
The Viral Podcast Ep. 120

Chelcie Lynn & Paige Ginn are back again with a wonderful broadcast of the Viral Podcast! DM of the day, Lean forward. Going down on someone when it is their time of the month. WYR, Does money motivate you?! 442-777-3331 (Advice/Confess/Anything) Thank you so much for listening! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TVP Instagram - Chelcie Lynn Instagram - Paige Ginn Instagram - TikTok - Twitter - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lume-Lume Get $5 off your starter pack ( that's 40% off) with code VIRAL Factor- Code Viral50 to get 50% off VIIA_- VIIA- Try VIIA Hemp and use code VIRAL to get a FREE sample and 15% off ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apple Podcasts - Spotify - Google Podcasts -

The Viral Podcast

14 hours ago

get ready we're going [Music] viral get ready  we're going [Music] viral hello everyone and welcome back to another installment of the viral  podcast I'm your host chelcie Lynn and I'm your host Paige Ginn hello chel hello and welcome back  everyone and we're happy you're here and uh and I can't believe it's another day uh another day  that's what happens when swearing hit it all right I got a timer it's a sand timer that's cute  okay all right we got 10 minutes wonderful is that a 10-minute tim
er yeah wow crazy huh you think it  really is it doesn't look like that much sand to be 10 minutes it doesn't but I will tell you this  when I was a kid I was obsessed with sand timers and I wanted one so bad cuz I thought they were so  cool okay here I'll give it to you thank you did you ever have an ant farm did I ever have a what  ant farm ant farm no wait I don't think your mic's working Brett whoa sorry guys hey it's dogs here  hold on hold on Brett's mic's not working the dogs are fighting
cut my M it's starting out great wait  Brett hold on try okay try it now hello okay he's back he's back let the dogs out you you know what  I normally would part of me was like oh we should start over and part of me was like he heck no I  hate starting over dude yeah I'm not a big fan of start overs well thank you for the sandtimer  I appreciate that I'm excited about that and I got a little something for you okay um it's not  really from me it's from uh some rock truckers truckers um who came
to the oh but Illinois show  no maybe not oh I can't remember what show theying Bloomington they came to the Bloomington Illinois  show and I'm just going to I'm just going to give it to you okay all right for everyone listening  and not watching they gave us a it's like a shoe box wrapped in wrapping paper with wieners all  over it and whoa that's the coolest wrapping paper I've ever seen I know just a bunch of wieners  okay and on the front of it in Gold it says JD Powerhouse presents podcast
of the Year oh my gosh  so look at this box that is awesome okay and do you want to open it or you want me to open it can  you open it and present it sure will okay we got ourselves a real life JD Power and Associate award  oh my God woohoo JD Power and Associate award it's legit and they got it's heavy wait how did they  get it Go did they buy it real what the hell is going on in here no you can't you can't buy them  they have to be given so it was it was Pro I didn't ask her it was probably gi
ven to like she  she knew of one and and took it I guess I don't know so she stole this well she probably like I  don't know probably not she probably took it from whatever who knows you didn't ask questions  uhuh this is so heavy and they put um little rhinestones on it and it says R go ahead and read  it off it says distinguished Rock truckers JD Power and Associates world best podcast presented  to Chelsea Landon page gen 2021 20 it says all the years and says the viral podcast and it's a hea
vy  mother sucker whoa so we got we finally got a JD Power and Associates Award for best podcast in  the world I can't believe outstanding customer service right that's the best thing I've ever seen  and you know that that was sitting somewhere for a minute because uh there's kind of scratches on  it and stuff like where' she get that I don't know I didn't ask from a company that paid for one for  for a company that paid for one and didn't care if it was there or not do you think she bedazzled t
he  pink yeah she bedazzled it and this thing probably weighs 20 pound I mean this is heavy waa so we  got ourselves a JD Powerhouse and Associates I'm so happy thank you so much to whoever you are we  yeah we appreciate it we needed whoa now we don't have to go through all that trouble of getting one  you got one now oh cuz we got one brother we got us one right here right there I guess are there  bigger ones than that I think so we could get a whole uh is what's it called a shrine or Throne  b
oth every year you just get a new one every year every year is it really called both you could do  a shrine or a whatever a throne of something you set on just a shelf would work yeah a shelf would  work yeah yeah so just want give that to you guys and um oh I have something for you yeah what is it  I still can't believe the JD Power and Associates word but we got one when I licked your uh bung  Holio I told you it tasted like a party streamer okay hold on first off hold on if you don't  know wh
at we're talking about Paige licked my bung hole on slits only and I told you it tasted  like a party streamer and and you've never tasted a party streamer so I brought you one taste the  brown Pearl let me taste it okay just like just put your tongue on it so and you can pass it  around and everyone so okay so Paige and I were filming a slitz only and we we were going to um do  triv we're going to do trivial the entire episode but somehow one thing led to another and I was  licking her she e ch
eeks she literally licked you didn't you you caught yourself she literally so  that's that was on slits only so um and she said it tasted like a party streamer and I was like  how do you what she like you've never licked one before and I'm like no so here we are ready yeah  do that and just put your tongue on it your full tongue that's salty and vinegary why is that  sour don't say that word um that's sour why is a party streamer sour it's interesting  huh that's what your whole tasted like are
you serious yeah wait why is that sour is it  an ingredient they have in there did you like Lip Smacker oh my Maggie try this toss it it's  so weird huh that's gnarly what is that what chemical it tastes like a salt and vinegar chip  it does like I'm licking a chip and that's what my hole tasted like Paige said get a lick Brett  go ahead Brett get a lick oh wow now was my hole stronger than that or less uh I haven't tried it  since like okay I haven't tried it for a while let me see if they've C
H changed the chemical but  lick on that wow I did say your butthole has always tasted like salt and vinegar chips you did  you did and I didn't even have a clean hole you just did it raw yeah that's it wow wowow I need  a chaser that's not good have you ever tasted a party streamer before anybody listening yeah  have y'all ever licked a party I think Paige might be the only person in the world that would  see a party streamer and think to lick it things just in small towns happen like that yeah
there's  nothing else to do I was thinking the other day I don't know who started this in our town but we  all just had a handshake and everyone in the town everyone in town had a handshake everyone knew  the handshake the whole yeah so this is what you do you clap hand or smack hands and then you snap  and then you fist bump and so everyone coming up to each other would go wow yeah that's and who  started that yeah who was the guy that started that interesting okay well um couple things here 
we said a couple episodes ago we were talking about song lyrics and stuff and I said that I  cuz I'm a big song Like lyrics are the number one to me in in music and Paige is the opposite  she doesn't like listen to the lyrics understand them get it whatever and so I said well then you  would love I'm going to read some Kurt Cobain lyrics for you Kurt Cain Kurt Cain and I want you  to just he was known for his lyrics that didn't make sense s and he was asked in interviews all  the time like what
does this mean what does this mean and he would literally be like I don't know  whatever you want it to mean so I'm going to read some Kurt Cobain lyrics and you try to tell me  what you think it means are you ready here we go help me trust your Mighty wisdom yes I eat  cow I'm not proud show me how you question questions lead the way to my temp ation take  my hand and give it cleaning as I eat cow I'm not proud easy in an easy chair the hell  that is from Mr mustache on their first album help m
e eat this Mighty cow or something  like that maybe he's saying just bear with him as he goes through really hard parts to he's got  to go through and eat some things he doesn't want to be eaten but just bear with him and meet  him there at the end with his clean hands and no more cow on his hands and okay that's pretty  good good job all right you ready for the next one you ready for the next one yeah here we go  when I was an alien cultures weren't opinions got to find a way find a way when I'
m there got  to find a way a better way better way never met a wise man if so it's a woman that is from uh  territorial pissings territorial pissings is just saying pretty much anything goes you know  any anything goes that's what I got from that one okay and and he just uh he really wants to  end racism I I I got that from that absolutely okay good job all right you ready for the next  one yeah all of a sudden my water broke I love you for what I am not I do not want what I  have got a blanket
acne with cigarette Burns second rate third degree burns what is it what  I need what is wrong with me lots of pain lots and lots of pain and wetness uh maybe just you  can't really predict when a water breaks so uh he's just saying that things you can't predict  things okay Just Go With It Go with the go with the water flow go with the placenta okay and  that song is Radio friendly unit shifter okay how the hell what were they thinking I don't know  you ready for the next one she eyes me like a
Pisces when I'm weak I've been locked inside your  Heart-Shaped Box for weeks I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap I wish I could eat your  cancer when you turn black oh she's Mo leaky she might have she might have a little Mal leaky she  has a little bit Mal leaky and cancer okay so I think he feels like he's locked inside her heart  he can't get out he's in it like I can't get out okay and she's got the key but it's stuck in the  M Ley so she's trying to get it but can't unlock it an
d all that okay who's knocking anyway yeah  we heard someone knocking on the door all right is somebody knocking okay we got that was from  Heart-Shaped Box okay we have one more you ready Heart-Shaped Box was the name of the song yep  oh that's cute cute and then um um uh what's her name what's his wife what was his wife Courtney  Courtney Love Courtney Love came out later after and said like oh Heart-Shaped Box was about my  vagina okay so we know that one but who knows who knows you know she
probably made that up yeah  Mal leaky okay the last one because isn't she uh okay never mind okay kill a million heal a million  kill a million in my eyes I'm not lazy in my face Cas it's not over in your room I'm not older  in your eyes I'm not worth it give me back my alcohol he's uh that's from scoff he's donating  Millions he's helping and then he's then once he gives it all away he's going back making  more healing more and then this was his first album so they that was before they got famo
us  don't know where the million's coming okay uh [ __ ] that was an early one how how did it end  give give me back my alcohol he drunk he drunk drunk yeah I think he was drunk when he wrote  that okay cool those are interesting he was a very interesting Lyricist very interesting so  they mean absolutely nothing for real well you know who knows something to him he never explained  anything really I kind of get that though because that's how I feel music I feel you know oh I  just oh this didn't
go off the sander didn't go off so we can say we can do it y'all ready  [ __ ] you [ __ ] you for writing those lyrics that don't mean anything [ __ ] you you see  we need a little buzzer or we need a watch it next time yeah we just need to not do our segment  during our we need to watch it we need to watch it hey you know what I gave it to you I know but I  got lost in the lyrics You're the sand man yeah hey Brett hasn't said one word this point that is  freaking strange ain't it yeah Brett ye
ah get your [Music] D just want to say if I was Mormon I would  be having sex with butt cheeks all the time um dry humping right so what you do is you  uh get on top start Mass a okay you got to be naked and then you kind of just flap the  wiener in the butt cheeks and like if you put a pillow under their hips it kind of  props it up a little bit so you can like really get it I mean I grew up with Mormons  and you know the dry humping is a big thing but they never mention the uh ass cheeks  like
took me 44 years to figure that out um yeah um upan back Jeffrey dmer Vibes yes God all right  well okay oh man so what if you're a Mormon and you're and you're going between the as cheeks  trying to get a nut and you slip in you know you slip in a hole you're not going to I don't think  it's that easy well if you if if it's got you got some friction and it's all moist down there if  you're if you're pumping Ash cheeks going down down it you're going to slip in if there's oil  on it why why the
angles the angle like you're kind of having sex with the butthole like the  like you're rubbing the middle your penis you know on the hole yeah you're kind of like going  like this and then you're folding the it's kind of like a little canoe going down a river Brett  you said that you grew up with Mormons did y'all talk about this a lot oh yeah they always they  jerk off yeah and stuff so y'all talked about that yeah shoot your wad that was a big thing  what's that shoot your wad your load that
was like a thing everybody say I shot my wad e oh I just  think of a spit wad yeah ew I shot my wad don't ever say that don't ever say that on this podcast  again yeah you have some wad on your face e let me put my wad in you wad so BR you were so were you  like oh man that sucks for y'all cuz I'm out here actually putting it in holes yeah actually I was  the only one like boning okay in high school how would you even go about that like hey water are  you doing later well you know what I'm doin
g you know what I'm doing what yeah you should already  know what I'm doing tonight W so was everybody jealous of you for boning y'all talked about  that a lot no they uh well so my senior year yeah I actually transferred okay to what wding  to sex and my girlfriend was at another school so I couldn't really share with them at the time  okay but dry humping was huge and I don't think they knew about the the ass the ass wasn't that  big you know growing up can I just say I love dry humping good b
ecause I told my brother-in-law well  they didn't want to come to Nashville cuz I don't know why but there I said okay well I'll let you  titty [ __ ] Chelsea wait wait what and he would hold on wait so they didn't want to come visit  and so you said well I'll let you titty [ __ ] Chelsea and they're coming now yeah and you didn't  know nothing about it I was going to text you I said let me text Chelsea and uh yeah cuz just it  makes his mood happier even if it doesn't happen it just still yeah
just the idea yeah yeah that  makes sense yeah well I'm excited to see them so now they're coming here but just a heads up okay  that he may ask about that would you let him no oh cuz I was thinking I wonder if he actually  could come because your tits are like solid butt cheeks almost oh he could take the titties  and wrap it around and it would feel like a hole a little dick burrito yeah but I cannot imagine  looking down and seeing Brady with the heart on [ __ ] my tits yeah I would [ __ ] pu
ke with his  wad coming that's why you flip over just do the ass and he's like I'm about to W it all over you  GNA give you the waddle oh my God that's wild so Brett were you boning like a bunch of chicks in  high school or was just one chick just one okay what's she doing now oh I don't know okay do  you think she listens to the podcast no okay nobody does okay all right you okay hey puffy hey  puffer puffer fish he said nobody listens to the Pod we got a few people that listen BR yeah BR  well
how come when you guys say it it's fine but I do it's like what are you talking about you  guys say always say nobody's listening yeah I just said it and you got mad hey Bret nobody's  mad nobody's mad hey br oh you guys AR mad hey back negative mad man nobody got mad nobody got  mad you're making up things in your head yeah I apologize it's okay Brett yeah it's all right  Brett it's okay Brett do you have um do you want to do was the DM or no I would love to do a  DM oh hey oh sorry yeah what'
s Up's like you got pearl necklaces right what's the ass thing called  you think what are you talking about like a pearl belt when you shoot your wad on the lower back  it's called the Full Throttle wadle yeah Full Throttle waddle okay yeah I like that okay I have  a DM of the day and listen to me listen dude oh my gosh just the fact that people are listening  I know I know love you guys yeah we appreciate you listening I love you dad I love you Dad um  what's the DM for the so this is on Facebo
ok and at first I thought the guy was messing with me  to to be a DM of the day cuz I can sense when people do that and I can when it's real so at  first I thought he was [ __ ] with me and then I realized whoa this guy is dead serious oh God  okay so just I'm nervous bear with me this guy named Matthew messaged me on Facebook and he said  if I lick your [ __ ] will you buy me some new teeth and I replied no but can you just eat my  ass out of the kindness of your heart and he said definitely on
the table message me if you're  ever near Dallas and then he said that is if you don't mind a guy with a little bit of muscle  that's missing a few teeth and I was like is this guy serious and then the next day proceeds  to send me a video of himself stop doing what I just just hey baby he's kind of older hey  baby yeah I want to eat your all this stuff like going nuts and I literally start laughing I  go he's being dead serious and then I asked him if I could play this I go can I please play t
his  video on our podcast he goes no please don't do that he wouldn't let me damn I was going to say  play the he's probably married and that that to me that's like this [ __ ] was serious so he  said married yeah yeah he said please if I if I lick your [ __ ] will you buy me new teeth just  bless him he's out there just trying to trying to get some new teeth you can't blame him you know  what I mean you're like I have people out there doing it for free right that are in the same room  as me rig
ht Andy's going to have to look at more than once for some new teeth yeah them [ __ ]  are expensive yeah Maggie knows mhm Maggie yeah I got you don't need the teeth to eat your ass  right you just need a tongue yeah tongue I got my ass eaten last night you did last night was  it good it was good good licky good malt Lecky does it ever get eaten um he licked it once but  he full-blown ate it last night he grabbed my ass cheeks and pushed my butt up and just went to  town were I doing doggy and t
hen he did it or what no I was just laying I was starfishing at  the time did you do Annie no but I could tell he wanted to oh he was trying to prep it yeah he's  trying to he was trying to prep it and I was like man yeah I can't um was it oral for an hour mhm  oral oral for an hour great guy Mr oral he gets after it he went to Oral Roberts yeah yeah he did  yeah that's where he taught how to do this for an hour what a cool guy yeah are you getting off the  whole hour uh not straight what do you
mean for a whole hour I feel like if somebody was eating  me out for an hour I'd be numb no n towards the end I'm done I'm like okay I've had enough but  do you um you just come multiple times no just once sometimes two times oral for an hour dang it  takes him almost an hour to get you oh I can't it takes me it takes me a while whoa if I'm going  to nut during sex it takes me hours but then he'll keep going and I'm like stop and he won't  then then he's got to learn the viral spiral oh last ni
ght after I got off he was like thank you  that was amazing and I was like wait what why are you thinking me damn and you just laid there  and C your ass at mhm damn dang you might have to ring it ring or for an hour baby mhm Mr oral  oral Mr oral I love that his name is oral for an hour if he knew I know he would die oh bless his  heart he doesn't know nothing how does he not know like that's so trippy well he's older and  he I don't think he has like social media yeah but he's never asked you
what you do like that's  a trip nah not really that's Wild N y'all been boning for like a year year and a half year and a  half he's the only one I've been with for a year and a half wow isn't that crazy yeah yeah do you  guys have like an agreement you won't bone other people at all no I don't know if he does or not  I've never asked him yeah but okay interesting okay well I have a DM okay let's hit it uh this  guy said Paige do you think you could ever date a guy with a fart fetish you probabl
y could you you  would be great at that yeah but how um he would want you to like fart in his mouth and stuff hello  and welcome to the moomo commercials don't let spring cleaning fool you there's always space to  add a little extra something in the bedroom it's no secret that consuming a little THC can help  set the mood however getting that right strain and dosage can be difficult that's why we are  thankful for today's sponsor vea vea has developed a unique blend of pleasure enhancing cannabo
ids  liido strengthening herbs and a low dose of THC all in one mind-blowing gummy called high love we  are talking about pairing aphrodesiac herbs with a mild amount of THC their bestselling High love  gummy will awaken your senses increase your blood flow and intensify any sexual experience vea also  offers a wide wide wide array of other gummies with and without THC each with their own unique  strengths and effects catered For Your routines and the best part vea legally ships in all 50  state
s with discreet Packaging directly to your doorstep no medical card required so if you are 21  plus check out the link to vea in our description and use code viral to get 15% off I take these  gummies every day I love the dream gummies I sleep like a baby with them because I am a light  light sleeper but these things will knock me out their products have great flavor and are made with  v vegan and organic ingredients their products can range from 2 mg to 50 mg of THC so these guys  have you cove
red whether you are looking for micro doing or just to enjoy the potent effects  whether you want better sleep to ease your anxiety enhance your mood or just get high uh then you  might want to go to ve let the gummies work their magic if you are 21 plus check out the link to  vea in our description and use the code viral to receive 15% off of free sample take your passion  and pleasure to a whole new level with high love from Thea hemp oh yeah can I say something if I  didn't have to move if he
just ran up and caught him then yeah but if I have to like alter my life  so much for it no I think it's just the benefit of you farting and him liking it oh yeah for sure my  show at Zan someone in the meet and greet came up swear to God and uh husband and wife and and I met  them we took pictures and everything and before they left she goes he has something he wants to  ask you and he was like no no no stop and I go I go just ask me and he goes no no and she goes he  wants to know if he can l
ick your toe and I was like really and he was like yeah and I go she  goes he has a foot fetish and I go really she goes and a fart fetish and a [ __ ] fetish dang  I missed damn he's all wrapped in and I said what and she goes Chelsea I will be cooking dinner and  if I fart he will come from another room whoa and come up and sniff my [ __ ] he can sense it sniff  her [ __ ] and I go wait I go so in a sexual way so you like get hard and get turned on he said  yes okay I'd be scared to fart no yo
u why you'd be even more CU he'd be wanting to [ __ ] all the  time cuz I fart all the time yeah he would just have to be like jacking off yeah sorry I wouldn't  be able to keep him off me as much as I fart well I told her I said I told the lady I said you got  it made because it dude if I fart Greg's like what the [ __ ] you're [ __ ] nasty she she's farting  and he's like getting hard loving it sipping it through the air yeah so anyway I said you want  to lick my toe and he was like yeah and I
said well okay I said but listen brother I said these  shoes are nasty my feet are nasty he don't care they're not clean he he like stinky feet yeah he  goes I don't care I go okay let's do it so I sat in a chair I posted it to my Instagram story I I  sat in a chair and I go you're just going to lick it right he goes yeah I thought he was going to  do like a little like lick [ __ ] start sucking start sucking on my toe D and my toes were nasty  by the way you no I've had my toes suck before and
your toes get toe up my toes get toe up with  that skin and the apl's those APL slides they're nasty they s [ __ ] smart smart smelly that's why  you got to buy the black color because yep oh I told them I go they're nasty [ __ ] were you  wearing those yeah he started sucking on them and I was like oh I screamed it was I've had my  toes sucked I don't care for it but he threw me off cuz I thought he was going to lick it and  then he sucks it and he wasn't just I mean he was like just I wish sh
e would have farted on him  I told him I go I wish I could fart right now and had him like sniff your ass mhm I would have one  time a follower came and put a ring on my finger this guy I think I've said this before in here and  he freaking after he put it on grabs my finger and just starts sucking on it I was and this was just  out in public I'm like all right okay yeah that's that was a that was a weird one for me like the  first like kind of weird encounter where I'm like okay Anything could
happen quick here's the thing  with d being a fart fetish guy I wouldn't mind but I personally would not want to incorporate farts  into my pleasure right like in the bedroom like if we're [ __ ] and I'm you know and he's like fart  for me I'd be like bro let's just keep that to sniff whenever I fart in the living room that's  just extracurricular yeah for you I couldn't incorporate that to my pleasure okay Brett can  I tell them just tell us you got to she say wait what wait Brett did you fart
I don't know I I have  to fart right now I think don't do it Brett tell us what um so I just haven't really been [ __ ]  him too often here lately so he's just been kind of jacking off and doing whatever he can having  sex with ass cheeks she's a complainer okay let her talk Brett okay I got to hear um so I'll just  be laying there in bed and and oh gosh it was so weird he was jacking it and for some reason just  hurt smelling my [ __ ] and I Mr sniffles and I already took the smelliest [ __ ] e
arlier that day  and he walked in the bathroom and already almost passed over just smelling the [ __ ] earlier and  decides that it's a good idea to just be down there going like this would been in my ass cheeks  and then he says oh for some reason every time I smell your [ __ ] it makes me want to come and so  he just proceeded to like every time he wanted to bust just he'd go into my [ __ ] and sniff really  hard and I was just laying there like okay yeah I'm disgusted right now because Brett
you did  tell us when we were the Bahamas that you love to sniff [ __ ] he did you did it's in my Vlog  whoa of him there's like a f minute segment of him talking about loving to sniff [ __ ] you got  drunk Oh my he got drunk and the came out Brett so why do you do that I think I like the taint area  taint really CU When I'm doing the uh you know the wad belt whatever um it's on the taint and the  [ __ ] you know H the parum if I was laying in bed and Brett was jacking off beside me I would  [ _
_ ] be S your I'd be so [ __ ] mad so she was laying on her stomach and I was banging the [ __ ]  right and then I had my thumb on the booty hole and so I was kind of plugging that and then I'd  take a big sniff it's like he was taking a line of [ __ ] particles off my but hole stop yeah oh  my god I've never seen somebody sniff so hard got me thinking dang all along he's had a yeah a smell  fetish Brett you have a little you have a little poop did it stink no it smelled great what did it  smell
like like Honey Nut Cheerios maybe that's interesting okay isn't that just weird what can  get you off yeah like some guys like to freaking like just it's crazy how our brains work honestly  yes was like little things can just do it a sniff what we were trying to you know come at the same  time and so if I'm kind of going to lose it a sec I just sniff the but hole and then back what the  [ __ ] my God Beth Beth in the back said what the [ __ ] I mean listen we don't shame around here  but that'
s that's uh in the heat you know what when you're in the moment oh in okay okay anything  kind of goes in the moment huh wow well whatever get you that nut mhm you know we're all about that  nut yeah Edge shave gel what what shave Ed it was edging you know oh okay I thought you were got  off to Edge shave gel that's what I thought too sorry okay well interesting gosh that stuff's so  unhealthy for you huh shave gel yeah everything is everything is and then you what open up your are  you opening
up your skin when you like shave it or what's going on your pores tearing it up  yeah Brett are you mad at me no no he seems on edge today yeah and people have been asking  people have been saying hey will you ask Brett if he's mad at us so we just want to ask are you  are you we just want to clear it you're not clear the air you haven't smoked today should I put on  my uh I'm not mad at you shirt Brett why haven't you smoked today that's not like you uh cuz the  weed police okay here's the thin
g I have a stop I have a pen and he comes over here and goes can  I have the pen and I'm like you can have a puff Puff Daddy and then you can go sit down and he  and then he get all he's like I don't even want it anymore he just won't take a puff cuz he wants  my pen in his hands at all times right you got to get your own pen brother get your own okay like  you can take hits off of it but why does he need it and then if I won't let him sit with it he just  how old how old are you yeah Brett if y
ou want to sit with your pen you got to get your own brother  if you want to sit with your pen get your own get your own pen all right hey I think we should uh  oh we call each other Penelope why what's that the pen those are some new names Penny Penny p  penny what are some other ones we say Penny's funny man I can't even think of all of them if we  think we'll say them but go on hello and welcome to the MooMoo commercial nothing gives me naked  confidence like a warm bubbly bubble bath a very
close second would be Lumi whole body deodorant  unlike certain other deodorants Lumi is powered by mandelic acid to deliver outrageous 72h hour  Odor Control everywhere and I mean everywhere from your pits to your feet and yes even your  privates in fact it was a concern for patients about private part odor that originally inspired  the OBGYN who invented Lumi flashed forward six years and her game-changing whole body deodorant  has now earned over 300,000 fstar reviews from people like me who
love feeling confident from  head to toe and guess what guys new customers get $5 off lum's starter pack with code viral  POD at lumy I like Lumi because it feels good and it smells good and the smell is  not overpowering sometimes I'll wear deodorant and it's just it's too much this is just enough hey  I put it between my vag cracks ooh I'm fresh all day baby malt freshy baby that's right I said  cracks you guys Lumi is Ser iously safe to use anywhere on your body anywhere pits un
der boobs  thigh folds belly buttons butt cracks volvas and feet that's right I said volvas and guess what  it's baking soda free and paraben free and ph balanced for safe use below the belt Lumi starter  pack is perfect for new customers it comes with a solid Stick deodorant cream tube deodorant two  free products of your choice like a mini body wash or deodorant wipes and free shipping as a special  offer for listeners new customers get $5 off a Lumi starter pack with code viral POD at lumid that equates to over 40% off your starter pack when you visit lumid  and use code viral pod yeah that's funny no I think we should start I think we should get into  the calls let's let's answer a call I think Maggie you should uh do you smell that Brett give us a  good Brett you smell that you're a good sniffer she was calling me Mr sniffles yeah I smell that  okay Brett that's enough roll that beautiful Bean footage oh [ __ ] oh hold on that's all right  your Bluetoo
th is not connected I don't know hold on hold on we're not connected it is plugged  in hold on we'll figure it out come on Beth can you come help me for a minute hey Honeys sorry  technical here we haven't had to call it Tech in a minute IT Tech Here Comes IT Tech what am I  doing wrong you the best music hold on hold let me restart it let me restart it all right good  job everybody great team meeting yes great here hit it [ __ ] hold on y'all ready go hit it  long long hey honey this is Timothy
the tally wagon from Texas got a question for you house  the other night I was pile driving my girl all of a sudden I felt the IUD string go straight  through my urethra and it felt like a son of a [ __ ] anyway I was just curious as whether  or not y'all had uh ever experienced anything like that or received any complt complaints  from gentlemen regardless of the fact I kept going and uh I just kind of turned a little bit  to to the side start hitting that sidewall over there and before you kn
ew it she was going  oh yeah yeah which in turn made me go oh yeah Walker all right what a cool guy first off  hitting them sidewalls yeah when and thank you for calling in and here's the deal if something's  not working out in any way you regroup and you pivot and that's exactly what he did he started  hitting those sidewalls mhm sometimes you have to take the side roads the toll roads the ways you  don't want to take M cuz the getting poked in your penis hole with the IUD I have heard this I f
eel  like it's quite common it's happened to me really what so after I are they though after I had Lola  I got the marina yeah put in up there and it was like a little te with a string it's like a metal  string thing and and every single time he would be like oh it hurts I can feel something stabbing  me yeah so the metal was stabbing him in the dick what yeah i' and I've have heard this I had to  go get it taken out yeah dang I guess it's only 2 in in there it says it's yeah it's not far no  th
at's I'm not trying to get that I don't think the girl feels it do you feel it what's that oh  my God Maggie always has a l one unhinged episode dude this is we haven't had an unhinged episode  like this in a while no after watching I've been obsessed with kill Tony lately and after watching  that it they have noises going off every second and like playing they have a full band so it's  like so you know it kind of we actually don't even have enough noises yeah we could do more wish  I could quee
f right now for you ooh that that'd be cool I wish dude we to do another queefing Vlog  by the way that we did we we'll talk about that later um but can you feel it as a girl I felt  it sometimes okay but just felt like pressure maybe or something it felt like a stab in pain  so it would poke to your other [ __ ] wall like during sex no you felt it just in general o I  would hate that dude yeah it was bad yeah some iuds work so well for people and sometimes they  don't i' I've never had one I ha
d it for about a year had it taken out and then there was Liv yep  so I guess they work but they also poke yeah MH oh man I have heard that could you imagine just  sticking your dick in something and it gets a freaking sliver yeah hey but what a cool dude you  know you make it work hitting those sidewalls good job dude proud of you and thank you for calling in  thank you and thank you for switch switching it up for your wife a little malt switchy malt switchy  and and we love everyone that calls
in especially dudes thank y'all for listening to the Pod love  you so much love hey Honeys would y'all rather here would you rather have ghosts in your house or  roaches in your house let me know oh yeah go would we rather have ghosts or roaches you've had both  yeah would one would you rather live with so yeah I'd rather live I'd rather live with a ghost and  I feel like a ghost is even easier to get rid of I feel like now if the ghost was demonic I don't  play that [ __ ] cuz that can make no
ise all the cupboards could be slamming uh I don't play that  [ __ ] I could not live with you know stuff like that now if it was a regular ghost and a regular  haunting ghost over roaches any day I can't deal with roaches oh my God I remember one time I was  probably six or seven years old we were living in Kingston Oklahoma and um we used to reuse straws  like if we got straws from whatever and Mom would rinse them and just put them back in and one time  I got some water got a straw out put th
e straw in sucked up the water and a a dead dead roach just  rot just f f whoa just hit the back of your throat a dead Roach and straws are free that's how bad  we had roaches but why not just have new straws just here's the thing every house we've ever lived  in until we're adults was infested with roaches oh infested absolutely were you traumatized to use  a straw without the paper I I still think about it all the time mhm all the time now I I have  reusable straw straws yeah I have glass and
those whatever and I don't have roaches but I still like  think about it when I pick it up when I was a kid every straw I had to blow through it before I  put it in yeah I would too do you uh check in every straw now or I don't now just because I know  I don't have roaches but I I still think about it all the time I don't check but um I saw a friend  bite into a strawberry one time and she like when she pulled it away from her mouth half of a worm  like she just bit through a worm and now like n
ow it makes me never want to bite into strawberries  like it makes me want to cut them every time oh yeah SE it's weird like little things can make you  change your ways yeah oh I remember being a kid and like just having roaches crawl on me while I  slept and you did you just get used to it tickles no no you don't ever get used to that [ __ ] oh  too bad they weren't heavy or they could just kind of massage you it' piss me off I'd get so mad  I'm like I'm I'm never having [ __ ] roaches when I
grow up you should have asked for a tarp tent  to sleep with for Christmas over you you know a net for real some sort of bug net yeah bug net in  the jungle dude yeah so I've been there done that I will take a ghost Chelsea they were that bad  they were crawling on you in your sleep oh Paige they were crawling up the walls on the ceiling  and would you or what at my grandma's house it was bad there were some houses like when we lived  with our parents that wasn't as bad but we always had roaches
but her house was very bad we had  roaches like the roach policy like they were and it was so normal oh yeah like she didn't think it  was a problem well she always she always had like roach traps out but it didn't do any good there  were it was their house yeah they they ran that we were living with them yeah that was their  house oh yeah what you never had roaches we have our garage right now not like they're smart  not an infestation if I see one I'm like oh damn like this needs killed or go
ne right away I'm not  I've never got used to them oh if I saw one in my house right now I would die I would call the roach  man oh I would lose my absolute [ __ ] so should I be calling a roach man if it's in my one was  in my garage I've never seen roach in your house Scout yeah it's like cold so it's like you know  they're trying to yeah I wouldn't no you keep a very clean house I wouldn't worry about it I heard  that roaches couldn't live through anything like didn't they live through the wh
at did they say  the they're underground so they could survive a cataclysm wow but then isn't it I think in the  Asian culture it's bad to kill them really it's super bad luck I didn't know that what for I  don't know my dad used to just be like don't care really H because I always wanted there's two  different kinds of roaches though there's a a big water roach there's multiple kinds but we had the  yes Maggie yeah maybe it's crickets I'm thinking not roaches yeah I've always heard that don't k
ill  a cricket but some people don't kill anything you know mhm sometimes it trips me out if there's  a spider on a wall and people are just box in it to go take it outside that's a different type  of human depends what kind of spider it is for me I don't see anything here about yeah not killing  roaches in the in the Asian culture but I'm not digging deep that's just nothing popped up but  that's wild huh interesting maybe it's crickets can't remember I'd pick a ghost baby maybe you're  thinkin
g like Buddhists like a religion cuz they don't kill ghost ghost ghost all day I'm picking  ghost I I don't want the crawls what are yall doing ghost ghost ghost yeah ghost yeah I'm still  tripping dude that those things were just crawling on you that was a normal I just I it's trippy how  they'll see me and then they'll hide behind the car tire I'm like whoa this mother got a brain  oh they're smart they smart for real hi bro cockroaches are smart yes yes and they don't like  sunlight and they
are survivalist how can you tell that they're smart they just just based on that  they run and hide they're going to do everything they can to survive they're not yeah got that  good armor too mhm hello and welcome to the MooMoo commercials hey guess what malt newsy baby  got some news for you eating better is easy with factors delicious ready to eat meals every fresh  never frozen meal is Chef crafted okay dietician approved and ready to go in just two minutes  we don't have the time baby you'l
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head to factor  SLV viral 50 and use code viral 50 to get 50% off that's code viral 50 at Factor Mills SLV viral  50 to get 50% off interesting I love that would you rather thank you for calling in Honeys yeah  I would take it GH for sure absolutely thank you hey Honeys rocker here um I just wanted to talk  about this weird situation I'm in it's not really that weird but like a little bit um I moved into  this place with a couple guys I'm 21 by the way um they're a little bit older so
it's it's been kind  of nice they're fairly clean whatever um one of them in particular I've become really good friends  with and there's just been a lot of like playful flirting and like sexual jokes made towards each  other and um yeah I don't know I guess I guess I just don't know what to do about it or I don't  know I'm not really I don't really plan on doing anything unless he were to make a move but also  I don't want to ruin the friendship or the living situation um it seems like we're bo
th the type  of people to kind of like I don't know things would only be weird if you made it weird um but  I guess I just want your your guys' op opinions um anyways hope you all are having a great day oh  yeah thank you for calling in Honeys oh that was a good one yeah this is um so she's lives with her  roommate and roommates roommates and one of them's kind of flirting okay so she wants to know if she  should dabble in more yeah me personally listen I I see nothing wrong with it but also uh
prepare  for the worst if it were me I would be like okay if I'm gonna if I'm gonna you know sleep with this  guy or date this guy whatever like I need to I'm gonna prepare myself that the friendship could  end it could be weird with the roommates I'd have to move out like I would be like this that might  happen I'm gonna prepare myself for that but it also could not happen yeah and it could be fine  prepare yourself maybe to not catch feelings for him too because he might not catch feelings for
  you fully he might just want to get that nutnut that SK SK and then he might want to date other  people so if you're okay with seeing other girls yeah come over walk in pass your bedroom to  go suck on his C then uh yeah see that's the that's a thing yeah you have to be prepared yeah  exactly or be prepared for a threesome yep or if you're just wanting to quck hey we're going to  Bone and then go back to regular you know what I mean like anything could happen in this situation  so many things
could happen so just be prepared be a Boy Scout and uh okay I'm putting myself in  her shoes if I'm 21 I'd be [ __ ] I'd be [ __ ] I would already [ __ ] him that's what I'm saying I  wouldn't have even had time to make a call I would have already [ __ ] him it's the truth though it's  the truth and then I would have just dealt with the consequences later whatever they were I'm a  more go with the flow type gal but I would have too I would have already [ __ ] would you let  them come inside you
oh yeah what would you let him come inside you oh yeah blow his W okay cool  cool yeah probably depends but you never know be safe but you know you could also not sometimes  just prepare for the worst always always prepare for the worst always prepare for the worst always  always be like well this could happen because then you don't set yourself up for failure yeah always  prepare for the worst it's so true I kind of do do that do I don't prepare for the worst but I  it's it's always in the back
of my mind that hey this could be the outcome of this decision yeah  may need Plan B yes plan think a little bit you know what I mean so Brett would would you let  him come and you no I don't like [ __ ] inside me really I've never had it but I can see me not  liking it really well you got to try it before you judge yeah try it before you judge yeah don't talk  [ __ ] and don't knock it until you try it BR yeah even if you don't want the come we can just fill  your ass with some cream or someth
ing see it's not the C for me it's the pumping of the [ __ ]  that I love the pulsating that's my favorite part on the cream pie comp I don't know it's not that  I don't want the come in there and have to push it out that's nasty it's feeling the yeah it's  so hot to me I don't know why the hot cream com e mhm sometimes you can feel it just shoot and  you're like where is that going yeah up in me up in the U uterus yeah sometimes I feel like it  could come out my throat though it's shooting so h
ard yeah that's gross and hot at the same time  kind of makes me mad though because then I know I'm it's gonna take longer to come out oh and then  CA mine sleeps you know for weeks Jesus Christ mine plops right out instantly so cool instantly  mhm instantly I get a I get some plop but weeks do they say ker plop klop what's that like kop  kop that's what that is yeah yeah okay wow well love your Honeys and what was the question again  roommate oh yeah so just I think you should go with your gut
but prepare that like the Friendship  may end the the roommates may end she could get pregnant you could get pregnant yeah it could  be the beginning to your life yeah and it could be the beginning to your life and you could get a  good solid nut out of it yeah and just do just do what Nike would do and just go with the the flow  to be honest with you so love you hone love you Honeys hey honey Justin here I am just watching  the podcast and I don't necessarily hear you guys talk about money so m
uch for what you do I know  you guys love what you're doing but money has to be a motivation at some point so how much does  that factor into what you guys do is my question I think and is it a motivation and are you guys  transparent enough to talk about like how much money you guys are earning from doing what you're  doing I guess but love you guys and love the podcast yeah love you Honeys um [ __ ] better have  my money [ __ ] better have my money me um I don't think I would set tell everybod
y how much I make  but I feel like that's a common like you don't just go around telling asking people how much  they make and telling people how much you make and for us too A lot of people will say how much  they make or whatever but it's hard because we get money from different sources you know it's  not just one payment yeah or from and it it's all so different each month and platforms are  always changing and payouts are always changing and spawn you know everything is always changing  I lo
ve what I do I did this for almost six years without making a penny so I will say that that  it's not you know I was doing YouTubes and V and I didn't make a penny for the first five  or six years and if I never made a penny I'd probably still be doing doing it just cuz I loved  it um I just got lucky that I was able to quit my job and that it's my full-time job now yes with  that being said um it it is a job now because I have I have people to pay so it's like yeah you  know what I mean like it
does become a little more serious and it becomes a lot more work than  when you just start and make videos and also have another job cuz MH but now when it's like whoa  it pays the bills it's right you know because back then back then I was just doing it for fun  and now I'm still doing it for fun but there is a business sorry there is a business element to it  because like I said people got to be paid and I got to pay my bills so it's it's still fun but  it's still like a lot more on your plat
e type of fun yeah like a buff a large Buffet type of EX  Golden Corral exactly cuz yeah it I mean we're so freaking blessed to just do this and money being  like my motivation I wouldn't say necessarily is my key but it makes things easier you can't and I  would say my goal is to just have my family never have to stress you know like cuz we've dealt with  a lot of cancer and this and that and so it's just like to put everybody at ease and not have to  stress about bills or this or that that's l
ike my goal is to take care of people and oh God I  think that's everyone's dream yeah yeah and just to live but I wouldn't say like I am obsessed over  money because I would try a lot hard I would try a lot harder but like but sometimes social media  is so [ __ ] fake to me that it's hard for me to truly express myself sometimes you are the you  are how do I say this how do I say it the way I'm thinking you are the least person motivated  by money that I know yeah I but I do want things like ye
ah you know I want a fun life and but fun  to me is just hanging out with like you guys or licking my butthole licking your butthole chilling  or but I also want to go ride four-wheelers and have a and have cre field of creams and do like  and do so that kind of motivates me you know for future fun I want skis and [ __ ] but for sure  it's not I'm not going to sacrifice or like not I'm not going to be on true to myself because of  money you know not going to be like oh it it is it's fun but it's
Al it's also work at the same  time it's also a business at the same time like for instance sometimes it costs a lot of money to  do you know like like that's why I have a patreon every time I film Tammy bang the last season of  Tammy bangs cost me a little over $40,000 to make but everybody got paid everybody was that was in  it got paid you know like like you're you know so yeah it's it's weird I you know it costs us a lot  of money to tour you know what I mean oh dude even going through a dr
ive-thru like that's hundreds  of dollars just so I I have to make I have to make money to be able to do that stuff does that  Mak so that's where the business side comes in yeah um and it's nonstop now too so you don't  just come home from work and then you're done yeah you're done even though some people still  work after hours sure but it's just a nonstop you're constantly thinking things are always  changing so many Trends everyone's doing this now and so I don't know it's so many people are
  doing social media now and it's just changing in a way yeah I don't know I hope that answered your  question Honeys I hope I we didn't leave you with more questions yeah um I left myself with some  and like for instance this podcast Paige and I do not make a lot of money on this podcast we  do this because we [ __ ] love it we love this podcast out of everything I do this podcast is  the least lucrative but it's my it's one it's my favorite and people love it and so therefore I'm  going to do
it so would that be a you know would does money motivate that absolutely not you know  what I mean yeah it's you guys motivate that yeah for us and I love doing this pod that's what I'm  saying I would say we all love the Pod and doing it and that's what we talk about most of the time  we're together is like the rock [ __ ] and super yeah that's exactly what I'm saying like you know  I mean sure I have to make money elsewhere but I love like you know I love doing this and thank God  that I make
money doing shows so I'm able to you know what I mean like it all evens out like yeah  what we're doing we just love and it's fun and we're thankful we get to do it and and yeah you  just have to make money and all just do what you love doing like we love the Pod we love other like  you love standup so just do what you love or try to do what you love and hopefully you can start  making money from it yep all right might have to show your butthole or do whatever but might have  to have your friend
lick your butthole on patreon but yep love you guys love you Honeys love you hey  Honeys Indian ke stage paint here um so a little bit of story time for you I did um so once me  and my exgirlfriend about a year ago um had we're having our extracurricular time if you will and  um so I go down on as I did most times you know I'm I'm a giver and I to kind on the one hand how  many times she didn't come um because that's that was my thing if I even if I went first I'm going  back down for seconds y
ou know that's just got to take care of mine and um so I'm you know giving  her great faith and uh we finish and I go to the bathroom to you know wipe everything off wash my  hands wash my face I look up and I've got like on my nose and like kind of on my chin you know what  looks to be some dry blood or blood or whatever and I'm like honestly whatever and I wipe it off  and I go back to bed and the next day at at the time we weren't dating so we were like still  in the texting phase and I you k
now go back to my house the next day and I'm talking to her and  I'm like hey see went do something crazy that like last night like I think like maybe us having sex  maybe had you you to start your period a little earlier and like I was when I was eating you out  I ended up looking and I saw that I had a blood on my face and I just like wiped it off and came  and laid down next to you and went to bed and she thought it was like one slightly repulsive but  then like kind of freaky and then also w
as like well damn like kind of embarrassed I was like BR  there's no need like if I thought it was gross I would have stopped but clearly it didn't bother  me any so any who just wanted to share that with you um you guys are awesome you guys are killing  it um and Brett I'm starting to petition to get you some more Lean Forward time if not a whole  podcast of you leing forward so love you guys have a good one love you Honeys you got your Red  Wings brother oh he's hungry hungry I'd be I'd be I I
'd be almost mad that a guy told me though i'  be like why you telling me it's the fact he said you want to hear something crazy no and then it's  going to be like do you want some I had your crust on my yeah I had your period crust on my face like  period crust he didn't say crust no she just did no I know oh yeah but what a cool dude to be like  H you know I would be like sorry about that yeah just I I can't control it I be like oh my bad my  bad my bad um malt leaky Mal that was a malt leaky
malt bleedy that was malt bleedy baby the fact  that he just I just wiped it off and went and like why if you didn't care why'd you tell her  yeah that's what I'm saying and how could he not taste that the iron the pennies mhm I don't know  maybe not a strong bloodline yeah I don't know that's true that's true maybe he was just into it  and just wasn't you know wasn't paying attention which is great what did he say he was doing he  comes back for seconds so if he comes and she doesn't he will go
back down for seconds what  a great guy I know but uh what does he do when he's down there he's eating grapes or something I  don't know I couldn't understand what he something like that he said his great face or something or  great face I don't know I never heard of that one um you guys I think we should take this guy's  advice eat each other's [ __ ] no I think we should take this guy's advice and end the Pod with  Brett doing another Lean Forward on the spot baby on the spot he has nothing p
lanned okay I think  we should do it Brett Brett hit it in three are we going to do the music y Maggie's trying to  find it I'm trying to find okay I got it hit [Music] it so we've been kind of talking  about seing a lot and um there's lots of benefits I know we've talked about  them probably but I don't think a lot of people know that MMA women Fighters they  actually get [ __ ] in they like to get [ __ ] inside them before they fight  because it boosts their testosterone levels uh Seaman yeah
it's a  good thing you should uh take it as much as possible you should rub it on you it's kind of like a multivitamin semmen it's  got um a little bit of sugar I think too for you um Brett this your dad time's up Lean Back  Jesus Christ R could here fast enough I feel like guys always give out advice of what they  want to happen I don't mean to Gaslight you know sucking a lot of [ __ ] is really good for  you C cancer rubbing [ __ ] all over your face is super beneficial I not once heard a lady
say  oh yeah if you eat my [ __ ] your Skin's going to glow and you're going to feel better tomorrow  science men think that there come is liquid gold and we should be bathing ourselves in it and  who but there's no facts are there apparently Brett knows the facts you guys never heard that  about the MMA fighters chicks just from you huh I wonder if the guys do it too yeah but I can  see it doing something you know they say what goes in you know is like if you eat food they  say it's like bette
r for you rather than just taking vitamins like here's the thing I don't  doubt it but I love how men really amp it up they they will sell you what I'm saying they  will sell their come they will take one little study one little thing and tell you about come  is good for you yeah it's like you don't even have to tell us either way we'll [ __ ] you or  we're taking it we're taking it regardless but the extra sell is weird right well you guys that  that's it for today's installment if you know any
thing about come or if you're come expert yeah  or if you're a complainer if you're a complainer you have a complaint yeah call in then call  in with your complaints and do you remember our phone number CH of course I'm sad the pods  in then I remember our phone number I have it embedded in my head yeah you do we'll be back  next Tuesday 442 777 3331 and always remember that you are doing right you're looking good and  [ __ ] what everybody else thinks ready going viral get ready we're going [Mu
sic] viral  have to peace so much today I got a pay to is so beautiful



It’ OFFICIAL we got a J.D. Power and Association plaque🥳🍻 were taking over the world!! 🌎🌟


getting ready for my grandpas funeral and been waiting for y’all to take over the world and help keep me occupied mentally today!!! thankful here! hope y’all have the best day and know you’re appreciated!🥲🤍


Paige trying to explain Kurt Cobain lyrics got me dying at work 🤣


The slow zoom in on Brett during lean forward was hilarious! 😂


The things Paige has to deal with from Brett....God bless her!!! 😂😂😂


Ok I need all the Young vibes to come My way My Youngest Son turned 26 today🥳🥳 and You all are celebrating a JD Power award 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Great Day Rock on Hunnies and Brett❤☮️😊


Paige saying Not A Strong Bloodline. 😂 Also, Maggie's makeup is 🔥




Random but my electric got shut off today and I've been saving my phone battery for important things like this! Not looking for pity, just wanted to express the importance of the impact y'all have ❤❤


Hey hunnies. I needed this today. My family lost my nìece saturday from brain cancer. I needed something to lighten my mood and make me laugh. Luv ya hunnies


My dad used to say, "You have to spend money to make money." I love this pod!!!! 🎉


Brett sounded like Alvin the chipmunk at the beginning 😂 poor guy


HONNIES I GOT DUMPED AFTER 11 years — happy to see y’all today 😂❤❤


"We're never getting monetized bro omg" was so funny!


Brett. I missed you so much! Your a huge part of this podcast.


hunnies it’s only Wednesday and this week is kicking my ass! extra relieved i get to space out and listen to you guys 🙌🏻


This podcast has my FAVORITE INTRO


The moomoo commercial subtle “hooyeah” as y’all are going up the stairs at the end. I watched it 4 times. 😂😭


When chelcie was impersonating Greg freaking out over her farts 😂🤣😭💀


Bro I've been waiting for Brett to lean forward lmfao