
This Is One Of The Scariest Co-Op Horror Games | Pacify Full Game

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10 months ago

coming up oh my gosh oh my gosh what are  you doing hey if you don't back up I'm gonna turn you into an orphan she may turn  on you in an instant that's how she killed my wife Gretchen oh my gosh I was reading  go away oh babies baby baby baby baby baby oh my gosh she's freaking huh she came  across the corner she sounds friendly oh whoa the house floor hi hello I just saw a light up  here oh you bald box door locked requires main key uh I think let's just explore around you know  let's let's ju
st maybe there's a key outside oh looks like there's an entrance into the basement oh oh did you find the entrance to the  basement yeah 1897 I tried to save her but I failed I'm giving up I vowed to bring grish  it back but I fear the girl was lost forever I got wood oh there's a doll here huh  wait where oh wait he's just keep losing hello how you doing I will grab you oh  my doll now are you did you go upstairs no I'm not upstairs why oh my God there's  a little thing chasing me where are you
are you here oh Catherine Gretchen hey you need it  calm down you need to oh no no no no no you go the other way oh no you are ugly I think they're  uh yeah I think that's a great idea yeah yeah okay anyway oh hello what was  that I don't know do you hear that you guys go in here no I don't  hear it I hear walking oh oh there's another matches what's up [Music] oh no this is fine we're fine sure yeah what was that oh she's doing stuff  she's okay okay right here right here okay open this door o
pen this  door right here go oh you first no go what the [ __ ] is it good in there oh I got matches okay oh my gosh oh my gosh what are you  doing oh she's going after you not me oh no no no no no no no no stop stop it bad girl  nope nope yeah yeah she's a doll I gave her the doll where are you oh god oh hi open back up  you just went in open it back up open what okay where'd you go come back no  come back this way wait what come back this way there's a whole door  we have to go up over here oh
over here that's not oh that's upstairs I know but  it says Hall door right here this one okay I think she's still coming over here but  yeah oh does this go nowhere uh it goes upstairs right here a place that we were already at so so  all right where are you at child [Music] you're not gonna come after me are you that sure would  be bad that sure wouldn't be very nice of you no you are coming after me aren't you yes I I  ran hiding she's not coming for me she's she's going for you I think no n
o no no no you're in  your way not my way nope she's floating into a wall and she teleported nope no she's coming  back hey I don't appreciate you doing that no yeah don't come after me stop giggling where'd  she go behind you behind you what behind me oh it's amazing oh baby girl where you going  oh no all right let's go to the Attic uh really I didn't notice that thanks oh well you're  welcome guess what now we'll do it together yeah we'll do this together  now yeah uh which which way this thi
s way this what way yeah go  this yes huh what the store oh baby baby baby baby baby baby baby come here oh I grabbed the baby  oh baby baby what are you doing look at this baby look at this stupid baby are you still up here well no she's  up there with you though oh okay uh the the sound the surround  the sound is really off you know baby wow what the crap did you do what did you  do what did you do what did you do what did you do what did you do what did you do I burned it  burned it come here
oh oh baby there's one right here there's a there's a baby girl right here  wow she's fast oh my God she is she's so fast maybe wait to burn it maybe wait to burn  it that way we can burn two with one wood now oh my God I'm impatient I put it on you isn't it I was trying and she snug up on me you  are doll now okay I am doll I I am a doll what I'm I am at all do I have to burn you  Mama yeah you have to burn me sorry no burn me I like the pain doesn't sound very  good don't die whatever you do
[Music] I swear did you go to the basement not tell  me yes I'm in the basement what about you are you we're in the basement burn me I'm gonna  continue all in my daily nothing happened and I didn't get turned into a baby yeah this  don't wait go for it turn left oh my gosh where'd she go we're fine oh I don't  know she went after you I think I just don't know definitely she ran after you  oh my gosh she's so fast you really is no stop it this is why no  one likes you Oh I thought oh no whatever
you did is furious can you  like walk what do you mean no I'm running away I don't want to be anywhere near  her oh she sounds so close in my ear holes she sounds so cool oh my gosh all right you're gonna be a heart attack you okay  no she keeps on doing that like turn around for a split second and she'll just freaking run  at me look at these amazing paintings wow I sure love uh that baby baby come here baby  come here she's high oh oh she possessed me real good she's giving you that possessed
  oh my God that's my thumbnail right there oh everyone lost oh oh hey you're so small oh oh  what the f what the kind of weird so I'm a woman oh hi let's try this again oh she's behind us hello how you doing you good go away I got a  key good job let's kill some kids my favorite she's gone oh my gosh there was nowhere near me [Music] oh I guess stop doing that speaking [Music] every single time she's never coming here  I'm scared hello okay [Music] no stop why do you do this to me this is why I
hate  women oh my gosh my games glitched oh my God what happened oh my game's glitched wow my  whole game's glitched what happened I burned a doll oh it's fixed all right come on we gotta go  it's right here okay follow me follow the baby run faster baby follow the baby no grab the  wood I did grab the baby come on oh my gosh she's not there she's not there she's not there  one she's not she's nowhere just go baby you're serving don't worry baby he's coming she's  coming never mind do not go do
not do not go okay go go go oh you did it last  one no I don't like this I don't like this one I don't know oh my gosh it's red  it's the last one everything's red did you get it yeah I got it but everything's  red where are you at oh this is baby um I killed your babies where's  she at I'm freaking tussling with her now you think you can square with me  or is this she dead wait where is she I need my thumbnail of a dead woman oh how do you know there's a body remember the  body there has to be
a body how because we we cured her that's what the whole point of this was  she was dead no we cured her she was dead did you not read the nose I found her oh my God where I  stole I'm kidnapping her what I stole the child hey we have a child now I mean you have toys  I mean you have to raise this wait turn around her hair is like really weird  anyway let's burn it in the basement as a single parent I will say I can't  wait to burn this child to death book just took the wood at the same time  o
kay all right needs okay bye-bye oh [Music] she's gonna kill us there's no action there's no  way you actually knew that that was what we had to do no I knew I read the notes oh read the  notes anyway let's go get some coffee that's gonna be some coffee you think Starbucks is open  yet yeah probably you know it's only like uh 3 A.M I think this is the wrong way  this is definitely the wrong way the Wendy's is pretty good yeah Jesus Christ dude why would you burn the girl  we decided how to handl
e this you can't leave what in the meantime what I have an easy job for you  just lay there while we try some experiments what what no what I don't want to just light what  what huh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] we burned those little bastards but we killed them  we killed the child wait this isn't a good ending how is burning a child the bad  ending she's a demon she wasn't anymore we got the demon out of her  so we just burned an innocent girl as a girl find anything girl we burned  an innoc
ent girl hey join the game enjoy the game oh my God I want to play a  game join the game except oh my God not again oh my God oh my gosh your Wi-Fi  is gonna give me a seizure why are you a big old guy you are a dummy thick  you're a bald the short person you're a freaking massive thank you you're like I'll hide you from  the ghost you're like a whole football field nice oh oh I broke the door of course those freaking  meaty hands I don't even fit in the doorway yeah frying pan frying pan I thin
k we should go  into the barn why do we need a frying pan you got it I can't do it he's growling that's  a horse horses don't growl what is that noise they ticking that is not up that's a man that's  not a horse horses don't make that noise oh they run everywhere chickens sometimes  I imagine hitting them with a frying pan I killed a chicken with a  frying pan I see I'm so sorry this gives me flashbacks  oh this gives me flashbacks come to the barn go to the  line what come here okay coming oh o
h my gosh oh my God he's eating my  chicken that's how he stop him we feed him chickens oh okay we can look at him  hello no not funny give me your cheats boy oh crap oh my gosh she's twerking here buddy  what are you doing what's wrong with your neck that's strong what is wrong with you chicken for  you yes oh my gosh that boy is thick and fast um why is he so fast he's coming  why are you here get away from me uh what are you it'll take me 20 minutes to  get over there oh there's a graveyard h
ey maybe you go to the graveyard get your body windmill  yes you're correct that's what I said windmill uh we are gonna need that statue that I had  I'm oh here come here common I'm coming come come oh whoa yeah magical windmill oh that's  what the angel does she actually is the windmill yeah okay because I have your angel oh here  take this you'll need it along the way oh my God it's dangerous hey uh remember that  chicken you gave me wow that poor chicken I don't even know where we're at  this
like poison water is over here so maybe we have to dip our chicken in it like  we're battering up a Kentucky Fried Chicken where you at hey boy um I have no idea what if he just gets the  stomach ache and gets mad at us I don't know hey I need you to consume my chicken in front  of me oh oh he's sleeping prank him John did you just Bonk him on the head I think I did she what do you mean she or he her she her um what I'm dead it's not good her is very  mean ow my neck okay all my stuff's in the
barn I'm gonna go to the windmill she is  running back into the house so okay we'll just make sure to go to the back entrance of the  uh Barn okay hey he's always gonna beside you I gotta season it first I don't want him to eat an unhealthy snack why are you jumping this  isn't Minecraft yes it is I can Bonk them why seasoning Runs Out smacked his  butt get that dumpy I bonked him you spank him though and then he stopped moving oh  yeah we need to keep him in the backyard somehow uh are you gonn
a feed him yeah I'm spanking him  violently wait whoa he ate my chicken and didn't what what he ate my chicken and then instantly  got up and killed me he's eating a chicken in front of me he's staggering he's staggered maybe  he needs one more chicken he's behind the house oh watch out oh it says zero oh maybe he's just  um I don't know what he's doing to be honest is that a dumb truck it's just so ugly it's just so  disgusting and green and balding and very baldy ugly and disgusting just the w
orst ugh okay oh  [Music] oh look at that they died together oh oh that's what we need the wheelbarrow  for shover in the wheelbarrow and then we're gonna put her in the van put him in there oh thumbnail thumbnail don't face it like that  towards me it's so bad just go screenshots no that is terrible put it in the van my thumbnail okay your thumbnail not mine I  can't take a screenshots you're not getting that thumbnail that's a terrible thumbnail  what the [ __ ] give me that thumbnail oh no wh
y does it have to be a witch nope didn't of course hey Ronald Weasley what's  up Catherine anyone answering these words they never returned please stay up she will keep you  forever you gotta do it in a creepy voice well yeah you gotta do it my voice isn't deep enough  anyone entering these Woods never return please stay away she will keep you forever I can't do a  deep voice right now but anyway oh flower through the house by The Rose your time grows Pearson  or her hair what that doesn't rhyme
here's some of her hair the snip of the dot Read  that read that hair is compare dislocation some of her hair the snip of the puppy tail  along with the doll and that doesn't rhyme at all yeah you're right it rhymed for the first  two that's what I was thinking I was like yeah I thought I was just dyslexic which I  I mean probably am but still like what if you do anything wrong she appears behind  you hey uh you might want to read this you might want to read that you might want to read  that if
you do anything wrong she appears behind you and disciplines you that's kinky oh my God  wait is that wrong is that that's bad that's bad that's bad she will appear if you say don't  make the wrong choice or we will feel her breath and hear her voice if you took too much time  to run and hide the witch is already by your side no she's not she will trap your soul  a doll grows from the roots of the cemetery so me yes anyway whoa you really just what baby  yeah it was you what a ghost what's that
noise I hear a rocking chair oh wait  how do I know what's bad um that's a very ominous Shadow oh bolt  cutters oh garden shears that was different I got a rose can you cut neros off over here  uh it's not a it's an uh it's not an item no I mean can you cut one I know but there's  another one over there but it's not it's not an item I know but if you cut it it'll fall  on the ground because you have two you sure I think so what's happening what's  that what's that what's that it's walking towar
ds us yeah that thing what is  that oh my gosh I don't know okay I'm getting touched she pushed me off my channel anyway I mean  always still here no it won't work let's see okay what was that I don't know can  you cut me a child though yeah it took your child oh I can't put  it back down stop why no my child where the Witch cast her spells oh did you  find it um do you find I found that area found an area where the witch Caster spells do you by any chance to find the  witch I I might have opene
d something stop doing things while I'm gone what is you  doing they're chasing me I cut the dog's tail off what I cut the dog's shell off I thought  I was gonna be able to pet it that's not good where are you I'm chasing a  dog I can tell there's a lot of dogs puppy yeah I feel bad I do even whimper that's  not nice I don't want to cut the dog's tail off even if they are demon dogs yeah um  I think I did something wrong why um oh oh I did something wrong yeah I'm I think I'm  dead did she kill
you wait shift to you not me oh no I fell over no no the ghost  thing was after me oh she's after me oh oh gosh ow I got pushed on the ground are  you okay no oh you're inside the house she locked the door to the house yep I know  because I'm outside and I can't get it oh I don't like this I don't like this help me  please you wanna unlock the door oh my gosh oh what's that noise she's behind you wait really  is she what huh she was you sure she might be behind me I don't know bottom child room
do you  remember that one in the bottom room yeah oh my gosh yeah the trick thing is like right there oh  yeah oh wow that is so obvious and I didn't see it no it was closed it was completely closed not very  obvious I just went with clicking on everything oh okay oh this place is nice I work from home  work from home wow you feel transparent I drunk a potion become something different a natural  potion okay I got touched um what's happening it's not touching me from behind what is going on you 
need more ingredients yeah but what ingredients here take my ingredients it was the rose and  The Twig oh I don't have my twig my rose anymore I don't have a twig anymore well what happened  to my room right now yeah where are you invisible I'm in front of you can you see me yes I  can't see you oh there you are oh that's what the transparent potion did I guess okay no  stop it don't touch me I have an enchanted doll oh wait what dang you Enchanted yourself I  took your dolphin I think oh well
what'd it do I don't know it's enchanted  now cool don't let him take it they're not coming for it they already took  the one that I have are you invisible again yes um do something with it oh  she sounds mad she sounds mad I know what we do with them why we impale them oh  oh she moaning hey where did you find the witch's hair it was on a table and like it was in the  house on a table I bet you we need more witch's hair I bet you that's the other ingredient that  I don't have oh yeah that's the
ingredient I had to keep doing that you got it man bye-bye it does she coming after you I'm dead did she actually eat yes I'm good are you permitted or oh my God  what this is my favorite one why are you nowhere what's going on I am dead you're gonna kill me  whoa what are you are you a rat I'm a rat uh you're a rat sorry dog I'm gonna cut your tail off  oh poor puppy so are you a rat oh the purifying Lake yeah yeah come on let's go there maybe I  have to help you out so let's go oh geez that's
startled me why did you do that oh hi rat how  you doing I like how you still have a flashlight oh are you where are you I'm right behind  you you're so fast so whoa rat calm down whoa jump in the water we hello you don't have  anything wet hey get in there get wet oh wow that's magical right there it is it's like a  Disney story yeah I'm on the Disney Store would be a few saying in the rat game you came no oh I'm  gonna go grab my stuff now that doesn't sound very good oh she's coming after yo
u I was gonna keep  awesome she passed me it went straight for you she passed me and went straight for you yeah oh she's  coming she's spawned oh my gosh she doesn't stop I've got I got a rose this is so painful  she's just doesn't stop she keeps on coming this keeps coming and she's coming and coming oh  she's fun wow I just killed you and you respond again Go away You're Gonna teleport towards me  oh geez stop doing that I'm dead you're alive there's nothing I can do she's spawned  on me live
she ate my rose and then just said nah that doesn't taste good and  then ate me uh it's literally only two left that's literally all we need one I  just got lost one left that's all we need she angry for real she angry she's so  angry holy okay I got it I lost one no I got it come on just finish  please I mean don't got it on me it's good oh she's on me oh she's she's dead  where'd she go did we win I don't I think so zero I think so uh she like teleported on me  but then she evaporated wait I'm
so confused nice are we supposed to bring her body I  don't know I'm the guy hasn't said anything oh oh I see her I'm underground where are you at right here oh I want to hold the witch what's up here  I don't think I can place it on the ground all right anyway only you you'd probably end  up burning her like oh what if we put her in the purify like purify like go oh it works oh  I was not expecting that to work by the way she's gonna kill us oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh she's a beautifu
l angel see that's the good  ending that was the good ending last one may might not have been the good ending but that's  the good ending I bet you we aren't supposed to give him the body of the farmer uh wait was  there another but I didn't see any other way I bet we should have put him in the  freaking um the windmill oh my God good point I didn't think about that  when I I didn't think about it neither you're the one with the brain yeah I'm the  brains of the operation you are yeah all right
well he's gonna be mad at us yeah why'd  you release the children's book come on oh well let me purified her oh we saved them how  tired are you um I can go again I can go oh we really can't find you'll have to stay here but we saved the children sing a long time [Music] [Music] [Music] I killed an entire family the other day I'm  gonna slow it down right there and then speed back up right here this is my confession  tape I killed your whole family I apologize okay we prefer to purify  that's wh
at we burned that girl no uh let's be awake come on wait let me  look see if there's different endings real quick is there a box around here no why this is  something about a box whatever oh there it is oh oh wow oh it's turning into a human oh okay oh wow wow job well done turn around uh I don't think I like this game what did you do with the monster well  you know how it is we saved them so oh yeah maybe we can somehow  transfer the hunger ghost to you oh I don't like this why [Music]



Come say hi can join my basement




Most underrated youtuber out there


lowkey fallin for this guy😂😂
