
The Unique Bond Between Humans and Dogs | Wonderful World of Puppies | BBC Earth

Newborn puppies express their emotions through various tummy grunts and whines, creating a unique bond with their owner. But whilst some puppies are in tune with their humans, 18-week-old Willoughby – the miniature schnauzer – has other ideas... Subscribe: #Dog #Puppy #BBC Earth Watch more: Planet Earth Blue Planet Planet Earth II Planet Dinosaur Wonderful World of Puppies Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you'll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this. This is a commercial page from BBC Studios. Service information and feedback:

BBC Earth

3 weeks ago

like babies puppies come into the world with so much growing and learning still to do at first they can only communicate with their mother through tiny Grunts and wines expressing basic desires Delights and discomforts it's only around 7 weeks old that they discover how to [Music] bark [Music] but just as they've grasped how to talk to their canine family we suddenly become their world sit luckily our two species have a magical understanding that has lasted over 15,000 years whilst they learn to
decode the strange noises we make at them that's it good boy good boy scientists are discovering we can decipher dozens of different sounds they make to us Oh Henry a bit of color aren you no other animals communicate with us like they do and that makes our relationship with dogs utterly unique not every puppy however is so in tune with their humans at first Willoughby the miniature schneer has been living with his new family for two whole months but so far all communication seems to be oneway
[Music] traffic and whilst mom might want to tidy the garden our cheeky chappie has other ideas [Music] no no we can't see it but beyond his scruffy exterior something is happening at 18 weeks old Willoughby has Rising testosterone levels coursing through his [Music] veins ricking Havoc with his brain and [Music] behavior this delinquency calls for Desperate Measures Willoughby and his mom are off to school pulling in tighter more not all pops need obedience classes but for those that do they're
crucial before they're 6 months old failing to master Their Manners now could lead to a lifetime of bad behavior [Music] and willoughby's lessons don't get off to a great start not only is he failing to follow instructions but he's also distracting his classmates at this rate Will's end of term report card isn't going to make Pleasant reading and mom might need to pay attention in class [Music] too



Willoughby is simply a free spirit


Dogs are angels on earth. Angels with paws and fur.


Those classes are more to train the human than the puppy. 🕊️


Our young dog loves to watch tv, so I'll pop this on for her !


Puppies are the best thing in the world


With a name like that, I expect him to be wild and free haha. So cute 🥰


Love Willoughby. My Mooky is a free spirit…never once did I think that puppy class would sort him out…..❤


Aww. That doggo was just trying to spare you from the embarrassment of wearing Crocs. 😜


Absolutely gorgeous family


In my eyes that dog can not do no wrong, that just me, Awesome video and thank you


I would quite literally give my life for these adorable puppies!!! 😭❤️🐶


Good evening! It's Sunday. I Wishing you good health and good things as the week begins again tomorrow. And always cheering for your beautiful/fascinating activities. ^^


1:46 that was a scream 😂


Adorável fofos ❤😊


Willoughby is a Schnauzer! He’s behaving just like my schnauzer. Good Luck!!


A minha bela cadeia ...roi botas e chinelos, é um dos passatempos favoritos!! São animais incríveis!!


15,000 years… by the time the first ever recorded human civilization sprouted they were our companions for millennia already


Gorgeous pups


That's why puppies should not be separated with their moms before 4 months old.


When his mom lost the leash 🤣 maybe shes a first time mommy lol glad she's getting classes 😄