
This EASY Habit Will Take Your Relationship With God to the NEXT LEVEL!

Do you find yourself longing for a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Jesus? This video will remind you of a simple, obvious, but often forgotten key to unlocking the door to more of God. 🚨 Want more joy? 👉 ✝️ 🙏 Support this ministry: ***Little Big Things is a 501(c)(3) non-profit for tax-deductible gifts*** 👉Paypal - 👉Venmo - 👉Credit/Debit Card - 👉Check - Email us at support (at) for the address! 👉 To get more Christian solutions visit ➡ 👈 🙏 Do you need help forgiving someone, God, or yourself? 👉 🙏 Help your kids/grandkids know who they are in God 👉 ❤️ 🔴 🎥 Please subscribe and click the notification bell for all new videos! 📖 Scripture References: #ChristianMotivation #Devotional #Christian Connect with us: 👨‍💻 Website - 🙏 Need Help Forgiving? - 📕 Why Wait to Be Happy? Book - 📘 Positive Kids Books - 🎶 Words of Love Music - 📲 Facebook - 📲 TikTok - 📲 Instagram - 📲 Twitter - ❤️ Who are we? ❤️ Little Big Things is a daily devotional ministry that creates uplifting videos to encourage Christian believers of all ages, races, and denominations to focus on the little things in life that make a big impact over time. We want you to live inspired with faith on fire! We cover a range of topics including: faith, family, marriage, personal growth, choices, humility, anger, depression, sadness, pain, fear, joy, forgiveness, faithfulness, the power of God's Word, truth vs lies, and many more! 📋 Business Inquiries: If you represent a Christian company and would like to partner with us, please email us from our "About" page -

Little Big Things Ministry

3 weeks ago

Do you find yourself longing for a deeper,  more meaningful relationship with Jesus? If so, this video will remind you  of a simple, and obvious, but often forgotten key to unlocking the  door to a more intimate connection with God. And when you turn that key,  it will bring joy, peace, and purpose to your life. Stay to the end  and you’ll discover how this relationship is truly closer than you think. Let’s start  by revisiting something you already know…. The Bible is filled with verses  that s
peak of nature praising and glorifying God. One of my favorites says,  "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They  have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all  the earth, their words to the ends of the world." This beautiful passage highlights how nature  itself testifies to the greatness and majesty of God, offering a co
nstant display of His power and  praise for his creativity. From the awe-inspiring landscapes to the intricate details of the  smallest creatures, the natural world around us continually declares God's glory and best of all,  it invites us to join in the chorus of praise. Let’s look close to home to see how easy  it is to see this. Consider how dogs are so doggone thankful. They wag their tails  when we say hello. They wag their tails when we feed them and most dogs really wag their  tails when
we pet them. And who doesn’t love the sound of a cat who purrs when you gently  pet their chins. No wonder we call them pets. When we look closely at this, we can’t help but  see how God is giving us glimpses of who he is through nature! And I’m not talking about dogs  or cats here – I’m talking about us. You see, we love it when our pets seem  like they are thankful to us. And because we are made in God’s image, I have to  believe that God loves it when we are thankful to him, just like the res
t of creation. Isn’t  it an amazing thought that God Almighty, who is totally, completely inside of himself….  Our God who lacks nothing…. Would love us so much that he loves when we love him back.  God is similar to a good parent who always loves their kids, but who especially  loves it when their kids love them back. The Bible calls us, hundreds of times, to  praise God. Psalm 33 says, “Let the godly sing for joy to the LORD; it is fitting for  the pure to praise him.” Yes, it is fitting, suit
able and right for us to praise him. To  wag our tails, to raise our eyes, to smile and praise God for his love. For his mercy. For  what he has already done for us through Jesus. Now think with me, how easy it is  to praise God when we are fed and everything is going good. But remarkably, we  can also praise God when we are sick, worried, or hungry – simply because when we are in  these rough times, we cannot help but be reminded of our smallness and our need  for God. Our need to be held by Je
sus. My friends, let’s be like nature and sing praise  to God. It is so fitting… So right…. When we praise God, we are the ones who come closer to  God, while our problems move farther away. When are doing what we were created to do. And when we  are thankful to Jesus for what he has done for us, suddenly our minds move away from our own  problems and can focus on the needs of others. What a simple recipe. Let’s praise God  right now: “We praise you for loving us. We praise you for your son, Jes
us. Help  us, Lord, to praise you all day long.” Let’s let the whole world see your praise  for God by commenting, “Jesus is my Lord.” After you comment, if you want to  embrace your true worth in Jesus, or discover two of God’s secrets to happiness,  click on our recommended videos. Then check out our free MP3 or PDF of our book “Why Wait To  Be Happy” where you’ll discover God’s solutions for defeating so many of Satan’s lies. Go to and we’ll see you there!
