
This Fandom is Delusional

Okay, maybe the Solo Leveling anime isn't the worst thing ever created, but we're definitely ignoring major flaws just because there's occasionally some good sakuga animation. 𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕛𝕦𝕀π•₯ π• π•Ÿπ•– 𝕕𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕒𝕣 𝕒 π•žπ• π•Ÿπ•₯𝕙 you, too, can help fund my caffeine addiction! 𝐒𝐀𝐔𝐂𝐄: Solo Leveling Anime/Solo Leveling Manhwa Statue of God - Solo Leveling (epic orchestral cover) Dark Aria LV2 - Solo Leveling XDDCC - Amazing Digital Circus Professor E. Gadd's Lab - Luigi's Mansion Precious Gems - Salon Dijon I'm God Remix - Sewers*** Runaway Quartet - Moments Paul Vs Rudy - Mushoku Tensei Moon Men - Jake Chudnow Time Flows Ever Forward - Frieren my Twitter account that I check once a month: #sololeveling #anime #animereview

Kap Cha

21 hours ago

Soo leveling sucks the anime adaptation is a soulless watered down version of the mwa that takes itself too seriously tries too hard to be edgy and ends up falling flat on its face there I said it probably not going to make me many friends but I said it so why are we pretending that this is good this guy is supposed to be intimidating but here he looks like a bean like a baked bean with cubes to his chin big a big be if you had any idea who my shut Shinji crank fat soldja boy for those of you in
the non-n knowledgeable state of being here's the six so in the anime world of solo leveling there are these things called Gates kind of like the gates from the hit animated series Gates these Gates lead to different Dimensions Dimensions with monsters monsters and these humans called Hunters fight the monsters the monster it is very simple there's this dude he's a hunter he is trash and he's all like no I'm such a [Β __Β ] booy a that hurts then he dies except he doesn't die and now he's all lik
e it's time to solo leveling then he levels up and becomes the strongest person or whatever and that's it that is basically the entire plot it is stupid simple with fulfillment which is something that I was actually personally excited for but the first few episodes were so [Β __Β ] bad that I went and read the source material because people whose opinions I respect glazed it harder than a lesbian on a lubed up CIA and I wanted to confirm whether or not they've lost their minds and now I can say wi
th confidence the anime is garbage go read the Manoa because it's actually kind of good the first problem I noticed with the anime is the ridiculous amount of cutaways they added in there are six get me six anime exclusive cutaways in episode 1 alone and you can only do that so many times without it becoming up distraction just for the record though I am I am very okay with this scene being added how the hell are you supposed to become invested in a plot when they keep cutting away from it every
every [Β __Β ] minute to show characters who aren't even a part of the story yet there are three reasons that I could think of as to why they would do this number one is fan service showing fan favorite characters animated way before they show up in the story number two they don't respect our attention spans got to keep dangling the keys in front of the baby number three and this one's my favorite the director had a stroke multiple Strokes actually like repeatedly I don't know about you guys but
I'm going with three next is the lack of selfawareness where the Manoa acknowledges its over-the-top edginess by constantly injecting humor into otherwise serious scenes the anime absolutely refuses to laugh at itself and a lack of self-awareness is for lack of a better term pretty [Β __Β ] cringe for something so godamn edgy especially when the Mana is just so much [Β __Β ] cooler the art in the Mana is about the anime the details in the faces especially the eyes breathe so much life and personalit
y into the characters not to mention the more faded color palette of the manwa adding some much needed grittiness and maturity and we've already talked about this baked bean looking ass [Β __Β ] dong suck Who in the Mana is actually kind of intimidating not so much in the anime which is a good representation of the softening of the characters from the Manoa to the the anime and for an edgy series with edgy characters and edgy onliners the art style works better when there are harder and sharper ed
ges they try to make help with the lack of M like loud kind of like me listen the majority of the time a decline in the quality of Art From the Source material to the anime doesn't matter all that much but as we have already established solo leveling is pure and simple wish fulfillment more so than any other type of stories solo leveling relies heavily on how cool the viewer thinks it is and the monis art makes it cool the animes not so much this the most generic self-insert Cito clone looking m
other I've ever seen the anime comes off as a water down service for pre-existing fans of the monoa rather than something special made to attract new people to the series and now I'm going to make a comparison that some people are going to really not like solo leveling is like berserk berserk author Kento Mira sadly passed away at the age of 54 before completing his magnumopus berserk solo levelings visual artist Sun du Jang was also sadly taken away from us early at the age of 37 very shortly a
fter completing the solo leveling gwa both artists succumbed to pre-existing medical conditions conditions which were undoubtedly worsened by their obsession with their work and while this result is awful these two men literally poured their lives into their work they put so much passion into these series that any anime adaptation short of amazing just will not do them Justice and on that note I guess we're going to go ahead and do a complete 180 so I don't read that much manga or manwa or anyth
ing I guess because anime is just easier to consume especially for those of us in the west that and when anime is good it's pretty [Β __Β ] good so if you enjoy the solo lelink anime then enjoy it don't let anybody let alone some random dude on the internet convince you that you can't enjoy something this video was primarily made for people who were turned off by the anime anyway so that they will go and try the monoa because it's actually pretty good but I will give credit where credits do and th
e episode 4 fight in the in the anime with the king of the swamp was amazingly choreographed and animated and the sound design/ music does kind of slap sometimes so I guess the anime isn't all that bad but the man was just better thank you to Fen Australia lasagna soda Ben Rocky pan Olie ducky Luke beon kesin siiz monp and my butthole for sticking around and help keeping me motivated even though I went into hibernation this past winter we'll talk about it come join us cuz we're about to have som
e fun that's it for now as always thank you for watching thank you for supporting me and I'll see you all in the next



He said the truth


YouTube reactors been glazing this cringe ass show so hard


Most generic first ep ever dropped it then, and there πŸ’€


First Kap Cha L. Solo Leveling anime clears the mid manhwa.


this video's editing is on point really tickles my zoomer brain in a boomer's body


I personally have read the Manhwa 3 times upto the extended parts. This video just convinced me to re-read it again. But as a fan I still like the anime. I've accepted it as an adaptation.


I miss beautiful cel animation. Imagine Solo Leveling as a 90s OVA...


I started the manhwa after watching some of the anime. I like both. But the manhwa is just better πŸ˜…


I agree with you but everyone has different taste if you want an anime with best plot and story solo leveling is not for you but if you want high amount of action, games element and badass character solo leveling is for you


If I could pick who made it, I wish Hiroyuki Imaishi (Studio Trigger) would have directed the anime. The anime would still be different from the manhwa, but I think it would have captured the general feel of Jang Sung-rak's art much better than what we got. Also, I may be a manhwa elitist, but I watched the anime first soooooooooo.....


honestly is just like one punch man an alright story carried by art


Kap this is cap


Cap like you haterπŸ˜‚


Manwha reader here. I like how the S-ranks get some early screen time. In the manwha it takes like a 3rd of it before any get introduced, and then it doesn't take very long for them to become irrelevant. Pretty much the only S-ranks that are actual characters in it are Cha, Andre, Hwang, and the president, so I hope the others get fleshed out more in the anime As for the art, the anime art is fine. It's not as incredible as the manwha, but there's nothing wrong with it either Overall, I don't have many complaints about the adaptation. Obviously there will always be things that can be improved, but I think both the manwha and anime are excellent


Well edited video for the worst take ive seen in a while but ig this is what you do views is views man, never thought id see another gigguk try to get famous off hating another popular a1 show though.


It’s so bad, I have it three episodes more than I give most and it still sucked.


Enjoying another video from Kap Cha


The weird and unfitting cuts could've been handled better, that's true. But I'm so tired of people whining about it not looking exactly like a still image. It's the absolute dumbest complaint I have ever heard. First of all, the artist is different. You can't expect the 1:1 exact same look when the person drawing it is different. Not only the person who drew the characters but also the lighting artist. Jang Sung-rak wasn't responsible for the lighting in the manhwa. Personally I even have a hard time imagining a color pallette like in the manhwa working well in the anime. Second of all, it's a manhwa. It's still images. You can't expect the same quality in every frame of an animated series. Why do you think movies are so much better looking than series? If they did we'd have to wait 10 years for season 2 and all artists would be ded by overworking by then lmao The literally only problem in the anime that's bothering me, as a fan, is the mentioned lack of comedy. Which is something I can't understand why they cut it out, since, especially later on, it's an important part of the character relationships and made them much more likable, and maybe even made up for the lack of character building. I think it's even the biggest problem it has, because as you mentioned, it makes the vibe of the anime descent into "negative edgyness" compared to the source material. And yet, funnily enough, it's the least talked about problem.


It may be crap but ill still watch the anime