
They Went Missing, He Found the TRUTH | A Short Fantasy Story

The Cavern of Lost Souls is a short fantasy story. In the remote village of Mistvale, people have been disappearing without a trace. When his friend Thomas suddenly vanishes, Simon suspects something sinister is at work. He learns Thomas and the others have been kidnapped and enslaved deep underground. Forced into labor mining riches for a mysterious magician, the captives are kept alive only to fuel his dark experiments. Through courage and cunning, Simon joins the oppressed workers, secretly planning to free them. But the wizard's power seems impossible to overcome. Can Simon discover a way to defeat this evil before it's too late for the missing villagers of Mistvale? Their fate, and Simon's, will be decided in the depths of the magical caverns. -------------------------------------- "Fiction Frontiers" brings you a collection of creative short stories featuring a diverse range of genres, including fantasy, sci-fi, romance, crime, horror, adventure, thriller, suspense, mystery, Zen and motivational stories. Whether you're a kid, teen, or adult, we have something for everyone. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest releases!

Fiction Frontiers

1 day ago

[Music] mistveil were there laboring tirelessly under the watch of sirly overseers get up you're the new slave grunted a man shoving a pickaxe into Simon's hands as his eyes adjusted to the dim torch light Simon realized with horror that this was no ordinary mine piles of gems gold and silver gleamed from the cave walls the missing villagers had been kidnapped and forced into slavery by a mysterious magician mining riches to fuel his magic and dark experiments Simon's heart sank seeing Thomas an
d the others so drained and despairing but amidst the suffering a flicker of Hope remained they were still alive and Simon was determined to set them free under the magician's watchful eye Simon joined the labor keeping his true intentions secret through furtive conversations with the others at night he slowly learned more about their captor the Wizard's power came from the life force he drained from his slaves Through Torture and toil his riches were useless to him without human energy to fuel
his craft one night as the slaves rested in exhaustion Simon noticed the wizard chanting strange words over a bubbling cauldron peering through the darkness Simon realized with horror that the concoction contained ground bones and Ashes from past slaves the Wizards experiments had consumed countless lives over the years extending his unnatural lifespan Simon knew he could delay no longer under cover of night Simon rallied the slaves and led a Revolt but weakened from months of Oppression they we
re easily overwhelmed by the Wizard's dark magic as Simon dueled the Magician lightning crackled from Twisted steel claws on the Wizard's hands your courage is admirable boy but futile against my power the wizard cackled with a crack of magic Simon was thrown aside but in the scuffle Simon had severed the pouch containing the Wizard's elixir of life from his robes as the wizard approached to deliver the killing blow Simon hurled the pouch Into The Cauldron a massive explosion shook the cavern th
e wizard let out an unearthly scream as The Elixir reacted violently with its magic infused contents his body began dissolving into a foul liquid the life force of past slaves now destroying their Tormentor but the blast had brought the ceiling crashing down trapped villagers and falling debris filled the cave through the dust Simon crawled towards his motionless friends we're free he choked before collapsing beside Thomas and closing His Eyes Forever under the rubble of mist veil's long buried
