
The Week In Games: A Rebirth, A Remake, And A Remaster

On this edition of The Week in Games: a rebirth, a remake, and a remaster. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake, and Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster are all dropping this week #finalfantasy7rebirth #brothersataleoftwosons #starwarsdarkforces Read more: For more videos, news, previews and reviews, go to Follow us on: Twitter - Facebook -


1 day ago

hey it's Jen welcome to kotaku's weekend games here are our picks for what to check out this week the 1995 firstperson shooter classic returns with the Star Wars dark Forces remaster you plays Kyle katarn an imperial Defector who joins up with the rebel alliance's covert Ops division dark Forces is coming to us from night dive Studios who recently remastered turoc 3 and developed the remake of System Shock speaking of remakes next up we have Brothers A Tale of Two Sons remake featuring rebuilt c
haracters and Landscapes based on the 2013 original you guide two brothers on a journey to save their father from a deadly illness by finding the Water of Life expect Charming environmental puzzles and emotional Devastation you've been warned and to cap off the month we have one of the year's most anticipated games Final Fantasy 7 rebirth this is the second part of squary nix's ambitious remake Trilogy based on the hugely influential 1997 game it's big it's beautiful and you can spend weeks expl
oring this world these characters are an absolute joy to spend time with and the writing is impeccable I even liked Kate Sith in this game which is no small feat like with 2020s ff7 remake there are loads of story tweaks and twists that are going to have people talking for months so believe the hype on this one that'll do it for this week which games are you looking forward to trying out let us know in the comments below and for more gaming coverage be sure to check out [Music] okay



Im excited for brothers a tale of two sons remake


Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...


Remake's week. I like A tale of two sons rwmake.