
The Unlikely Activist - Short Documentary Film

A short documentary about a Bristol based 80-year-old, ex-reverend, climate change activist, Sue Parfitt. The film follows her as she attends protests and XR meetings trying to get people to attend a church fundraising concert she is hosting in aid of Zero Hour. Director: Eshe Powell Producer: Olive Ramage DoP: Sean Rump Sound Recordist + Editor: Thomas Roderick Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date with our latest individual projects! @eshevisuals @seanrumpproductions @tomroderickworks


11 months ago

my husband and I just decides that we wouldn't  have children there are enough children in the world and we could we were needed to look  after the people that were in the world already climate catastrophe doesn't distinguish  between you and me or blogs down the road or the rich man in his castle it doesn't just English  does it I mean we're all going to be affected in the church at 7 30 we're having  a fundraising concert for Zero Hour you know the campaign behind the CE bill because  there ar
e three good reasons for coming person to be a lovely concert second we want to fundraise  and certainly because they're my friends giving it I'm going to be so embarrassed of the  dose of us all the church that's amazing maybe for what you do if you're  up to come thank you silver I mean I'm trying to remember what we  were marking where we're marking cop 27 where are we yes yes we were trying to  get behind cop 27. the spare is hopeless hello you could hello go and say something on  behalf of
the church Johnny it's ridiculous all these organizations and trade unions  and socialist worker and everything who want the church to be seen and  you look absolutely the part what oh for Heavenly sake go together go together go on um and I just want to say that the cathedral  is with you but what you are doing is hugely important it is essential it is vital it is brave  it is courageous and it is hopeful it is you know I'm trying desperately trying to get people  to come to this lovely concert
you're welcome so have you um yes yes can you come to this concert the CE bill  Ruth's sister Ruth German sister and friend is doing it this lovely music but just in  the evenings are you on a tag yes yes oh dear the first time I was arrested was in when  I was a theological College I could show you a picture of that if you liked we held a Ash  Wednesday service on the upper Hereford Air Base and we also we were going to go to prison because  we thought they'd ask us we're charged with breach o
f peace and we thought they would ask us whether  we would do it again we're all going to say yes um but they didn't ask us that and so we were I don't think we had a final in the thing nice  to be in front of hello oh nice to see you Peter thank you yes we were in court with Patrick  yesterday I think it was yesterday yes so uh yes um I don't know it was a plea hearing as you  know so so we just have to all go back in March you know do we need the numbers don't we we  need far bigger numbers in
order to be able to say how ridiculous it is to be putting  us all in prison you know how ridiculous the idea has been the same the  idea has been to um be disruptive you've got to be disruptive to get attention so  closing the motorways and then getting people into prison unless we can change people's  attitudes that's why I join in these bizarre actions and protests on motorways and  things to try to shock people into saying this we all have to change unless we do your  children when they com
e along have no future I'm going to get down they usually stop if you start walking thank you  yeah you've got a good technique I reckon it'd be such a nuisance for them to run you over if you  see anywhere I could leave a leaflet this would be good to do in it I mean a church open or something  some of these City churches sometimes are open yeah it'd be such a tragedy  if we don't get an audience I can't do much because I'm seriously stiff  my knees and everything and I don't see very well or h
ear very well because I can  sit down on the road I can still do it oh thank you so much awful but never mind a good event I mean I was sorry  that more people didn't go foreign except for them fundamental reason I engage in these protests  and the time long to be effective in helping to change the course of history for sake  of creation is that I'm doing it for God it's a bit about what I've got up there praying  grieving acting for God's beautiful creation it's all the created it's the creatur
es  that I mean some creatures I think Will Survive but I'm not very optimistic  about the human race surviving actually I think that's a slug just try and remove them uh and get you out of here without filtering up there you can either have a program for a pound  or nothing no because we couldn't agree exactly so have it for nothing yes I was absolutely delighted because  I was afraid that we'd have a very few people because there's so many concerts going  on at the moment All Over Bristol and
a lot in this church too so I tried everywhere I  could think of to try and persuade people to come I rang up friends I emailed people I  went to groups so yes I was very pleased yes I mean it seems to me at my age I'm 80. I  don't have children I have no responsibilities to anybody really except the cat and she'll  get looked after so it wouldn't matter if I spend the rest of my life in prison all that  matters is that somehow we've got to shock people into understanding this is a crisis  like
no other crisis that's the point I think is



Excellent! Terrific main character and very nice story telling


Some good documenting that was 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Fantastic film, really inspiring all ages and abilities can make a stand and a difference