
There Are Two Types of People On Planet Earth - Full Length Satsang

Vishrant talks about his interactions with awakened masters back when he was a seeker and how he handled the realisation that they were no longer human. For more information about Vishrant, including upcoming events and public Satsangs, please visit: To see all weekly Satsangs visit Vishrant's Facebook page: #satsang #vishrant #enlightenment #osho #spirituality #nonduality #awakening


3 weeks ago

I was pretty good at present moment awareness but his energy field took me by surprise it's like all of a sudden my mind was expanding and I couldn't think for me it was a bizarre experience that changed my life irrevocably [Music] forever welcome to sat say yes hi there someone who's newly being introduced to higher Consciousness or the idea of Enlightenment or that they're not the mind and not the body what are the best practices for someone like that you mean besides running away yeah when I
first heard that uh I think it must have been pretty late in the 70s and I went and listened to a a Buddhist monk talk about it and I thought it was the biggest load of rubbish I'd ever heard and I discounted it as telling me he was basically teaching the way of the heart and I was looking at it and going yeah what's in it for me you know uh what what do I get out of this it doesn't sound like a very good deal and uh I continued on my Merry way thinking that people who taught this sort of thing
were uh stupid until until I uh ran into buwan stre Raj Niche uh some four years or 5 years later and uh I I got to interview him and up till that point I admired him because his teachings were from my perspective very wise but I got to interview him and when he started talking to me my mind stopped and then I looked at him and I could see that there was actually nobody there and I went oh my God and I was on camera and I was working as a journalist it's like it made me realize that there was tw
o types of human beings on the planet those who were ego based and basically what's considered a sleep and those who are awake who are considered enlightened and I was sitting in front of one of the enlightened ones and I was trying my best to control my mind because it was all over the place I got so ungrounded because his energy field was so enormous it was an expanding energy field that expanded my mind and at that time while I was interviewing him I was based in my mind so it wasn't a good s
pace for me but what it did is it highlighted the fact that you can go go beyond the mind and find yourself as truth and that fascinated me it's like wow I'd climbed the mountain of business and got to the top and basically already retired and I found out that at the top of the mountain of success in business there's nothing it's it's not what people think it doesn't make you happy it doesn't make you more loving it doesn't give you anything we we got lied to and so now I saw a new mountain and
that was the mountain of high Consciousness towards Enlightenment and that absolutely fascinated me a new mountain to climb now with the mountain of success in business business it's basically done with totality and resistance discipline but the the mountain of success in higher Consciousness is done with surrender non-resistance as matter of fact a complete lack of it and so it's a whole another game it's a whole another learning to instead of collect things to let go of everything until there'
s nothing left and so people go well you can do that you can become a minimalist and have nothing but that's not what you have to let go of what you have to let go of is all your belief systems they're the prisons everything that you've been programmed with from birth all the beliefs that create contraction when the expectation on them is not met have to be undone and boy that was a task but I'd already started that inpersonal growth 10 years before because uh to be successful in business you ha
ve to remove all limiting belief systems if you don't well you fail and so I'd done nine or 10 years of that already and so I was pretty used to the idea of undoing belief systems so high Consciousness is really a stripping down process and I found that sat saying was a a in a way a destructive process because everything that was false was getting eroded by the Buddha field that I was sitting in with ban SRI Raj Nish and that was nice and so I realized at some point that you can't hang on to eve
ry anything if you want to fly anything that you hang on to even an idea is too heavy so if you want to be successful in higher Consciousness you let go and you let God so you speak about Let Go being pretty much the the main process the main process yeah anything you're hanging on to is a prison anything that you're attached to is a prison even if it's a even if it's just an idea it's a prison you want to fly you got to let go of everything and you spoke about getting ungrounded while you were
interviewing Osho so what what about the importance of present moment awareness for someone who's just starting out I was pretty good at present moment awareness but his energy field took me by surprise it's like all of a sudden my mind was expanding and I couldn't think I'd never experienced that before it made me feel uh insecure because I couldn't think and we think to protect ourselves and so all my all my offenses were being taken away was uh for me it was a bizarre experience that changed
my life irrevocably forever sometimes you talk about self inquiry and uh adite of aant which you don't teach anywhere near as much of as you once did when does someone know that they've done enough of the practices and ready themsel enough to self- inquire and do that as you speak of as an advanced practice when does one know well unless you have someone who's further ahead than you who's guiding you you probably don't know someone who's further ahead than you can give you advice and point you i
n the right direction the same as a guide that you find in the middle of a jungle when you're lost doing it by yourself I think that's actually impossible cu the ego is such a slippery character it will find every way in the world to survive and it does when you're with someone who's Advanced or someone who's awake especially they'll show you the way if you're with them and you're their student they'll show you the way I'll tell you the truth and the truth is you as an ie are in the way speaking
of the eye being in the way you your main teaching I would say because it's written on your business card is that openness counts for everything how how is it that openness counts for everything the ego itself is a form of closure if you are wide open you as an ie don't exist but if you are wide open the chances that you are perceiving unconditional love is very high because if you're wide open all the obstacles that are in the way of perceiving unconditional love of gone and so you'll find tha
t all awake people people who are completely awake that is have one thing in common they're all wide open and they're all wide open all the time how could a student who comes across a teacher determine or tell that they're wide open well someone who's wide open will be awake and they'll have a Buddha field and you should be able to perceive it and the Buddha field starts to expand your mind and starts to expand your heart as long as you don't resist the Buddha field alone can take you back to yo
ur true nature but unfortunately if you haven't done the work on your mind to remove the obstacles even if you find your true n nature which is Satori you're likely to go back to ego-based reality because you actually haven't taught the mind to get out of the way yet the mind has to be in service to truth or God or beingness whatever you want to call it it can't remain in service to itself there is no such thing as selfish Enlightenment that's all any any questions any statements any challenges
to anything that has been said here this evening or does anyone have anything they would like to chat about hello hello um what changed in you for you to realize to being ultr mytic is the only way to be I retired and I realized the ugliness of not having heart because the most beautiful thing that a human being can perceive is unconditional love and I was definitely lacking that as a businessman I'd become a war machine and I realized even though I'd got to the top of that world I was actually
broke because I didn't have any heart and that broke my heart anything else you're gone you're gone okay Jay hello hi ran hello uh when you met with Asher you mentioned that your mind kept expanding so uh when you used to meditate and your Consciousness levels Rose also and when you entered Awakening uh what was did your mind still keep expanding like I'm just curious how it is now okay I can talk talk about what's here right now if you like mhm the mind is not thinking it's silent the talking i
s coming from the nothingness awareness is everywhere and it is everything and it is me and it is you and it is now not as an idea or a concept as a direct seeing In This Moment how is this awareness linked to the mind that you and I have you're going to have to ask the question again we had the local bikers just go by I was asking so this awareness that is omnipresent how is it linked to my mind and your mind and everyone else's mind well it's not linked L it is it what you think you are the Av
atar is part of is part of everything it's like the idea of separation is ego based not reality based the ego sees SE everything separate from itself when the ego drops there is a sense of being everything the sense of being separate from anything is not there there's a sense of being one with with everything but not as a separate Point as every Point anything else oh there's no way you can comprehend what I'm talking about you actually have to ex you have to experience it or yeah you have to se
e it it has to happen for you you can't comprehend being this even someone who's awake can't really comprehend it because we comprehend things through reference points and in beingness there is no reference points anything else Jay no that's it thanks a lot the best with your Victory yes um so with your mind we can reach over of thing I use my mind I my mind is being used now but but not I can't register any thoughts right now it's silent but it's being used you know it's probably running my hea
rtbeat and my breathing and my digestion because I believe without a brain without a mind that doesn't happen but my mind is silent it's just the words come out and there's silence there's be before silence during silence after silence before when I before Awakening uh my mind was pretty quiet because I was a practiced meditator um but after Awakening it just shut up it's in devotion absolute Devotion to truth anything else oh just uh how do I put this just really the notion of that is just gett
ing more beautiful each day because just watch your mind like you've shown us it's just ridiculous and it gets more crazy it makes no sense so for it to be quite seems very nice well so if you watch your mind if you witness you get to see how it's been programmed and then you start suspecting your parents because because they programmed you and so did your schooling so did your religion so did your government so did your peers and you have a good look at it and you go well are they really happy
and the answer comes back no cuz we're not programmed to be happy we're programmed to be efficient little machine we're programmed to work until we drop you know nowhere are we PR programmed to be happy or to find love the two things that we really want we're not programmed for it's not part of the curriculum I thought that being successful in the material world was the answer because that's what I'd been program to do to be a winner what a lie that was I got through retire when I was 29 there's
nothing there yeah thank you hello hello is it possible to experience compassion real compassion I'm ego based only if the ego is not there cuz real compassion uh which comes from the Mind comes from a mind that is affected by love true compassion comes from a mind that is affected by love not just a bunch of ideas and if you're experiencing love more than likely the ego is not there it's gone people think oh how is that possible well the ego is not there in most people a lot of the time every
day it comes and goes ego is just the ownership of everything my life my future my past my wife my husband rubbish rubbish rubbish ownership it's not there all the time and when Love's being experienced usually the ego is out of the picture and then you have true compassion but the mind can come up with compassion through ideology but it's not the same okay I see you Karen hello hello Prim Prana Prana yeah hello hello hello I I didn't see you for a long time no missed you [Music] uh you know I w
anted to ask um at least after I complain many time about my father you know suddenly he gone from house you know uh he said I want to be free from you uh then like inside I I see like some my mind catching this like I wanted to be but at the same time mind uh wants again to be in this relationship and inside I don't yes inside what is right because always you're saying let it go so like inside is silence but something is still Waring uh should I just um watch it or or I should help him or what
is the best way what does love tell you love love tells me that I want to care him but everything will be the same way again he will be nervous I will be nervous and it will disturb both of us you don't know that you don't know the future nobody does yeah you don't know you see uh if he changes or if you change uh things will be different now the chances of him changing are probably pretty slim but the chances of you changing are quite possible and the change in you would have have to be one of
acceptance total acceptance and that change would bring about a different result yeah here's the thing what I found with love is when Love's affecting the mind you just want to serve people you want to take care of them you're not interested in what you can get back from them it's it's you become a giver and you leave the take her out completely this is how love affects the mind you know problem is that that maybe I'm too much caring him you know then I'm going around him again and again and ful
ly I'm giving all my time and is it okay or uh I will become course it's okay it's it's okay it's okay everything is okay everything is okay if that's it's okay if you don't do that as well you're somehow you're not accepting what is and that's where you're caught in the non-acceptance of something because if you were in acceptance totally we wouldn't be having this conversation have a look at what it is you don't accept and either accept or change you know what I saw I I'm not accepting that he
doesn't want to do work or he doesn't want to help me um like I feel like I'm caring him means I should do more work uhuh there's a there's a really nice song called uh He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother you should play it it's on YouTube He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother it might give you a better understanding He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother you play that song and see how where it takes you oh who singing it doesn't matter who's singing He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother it's a very popular song from the
[Music] 60s okay you know that particular song when I got into encounter therapy uh in 1973 uh they worked on me for 12 hours cuz they wanted to break me down this is encounter in the early days and that was one of the songs that they played me because they recognized that I was a selfish uh little prick and and they played that song for me and it did break me it broke my heart He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother okay I will listen means means my my ego then also I see my ego is OB call like like yo
u said uh I'm not accepting fully and I understand that yeah that's right anywhere you don't accept you suffer because anywhere you're not accepting you're in resistance somewhere and resistance equals suffering yeah anything else thank you so much it is nice nice to see you again it is nice to see you again I'm going to talk to camel now may I ask one more question no I'm going to talk to camel you can come online and talk to me again later okay thank you thank you wish hello you often speak ab
out practicing openness and um my friend shared with me today that she's able to actually practice it and consciously become more open however my experience is that uh openness suddenly happens to me just like a flick I find myself open and I feel love but I don't seem to be able to consciously like move to this space what am I missing here well you're missing the obstacles that are in the way you see openness happens because there's nothing in the way there's something in the way and you haven'
t seen it yet there's something you haven't undone there's an obstacle in the way some defense system or belief system that you have undone and so it's not like opening it's like removing everything that keeps you closed it's a it's a it's an undoing process we were born open and then we started to close up from birth to defend ourselves against feeling uncomfortable now all those defense systems which were built and are probably unconscious in you need to be undone and that's up to you nobody c
an do it for you uh you come into a Buddha field and it can temporarily get undone but then you go out of the Buddha field they come back because you actually haven't undone them yourself see I feel like there is a lot of things there uh like a pile and somehow it everything gets drop it dropped in one instance and uh I can only maybe undo one by one slowly and I experience a little bit of openness but it's never like fully like Bliss and love it but you have conditions you have conditions on li
fe you have understandings of how you think it should be and how you think it shouldn't be and you're holding somewhere you didn't have these conditions when you're a baby but you have them now and you're holding somewhere and so in that holding you're not open and you have to locate them and the only way I know how you can locate them really is to start start witnessing your own mind and see what it's actually doing or get other people who really know you well to tell you what they see which is
actually encounter therapy and so I I've been involved in encounter therapy now for 50 years because I loved it it's like people telling me what they could see it was wonderful was like information when we take offense to what other people tell us we are cutting off a a source of information if we get angry we're cutting it off well and truly properly because that person's probably not going to risk telling us anything ever again and so if someone has the courage to tell you what they can see t
hey should be thanked not abused I understand that it's like a big uh work that takes a long time but I also wanted to ask do you think there is any like trick that I can use to instantly like enter this state of openness or it's not possible like a shortcut pretend not to be Russian a trick they probably is a trick when we go into on unknowing not I don't know when we go into that I don't know space instead of I know when we go into I don't know you become very open and very vulnerable I don't
know leaves you open for the universe to flow through you but as long as we think we know and we we we like to think we know so we can control we're kind of closed in a way and so babies don't know and spiritual Seekers get to a stage where they go I don't know is the answer I don't know and because they in I don't know they're open and so I live my life pretty much in I don't know wide open That's The Beginner's mind okay thank you that's okay by the way you're holding stuff in your jaw in the
jaw back here and back here yeah anger probably I think so yeah it's not about forgiving people or forgiving situations or even forgiving yourself it's about not giving it any energy forgetting it in fact whatever it is Let It Go let it go let it go okay let it let go let go let go and fly hello g g hello hello hello hello G gu gu I'm sorry I'm not I'm Australian we're a pig ignorant mate yeah gor it sounds almost French yeah it's French oh there you go as I said Pig ignorant what pig ignorant P
ig ignorant it's another Australian term for someone who really doesn't know what they're doing Pig ignorant okay okay um I would like to ask you vant if there is a different level of Mastery inside the term awareness because uh there is a lot of uh people who pretend to be or or are aware um nowadays and U is there some difference between them well awareness has nothing to do with Mastery because the awareness has nothing to do with the Mind awareness is aware of the Mind and the mind does its
thing but it's beyond the mind it's before the mind but when it becomes aware of itself that's when sator happens and that has nothing to do with the Mind absolutely nothing to do with the Mind awareness aware of itself is that that's aware of the Mind becoming aware of itself and there's kind of like an explosion but that's not true either where all of a sudden awareness becomes aware of everything and the mind Witnesses it up until that point awareness is not aware of itself but in human being
s awareness can become aware of itself because of our intelligence and our ability to get out of the way and make that happen uh to tell if someone's awake or not it's really simple do they have a border field 24 hours a day if they don't they're not awake if they do they probably are awake the buddhafield has to be there 24 hours a day so if you go into their bedroom and wake them up at 2:00 in the morning it's there instantly as a matter of fact it's there before you wake them up it's always t
here awareness is actually locked on to itself or being this is locked on to itself whatever you want to put it and someone who's not awake who might say they're awake may be able to find a turn awareness onto itself through self- inquiry which is the advi of a daed methodology or the Zen methodology of self-enquiry and that can take a person into beingness and experiencing self as beingness but it's usually temporary uh so when I was a Seeker Asha was my master and he was fully awake a lot of t
he advit adata teachers that I met I don't think they were fully awake but they did have a Buddha field when they were holding sat say but they I found out afterwards that they had to sit before that saying to find the energy someone who's awake doesn't sit for a second they already are it it's already there and so the only way that I know that you can tell that someone's away is that buddhafield because anyone can say the right words anyone can you know move their face in their hands and stare
into space like a Dodo but but the Buddha field is the evidence and it's the only evidence because it can't be faked okay okay uh I have another question um is it possible that you give me a name ah you want to take SES yes okay why do you want to take SAS I think uh I find my teacher and uh I I uh I want another life yeah a new life yes SAS taking SAS is taking a new life it's true but that's up to you too when I took SAS I did choose another life and I got given such a hard name in the west fi
shan or swam Prem vishan was a bit hard for a businessman here but it it it launched me into a brand new life and everything changed for me it took a few years because I was a pretty stubborn businessman but everything changed when I took SAS and so this year I'm 40 years old as a sanasan 40 years and uh it was the best thing I ever did to change my life give myself a a new chance at a different way of living this life a life towards High Consciousness and heart and so yes G I'll find you a new
name I'll give you SES thank you thank you Sai can you remember that for me I have an external hard drive here called Sai he remembers things for me I I think I've got three new names for three people who have asked uh I think one of them's on on tonight but I haven't been given the certificates yet so they'll be coming because we also print we also make up a certificate with your name and your meaning and then you become my beloved yeah nice to talk to you got got got I'm sure I'm going to pick
a name that I can actually [Laughter] say how do you like John why not a good strong Christian [Laughter] name I've got a second name it's Peter if you prefer I CH when I was a Roman Catholic and when we're we're 10 years old we we can uh have this uh confirmation thing happened where you confirm that you're a Christian and that you love Jesus and I chose as a confirmation name Jesus and they said no you can't have Jesus I said Jesus is a good name and they said and they said no you can't have
Jesus so I said what name can I have and they said you can have any other name but Jesus and I and I said who was the next and closest to Jesus and they said Peter he was the number one disciple so I chose Peter is my confirmation name nice to talk to you I will be seeing you again soon yeah see you soon thank you love you love you love you hello rajes hi vant hello what's your opinion on the practice of just not thinking I don't practice non-thinking it just [Laughter] happens H practice would
indicate thinking now the practice of meditation formal meditation I started in 1983 and it didn't take me too long practicing uh bhagwan Shri Raj nisha's meditations to find no mind uh and my methodology was Dynamic meditation cond Med meditation and watching just watching the breath uh in a half Lotus position sitting just watching the breath at at at my lip and I I started to find no mind relatively quickly because I'd already experienced a lot of it in motorbike riding uh full contact martia
l arts underwater diving because these things brought me so far into the moment that I couldn't think particularly riding motorbikes at high speed you can't afford to think you've just got to be there with the road and the bike so I was relatively experienced at no mind and up until we're about probably 3 years old we're in no mind most of the time then we go to school and we learn to live in our heads and most human adults live in their heads for the rest of their lives but I actually preferred
reality but it took a fair bit of practice to get out out of the head that i' been programmed to live in and the practice is to pay attention to breath and things that are real um and not yeah not think not doing something don't think about it yeah yeah yeah see what you see is real what you hear is real what you smell is real what you feel is real but what you think about it is not that's imagination but people think their thoughts are real that's because they're so used to Dreaming they don't
know the difference anything else yes uh can I sometimes have the experience of um watching my mind and it goes quiet the moment I start watching it am I doing the the watching wrong that's great watching your mind is witnessing the mind with a Silent Witness is the way you see through the mind but after you've watched the mind for a little bit and you've realized what a bullshitter it is you find uh Netflix better at least it's not a degrade movie and anything your mind runs is definitely degr
ade yeah true anything else that's all thank you ah thank you that was fun hello Abby hello isant hello I was thinking about the you once told me that or you told in satsang that when you were connected to your ADV vanta teachers you could feel when they went went into satsang yes and so that must be then that they entered into no mind and then you could feel them or was it because of the space with all the people or I find that when sat say occurs the energy field is larger for some reason I st
ill don't understand why and so when my advit of AD teachers who are holding sat sing on the East Coast of Australia some 5,000 km away away from where I live on the west coast uh I would start to go in I'd start to get the pull in this is before Awakening and I realized that I was connected to that teacher I was connected to that buddhafield and I'd go in and I'd allow myself to be taken in but that was really that was really only the last year before Awakening because I I experienced similar t
hings with energy Fields you know in the Tandra I did that when it was really large groups of people and when there were a lot of open people there the energy became a lot stronger so it's like it's like becomes more batteries connected together or something like that yeah I find that to be true as well particularly with people who are going into beingness even if it's only a little bit a field of energy is produced uh and it's not as strong as someone who's fully awake but it is there and when
you've got a lot of people it's like I Think Jesus said one or when one or two of you are gathered in one when two or more of you are gathered in my name I will be there and I started to understand what that means when you get sasin meeting together an energy field can be produced if they're there for truth this has been my experience my other experience is people who actually have the ability to find beingness in my presence I can use them as channels to highlight the energy in the room to lift
the energy in the room and from what I know I show had 12 of these type of people in the in the sang and he used them to lift the field of energy uh in his set sanks H interesting that he had 12 just like Jesus had 12 Apostles yeah but I'd say that most of them were probably women and Jesus Jesus was into the men yeah ni to talk you Abby yeah okay Willow hello hello W hello where is [Laughter] it this night this night I woke up and about 2:00 and uh found myself in a memory like a period of per
iod in my early teenage like when I was 16 and I forgot about this period is maybe six months and and it it it seems like when I when I go there there's um a lot of what about what about what about being here with me what about being here keep your eyes open open your eyes Willow hello being here with me okay and then there's nothing here being here with me and letting go and just being here with me I feel very [Laughter] high well here here is real here is real what you thinking wasn't real and
so I'm just dragging you here where you belong you thought this memory really open something in me so but it's not important no the past is gone it's dead uh it's like people who get into the past are basically in the graveyard digging up the dead and uh sacrificing this beautiful moment to play with the dead and people who live in the future are living in the garden of fairies because the future is not real it's fairy the the only time to really live is here and now otherwise you got to play w
ith a dead or the fairies you [Laughter] know anything else Willow it is lovely to see you Willow it's very lovely to be here [Laughter] [Laughter] yeah hello ba thank you hi hello D what is uh sorry is Tantra a way for enlightenment sorry is what Tantra Tantra yeah okay so my experience with Tantra is it's about becoming a nothing a nobody and connecting in with the universe and this can be done with another human being if they're also nobody if they're just a nothing and you can merge in the e
nergy and become one instead of two and from that one with the other you become one with the universe and so it's definitely a possibility the problem with Tantra is sexuality gets involved and there's too much identity in it people identify with their sexuality they identify with their uh performance and their gender and so it's it's difficult in that way but Tantra itself pure Tantra is surrendering and becoming a nothing and merging with the universe it's very beautiful I'm I am surrendered i
n the universe as the universe anything else thank you okay Florian hman Hing Hing is it Hing hman hman okay let's not make fun of your name okay no how you doing Sor uh I'm doing doing very good uh I said I'm working with children and these children are very on fire in every kind of way so um yeah it's challenging but I grow with it so yeah I I like it I love it ah so it's one of those jobs where you're in service you're taking care yes yeah that's nice yes yeah yeah um I always tried to challe
nge myself and I thought this would be a very good challenge for me uh because I think in my past I was very quiet and kept for myself and now I try to let it all out what's inside you know what I'm saying yeah yeah is there anything you wanted to talk about any questions um so to be honest I think I know the answers to all my questions already um but that's just like to be your phe and get some of this energy energy well that's what I did with my teachers too because I knew the answer was uncon
ditional surrender but I had to to engage them I had to keep coming out with questions and so I'd look around the room at all the people I knew and I knew their individual problems so I'd ask their questions simply because I wanted the uh the transmission from the awakened one to my unawakened self all right um so how was it for you to uh find the middle path between being like um to keep like structure with the children or and be playful you know what I'm saying like keeping some structure and
be playful at the same time or was it for you well I I actually have always played I never stopped playing so it's very easy for me to be like that I I am really just a big kid okay so you no structure well as an adult I have to respect structure because the world operates on structure but we can it's a bit like when I go shopping the structure is you go shopping and you buy groceries and then you pay for them there's a another part I like to dance while I do it play the play the play yeah I so
you have to play because otherwise it's not fun yeah that's right yeah you can get very serious in life and make life very awful for yourself or you can play cuz when you work out that there is no purpose in being here and there isn't any meaning in life there's nothing left to do but play and it might as well be a nice play should be I'm going to move on to Mahan now because we're running out of time and I just want to see what the online people have to say it's good to see you again Florian it
's very good to see you and your hair is growing quite long I will come as often as I can ah you are so you are so welcome see you soon see you soon hello Mahan hello rra yes there's some questions from YouTube viewers okay H princess asks before starting our spiritual journey is it important to be settled in material life because if we grapple with our life problems and don't have enough money and with empty stomachs how can we think of spirituality spirituality is simple you learn to surrender
and you learn to surrender by giving things up when you're poor you have a lot of practice it's a brilliant time for raising your Consciousness levels anything else mad uh yes Santa asks I have listened to osho's talks for countless hours upon hearing you for the first time you open the door to allow the essence of all oo said flood into this being can you please comment on what happened asho never died he is here it's the same buddhafield there can't be two different types he is my master I am
his disciple anything else and one more uh Nesta asks is there any difference in terms of transmission intensity between Zoom settings YouTube and recorded settings yes there is come into my presence personally and find their difference you're very welcome anything else that's all thank you w you just disappeared I got a feeling you're not real thank you for sting good to see you Brave Hearts here tonight



Pranam Swami ji for the Satsang


Loved the intro question and answer session. Beautiful Satsang. ❤️❤️❤️


I lucked out in the parent department. I'm forever grateful for and to them.


Willow is my favorite, she’s so open honest and practices vulnerability


Liam bowing! Thank you.


Wonderful ❤thank you so much❤


That's Amazing, Keep Going! UCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/1v50XorRJ8GQ8gTz_prwAgUCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/8P50XuS9Oo7h8wSqtIagBA VALUE: 18:54 - Programing 33:56 - Let Go, Let Go, Let Go + Fly


These are great teachings !


because it will provide networks that are strong, large and interconnected enough to withstand what I am talking about.


THE HOLLIES Lyrics … The road is long With many a winding turn That leads us to who knows where, who knows where But I'm strong Strong enough to carry him He ain't heavy, he's my brother … So on we go His welfare is of my concern No burden is he to bear We'll get there … For I know He would not encumber me He ain't heavy, he's my brother … If I'm laden at all I'm laden with sadness That everyone's heart Isn't filled with the gladness Of love for one another … It's a long, long road From which there is no return While we're on the way to there Why not share? … And the load Doesn't weigh me down at all He ain't heavy, he's my brother … He's my brother He ain't heavy, he's my brother He ain't heavy, he's my brother


15:00 Hollies song: I know it and would add 3 Dog Night: I agree wholeheartedly with you to some extent, and then you lose me with Advaita philosophy 😊 my interest is to establish more concrete stages of spiritual development, more clarity, so the spiritual path is easier to know+understand by those with interest. I am averse to confusing people in these matters. My experiences closely align with the Thai Forest Tradition of Theravada Buddhism. I do not have a permanent state of self awareness (somewhere around 50%), and i don't claim enlightenment. But i know this much firmly because these stages of meditation are reproducible for me: A) there are the 'average/normal' meditation states that anyone can know, some deeper and more tranquil than others. B) there is a stage where the body+mind shut down, similar to how it shuts down for sleep. The body+world+mind vanish, and only meditation space remains. Only awareness of meditation space remains. And we have a power of intent to direct our attention in meditation space. I think this is also known as the 8th jhana, or Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non Perception. C) there is a further stage where even meditation space is escaped, and there is only our presence within emptiness, more empty than meditation space. It is immediately known that there is nothing further that can be dropped or escaped, because absolutely nothing remains except our presence. Even space+time are gone. As a scientist😮, i say our fundamental state, our presence, is zero dimensional and outside of spacetime. A sense of conscience alerts me to the danger of any intentions associated with mind or body, knowing that any such intents will instantly bind me back to a mind+body. I think this is Cessation, and also Stream Entry as the term is used in Buddhism. It shows us what we really are: awareness (which reads experience, or mind+body consciousness), a sense of conscience (which alerts us to dangers or wrongs), and a power of intent (which we use to direct attention within our field of awareness, and to initiate thought or muscular movement or other actions in a dream). That is all i know. For a decade, i wish to find someone that understands what i am saying and understands how it fits into the framework of spiritual development. And if this experience of Cessation is necessary toward the goal. I agree to the understanding of enlightenment as a permanent state of self awareness such that it is retained even during sleep. I think we could also say it is the ending of sensual entrapments.


I had a comment for the purpose of understanding some things, but it was deleted, and i don't know why or by who. I'd like to know if it was YouTube or the channel owner. I don't like spending time on contributing to things worthy of thought only to have my work+efforts deleted. I am wrapping my time up on YouTube because the censorship is completely absurd and out of control.