic so quickly. Right. Whenever they had killed it off. Yes. And then they were like, but put it back immediately. And I was like, okay. I guess that's comic books, comic books, comic books. And the damnation, I definitely was not a huge fan. No. And then you weren't a fan of the Mark Waid rhyme. It's been a long road. LandoCS, I'm sure the answer is no, if only because of the lack of visual aids. But is th
ere any chance of Marvel or DC prose novels ever showing up on back issues? Probably not because of visual aids. Well, I would also say no, because it's going to be longer. There are longer. It's going to be much longer. Yeah, there's a book that Ben and I both read called Spider-Man, The Venom Factor, in which Venom acts as people's brains. Oh, so you both read that? Yeah, irrespective of each other. Like when we were kids, he read it and I read it. I read it because I heard about it. I was lik
e, ooh, Spider-Man book. And I don't know why he read it, but yeah, he did when we were kids. Ben's like, that's badass and cool. Jesse Gonzalez, have you ever considered doing Spider-Manga on back issues? No. I have. I know, yeah. I have. And there is some. I picked up one. You did. You did. Nikki T, first episode I saw of you was Superman Red Son. Did not think about how insane ending was until you guys pointed it out. Happy 10 years. Hope for 10 more. Me too, man. Thank you. And I'm glad you
dug it. Yeah, that was a crazy ending. It was a lot of fun. I really liked that book. PopCultureGuy3000 watching this Full Moon Pictures movie called Shrunken Heads and in the main character, kids are reading DC Bloodlines annuals. Happy anniversary. I also saw Shrunken Heads. It sucks. Yeah. I saw it in a theater, not like when it was first run. It was in a second run theater called the Darius. But yes, I did see shrunken hands and I did notice those bloodlines. I was like, oh, and then it was
it. That was the only joy I had during that movie. Sean D. I can imagine seeing Johnny Pennant staring at Sal because he hurt his feelings on stream. Me too. But I could just push him right the hell over. Or have you do it. Since that's his weakness. Oh no, he fell in garbage. I found your channel after watching an episode of Cartoonist Kayfabe. Ed was the champion of all comics RIP. Thanks for watching. So yeah, what else we got? Obviously I read Rise of the Powers of X this week. Obviously. I
don't know why I said it like that. So I made fun of myself on that one. That is written by, I don't know if you've heard of this writer, Kieran Gillen. What? By R.B. Silva. Man. Again, I like both Fall and Rise. Yeah. Rise is the clear favorite. Rise is the one for me. Look at this cover. I love this cover. Yep. So, so good. Obviously, we're trying to make you think. You're revoking Powers of X and House of X. Yeah, House of X from the start. But obviously, you'll notice something is different.
I actually like how it kind of looks like it's superimposed over it too. It does. But this is the issue where it's like Xavier is going back to the beginning of Moira's life for this one. Yes. And he's going to kill her. yeah right that's that's the plan which I'm really disappointed I i thought it was misdirect but that's not what he was going to do yeah I mean No. Like, Xavier's at the end of his rope here. Like, you know, he's done. But it's really fun because Moira is, like, a young girl. Y
es. Right? Her powers haven't quite... Triggered yet. Triggered yet. She plays everything extra safe. Like, she doesn't go many places. She stays at home a lot. She's homeschooled because she's like, I can't die before I have to get... my uh before my power show up I can't I can't let that happen so she like runs out and she ends up running into xavier which I love because it's him sitting on the bench right or a bench a bench evoking that feeling but she's still she's a child but she's but she'
s yeah so she's talking so like in my head she's saying all these things but it's like from a little girl's voice yeah so it's like ah just hilarious yeah and uh she's like oh no you're here something went wrong You damn right it did. You evil robot jackass. Right. And I, this is like Silva does a really like spectacular job here. I love this sequence of like Moira coming to the conclusion that like, oh my gosh, this is the day my gift activates and you came here and it must be for one reason. R
ight. I love him standing up and it's like some, like the standup of a person who is physically and mentally exhausted. Yep. like like okay like I am like I know that you have lived like countless years you're older than me technically but still you're a child and you're a friend and like I went against everything that I thought I was meant to do and here we are yeah like I i just I love this sequence I love it so so much and um so they're there they're talking while that while they're doing tha
t here's the other part of the story and the other part of the story is uh moira ai moira talking with uh enigma yes who is the um dominion created by uh nathaniel essex and uh he's like well here's the thing like yes uh they're all like the the ai like nimrod and omega sentinel like She came back and she had the memories of like, you know, she was like superimposed essentially. Like this Omega Sentinel is been superimposed with memories from a future version of herself so that they know how to
make the Dominion happen faster for them. What they don't know is that when you join the Dominion, you basically lose everything. like any sort of um identity yeah they think they're about to join something amazing right and they're not nope he's like you they they become like neurons for a god yeah which I was like that's cool it's a cool description of that yes and like it's like a balloon something bad happens um yeah it's a good star trek but he's like listen like you I need you to basically
not die yep and reset everything so I um I'm thinking what we'll do is like you'll join too but you'll be like a separate entity within me oh okay so you get a special place I'll be like a god and you'll be seated at my right hand mm-hmm that'd be cool right And he's like, or, you know, not. Those are your options. Yeah. And so she's like, OK. So she accepts it. But since we're telling this story simultaneously while Xavier's in the past. Yeah. And I don't know how they're treating time travel
because that was obviously on my mind. If you read Flash this past week as well and you read this, you were thinking a lot about time travel. Sure. Because in that impulse describes that time travel doesn't work the back to the future way. Yeah. Where it's like if you make a change in the past, it's always been that way. Right. Isn't like a separate thing. There's no photograph that fades. it's not how it works. So I'm like, if they're treating it the same way, things have already in motion pote
ntially. So not knowing how this book was going to end. Exactly. Um, while Xavier is also in the past or in a timeline, um, obviously there are no place, uh, you know, Sinister, who is in the body of Doug Cipher, Rasputin IV, and Rachel are in a no space, and they are under siege. So Rasputin's been fighting off as best that she could. Oh, also Mother Righteous is there. Mother Righteous is trying desperately to get out of where she is in order to do whatever she feels like she should be doing.
um, Rasputin hates sinister of any types. She's like, no, don't listen to her. She's garbage. And like, yeah, I'm sinister. Yeah. Um, So that will come to fruition because as they're battling, inevitably, Cypher ends up revealing that he is, in fact, Mr. Sinister. And she's like, then that means that Xavier's plan is wrong. Because if you helped him come up with this plan, then this is the wrong plan. He should not kill Moira. So she follows him into the past. And Cypher's like, that was his pla
n, man. That was his plan, not my plan. That was his plan. Um, I'm not going to take away from this, but like the, the, uh, Xavier Moyer conversation is really incredible. Cause he's just like, you know, you were, we were friends and like you freaking made me compromise. Yes. Who I was. Right. Because you told me that there was no other way. Yeah. And like, and you ended up betraying us. Yeah. And he's like, and now I'm like, I'm, I'm here to kill a child. Like, yeah. Like Danny, if we're making
me do this, like making me become this. Yeah. And, um, inevitably she, this is where Gillen's like, I'm going to give you a reason for why this is happening. And what it is is that she doesn't want to die. Yeah. Right. She's like, I want to live. And I'm, I'm, And I'm willing to do anything to do it. Right. And I'm trapped. And she's like, yeah, that's why I'm here. Right. Right. Right. Like, you know, so like, she's like, I tried being a mutant. So now I'm an AI. Right. And I'm like, oh, that'
s an interesting, like justification. Like Dylan's like seemingly trying to smooth the path here. And I, and I kind of appreciate this. I don't know if it's a retcon or if it was something they always wanted to have. Yeah. Um, but I, I appreciate that. Right. Um, I, I, okay. Well, go ahead. I thought the gun was a forge gun. It could be. To depower her. But I don't think so. Right. It isn't. No. But I thought it was. I was like, oh, okay. He's going to tell... Don't worry, I'm going to kill her.
He's like, no, I'm going to make you the Moira you thought everyone... No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Because he... That was not like... okay so don't forget xavier's plan was to the rest of the group and by the rest of the group I mean like mother righteous and and rachel yeah was I'm gonna go talk to her right rasputin figured out you're gonna kill her and he's like I am that's right and she's like that's fine yeah I totally get it like I totally get it um so some people think he's just there to
talk right Uh, yeah. And, uh, so she shows up, uh, inevitably Rasputin for like Xavier's like, I don't know if I can do this. Um, Oh, this is, this is a great line that like, you know, Xavier, uh, is the curator of, uh, Xavier, the curator of the dream is dead. Right. I'm like, yes. And like, um, she apparently told him at one point that like, you can't have a dream if it's like, lived or if it's real and so like the dream died and I'm like oh like you start to really understand why xavier is w
here he is right now so uh rasputin does inevitably stop him from doing it although it's questionable if he was going to do it I mean like you can see him starting to power up the gun but like I will never know if xavier would have actually gone through with it that's right And I think that's kind of neat because he does fire, I guess. But I don't know. It's like powered up. Not she stops it. I don't know. I don't think he would have fully done it. Yeah. To continue the Star Trek references, it'
s like when Data was going to kill the the museum curator. And, you know, they were like, hey, um. when we teleported you out of there, when we beamed you out, your phaser was discharged and he's like, Oh, maybe it was a faulty equipment. You don't know. Right, right, right, right. But I mean like you do see him firing, but it's like when you see the gunfire later on, this is like nothing comparatively. So I'm kind of like a low setting or maybe it was a different setting. Yeah. So like, I, I li
ke that. I like leaving that as like a, as like a, what if, um, But Rasputin gets super, super upset, right? Yep. And he's like, that's fine. I'm going to bear that, essentially. Yep. I'm a jerk forever. Yeah. And he's like, but that's fine. Because I trusted these people. I trusted this person who meant everything to me. And it led us to true happiness. And whoops. Mm-hmm. And inevitably, he gets another shot because they're followed. Mm-hmm. Or no, that's right. No, they're not followed. Xavie
r deploys sinister... like phantoms of some sort to take down Rasputin. He's like, no, I've decided. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. Here I go. Rachel reaches out and is like, don't negate Krakoa. Right. Like for everything that's going on right now, don't take it away. Don't undo this period. Don't pretend like it never happened. Yeah. And so like he can't do it. And I'm like, I think he could have, he didn't want to do it. And I don't think he ever was going to do it. But like, that's
the final straw where he's like, okay. So instead he just implants something like in her mind. He's like, here yeah don't I don't know what that is don't be a dick right like I assume that's what it is we'll see right presumably I don't know and then he makes her forget that they talked that any of this ever happened I she seemed to talk to him like a child I thought he took her away oh no no no And it's like, no, you don't remember your old lives. No. Nope. I'm 99% sure he just took away that t
hat interaction happened. Right. She just goes back to living the life she was. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. And then, you know, the plan, like, B, post, you know, Doug dying. Right. They kill. Because Rasputin kills Doug. Which isn't really Doug. Right. Because it's sinister. Yeah. Doug is safe someplace else. Exactly. Doug is sinister. Yeah. um xavier was like that's fine yep that's a shame he gives her precision go for it the plan b was the phoenix right right which is brought up that like in the fu
ture in which like the omega sentinel and the dominion failed was because of the phoenix but the phoenix is dead right and that's why he's like I I'm here yay yay me I win I win hooray so they're like we gotta we gotta bring the Phoenix back like Rachel's like I know it's gonna work trust me I've had experience I know a thing or two I've had a thing or two yep and then Xavier shoots her yeah which I assume triggers the Phoenix I assume he's doing this in order like I think it's a double fake out
I think it's like you're supposed to think like no it's not part of Xavier's plan he's gonna murder her maybe Xavier's still a sinister right it's like no I think based on the energy discharge from her chest that like that's what Well, that is the type of weapon he utilizes. But I'm kind of like, hmm, I think I think he is attempting to make that happen. Yeah. He's attempting to bring it to Phoenix because the Phoenix usually comes at your at your death. Yeah. Or at your like darkest moment. Ex
actly. Need it most. Yeah. So like maybe he's either or maybe he's sending her to the white hot room in order to go get it. Yeah. A lot of a lot of possibilities. It's true. A lot of possibilities here. And I love this book. I know it's like confusing and it's all over the place. And, you know, I just love Gillen's storytelling and just a lot of really great moments for for Xavier. Yeah. You know, and again, I don't think he's going to walk away from this clean. And I don't think he should. Well
, it's going to be he's going to wear a dumb Magneto helmet or not. Or maybe I don't know. Who knows? He's not in any of the promo art. So we'll see. right but like I i appreciate it and I this is being even if he ends up walking away more of a villain uh it's being treated like well yes like it is being handled well exactly so there we go uh nice happy steve uh hey there comp pop crew been there uh been on the hocks and pocks since the start and looking forward to seeing how it all ends and I'v
e been enjoying back issue archives alternate is where better father than you ever will be favorite quote thank you very much heck yeah Pop culture guy. I'm in the minority here, but I want Dr. Strange to last longer, like long enough for me to get a lot of supernatural medical mystery stories. I want Dr. Strange to be a new US blackjack comic. Fair enough. Yeah, no, I, you're, I think that was an idea. It was a pitch. I definitely, well, no, I, I think that, um, leaving Dr. Strange to just show
up randomly and have these huge things. It's just not quite what that's not, that's not what it's at for me. I agree. I prefer when Dr. Strange gets an opportunity, like a lot of the older, like 90 stuff to just, you know, do the bigger stuff, but also make house calls. Exactly. Yeah. Uh, and, uh, Skamal says, uh, any good teen Titans runs aside from Judas contract, love the image. Uh, wondering if there's any comics worth reading. Definitely. There's tons of, I mean, the entire run of, uh, of
Wolfman and Perez is worth reading. Um, you choose contract is one chapter in it. Um, but I was more of a young justice guy. Uh, so, you know, that, that's where I would go. It's like the classic original. Yeah. The old classic, uh, young justice run, uh, Alex Orem, a happy channelversary, uh, common pop. Thank you very much. Love you, Sal. Tiffany, you're okay too, I guess. Just kidding. You're awesome. Thanks for the crew. Thanks to the crew for all your hard work. I will extend those thanks.
Thanks, guys. You're right to love Sal. Yes. All shall love him in despair. That's right. So I read Green Arrow number 10 from Joshua Ameson and Tom Dernick and Sean Isaac. This book looks great. It's just a really, really solid, fun superhero looking comic that Green Arrow obviously is going to fish out the sanctuary files for Amanda Waller so we can save Roy. Then he's intercepted by a bunch of fun classic slash contemporary Green Arrow supporting characters or characters who are in some ways
connected to Green Arrow. Again, if you were a Green Arrow fan, if you remember that Green Arrow promo image that had a whole bunch of characters that you were like, when are they going to show up? Here they all are. Uh, and they're here to help out Ali because they are under the, uh, orders of Amanda Waller as well. And so, uh, everything works out. Uh, Ali goes into, into the bowels of this old justice league base in the Arctic and, uh, runs into Roy and they, um, Roy's been fighting Ollie the
entire time because the sanctuary files are connected with the sanctuary hard light construct holograms. And so, you know, Roy's dealing with his trauma by dealing with Ollie. And so when Ollie actually shows up, Roy's like, oh, you hologram, you're not going to fool me. And they fight for a second and then realize they're like, oh, we're actually the real person. Like, I think Ollie sees Roy and he thinks it's a hologram and Roy sees Ollie and he thinks he's a hologram. cute little device, but
it's two pages because we don't have time slash care. We know the audience is smarter than that. So that's fun. And then they actually, I know it's, it's, it's just from Roy's perspective. It's like, Roy thinks Ollie is a hologram, but actually it's real Ollie. And then Ollie's insecurities come to roost and it's the justice league. What? Like it's a hard light construct of the entire justice league, but from like the eighties. okay not like and no not jli it's the it's the seven but in their l
ike classic when green arrow was a member of the league forms okay so it's like blue and gray batman and uh you know you know john and hal jordan green lantern stuff it's a lot of fun uh the the fun of it is just watch the arrow family interact and uh and build off of like where williamson's been going um this is a really fun series it's definitely worth reading if you are or are not a green arrow fan it's very much you know if you don't uh know of slash love the green arrow universe uh you migh
t if you read this series but it's definitely like the most dc of the bunch I can't believe you're reading Green Arrow. I'm reading Flash. What's happening? I know, right? Way to go, DC. Your Dawn of DC initiative was apparently a success. Right. What else did you read? Anything? No. Batman Dark Age number one from Mark Russell and Mike Allred. This is a great, I guess it's a black label book. It could also be an Elseworlds book. It's a really fun book. The concept being that some dudes in masks
kill the Waynes. On the night that the Waynes were killed, but Bruce was left behind. Oh, so he didn't see any of it. He didn't see anybody who was at home at the time. Okay. And so Alfred is put in charge of him. Roman Sionis becomes the head of Wayne Enterprises until Wayne's 18th birthday. Wayne is a dick and a... difficult youth that is raised by Alfred. So he's just a rich kid. Right. Like he gets into trouble. He gets, you know, he's doing bad stuff or the very least he's, he's doing yout
hful delinquent stuff and then constantly getting bailed out. He bumps into, um, Selena in a kind of, uh, end of Ferris Bueller, Charlie Sheen kind of way. And it's really cute and fun. And then, uh, the one time Bruce does something genuine and, uh, attempts something good, he gets arrested and it's around the time that he, uh, Really gives Alfred the business. And because Bruce is leading to his 18th birthday, Wayne Enterprises, of course, doesn't want to get taken over by Bruce Wayne, or at l
east the board doesn't. And so they cut off his legal team. And so he's thrown into like Blackgate. that's the big thing it's just like it's really cool also it's sandwiched with this idea of like Bruce Wayne is old and he's in a nursing home and everyone he knows is dead except for like the children of his family and stuff like that it's just neat that's cool it's a neat weird cool quirky book that feels like a classic Elseworlds book but like the fun kind not like the kind that's trying to do
something the kind that's just like let's just do a comic book how about that I got this pitch approved let's go for it It's really fun, really worth it. And the, the all red art really does sell the quirkiness of it. Okay. For sure. But it's, it's an easy pickup. Yeah. Easy book to read. Okay. And it's worth reading. So fun. So, so much fun. I think you would enjoy it. Ultimate Spider-Man 3 from Jonathan Hickman and Marco Chichetto. I did read this, but that's funny for me to say. I read that.
I read that. Because you were talking about something else. Right, exactly. So there's not much that happens. You know, the identity of the Green Goblin is revealed. He is being targeted by Fisk and company. So they send Bullseye, Ultimate Bullseye, to kill him. Spider-Man intercedes. And they have a rousing fight, which ends essentially in a stalemate where... Bullseye gets away and Green Goblin is revealed. And so is Spider-Man to Green Goblin. This was vexing for me because as I understand it
, Spider-Man's costume was from Iron Man or rather Tony Stark. So when the Green Goblin says that his outfit is proprietary and then accesses it, I'm like, do you think I've been burned by comics so many times? I'm like, do you remember that it's Iron Man or is there a connection between Oscorp and Stark Industries? Iron Man also gave him this. And there we go. Cause it has an Iron Man look. It's true. Like I assume it's like another piece of the puzzle that needs to occur. There needs to be a g
reen goblin. I like that a lot. The idea that like, yeah. Stark's like, I'm not going to tell you. I'm just going to, I'm just going to tell you, you needed to be green goblin. Here's your suit. Yeah. And that's it. Moving on. Like I have to set things in emotion and heroes and villains. Yeah. I kind of love that. I don't know. That's really what's happening, but like that was where I went with it. I don't know. Also, I'm sure it's not bullseyes. Weapons are suspiciously gambit esque. And so I t
hink because people look, I was doing the wrong thing. It's like, no no all the x-men are in the marvel universe they're just not in the buddha they're just not in the x-men I also and he also like is french ish yeah his face is covered yeah it's remy lebeau definitely I thought the exact same thing okay yeah that's funny gambit is bullseye that's so funny that you thought that too right uh I was like unless he's batroc oh no the finger I i doubt it but uh yeah um It's funny. Actually, I was ask
ed about this because there was, you know, the reveal is that Harry Osborn is Green Goblin. Harry reveals Spider-Man to him and sees that he's Peter Parker. They don't know each other more or less. And so they're like, oh, let's go get a drink. And so they do when they leave and we don't see that. I hope we see that in issue four. We'll see. But somebody, Rob from Comics Explained, was like, what'd you think? Holy crap. I was like, well, I don't know who this is. You know, Harry Osborn doesn't m
ean anything to me in this universe. He's a nobody. You know, so I'm not really invested. Like I'm invested in as much as I'm like, there's a mystery, but I'm more invested in like the fact that Peter seemingly lying to his wife about his activities and that two old men are starting a business together. And I want to see that. Yeah. You know, and it's like, that's the fun that, and when I talked about like the supporting cast and how important it is to like highlight them, you know, you could, y
eah, you could do another Randy Robertson story and have it be boring as algebra. Or you could do something like this. Now, obviously, you can't do this kind of thing because Uncle Ben is dead. But in this reality, he isn't. And he's teaming up with Joe Yoder and Amazon. And they're creating a newspaper of integrity. I want to watch that. Yeah. Mostly because of how they're portrayed. But I also know these characters. At least I think I do. And they're banking on it. because people are reacting
to Harry Osborn and Peter Parker knowing each other, even though if you look at it objectively, they don't know each other, so don't care. But I am intrigued and excited to see JJ and Ben teaming up and doing something. I am wondering if it's a misdirect, and Mary Jane does know that the first person Peter told about being Spider-Man was Mary Jane, and it's just that she's so blasé about it that it's not a big deal. She's like, I told you I support you, and I told you that you can do it. So like
, I'm not going to keep asking you about what you're up to. Right. You know, you and the kid are playing on your iPad. I want to know what it is. You know, and I'm not telling the boy because I thought you didn't tell the girl. Right. Maybe that's what it is. Okay. I don't know. But what do you think? About their. About their whole thing. Do you think Mary Jane knows? And what do you think of the issue? I think Mary Jane can't help but know. I mean, there's no way she doesn't know. Because that'
s how he's writing her. Right? She's smart. I feel like she knows, and she just knows that he needs his time, and eventually he'll tell her. I don't think the boy knows. No. If he did, he would be all over it. I don't think Richard knows anything. Richard does not know. Richard just was like, I gotta get new shoes. Mom said I need new shoes. Okay. yeah thanks um cute yeah no I i well I hope so otherwise like it's gonna be hopefully she'll get it hopefully she'll understand I don't know I don't I
don't want it to be a clown show me either I really don't like part of the reason why people are buying this damn thing is because people want to see pete and mary jane together yeah it would be really cruel and weird if they were like and him being spider-man breaks up their marriage Especially since she was like, I'm on board. Yeah. Like, you should do the right thing and do this. Right, right, right. And it's like, oh, but don't, like, but the other thing is, but don't, I didn't tell you to
lie to me about it. Which I'm like, hmm. Hopefully that's not it. I don't know. Because I don't like the idea of him withholding. Part of the fun of their relationship is that she knows. And I want to see that. But overall, the art's fantastic. Chachetto's really doing it. What about the suit design? There's a little sequence where they show all the suit designs. It's obviously a throwback. There's a Ben Reilly reference. There's an Iron Spider reference. He's cool. He's young. He's hip. I love
it. He's like, I look cool. That is exactly what they thought when they invented the Skrull spider suit. No, you don't. That's not cool. I also love that they arrive at the suit where it's like, it's blue. No, more red. I like the blue suit. I was seeing a Spider-Man that's blue. It was cute to see that. I also loved him in the full black with the spider. With the webs like in Spider-Man 3? It's scary. It's still scary. I don't like it. You're scary. I don't like it. Fair enough. It's great. lik
e the two of them are adorable yeah no they have great like rapport she's like a real character yeah it's cute and fun it's just a really like genuine book I just enjoy it yeah and I'm glad that like its predecessor it's not bogged down in all the ultimate nonsense you know like ultimatum happened and it's like yeah spider-man saves some people the end right you know uh I also like the fact that because this is an ultimate universe and it is Hickman, we have no, I have no idea. I don't know what
's going to, I'm not trying to at all. I just, I want him to pave this path. Yes. You know, I don't know where he's going with this. I don't know what twists and turns, you know, obviously I can't help thinking about it. Like who's going to die. And I'm like, stop, stop, stop. Just enjoy the book. Just enjoy the book. Just enjoy the book. yeah trying and it's great I'm loving it it's a great book yeah so yeah um so cute I really this is a great issue it's a great issue it was it was really well
paced but I felt like I was like I want more oh yeah like in that way where it wasn't like I felt cheated but I was like oh man oh man it's almost over yeah it's oh I'm all done next one damn uh yeah it's a fantastic uh read and I'm just enjoying the heck out of it PopCultureGuy3000, what are your thoughts on Peter David's full moon direct video movie, the sci-fi western movie Oblivion? I don't know. I've never seen it. It's a 90s movie. I've never seen it either. But it's not technically his. H
e wrote the screenplay for it. He did not craft the story for it. He took a story that had already been written and he wrote the screenplay for it. So not really his. That's it. I've never seen it. That being said, I've never read it. I looked it up real quick. I was like, oh, but that's interesting. He didn't actually write the script. He didn't write the story. He adapted it. uh paul williams thank you both for getting me into my my getting me into x-men I love the period I am in the tail end
of destiny of x nice it's a race as marvel is making some titles out of print okay okay I'm sure the back issues would cheat so if you're ever worried or you know if you're looking to get you could probably just get all like if it's a six issue miniseries but that can be hard to store sometimes that's really what it comes down to like I totally understand that's true that's true uh what is your book of the week I think we all know It's Helena Wynhorn. It is Helena Wynhorn. You're right. Right? I
t's got to be Gods or Rise of the Powers of X. It's Gods. I got to say it's Gods. Gods number six. Gods was just so... I mean, I loved Rise of the Powers of X, and I really love Flash this week, but it has to be Gods number six for me. This was just so incredible. It was exactly what I was looking for. I was riveted. Yeah. Riveted. Loved this. That's fair. I want to say it's Ultimate Spider-Man, but I will say I really... Runner up for me is green arrow. Number 10. I had such fun reading. It was
such a joy. I was, it's one of those like rare moments where I was like, I'm glad I know the writer and that I could text him and be like, this is really cool. No, admittedly, like, ultimate spider-man is up there as well it's just it's almost a book that I could take for granted easily people can definitely do that which is why you should pre-order the series and buy it I know it's going to be great but I also know it's potentially like gonna like in the future could really hold some shake-ups
oh yeah because we have no idea oh no this says ripple effects it's definitely I i hope it's rocking the house of ideas right now right and and forcing them to come up with new wait are two different hickman books the books of the week this week Who would have thought? Well, Hickman's going to write multiple books. They're going to end up on the list. But let's talk about some books that are coming out this week that we think you should check out. I am going to recommend Minor Threats 2. It's a
lso called Minor Threats The Fastest Way Down Number 1. This is a... humor, but also very serious. It's a real story. It's not just like a, Oh, we're having fun. We're making fun of the comic books. And it is very much its own universe. If you don't know, because I know statistically you didn't watch it. The interview I had with Jordan bloom and Patton Oswalt very recently from last week, that episode will give you a good refresher slash a tease about what this series is. I just really enjoyed i
t. it and it's just there are a lot of different universes out there from the independent uh world that try to get your attention by being like I'm a subversive take on superhero comic books and some of them work and most of them don't and this one does I just enjoyed it you can keep looking for your books uh spider-man shadow of the green goblin number one from jmd mateus thought by michael uh saint uh santa maria is coming out uh oh my god jmd mateus writing a spider-man book with green goblin
in it well sign me the hell up I'm in, and so I will. I will continue to buy books that have Spider-Man in them that are also not Amazing Spider-Man. The most recent issues that I have reviewed notwithstanding that I occasionally will dip in and be like, oh, maybe this is worth checking out. I'm always punished for it, unfortunately. The Captain America number eight is coming out. This is, of course, Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski, the other J.M. writer in the world of comics. Carlo M
agno doing the art on this one. Carlos. Carlos Magno, I'm sorry. This is a fantastic Captain America book that I think people are sleeping on. I genuinely think people are not reading this book. And I'm like, what are you doing? This is Captain America by J.M. Straczynski, creator of Babylon 5. What are you doing here? It's everything you want. The dude wrote the monologue they stole and put into the Civil War movie. Everyone loves that monologue. And they're like, that is so Captain America. I'
m like, well, he says a lot of other things in this book. There's eight issues of it. He says many other things. He says all kinds. He says more things in these books than he ever did in that one monologue in a Spider-Man comic. So yeah, it's worth checking out. Okay. Birds of Prey number eight. Obviously, Kelly Thompson. Fantastic series. This time, Harvey Arpina doing the art. I love this book. Birds of Prey is up there. It's as good as Green Arrow. Yeah. which is another thing I know I never
say. And I'll go so far as to say I think it's the best Birds of Prey. I've read Birds of Prey. And I can tell you, none of them have made me actually read it regularly like this one does. Sensational She-Hulk number seven is coming out from Jen Bartel. We'll see. I may be off this book. I don't know. And also... Oh, and Rainbow Rowell, obviously. I don't know. We'll see. That's weird. It says... No, no, this is the team. Yeah, oh, there we go. Rainbow Rowell and Iguara is doing the interiors. I
'm sorry. Although it says Genelay on here. Oh, God. Comics, come on. Marvel, what's your problem? I don't know if it's them. I don't want people to read this. But yeah, Sensational She-Hulk, it's still Rainbow Rowell's story, so I'm enjoying it. Yeah, there you go. but I might be off. We'll see if it's, it's on the chopping block. I just want to see who's doing that. Oh yeah. No, there's another, oh, there's another wonderful black, white and blood concept. We're alien with Cody Ziegler. I'm, I
always check these in, check these out. Yeah. Cause it's a bunch of smaller stories, right? Smaller stories in the alien universe. I'm in a couple of them there. Yeah. Yeah. Great stuff. Right. How about you? There's not a lot coming after me this week. I got two. Doctor Strange number 14, Jed McKay, probably Pascal Ferry, and don't forget we're in D&D world. Yes. Can't wait. It's like D&D Jumanji. I'm here for it. And Vengeance of the Moon Knight, number four, Alessandro Cappuccio and Jed McKa
y on this book. I assume this is going to be about Hunter's Moon based on the cover. Each issue has been like continuing the Moon Knight story. story while also doing highlights on a specific character. And we're finally getting some more information about Huntersman, which I'm thrilled. I'm actually, I'm very thrilled about that. I feel like we got some stuff, but like I'm, I'm looking forward to getting some more on him. Oh, right. And also X-Men number 33. How did I scroll past that without c
alling that one out? X-Men number 33 written by Jerry Duggan with art by Josh Kassara. Let's go people. It's time for the X-Men to assemble and to make their final stand on Looking forward to it. Yeah, for sure. I really liking how everything's kind of coming together for it. I don't love this story at all, but I think there's a great cover. Yeah. Yeah. Gunslinger spawn. That's freaking dope. It's great looking. Yep. It's great books. Great cover. Fun looking cover. Not picking it up. Not pickin
g it up, but it's a fun cover. Yeah, for sure. There was another book. Oh, an honorable mention goes to Ghost Machine. They're dropping two number ones this week, Rook, Exodus, and Red Coat. Maybe I'll read them. We'll see. I am not in any way strong-armed by anybody to read them, so I might. I went to ask you about that book that you're clicking on right now, and if you've read any of it, I don't recall. I have it at home. You have it at home, that's right. I literally have it at home. Yeah, ye
ah, yeah. Cause the last part of my number two is coming out. I really wanted to read this in physical because of the fact that it's such a strange shape. And for some reason that really like adds to the enjoyment as much as I love panel to panel in digital. When a book is specifically like formatted, I want that format in my hand. So I just recently picked up the first issue. So I'd like to read that. But I will, if I, since I have a light week, I will hopefully be able to read the first one an
d then pick up the second one. There we go. Fantastic. We want to thank everybody, especially our Super Chatters for sponsoring today's show. Speaking of which, I believe we are caught up. So thank you to our Super Chatters for sponsoring today's show. We really, really appreciate it. In light of recent tragedies, we want to remind you that if you are in a dark place and you are considering self-harm, there are options for you in the chat. There is a 800 number and a website you can visit. These
are staffed by trained counselors who are there to offer support when you feel there isn't any. And, of course, if you're catching the show after the fact, you can find it pinned in the comments down below. But make sure to like this video, subscribe to our channel, and, of course, pre-order your comic books because that's the only way you're going to get your books from not getting canceled. Thank you so much for watching, everybody. We'll see you guys next week with another episode. Of course
, here on this network, we've got plenty to choose from. Back issues coming. I've got to edit the heck out of that. It's not done. From this week? Yeah, that's right. I know, I know. Um, so that's gotta get cut, uh, Tiffany streaming on slash comic pop. And of course, simultaneously streaming on at comic pop plays. Uh, what do you, do you know what you're playing? I'm not 100%. I had a couple of ideas. I thought about maybe just doing some more Helldivers. I thought about d
oing maybe some Phasmophobia. And then I saw this game called That's Not My Neighbor. And I thought that'd be kind of fun, too. So I'm going to look a little bit more into that. I also thought about going back into Spider-Man and just finishing up my... But what I have to do is so boring. Right. And that's what I'm doing. I have to go find spider bots. And I want to get my 100% before I start a new game plus. Yeah. So it just feels like it's a waste. I am also just plowing through it. I'm gettin
g all these spare parts. And I can't find any spider bots. I don't know where the hell they are. Wow. Maybe you got them all. By the way, if you are playing Helldivers 2, if you want to join our Discord, every link for everything we do is in the description below this video, but there's an invite link to our Discord. There is a Discord channel for Helldivers 2 if you want to squad up with anybody from the audience of the channel. But I know that there's at least one person who's keeping that cha
t alive, so if you're looking to squad up with anybody... he would love a friend. So please jump in. But yeah, otherwise we'll see you guys next week. Another episode. Thanks a lot for watching everybody and stay safe. See you next time. I'm Sal. I'm Tiffany. Bye.
