
Think Fast and Talk Smart On the Spot: 1-2-3 Framework

Join the Speak in Frameworks cohort: How to use frameworks? What are the non-negotiable building blocks of clear, articulate communication? Let's break it down in this video AND see how to practice it! Practice the 1-2-3 framework here: ⚡️More Framework & Mental Models⚡️ » Systems Thinking: » How to Think Fast Before You Speak: Framework Thinking » Taking smart notes: » Charlie Munger's mental models: » Clear communication frameworks: » Presentation frameworks: ⏱ TIME STAMPS ⏱ 00:00 The Most Unprofessional Moment of My Life 00:56 1/ Organize your thoughts with structure 01:50 2/ Prioritize you thoughts through filters 02:10 3/ Summarize into easy to recall chunks 06:35 How to Practice Using Frameworks ⁣ 🟡 Think & Speak Confidently with Frameworks - check out the cohort:

Vicky Zhao [BEEAMP]

3 weeks ago

The Most Unprofessional Moment of My Life The most embarrassing and unprofessional moment of my career occurred, and I don't know if anyone  else has felt this way before. I remember that moment so clearly. I was in that dreadful white,  stark bathroom, holding back my tears because I couldn't stop replaying the moment where I froze  during an investment strategy presentation. I was talking to my team; the managing director was  there, and I just froze. My heart was pounding, I was looking for a
ny word that I could use, but  I couldn't access anything. So, I did the second worst thing that could happen after freezing: I  rambled. I just said whatever came to mind, and it didn't make sense. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't stop crying, and it was the most embarrassing,  unprofessional moment of my career. **1/ Organize your thoughts with structure** The CEO of Disney, Bob Iger, famously said, "Your strategy is only as good as you articulate  it," and mine was really going down the d
rain. I wasn't going to let that happen again. After many  years of rabbit holes, trial and error, and very embarrassing moments, I found there are three  non-negotiable things you need in order to articulate your thoughts effectively. Number one, you have to organize your thoughts with structure. This means  putting hierarchy into your ideas, having a logical flow, seeing connections,  and building connections between ideas. Number two, you have to prioritize that  structured thought through so
me sort of filter. It's important to include things,  but equally important to know what to exclude. Just saying everything you know  isn't the best strategy to be articulate and concise. And to be honest, these days,  who has any time or attention to listen to everything? **2/ Prioritize your thoughts through filters** Three, you have to summarize the key ideas into easily recallable chunks for your audience as well  as for yourself. So, whenever you're under that pressure, you don't have to fo
rmulate it in your  head by yourself; you already have a preformulated chunk that you can pull from and articulate. **3/ Summarize into easy to recall chunks** The thing that helps you do all three, if  you've been up for a while, you know what I'm going to say, is frameworks. If you're  new here, I am Vicky. I've done a bunch of videos on which frameworks to use. There's the  2500-year-old one that Steve Jobs used, there's the four-letter acronym that helps you turn ramble  into an immediate st
ructure. I'll put them in the description below so you can check it out after  this video. And I say after because some of you have reached out and said, "Okay, they sound  great in theory, but how do I practice them?" So today, let's take one of my favorite frameworks  and walk through how we can actually practice it. I use the game that I'm going to show you  today in my course, in my communication cafes, so you know exactly what to do. I'll give  you all the resources down below. First, let's
talk about the framework, and  today we're going to focus on the one-two-three framework. This is so simple, right? It  is the one thing, two types, and the three steps. This immediately helps us prioritize  with one thing, segment with the two types, and summarize with the three steps. So yeah, just  simply using these three numbers, you can already add structure to what you want to say. Alright, sounds nice in theory, right? So how can we actually use this? This is where the  game comes in. I
already built a deck with more than 100 topics, and I'm going to add to  them as we go. And what you're going to do is, when you see a topic, in 30 seconds come up with  the one thing, the two types, and the three steps. For example, the topic is ChatGPT. What is the  one thing you want the other person to know about ChatGPT? Let's say for me, the one thing you  have to know about ChatGPT is that the answers it gives you are directly related to how articulate  you are. The more articulate you a
re, the better answers you're going to get out of ChatGPT. Alright, second, the two types of ChatGPT answers: one, vague and unhelpful; two, specific and  insightful. And the three steps for getting specific and insightful ChatGPT answers are:  one, watch my communication framework videos; two, pick one of your favorite frameworks; and  three, structure your ChatGPT prompt with that framework to start seeing the difference. And the idea is you want to do these three things in 30 seconds or less.
What you'll notice doing  this exercise is, one, you'll start to see your circles of competence. In my example, I focus  my answers around communication because this is where I nerd out. This is where I have a lot of  information and knowledge. For you, it's probably different. You might be a technologist and you  focus on the technology and how it's different from all the software we've known before. Or,  you might be really sensitive to trends and you're talking about the hype and what's real
  and what's going to disappear. We all need to figure out what are our circles of competence,  so whenever we're under pressure, we know where to look for ideas that we already have. The second thing you'll notice is you actually engage a different part of your brain. When  you articulate, what happens is usually we are responding to pressure with our primal part of  our brain, like fight or flight, and that is where we cannot access any of the executive functions of  our brain. So what we need
to do is build evidence for ourselves that under 30 seconds, right, this  pressure, we are able to think of something. And once we've built enough evidence for ourselves,  then we ease the response of fight or flight, and we actually access the prefrontal cortex,  where we do all of the executive functions like prioritizing, structuring, and summarizing. So this is so crucial, and it comes with practice because most of us have a habit of, there's  a pressure, we're all tensing up, and that's so
mething we have to practice to let go. And the third thing you'll notice over time is your brain is rewired to focus on prioritizing,  organizing, and summarizing. Frameworks use neuroplasticity to really create a new  way of thinking. And once that happens, you can easily structure your thoughts as  you go because you've had so much practice, and we can articulate ourselves and access  those prepackaged ideas so much better. If you want more frameworks on how to  practice using frameworks, how
to structure, how to organize your thoughts, check out this  video here. And if you want hands-on practice, check out my cohort links in the description  below, and I'll see you in the next video. Bye.



Alright, 1-2-3 about being Articulate with your thoughts : One Thing : The impact of your thought is directly correlated to how you can articulate them. Two types : the messy thoughts that no one can pick up and the articulates thoughts that people will remember. Three steps to articulante your thoughts ; 1) reduce the thought to it’s most important parts (80/20) 2) create atomic chunks that can be conveyed easily 3) write it down and repeat it before actual presentation ! Tadam : your thought is articulate, and people can feel your understanding of the topic ! Thank you for your videos always :)


How did you know I was about to go to a Women's Networking lunch and was wondering how to be concise AND clear?! Hopefully no rambling through the brambles today getting more and more tied up in thoughts! This is so awesome!!!


I'm going to try this for a coming presentation. Thank you Vicky!


clicked into this video RIGHT AWAY!


Always fascinating, love these videos. Keep it up!


Time is a key Factor when articulating.


Hi Vicky. Thanks for putting out such contents! They are incredibly helpful. I am interested in learning more about framework thinking. Do you have any book recommendations that provide a comprehensive list of common frameworks, which allow us to select and practice the ones most relevant to our needs? Thanks in advance! Continue putting out great content!


chatGPT... totally didn't pick that for SEO reasons 😏😂👍


Hello BEEAMP, I have just found your channel, it is interesting, but can you suggest the sequence of video like which video should be watched first then another? It would be really helpful.😊 ThankYou


Can you give a few more examples of how you’d use the structure for things from your Quizlet? Like Harry Potter, for example


Who else here likes frameworks with numbers? 1-2-3, 80/20, 40-70 rule... I can go on forever haha 🟡Want to Think & Speak with Frameworks? Check out the Confident Communicator Cohort:


Are these things also applicable for neuro divergent people?